Like anyone else who has read Twilight, I'm going to have to go with.....Jessica, no I'm just kidding, I'd trade places with Bella. That's a little obvious. But if I hadn't read
that then I'd go with...Halley from Someone Like You because I think that Macon is awesome even thought he's so bad and mean and all that stuff plus that name rocks. Paisley is a really awesome name too. I kinda feel bad about trading places with them though because they'd die of boredom in my life because 1. they're used to all this action and excitement and the most exciting thing that happens to me is getting yelled at for not practicing my clarinet and 2. I'd get this really exciting cool life and they'd just be bored. I'd feel bad. But, they
would have the thrill of getting free books in the mail every few weeks...that's really exciting