Materi Giving Instruction

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* I'd

like you to form pairs. * Okay now, listen everybody. * Stop snapping your fingers, please. * Come on, have a try. * Fine. You can do better than that. * For your homework answer the questions on ... * Let's have a look at the words with .. * Please repeat after me. * Let's answer those questions on the next page. * Try to find out what the people are talking about. * Tell the story in about ten sentences. * Read the text to your selves.
First(ly)... Then... Next... After that... Finally...

How to Make a Cup of Coffee

First you need to buy some coffee and a coffee maker. Then you have to put the water into the bottom of the coffee maker. You needn't boil the water, cold water is fine. Next you have to put the coffee in the coffee compartment and screw the top of coffee maker on. After that you need to put the coffee pot onto the stove. Then turn the stove on hight and wait. You don't have to move the coffee pot. When the water boils and goes into the upper part of the pot you thenhave to remove the pot from the heat. Finally you pour some coffee into a cup, add sugar and milk and enjoy. Asking for Instructions (Meminta instruksi) How do you (do this)? How do I? What is the best way to? How do I go about it? What do you suggest? How do you suggest I proceed? What is the first step? Giving Instructions (Memberikan instruksi)

First, (you) Then, (you) Next, (you) Lastly, (you) Starting out (Instruksi untuk melakukan tahap pertama) Before you begin, (you should) The first thing you do is I would start by The best place to begin is To begin with, Continuing (Instruksi untuk melanjutkan) After that, The next step is to The next thing you do is Once youve done that, then When you finish that, then Finishing (Instruksi untuk menyelesaikan) The last step is The last thing you do is In the end, When youve finished, When youve completed all the steps (material adapted from: eslgold)

Giving Instructions
Asking for Instructions How do you (do this)? How do I . . . ? What is the best way to . . . ? How do I go about it? What do you suggest?

How do you suggest I proceed? What is the first step? Giving Instructions Sequencing First, (you) . . . Then, (you) . . . Next, (you) . . . Lastly, (you) . . . Starting out Before you begin, (you should . . .) The first thing you do is . . . . I would start by . . . The best place to begin is . . . To begin with, Continuing After that, The next step is to . . . The next thing you do is . . . Once you've done that, then . . . When you finish that, then . . . Finishing The last step is . . . The last thing you do is . . . In the end, When you've finished,

When you've completed all the steps,

Imperative Sentences
Imperative sentences are sentences that request the person we are speaking to to do or not to do something. Based on the intonation used, imperative sentences can be divided into commands, requests, invitations and warnings: Duduk! Duduklah. Tolong ambilkan buku saya. Silakan duduk. Izinkan saya menyampaikan sepatah dua patah kata. Harap Anda tunggu di luar. Mari kita makan sekarang. Ayo, habiskan kue itu. Jangan buang sampah di sini. Awas ada anjing. Sit. Do sit. Please get me my book. Please sit down. Allow me to say one or two words. Please wait outside. Lets eat now. Come, finish the cake. Dont through rubbish here. Beware of dog. Command Command, more polite Request Request Request Request Invitation Invitation Warning Warning

Reference: Indonesian Grammar Made Easy by Dr. Liaw Yock Fang, TIMES 1996 Please give me your basketball young saeng Nah pelajaran kali ini berhubungan dengan kata kata di atas.. Bukan tentang menyuruhnya lo tapi tentang memberikan instruksinya Yaitu Giving Instruction Nah giving instruction have a meaning is an expression that is used in order that other person does what we instruct or request. And tense used in `1````````````````````````````````

````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````Giving Instruction is simple present Giving instruction can be divided as follows 1.Command (perintah) a.V1 + O example: Watch out,come here b.V1 + O + Complement + Please example: Paring the book here please, Clean the board please, Wait here please,

c.Please + V1 + O + Complement example: Please bring the book here Please giving me smile (ngarep hhee)Please giving me money mom 2.Negative command / Forbidden (larangan) a.Dont + V1 + S example: Dont kick the ball Dont open the door Dont open the book b.Please + Dont + V1 + S example: Please dont hit me Please dont kill me Please dont leave me c.Dont + V1 + O + Please example: Dont disturb me please Dont hurt my heart please Dont go away from me oppa,please Or you can use one of example from this example of giving instruction a. Open your book! b. Close the door, please! c. Be quiet, please! d. Move the chair! e. Open the window! f. Pass me the sugar, please! g. Stand up, please! How can you ask someone to do something for you in English without sounding rude? Here are some of the ways that you can give orders and instructions. 1. Use the imperative form We use the imperative form to give orders, warnings and advice: Be quiet! Take care! Listen to me carefully! Because it can sound rude to give direct orders (especially if you are talking to an adult), we "soften" the imperative form with "let's" or "please": Let's go now. Please listen to what I'm saying. 2. Use a modal verb to turn the order into a request We use modals to change the mood of a sentence. For example, "You should help her" is more polite than "Help her!" Other modal verbs you can use to make requests are: Could: Could you make me some tea? Can: Can you come here please? Will: Will you shut the door please? Would: Would you wait here until the doctor is ready for you? 3. Use an introductory phrase to soften the order

Instead of using an imperative, you can use a phrase instead. Here are some common ways of phrasing an order, in order of the most indirect to the most direct: Would you mind possibly (+ ing) (Most indirect) Would you mind possibly moving your car? It's parked right in front of mine. I was hoping you could (+ infinitive without to) I was hoping you could spare me a few minutes this morning. Do you think you could (+ infinitive without to) Do you think you could do this photocopying for me? If you have a couple of minutes spare If you have a couple of minutes spare, the office needs tidying up. I'd like you to I'd like you to file this correspondence for me. I want you to I want you to finish this by tomorrow. 4. Use sequencing words You can use sequencing words to make instructions clear. Firstly, make sure the appliance is disconnected. Secondly, open the back with a screwdriver. Then, carefully pull out the two black cables.

1. Plan how you're going to give the instructions before you go into the classroom, and make sure that you can explain them within the limits of the language which the students can understand. For example, the following instruction would be fine for an intermediate class, but would lose a group of beginners: "You're going to hear a description of a famous person and you have to guess who it is." For beginners, "Listen to my description of a famous person. Who is it?" would be far more comprehensible. 2. Think too about the speed of your speech - slow down slightly if necessary - and insert pauses to allow students to take in each piece of information before you go on to the next. 3. Make sure that your instructions are fully explicit dont take anything for granted. Because we are so familiar with the activity types, we often assume that certain things are obvious. How often have you explained an activity but forgotten to say explicitly "Don't show your information to your partner" - only to find students happily doing just that. 4. Also think about how much you're going to explain at a time. If you have a long, complicated, or two part activity, don't explain everything at once. Explain the first stage, and check that students have understood before you go on to the explanation of the next part. In some cases it is not necessary for the students to have an overview of the whole activity before they start. In this

case, explain the first part, do the first part and then go on to the explanation of the second part. 5. Don't start the explanation until you have the students' full attention. Make sure they have stopped whatever they are doing, are turned towards you and are listening. 6. Even in the first lesson, use English wherever possible. "Get into pairs" won't be understood, but "You two, you two and you two" plus a gesture pushing the students together will be. 7. However, if you speak the students' language, for very complex activities it may be more efficient to use the L1 for explanations. This can be gradually phased out as the students become more proficient: a) at the beginning of the course, give the instructions in the L1, and then repeat them immediately, as simply as possible, in English. b) later on reverse the order: give the instructions in English first, and in the L1 second. c) as soon as possible, give the instructions in English only, but check comprehension by asking the students to repeat them back in their L1. 8. Avoid using the imperative in your instructions. In most situations that the students will find themselves, it will not be an appropriate form to use. In the classroom it may be, but if they have constantly heard the teacher saying "Repeat!" there's a good chance they'll use it themselves: Native speaker: And so I was dropped right in it. Student: Repeat! Instead, use request forms - for example "Can you repeat that?" - which provide a good model for the students' own use of the language. This is especially important if the imperative is more socially acceptable in the students' own language (for example Italian) so that they are liable to transfer the use into English. 9. Always check that students have understood your instructions before starting the activity. The question "Do you understand?" is as good as useless. Students may be too shy to admit that they don't understand, or may think they understand when they actually don't. Make sure they demonstrate their understanding. This can be done by: a) asking them check questions - for example, for a roleplay : "OK, if you're student A put your hands up... Right... who are you? And what's your problem? And who is student B?" b) asking them to repeat back to you the instructions. Don't choose the strongest person in the group to do this. S/he is the one most likely to have understood and your check needs to be directed to the students who probably haven't.

c) asking two students to demonstrate the activity in front of the class, or for a written exercise by eliciting the answers to the first two examples. d) not giving instructions at all but asking students to look at the activity and tell you what they think they have to do. This can be useful for activity types which are already known the students. 10. As soon as the students start the activity, go around quickly to each pair or group just to check they are on task. Don't stop to help or monitor one group until you have checked them all. If only one group has not understood, then go back and help. If several groups are off track, then stop the activity and explain again, using the students who have understood to demonstrate to the others.

The Imperative Sentence

Learn About It
An imperative sentence gives a command. It usually end with a period, but it may also end with an exclamation point (!). Commands ask or tell people to do something. "Please pass the salt." is a command. It doesn't sound as commanding as "Get out of my way!" But, both of these sentences are imperatives because they are both asking or telling someone to do something.

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