Fire Extinguisher Explosion
Fire Extinguisher Explosion
Fire Extinguisher Explosion
Description: A fire extinguisher located on a dozer exploded throwing the extinguisher approx 20mts from the machine. The brackets attached to the dozer had bolts protruding enough to induce wear and fatigue cracks on the cylinder itself which resulted in a catastrophic failure in the cylinder body. When installing the brackets to the machine care should be taken to ensure that no part of the cylinder is touching an area that may cause rubbing and wear on the cylinder body.
Immediate Actions Taken: 1. Queensland Fire & Rescue Service notified to be aware of possible issues and to ensure any cylinders with wear and tear marks are removed from service immediately Actions To Be Taken: 1. On daily pre-starts remove cylinder and check for signs if wear and tear 2. Check brackets for protruding bolts 3. Replace cylinders and/or brackets immediately if signs of wear are found 4. All cylinders inspected as part of their 6mth testing are checked for signs of wear on the cylinder body 5. Utilise extinguisher brackets with rubber lining for added protection of cylinder bodies Insert Picture See Attached
For further information contact; Contact: Darren Bracey Email: [email protected] Phone: (07) 47443623
Status: Approved
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Bracketboltheadappearstohavecreatedweararea resultinginfatiguecracking
ActualBracketInvolved Arrowspointtoboltlocation
Thirdextinguishershowingwearfrom bracketstraprubbing