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Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University Dyanteerth, Nanded

Teaching and Examination Scheme for Third Year UG program in Computer Science & Engineering (w.e.f. academic year 2010-11)

Semester - V

Lect 1 2 Operating System Database Management System Theory of Computation Computer Organization and Srchitecture Computer Network Operating System Lab Database Management System Lab Computer Network Lab Programming Lab I Seminar Total Total of Part I (A) 4 4

Pract -------

Paper 80 80

T/W ---

Test 20 20

Pract Total & Marks Oral --100 --100

3 4 5 6 7

4 4 4 ---

---------2 2

80 80 80 -----

----25 25

20 20 20 ---

-------25 25

100 100 100 50 50

8 9 10

-3 -23

2 4 -10 33 Hrs


25 25 50 --


25 25 ---

50 50 50 750 750

Semester - VI

Lect 1 Unix Operating System Advanced DBMS Compiler Construction Computer Graphics and Multimedia System Finance and Management Information Systems UNIX Operating System and Socket Programming Lab Compiler Construction Lab Advanced DBMS Lab Programming Lab-II Mini Project Total Total of Part II (B) Grand Total (A) + (B) 4

Pract --

Paper 80

T/W ---

Test 20

Pract & Oral ---

Total Marks 100

2 3 4

4 4 4


80 80 80


20 20 20 -----

100 100 100



















8 9 10

-3 -23

2 2 2 10 33 Hrs


25 25 25 --


25 25 25 --

50 50 50 750 750 1500

Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded

Third Year U.G. Program in Computer Science & Engineering

Operating System
Teaching Scheme Evaluation Scheme Theory 80 Marks Course Objectives 1. To study concepts of operating systems in detail. 2. To study the operations performed by operating systems as a resource manager and to provide details of the fundamentals of operating system design. 3. To relate the operating system design issues to the current directions in the operating system. Course Contents Unit I Introduction to Operating Systems Structures : Evolution of operating system, Batch operating system, Timesharing, Multiprogramming, Multitasking, Distributed and real time. UNIX operating system fundamentals: System concepts, System components, Operating system services, System calls, System programs, System structures, Virtual machines. (5 Hrs) Unit II Processes and CPU Scheduling : Process concept, Interleaved I/O and CPU burst, Process states, Operating system services for process management, Co-operating processes, Thread, Inter process communication scheduling algorithm, Multi processor scheduling, Real time scheduling and synchronization, Need for inter process synchronization. (8 Hrs) Test 20 Marks L:4 Minimum Passing Marks 40%

Unit III Process Synchronization : Critical section problem, H/W support for mutual exclusion, Semaphores classical problems of synchronization, Critical region and conditional critical regions, Monitors, Deadlock- principle, Detection, Prevention and avoidance, Messages for inter process communication and synchronization, Classical problems in concurrent programming viz. producer/consumer/reader/writer with and without bounded buffer. (9 Hrs)

Unit IV Memory Management : Contiguous and non-contiguous, Paging, Segmentation, Concepts, Virtual memory, Management of virtual memory: Demand paging, Performance of demand paging, Page replacement algorithms, Thrashing. (7 Hrs)

Unit V I/O Management : I/O management & disk scheduling: I/O devices, Organization of I/O functions, Operating system design issues, I/O buffering, Disk scheduling: FCFS, SCAN, C-SCAN, SSTF; RAID, Disk caches. (7 Hrs) Unit VI File Management : File organization, Concept of files and directories, Hierarchical structure of file, Space allocation, Free space management, Security issues and protection mechanism. (4 Hrs)

Text Books : 1. Operating System Principles, Abranhan Silberschatz, Peter B Galvin, 7th Edition, Addison Wesley Publishing Company, ISBN 9812-53-176-9.

2. Operating Systems, Stalling William, Pearson Education, 4 Edition, 2001, ISBN 81-317-0304-5

Reference Books :

1. Unix Concepts and Applications, Das Sumitabha, Tata McGraw Hill, 3 Edition, 2003, ISBN 0471419028

2. Modern Operating Systems, Tanenbaum Andrew S., PHI, 2 Edition, 2001, ISBN 0132017997 3. Operating Systems , Achyut S. Godbole, Second Edition, Tata McGraw Hill ISBN 0-07-059113-X.

Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded

Third Year U.G. Program in Computer Science & Engineering

Database Management System

Teaching Scheme Evaluation Scheme Theory 80 Marks Course Objectives 1. To study basic concepts of conceptual database design and use them in the generation of database schemas. 2. To understand the relational model and issues with relational database design. 3. To understand SQL, indexing and query processing. Course Contents Unit I Introduction : Database-system applications, Purpose of database systems, View of data, Database languages, Relational databases, Database design, Object-based and semi-structured, databases, Data storage and querying, Transaction management, Data mining and analysis, Database architecture, Database users and administrators, History of database systems Relational Model : Structure of relational databases, Fundamental relational-algebra operations, Additional relational-algebra operations, Extended relational-algebra operations, Null values, Modification of the database. (8 Hours) Test 20 Marks L:4 Minimum Passing Marks 40%

Unit II SQL : Background, Data definition, Basic structure of SQL queries, Set operations, Aggregate functions, Null values, Nested subqueries, Complex queries, Views, Modification of the database, Joined relations Advanced SQL : SQL data types and schemas, Integrity constraints, Authorization, Embedded SQL, Dynamic SQL, Functions and procedural, Constructs, Recursive queries Other Relational Languages : The Tuple relational calculus, The domain relational calculus, Datalog. (5 Hours)

Unit III Database Design and the E-R Model: Overview of the design process, The entity-relationship model, Constraints, Entityrelationship diagrams, Entity-Relationship design issues, Weak entity sets, Extended E-R features, Database design for banking enterprise, Reduction to relational schemas, Other aspects of database design. (6 Hours)

Unit IV Relational Database Design and Storage and File Structure: Features of good relational designs, Atomic domains and first normal form, Decomposition using functional dependencies, Functional-Dependency theory, Decomposition using functional dependencies, Decomposition using multivalued dependencies, More normal forms, Database-design process. Storage and File Structure : Overview of physical storage media, Magnetic disks, RAID, Tertiary storage, Storage access, File organization, Organization of records in files, Data-dictionary storage. (9 Hours) Unit V Indexing and Hashing : Basic concepts, Ordered indices, B+-Tree index files, B-Tree index files, Multiple-key access, Static hashing, Dynamic hashing, Comparison of ordered indexing and hashing, Bitmap indices, Index definition in SQL. (7 Hours) Unit VI Query Processing : Overview, Measures of query cost, Selection operation, Sorting, Join operation, Other operations, Evaluation of expressions. Query Optimization : Overview, Transformation of relational expressions, Estimating statistics of expression results, Choice of evaluation plans, Materialized views. (5 Hours) Text Books: 1. Database System Concepts", Silberschatz A., Korth H., Sudarshan S., 5th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill Publishers, 2002, ISBN 0-07-120413-X. 2. "Fundamentals of Database Systems", Elmasri R., Navathe S., 4th Edition, Pearson Education, 2003, ISBN 8129702282. Reference Books: 1. "Database Management Systems", Ramkrishna R., Gehrke J., 3rd Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill 2003, ISBN 0-07- 123151 X. 2. "Database Systems Design, Implementation and Management", Rab P., Coronel C., 5th Edition, Thomson Course Technology, 2002, ISBN 981-243-135-7. 3. "An Introduction to Database Systems", Date C., 7th Edition, Pearson Education, 2002, ISBN 81 -7808-231- 4

Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded

Third Year U.G. Program in Computer Science & Engineering

Theory of Computation
Teaching Scheme Evaluation Scheme Course Objectives : 1. Understand the essence of computing through simple models of computational devices. 2. Be able to apply these models in practice to solving problems in diverse areas such as string searching, pattern matching, cryptography and language design. 3. Understand the limitations of computing, the relative power of formal languages and the inherent complexity of many computational problems of practical importance. Course Contents Theory 80 Marks Test 20 Marks L:4 Minimum Passing Marks 40%

Unit-I Introduction: Set theory - Definition, Finite and infinite set, Countability of a set, Cardinality of a set, Closure of a set, Mapping between sets, Functions and relations, Closure properties of relations. Basic concepts, Symbols, Alphabet, String/word. Language - Definition, Language states, Difference between natural and formal language. Regular ExpressionsRecursive definition of regular expression, Regular set recursive definition, Regular setsProperties, Pumping lemma. (6 Hr) Unit II Finite State Machine (FSM) : Definition, Finite control, Transition graphs, Adjacency matrix, (FSM must be dealt with machine function and state function), Finite automata (FA) - Definition of Deterministic Finite Automaton (DFA) and Non-deterministic Finite Automaton (NFA), Language acceptance by FA. Moore and Mealy machines -Definition, Models, Interconversion. Regular expression and FA, NFA with moves definition, NFA with moves, NFA without moves, Interconversion between NFA and DFA. (7 Hr)

Unit -III Grammars : Definition, Production rules, Formalization, Derivation trees, Ambiguous grammar, Removal of ambiguity. Reduced form grammer - removal of unit productions, production, Useless symbols, Chomsky hierarchy, Context Free Grammar (CFG) Definition, Simplification of CFG, Context Free Language (CFL)-definition, Inherently ambiguous CFLs, Regular grammar - definition, Left linear & right linear Regular Grammar. Interconversion between left linear and right linear regular grammar. Regular grammar and Finite Automata Normal Forms - Chomsky Normal Form (CNF), Griebach Normal Form (GNF), Derivation graphs - type 0 and type 1 grammar. (9 Hr) Unit -VI Pushdown Stack Memory Machine : Formal definition, Pushdown Automata (PDA), Deterministic Push Down Automata (DPDA), Non-deterministic Push Down Automata (NPDA), Relative powers of DPDA and NPDA. PDA and CFG, closure properties of CFLs. (5 Hr) Unit -V Turing Machine : Introduction, Definitions, Model, Comparison of Turing Machine - (TM), FSM, PDM and PM Examples of TM, Combination TM, Terative TM, Recursive TM, Universal TM, Recursive sets, Partial Recursive functions, Recursively enumerable sets, Church's Turing hypothesis, Multistack Turing machine, TM limitations, Halting problem, Incompleteness and undecidability, Solvability, Semi solvability and unsolvability. (8 Hr) Unit -VI Applications : Application of RE and FA - Lexical analyser, Text editor and searching using RE. Application of PDA -Expression conversion. Application of CFG - syntax analysis, Language definition. ( 5 Hr) Text Books : 1. "Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages and Computations," John E. Hopcroft, Rajeev Motwani and J.D.Ullman, Second Edition, Addison Wesley; 2 edition (November 24, 2000). ISBN-13:978-0201441246, ISBN-10: 0201441241 2. Theory of Computer Science: Automata, Languages and Computation, K.L.P.Mishra,. Prentice-Hall of India Pvt.Ltd (Aug 30 2004) ISBN-978-81-2032968-3. Reference Books : 1. "Introduction to Computer Theory", Daniel I.A. Cohen, Second Editon, Wiley Publications. ISBN: 8126513349 ISBN-13: 9788126513345, 978-8126513345 2. Introduction to language and theory of computation", John C. Martin, McGraw Hill. ISBN:0072322004 ISBN-13:9780072322002,978-0072322002

Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded

Third Year U.G. Program in Computer Science & Engineering

Computer Oraganization and Architecture

Teaching Scheme Evaluation Scheme Theory 80 Marks Course Objectives 1. The objective of the course is to provide students with a solid foundation in computer design. 2. To study design of processor, especially on arithmetic operations. 3. To study control units, memory organization, I/O and their coordination for the execution domain. Course Contents Unit I Basic Structure of Computers : Functional units, Basic operational concepts, Bus structures, Performance and metrics, Instruction and instruction sequencing, Hardware, Software interface, Addressing modes, Instruction set, RISC, CISC, ALU design, Fixed point and floating point operation. Types and size of operands, Encoding an instruction set, DLX architecture. (7 Hrs) Unit II Processor Design : Processor basics, CPU organization, Data path design, Control design, Basic concepts hard wired control, Micro programmed control. (7 Hrs) Unit III Pipelining : Basic concepts, Data hazards, Instruction hazards, Influence on instruction sets, Data path and control consideration, Super scalar operation, Performance consideration, Exception handling. Implementation problems, Extending DLX pipeline to handle multi-cycle (7 Hrs) operation. Test 20 Marks L:4 Minimum Passing Marks 40%

Unit IV Memory and I/O System : Memory technology, Memory systems, Virtual memory, Caches, Design methods, Associative memories. (6 Hrs)

Unit V Multiprocessors : Characteristics of application domains, Centralized shared memory architectures, Distributed shared memory architecture, Synchronization models of memory consistency, Parallel & distributed computers SIMD, SPMD and MIMD machines. (6 Hrs)

Unit VI Storage and other I/O Topics : Dependability, Reliability, and availability, Disk storage, Slash storage, Connecting processors, Interfacing I/O devices to the processor, Memory and operating system, Input/Output system, Programmed I/O DMA and interrupts I/O devices and interfaces. (7 Hrs) Text Books : 1. Computer Organization and Design- The Hardware/Software Interface, David A. Patterson, John L. Hennessy, ARM edition, MK Publishers, 1998,ISBN 97881-312-2274-4 Reference Books 1. Computer Organization and Architecture- Designing for performance, William Stallings, Seventh Edition, Pearson Education, 2007,81-7758-993-8. 2. Computer Architecture and Organization, John P. Hayes, McGraw Hill, Third Edition, 1998, ISBN 0-07-115977-5.


Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded

Third Year U.G. Program in Computer Science & Engineering

Computer Network
Teaching Scheme Evaluation Scheme Theory 80 Marks Course Objectives 1. Understand state-of-the-art in network protocols, architectures, and applications. 2. To provide through understanding of working of network protocols. 3. To learn how IP datagram are handled by routers. Course Contents Unit I Introduction : Goals of networking, Applications of networking, Need for a layered architecture, OSI & TCP/IP layers, Multiple access protocols: ALOHA, CSMA, CSMA/CD, Introduction to CSMA/CA. (5 Hrs) Unit II Network Layer : Design Issues: Packet switching, Connectionless and connection-oriented services, Virtual circuit and datagram subnets; Routing algorithms: SPR, DVR, HR, and MPR; Congestion control: General principles, Congestion prevention policies, Load shading, Jitter control; Quality of service: Integrated services and Differentiated services. (7 Hrs) Unit III Network Layer in the Internet : IP, ARP, RARP, IP Addresses, ICMP, RIP, OSPF, BGP, and IGMP. (7 Hrs) Unit IV Transport Layer : Services and service primitives, Elements of transport protocol: Addressing, Connection establishment and release, Flow control and buffering, Multiplexing, Crash recovery; UDP: Introduction, Remote procedure call, RTP header; TCP: Introduction, Service model, Protocol, Header, Connection Establishment and release, Connection management, transmission policy, Congestion control. (9 Hrs) Test 20 Marks L:4 Minimum Passing Marks 40%


Unit V Application Layer : Domain name system (DNS) and DNS servers, Electronic mail: Architecture and services, MIME, SMTP, Remote login, File transfer protocol, World Wide Web: Introduction, Architectural overview, Static and dynamic web pages, and HTTP. (6 Hrs) Unit VI Latest Trends in Networking : IPV6, Mobile IP, Virtual private networks, Tunneling, CIDR, VOIP, and RTP. (6 Hrs) Text Books :

1. Computer Networks, Tanenbaum A. S., PHI, 4 Edition, ISBN 8120321758 2. Data Communications and Networking, Forouzan B. A, Tata McGraw-Hill Publications, 4th edition, 2006, ISBN 0136079679 Reference Books : 1. Communication Networks- Fundamental Concepts and Key Architectures, LeonGarcia-Wadjaja, Tata McGraw-Hill Publications, ISBN 0070402353. 2. Internetworking with TCP/IP Vol.1: Principles, Protocols, and Architecture, D.Comer, 4th Edition, PHI, ISBN 0132169878. 3. Computer Networking- A Top-down Approach Featuring the Internet, James F. Kurose, Person Education, 2nd Edition, ISBN 9812359869.


Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded

Third Year U.G. Program in Computer Science & Engineering

Operating System Lab

Teaching Scheme Evaluation Scheme Term Work Pract 25 Marks Term Work: Instructor will frame experiments based on the suggested experiments using gcc in LINUX/UNIX as given below. Instructors are expected to incorporate variations in list. Students will submit Term Work in the form of a journal that will include at least 10-12 experiments from the list given below. Each experiment will consists of pseudo-algorithm, program listing with proper documentation and printout of the output. Practical Examination will consist of Performance and Viva-voice Examination based on the term work. The assessment will be based on the following 25 Marks P:2 Minimum Passing Marks 40%

1. Performance in the practical examination 2. Record of programs submitted by the candidate. 3. Setting goals higher than expected from problem statement. 4. Innovation & Creativity. 5. Team building skills 6. Technical writing skills Suggested List of Assignments 1. Study of laboratory environment: Hardware specifications, software

specifications. 2. Simple UNIX C programs: Programs using system calls, library function calls to display and write strings on standard output device and files. 3. Write a program for error reporting using errno, perror( ) function. 4. Write a program for process creation and inter process communication using pipes.


5. Write a program to implement process scheduling like FCFS, Shortest Job First and Round Robin. 6. Write a program to implement page replacement algorithms like FIFO, Optimal and LRU. 7. Write a program to implement deadlock detection algorithm. 8. Write a program to implement Bankers' algorithm. 9. Write a program to implement of reader-writers' problem. 10. Write a program to implement thread synchronization using semaphores. 11. Write a program to implement producer-consumer problem. 12. Write a program to implement of static partitioning and dynamic partitioning of memory. 13. Write a program to implement of Dekkers algorithm. 14. Study of different UNIX commands. 15. Study of comparison of different operating systems.


Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded

Third Year U.G. Program in Computer Science & Engineering

Database Management System Laboratory

Teaching Scheme Evaluation Scheme Term Work Pract 25 Marks Term Work: Instructor will frame experiments based on the suggested experiments using RDBMS/C/C++/JAVA as given below.Instructors are expected to incorporate variations in list. Students will submit Term Work in the form of a journal that will include at least 10-12 experiments from the list given below. Each experiment will consists of pseudo-algorithm, program listing with proper documentation and printout of the output. Practical Examination will consist of Performance and Viva-voice Examination based on the term work. 25 Marks P:2 Minimum Passing Marks 40%

The assessment will be based on the following 1. Performance in the practical examination 2. Record of programs submitted by the candidate. 3. Setting goals higher than expected from problem statement. 4. Innovation & Creativity. 5. Team building skills 6. Technical writing skills Suggested List of Assignments The following Practical Assignments should be carried out using a Relational Database Management Systems such as MySQL / DB2 / MS SQL Server, etc.
1. Draw ER diagrams (Approximately 5) for different schemas & Convert them into tables (Assume any suitable schema). Apply normalization. Display constraints.

2. Study of Query Language. 3. Design the relational database for any of the ER Model from assignment No.1 using SQL.


4. Insert and Modify Database: Write a SQL to insert data in tables created in assignment 3 and store data in separate File / Table. Implement insert operation as transaction. 5. View Data: Write SQL to view table data. Accept table attribute for ordering dynamically. 6. Create Views, Indexes, Sequences, and Synonyms. 7. Design SQL queries using at least 5 different operators. 8. Design SQL queries using all types of Joins. 9. Design SQL queries using all types Sub-Query and View. 10. Write a PL/SQL block to calculate the grade of minimum 10 students. 11. Write a PL/SQL block to implement all types of cursors. 12. Write a PL/SQL stored procedure and function. 13. Write a database Trigger (Row level and Statement level). 14. Canonical cover & Closure: For given a set of functional dependencies find canonical cover & closure. 15. Write program to implement B+ Tree Index ( n=3 or n = 5). 16. Write program to implement Static Hashing. 17. Write program to implement Dynamic Hashing. 18. Write program to implement Embedded SQL. 19. Write program to implement Recursive Queries. 20. Create users in database environment and provide privileges to them.


Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded

Third Year U.G. Program in Computer Science & Engineering

Computer Network Laboratory

Teaching Scheme Evaluation Scheme Term Work: Instructor will frame experiments based on the suggested experiments using NS2, C/C++/JAVA as given below. Instructors are expected to incorporate variations in list. Students will submit Term Work in the form of a journal that will include at least 10-12 experiments from the list given below. Each experiment will consists of pseudo-algorithm, program listing with proper documentation and printout of the output. Practical Examination will consist of Performance and Viva-voice Examination based on the term work. Term Work Pract 25 Marks 25 Marks P:2 Minimum Passing Marks 40%

The assessment will be based on the following 1. Performance in the practical examination 2. Record of programs submitted by the candidate. 3. Setting goals higher than expected from problem statement. 4. Innovation & Creativity. 5. Team building skills 6. Technical writing skills Suggested List of Assignments 1. Study of NIC Installation & Configuration (Windows/Linux). 2. TCP/UDP Socket Programming. 3. Study the implementation of a Prototype Multithreaded Server. 4. Setting up a small network(2PCs, 4 PCs) and configuration for sharing resources. 5. Study of protocol analyzer (Ethereal) Packet analysis (Wireshark). 6. Installing and configuring DHCP server (Windows 2003 Server), Linux


7. Write a program to implement the Data Link Layer Flow Control Mechanism (Stop & Wait, Sliding Window). 8. Write a program to implement the Data Link Layer Error Detection Mechanism (Cyclic Redundancy Check). 9. Write a program to implement the Data Link Layer Error Control Mechanism (Selective Repeat, Go Back N). 10. Study of configuration of networking in Linux using ifconfig, route, bind, configuration of firewall and masquerading in Linux network, troubleshooting and performance monitoring using netstat, ping, tcpdump, etc. 11. Implementing Client-Server program using Iterative UDP server using C/C++/JAVA. 12. Implementing Client-Server program using Iterative TCP server using C/C++/JAVA. 13. Implementing C/C++/JAVA. 14. Simulation of DHCP using C/C++/JAVA. 15. Simulation of DNS using C/C++/JAVA. 16. Simulation of FTP using C/C++/JAVA. 17. Write a program to create TCP/IP packet using standard TCP/IP include files and send it to the server [Linux platform]. 18. Students should learn NS2 Tool for Network Simulation and implement at least 5 programs using NS2. Client-Server program using Concurrent TCP server using


Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded

Third Year U.G. Program in Computer Science & Engineering

Programming Lab I
Teaching Scheme Evaluation Scheme Course Objectives Demonstrate understanding of object-oriented programming design and methods through creation and use of classes in Java applications and applets. Using Swing package for Advanced GUI Creation and Read/Write data to database using JDBC. Creating Java application, which communicates over Ethernet using Socket Programming/RMI Create post to a web server and access web pages that incorporate Java applets and access Java Server Pages and use of Servlets. T: 3 P:4 Minimum Passing Marks 40%

Term Work Pract 25 Marks 25 Marks

Course Contents Unit I Overview of Core Java : 1. Classes, Objects, packages/Interfaces, Threads, Exception Handling, AWT 2. I/O Streams and Files. 3. Event Handling in AWT using Adapter Classes and Listeners. (5 Hrs) Unit II: GUI using Swing Package : 1. Applets, Applications and Pluggable Look and Feel. 2. Text Fields, Buttons, Toggle Buttons, Check Boxes, Radio Buttons. 3. ViewPorts, Scrolling and Lists. 4. ComboBoxes, Progress Bars, Tooltips, Separators. (5 Hrs) Unit III: GUI using Swing Package : 1. Layered Panes Tabbed Panes, Split Panes and Layouts. 2. Menus, ToolBars, Windows, Desktop Panes, Inner Frames and Dialog Boxes, Tables, Trees, Text Components. (4 Hrs)


Unit IV Database Handling (JDBC) : 1. JDBC Drivers (type I. -IV). 2. Connecting to Database. 3. Reading Data From Database 4. Writing Records to Tables. (4 Hrs) Unit V Network Programming (Socket Programming and RMI) : 1. Socket Programming a. TCP Sockets b. UDP Sockets 2. RMI a. Remote Interfaces b. Remote Client c. Remote Server (3 Hrs) Web Programming : 1. Web Server a. Introduction to Three Tier Architecture b. Installation, Configuration and Deployment. (1 Hr) Unit VI Web Programming in Java : 1. Servelets a. Life Cycle, API. b. Javax.Servlet Package. c. Reading Servlet Parameters d. Javax.Servlet.http package e. Handling requests and response f. Session Management 2. Java Server Pages. a. Life Cycle. b. Tags (8 Hrs)

Reference Books: 1. Java 2, Swing, Servlet, JDBC, & Java Beans Programming, Black Book, Steven Holzner, 2000 DreamTech Press. 2. Java, How to Program, Deitel & Deitel, Third Edition, Pearson Education. 3. A Complete Reference -JSP, Phil Hanna, 2008, Tata-Mc-Graw Hill publications ISBN-978-0-07-053141-3


Term Work: Instructor will frame experiments based on the suggested experiments in Advance JAVA as given below. Instructors are expected to incorporate variations in list. Students will submit Term Work in the form of a journal that will include at least 16-18 experiments from the list given below. Each experiment will consists of pseudo-algorithm, program listing with proper documentation and printout of the output. Practical Examination will consist of Performance and Viva-voice Examination based on the term work.

The assessment will be based on the following 1. Performance in the practical examination 2. Record of programs submitted by the candidate. 3. Setting goals higher than expected from problem statement. 4. Innovation & Creativity. 5. Team building skills 6. Technical writing skills Suggested List of Assignments 1. 2. 3. Write a program to create a package and interface. Write a program to Create and Display a Frame. Write a program which adds a button to previously created frame and which captures the click event of the frame on click window should be closed. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Write a program, which captures events using Adapter Class. Write a program, which captures click event on the button-using Listener. Study of the Applet and Pluggable Look and Feel. Write a program to create a Frame using Swing Package. Write a program that Creates and Adds following swing components to a frame. a. Text Fields, Buttons, Toggle Buttons, Check Boxes, Radio Buttons 9. Write a program that Creates and Adds following swing components to a frame. a. ViewPorts, Scrolling and Lists, ComboBoxes, Progress Bars, Tooltips, Separators.



Write a program which Creates and Adds following swing components to a frame. a. Layered Panes Tabbed Panes, Split Panes and Layouts.

11. 12.

Write a program that connects to a database and retrieves records from table. Write a Java application, which connects to a database and Writes records to table.


Write a java application, which uses CallableStatement to call stored procedure in java.


Write a Java application, which uses PreparedStatement to retrieve records from a table.

15. 16. 17. 18.

Write a program in java, which uses ResultSetMetadata. Write a client Server / Program which uses TCP socket. Write a client Server / Program which uses UDP socket. Write a client Server / Program which calls a procedure associated with an object stored at remote server.


Study of a Web server. a. Installation b. Configuration c. Deployment

20. 21. 22. 23. 24.

Demonstrate life cycle methods of servelet. Write program using HttpServletRequest/Response objects. Write a program for session management in Servlets using Cookies Write a program for session management in Servlets using HttpSession Write a program for session management in Servlets using Hidden Form Fields.


Create a JSP page, which will displays no of hits.


Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded

Third Year U.G. Program in Computer Science & Engineering

Teaching Scheme Evaluation Scheme Objectives: 1. To provide exposure to latest developments and trends in CSE & IT. 2. To prepare a detailed seminar report for submission and evaluation. Seminar is to be carried out in a batch of maximum three students. Seminar should be delivered by individual student, using multimedia presentation and report should be submitted preferably using Latex. Term Work 50 Marks P:2 Minimum Passing Marks 40%

1. Format of Seminar Report 1.1. Use the A4 paper size (21cm x 29.7cm). All printed material including text, illustrations, and charts, must be kept within a print area. Top and bottom margins are 1.0 Inch and 1.0 Inch, respectively, left and right margins are 1.5 Inch and 1.0 Inch respectively. All text must be in a one column format. Text must be fully justified. 1.2. Chapter title: The Chapter title (on the first page of chapter) should centered, and in Times 16-point, boldface type. Capitalize the first letter of nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs; do not capitalize articles, co-ordinate conjunctions, or prepositions. 1.3. Text: Type main text in Times 12-point, 1.5-spaced.Do not use double-spacing. All paragraphs should be indented 1 pica (12 point or 0.5 Inch). Be sure text should be fully justified - that is, flush left and flush right. There should be no blank space between paragraphs. Use boldface and italic to emphasize important words/Equations.


1.4. Figures and Tables: Figure captions should be below the figures; table captions should be above the tables. Avoid placing figures and tables before their mentioning in the text. Use the abbreviation Fig. 1, even at the beginning of a sentence. 1.5. Equations: Number the equations consecutively with equation numbers in parentheses flush with the right margin, as in (1). Use parentheses to avoid ambiguities in the denominator. Punctuate equations with commas or periods when they are part of a sentence. Be sure that the symbols in your equation have been defined before the equation appears or immediately. Equations must be typed using Equation Editors. 1.6. References: References are important to the reader; therefore, each citation must be complete and correct. List and number all bibliographical references in Times 12-point, single- spaced, at the end of your paper. When referenced in the text, enclose the citation number in square brackets, for example [1]. Example: [1] A.B.Name1 and C. Name2, Paper title, IEEE Journal, vol., no. , Month, Year, page [2] A.B.Name, Book Title, Editor, City: Year, pages. [3] D.E.Name, Title, in Proceedings of the IEEE Conference, Year, IEEE CODE Number, pages. 1.7. Page No. : Print page no at the bottom center of the page.


Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded

Third Year U.G. Program in Computer Science & Engineering

UNIX Operating System

Teaching Scheme Evaluation Scheme Theory 80 Marks Course Objectives To introduce new flavor of operating system To introduce Algorithms used by UNIX for different Operating System Tasks To introduce shell and shell commands/scripts. Test 20 Marks L:4 Minimum Passing Marks 40%

Course Contents Unit I System Overview and Architecture : History, System structure, User perspective, Operating system services, Assumptions about hardware, Architecture of Unix operating system, Kernel data structures. Buffer headers, Structure of buffer pool, Scenarios for retrieval, Reading and writing disk blocks, Advantages & disadvantages, INODES, Structure of regular file, Directories, Conversion of path name to INODE, Super block, Inode assignment to new file, Allocation of disk block. (8 Hrs) Unit II System Calls for the File system : Open, Read, Write, File and record locking, LSEEK, Close, File creation, Change directory, Change root, Change owner, Change mode, Mount, Unmount, Link, Unlink, Pipes. (6 Hrs) Unit III Processes in UNIX : States and transitions, Layout of system memory, Context of process, Saving context of a process, Manipulation of address space and SLEEP. Process creation, Signals, Process termination, Waiting process termination, Invoking programs, Size of process, Shell, Boot & INIT processes. Process scheduling, System calls for time. (9 Hrs)


Unit IV Memory, I/O and IPC : Swapping, Demand paging, Hybrid, Driver interfaces, Disk drivers, Terminal drivers, Streams, Process tracing, System V IPC, Sockets. (6 Hrs) Unit V Shell Programming : General purpose utilities, Filters using regular expressions, Essential shell programming, Advanced shell programming, System programming. (6 Hrs) Unit VI Networking and Administration : Essential system administration, TCP/IP networking, Advanced system administration, TCP/IP network administration. (5 Hrs) Text Books : 1. Unix Operating System Maurice J. Bach, First Edition August 2003, 4th edition, Prentice Hall of India, ISBN 10-0132017997, 13:978-812 305168 2. Unix Concepts and Applications Sumitabha Das, Fourth Edition 2005, Tata McGraw Hill, ISBN 9780070635463 Reference Books: 1. The Complete Reference, Unix Ken Rosen, Douglas Host, Rachel Lee, Second Edition 2007, Mc-Graw Hill Osborne, ISBN 978-0-07-226336-7


Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded

Third Year U.G. Program in Computer Science & Engineering

Advanced Database Management System

Teaching Scheme Evaluation Scheme Theory 80 Marks Course Objectives 1. To understand fundamental transaction processing, concurrency and recovery control issues associated with database management system. 2. To develop understanding of database systems theory in order to apply that knowledge to any particular database implementation using SQL and XML. 3. To learn and understand various database architectures. Course Contents Unit I Transactions : Transaction concept, Transaction state, Implementation of atomicity and durability, Concurrent executions, Serializability, Recoverability, Implementation of isolation, Testing for serializability. (4 Hours) Concurrency Control : Lock-based protocols, Timestamp-based protocols, Validation-based protocols, Multiple granularity, Multiversion schemes, Deadlock handling, Insert and delete operations, Weak levels of consistency, Concurrency in index structures (6 Hours) Unit II Recovery System : Failure classification, Storage structure, Recovery and atomicity, Log-based recovery, Recovery with concurrent transactions, Buffer management, Failure with loss of nonvolatile storage, Advanced recovery techniques, Remote backup systems. (4 Hours) Unit III Database-System Architectures : Centralized and clientserver architectures, Server system architectures, Parallel systems, Distributed systems, Network types. (4 Hours) Test 20 Marks L:4 Minimum Passing Marks 40%


Parallel Databases Parallel databases, I/O parallelism, Interquery parallelism, Intraquery parallelism, Intraoperation parallelism, Interoperation parallelism, Design of parallel systems. (4 Hours) Unit IV Distributed Databases : Homogeneous and heterogeneous databases, Distributed data storage, Distributed transactions, Commit protocols, Concurrency control in distributed databases, Availability, Distributed query processing, Heterogeneous distributed databases, Directory systems. (5 Hours) Object-Based Databases Overview of object-based databases, Complex data types, Structured types and inheritance in SQL, Table inheritance, Array and multiset types in SQL, Introduction of object-identity and reference types in SQL, Object-oriented versus object-relational. (5 Hours) Unit V Advanced Application Development : Performance tuning, Performance benchmarks, Standardization, Application migration. (1 Hours) Advanced Data Types & New Applications Motivation, Time in databases, Spatial and geographic data, Multimedia databases, Mobility and personal databases, Temporal database. (3 Hours) Advanced Transaction Processing Transaction-processing Monitors, Transactional workflows, E-Commerce, Main-memory databases, Real-time transaction systems, Long-duration transactions, Transaction management in multidatabases (5 Hours) Unit VI XML : Motivation, Structure of XML data, XML document schema, Querying and transformation, Application program interfaces to XML, Storage of XML data, XML applications, UML. (5 Hours) Text Books: 1. "Database System Concepts", Silberschatz A., Korth H., Sudarshan S., 5th Edition, McGraw Hill Publishers, 2002, ISBN 0-07-120413-X. 2. "Fundamentals of Database Systems", Elmasri R., Navathe S.,4th Edition, Pearson Education, 2003, ISBN 8129702282 Reference Books: 1. Ramkrishna R., Gehrke J., "Database Management Systems", 3rd Edition, McGraw-Hill 2003, ISBN 0-07- 123151 X


Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded

Third Year U.G. Program in Computer Science & Engineering

Compiler Construction
Teaching Scheme Evaluation Scheme Theory 80 Marks Course Objectives 1. To emphasis on solving problems, universally encountered in designing a language translator, regardless of the source or target machine. 2. To understand, design and implement various phases like lexical analysis, syntax analysis, intermediate code generation and code generation, involved during compilation. Unit I Introduction : Language processors, The structure of a compiler, Compiler construction tools, The science of building a compiler, Applications of compiler technology, Programming language basics (4 Hrs) Unit II Lexical Analysis : Role of a lexical analyzer, Input buffering, Specification of tokens, Recognition of tokens, Finite automata, From regular expression to automata, Minimizing the number of states of a DFA, Design of a lexical analyzer generator. (7 Hrs) Unit III Syntax Analysis : Role of Parser, Context free grammars, Writing a grammar, Top-down parsing, Recursive descent and predictive parsers (LL), Nonrecursive predictive parsing, Bottom-Up parsing, LR, SLR, CLR and LALR parsers. (12 Hrs) Unit IV Syntax Directed Translation and Intermediate-Code Generation : Syntax directed definitions, Evaluation orders for SDD, Applications of syntax-directed translation, Syntax-directed translation schemes(LL). Symbol tables Simple symbol table, Scoped symbol table. Test 20 Marks L:4 Minimum Passing Marks 40%


Variants of syntax tree, Three-address code, Types and declarations, Translation of expressions, Type checking, Control flow, Backpatching, Intermediate code for procedures. (10 Hrs)

Unit V Run-Time Environments : Storage organization, Stack allocation of space, Access to nonlocal data on the stack, Heap management (4 Hrs) Unit VI Code Generation : Basic block, Code generation for trees, Register allocation, Code generation using dynamic programming, Optimization of basic blocks, Peephole optimization. (7 Hrs) Text Books: 1. Compilers - Principles, Techniques and Tools, A.V. Aho, M.S. Lam, Ravi Sethi and J.D. Ullman, Second Edition, Pearson Education, ISBN 978-81-317-2101-8. 2. Compiler Design, Santanu Chattopadhyay, Prentice Hall of India, 2005, ISBN 81-203-2725-X Reference Books: 1. Compiler Construction Principles and Practice Kenneth C. Louden PWS Publishing Company, 1997 (now a part of Cengage Learning) ISBN 0-53493972-4 2. Compiler Design, O.G.Kakde, Forth Edition, University Science Press, ISBN 8170083831 3. Compiler Construction, Barret, Bates, 2nd edition Couch, Galgotia, ISBN 09574-21765-7


Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded

Third Year U.G. Program in Computer Science & Engineering

Computer Graphics and Multimedia System

Teaching Scheme Evaluation Scheme Theory 80 Marks Course Objectives 1. To understand basic concepts of computer graphics and Multimedia Systems 2. To understand algorithms to draw various graphics primitives 2-D and 3-D transformations 3. To understand different image file formats and video formats different Image and video compression standards. Course Contents Unit I Basic Concepts : Display devices, Interactive devices, Introduction to computer graphics, Lines, Line segments, Vectors, Pixels and frame buffers, Vector generation, DDA and Bresenham's line and circle drawing algorithms, Ant aliasing, Thick lines. Multimedia basic concepts, Multimedia building blocks, multimedia applications design considerations, Goals and objectives, Architectural support for multimedia processing. (7 Hrs) Unit II Geometric Transformations : Introduction, Matrices, Scaling, Rotation, Homogeneous coordinates, Translation, Coordinate transformation, Rotation about an arbitrary point, Inverse transforms and shear transforms. (7 Hrs) Unit III Segments and Animation : Introduction, Segment table, Segment creation, Deletion, Renaming. Image transformations, Raster techniques. Conventional and computer based animation, Methods of controlling animations, Basic guidelines of animation, Animation languages. (7 Hrs) . Test 20 Marks L:4 Minimum Passing Marks 40%


Unit IV Multimedia Audio : Multimedia audio: Digitization of sound, WAV & MIDI file format, ADPCM, Vocoders, MPEG audio layers, MPEG encoder and decoder, MPEG audio compression algorithm. (7 Hrs) Unit V Image and Video technology : Representation of image in digital format, Image file formats, Color models in images and video, Fundamental concepts in video, Image compression techniques: Run length encoding, Huffman coding, Arithmetic coding, DCT, JPEG, and JPEG 2000 encoder & decoder. Basic video compression technique: Video compensation based on motion compensation, H.261, H.263, MPEG, MPEG 2. (10 Hrs) Unit VI Multimedia devices and Virtual Reality : Mass storage system for multimedia- requirements, Magnetic devices, Optical devices, CDROM, DVD Scanners: Types and classification Virtual reality concept, VR devices: Hand gloves, Head mounted tracking system, VR chair, CCD, VCR, 3D sound system, Head mounted displays and rendering software setup, Virtual objects. ( 7 Hrs)

Text Books : 1. "Procedural Elements for Computer Graphics", D. Rogers, 2nd Edition. Tata McGraw-Hill Publication, 2001, ISBN 0 070473714. 2. Fundamentals of Multimedia, Ze nian Li, Marks S. Drew , PHI india Publication, ISBN 8120328175. 3. Multimedia: Computing, Communication and Applications, Ralf Steinmetz, Klara Nahrstedt, PHI, ISBN 8177584416. Reference Books : 1. "Mathematical Elements for Computer Graphics", D. Rogers, J. Adams, 2nd Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill Publication, 2002, ISBN 0 07 048677 8. 2. "Computer Graphics Principles and Practice", J. Foley, V. Dam, S. Feiner, J. Hughes, 2nd Edition, Pearson Education, 2003, ISBN 817808 0389. 3. Windows Multimedia and Animation with C++ Programming for Win95, Micheal J. Young, NAP Professional. ISBN 0127737502 4. Virtual Reality and Multimedia, Durano R. Begault, AP Professionals ISBN 007047371 4.


Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded

Third Year U.G. Program in Computer Science & Engineering

Finance and Management Information System

Teaching Scheme Evaluation Scheme Theory 80 Marks Course Objectives Test 20 Marks L:4 Minimum Passing Marks 40%

Unit I Basic of Management Theory & Practice : Evolution of management thoughts, System approach to management process, Functions of manager, Social responsibilities of manager. International management and Multinational Corporation, Cultural differences in international management. Quality perspective, HR management and selection, Performance appraisal and carrier strategies (6 hrs) Unit II Finance : Overview of financial management: Goal of financial management, Fundamental principle of finance, Risk return trade off, Forms of business organization. Financial statements taxes and cash flow: Balance sheet, Profit and loss account, Finance topics, taxes, Free cash flow. Time value of money: Time lines and notations, Present and future value of single amount. Mergers & acquisition: Mergers, Acquisition, Takeover, Privatization, Divestitures. Corporate Security: Share, Debentures & International Security. (8 hrs) Unit III Basics of MIS -Decision Making : Concepts, Process and organizational decision making, Role of MIS in decision making. Development process of MIS: MIS plan, Development & implementation of MIS. Strategies design of MIS, Business process reengineering, Relevance of IT, DSS concepts, Philosophy and application, Knowledge management and system. (8 hrs)


Unit IV E-business Enterprise : Organization of business in digital Form, e-business, e-commerce, e-communication, ecollaboration and real time enterprise. Modern business technology: Security and businesses, Web enabled business management, CMS, ECM, enterprise portal. (6 hrs) Unit V Enterprise and Global Management : Enterprise management system: EMS, ERP, SCM, CRM. Information security challenges, Global management: Outsourcing and off-shoring, Cultural, Political and economical challenges, Global business IT strategies and applications, Global IT platform, Global data access issues. (6 hrs)

Unit VI Laws and Case Studies : Law: Cyber law, IT act, Right to information act, IPR law, IT impact on society. Case studies: Refer case studies given in the text book (6 hrs) Text books: 1. Management Information System, Text and Cases: A Digital Firm Perspective W.S. Jawadekar, 4th edition, Tata Mcgraw hill, 2009, ISBN: 0070616345. 2. Management Information System, J.A.OBrien, 9th edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2009, ISBN: 0072229985. 3. Essentials of Management: An International Perspective, H. Koontz, 8th edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2010, ISBN: 0070144958,ISBN-13: 9780070144958,978-0070144958. 4. Financial Management Theory and Practice, P. Chandra, 6th edition, Tata Mc Graw Hill, 2007, ISBN:007462086X

References Books: 1. Business Law for Managers, P.K.Goel, Priztantra, 2009, ISBN 8177225359. 2. Fundamentals of Financial Management, V. Sharan, Pearson, 2nd edition, ISBN 8131723976, 9788131723975 3. Information Technology for Management, E.Turban, 6th edition, Wiley Publications, 2008, ISBN: 0470250747. 4. Management information system, R. Mclead, 10th edition, Pearson Education, ISBN-10:0131889184,ISBN-13:978-0131889187


Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded

Third Year U.G. Program in Computer Science & Engineering

UNIX Operating System and Socket Programming Lab

Teaching Scheme Evaluation Scheme Term Work: Instructor will frame experiments based on the suggested experiments using UNIX and Pearl as given below. Instructors are expected to incorporate variations in list. Students will submit Term Work in the form of a journal that will include at least 10-12 experiments from the list given below. Each experiment will consists of pseudo-algorithm, program listing with proper documentation and printout of the output. Practical Examination will consist of Performance and Viva-voice Examination based on the term work. Term Work Pract 25 Marks 25 Marks P:2 Minimum Passing Marks 40%

The assessment will be based on the following 1. Performance in the practical examination 2. Record of programs submitted by the candidate. 3. Setting goals higher than expected from problem statement. 4. Innovation & Creativity. 5. Team building skills 6. Technical writing skills Suggested List of Assignments 1. Introduction to Unix Environment a. Study of Vi Editor b. Study of basic Unix Environmental Commands.(ls/ll/..etc) Introduction to Perl a. Getting and Installing Perl b. Creating code Files c. Statement and Declarations d. Running Code



e. Basic Skills. f. Conditional Statements and Loops. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Use of Scalar Variables, lists, Arrays, Hashes. Regular Expressions Subroutines. Formatting and string Handlling. References and predefined variables in Perl. Built in function (Specifically POSIX functions) and File Handling. Data Structure and DataBases. Object Oriented Programming in Perl. Internet and Socket Programming in Perl. Unix Shell Programming. Installation and configuration of different packages (rpms) on UNIX platform.

Text Books : 1. Black Book of Perl, Steven Holzner, Second Edition 2009, DreamTech Press. 2. The Complete Reference, Perl, Martin C. Brown Second Edition 2008, Tata McGraw Hill.


Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded

Third Year U.G. Program in Computer Science & Engineering

Compiler Construction Lab

Teaching Scheme Evaluation Scheme Term Work Pract 25 Marks Term Work: Instructor will frame experiments based on the suggested experiments using gcc compiler, LEX and YACC tools in UNIX environment as given below. Instructors are expected to incorporate variations in list. Students will submit Term Work in the form of a journal that will include at least 10-12 experiments from the list given below. Each experiment will consists of pseudo-algorithm, program listing with proper documentation and printout of the output. Practical Examination will consist of Performance and Viva-voice Examination based on the term work. 25 Marks P:2 Minimum Passing Marks 40%

The assessment will be based on the following 1. Performance in the practical examination 2. Record of programs submitted by the candidate. 3. Setting goals higher than expected from problem statement. 4. Innovation & Creativity. 5. Team building skills 6. Technical writing skills Suggested List of Assignments Execution of the following programs using C-language. : 1. Write a program to implement lexical analyzer. 2. Write a program for conversion of infix expression to prefix and postfix expression.

3. Write a program for implementation of concepts of syntax analysis as a check for A] Imbalance parenthesis


B] Invalid operator 4. Write a program for implementation symbol table using linear list. Execution of the following programs using LEX tool. : 1. Program to count the number of vowels and consonants in a given string . 2. Program to count the number of characters, words, spaces and lines in a given input file. 3. Program to count number of a) Positive and negative integers b) Positive and negative fractions 4. Program to count the numbers of comment lines in a given C program. Also eliminate them and copy that program into separate file. 5. Program to implement a complete lexical analyzer for a small language in Lex. 6. Program to count the number of scanf and printf statements in a C program. Replace them with readf and writf statements respectively. 7. Program to recognize a valid arithmetic expression and identify the identifiers and operators present. Print them separately. 8. Program to recognize whether a given sentence is simpler or compound. 9. Program to recognize and count the number of identifiers in a given input file. Execution of the following programs using YACC tool: 1. Program to test validity of a sample expression involving operators +, -,* and /. 2. Program to recognize nested IF control statements and display the number of levels of nesting. 3. Program to recognize a valid variable, which starts with a letter, followed by any number of letters or digits. 4. Program to evaluate an arithmetic expression involving operators +, -, * and /. 5. Program to recognize strings ' aaab', ' abbb', 'ab' and 'a' using the grammar. 6. Program to recognize the grammar (An B, n >=10 ) .


Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded

Third Year U.G. Program in Computer Science & Engineering

Advanced Database Management System Lab

Teaching Scheme Evaluation Scheme Term Work Pract 25 Marks Term Work: Instructor will frame experiments based on the suggested experiments using RDBMS / C / C++ / Java / .net as given below. Instructors are expected to incorporate variations in list. Students will submit Term Work in the form of a journal that will include at least 5-6 experiments from the list given below and a miniproject based on all the concepts given bellow. Each experiment will consists of pseudo-algorithm, program listing with proper documentation and printout of the output. Practical Examination will consist of Performance and Viva-voice Examination based on the term work. 25 Marks P:2 Minimum Passing Marks 40%

The assessment will be based on the following 1. Performance in the practical examination 2. Record of programs submitted by the candidate. 3. Setting goals higher than expected from problem statement. 4. Innovation & Creativity. 5. Team building skills 6. Technical writing skills Suggested List of Assignments 1. Backup and recovery of data in Oracle. 2. Design a distributed database using horizontal fragmentation. 3. Design a distributed database using vertical fragmentation. 4. Write a program to simulate lock-based concurrency control protocol. 5. Write a program to simulate timestamp-based concurrency control protocol.


6. Write a program to simulate validation-based concurrency control protocol. 7. Write a program to create logs of the database activities. 8. Write a program to implement buffer management policies. 9. Study of XML. 10. Creating XML Schema. 11. Parsing of XML Document using SAX API. 12. Parsing of XML Document using DOM API. 13. Study of grid implementation in Oracle / DB2 / MySQL / MS SQL Servers. 14. Study of multi-tier architecture of Oracle / DB2 / MySQL / MS SQL Servers. 15. Write an SQL to store and retrieve multimedia objects ( Image, Audio or Video ). in Oracle / DB2 / MySQL / MS SQL Databases.


Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded

Third Year U.G. Program in Computer Science & Engineering

Programming Lab II
Teaching Scheme Evaluation Scheme Objectives: This Lab is exclusively designed for furnishing web programming practices to students. To introduce students to javascript and CGI. Students will be able to create and control the UI on web page using javascript and CGI. To introduce advanced applications of CGI such as secure scripts, emailers etc. T:3 P:2 Minimum Passing Marks 40%

Term Work Pract 25 Marks 25 Marks

Unit I JavaScript Foundations : 1. JavaScript: a. <Script> b. Event handlers, Linked scripts and PsudoURLs. 2. Core a. Definitions, Variables, Characteristics b. Data types, Composite types, Flow control. 3. Operators expressions and statements.

(4 Hrs)

Unit II JavaScript Programming : 1. Functions, Objects 2. Arrays, Date, Math, Type related objects and Regular expressions. (6 Hrs)

Unit III JavaScript Working with GUI : 1. Controlling windows and frames, Handling documents and forms. 2. Roll over, Positioning and animations. 3. Navigation: Menus, DHTML menus, and Cookies. (6 Hrs)


Unit IV CGI: An Introduction : 1., Creating HTML controls, Reading from HTML controls 2. Using perl script, Starting HTML document, Creating HTML elements, Lists, Text area, Check boxes, Scrolling lists, Radio buttons, Password fields, Pop up menus, Hidden data fields, Uploading data to forms, Calling a CGI script from a web page (6 Hrs) Unit V Advance CGI-I : 1. Creating web counters, eMailers and secure scripts. 2. Creating multi-user chats, Server push, Cookies and games.

(6 Hrs)

Unit VI
Advance CGI-II 1. Creating shopping carts, Databases, Site searches and files uploads. (2 Hrs) Text Books: 1. The Complete Reference, Java Script, Thomas Powell, Fritz Schneider, Second Edition 2008, Tata Macgraw-Hill Publications, ISBN-13 : 978-0-7-059027-4. 2. Java Script A Beginners Guide, John Pollock, Mc-Graw-Hill/Osbourne, Publication, ISBN 978-0-7-163295-9. 3. Black Book of Perl, Steven Holzner, Second Edition 2009, DreamTech Press. 4. The Complete Reference, Perl, Martin C. Brown Second Edition 2008, Tata McGraw-Hill Publications, ISBN 978-0-7-044480-5. Term Work: Instructor will frame experiments based on above syllabus. The suggested list of experiments is given below. Instructors are expected to incorporate variations in list. Students will submit Term Work in the form of a journal that will include at least 10-12 experiments from the list given below. Each experiment will consists of pseudo-algorithm, program listing with proper documentation and printout of the output. Practical Examination will consist of Performance and Viva-voice Examination based on the term work. The assessment will be based on the following 1. Performance in the practical examination 2. Record of programs submitted by the candidate. 3. Setting goals higher than expected from problem statement. 4. Innovation & Creativity. 5. Team building skills 6. Technical writing skills


Suggested List of Assignments 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Study and use of <script> element. Write a script, which uses basic javascript data types. Write a script to demonstrate composite types and type conversion in javascript. Write a script to demonstrate control statements of javascript. Write a function in javascript which a. Takes a 2 input values b. And returns GCD of them. Write a javascript that demonstrates object creation, destruction. Write a javascript which a. Creates prototype bases objects b. Demonstrates use of constructor. Write a javascript that uses Array, Math, and Day/Time related objects. Write a javascript, which uses different Dialogs. Write a javascript which performs different operations of windows a. Opening,closing b. Window Control operations.(Ex, Resize,Scroll ) Write a javascript to create a students admission form and add different validation fields of the form. Write a javascript which demonstrates use of a. Image objects b. Roll over buttons Write javascript which demonstrates use of a. Pull down Menus. b. DHTML Menus. Study of package. Creating HTML Controls in CGI Creating a Web Counters in CGI.

6. 7.

8. 9. 10.




14. 15. 16.


Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded

Third Year U.G. Program in Computer Science & Engineering

Mini Project
Teaching Scheme Evaluation Scheme Term Work Pract 25 Marks Guide Lines For Students: 1. A project must be developed in Java/Advance Java/C/C++. 2. Project Topic must be approved by project in-charge. 3. Students prior to coding must submit the project documentation. a. Project documentation include b. Abstract c. Data Model (If Back end is used) d. Modules. 4. A project team may contain maximum of 2 members. 5. Even though project is Group Activity still it needs contribution of every student as an individual, hence each member must implement at least 2 modules of project. 6. Effect of Academic Dishonesty: a. Every student must develop project on his or her own. b. Bought/Downloaded projects will be discarded and minimum marks will be awarded to student/group or will be declared as fail depending upon severity of the case. 7. Students must submit a report well before 2 weeks of the examination date. a. Format of Examination: A seminar of project along with project demonstration in front a panel of examiners. 25 Marks P:2 Minimum Passing Marks 40%


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