Entry Form

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for the
MiNiFLiCK Contest

Name: _________________________________________________________________________

Address: _______________________________________________________________________

Phone: ___________________________ E-Mail: ______________________________________

Film Title: ______________________________________________________________________

Total Running Time: _________________ Genre: _____________________________________

(3 minutes or less, including credits)

Team Members: ________________________________________________________________

Number of Crew (technical): _________ Number of Cast (actors): _________

Camera Make and Model: _________________________________________________________

Editing Software: ________________________________________________________________

By entering the “More Than Just Mud” MiNiFLiCK Contest and signing below, I certify that:

i) I have read, understood, complied with, and agree to the contest’s “Official Rules”.
ii) I have read, understood, complied with, and signed the contest’s “Pledge”.
iii) The film submitted is my original work created for this contest.
iv) I have acquired the necessary rights for all copyrighted material--audio, visual or otherwise.
v) I release and indemnify the Raincoast Education Society of any and all liability.

Signature: _____________________________________________ Date: ___________________

If you are under 18 years old, your parent or guardian’s signature is required:

Parent/Guardian Signature: ________________________________ Date: ___________________

This contest is sponsored by the Raincoast Education Society with

funding from the Habitat Conservation Trust Fund.

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