Balancing of Rotating Masses
Balancing of Rotating Masses
Balancing of Rotating Masses
PRESENTED BY:SUNIL KUMAR VERMA (090106240) VIKRAM BISHT (090106259) SUMIT (090106235)
The following cases are important from the subject point of view:
1. Balancing of a single rotating mass by a single mass rotating in the same plane. 2. Balancing of a single rotating mass by two masses rotating in different planes. 3. Balancing of different masses rotating in the same plane. 4. Balancing of different masses rotating in different planes.
Balancing of a Single Rotating Mass By a Single Mass Rotating in the Same Plane
the centrifugal force exerted by the mass m1 on the shaft, (i) This centrifugal force acts radially outwards and thus produces bending moment on the shaft. In order to counteract the effect of this force, a balancing mass (m2) may be attached in the same plane of rotation as that of disturbing mass (m1) such that the centrifugal forces due to the two masses are equal and opposite.
Centrifugal force due to mass m2,
Equating equations (i) and (ii), or .. (ii)
Analytical method 1. Find out the centrifugal force exerted by each mass on the rotating shaft. 2. Resolve the centrifugal forces horizontally and vertically and find their sums, i.e. H and V H=(m1r1.cos1)+(m2r2.cos2)+. . . . . . V=(m1r1.sin1)+(m2r2.sin2)+. . . . . . 3. Magnitude of the resultant centrifugal force,
4. If is the angle, which the resultant force makes with the horizontal, then tan = V/H 5. The balancing force is then equal to the resultant force, but in opposite direction. 6. find out the magnitude of the balancing mass, such that Fc=m.r where m = Balancing mass, and r = Its radius of rotation.
Graphical method 1.Draw the space diagram with the positions of the several masses, as shown in Fig 2. Find out the centrifugal force exerted by each mass on the rotating shaft. 3. Now draw the vector diagram with the obtained centrifugal forces. 4. Now, as per polygon law of forces, the closing side ae represents the resultant force in magnitude and direction 5. The balancing force is, then, equal to the resultant force, but in opposite direction. 6. Now find out the magnitude of the balancing mass (m) at a given radius of rotation (r), such that m2r = Resultant centrifugal force or m.r = Resultant of m1.r1, m2.r2, m3.r3 and m4.r4
The magnitude of the balancing masses mL and mM in planes L and M may be obtained as discussed below : 1. Take one of the planes, say L as the reference plane (R.P.). The distances of all the other planes to the left of the reference plane may be regarded as negative, and those to the right as positive. 2. The data as shown in Table.Reading from left to right.
PLane Mass (m) Radius (r) Cent.Force/ 2 (m.r) m1.r2 mL.rL m2.r2 m3.r3 mM.rM Distanc Couple e from /2 plane (m.r.l) L(l) -l1 0 l2 l3 lM -m1.r1.l1 0 m2.r2.l2 m3.r3.l3 mM.rM.l
1 L(rp) 2 3 M
m1 mL m2 m3 mM
r1 rL r2 r3 rM
3. The couple vectors are turned counter clockwise through a right angle for convenience of drawing as shown in Fig. the couple vectors are drawn radially outwards for the masses on one side of the reference plane and radially inward for the masses on the other side of the reference plane. 4. Now draw the couple polygon as shown in Fig. The vector do represents the balanced couple. Since the balanced couple CM is. CM=mMrMlM=vector do or
the value of the balancing mass mM in the plane M may be obtained, and the angle of inclination of this mass may be measured from Fig.
5.Now draw the force polygon as shown in Fig. The vector eo represents the balanced force. Since the balanced force mL is mLrL=vector eo or the value of the balancing mass mL in the plane L may be obtained and the angle of inclination of this mass with the horizontal may be measured from Fig.