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Lesson Plan/ RPP Bahasa Inggris Asking Permission SMA kelas IX

Lesson Plan
Junior High School Lesson : English Class/semester : IX/ 1 Standard Competence : Expressing meaning in transactional conversation (to get things done) and interpersonal dialog (socialization); to express and ask for permission, accepting or refusing permission Based Competence : Expressing meaning in transactional conversation (to get things done) and interpersonal dialog (socialization) using many kinds of oral language in accurate, fluent, and suitable ways in many contexts of daily activity ask for permission, accepting or refusing permission Indicator : Asking and answering using the expression of expressing and asking for permission Asking and answering using the expression of expressing accepting permission Responding transactional and interpersonal conversation Kind of Text : transactional and interpersonal conversation Aspect / Skill : Speaking Time : 1 x 10 minutes 1. Learning Purposes: At the end of the teaching and learning process, the students are hoped to be able to: Use the expression of expressing permission correctly Use the expression of asking for permission correctly Use the expression of refusing permission correctly Use the expression of accepting permission correctly Do the transactional and interpersonal conversation correctly Use the expressions in daily life 2. Learning Material I. a. Study the following sentences that can be used to express and asking permission. There are some expressions in Asking For Permission 1. May I come in? 2. Do you mind if I leave now? 3. Will you let me go now? 4. Can I go now? 5. Could I borrow your book? 6. Can I be excused? I have to leave now. 7. Can I wash my hands? 8. Would you mind if I smoke here? 9. Would you allow me to go downstair? 10. I wonder if I can stay until the rain stops. 11. Is it OK if I leave earlier? 12. Is alright if I go home earlier?

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

The responses to Asking for Permission Accepting Permission Refusing Permission Yes, please. 1. Im sorry but (give reason). No, I dont mind. 2. Not at all No, of course not. 3. No, you may not Sure/ Yes/ Certainly. 4. No, you cannot By all means. 5. No, you could not OK 6. I am afraid you cant Why not? 7. I dont think its a good idea. Absolutely Go ahead

b. Listen to the following dialogue A : May I borrow your pen? B : Yes, of course 3. Method/ Technique : Three-phase technique 4. Teaching and Learning Procedures a. Pre Activities (1 minutes) Sharing about students conditions and attendances b. Main Activities (7 minutes) Teacher explains the expression of expressing and asking for permission Teacher reads the dialogues which are contain the expression of expressing and asking for permission Teacher writes and reads those expressions on the blackboard Students read those expressions Teacher explains the expression of expressing and responding the permission Teacher writes and reads those expressions on the blackboard Students read those expressions Students conclude the functions of each expression Students discuss in order to make the same expression Students perform the result of the discussion in pair c. Final Activities (2 minutes) Teacher ask the difficulties which are faced by the students in the teaching and learning process. Concluding the learning material Teacher asks the students to implement the expressions in the daily life 5. Teaching and Learning Sources English on Sky Textbook, Unit 1 Lesson 1, page 11, 13, and 14 6. Learning Media pictures 6. Assessment a. Technique b. Form c. Instrument

: : :

Oral Test Performance

I. Create a dialogue which contains the expressions of expressing and asking for permission, accepting or refusing the permission based on the picture that is chosen by the student randomly and perform it in front of the class. Ways of Assessment: 1. 5 score for every correct answer in part I. 1. The maximum score: Fluency = 20 Pronunciation = 20 Acuracy = 20 Content = 20 Expression = 20 = 100 2. The maximum score = 10 3. Students score: The assesment: Aspect Explanation Score Fluency Fluent and no mistake in the ways in saying the sentences 16 - 20 Pronunciation If there are 5 pausing time maximum 11 15 Accuracy If there are more than 5 pausing time 6 10 Content If there are some stop occur while saying the sentences 1-5 Easy to be understood and having accent like Received Pronunciation 16 - 20 Easy to be understood although like certain accent 11 15 There are some mistakes in pronouncing the words so that the listener 6 - 10 must really concentrate Cannot be understood because too much mistakes in pronouncing the 1-5 words If there is no mistake 16 - 20 If there are 5 sentences mistakes maximum 11 15 If there are more than 5 sentences mistakes 6 - 10 If the sentence doesnt make sense 15 If the expressions match with the sentences 16 - 20 If the expressions do not really match with the sentences 11 15 If the expression doesnt match with the sentences 6 10 If there is no expression 15 Palembang....., ....................... 2010 The Headmaster ..................................... NIP. English Teacher .............................................. NIP.

RPP Bahasa Inggris SMP Shopping list

Learning Enforcement Planning SMP Subject : Negeri 1 Palembang : English

Class/smst : VII/1
Competence standard : 2 and 4 To understand the meaning of oral short simple functional text to interact in the environment To express the meaning of simple oral short simple functional text for doing interaction with nearest environment. : 2.1, 2.2, 4.1 and 4.2 To respond the meaning of oral short simple transactional and interpersonal text accurately, fluently, and available for doing interaction with the nearest environment. To respond the meaning of idea which is in oral text, simple short functional accurately, fluently, and available for doing interaction with the nearest environment. Give expression the meaning of oral short simple transactional and interpersonal text accurately, fluently, and available for doing interaction with the nearest environment. To respond the meaning of idea which is in oral text, simple short functional accurately, fluently, and available for doing interaction with the nearest environment. : 1. To respond the meaning of the text in the form of verbal shopping list of functional objects. 2. Expressing the list of items needed Type of text Aspect Time allocation 1. Learning objectives: a. Students are able to mention the list of shopping list. b. Students are able to use shopping dialogue in their daily life. 2. Learning Material : Functional : listening/speaking : 3x40 minutes (1 session)



Shopping List What will you say if you need sport equipment in the sport store? If you want to make a birthday party, what will you buy? You will need a shopping list like: chips, cookies, candy, cake, balloon, ribbon, etc 3. Learning methods/technique: Game, Demonstration, Role Play, and Discussion. 4. Steps of activities Opening activities To ask and answer various things related to the students condition e.g.: are you all? Who is missing today? Whats wrong with? At the last meeting we have studied Review the last meeting and check the homework a. Main activities

1. Teacher asks the student about shopping. 2. Teacher gives games to motivate students to learn about shopping 3. Students discuss what is shopping list based on the power point 4. Student Listen and watch the dialogue about shopping 5. Students act the dialogue in front of the class 6. Teacher gives a question about shopping list 7. Students do the task based on the flash card that they choose 8. Students perform the role play about shopping. b. Closing activities. 1. Ask the students difficulties during the teaching and learning process. 2. Ask the students to draw the conclusion of the material they have just studied. 3. Ask the students to make short text about shopping list as homework. 5. Learning Resources a. Lets talk (text book) for VII grade by: Pakaraya Pustaka, Jakarta. b. Power point. c. Youtube

6. Assessment a. Responding the instruction command orally and action. b. Form: oral and written test. c. Instrument: make a dialogue and answer the question Shopping List A. List the things you want to buy for lunch tomorrow at school. Tell your friends about it! B. Suppose next week is your birthday. Your Parents arrange a small party for you. Help your mother write shopping list of the things you need! C. You are in the Music store and you want to buy some CD from your favorite singer. Make a dialogue between you and shop-assistant! Assessment Guide Reading Section A: correct answer gets 10 score.

Responding to the text

No 1 2 3 Speaking . The maximum score: Fluency = Pronunciation = Acuracy = Content = Expression = = 20 20 20 20 20 100 Criterion Wrong respond Good respond Total Score 5 15 20

RPP Bahasa Inggris SMP Descriptive Text

Learning Enforcement Planning SMP Subject : Negeri 1 Palembang : English

Class/smst : VII/1

tence standard : 10.Exspressing functional significance in oral texts and a short monologue very simple form of descriptive and recount to interact with the environment nearby. : 10.2 Expressing meaning in a short monologue is very simple using the range of spoken language accurately, fluently and thankful to interact with the immediate environment in the form of descriptive text. : At the end of the lesson students can: a. Asking questions and answers about description text. b. Mention the characteristics of something orally. c. Using the Simple Present Tense form of the sentence. d. Describing something spoken and written. Type of text Aspect Time allocation 1. Learning objectives: At the end of the lesson students can: a. Identify the purpose and generic structure of descriptive text. b. Identify the language feature of descriptive text c. Write descriptive text d. Describe something orally. : Functional : listening/speaking : 3x40 minutes (1 session)



Learning Material

All right students, today I would like to tell you about a pet. I have a pet. It is a cat. Its name is Si Manis. It has black and white fur. It has four legs and long tail. It likes fish, salty fish and milk. It usually meows when it feels hungry. 2. Learning methods/technique: discussion, presentation and worksheet 3. Steps of activities First Meeting Opening activities To ask and answer various things related to the students condition e.g.: are you all? Who is missing today? Whats wrong with? At the last meeting we have studied Review the last meeting and check the homework Main activities 1. Teacher asks the student about descriptive text as a brainstorming 2. Teacher discusses the generic structure of descriptive text. 3. Students watch the video about describing something. 4. Teacher and students discuss about language feature of descriptive text. 5. Students answer the quiz of descriptive 6. Teacher ask the students to describe the picture in power point orally 7. Student are asked to answer the question related to descriptive of someone 8. Students make a descriptive text Closing activities. 1. Ask the students difficulties during the teaching and learning process. 2. Ask the students to draw the conclusion of the material they have just studied. 3. Ask the students to make a descriptive text as homework based on theme they have been choose.

5. Learning Resources a. Lets talk (text book) for VII grade by: Pakaraya Pustaka, Jakarta. b. Media c. video from youtube d. Picture 6. Assessment a. Responding the instruction command orally and action. b. Form: oral and written test. c. Instrument: Rearrange these jumbled paragraphs! 1. Aboriginal people call the rock Uluru which means Earth Mother. Uluru was a very important watering place for Aboriginal people. 2. Many people visit Uluru each year. At sunrise and sunset Uluru look bright red. Visitors like to take photographs then. 3. Uluru is located in the Nothern Territory, near the South Australian border. It is in the middle of the dessert and 442 kilometers by road from Alice Springs. It is 335 meters high and almost nine kilometers around. 4. Uluru is one of the largest rocks in the world. Describe this picture

Assessment Guide Reading

Section A: correct answer gets 10 score.

Responding to the text

No 1 2 3 Speaking . The maximum score: Fluency = Pronunciation = Acuracy = Content = Expression = = 20 20 20 20 20 100 Criterion Wrong respond Good respond Total Score 5 15 20

Palembang, November 2010 Approved by Guidance Teacher Teacher

LESSON PLAN Name of School Subject Class / Semester Time Allocation : : English : XI / 1 : 4 X 45 minutes (2 x Meeting) desire honest

Character Value Religious Independent democratic hard work creative communicatative

appreciate performance tolerant

Competency Standards: Listening. Understand the meaning in the transactional and interpersonal conversation continues in the context of official and everyday life. Basic Competencies: Responding to the meaning contained in the conversation transactional (to get Things done) and interpersonal (social), official and unofficial uses of spoken language diversity in the context of daily life and involve speech acts express opinions, ask for opinions, said they were satisfied and no satisfied. I. Indicator: - Identify the word that was heard Identify the meaning of words Identify the relationship between the speaker Identify the meaning of speech acts express an opinion Responding to convey the opinion of speech acts Identify the meaning of speech acts expressed satisfaction Responding to speech acts expressed satisfaction Identify the meaning of speech acts express dissatisfaction Responding to speech acts express dissatisfaction Identify the context of the situation I. Learning Objectives: - Students can identify the meaning of the word. - Students can find the principal's mind. - Students can find detailed information and the implicit and explicit - Students can identify and respond to the meaning of speech acts express an opinion - Students can use speech acts express an opinion - Students can identify and respond to the meaning of speech acts said they were satisfied and dissatisfied. - Students can identify the context of the situation. II. Subject : The expressions of :

Asking for and giving opinion - What do you think about ? - What do you think of ? - What is your opinion about? - I think that ..? - I feel that ? - In my opinion ?

- etc Stating satisfaction and dissatisfaction - I am really satisfied with ? - I am very pleased with ..? - Its very satisfying ? - I am disappointed with ? - Its very disappointing - What an awful? - It is terrible! - etc III. Learning Method: - Assignment - Discussion IV. Learning steps Meeting I (2 X 45 minutes) A. Initial activities: (10 minutes) - Greeting and student absenteeism - Students answer questions about themes that will be discussed. B. Core Activities: (70 minutes) Exploration -Asking the students how to give opinion and feel satisfaction and dissatisfaction. - Students observe the expressions associated with the expression of an opinion and satisfaction nd dissatisfaction. Elaboration -Explain the students by giving example of expression opinion and satisfaction. Confirmation -Ask the students to identify the expression of opinion and satisfaction and dissatisfaction.

-Ask some the students to practice those expressions in front of the class and the Other students listen to them. Closing activities C. Closing activities.: (10 minutes) - Students summarize the material that has been taught, guided by teachers - Provide structured task - Teachers provide independent task Meeting II (2 X 45 minutes) A.Opening 10 minutes B.Core activities 70 minutes Review the expressions which have been studied before Main Activities: Ask the students to do role play (60 minutes) Give comment to their role play performance.

Learning Resources : - Informational Home for grade XI, Widya Utama - Books for intensive learning Bahasa grade XI, Gravindo - Progress, Ganeca - LKS Access, Sanskrit Core Media Evaluation: a. Technique : Test and Non-test
b. c. form Instrument : : Practice and Observation - Ask the students to practice dialogues contain

expressions which have been studied in front of class. Rpp 1 Assesment 1.Affektif No Name 1 2 3 4 5




Score Criteria Diligent A.Very diligent B.Diligent C.Enough diligent D.less diligent

Honest Active A.Very honest A.very Active B.honest B.Active C.enough honest C.enough active D.les honest D.less active

Kognitif Assessment Instruments Listen to the recording and complete the conversation below! Tommy : Hi, guys. Have you got the1 Of our last examination? Kent : Yes, We have. Im very 2.with the result because I 3the test and got a good score. How about you? Tommy : Great, My score is also good. I am so happy about that because this is the 4.. I ever have this semester. Kent : But 5. Gerry, why do you look so 6? Gerry : My score is not 7 .as yours. In fact, I 8 .. the test. Tommy : Are you serious? Gerry : Yes, I am. I made many 9. On the exam. I am really disappointed. I 10 ..Study harder. Actually. I could have better score. Kent : Dont 11.. to yourself, Gerry. Tommy : He is right, Gerry. I am so sorry for your failure 12...., there is still a chance to fix your problem. And we would love to assist you anytime you need. Gerry : Thank you guys. Thats very kind of you.

Assessment: - Technical Assessment: - Forms of assessment :

oral writing test

Aswer key

1. news 6.sad 11.blame 2. satisfy 7.great 12.but 3. pass 8.fail 4. the first chance 9.mistakes 5. how about you 10.dissatisfy 6. sad Criteria: for every number 8 if full correct.enough correct 4 Total score :100

Lesson Plan Subject Grade//Semester Time Allocation Meeting/Unit : English : 1/1 : 2x45 minutes :2/1

A. Standard Competence Expressing the meaning of transact ional and interpersonal dialogue in daily life context. B. Basic Competence Expressing the meaning of formal and informal transactional (to get things done) and interpersonal (socialize) conversation accurately and fluently using speech variation i.e.expressing introduction, meeting, leaving accepting invitation ,appointment and cancelling appointment. C. Indicators

Using the expression of introduction. Using the expression of leaving D. Learning Objectives

Students can identify the grammar structure of introduction., meeting/ leaving using possessive form and WH-questions

E. Learning Material Introduction Mis. Im Cantika, by the way. Meeting/leave taking Mis. A: Pleased to meet you B : Pleased to meet you, too.
F. Learning Method : Modelling

G. Teaching Procedures

Preparation before learning , prepare English Zone book 1 Pre-Activities (15) Appercepton: Asking students to introduce themselves and their friends Explain the purpose of the meeting to use possessive form and WH-questions Whilst Activities (60) Exploration Writing students answer when they introduce themselves and their friends Underlining the sentences using possessive formi Explaining the usage of possessive form and WH-questions Elaboration Giving exercise about the usage of possessive form and WH-questions Underlining the sentence usingMenggarisbawahi kalimat yang menggunakan possessive form yang tepat Memasangkan pertanyaan dengan response yang tepat Membuat pertanyaan berdasarkan jawaban yang tersedia Confirmation Meminta siswa membuat kalimat menggunakan possessive form dan WH-questions Post Activities (15) Menyimpulkan penggunaan possessive form dan WH-questions

H. Assessment WrittenTest I. Underline the correct verb 1) Whats your brothers /brother name? 2) His/he name is Toni II. Write the questions 3) Q:______________ A: She lives in Malang, Central Java 4) Q: A: Lina is my sister 5) Q: A: I want to be a pilot Answer Keys 1) Brothers 2) His

3) Where does she live? 4) Who is Lina? 5) What do you want to be?


Learning Resource English Zone 1 Dictionary

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