Course Syllabus: Product and Brand Management: Page 1 of 7
Course Syllabus: Product and Brand Management: Page 1 of 7
Course Syllabus: Product and Brand Management: Page 1 of 7
MBAC662.01 FACULTY: CONTACT: OFFICE HOURS: OFFICE: SECRETARY: CLASSROOM: SCHEDULE: Professor Ana Hory Home phone: (310) 374 4780 Mondays and Wednesdays from 6 to 7 p.m., by appt. only Hilton 208A Diana Asai x87404 St. Roberts 234 for the first 3 weeks, TBD after that 5/15 6/21/06, Mon. and Wed. 7:10 pm 10:10 pm TABLE OF CONTENTS
1. Purpose of the Course..2 2. Course Description..2 3. My teaching philosophy...2 4. Reading..3 5. Materials3 6.Resources..3 7. Course Calendar.3 8. Course Requirements.5 9. Evaluation..7 10. Grading Procedures....7
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MY TEACHING PHILOSOPHY Having worked in industry for over 15 years, my philosophy of teaching is to share real life experiences with theory. And since every situation is different when dealing with branding issues, in order for you to learn how to create and manage brands, youll need to analyze and deconstruct examples and cases. By doing that, youll begin creating your own understanding of how branding is done, and how much youll get out of this class is entirely dependent on you. My role in this class will be of a facilitator to learning more than a motivator that threatens with tests and grades if dont perform a certain way. Grades are required, but I see their role as providing a comparative evaluation so you will have some idea of your competitive position in brand management. Finally, and very important, I plan to make this an interesting learning experience, therefore any feedback that you might have regarding any aspect of this class, is very welcome!
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5/15 Monday
Reading: Ch. 1 Brands and Brand Management Ch. 2 Customer-based Brand Equity
5/17 Wednesday
Speaker: Bill Rosenthal, Chief Operating Officer, Ignited Minds Reading: Ch. 3 Brand Positioning and Values Ch. 4 Choosing Brand Elements to Build Brand Equity
5/22 Monday
Reading: Ch. 5 Designing Marketing Programs to Build Brand Equity Ch. 6 Integrating Marketing Communications to Build Brand Equity Case: MTV: Building a Brand Resonance
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5/24 Wednesday
Reading: Ch. 7 Leveraging Secondary Brand Knowledge to Build Brand Equity Case: Nike: Building a Global Brand In class: Case: Levi Strauss and Co.: Creating a Sub-brand
5/31 Wednesday
Speaker: Dr. Michael Shore, Sr. Director Consumer Research, Mattel Inc. (TBC) Reading: Ch. 8 Developing Brand Equity Measurement and Management System Ch. 9 Measuring Sources of Brand Equity Case: Yahoo! Managing an Internet Brand
Reading: Ch. 10 Measuring Outcomes of Brand Equity In class: Case: Snapple: Revitalizing a Brand
Reading: Ch. 11 Design and Implementing Branding Strategies In class: Case: Nivea: Managing a Brand Hierarchy
6/12 Monday
Speaker: Peter Helenek, Director of Design Girls Brands, Mattel Inc. Reading: Ch. 12 Introducing and Naming New Products and Brand Extensions In class: Case: Red Bull: Building Brand Equity in New Ways
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6/14 Wednesday
Reading: Ch. 13 Managing Brands Over Time Ch. 14 Managing Brands Over Geographical Boundaries and Market Segments Case: Starbucks Corporation: Managing a High Growth Brand
6/19 Monday
Group 1 Group 2 Break Group 3 Group 4
Projects Presentations 7:10 7:40 pm 7:45 8:15 pm 8:15 8:30 pm 8:30 9:00 pm 9:00 9:30 pm
6/21 Wednesday
Final Exam Note: Remember to purchase one Blue Book and bring it to class COURSE REQUIREMENTS There are four primary course requirements. You will demonstrate your competency in brand management by your performance in class discussion, on a team case project, on a team branding project and on a final exam. Attendance Youre expected to come to all classes. Failure to do so will affect your class discussion grade. If you have more than one absence, youll need to do extra work in order to make up for the missed classes Class Discussion Youre expected to participate in every class Team Case Project The class will be broken up in four groups. Each group will prepare and present one of the following case studies: 5/22 MTV: Building a Brand Resonance 5/24 Nike: Building a Global Brand 5/31 Yahoo! Managing an Internet Brand
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Each group will have 20 25 minutes to present the project and 5 10 minutes to answer questions. Final Exam The Final Exam will be a case which will be given to you on 6/19 so that you have time to read it before the Final. Honor Code I do ask you to not discuss the case with other students in the class. If similar approaches to the questions given on the Final are found, your grade will be penalized accordingly. Failure to comply with course requirements - Late papers will incur in reduced maximum grade (for example, from A+ to A-) unless with a strong reason for the delay given within 24 hrs. - If you have more than one absence, youll need to do extra work in order to make up for the missed classes - If you miss the Final Exam, please advise me within 24 hrs. so that we can schedule a make up exam. Note that this will only be acceptable in extreme cases Last day to withdraw from the course You have until 5/19 to let the school and I know that youre dropping the course without a financial penalty. After that, youll incur a financial penalty EVALUATION 6/5 End of the Semester GRADING PROCEDURES Class participation Team case project Team project Final Exam 10% 20% 40% 30% Informal mid-semester review Formal course evaluation
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