Tradeshare Plus: Colin'S Private Members Trading Club
Tradeshare Plus: Colin'S Private Members Trading Club
Tradeshare Plus: Colin'S Private Members Trading Club
Individual Disclaimer: Financial Trading is not for the unemployed, those on low incomes or those who cant afford to pay their gas bill or afford to eat properly. You will need at least 50 stake money that you can afford to lose. No crying, writing to trading standards, the BBCs Watchdog or complaining to the FSA that you have been misled, it simply will not wash. You must read the latest terms and conditions, disclaimers and privacy policies etc that can be found on all of our websites. This will ensure that you are fully up to date and informed. Yes we know its boring and theres lots of it to read but it is your personal responsibility to do this. Please Note: All trading decisions are entirely your own personal responsibility without exception. Risk Disclaimer: This book is simply a basic guide to trading markets generally. You should read more than just this guide before making a trade. You are also expected to complete all Quick Start Training sessions before attempting a live trade. Investment in the stock / money markets and foreign exchange currency has inherent risks. Profits might be made, but losses may be incurred. TradeShare Plus Limited or Datebox Limited or any authorised agents or employees (such as Colin Atkins) do not give personal investment advice or make personal securities recommendations. Contact a licensed investment adviser registered under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 or an FSA Authorised and Regulated Securities Broker/Dealer for personal investment advice or personal securities recommendations. References to past performance are not necessarily a guide to future performance. Trading on the Stock / money Market or Foreign Exchange may not be for everyone. Only ever invest what you can afford to lose. Now we are clear on all that lot its time for you to discover how to make money on the Foreign Exchange Market from the comfort of your own home.
Congratulations your search is over. You are about to start a very exciting and potentially life-changing journey with financial trading Enjoy !! To make you familiar with trading and give you a taste of making money TAX FREE, we are going to focus on Foreign Currency trading. Commonly known as FOREX or FX. This is a fast moving, adrenalin pumping market. You can make money 6 days a week 24 hours a day. Whether you are a seasoned currency trader or a complete novice, making money from Foreign Currency is about to become easier than you ever thought possible. The predictability of the Forex Market will amaze you as Colin reveals the simple tactics used by the REAL professionals. Once Colin unlocks the secrets of FOREX for you, worrying about money will become a thing of the past Colin is a full time trader and for the first time ever YOU can benefit massively from his years of experience. Colin is probably one of the best, if not THE best home based Forex trader in the United Kingdom today. Just imagine being able to watch over the shoulder of someone who literally makes thousands week in week out and being able to do the same yourself Excited? You jolly well should be this is the opportunity of a lifetime !! If you are a seasoned technical analysis trader I can almost guarantee you are STILL not making any meaningful amounts of money. I bet even when you make a decent trade or two you lose it all again. AND I bet youve read every technical book going, spent hundreds or even thousands on courses and seminars. STOP, YOU ARE STILL ON THE ROAD TO NOWHERE Ask yourself one question. Do all the other so called gurus allow you to watch them LIVE, EVERY DAY and PROVE to you they can deliver on what their sales copy says? I know the answer is NO or you wouldnt be reading this guide. Colin does this on a DAILY basis, no BS, no Hype, he delivers FACT !! Now its time to give up the years of frustration Simply join Colins Private Members Trading Club. Are you a Newbie, a novice, never traded Forex before? YES. Lucky you. You wont ever have to experience the frustration of the usual, worn out trader. As a complete beginner, watch Colin and if you want to, copy his trades and youll out perform many of the so-called professional traders. Persevere and learn the basics and you will open up a never-ending cash supply. All from the comfort of your own home. People are making fortunes on the FX markets around the world every day. However, BEWARE over 80% are losing money. I wont go into detail of the reasons why, just to say that the winners, those making all the money, have powerful information at their fingertips. The rest of the herd unfortunately do not. Luckily for you, you are about to become one of the winners, one of those people who take money from the markets on an astoundingly regular basis. DO NOT WORRY if trading looks complicated right now. Dont worry because you dont need to know any of the complicated stuff to make money. Many traders like to make themselves feel important by knowing a mountain of technical stuff, but ask yourself Do they actually make money?? Thats the important bit. Colin does make money and soon youll be seeing that for yourself. You will be shown specifically what Colin looks for to identify a buying or selling opportunity. Colin will be holding your hand every step of the way and is always there to help and guide you. Colin absolutely loves Forex. He almost lives exclusively in front of a trading screen so that YOU dont have to. The only thing Colin seems to love more than trading is helping others to do the same. You will enjoy the team spirit in the trading room. Very importantly, you never have to worry about asking stupid questions. Colin believes the only stupid question is the one you didnt ask. Remember: Housewives, milkmen, doctors, bank managers, teachers, retirees, dustbin men, airport workers, window cleaners, in fact all sorts of people are making money in Colins Private Members Trading Club. So, why not you?
It appears that some of you new members are a little confused about how to use the trading platform to enter and exit trades. The reason is you havent completed your free live training and / or watched the tutorial videos ( ). Please make sure you do this as this will make everything crystal clear. One concern new members may have is making enough money to cover the monthly subscription cost. Let me say, if you couldn't make enough to cover the monthly subscription the whole trading room set up would be pointless. In fact, Colin will be showing you how to aim for that amount of money and more in profits EVERY DAY. How to make money from the Trading Room The 5 Easy Steps !! 1. Open your free trading charts and your free trading platform 2. Log into Colins Trading Room (3 sessions per day) 3. Listen to Colin and pay attention to where and what he is trading 4. Copy what he does (if you want to) 5. Take the money and comment to yourself "This can't be right, it's too easy" Note: You will also get access to Key Figures Information (youll be shown exactly how to use this service) So, you could actually make your trading decisions and not even log into the trading room. Now, that is an over simplification of what we are doing but you get the picture. You can aim for 50 or 1,000 per day.... YOU choose. Once you have all gotten to a level of understanding on how to make money you will then find it VERY easy. How you progress is entirely up to you. Some members just want to watch Colin and make a ton of money and do nothing else. Some people want to learn everything and get really involved, for that we have ongoing training Do you want to meet Colin? Ask about his up close and personal training.
1. Login to your account and you should see the dealing screen (see example)
Dealing Screen
2. See the Finder panel on the left. a. Look in the Navigate list and click on Forex. b. Then click on Spots. c. Then click on Major FX. Note: This will get the main forex pairs on the Watchlist in the centre of your deal screen. 3. Find Spot FX GBP/USD in the list and follow the line across to the right and click on Quick Chart (first icon) 4. The chart opens in a new window. Click on Maximize in the top right corner (to the left of the X). The chart should now be full screen
5. See Tools. Cursor Mode (pointer) is used for this tutorial 6. See the trading pair info Spot FX GBP/USD (top Centre and right)
Indicator Menu
Candlesticks Setting
7. Click Settings (bottom left) to open the menu a. Go to Style and click on Close. Select Candlestick from the menu Note: in the chart candles are either ii. Red meaning price is falling iii. Green meaning price is rising b. Ensure MA has a Tick in the box (see next page example) c. Change the first box from 20 to 10 d. Change the second box from 50 to 20 e. Change the third box from 100 to 0 f. Add a Tick to box 1 (left) and 2 (middle) Note: This makes them Exponential Moving Averages g. Click on Settings to close this menu
Template Button
Pointer Price Slider Scale Date & Time scale Date & Time Market
8. Back in the chart see the Time and Date scale across the bottom of the chart. Note the highlighted box appears with exact Date and Time details for the candle you are pointing at 9. See the Price Scale going up the right hand side of the chart a. See the Orange coloured highlighted box giving the Live price b. See the other highlighted box giving mouse pointer price levels 10. Note that new candles arrive on the right a. Each candle changes throughout its time cycle b. Each candle will freeze at the end of its time cycle and a fresh candle will start on the right 11. Use the Slide Scale (bottom centre) to move back and forth testing using historical data 12. Click bottom right button marked 1 Minute and select 5 Minutes (each candle is now 5 minutes) 13. Save this setup as a template by clicking on the Red & Green candle Icon button with the disk (right of settings button) a. Menu opens up click on Save / Delete b. Type Pip Raider into the text box at the bottom c. Click on save d. Check the button again and see Pip Raider in the list 14. Setup complete
What is a chart?
A chart is simply a graphical representation of the price movement of a currency. On the right hand side the price is shown vertically. On the bottom of the chart the time period is shown horizontally.
Pips are digits added to or subtracted from the fourth decimal place, i.e. 0.0001. Also called Points.
What is a candlestick?
The Japanese have been using candlesticks since the 17th century to analyse rice prices. Candlesticks show the opening price, closing price, highest & lowest price in a period, but highlight the relationship between opening and closing prices. The narrow stick represents the range of prices traded during the period (high to low) while the broad mid-section represents the opening and closing prices for the period. These periods could be as long as a month or as short as one minute, depending on the purpose for which the chart is to be used. If the close is higher than the open the mid-section is hollow or shaded blue/green. If the open is higher than the close the mid-section is filled in or shaded red.
Highest Price
Highest Price
Closing Price
Opening Price
Lowest Price
Lowest Price
5 MINUTE CHART To use our introduction method of trading you will need to use a 5 minute candle chart. When the chart opens find the button marked 1 Minute (bottom right). Click on it and select 5 minutes from the menu. Next find the button marked Settings and click on it (bottom left). In this menu go to Style and change it from Close to Candlestick. Click Settings again to exit the menu.
EXPONENTIAL MOVING AVERAGE 10 & 20 To set this up correctly do the following: 1. Click on Settings (bottom left) 2. The menu opens up. Go to the MA and ensure there is a tick in the box 3. Look to the right and change the 3 boxes as follows a. Left hand box change from 20 to 10 b. Middles box change from 50 to 20 c. Right hand box change from 100 to 0 4. Move down to the 3 tick boxes below and in line with Exponential and tick as follows: a. Tick in the left hand box b. Tick in the middle box c. Do not tick the right hand box 5. Save this setup by clicking on the button to the right of the Settings button (red & green candle with disk in front) and click on Save / Delete 5. Type Pip Raider in to the naming box and then click Save. NOTE: You may want to resize the chart by moving your mouse over each side of the chart frame. A double sided arrow appears, left click and hold then move to the desired size. MORE ON MOVING AVERAGE When you see directional movement of the Moving Averages in the correct order (Blue above Pink = Buying) (Blue below Pink = Selling) with correct formation of the candles trading opportunities will become very obvious. With practise and the final part of the puzzle big profits will not be far away. Dont worry, all this is going to be explained simply to you in your Free Quick Start Training Sessions
OK here is a list of things to do to identify a buy or sell opportunity. TO GET INTO A TRADE
Buy Trade 1. Wait for the Blue Moving Average to go above the Pink one. 2. Wait for a Green candle to open and close above the Moving Averages.. 3. Additionally seeing good candle movement (Higher Highs and Higher Lows) will confirm the strength of the move. 4. Look for the above in the way of Stair Stepping up toward the top right of your PC screen. 5. The entry price should be when the new candle achieves a new higher price.
Exits here
3. Candle is Green
Sell Trade 1. Wait for the Blue Moving Average to go below the Pink one. 2. Wait for a Red Candle to open and close below the Moving Averages. 3. Additionally seeing good candle movement (Lower Lows and Lower Highs) will confirm the strength of the move. 4. Look for the above in the way of Stair Stepping down toward the bottom right of your PC screen. 5. The entry price should be when the new candle achieves a new lower price.
3. Candle is Red
Exits here
The instructions above are just to give you a taste of things to come. There are still things you MUST learn in Quick Start and Colins Private members Trading Room. Please DO NOT live trade with real money at this point. START YOUR FREE TRADING ACCOUNT TODAY
What is paper trading? Paper trading is where you test your trading abilities without using any money. This is an extremely important thing to do. I cannot stress enough how important it is for you to paper trade before using real money. Paper trading allows the beginner to get their feet wet or an experienced trader to test a new trading system without any risk. Set a deadline for your first trade. If you dont set a deadline you can end up paper trading for the next 10 years. Fun yes, great for party talk yes, but if you want to start making money youve got to make that first trade. Strictly apply these rules: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Make your decisions in real time only, not after the fact. Keep your trading rules exactly as if you were trading real money. Take trades with the same degree of risk as if you were trading real money. Use the same set of tools as you intend for live trading. Whatever you do DO NOT CHEAT.
DO NOT LIVE TRADE WITH REAL MONEY AT THIS POINT You have more to learn. We expect you to have completed the Free Quick Start training sessions before entering Colins Trading room and attempting a live trade. When you subscribe to Colins Trading Club you will receive FREE TRAINING Sessions which cover several highly effective trading systems. Basically, the ones Colin uses to make a regular Tax Free high income.
If you have ANY question no matter how trivial please email [email protected]
IF YOU WANT TO ASK QUESTIONS SPECIFICALLY ABOUT TRAINING PLEASE CALL OR EMAIL UK Tel: 01270 760797 International Tel: 0044 1270 760797 Email: [email protected]
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