High Voltage Distribution System For Agricultural Pumps: A Case Study
High Voltage Distribution System For Agricultural Pumps: A Case Study
High Voltage Distribution System For Agricultural Pumps: A Case Study
1.0 Introduction Rural networks inherited by NPCL and subsequently expanded to widen the scope of supply was in line with European practices characterized by long low tension (LT) network fed from an 11/0.4 kV transformer. Even for supplying to widely dispersed load blocks of agricultural pumps, similar LT network arrangement was adopted resulting in an unsatisfactory situation stemming from factors like: Rampant pilferage from accessible low voltage lines causing revenue losses. Field survey suggested that on an average, there existed 2 cases of unauthorized abstraction of energy for every 3 authorized agricultural connections. High technical losses attributable to high LT current on the network. Calculations based on field data indicated that for a group of load consisting of 3 authorized and 2 unauthorized pump connections, the technical loss accounted for 8.17% of the total energy intake for 3 authorized connections. High peak power loss of network due to unauthorized load For a given situation of 3 authorized and 2 unauthorized pumps, the peak power loss was found 40 % of the total authorized power requirement. Unsatisfactory voltage profile at consumer installations. The minimum voltage at the customer premises was recorded as 370 volts against the rated voltage of 430 Volts Unreliable supply consequent upon overloading of LT lines LT faults per annum per 100-circuit km of lines supplying agricultural pumps were as high as 1500. Against this backdrop, high voltage distribution system (HVDS) was conceived in NPCL as a means to curb the menace of pilferage of energy, reduce peak power loss, improve voltage profile and enhance reliability of supply arrangement. 2.0 Network Description: HVDS represents North American practice whereby the HV line is extended up to the load point; in the instant case, supply is tapped off from 3-phase HV mains in proximity of an agricultural pump and provided via a distribution transformer of 10 kVA capacity to serve a 5-7 HP load, thus restricting the LT line to the length of the service cable. A typical schematic diagram of before and after scenario is shown in Fig. 1.
11 kV Incoming Supply
LT Distribution
11 kV Incoming Supply
HT Distribution Authorized Connection Unauthorized Connection HT Line LT Line 10 kVA Transformer 100 kVA Transformer
The HVDS has been constructed by refurbishing and retrofitting LT lines using the same poles and conductors and erecting new insulators and hardware supports. Once conversion of LT to HT lines is completed, the transformer is installed either on a single or double pole structure, depending on angularity of the lines. Extended hardware supports clamped on to the poles are provided on single pole structure. Fig. 2(a) & (b) depict 2 sets of HVDS arrangement, one provided from a terminal pole and the other from a running line.
3.0 Implementation Strategy Within NPCL command area of 335 sq. km., there exist 1100-odd authorized agricultural pump connections and on an estimate, each conversion from LVDS to HVDS costs Rs.28000/-. Given the volume of investment, a phased approach was adopted to cover the entire pump population under HVDS. To begin with, defaulting consumers and pilferprone pockets were identified and connected load of each load block comprising such errant consumers were worked out. Segmentation of load blocks in accordance with connected load was done and three categories of load block, one more than 30 H.P, one in the range between 15 and 30 H.P and the last one less than 15 H.P were drawn up. The first category of 30-plus H.P accounted for 165 numbers of pumps, the second one 210 and the third one 725. Accordingly, priority was set for covering the 30 H.P plus load blocks first and subsequently, the scheme was extended to implement HVDS for the second category of load blocks and then to the remainder of the pump population. The gradual progression of HVDS scheme is depicted in Fig. 3.
Number of Conversions
160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 00-01 01-02 02-03 03-04 (till Sept)
Fig. 3: Progress in Implementation For HVDS scheme, 10 kVA copper-wound transformers with no load loss as less as 40 watts were selected so as to provide mechanical stability to the winding and restrict the transformation loss to the extent possible. To incorporate protective measures to the 10kVA transformers, HRC fuses of 16 Ampere rating were provided on the LT side of the transformer. 4.0 Post-Implementation Measurement: The HVDS scheme has led to benefits to NPCL as well as to the farming community. Losses attributable to pilferage reduced significantly, thereby making the investments productive, while voltage conditions improved, thereby arresting damage to the pump
motor. More significantly, compelling circumstances were created for unauthorized consumers to regularize their supply, as the HV lines were out of bounds for dishonest abstraction of electricity. The evidence is seen in the increase of new agricultural connections over the last three years as shown in Fig. 4, despite reduction in cultivated area following large-scale acquisition of land by local municipal authority for urbanization purpose.
Fig. 4: New Agricultural Connections Elimination of pilferage has led to virtual nullification of the peak power loss, thereby freeing up capacity to serve regular loads. Concurrently, consumer accountability has increased, resulting in moral ownership of the transformer dedicated to a single pump. As a consequence, the aggregate collection efficiency for agricultural connections has shown a steady upward trend as can be seen from the Fig. 5.
80 70
The voltage profile at the pump end has improved from 370 volts to 400 volts, thereby improving the pump efficiency. Motor windings are also spared of the fluctuations in voltage profile, resulting in increase in life. An incidental benefit is that the distribution transformers have been relieved of overloading, resulting in a lower overall failure rate, which reduced from 14.7 % in 200001 to 7% in 2003-04, as indicated in Fig. 6.
16.0 14.0
Fig. 6: Transformer Failure Rate The LT line faults per 100 circuit kilometer of agricultural network, as indicated in Fig. 4.4, has also recorded a downward trend, having been reduced from 1500 in 2000-01 to 700 in 2003-04.
A typical cost benefit analysis is shown in Exhibit 1.0, which indicates 2.75 years as the payback period for one HVDS scheme implemented to reconfigure network for 3 authorized and 2 unauthorized connections. 5.0 Conclusion The HVDS scheme in NPCL has generated a learning curve, leading to formulation of a new strategy of energy conservation and demand curtailment through retrofitting of energy-efficient pumps as an additional measure. This novel approach is being pursued so as to reduce energy wastage and optimize the power intake, thereby promoting the cause of water-energy nexus and addressing the environmental concerns. In addition, the pump installations are being metered to elicit demand-responsive behaviour from consumers. Initial results indicate that the energy saving can be as much as 40%, even without reengineering of the suction and delivery system. Because of reduced consumption, the farmer benefits by reducing his monthly expenditure on electricity. An important corollary is that farmers support the process and respond spontaneously to the change, which produces long term gains to them and the utility.
EXHIBIT 1 Proposal Installing 3 nos. of 10 kVA transformers for providing supply to PTW consumers presently fed from one 25-kVA transformer Cost of HVDS Arrangement for Existing PTW Consumers by installing 10 kVA transformer (in Rs.) SL. ITEM QTY Material Cost Labour Total . Cost NO . 1 2 3 4 5 6 Erection of h/w and insulator on Single Pole 9 Restringing of ACSR conductor (10 span) 10 Earth Clamp 11 Stay Sets 4 10 kVA Transformer (11kV/ 0.4kV) 3 Labour Charges for dismantling existing mains 11
Rs. 86017
Elimination of pilferage
2 unauthorized connections having aggregate load of 10 H.P. having been removed. Daily hours of supply Days of usage per year Load factor Loss factor Constant c for distribution system Reduction in loss per annum : : : : : : : : 14 365 0.4 C X Load Factor + (1 - C) X Load Factor2 0.196 0.15 10 x 0.746 x 14 x 200 x 0.196 7472 Unit
Reduction in transformation loss Increase in transformer iron loss : (3 x No load loss of 10 kVA Txr. - 1 x No load loss of 25kVA Txr. ) x 14 x 365/ 1000 units : (3 x 40 1 x 85) x 14 x 365 / 1000 units Unit : 179
Authorised load in the system Power factor (assumed) Unauthorised load in the system Total load in 25 kVA transformer Total load in kVA Transformer Cu loss per hour Full load Cu loss for 25 kVA transformer Full load Cu loss for 10 kVA transformer Loading in each 10 kVA transformer Reduction in Cu loss per annum
: : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
(3.75 x 3) kW 11.25 kW 0.8 7.5 kW (11.25 + 7.5) kW 18.75 kW 23.44 Full load Cu loss x (Average loading of the Txr. In kVA )2 / (rated capacity of the Txr.)2 600 Watt 250 Watt 4.69 kVA { 1x (23.44/25)2 x 600 3 x (4.69/10)2 x 250 } x 14 x 200 / 1000 1015 Units (1015 179) Units 836 Units
LT circuit km. Reduced from 1 circuit km. To NIL Resistance of Weasel conductor : 0.9116 Ohm/km. Load in kVA : 25 x 0.75 / 0.8 : 23.44 LT current : load in VA / (1.732 x Voltage ) : 23.44 x 1000 / (1.732 x 400) Amp. : 33.83 3 x Current2 x Resistance x Loss Factor x 365 x 14 / Reduction in loss per annum : 1000 : 3 x (33.83) 2 x 0.9116 x 0.196 x 200 x 14 / 1000 : 3135 Unit (HT current is negligible) Total reduction in loss / annum / case : (4094 + 836 + 1718) units : 11442 Unit
Pay Back Period Power purchase price (notional) Annual saving Initial outlay Rs. 2.73 Rs. 31237 Rs. 86017 : 2.75 Years
Payback period