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ESSAY 12 MARKS UNIT I 1. Discuss the meaning and importance of talent management.

t. How is designing and building a talent reservoir done? 2. Explain the importance and process of creating a talent management system 3. What are the institutional strategies for dealing with talent management UNIT II 1. Discuss the meaning, characteristics, and types of competency 2. Explain in detail the steps for developing a valid competency model 3. Define and discuss talent management information system. How is talent management information system strategy developed? 4. What is the role of leaders in talent management UNIT III 1. What is the nature of knowledge management? Discuss alternative views of knowledge. 2. Explain the different types of knowledge. Discuss the reasons for rise of the knowledge worker. 3. What are the features of knowledge intensive firm? Explain the key processes in knowledge intensive firms. UNIT IV 1. Explain knowledge management framework of Hansen-Earls seven school knowledge management 2. Discuss Alvesson and Karremans knowledge management approaches 3. Briefly explain knowledge management solutions, mechanism and systems. UNIT V

1. What is the organizational impact of knowledge management on people, processes, products and organizational performance? 2. Explain the actors influencing knowledge management 3. Discuss the importance, types and timing for knowledge management assessment of an organization. SHORT 2 MARKS 1. Talent management grid 2. Segmenting the talent reservoir segement 3. Talent development approaches 4. Talent management and leadership 5. Integrated talent management process 6. Location of knowledge Vs. 7. Knowledge management infrastructure 8. Knowledge management system 9. Knowledge discovery system 10. Absorptive capacity Vs. Capacity building 11. Adaption Vs Acquired knowledge 12. Aggregators. Adaptive learning 13. Chief Information Officer (CIO) Vs. Chief Knowledge Officer (CKO) 14. Codification Vs. Champion 15. Enterprise architecture 16. Tacit Knowledge Vs. Knowledge assets 17. Community of practice (Cop) Vs Community of Interest (CoI) 19. Knowledge base vs knowledge

20.white pages vs. virtual team

18. Information communication technology

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