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EE 660 Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems

B. G. Fernandes Department of Electrical Engineering I. I. T Bombay [email protected]

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Course Outline
Introduction Load Compensation Shunt Compensation Series Compensation HVDC Transmission
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Theory Equipment Theory Equipment

Books for Reference

T. J. E. Miller Reactive power control in Electrical system, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1982. K. R. Padiyar FACTS CONTROLLERS in Power Transmission & Distribution, New Age International (P) Ltd., 2007. K. R. Padiyar HVDC POWER TRANSMISSION SYSTEMS Technology and System Interactions, New
Age International (P) Ltd., 1990.

Hingorani N. G Understanding FACTS Concepts & Technology of FACTS Systems, IEEE PRESS, 2000.
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Power Electronics has grown as a major & extremely important discipline in Electrical Engg. What are major applications of Power Electronics ? Major role in Power Transmission & Distribution
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Consumption of Electricity are Demanding Customers Loss of Power for single cycle can make computer screen go blank Can interrupt sensitive Electronic equipment

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Consumption of Electricity is also Transmission lines are being operated close to their limits Power is being transmitted through long overhead transmission lines & they are interconnected

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Thermal limit (depends on ambient conditions) Voltage limit Stability limit



Voltage and Stability Constraints


Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Thermal limit

Type of conductors No. of Conductors Ambient conditions

Voltage limitations For typical 400 kV line Zc = 300 SIL = 540 MW For cable SIL is large

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Voltage profile along the line is flat if P = SIL If VS = VR = 1, V as we move towards the midpoint, if Ps > SIL



Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Line absorbs reactive power V if PS < SIL Voltage swell, line generates Q
P, Q P, Q


iR Transmission Line



Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


To control VR & power transfer capacity of the line, Q generation is required at the receiving end
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

V2 Q= XC


Q requirement as VR Other limitations L required during over voltage Separate L & C are required
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


High V & high KVar source 3-ph inverter can supply

Requires only P
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

O/P V => PWM 2- level inverter Harmonic spectrum depends on switching frequency (FS) PWM Constant FS Variable FS => Not suitable

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

What sort of PWM technique to use ? With low switching frequency how to improve the harmonic spectrum Do we need to change the power circuit configuration ?

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


VSVR = Sin X
To have sufficient stability margin max. length of line = 450 km Provide shunt reactive power compensation, there by P & maintain V profile. Use a mid point compensator
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Vm = VS = VR = V
It can be shown, for loss- less line
2V 2 P= Sin = 2 PUncompensated X 2
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

If shunt compensation is applied at sufficient close interval, it may be possible to transmit power up to thermal limit of line P transmitted over long lines is limited by series reactance X

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Provide Series capacitive compensation to cancel a portion of series X

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


VS = VR = 1 pu
V P= Sin (1 K )X
K = Degree of compensation =

C is not permanently connected in series During fault condition, Xeff should be increased May require L also
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Is it possible to change the phase angle difference between two ends of the line and there by control the power flow Phase angle regulator ? Inject a voltage in series with the line & proportional to the current flow (voltage should lag the I )

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Injecting V in series with line and with any phase angle with respect to VS

Both magnitude & phase angle of I has changed Both P & Q flow has changed
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Consider an AC network

Power flow in Line-1 & 2 depends on circuit conditions Lower X line may be over loaded Not possible to set the amount of power that should flow through a particular line!
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Definite amount of power that should flow through HVDC line can be set If power transfer over long distances Two near by areas having different frequencies ( Back to Back connection)
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Power flow control through AC lines is not FLEXIBLE Depending upon the loading, there could be voltage swell or sag as we go towards the mid point

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


To control the power flow & to maintain voltage profile, provide Passive elements with Shunt compensation P.E switches or Series compensation


At Tr. voltage levels PWM with high

switching frequency may not be possible Modify the existing power circuit Can we regulate the power flow by converting AC-DC-AC => HVDC Transmission ?
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Introduction ( contd)
Load compensation Loads are unbalanced P.F is lagging

No compensation of harmonics

Source should supply only active power & see a balanced load

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Most of the loads are Non-linear Harmonics are generated Voltage at P.C.C is non sinusoidal P.F is lagging Circuit to filter the harmonics (on-line) + compensate the loads
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Point of common coupling

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Current drawn by the load fed from P.E. equipment flows through system impedance. Voltage at P.C.C is non-sinusoidal (We had assumed that 'V' is sinusoidal).

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


1 1 ia = I0 sin t- sin 5 t + sin 7 t-............. 5 7 = 6N 1 , Harmonics Line Commutated converter causes notches in the source voltage waveform. Source current has harmonics.

2 3

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Effe c t o f ha rm o nic s: A . In the Ro ta ting m a c hine Inc re a se s he a ting . The y p ro d uc e no ise . To rq ue p ulsa tio ns. C u lo sse s . A ud ib le no ise & he a ting . A d d itio na l he a ting . The rm a l vo lta g e stre ss. A ffe c ts c o ntro l syste m . M a lo p e ra tio n o f re la ys.

B. In Tra nsfo rm e rs

C . In C a b le s D . P.F c o rre c tio n c a p a c ito rs. E. Ele c tro nic Eq uip m e nts

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Load compensation + Active filter Depending upon the voltage & power level, circuit configuration & control should change

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Load compensator + Active filter to compensate non-linear loads Power flow in AC network is determined by circuit conditions Power transfer capability can be increased through shunt & series compensation HVDC can be used for bulk power transmission & to inter connect the systems of different frequencies
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Load compensation
In ideal power system V & F should be constant V should be sinusoidal P.F = 1 The above should be independent of size & characteristics of load No interference between different loads
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Notation of quality of supply

How nearly constant are V & F at the supply point ? How near to unity is the P.F ? In 3-ph system, degree to which V & I are balanced
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


What are the characteristics of power system & loads which can deteriorate the quality of supply ? How to compensate ?

Objectives of load compensation

Power factor correction Improvement in voltage regulation Load balancing
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Ideal compensator
Correct the power factor to unity Reduce the voltage regulation to an acceptable value Balance the load current => not expected to compensate harmonics in V & I, also will not generate harmonics Should consume zero avg. power Response time = 0

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Load requires P.F correction

Large no. of uncompensated industrial loads, P.F is less than 0.8 ( they are non linear also) Arc furnace, induction furnace, steel rolling mills, large motor loads S rating of the compensator (P=0)


= QL = S L sin L = S L 1 cos2 L



Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Voltage regulation
Which is the most important parameter of the load & supply system affects regulation ?


IL Sl = PL +jQL YL = GL +jBL

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Vreg =



No compensator IL= IS

V = Z S I L




VI = PL + jQL
* L


Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


PL jQ L IL = V

PL jQL V = (RS + jX S ) V

RS PL + QL X S X S PL RS QL = +j V V

= VR + jVX
Change depends on both active & reactive power of the load
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Adding a compensator in parallel with load So that E = V Replace QL by


QS = QL + QC
Such that
2 2



E = (V + VR ) + (VX )

RS PL + QS X S X S PL RS QS = V + + ( A) V V
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Vary QS => V rotates till E = V Solve (A) with E = V


There is always a solution for QC for any value of P




Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

If the compensation is used to make P.F unity then

RS PL + jX S PL V = V

Independent of QL Not under the control of compensator Passive reactive compensator can not maintain constant V & unity P.F at the same time
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

PL = (RS + jX S ) V

Approximate relationship for voltage regulation Short circuit at the load bus
* S SC = PSC + jQ SC = EI SC

Z SC = RS + jX S , * Z SC = Z SC ISC S.C Current

RS = Z SC cos SC
X S = Z S sin SC

E2 = * Z SC

E2 = cos SC S SC
E2 = sin SC S SC

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Change in V influenced by VR Neglect VX

RS PL + QL X S VR = V PL Z Sc cos SC + QL Z SC sin SC = V



E 1 V

VR Z SC = 2 {PL cos SC + QL sin SC } V V 1 {PL cos SC + QL sin SC } = S SC

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

If short circuit resistance of source=0 => CosSC = 0


Slope = -E/SSC V

QL E = V 1 + S SC
QL V = E 1 + S SC

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes



Load balancing
Assume all loads are fully compensated for reactive VA

V ab = V L 0 , V bc = V L 120 , V ca = V L 120
I a = I ab I ca I b = I bc I ab I c = I ca I bc
Vca Vab Vbc

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Vab Vca Ia = R jX

VL 0 V120 VL 0 V30 = = R jX R X
1 1 = VL (cos 30 + j sin 30 ) R X 1 3 j = VL R 2X 2X
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Vbc Vab VL 120 VL 0 = Ib = jX jX R R

VL 30 V = X R
3 1 j = VL ( 2) 2X R 2X

Vca Vbc VL 120 VL 120 Ic = = jX jX jX jX

VL 30 V 30 = X R VL = j (3) X
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

I b = I c 120
3 1 3 j j 1 = + j 2X R 2X X 2 2

3 1 3 = 2X R 2X

X = 3R
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Using passive reactive element, it is possible to achieve V = 0 VX has negligible effect on V Determined by VR ( iSRS)






Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Using passive reactive element it is not possible to have V=0 & P.F =1 Load balancing All three line currents are balanced if

X = 3R

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Load balancing (Contd..)

1 VL 1 j 30 I a = VL = 2 3R 3R 2R 1 VL 1 j 210 I b = VL = 2 3R 3R 2R 1 VL I c = VL 0 + j 90 = 3R 3R Rule: For the load connected between line a-b, capacitor should be connected between b-c, and Inductor should be connected between c-a
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Branch currents of are unbalanced Reactive power is balanced within Reactive power generated by C connected between line b & c = Q is absorbed by L connected between c & a If the load is

ab L

= G + jB
ab L
ab C

ab L
ab L

Compensating susceptance

B = B

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Each branch of will have 3-parallel compensating susceptances

ca bc GL GL ab ab BC = BL + 3 ab ca GL GL bc bc BC = BL + 3 bc ab GL GL ca ca BC = BL + 3

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Any linear unbalanced 3- load can be transformed into a equal 3- balanced load Net real power is the same Corresponding elements are purely reactive

R X= 3

Corresponding to power consumed by the load

As the power varies, X also should change

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

May not be possible Most of the loads are non-linear => Harmonics + lagging P.F
P.F cos I V

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


VC1VS P= sin X

If = 0 If



VC1 > VS

IC1 is leading VS
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Can be shown that if

VC 1 < V S

Ic1 is lagging


Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Non ideal case Var generated m Vdc



j L IC



Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


M => Magnitude of sine wave (not very popular) Magnitude of space vector T1 & T2 are to be determined
sin(60 ) .Tc T1 = m sin 60 sin T2 = TC m sin 60

Intelligent controller is required

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Vary Vdc Var supplied Vdc Var generated is controlled by varying VC1 & iC1 O/P voltage of inverter Indirect current controller Synchronous link converter Var compensator (SLCVC) or STATCOM
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Linear lagging load can be balanced using passive elements Difficult to realize in real life Use V.S.I to supply Q

bc BC ca BC

ab BC


Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Similar to over-excited Syn. motor on No-load Draws only small P is very small In V.S.I =

VC1 is synthesized using PWM

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

If space vector PWM is used at the Z.C instant of supply voltage, VS* should lag by angle In sinusoidal PWM technique, fundamental component of VC1 is in phase with modulating wave
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Harmonic elimination Techniques

Undesirable harmonics can be eliminated and fundamental can be controlled by creating notches at pre-determined angles

At the Z.C of supply voltage, modulating wave should lag by

If 'n' switchings / 1 cycle

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


(n-1) harmonics are eliminated & magnitude of fundamental can be controlled 4 switchings /(1/4) cycle

(1, 2, 3, 4) 1 < 2 < 3 < 4 < /2

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

3 significant harmonics = 0 Fundamental can be controlled Square wave has quarter wave odd symmetry Coefficient of the fundamental & harmonic components are given by

4 bn = n

m k 1 + 2 ( 1) cos(n k ) k =1

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Assume that there are 5 switchings / (1/4) cycle 4 harmonics can be made zero In 3 phase, 3 wire system, triple harmonics can be ignored So harmonics to be eliminated are 5th, 7th, 11th and 13th

b1 =

{1 2 cos 1 + 2 cos 2 2 cos 3

+ 2 cos 4 2 cos 5 }

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

4 b5 = {1-2cos51+2cos5 2 -2cos5 3 +2cos5 4 5 -2cos5 5 } = 0 4 b7 = {1-2cos71+2cos7 2 -2cos7 3 7 +2cos7 4 -2cos7 5 } = 0 4 b11 = {1-2cos111+2cos11 2 ........................ 11 -2cos11 5 } = 0 4 b13 = {1-2cos131+2cos13 2 ........................ 13 -2cos13 5 } = 0
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Non-linear transcendental equations Solve numerically Choose required value for b1 Fundamental component
1 = 10.514, 2 = 23.228, 3 = 29.289, 4 = 46.421, 5 = 50.157 b1 = 0.986 p.u.

Immediate dominant harmonic V gets amplified

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Var supplied Vdc Var generated is controlled by varying VC1 or iC1 O/P voltage of inverter Indirect current controller Synchronous link converter Var compensator (SLCVC) or STATCOM
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

How to calculate Ref. Var ?

i = I m cos(t ) & V = Vm cos t

= I P cos t + I q sin t
Multiply by cost

i = I P cos t + I q sin t. cos t


Iq IP = (1 cos 2t ) + sin 2t 2 2
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Use a low pass filter IP/2 average Remaining Reactive power Limitations: Response time is poor min. one cycle

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Controlled current SLCVC

Compensator current is actually sensed & controlled to follow the reference Source should supply active component of load current + compensate inverter loss

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Reactive component of load current (iqL) should come from inverter

iC = iPC + iqL
iqL obtained from Var calculator iPC Accounts for loss

If there is a mismatch in power supply and consumed VdC will change

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Control strategy -I

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


To iC close S4 & S3 , To iC open S4 & S3 Response is fast Switching frequency varies Var calculator is required
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

In harmonic elimination technique, if there are n switchings / () cycle, (n-1) harmonics can be eliminated & fundamental can be controlled
If F of pre-dominant harmonic is > 2kHz at 50Hz, up to 40th harmonic should be absent 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 25, 29, 31, 35, 37 12 harmonics should be eliminated
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

13 switchings / ( ) cycle 13 non linear transdential equations to be solved H. S. Patel & R. G. Hoft Generalized technique of harmonic elimination and voltage control in thyristor inverters, Part-1 harmonic elimination., IEEE Trans. Ind. Applicat., vol. IA-9, pp 310-317, May 1973.
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Controlled current SLCVC
Compensator current iC = iPC + iqL sinusoidal if load is linear If iqL has the information about the non-linear, iC is non - sinusoidal
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Control strategy -II

Sense source current iS Compare with sinusoidal reference current iS*

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


iS* is in phase with vS iS is also in phase with vS VdC is held constant All the active power is supplied by the source Rest (Q + Harmonic I) supplied by inverter

iS = iL + iC
To iS, iC To iS, iC

} Using inverter switchings


Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

How often iS* is changed ?

Once in every cycle If active power demand of the load has changed in between +ve Zero crossings Power is supplied by inverter
VdC will

VdC > Vm peak of VS

Large size C is required
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

If Inverter iS* is changed in between the cycle Source I will have a DC component Smaller size C may be sufficient

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Current control is suitable for low power For high power loads switching F Inverter Voltage control Harmonic spectrum is inferior Load current has harmonics In addition inverter with voltage control also generates harmonics
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Use two compensators & connect them in parallel Var generator High power inverter High V & high I Harmonic filter Low power inverter Switching frequency is high Since low power, use current controlled PWM technique
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Active filter +Var compensator for high power

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Main compensator Voltage control mode Aux. compensator controlled current mode Generate iref ref. I of suitable magnitude & in phase with source V Force iS = iCm + iCx + iL to follow the reference within a hysterisis band Error decides the switching instant of aux. compensator devices
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

To iS, iCx close S4 & S3 To iS, iCx open S4 & S3 Now iref = iL(p) + iCm(p)
Where iL(p) = Real component of load I iCm(p) = Real component of the main compensator current
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


VS VCm1 iCm1 = Z

(VS mVdC cos ) + jKVdC sin =

I Cm 1
2 2 I Cm 1 p ( real ) I Cm 1 p ( q ) = + 2 2


Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Control block diagram

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Var calculator determines Vdc* (m is constant)

Vdc* - Vdc determines

C determines iref using Ip, , VdC & VS Compare iS & iref to generate switching signals for aux. inverter

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


For low power
Var generator + Active filter

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


For high power application
Use high power inverter for Var generation To compensate harmonics use active filter

Used Var calculator to determine Q required by the load Linear load is assumed
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


3-Phase to 2-phase conversion

[v] = [z] [i] [v'] = [z'] [i'] [v] = [A] [v'] [i] = [A] [i'] [v] = [z] [i]
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

[A] [v'] = [z] [A] [i'] [v'] = [A]-1 [z] [A] [i] Z' Inverse should exist p = i1v1 + i2v2 + i3v3 = [i]t [v] p' = i1'v1' + i2'v2' + i3'v3' = [i']t [v']
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

p = p' [it][v] = { [A] [i'] }t [A] [v'] = [i']t [A]t [A] [v']
[U] Unit matrix

[A]t = [A-1] or [A] = [A]t -1

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Vector representation of instantaneous 3-phase quantities

3-current vectors one vector space vector

iS = K[ia+ ibej2/3 + ice-j2/3]

Has 2-components (, )

i = Kd [ia- (1/2) ib (1/2) ic] i = Kq [0 + 3/2 ib - 3/2 ic] i0 = K0 [ia + ib + ic]


ia iC

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

i K d i = 0 i0 K 0

( 1 2) K d ( 3 2) K q K0

(1 2) K d ia i ( 3 2) K q b ic K0

2 3 Kd 1 [C ] = 1 3K d 1 3K d 0 1 1 3K q 3K q 1 3 K0 1 3 K0 1 3 K0

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Kd [C ]t = (1 2) K d (1 2) K d

0 ( 3 2) K q ( 3 2) K q

K0 K0 K0

If Kd = Kq = 2/3 & K0 =2/3 [C]-1 = 3/2 [C]t

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


1 2 1 2 ia 1 i i i = 2 0 3 2 3 2 b 3 1 2 1 2 1 2 ic i0
Similarly 3-ph AC voltages two phase voltages

1 2 1 2 va e 1 e = 2 0 v 3 2 3 2 b 3 e0 1 2 1 2 1 2 vc
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

0 1 va 1 v = 1 2 3 2 1 b vc 1 2 3 2 1
p = vaia+ vbib + vcic

2 e 2 e 2 0

p = ei+{ (-1/2 e+3/2 e) (-1/2 i+ 3/2 i) } + { (-1/2 e-3/2e) (-1/2i-3/2i) } p = 3/2 (ei+ei) = 3 2 e .i + e .i
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Instantaneous reactive power compensation

Instantaneous real power

p = vaia+ vbib + vcic

Definition of instantaneous reactive current:
That part of the three phase current can be eliminated at any instant without affecting P

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


e = VS cos e = VS sin

i e

iS i

VS e

i = iS cos ( + ) i = iS sin ( + )

3 p = VS iS {cos .cos ( + ) + sin .sin ( + )} 2 3 3 = VS iS {cos ( )} = VS iS cos 2 2

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Can be concluded that 3/2 iS sin component of current iS can be eliminated without effecting P

Reactive power

q = 3 2 VS iS sin
= 3 2 VS iS sin ( + ) = 3 2 VS iS {sin ( + ) cos cos ( + ) sin } = 3 2 {VS cos .iS sin ( + ) VS sin .iS cos ( + )} = 3 2 {e i e i } = 3 2 e i + e i

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


In matrix form

p 3 e e i q = 2 e e i 2 e e 1 p i i = e e q 3

2 1 e = * 2 2 3 e + e e

e p e q

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

i C 2 1 e i = . 2 2 3 e + e e C

e 0 e q

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


i C =

3 2 e + e

e .q

i C

e .q = 2 2 3 2 e + e

3 Where q = [e i e i ] 2
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Frequency of e, i, e & i is same as supply frequency p & q are calculated based on instantaneous values Assume supply voltages & currents are nonsinusoidal and have few common harmonic components
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Avg. power due to these common harmonic components is finite We can not eliminate these frequency components from source i ! Source i is non-sinusoidal

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Instantaneous real power
i e iS VS

P = vaia+ vbib + vcic

3 P = VS I S cos = 3 2 e .i + e .i 2

Instantaneous reactive current:

That part of the three phase current can be eliminated at any instant without affecting P
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

q = 3 2 VS iS sin
= 3 2 e i + e i

If v is sinusoidal, iL is non-sinusoidal

If q=0, then iS will be sinusoidal and in phase with Vs ( since average of the product of fundamental & higher term = 0)

pn = v sin t in sin nt

Avg. of pn = 0
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


If v is non-sinusoidal & iL is also non-sinusoidal iS will have component corresponding to common frequency term of voltage & current
H. Akagi, Y. Kanzawa, and A. Nabae Instantaneous Reactive Power Compensators Comprising Switching Devices without Energy Storage Components, Part-1 harmonic elimination., IEEE Trans. Ind. Applicat., vol. IA-20, No. 3,pp 625630, May 1984.
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Change of reference frame

d S = S dt
qr qS S dr S dS

d s cos S sin S d r q = sin q cos S r S s d r cos S sin S d s q = sin cos q S S s r

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


3 - phase (St. Frame) 50 Hz

2 - phase (St. Frame) 50 Hz

2 - phase (rotating. Frame at S) D. C

d r cos S q = 2 sin S r 3 0 1 2

cos( s 2 3) cos( s + 2 3) a b sin ( s 2 3) sin ( s + 2 3) c 1 2 1 2

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Let us assume that vS is along dr- axis in the syn. Rotating frame & iS is making an angle

3 P = VS I S cos 2 qr

qS iS

= 3 2 VS r I d r

3 and q = VS r I qr 2


S dr dS

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Transform all the variables to Syn. rotating frame (rotating at S) Fundamental component of v & i will become dc Other components will pulsates Use a filter to eliminate these pulsating component (Could have used a filter to eliminate harmonics from input signal)

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


AC filtering phase shift VS is filtered component iq is made zero

qr qs iS dr iq id VS ds
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Information about system frequency is required Frequency varies over a narrow range Should be insensitive to harmonics or multiple zero crossings

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Harmonic Oscillator
. x 0 x Has Eigen values at S = j = . - 0 y If x(0) = 0 and y(0) =1 y

x(t ) = sint
& x = y

y (t ) = cos t

& y = x

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

x(t )

x n +1 x n = y t
y n +1 y n = x t

xn +1 = xn + yt
y (t )

y n +1 = y n x t
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

How to generate 3-phase sinusoids?

x = sin t
va = Cost = y

y = cos t
3 x 2 3 x 2

1 vb = Cos (t 120) = y + 2 1 vc = Cos (t 240) = y 2

Let ea, eb and ec are the 3 instantaneous system voltages

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

1 1 3 e = ea eb ec = ea 2 2 2

3 3 e = eb ec 2 2

es = e + je
Space vector representation of va, vb and vc
2 j 3 2 j 3

vs = va + vb e

+ vc e

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


= cost + cos(t 120)(cos

2 2 2 2 + j sin ) + cos(t 240)(cos j sin ) 3 3 3 3

1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 = cost + ( cost + sint)( + j ) + ( cost sint)( j ) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

3 3 = cost + j sint = v + jv 2 2

Projection of es on dr and qr ( vs is aligned along dr)

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


ed = es cos( t )
= es {cos cost + sinsint}

ed = e cos t + e sin t

eq = es sin( t )
= es {sin cost cos sint}

eq = e cos t e sin t
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

To make the phase and frequency of va, vb ,vc and ea, eb ,ec same vs and es are in phase eq=0

va = y

1 3 vb = y + x 2 2

1 3 vc = y x 2 2

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

In synchronous rotating frame (speed of the frame = s ), supply frequency terms will become DC If input v are unbalanced
+ve sequence terms DC

-ve sequence terms oscillate at 2s

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Other higher frequency terms in the synchronous reference frame can be filtered out They can also be filtered out in the input side Phase shift is introduced not an issue Active filter control

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


To change MI using harmonic elimination PWM technique

10.9091, 23.2907, 29.8505, 46.3408, 50.6781 10.7120, 23.2678, 29.5761, 46.3867, 50.4260 10.5138, 23.2278, 29.2896, 46.4210, 50.1567

5, 7, 11, 13 are eliminated and Magnitude of fundamental is different

Frequency information is required. C. Schauder and H. Mehta, Vector analysis and control advanced static Var compensators IEE proc, vol.140, pp. 299-306, 1993
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Through Hardware

Digitize the sine wave and store in EPROM (1024 part) Address the EPROM using 10 bit counter 210 = 1024 ) ( Use a PLL as a multiplier
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Software approach
Harmonic oscillator

x(t ) = sint y (t ) = cos t

x n +1 x n = y t y n +1 y n = x t

. x = 0 x . - 0 y y

Instantaneous frequency

Input to harmonic oscillator is


Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

3 sinusoids which are in phase with supply fundamental component of the supply voltage are required Input voltage may have harmonics ea, eb ,ec input system voltages may have harmonics + may be unbalanced

es = e + je
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Let va, vb ,vc are the

3 pure sinusoids es should be in phase with vs



va = y

1 3 vb = y + x 2 2

1 3 vc = y x 2 2

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

This voltage waveform can be used as reference current waveform in hystersis current control PWM technique Source current follows this reference i Source current is in phase with fundamental component of input voltage

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


One cycle control of 3 Var compensator and Active filter

No zero crossing detection No PLL

No reference wave generation

Basic Analysis : Switching frequency is much higher than supply frequency Let x(t) be an input to a switch operating at variable ON and OFF times
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


1 1 = = Switching frequency + TOFF Ts

Produces switched output with average

1 y (t ) = Ts


x ( t ) dt

= x(t) D(t)
D= duty cycle
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Duty ratio has to be generated as control input based on some reference signal Vref(t) If the duty ratio is controlled so that

x (t )dt = V
0 0



( t ) dt

Average output

1 y (t ) = Vref (t )dt Ts 0


Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Assume that over one cycle Vref(t) is roughly constant y(t)=Vref(t) Works for constant switching frequency Vref could be a variable feedback signal Can be implemented using a simple integrator with reset
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Generate reset pulse at required frequency At the start of every cycle switch is turned ON by the reset pulse Integrate the input When the output of the integrator just exceeds Vref turn OFF the switch Start the cycle again after Ts when integrator resets
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Rule to be followed
A term in the control equation which is being multiplied with duty cycle of the switch has to be passed through a reset integrator and compared with the appropriate reference

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


1 AC-DC Active filter + Var generator

In one switching cycle input is constant Vdc is constant and ripple free

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


S4, S3 ON for DTS:

di L = V s + V DC dt
S1, S2 ON for (1-D)TS:

di L = V s V DC dt

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Assume i(t) is continuous and i(0) = i(Ts) Average V across L = 0

(Vs + VDC ) DTS = (VDC VS )(1 D)Ts

Vs VDC = 1 2D
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

is and Vs should be in phase Vs= isRe (Re = Emulated resistance) ..(a) (1-2D)Vdc = isRe

is = (1-2D)Vdc/Re (b)
In each switching cycle if the duty ratio D is controlled in such a way that equation (b) is satisfied , equation (a) also gets satisfied

Control requirement is (1-2D)Vm = is

Where Vm= Vdc/Re
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

One cycle control


Rule to be followed:

A term in the control equation which is being multiplied with duty cycle of the switch has to be passed through a reset integrator and compared with the appropriate reference
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Generate reset pulse at required frequency At the start of every cycle switch is turned ON by the reset pulse Integrate the input When the output of the integrator just exceeds Vref turn OFF the switch
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Start the cycle again after Ts when integrator resets K. M. Smedley & C. Qiao, Unified constantfrequency integration control of active power filters steady state and dynamics IEEE Transaction on power electronics, vol. 16, No. 3, May 2001

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes



Control technique

(1 2 D)Vm = is
Vm Vc = Re

Emulated resistance

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

1 Vm Vmdt = is Ti 0 Vm DTs = is Vm Ti
Ti = Integrator time constant Fs = 1/TS = Switching frequency


Vm remains constant in one cycle

1 If Ti = Ts 2

(1 2 D )Vm = is

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Alternate Approach DC-DC Converter

Vc DT + Vc (1 D)T (Vi )avg = T

= Vc (1 2 D)

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Buck Converter
L is small

V c + i L = V s

Vi =Vs =Vc (1 2D)

Vo to be maintained constant Compare with reference and vary D or depending upon Vs change D
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Information regarding Vs should be known Assume that Vs and is are in phase (required) Instead of varying D as function of Vs Vary D as a function of is If Vs and is are not in phase chosen values of D may not give the desired Vo If Vo is regulated, our assumption that Vs and is are in phase is valid
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


DC link voltage has to be regulated Generate fixed frequency clock At the rising edge reset the integrator and turn ON the switches S4 and S3 is As t X When is = X ; R = 1 Turn OFF the S4, S3 and Turn ON S1, S2
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Inverter topology for high power application

For high power applications Conventional 3 Inverter with V control Switching F is low

F of predominant harmonic is low

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


2 converters

Var Compensator active filtering

Low power inverter for


There are only two levels

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Number of pulse should be high for superior harmonic spectrum Instead modify the Inverter structure More than two levels Multi-level inverter

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Diode clamp multilevel inverters

3 Level Inverter:

Consider only one leg

Any time two switches are ON = (n-1)

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Switches ON S1, S2 S2, S3 S3, S4

Vdc 2

Number of capacitors required = 2 =(n-1) Number of switches required = 4/phase = 2(n-1)

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Voltage across each capacitor = Vdc/2 = Vdc/(n-1) Number of diodes = 2 ?

4 level Inverter

Number of switches ON = 3 = (n-1) Number of switches/leg = 6 = 2(n-1) Number of capacitors = 3 = (n-1) Voltage across each capacitor = Vdc/3 = Vdc/(n-1)
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

In one cycle control iS is compared with (1-2D)Vm Vm is passed through reset integrator & compared with Vm - RSiS
RS is sensing resistor

No reference current waveform generation

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


For high power Use multi-level inverter For 3-level VAX = VdC, VdC, 0
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

At any time 2-devices (n-1) devices are ON No. of Switches = 2(n-1) V across each C = VdC / 2 = VdC /(n-1) V rating of switch = VdC /2 = VdC /(n-1) V rating of diode = VdC /2 No. of diodes = 2 = (m-1)*(m-2)
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Bum-Seok Suh and Dong-Seok Hyun A New NLevel High Voltage Inversion System, IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 44, No. 1,pp 107-115, Feb 1997. Nam S. Choi, Jung G. Cho and Gyu H. Cho A General Circuit Topology of Multilevel Inverter, in Proc. IEEE Power electron specialist conf. Rec., pp 96103, 1991.

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


4-level inverter

Number of switches ON = 3 = (n-1) Number of switches/leg = 6 = 2(n-1)

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Number of capacitors = 3 = (n-1) Voltage across each capacitor = Vdc /3 =

Vdc /(n-1)

S1, S2, S3 ON: VAX = Vdc

V rating of each device = Vdc /3

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

S2, S3, S4 ON : VAX = 2Vdc /3

S3, S4, S5 ON : VAX = Vdc /3


Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

S4, S5, S6 ON: VAX = 0

Duty cycle of switch is not the same Lower switches are ON for longer time Switch utilization is poor
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

V rating of DB = 2Vdc/3 V rating of DA = Vdc/3

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


V rating of diodes is not the same Number of diodes = (n-1) (n-2) = 6

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Voltage space vectors for 3 level inverter

Large voltage vectors


Similar to conventional 2-level inverter 6 active vectors and 2 zero vectors

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Van 2 1 1 Vao V = 1 1 2 1 V bn 3 bo Vcn 1 1 2 Vco

Vds 1 V = qs 0

Van 1 2 1 2 Vbn 3 2 3 2 Vcn

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


( NNP ) ( 001 ) ( PPN ) ( 110 )

VdC 0


( NPN ) ( 010 ) VdC 2 / 3 ( PNP ) ( 100 ) VdC / 3 ( NPP ) ( 011 )

VdC / 3

( PNN ) ( 100 ) VdC 2 / 3

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Small voltage vectors



Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes



Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

VAO = VBO = VdC/2, VCO = 0 Van = VdC /6, Vbn = VdC /6, Vcn = - VdC /3

VdC 1 VdC 1 VdC VdC Vd = = 6 2 6 2 3 4

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

3 VdC VdC 3 Vq = 6 + 3 = 4 VdC 2


VdC VS = / 3 2
VdC POO VS = 4 / 3 2

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


NOO : VAO = VBO = 0, VCO = -VdC/2 Vcn = -VdC/3

Van = VdC/6, Vbn = VdC/6,

3 VdC VdC , Vds = = 2 6 4
VdC VS = / 3 2

3 VdC VdC 3 Vqs = 6 + 3 = 4 VdC 2

VdC ONN VS = 4 / 3 2

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

VAO = VdC /2, Van = VdC /3, VBO = VCO = 0 Vbn = Vcn = -VdC /6

VdC , Vds = 2
VdC VS = 0 2

Vqs = 0



VdC PPO VS = 2

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

VAO = 0, VBO = VCO = -VdC / 2

Van = 1/3[0 +Vdc /2 + Vdc /2] = VdC /3, Vbn = Vcn = 1/3[-2VdC / 2 + VdC / 2] = - VdC/6

VdC , Vqs = 0 Vds = 2

VdC VS = 0 2

VdC OON VS = 2

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

VAO = VCO = 0, VBO = VdC /2

Van = Vcn = -VdC /6, Vbn = VdC/3

VdC 3 VdC VdC 3 , Vqs = Vds = 6. 3 + 6 = 4 VdC 2 4

VdC VS = 2 / 3 2

VdC POP VS = 5 / 3 2

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

VAO = VCO = -VdC /2, VBO = 0 Van = Vcn = -VdC /6, Vbn = VdC/3

VdC 3 , Vqs = Vds = VdC 4 4

VdC VS = 2 / 3 2


VdC ONO VS = 5 / 3 2

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Medium voltage vectors

ONP : VAO = VdC /2, Van = VdC /2, VBO = -VdC /2 , VCO = 0 Vbn = -VdC /2 , Vcn = 0

3 3 Vds = VdC , Vqs = VdC 4 4

3 VS = VdC / 6 2
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

NOP : VAO = VdC /2, Van = VdC /2, VBO = 0 , VCO = -VdC /2 Vbn = 0 , Vcn = -1/2 VdC

3 3 Vds = VdC , Vqs = VdC 4 4

3 VS = VdC / 6 2
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

NPO : VAO = 0, Van = 0, VBO = VdC /2 , VCO = -VdC /2 Vbn = VdC /2 , Vcn = -VdC /2

3 Vds = 0, Vqs = VdC 2

3 VS = VdC / 2 2
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

PNO : VAO = 0, Van = 0, VBO = -VdC /2 , VCO = VdC /2 Vbn = -VdC /2 , Vcn = VdC /2

Vds = 0,

3 Vqs = VdC 2

3 VS = VdC 3 / 2 2
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


3-Level Inverter
No. of large voltage vectors = 6 VS = VdC No. of small voltage vectors = 6 VS = 1/2VdC 12 possible combinations
+ ve or ve bus & mid point

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


No. of medium voltage vectors = 6
+ ve, - ve & mid-point bus VS = 3 2 VdC

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Voltage control
Space vector PWM Depending upon the position of space
vector, switch the corresponding switch





Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Voltage unbalance between DC-Line capacitance

Each leg 3 possibilities There are 27 switching instances are possible

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Unbalances has no effect on load Load is connected across the DC bus

Somewhat effective in reducing voltage unbalance

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


C1 supplies the power C2 does not supply the power V across C2 For remaining 2 configuration, V across C1
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Load compensation
Passive elements Inverter
Current control Voltage control Main compensator Aux. compensator

Instantaneous reactive power theory One cycle controlled inverter Multi level inverter
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Transmission line voltage support

Provide mid-point compensation
Shunt Series Combination of shunt & series Combination of series & series



Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Shunt Compensation :
Inject current in to the system If injected I is in phase quadrature with the V Only reactive power transfer Else, it has to handle real P as well

Series Compensation :
Inject voltage in series with the line
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

If V is in quadrature with line I, only reactive

power transfer

Combination of series & Shunt Compensation :

Inject I with the shunt part & Inject V with the series part When combined there can be real power exchange between the series & shunt controllers
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Mid point voltage regulator

Two machine model
VSVR = Sin X

If Vs = Vr = V
Pmax V2 = X

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Connect a compensator at the mid point &

V m = Vs = Vr = V

Whether active power transfer is require ?

System is loss-less
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Let Vsm & Vmr are fictitious voltages in phase with Ism & Imr respectively
Vsm = Vmr = V .Cos ( / 4 )
I sm = I mr 2V .Sin ( / 4 ) 4V = = Sin ( / 4 ) X 2 X

Pr = P = Vsm .I sm

4V 2 = Sin ( / 4 ).Cos ( / 4 ) X
2V 2 = Sin( / 2 ) X

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Reactive power supplied by the

compensator = Vm I c = VI c

= 2.V .I sm Sin( / 4 )
8V 2 = Sin 2 ( / 4 ) X
4V 2 (1 Cos( / 2)) = X

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Shunt compensator can increase P

Q demand also

Can have multiple compensators located at the equal distances Theoretically P would double for each doubling of the segments

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


the no. of segments results in flat V profile

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Mid-point shunt compensation
If Vs = Vr = V
2V 2 P= Sin( / 2 ) X
4V 2 (1 Cos( / 2)) Q= X

I is injected into the line (in quadrature with v)

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

For each doubling of the segments, transmittable P also doubles V profile is almost flat Large no. of shunt compensators expensive

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Compensator must remain in synchronism with the ac system under all operating conditions including major disturbances Must regulate the bus voltage For the inter connecting two systems, best location is in middle For radial feed to a load, best location is at the load end
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Methods of controlling Var generation

Mechanically switched capacitor and/or inductor course control in-rush current Continuously variable Var generation or absorption originally over excited syn. motor Modern Var generators use power semiconductor devices/equipment + energy storing elements
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Variable impedance type S.V.C

1. Thyristor controlled reactor (TCR):
T1 & T2 is triggered in the + ve & - ve half cycles respectively

Can be measured w. r. t zero crossing or peak of V

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


i flows from to
di L = Vm Sint dt i (t ) = Vm (Cos Cost ) L

i(t) =0 at t =
Cos = Cos

= 2

= extinction angle

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

i is continuous when = /2 i is sinusoidal No control L is fixed & it is minimum As , all odd harmonics are introduced

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


As , L
I LF ( ) =
BL ( ) =

V 2 1 1 sin 2 L
1 2 1 1 sin 2 L

VL(MAX) Voltage limit IL(MAX) current limit BL(MAX) Max. admittance of TCR
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

2. Thyristor switched capacitor (TSC):

Small L is required to limit the surge current Thyristors are switched when vc = v V rating of the switch ?
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


3. Fixed Capacitor, Thyristor controlled Reactor (FC-TCR): In TCR iL is varied by varying

iL = iL(max) when = /2
In FC-TCR, for any value of iL, net effect of C C also provides a low impedance path for harmonics generated by TCR
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

QC is constant Net Q = QC when QL = 0 ( = ) To net Q, Net Q = 0, when QC = QL If is further, net Q is inductive

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


At = /2, QL = QL(max) Operating V-I region of FC-TCR

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


VSI can supply Q Also known as static synchronous condenser Similar to syn. motor
V E I= X
V E Q= .V X

Q reactive power received by the source

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Q is controlled by M.I & accounts for losses Assumed that inverter is capable of injecting Q demand of the line

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


If Q demand >Var rating of inverter It may fail due to over load Have a inner I loop

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Operating V-I region

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


If = /2 i = imax As , Leff Harmonics

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Thyristors are triggered when vc = v

T.S.C T.C.R scheme is also possible
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Above schemes are variable impedance types

Variable source type
V E I= X
V E Q= .V X
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Since voltage profile is maintained (in radial system) Voltage instability is prevented Improves transient stability Damping of power oscillations Able to maintain V profile
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Series compensation
Reciprocal of shunt compensation Shunt compensator : Controlled reactive I source connected in parallel with the Tr. Line to control V Series compensator : Controlled reactive V source connected in series with the Tr. Line to control I
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Series compensation
Injects voltage in series with the line Could be variable Z (such as C or L) Voltage source Effective in controlling the power flow

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Concept of series capacitive compensation

To decrease reactance of the line
VS .VR P= .Sin X

X = (X L X C )

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


X eff = ( X L X C )
= (1 K )X L

K = X C X L Degree of series
compensation 0<K<1
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

If VS = VR =V
V .Sin 2 2V .Sin 2 I= = (1 K )X L 2 (1 K )X L

2V .Sin 2 P = Vm I = (VCos 2 ). (1 K )X L

V 2 .Sin = (1 K )X L

2V 2 .(1 Cos ).K 4V 2 .Sin 2 2 QC = I 2 X C = .X C = 2 2 2 (1 K ) . X L (1 K ) X L

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Qse 2 max = tan Qsh 2

max maximum angular difference between the two ends of the line
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

If max 30 - 40o Qse = 7- 13% of QSL Cost of series capacitor ? Location of series capacitor is not very critical
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Approaches to controllable series compensation

Variable Z type :

1. GTO controlled series capacitor (GCSC)

Objective : Vary VC

GTO is closed when vc = 0 Open when i charges C Duality between TCR & GCSC
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

GTO is turned ON when vc = 0 for < t < +

1 vc (t ) = i(t ).d (t ) C
I (Sint Sin ) = C

i (t ) = I .Cost

vc is maximum when t = /2 & vc = 0 when t = -

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Amplitude of the fundamental

Vc1 =

v (t ).Sint.d (t )
c 0

I .(Sint Sin )Sint.d (t ) C

2 Sin 2 = IX c 1

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Controlling modes
(a). Voltage compensation mode:

GCSC Should maintain rated compensation voltage when Imin < I < Imax
Vcomp = Vrated = Imin Xc As I, So that Vcomp is maintained constant
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

(b). Impedance compensation mode:

Vc (max) I max

= Xc

Protection issues:
Required to have higher short time rating During S.C, I could be much higher than Irated Ifault > IGTO(rating)
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

If it flows through C, Vc V across GTO Use MOV

Harmonics are generated

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


GTO controlled series capacitor (GCSC)
is measured w.r.t peak of i
1 2 1 X C ( ) = 1 Sin 2 C

extinction angle

VC has harmonics
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Switch is series with L Switch is parallel with C Supplied from a V source Supplied from a i source

(turn-ON delay) is (turn-OFF delay) is measured w.r.t peak of v measured w.r.t peak of i
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Control v across C Control i in L . developed by i source Parallel with the source representing variable representing variable admittance to the source reactance to the source
V 2 Sin 2 I LF ( ) = 1 L
BL ( ) = 1 2 1 1 sin 2 L

I 2 Sin 2 VCF ( ) = 1 C
1 2 Sin2 X C ( ) = 1 C

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Thyristor switched series capacitor (TSSC)

Capacitors are disconnected by turning ON the thyristors They turn OFF naturally (at Z.C of I )
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Voltage compensating mode :

Reactance of C bank is chosen so as to produce average rated Vcomp = n XC Imin (n is the no. of banks) As I above Imin , n

By-pass C

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Impedance compensating mode :

TSSC should maintain maximum rated compensating reactance at any line current up to Rated current (Imax)

Maximum series compensation

nX C = VC (max) I max

at rated I

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


In FCTCR continuously varying capacitive compensation is achieved by varying of TCR

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Thyristor controlled series capacitor (TCSC)

If V is the applied voltage across the TCR Fundamental component of I for (measured w.r.t peak of voltage) is
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

I1 ( ) =


1 2 1 Sin 2

X L ( ) = X L 2 Sin 2

X L < X L ( ) <
Combined Z of TCR & fixed C


X C . X L ( ) = X ( ) X C L

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

When = /2, XL() = When XL() = XC When XL() < XC


XTCSC undefined XTCSC Inductive

X C .X L = X X C L


Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Continuously varying series capacitor by control

L < X L ( ) <
When X L ( ) < , X TCSC = X C = 1 C
At XL() = XC parallel resonance, X TCSC
= 1 LC

As L() > L o > ( )


Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

If XL() < XC , There are two operating zones

C (lim) 2

Capacitive, i leads VC

0 L(lim) XTCSC is inductive

Not exactly similar to TCR connected in parallel With V source Input V is sinusoidal
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

In TCSC, the V is voltage across C Switch is open TCR is O.C, i flows through C Turn-on TCR at (w.r.t peak of v) i is +ve & vc is -ve

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


VC gets distorted In phasor form i leads VC in capacitor zone

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

In inductive zone, i lags VC

TCR current is high

X TCSC jX C . jX TCR = j( X X ) TCR C
jX C = (1 X C X TCR )


jX C I = .I = (1 X TCR X C ) j ( X TCR X C )

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

If XTCR = 1.5XC Capacitive If XTCR = 0.75XC Inductive

X TCSC 1 1 = = (1 X X ) 1 1 1.5 = 3 XC C TCR

I TCR 1 = = 2 I 1 1.5

X TCR = 0.75 X C
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

X TCSC 1 = = 3 1 1 0.75 XC
I TCR 1 = =4 I 1 0.75

For same magnitude of XTCSC , ITCR in C zone = (1/2)ITCR in L zone

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Modes of operation
By pass mode :
iL is continuous & sinusoidal Each thyristor conducts for 180o XTCSC inductive Most of the line I flow through L not C Used to protect C against over voltage
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Thyristor blocked mode :

No i through L Fixed C Avoided

Vernier control
Thyristors are gated and they conducts for part of cycle XTCSC as conduction angle from zero to C(lim)
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Static Synchronous Series Compensation

Function of series capacitor produces an appropriate voltage of fundamental F in quadrature with Tr. Line I

VSVR Sin P= (X L X C )
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Instead: Use VSI to inject a voltage in quadrature with i

Vq = j.Vq ( )
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Voltage across L VL = 2VSin( 2 ) + Vq

I= 2VSin ( 2 ) + V q X

P = VCos( 2).(2VSin( 2) + Vq )
V .Vq V2 = Sin + Cos ( 2 ) X X

If Vq > I.X, power flow will reverse

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

T.C.S.C :
Used for vernier control of C. GCSC also provides this feature Cost of GTO > that of thyristor Effective capacitive compensation increases as from /2 to C(lim)
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


For both region XL < XC (inductive & capacitive) In inductive zone, ITCR > ILine and are in phase In capacitive zone, ILine is out of phase with ITCR V across C gets distorted

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Static Synchronous Series Compensation:

Instead of passive elements use VSI

V .Vq V2 P= Sin + Cos ( 2 ) X X

Reverse power flow is possible

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Control range:
Voltage compensation mode : SSSC can maintain the rated capacitive or inductive compensating V for I till Iq(max) Ideal condition (I line can not be zero) P is required for SSSC
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


impedance compensation mode :

Maintain rated XC or XL up to rated I

Exchange of Active power by SSSC:

Can exchange active as well as reactive power Some active source should be connected to DC side
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Compensation for both reactive and resistive compensation of series line impedance to keep X/R ratio high (3-10 is desirable)

With series compensation effective ( X L X C ) R ratio

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


X/R ratio in case1 > X/R ratio in case2 Reactive component of I q = I .Sin( 2 + 1 ) Real component of I = I a = I .Cos( 2 + 1 ) transmitted to the receiving end decreases corresponding to R=0

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


If VS = VR =V
Per phase power received by the receiving end
P = V .I .Cos (90 + 2 )

= V .I .Sin( 2 )
2VSin / 2 =V. .Sin( 2 ) Z
2V 2 = .Sin / 2{Cos / 2.Sin Cos .Sin / 2} Z
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

2V 2 = Sin .Sin / 2.Cos / 2 Cos .Sin 2 / 2 Z

V2 {Sin.Sin Cos.(1 Cos )} = Z

R V2 X = .Sin .(1 Cos ) Z Z Z

V2 {X .Sin R.(1 Cos )} = 2 2 R +X

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Reactive VA associated with the receiving end

Q = VI .Sin(90 + / 2 )
2V 2 Sin / 2 = Cos ( / 2 ) Z

V2 {R.Sin + X (1 Cos )} = 2 2 R +X

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Maximum transmittable active power

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Voltage & phase angle regulators

Voltage regulator:
Injection of appropriate in phase component in series with ac system

Similar to transformer tap changer

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Phase angle controller :

Inject V at an angle 90o relative to the system V

Resultant angular change approx. proportional to injected V. Magnitude of V is constant

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Power flow control :

Optimal loading of transmission line in practical system can not always be achieved at the prevailing angle

Occur when ?
Power between two buses is transmitted over parallel lines of different length, use phase angle regulator (PAR)
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

PAR : A sinusoidal synchronous ac voltage source with controllable amplitude and phase angle
VSeff = VS + Vr and VS = VSeff
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Basic idea is to keep the transmittable power at the desirable level independent of prevailing


Vr > 90o VS

angle to be controlled is (- )
V2 P= Sin( ) X
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Multi functional FACTS controller : based on back-back VSI with a common DC-link One converter in series (SSSC) and other is in shunt (SVC) unified power flow controller (UPFC) Both converters are connected in series but in two different lines (Inter line Power Flow Controller-IPFC)
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Able to control simultaneously or selectively all the parameters affecting the power flow in Tr. line

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Converter-1 supplies active power required by converter-2

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Independently control the reactive power flow at the point of connection

UPFC can fulfill

Reactive power control Series compensation Phase angle regulator
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Control capabilities
Case1 : Voltage regulator
= 0, V pq = V
Similar to tap changing transformer with large no. of steps

Reactance compensator : Series reactive

Vpq = Vq at 90o with I Similar to SSSC
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Phase angle regulator :

V pq = V
at any angular relationship w.r.t VS so that desired phase shift is achieved

Multi functional feature :

V pq = V + Vq + V
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

U.P.F.C :
Two VSI connected back to back with common DC-link One connected in series with line and other is connected across the line DC-link V is maintained constant by converter-1
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Active power required by the system is drawn by converter-1

Can function as
Voltage regulator V+V SSSC injects V in quadrature with I Phase angle regulator injects V in quadrature with V
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Using UPFC
Active power flow and Reactive power flow can be set In SSSC : Quadrature injected V results in increase in power flow
Magnitude of injected V determines P Circuit conditions determines Q
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Main function : Control the flow of P & Q by injecting a voltage in series with the Tr. line Both magnitude & phase angle are varied Control of P & Q allows power flow in prescribed routes

2 port representation
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

A common DC-link voltage is regulated

Re V I + Vu 2 I Ploss = 0

* u1 1

* 2

In addition to maintain real power balance, shunt branch can independently exchange reactive power with the system
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Transmitted active power and reactive power supplied by receiving end

VS + V pq Vr Pr jQr = Vr . jX

VS = Ve

j 2

Vr = Ve
j ( 2 + )

j 2

V pq = V pq e

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


= Ve

j 2

V (Cos 2 jSin 2 Cos 2 jSin 2) V pq j ( e jX jX

2+ )

2+ )

= Ve

j 2

2VSin 2 V pq j ( e X jX

V .V pq j ( + ) 2V 2 = Sin 2 (Cos 2 jSin 2 ) e X jX

V .V pq 2V 2 2 (Cos ( + ) jSin( + )) = Sin 2 .Cos 2 jSin 2 jX X

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


V .V pq V2 Sin Sin( + ) Pr jQr = X X

V .V pq 2V 2 2 Sin 2 Cos ( + ) j X X

V .V pq V2 Pr = Sin Sin( + ) X X
V .V pq 2V 2 2 Qr = Cos ( + ) Sin 2 X X
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

can vary from 0 to 2 P & Q are controllable from

P( ) V .V pq X


P ( ) +

V .V pq X

Transmitted real power

V .V pq (max ) V2 Sin = X X

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Control strategy:
There are 3 degrees of freedom Magnitude and angle of series V Shunt reactive current

Both are VSI Series injected V can be instantaneously changed

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Shunt current is controlled indirectly by varying output of shunt converter

Series injected V control :

Injected V can be split into two components
1. In phase with line I 2. In quadrature with line I

P can be controlled by varying series reactance of the line

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Reactive V injection similar to series connection of reactance except that injected V is independent of Tr. Line I

Shunt current control :

Shunt current can be split into real & reactive components

Magnitude of real component DC link V Magnitude of reactive component Bus V magnitude regulator
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

FACTS installments in India

TSC+TCR (400 kV) at Kanpur 240 MVar TCR (400 kV) at Itarsi 50 MVar TCSC (400 kV ) at Raipur - Rourkela (Double ckt.)

Gorakhpur - Mazaffarpur Kanpur - Ballabhgarh

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Kanpur Ballabhgarh 400 kV line: Fixed capacitor

Rated V L-L Nominal Var Rated continuous V across C TCR/ph 420 kV 151.60 MVar 42.2 kV -

420 kV 79.87 MVar 16.6 kV 4.4 mH

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Long distance transmission ( Competing technology : AC with FACTS)

Cable transmission (> 40 Km) HVDC Asynchronous link HVDC

HVDC lines are cheaper than AC lines Terminal equipment costs are higher
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

In India :
Long distance HVDC Rihand Dadri : 1500 MW, 500 kV Chandrapur Padghe : 1500MW, 500 kV Talcher Kolar : 2000MW, 500 kV Barsur Lower Sileru : 200MW, 200 kV
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Back to Back :
Chandrapur Ramagundam : 1000 MW (Asynchronous link) Jeypore Gajuwaka : 500 MW (Asynchronous link) Vindhyachal
: 500 MW

Sasaram : 500 MW
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


P through DC link can be regulated. Power control through firing angle control
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

P through link can not be regulated

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


P1 + P2 can be regulated

If alternator-1 generates 1000 MW & load 1100 MW

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

If alternator-2 generates 1000 MW & load 900 MW P1 +P2 has to be -100 MW (frequency of alternator-1 &2 are same)

P1 + P2 can be set
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Types of HVDC system

Two terminal : with DC transmission line
One rectifier terminal + one inverter terminal

Back to Back :
Two terminals with no DC line used for asynchronous link

Multi terminal : with DC line and several rectifier

and/or inverter terminals connected to more than two nodes of AC network
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Types of links :
Mono-polar Bi-polar

Mono-polar HVDC link :

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


One conductor (generally ve)

Return path ground Resistance should be low Instead metallic return

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Bi-polar HVDC link :

Has two conductors

+ve -ve

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Each terminal has two converters of equal rating V connected in series on the DC side Junction is grounded I in two phases are equal No ground I Two poles can operate independently If one is faulty, then other can operate with ground as the return
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Review HVDC
Asynchronous link Back to back

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Components of HVDC transmission

Bi-polar HVDC

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Converter :
AC DC conversion DC AC conversion
12 pulse converter

Transformer with tap changer

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Smoothing Reactor : Large value of L in

Series with each pole

Purpose :
harmonic voltage & current in DC line Prevents I from being discontinuous on light load Limit the I during S. C in the DC line
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Harmonic filter :
Converter generates harmonic currents Because of source L, V gets distorted Affects the other loads & interference with communication network
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Reactive power support :

Both converter & inverter absorb reactive power As , Q requirement Q source is a must If bus is strong, shunt capacitor can be used C associated AC filter also supply Q
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Basic module of converter :

3-ph full bridge
Van = V0
Vbn = V 120

Vcn = V 240
Vab = 3V 6 , Vbc =

3V 2 , Vca = 3V 210

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

If 1 is trigger angle for bridge-1 If 2 is trigger angle for bridge-2

Neglect idc rdc & Assuming ideal devices

2 = 1
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

= 30o (w.r.t natural commutation) or

corresponding to Z.C of phase-A = 60o

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


T1 is turned off at t= 30+ (30+120) = 180o When T3 is triggered, V across T1 = Vab

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Va = Sin180 = 0,
Vb = Sin60 = 3 2

Vab = 3 2

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


At t = 210o

Va = Sin 210 = 1 2

Vb = Sin90 = 1
At t = 240o

Vab = 1.5

Va = 3 2 , Vb = 3 2
Vab = 3
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

At t = 270o

Va = 1,Vb = 1 2
At t = 300o -

Vab = 1.5

Va = 3 2 , Vb = 0

Vab = 3 2

At t = 300o +, T5 is triggered, V across T1 is Vac

Va = 3 2 , Vc = 3 2

Vac = 3

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

At t = 330o

Va = 1 2 , Vc = 1
At t = 360o

Vac = 1.5

Va = 0, Vc = 3 2
At t = 30o

Vac = 3 2
Vac = 0

Va = 1 2 , Vc = 1 2

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

At t = 60o -

Va = 3 2 , Vc = 0

Vac = 3 2

T1 is reverse biased for 210o

What happen when = 150o T1 is turned off at t = 30+150+120 = 300o (w.r.t +ve Z.C of Ph- A)

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


At t = 300o

Va = 3 2 , Vb = 0 Vab = 3 2
At t = 330o

Va = 1 2 , Vb = 1 2
At t = 360o

Vab = 0

Va = 0, Vb = 3 2

Vab = 3 2 = + ve

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

T2 must attain forward voltage blocking capability within 30o

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Vdc = 2.34V ph .Cos

= 1.35VLL .Cos
For = 30o

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Review HVDC
Two six pulse converters connected in series

2 = 1

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


As 1 (AC-DC converter), Q requirement also As 2 , duration for which the devices is reverse biased When = 150o, duration for which the devices
is reverse biased = 30o
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Harmonic component in converter i/p :

No even harmonics, only odd harmonics

2 I Ln =

I Cosn .d
0 3

I Ln

2 n = .I 0 2 Sin 3 2n

I L1 =
I L5

.I 0 ,

I L3 = 0
I L7 I L1 = 7

I L1 , = 5

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Phase relationship between phase V & I1

Neglect losses
Vm Vdc I 0 = 3 .I L1Cos 2
3 3 Vm 6 3. I 0Cos = VmCos .I 0 . 2

Cos = Cos =
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

6 V0 = 2

+ 60



6 = 2
= 3 3

+ 60

3Vm Sin(t + 60o ).dt

VmCos = VdcoCos

3 3

2Vrms Cos

= 2.34Vrms Cos = 1.35VLL Cos

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

As :

Vdc Displacement angle & P.F

Effect of source L :

T1, T2 when conducting T3 is triggered

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

i1 + i3 = I 0
di3 di1 = dt dt
di3 Vba = 2 Lc dt

di3 3Vm Sint = 2 Lc dt

3Vm i3 = Cost + K 2Lc
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Boundary conditions :
At t = , i1 = I 0 , i2 = I 0 , i3 = 0 = +, i1 = 0, i2 = I 0 , i3 = I 0
3Vm (Cos Cost ) i3 = 2Lc

At t = +, i3 = I 0
3Vm (Cos Cos ( + )) I0 = 2Lc
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

di1 V pn = Van L dt di3 V pn = Vbn L dt

di1 di3 2V pn = Van + Vbn L + dt dt
V pn = Van + Vbn V = cn 2 2

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


V0 = V pn Vmn
= Vcn Vcn = 1.5Vcn 2

Reduction in V0 = (V0) :
V0 = 6 2



+ 1.5Vcn ).dt

6 = 2

3Vm Sin t + 60o + 1.5Vm Sin(t 2 ).dt

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


3 3Vm (Cos Cos( + )) = 2

Vdco 2Lc I0 = 2 3Vm



V0 = Vdc 0Cos


Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Representation of inverter mode of operation in presence of

Vd = Vdco cos Rc I d
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Vd = Vdco cos + Rc I d
= Vdco cos( ) + Rc I d
= Vdco cos + Rc I d

delay angle

Angle of advance

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


delay angle overlap angle

= - advance angle overlap angle = - extinction angle = -(+)

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Vdco Vo = [cos cos( + )] 2

Vd = Vdco Vo
Vdco = [cos + cos( + )] 2
Vdco [cos + cos( + )] Vd = 2

= [cos( ) + cos( )]
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Vdco = [cos + cos ] ( A) 2

3Vm [cos cos( + )] Id = 2Lc

3Vm = [cos( ) cos( )] 2Lc

3Vm = [cos cos ] ( B) 2Lc
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Eq. A+B
2Vd 2Lc 2 cos = + Id Vdco 3Vm
Vd = Vdco cos 3 3



= Vdco cos



= Vdco cos Rc I d
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

12-pulse converter
Series connection of two 6-pulse converters
3- voltages supplied to one bridge is displaced by 30o from those applied to 2nd bridge

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


DC voltage is doubled Harmonic spectrum has improved

12n 1 on AC side 12n on DC side

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Relation between Ac and DC quantity : With multi phase bridge If no. of bridges in series

Vdo = 1.35.B.T .VL No load

Corresponding voltage drop :

Id 3



Output V = Vd = VdoCos I d 3 .B. X C

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

3 Vd = VdoCos I d .B. X C
3 = VdoCos I d .B. X C

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Summary of technical data of Padghe

Nominal line voltage 400 kV Maximum line voltage 430 kV Minimum line voltage 380 kV
Total Q at both stations 800 MVar

4*200 MVar
12th harmonic filter 2*120 MVar
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

24/36 harmonic filter 2*80 MVar

Power :
Nominal Power 2*750 MW
2*75 MW 2*825 MW 2*1000 MW

Minimum (single pole) 2 hours overload 5 Sec. overload

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Direct voltage :
Nominal line voltage 500 kV Maximum line voltage 512 kV Minimum line voltage 488 kV

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Direct current :
Nominal I 1500 A Maximum I at nominal load 1542 A Max. I at 2 hour over load Max. I at 5 sec. over load 1695 A 2140 A

Nominal line resistance = 7.5

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Rectifier firing angle :

Minimum 5o

Mini. during normal operation 12.5o Max. during normal operation


Inverter firing angle :

Minimum 16o

Max. during normal operation

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Basic control :
DC voltage or I (or power) can be controlled by controlling the internal voltage (Vdcor Cos) and Vdcoi Cos

Gate control or using tap changing of converter transformer Gate control is fast
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Tap changing : Slow ( 5-6 sec/step) Gate control is used for initial rapid control action
Followed by tap changing to restore the converter quantities ( of rectifier & for inverter) to their normal ranges

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Basis for selection of control :

Following considerations influences the selection of control characteristics
Prevention of large fluctuations of DC current due to variation in AC system Maintaining DC voltage near rated value Maintaining power factor at the sending & receiving end that are as high as possible Prevention of commutation failure in inverter
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Rectifier control To prevent large fluctuations in DC current

Vdcor Cos Vdcoi Cos Id = Rcr + RL Rci

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Denominator is very small A small change in Vdcor or Vdcoi cause a large change in Id 25% change either in Vdcor or Vdcoi changes id by 100% If & are kept constant, Idc can vary over a wide range for small change in i/p AC voltage at either end
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Not acceptable Rapid converter control prevents fluctuation of Idc For a given power transmitted Vdc profile along the line should be close to rated values It minimizes Id & therefore line loss
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


P.F should be as high as possible Minimize losses and current rating of equipment in the AC system Reduce the voltage drop at the AC terminal as load the cost of reactive power supply to line

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


So keep the rated power of the converter as high as possible for a given V & I rating of transformer P.F depends on &
min = 5o (a +ve V should appear across the device)

Normally operate at 15 20o, so that Vdcor can be to control DC power flow

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

necessary to maintain a certain minimum extinction angle to avoid commutation failure Device should attain forward voltage blocking capability

= 15o at 50 Hz depends on Id & i/p V
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Control of HVDC system

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Vdcor Cos Vdcoi Cos Id = Rcr + RL + Rci

Power at rectifier terminal, Pdr = Vdc .Id Power at inverter terminal = Vdi .Id = Pdr-id2 RL

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Control characteristics
Ideal characteristics :
Voltage regulation & current regulation
Kept distinct & are assigned to separate terminals

Under normal operation :

Rectifier maintains current control (CC) & Inverter operates constant extinction angle (CEA)
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Maintains adequate commutation margin Vdc measured at the rectifier terminals Inverter characteristics includes Id.RL drop

Vd = Vdcoi Cos + (RL Rci )I d

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Rectifier characteristics can be shifted horizontally by adjusting reference current or current command or current order If measured current < current command, controller Inverter characteristics can be raised or lowered by means of transformer taps
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


As taps are changed, CEA regulator quickly restores desired Id changes Current regulator of rectifier changes and control i Tap changer of rectifier acts to bring in the desired range (10-20o)
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Rectifier firing angle :
Minimum 5o Mini. during normal operation 12.5o Max. during normal operation

Inverter firing angle :

Minimum 16o

Max. during normal operation

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Basic control :
DC voltage or I (or power) can be controlled by controlling the internal voltage (VdcoCos) and VdcoCos

Gate control or using tap changing of converter transformer Gate control is fast
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Tap changing : Slow ( 5-6 sec/step) Gate control is used for initial rapid control action
Followed by tap changing to restore the converter quantities ( of rectifier & for inverter) to their normal ranges

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Basis for selection of control :

Following considerations influences the selection of control characteristics
(a). Prevention of large fluctuations of DC current due to variation in AC system

R 10 and L =250 mH Back to back L =1H for long line =20 m.sec roughly
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Simulation study taking line L, R & C in addition Lfilter is required

(b). Maintaining DC voltage near rated value (c). Maintaining power factor at the sending & receiving end that are as high as possible (d). Prevention of commutation failure in inverter

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Rectifier control To prevent large fluctuations in DC current

Vdcor Cos Vdcoi Cos Id = Rcr + RL Rci

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

necessary to maintain a certain minimum extinction angle to avoid commutation failure Device should attain forward voltage blocking capability

= 15o at 50 Hz depends on Id & i/p V
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Control of HVDC system

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Control characteristics
Ideal characteristics :
Voltage regulation & current regulation
Kept distinct & are assigned to separate terminals

Under normal operation :

Rectifier maintains current control (CC) & Inverter operates constant extinction angle (CEA)
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Quantities forming the co-ordinates are measured at some common point in the DC line Converter terminal can be one such possibility

Vd = Vdcoi Cos + (RL Rci )I d

Has a small ve slope
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Maintains adequate commutation margin Inverter characteristics includes Id.RL drop

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Rectifier characteristics can be shifted horizontally by adjusting reference current or current command or current order If measured current < current command, controller Inverter characteristics can be raised or lowered by means of transformer taps
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


As taps are changed, CEA regulator quickly restores desired Id changes Current regulator of rectifier changes and control i Tap changer of rectifier acts to bring in the desired range (10-20o)
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Constant current characteristics could be a line parallel to y-axis If proportional controller slope could be -ve Generally current control is given to both the converters Ref. current for rectifier > Ref. current for inverter
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Iref(conv) Iref(inv) = Imargin = +ve Assume that power flows in the line to be conv takes the value of min Incase Id approaches Iref(conv), then
rectifier is working under constant ignition control Inverter is working under constant extinction control

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


After some time, tap changer changes the tap

of the converter to attain its normal operating value (12- 17o)

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Actual characteristics :
Rectifier maintains constant I by changing can not be < min Once min is reached, no further V is possible Rectifier will operate constant ignition angle (CIA)
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Therefore rectifier characteristics has two segments (AB & FA) Constant current characteristics may not be truly vertical Depends on the current regulator With proportional control C.C characteristics has ve slope
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

VdcoCos = K [I order I d ]

= Vd + Rcr I d

Iord current order

Vd = KI order (K + Rcr )I d
Vd = (K + Rcr )I d
Vd = (K + Rcr ) I d

(with PI it is vertical)

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

At normal voltage , characteristics is defined by FAB At reduced V, it shifts down F1 A1 B1

CEA characteristics of the inverter intersect at E for normal V condition

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

At reduced V, it does not intersect F1A1B A big reduction in rectifier V would cause Id & P System could shut down

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


In order to avoid the problem, inverter is provided with current control Inverter Iord < rectifier Iord

Iord(R) Iord(I) 0.1 Irated

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Under normal condition Rectifier C. C Inverter CEA When i/p V rectifier V Operating point E1 Changes from one mode to another is known as mode shift
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

When inverter is on current control

Vd = RL I d Rci I d + Vdoi Cos Vdoi Cos = Vd RL I d + Rci I d

With proportional controller

K (I ord I d ) = Vd RL I d + Rcr I d

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


(Vdoi Cos ) = K (I ref I d ),

= Vd I d (RL Rci )

K >1

Vd = (RL Rci + K )I d
Vd = (RL Rci + K )I d I d

Vdor to id Vdoi to id

Slope is +ve

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

When does change over take place ?

Current order is given to both the converters
Iref(C) > Iref(I) Iref(C) > Iref(I) - Imargin +ve (assume) Imargin = 0.1 0.15 Irated

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Assume that i/p AC has dipped due to fault, Idc ,

conv min and with this new value of , Idc is
If Idc < (Iref(C) - Imar), inverter takes over the current control & converter is working under C.I.A, after some time tap changer changes the tap
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Rectifier characteristics
Constant current by control Constant ignition angle control

Can have a ve slope


Can be parallel to Y-axis

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Current control is given to both converters
But Iref(R) > Iref(I) Iref(R) - Iref(I) = Imargin 0.1Irated

Current control loop of inverter is inactive when current Iref(R)

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


e is ve, K is +ve Iact should be Iact > (Iref Imar)

should be decreased o/p of PI is zero selector switch selects min

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


e is +ve, Iact < (Iref Imar)

, should be , so that Iact , K is +ve, o/p of PI starts increasing Selector switch selects maximum of two inputs

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Due to line fault or during low i/p AC voltage condition Vdco(R) will drop Assume Vdco(R)Cosmin < Vdco(I)Cos

If there is no current control by the inverter , id will and eventually becomes zero
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

In order to avoid this situation inverter is also provided with current control Operate at E' till tap changer changes the tap

What happen If Imar is ve ?

Rectifier is trying to control Iref(R) Inverter is trying to control Iref(R)+ Imar
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Inverter side :
Id can be by As , Id, but rectifier controller tries to the current (Iref(R) < Iref(I) ) Since Id is due to increase in , rectifier controller to reduce Id
towards 90o towards 90o
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

New operating point could be D' Correct sign to Imar is very important Imar should not be too small because there could be measurement error

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Mode stabilization :
Intersection of min characteristics of converter and inverter CEA may not be well defined There could be multiple crossings Instead change the slope of the inverter characteristics near the crossing

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Alternative inverter control

Instead of regulating (CEA) Maintain a constant DC voltage at a desired point Could be sending end Required inverter voltage to maintain the above voltage is estimated by computing I.R drop
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

V profile is flat Constant characteristics has drooping characteristics

18o in voltage control mode

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Constant control :
= +
function of id & Vac

Choose for worst case At low loads additional security against commutation failure As id , minimum may be encountered
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Vdcoi Cos remains constant As id , Vd = VdoiCos + (RL+Rci)Id also

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Use either constant Vdc or constant control

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Current limit
Maximum current limit : Max. short term current = (1.2 -1.3) Irated Minimum current limit : if id below a certain limit due to finite ripple in I, current will become discontinuous

12-pulse converter 12 times in one cycle current become zero (current interruption)
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

There could be lightly damped oscillations (smoothing L & line C) Over voltage across the device Simulation study is required Ensure Imin in DC link

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Voltage depend current-order limit (VDCOL)

Under L.V condition it may not be desirable or possible to maintain rated current Commutation failure At one converter end Vac has

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


To maintain the current, voltage at the other end of the line is adjusted Either or Reactive power demand Vac has , Q supplied by C or filter also Above problems can be addressed using voltage dependent current order limit
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

VDCOL characteristics could be a function of AC voltage or DC voltage

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Rectifier characteristics
Constant current by control Constant ignition angle control

Inverter Constant extinction angle control Current control is given to both converters
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


But Iref(R) > Iref(I) Iref(R) - Iref(I) = Imargin 0.1Irated

Current control loop of inverter is inactive when current Iref(R)

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Imar should +ve :
If Imar is ve, reversal of power takes place (only academic interest)

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Mode stabilization :
Intersection is not well defined Change the slope
Constant Vdc Constant

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Current limit :
Imax = (1.2 -1.3) Irated Imin Should not be allowed to go into discontinuous

There could be lightly damped oscillations

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Voltage depend current-order limit (VDCOL)

Under L.V condition it may not be desirable or possible to maintain rated current Commutation failure At one converter end Vac has

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


To maintain the current, voltage at the other end of the line is adjusted Either or Reactive power demand Vac has , Q supplied by C or filter also Above problems can be addressed using voltage dependent current order limit
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

VDCOL characteristics could be a function of AC voltage or DC voltage

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Rectifier inverter V-I characteristics

Power transfer over the line can be controlled by varying Imar Signals are transmitted through telecommunication lines Communication may fail or DC line fault
Reverse power flow may occur Inverter is provided with min. limit 95- 110o
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Summary of basic control principle :

HVDC system is basically current control To limit over current To prevent the system from running down due to fluctuations in AC voltage

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Significant aspects of basic control :

Current control limit

In current control mode closed loop regulator controls the firing angle to regulate Id at Iord Tap changer control of the converter brings within 10-20o
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Inverter is functioned with CEA control and a current control In CEA mode, is regulated at around 15o Inverter control could have constant control Under normal operation rectifier is in current control & inverter is on CEA control mode
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

If there is a in AC voltage, of rectifier min (CIA mode) If current falls to a certain limit, inverter will assume C.C

Valve blocking & by passing :

If one bridge is to be taken out of service Only blocking will not extinguish the current that was flowing through the thyristor pair
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Inject AC voltage in the link There could be V & I oscillations due to lightly damped circuit Transformer feeding the bridge is also subjected to DC magnetization By pass the bridge when the devices (valves) are blocked
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Achieved using by pass valve and by pass switch

Assume T2 & T3 are conducting & blocking command is given

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Commutation for T2 to T4 is in usual manner But incoming device T5 is prevented by not triggering T5. When T1 get F.B (VAB +ve ) trigger T1 Current by pass pair is shunted by closing S1 & open S

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


For energization of blocked bridge Current is first diverted from S1 to bypass pair S1 will generate arc voltage Trigger bypass pair

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Modern techniques
HVDC using line commutated converters Requires AC voltage for commutation Requires reactive power DC link is equivalent to a current source V can reverse but I can not reverse Devices should be able to block ve voltage Not suitable for weak grid
Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

Instead use VSI

I could be in phase with Vi Inverter devices are self commutated

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

No AC voltage is required for commutation

Conversion at UPF is possible DC link is voltage source

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes

V can not reverse, but I can reverse Devices should be able to carry I in both directions

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


Thank you

Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems B. G. Fernandes


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