IDSP P&L Forms

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FORM P (Weekly Reporting Format IDSP)

Name of Reporting Institution: State: Officer-in-Charge IDSP Reporting Week:District: Name: Start Date:___/___/______ Diseases/Syndromes
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

I.D. No.: Block/Town/City: Signature: End Date:___/___/______ Date of Reporting:___/___/______ No. of cases

Acute Diarrhoeal Disease (including acute gastroenteritis) Bacillary Dysentery Viral Hepatitis Enteric Fever Malaria Dengue / DHF / DSS Chikungunya Acute Encephalitis Syndrome Meningitis Measles Diphtheria Pertussis Chicken Pox Fever of Unknown Origin (PUO) Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) / Influenza Like Illness (ILI) Pneumonia Leptospirosis Acute Flaccid Paralysis < 15 Years of Age Dog bite Snake bite Any other State Specific Disease (Specify) Unusual Syndromes NOT Captured Above (Specify clinical diagnosis) Total New OPD attendance (Not to be filled up when data collected for indoor cases) Action taken in brief if unusual increase noticed in cases/deaths for any of the above diseases

FORM L (Weekly Reporting Format IDSP)

Name of the Laboratory: State: Officer-in-Charge: IDSP Reporting Week:District: Name: Start Date:___/___/______ Diseases
Dengue / DHF / DSS Chikungunya JE Meningococcal Meningitis Typhoid Fever Diphtheria Cholera Shigella Dysentery Viral Hepatitis A Viral Hepatitis E Leptospirosis Malaria Other (Specify) Other (Specify)

Institution: Block/Town/City: Signature: End Date:___/___/______ Date of Reporting:___/___/______

No. Samples Tested

No. found Positive



Line List of Positive Cases (Except Malaria cases): Address: Name Age Sex Village/Town (Yrs) (M/F)

Name of Test Done

Diagnosis (Lab confirmed)

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