Judge Bakone Justice Moloto Judge Christoph Flügge
Judge Bakone Justice Moloto Judge Christoph Flügge
Judge Bakone Justice Moloto Judge Christoph Flügge
38665 SF
THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL TRIBUNAL FOR THE FORMER YUGOSLAVIA Case No. IT-09-92-PT IN THE TRIAL CHAMBER Before: Judge Alphons Orie, Presiding Judge Bakone Justice Moloto Judge Christoph Flgge Mr. John Hocking 20 April 2012
PUBLIC ______________________________________________________________________________ NOTICE AS TO OPENING STATEMENT AND OPENING REMARKS ______________________________________________________________________________ The Office of the Prosecutor: Mr. Dermot Groome Mr. Peter McCloskey Counsel for the Accused: Mr. Branko Luki Mr. Miodrag Stojanovi
The Accused, RATKO MLADI, by and through his counsel of record, hereby files the instant NOTICE, and states as follows: 1. At the Status Hearing of 29 March 2012, the Chamber directed that:
As agreed in this Monday's Rule 65 ter meeting, this same date, April the 20th, is also the new deadline for the Defence to notify the Chamber if it will also make an opening statement and whether Mr. Mladic wishes to make a statement before the presentation of the Prosecution's case. That notification was to include the amount of time required for any such statements1
2. The Defense hereby gives Notice in compliance with the above direction by the Chamber as follows. 3. The Defense does not intend to make an opening statement at this time and elects to defer and reserve the right to do so after the conclusion of the Prosecution case, and before the
commencement of the Defense Case in Chief, as foreseen by Rule 84 of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence. 4. The Accused, Mr. Ratko Mladic, elects not to make any statement under Rule 84bis of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence at this time. Word Count: 241 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED BY:
Branko Luki Lead Counsel for Ratko Mladi Dated this 20th of April 2012 Den Haag, Netherlands
20 April 2012