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Data Transfer and Arithmetic Instructions

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University of Technology Laser and Optoelectronics Engineering Department 8085 Microprocessor Lab.



OBJECT: To understand and to program the 8085 microprocessor with programs utilizing the data transfer and arithmetic instruction groups. THEORY An instruction in the data transfer group, transfers data from a source location to a destination location. Either of these may be a memory location or a register.

The data transfer operations are:

1. MVI rd , byte :- This instruction moves the immediate data given after the instruction into register rd. 2. MOV rd , rs :- This instruction moves data from register rs to register rd. 3. LXI rp, 16-bit:- This instruction moves 16-bit data or address to register pair. 4.XCHG: The contents of register H are exchanged with the contents of register D, and the contents of register L are exchanged with the contents of register E. No 1. 2. 3. Instruction MVI rd,byte MOV rd,rs LXI rp,16-bit Type Data transfer Data transfer Data transfer No. of Bytes 2 1 3 Function rd=byte rd=rs rp=16-bit (data/ address) Lreg=Lbyte, Hreg=Hbyte HL DE Effect on flags None None None



Data Transfer


rd: destination register (8-bit), rs: source register (8-bit). rp: register pair (16-bit): (BC, DE, and HL)

University of Technology Laser and Optoelectronics Engineering Department 8085 Microprocessor Lab. 2010-2011

The arithmetic operations are:

The arithmetic instructions perform operations on the data stored in memory or registers and affect the flag register. These instructions are: 1. 2. INR r :- This instruction increments the contents of the register r. r=r+1 ADD r :- This instruction adds the contents of the register r to the accumulator, and store the results back into the accumulator. A=A+r ADI byte:- This instruction adds 8-bit data (byte) to the accumulator, and stores the results back into the accumulator. A=A+byte


4. ADC r :- This instruction adds the contents of the register r to the accumulator, but also adds the carry from pervious step, and store the results back into the accumulator. A=A+r+Cy 5. ACI byte :- This instruction adds 8-bit data to the accumulator, but also adds the carry from pervious step, and store the results back into the accumulator. A=A+byte+Cy 6. DCR r :- This instruction decrements the contents of the register r. r=r-1 7. SUB r :- This instruction subtracts the contents of the register r from the accumulator, and stores the results back into the accumulator. A=A-r 8. SUI byte:- This instruction subtracts 8-bit data (byte) from the accumulator, and stores the results back into the accumulator. A=A-byte 9. SBB r :- This instruction subtracts the contents of the register r from the accumulator, but also subtracts the carry from pervious step, and store the results back into the accumulator. A=A-r-Cy

University of Technology Laser and Optoelectronics Engineering Department 8085 Microprocessor Lab. 2010-2011

10. SBI byte :- This instruction subtracts 8-bit data from the accumulator, but also subtracts the carry from pervious step, and store the results back into the accumulator. A=A-byte-Cy 11. DAA:- This instruction converts the contents of accumulator from a binary value to two 4-bit binary coded decimal (BCD) digits. This is the only instruction that uses the auxiliary flag to perform the binary to BCD conversion. The conversion procedure is as follow:If the value of the low-order 4-bits in the accumulator is greater than 9 or if the AC flag is set, the instruction adds 6 to the low-order four bits. If the value of the high-order 4-bits in the accumulator is greater than 9 or if the carry flag is set, the instruction adds 6 to the high-order four bits. A=BCD number (A) 12. INX rp :- This instruction increments the contents of the register pair rp. rp=rp+1 13. DCX rp :- This instruction decrements the contents of the register pair rp. rp=rp 1 14. DAD rp:- This instruction adds the contents of the register pair rp to the contents of register pair HL and store the result back into the HL. HL=HL +rp

University of Technology Laser and Optoelectronics Engineering Department 8085 Microprocessor Lab. 2010-2011

Notes:No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Instruction INR r ADD r ADI byte ADC r ACI byte DCR r SUB r SUI byte SBB r SBI byte DAA INX rp DCX rp DAD rp Type arithmetic arithmetic arithmetic arithmetic arithmetic arithmetic arithmetic arithmetic arithmetic arithmetic arithmetic arithmetic arithmetic arithmetic No. of Bytes 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 Function r=r+1 A=A+r A=A+byte A=A+r+CY A=A+byte+CY r=r-1 A=A-r A=A-byte A=A-r-CY A=A-Byte-CY A=BCD number (A) rp=rp+1 rp=rp-1 HL=HL+rp Effect All but CY All All All All All but CY All All All All All NONE NONE CY

1- Most of the arithmetic instructions affect the contents of an important CPU register; namely the flag register. 2- Most of arithmetic instructions using 8-bit registers are done using the accumulator. 3- The increment or the decrement operations can be performed in any register. 4- For the addition of 8-bit registers, the accumulator is always the 1 st operand, but the addition of 16-bit registers, the HL register pair is always the 1st operand.

University of Technology Laser and Optoelectronics Engineering Department 8085 Microprocessor Lab. 2010-2011

Find the summation of register B and register C and put the result in register D, when B=5 and C=3

Address 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

Hexcode 06 05 0E 03 78 81 57 CF

Label START:


Operand B, 5 C,3 A,B C D,A

Comments ; B=5 ; C=3 ; A=B=5 ; A=A+C=8 ; S=0, Z=0, Ac=0, P=0, Cy=0 ; D=A=8 ; End

Lab Work
1. A=(B-C)-(D+E) when BC=0a502h, DE=403h 2. C=(B+20)+(D-30)-1 when B=20h, D=40h 3. HL=BC+DE when BC=2ffh and DE=102h using Instructions use Register Pair

University of Technology Laser and Optoelectronics Engineering Department 8085 Microprocessor Lab. 2010-2011

Home Work
Write programs with effects 1. Exchange the content of DE with HL when DE=15ah, HL=8b1ch Instructions use Register Pair. 2. Put the same value (30h) in register H and register L, then subtract 10h from register H and add 10h to register L, after that increment register H by 1 and decrement register L by 1. 3. HL=BC+DE when BC=2ffh and DE=102h using Instructions use 8-bit Registers 4. H=(A-10h)-(C+3ah)+1 when A=5fh, C=10h 5. What is the result of each instruction of the following program and its effect? MVI A,2Fh SUI 20 INR A MVI B,8 ADD B DCR A MVI C,7 SUB C SUI 10 RST1

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