Online Leave Management System Software Requirement Specification
Online Leave Management System Software Requirement Specification
Online Leave Management System Software Requirement Specification
Prepared By
Table of Contents
Table of Contents.........................................................................................................ii Revision History...........................................................................................................ii 1. Introduction.............................................................................................................1
1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 Purpose................................................................................................................................1 Document Conventions.......................................................................................................1 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions....................................................................1 Product Scope.....................................................................................................................1 References...........................................................................................................................1 Product Perspective.............................................................................................................2 Product Functions................................................................................................................2 User Classes and Characteristics.......................................................................................2 Operating Environment........................................................................................................2 Design and Implementation Constraints.............................................................................2 User Documentation............................................................................................................2 Assumptions and Dependencies.........................................................................................3 User Interfaces.....................................................................................................................3 Hardware Interfaces............................................................................................................3 Software Interfaces..............................................................................................................3 Communications Interfaces.................................................................................................3
2. Overall Description..................................................................................................2
4.1 System Feature 1.................................................................................................................4 4.2 System Feature 2 (and so on).............................................................................................4 Performance Requirements.................................................................................................4 Safety Requirements...........................................................................................................5 Security Requirements........................................................................................................5 Software Quality Attributes..................................................................................................5 Business Rules....................................................................................................................5
6. Other Requirements................................................................................................5 Appendix A: Glossary..................................................................................................5 Appendix B: Analysis Models......................................................................................5 Appendix C: To Be Determined List............................................................................6
Revision History
Name Date Reason For Changes Initial document Version 1 Base Revision 21/05/12
1. Introduction
This project is aimed at developing a PKI based work flow for on-line and mobile based leave management system that is of importance to an organization. The Leave Management System (LMS) is an Internet based application that can be accessed throughout the organization or a specified Group/Dept. This system can be used to automate the work flow of leave applications and their approvals. The periodic crediting of leave is also automated. There are features like email notifications, cancellation of leave, automatic approval of leave, report generators etc in this system.
This system automatically calculates leave balance from a fix amount of annual leave and show to the user. It enables the Managers to record inapplicable leave in systematic database system. Generate statistical report of employees in order to be used in evaluating the performance of an employee in CDAC Bangalore branch. Improve the mechanism of receiving, approving and rejecting leave application through system.
1.5 References
Books :
1. Jeffery A. Hoffer, Joey F. Geroge and Joseph S. Valacich, Modern System Analysis And Design, Ed. 3rd. India: Pearson Education (Singapore) Pte. Ltd, 2002. 2. C.J. Date, An Introduction to Database System, Ed. 7th. India: Pearson Education Singapore).Pte. Ltd, 2002. 3. Craig Larman, Applying UML And Patterns, Ed. 2nd. India: Pearson Education (Singapore) Pte. Ltd, 2002.
2. Overall Description
2.1 Product Perspective
Leave Management Software facilitates the effective and smooth management of personnel leave. The Human Resources Department can always be up to date with their leave management. With comprehensive reporting and Web based applications. This system facilitates the total leave process, from completing leave applications by employees, leave application approval by HR & management to setting up your specific company parameters such as leave types (sick leave, Annual leave, etc.).
Administrative Settings Choose the types of leave allowed - Sick, Annual, Family Responsibility, Maternity, Study, Unpaid, etc. Choose the number of days allowed for each of the types. A default is set for all the employees, but admin can also modify it per employee. Leave can be allocated annually or monthly depending on your company policies. Choose the persons to be notified when leave requests are received.
Employees An leave summary shows the employee, how many leaves are available, how many they have taken and the status of their leave applications. Easily apply for leave choosing the required leave type and amount of hours or days. Employees can upload supporting documentation, such as university documents or sick notes when they apply for leave. The Leave Management Software is completely secure, thus employees can't view each other's leave statuses. Leave processing and reporting A notification is received by relevant manager/s when a leave application is submitted by an employee. The relevant manager can then log in and choose to approve or reject an application. Reasons can also be provided. The employee will be notified once the leave application is approved or rejected. A summary can be selected whereby management, HR or the persons tasked with managing the employees leave can search via an employee and leave year, to get a summary of the employees current leave applications as well as his outstanding leave days per category such as sick leave, maternity leave, yearly leave etc. We make reports on Leave Management System. Simply select data to include in your reports such as department, employee name, leave year, leave status, dates and the output format for example HTML, PDF,Excel, XML and DOC etc....
Windows XP and later, Mac OS, Linux Pentium IV and later Mozilla 2.0 and later, Google Chrome, IE 7.0 or later Android or Java Based Mobile OS Android Mobile/ Smart Phones with memory card. CDAC Leave App
Mobile Interface:
Operating Systems : Hardware Platform : Software :
Footer : Footer contains the legal links and copyright information and footer menu that contains links like contact information, about us and site map etc.
Open Source Libraries : Jasper Report, JQuery UI, iText, LWUTI, Java Mail API
4. System Features
System features are organized by use cases and functional hierarchy so that the main functions of the system will be understandable.
4.1 Login
4.1.1 Description and Priority
Users of the system can use the system features only after the login. Login is used for identify the user is authenticated or not. Priority: High
Stimulus/Response Sequences Basic Flow: 1. Open the login page. 2. Enter login credential (user-Id and password). 3. Click on the Login button. 4. Validate the user. 5. User Homepage is shown. Alternate Flow: 1. If user and password does not match then it show error message. 2. Again same page is opened and asking for correct login credential.
Stimulus/Response Sequences Basic Flow: 1. Login to the system as HR Manager. 2. Open the Employee Registration page. 3. Fill all the details of employee. 4. Click on the Register button. 5. Validate all the fields and ask for Confirmation. 6. Confirmation Message shown for Successfully Registered. Alternate Flow: 1. If any detail is missing or wrong then it show error message. 2. Again same page is opened and asking for correct input.
Stimulus/Response Sequences Basic Flow: 1. Open the login page. 2. Click on the Forgot Password button. 3. Fill the User-Id for recovery of password. 4. Click on the Reset password button. 5. New password is sent on his/her email. 6. Confirmation message is shown to user. Alternate Flow: 1. If user-Id does not exist in system then it show error message. 2. Again same page is opened and asking for correct User-Id.
Stimulus/Response Sequences Basic Flow: 1. Login into the system. 2. Click on View Profile Button. 3. User profile is shown to user.
Stimulus/Response Sequences Basic Flow: 1. Login into system. 2. Click on Apply Leave button. 3. Select the leave type. 4. Fill all the required details. 5. Click on Apply button. 6. Validate the form and ask for Confirmation. 7. Confirmation message is shown to user. Alternate Flow: 1. If any field is missing or incorrect then it shows error message. 2. Again same page is opened that asks for correct Data.
Stimulus/Response Sequences Basic Flow: 1. Login into system. 2. Click on Apply Leave button. 3. Select the leave type. 4. Fill all the required details. 5. Click on Apply button. 6. Validate the form and ask for Confirmation. 7. Confirmation message is shown to user. Alternate Flow: 1. If any field is missing or incorrect then it show error message. 2. Again same page is opened and asking for correct Data.
Stimulus/Response Sequences Basic Flow: 1. Login into system. 2. Click on Notification button. 3. List of notification is shown.
Stimulus/Response Sequences Basic Flow: 1. Login into system. 2. Click on Leave History button. 3. History of leaves applications is shown to the user. Alternate Flow: 1. If any field is missing or incorrect then it show error message. 2. Again same page is opened and asking for correct Data.
Stimulus/Response Sequences Basic Flow: 1. Open the administrator login page. 2. Login as administrator. 3. Add, Modify rules for employee.
6. Other Requirements
LMS is not a free software, you can not use it without the prior permission of C-DAC Bangalore authority.
Context Diagram :
System flow :