Zea Mays: Integrated Nutrient Management On Quality Protein Maize (L.)
Zea Mays: Integrated Nutrient Management On Quality Protein Maize (L.)
Zea Mays: Integrated Nutrient Management On Quality Protein Maize (L.)
: 2229-4244.
A field experiment was conducted during kharif season of 2010 at Instructional farm iof Agronomy, Rajasthan college of Agriculture Udaipur to study the Integrated nutrient management on quality protein maize (Zea mays L.) cv HQPM-1.sixteen treatment combinations, comprising four levels of Enriched FYM with fertilizers viz. Conventional (FYM @ 10 t ha1 + 100% RDF),Enriched FYM + 50% RDF, Enriched FYM + 100% RDF and Enriched FYM + 150% RDF and four Biofertilizers levels.viz.Control,Azotobactor, PSB and Azotobactor + PSB were laid out factorial concept in randomized block design with three replications. The application of FYM @ 10 t ha 1 enriched with 150% RDF recorded significantly increased the grain yield (4449.52 kg ha 1), stover yield (8026.52 kg ha1),harvest index (35.64%) and protein content in grain (11.84%) over rest of the treatments. Similar trend also observed in N and P content and uptake in grain and stover and availabile N and P in soil. Seed inoculation withAzotobacter + PSB culture maximized grain yield (4368.35 kg ha1), stover yield of (873.6 kg ha1), harvest index(35.26%)and protein content in grain(12.16%),over another treatments. Similar trend also observed in N and P content and uptake in grain and stover and availabile N and P in soil.
Quality protein Maize, FYM Enriched Fertilizers, Biofertilizers, Nutrient content and uptake.