New PTLLS Assignment 1 Levels 3 and 4 Revised February 2012

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Hopwood Hall PTLLS (Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector) Assignment 1: Roles, responsibilities and relationships in lifelong

g learning (Learning outcomes and assessment criteria 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 3.1, 3.2) Introduction Briefly outline the purpose of the assignment. Part 1: Own roles and responsibilities (1.3, 1.4) Explain (level 3)/ evaluate (level 4) your own role and responsibilities if you are in a teaching/training role. If you are not in a teaching role, what are the responsibilities and role of the teacher/trainer working in the lifelong learning sector? Refer to the learning cycle. How does a teacher use this cycle to meet the needs of the learners? Give some examples from your classroom experience as a teacher or learner. Explain (level 3)/ justify (level 4) the need for record keeping. Describe the necessary records that the teacher must keep and state the purpose of these records. Professional boundaries and points of referral (2.1, 2.2, 2.3) What are the professional boundaries of the teaching role? Discuss occasions when the teacher might need to refer a student to another professional. Describe (level 3)/ review (level 4) points of referral within an educational / vocational setting to which a teacher might direct a learner. Part 2 Legislation (1.1) Identify (level 3)/ summarise (level 4) key aspects of the legislative requirements and codes of professional practice relating to your own role and responsibilities. Explain how this legislation might impact on you or your learners. Part 3 Equality and Diversity (1.2) Define equality and diversity and explain why they are important in an educational context. Briefly summarise the Equality Act 2010 and its impact on people working in education. (Who has responsibilities under this legislation? What are their responsibilities? What different kinds of people are protected?)

Revised February 2012

Explain (level 3)/ analyse (level 4) your own responsibilities for promoting equality and diversity. Describe the kinds of incidents that you may need to deal with as a teacher / trainer. Give some practical examples and discuss how you might deal with them.

Part 4 The learning environment (3.1) Explain the importance of maintaining a safe and supportive learning environment. (Consider factors such as room layout and using learners names.) Ground rules (3.2) Summarise (level 3)/ explain (level 4) how to establish ground rules that promote respect for others and help maintain good classroom behaviour. Conclusion Briefly sum up the main point of this assignment. Assignment guidelines: Please include practical examples from your own experience as a trainer or learner, as well as references to relevant learning theory. Refer to your reading using direct quotes to support your points. Reference your work using the Harvard referencing system (Level 4) and include a bibliography. Use subheadings as in the assignment brief and indicate where you are covering the learning outcomes i.e. 1.3 Suggested word count 1500-2000 (level 3) or 2000-2500 words (level 4). Assignment assessment cover sheet: Name: Assignment 1: Roles, responsibilities and relationships in lifelong learning Assessment Criteria 1.1 Summarise key aspects of legislation, regulatory requirements and codes of practice relating to own role and responsibilities. 1.2 Explain/Analyse own responsibilities for promoting equality and valuing diversity. 1.3 Explain/evaluate own roles and responsibilities in lifelong learning.
Revised February 2012

Achieved? Comments

1.4 Explain/review own roles and responsibilities in identifying and meeting learners needs. 2.1 Explain/analyse the boundaries between the teaching role and other professional roles. 2.2 Describe/review points of referral to meet the needs of learners. 2.3 Summarise own responsibilities in relation to other professionals. 3.1 Explain/evaluate own responsibilities in maintaining a safe and supportive learning environment. 3.2 Summarise / explain ways to establish ground rules to promote respect for others. Generic Criteria Accurate use of grammar, spelling and punctuation Clear expression of ideas and arguments Use of reading and research through inclusion of appropriate referencing Accurate use of numerical calculations and interpretation of data Use of ICT Commitment to working within a professional values base Achieved? Comments

This assignment meets the criteria for Level 3 / Level 4 (please delete as appropriate).

Revised February 2012

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