Moms and Tobacco Care Flyer
Moms and Tobacco Care Flyer
Moms and Tobacco Care Flyer
Registration is required and is your only guarantee of space, refreshments and handouts due to limited seating. To reserve your space, email or fax registration forms to Kim Neufeld at [email protected] or fax forms to 316-660-7431. Registration is $5/person or $15 with credits. Cash and checks will be accepted the day of the training. Checks should be made to the Womens Research Institute.
DESCRIPTION Nurses and office staff play an important counseling role, but often find that tobacco counseling is one of the hardest things they do. During the training, an evidence-based approach will be presented using case studies where participants will develop skills in assessing the patients stage of change and using modern motivational interviewing techniques during time-limited encounters. Referral resources, how to bill for these services, ways to utilize your electronic medical records and organizing your office systems for improving care for smokers will be featured. Nurses may receive 3.6 hours of continuing education. FUTURE TRAININGS
What days/time work best for trainings?
(Please fill in your preferred day(s) and time preferences)
H u nt er H e a lt h C l in i c
K a n s a s T o ba c c o Q u it l i ne & R e s o ur c e s K i m N e u f e l d, B A Insurance reimbursement and obtaining funding for tracking tobacco care electronically in you clinic Panel Discussion
Day____________morning, afternoon, evening Would you be interested in an online of this training? Yes No version