WT ct3
WT ct3
WT ct3
.Code : IT1401 Sem/Yr : VII / IV Date : 10.10.2011 Sub.Title : WEB TECHNOLOGY Name of the Q.P.Setter: N.Karthigai Lakshmi
PART-A (7 X 2 =14) Answer All the Questions 1. List any Active-X components. 2. Define Cookies.
3. What is the difference between GET and POST request?. 4. Justify the need for namespaces in XML. 5. Write the use of param variable in JSP. 6. Give the primary purpose of an HTTP request? 7. List the scripting components of JSP.
PART-B (9 X 4 = 36) (Answer All the Questions) 8. Explain the various File System Objects in ASP. 9. Mark the DTD for the following schema (emp_id, emp_name(first name, last name), dob (dd,mm,yyyy), address (city, state). 10. Write the servlet program to open a text file for reading it from the client side. 11. Describe the JSP architecture with a neat diagram.