Overview of Computer Vision: CS491E/791E
Overview of Computer Vision: CS491E/791E
Overview of Computer Vision: CS491E/791E
Image Processing
Image Enhancement
Computer Graphics
Geometric modeling
Computer Vision
Robotic Vision
Application of computer vision in robotics. Some important applications include :
Autonomous robot navigation Inspection and assembly
Pattern Recognition
Has a very long history (research work in this field started in the 60s). Concerned with the recognition and classification of 2D objects mainly from 2D images. Many classic approaches only worked under very constrained views (not suitable for 3D objects). It has triggered much of the research which led to todays field of computer vision. Many pattern recognition principles are used extensively in computer vision.
Artificial Intelligence
Concerned with designing systems that are intelligent and with studying computational aspects of intelligence. It is used to analyze scenes by computing a symbolic representation of the scene contents after the images have been processed to obtain features. Many techniques from artificial intelligence play an important role in many aspects of computer vision. Computer vision is considered a sub-field of artificial intelligence.
Practical Considerations
Impose constraints to recover the scene
Gather more data (images) Make assumptions about the world
Recognition Cues
Scene interpretation, even of complex, cluttered scenes is a straightforward task for humans.
Visual Inspection
Character Recognition
Document Handling
Signature Verification
Delaunay Triangulation
Object Recognition
Target Recognition
Department of Defense (Army, Airforce, Navy)
Autonomous Vehicles
Land, Underwater, Space
Traffic Monitoring
Face Detection
Face Recognition
Face Tracking
Medical Applications
skin cancer breast cancer
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