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Fabrication Guidelines For Thin-Sheet Metallic Lining of Flue Gas Desulfurization Systems

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General Guidelines for
Weldings, Pattern Layout
and Structural Attachments
Introduction 2
General Fabrication
Guidelines 3
Safety and Health
Considerations 5
Shop Preforming 5
Duct Preparation 6
Structural Attachment
Welding 6
Seal Welding 7
Inspection 8
Repairs 8
Mechanical and Corrosion
Properties of Weldments 9
Summary 12
The use of thin-sheet metallic lining of high-performance alloys has become a recognized
corrosion protection technique for many components of flue gas desulfurization (FGD) sys-
tems. In this technique, thin-gauge sheet is welded to a variety of substrate alloys to form a
leak-tight corrosion shield. Thin-sheet metallic lining has become an alternative to heavy
section alloy plate fabrication as well as non-metallic coating systems.
Suggested fabrication guidelines are outlined herein that can be used during the installation1/16 inch (1.6 millimeters) nominal thickness HASTELLOY" C-2 alloy sheet. In addition,
detailed information on mechanical and corrosion properties of weldments is provided.
To date, more than 1 million square feet (90,000 square meters) of high-performance nickel-
base alloy sheet, produced by Haynes International, Inc., has been installed in various stacks,
breaches, inlet/outlet ducts and absorber units using this metallic lining technique (Appendix
A) Figure 1 shows installation of C-22 sheet in outlet ducts. In addition to applications in FGD
systems, this corrosion protection technique can also be applied in other chemical processing
The guidelines contained in this brochure are based upon both laboratory work and field
installation experience. This fabrication method is considered straight forward and requires no
special tools, equipment or highly trained personnel. The general configuration is shown in
Figure 2. One of the important features of this installation technique is the lack of concern over
substrate dilution of the weld metal during seal welding. This is because all seal welding is
performed in an alloy to alloy configuration. Additionally, this fabrication technique greatly
reduces fabrication time due to the fit-up simplicity of overlapping one sheet onto another.
The key points that should be considered when fabricating with this thin-sheet lining
technique are:
* Layout the installation pattern in advance.
* Develop welding procedures and train welding personnel in advance.
* Shear, punch holes, preform sheets in the shop whenever possible
* Prepare substrate surface as necessary.
* Structurally attach sheets to substrate and perform midsheet attachment.
* Seal weld all-around.
* Inspect and test all seal welds to insure leak-tight condition.
* Repair questionable areas using GTAW. SMAW or GMAW welding processes.
Advanced preparation before installation begins is considered very important to the success
of the job. It is strongly recommended that a detailed layout of the sheet installation pattern be
developed before the start of the job. This design work should allow for prefabrication of
sheets that require forming or shearing. It is suggested that the sidewall and overhead instal-
lation be performed first, followed by the floor installation.
Several weld joint configurations are used with this fabrication technique They include fillet
welding (both alloy to alloy and alloy to substrate) and midsheet attachment welding (plug
welding and possibly arc spot welding). The various weld configurations are shown in Figures
2 and 3.
The gas metal arc welding (GMAW) process has become the preferred welding process for
this thin-sheet installation method. Short circuiting mode of metal transfer is used routinely. In
addition, fixed frequency pulse mode has been used successfully. Recently, synergic welding
(variable frequency pulse welding) systems have been used with good success.
Gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) is also considered an acceptable welding process. Lower
deposition rates are expected with GTAW when compared to the GMAW process. The
shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) process can be used, but has limitations. SMAW can be
used in the flat position for seal welding, for structural fillet welding in all positions and for small
local repairs in all positions. SMAW is not recommended for out-of-position seal welding. The
GTAW and SMAW welding processes are not normally used during major installations due to
the low productivity of those processes.
Shielding gas selection is an important variable in GMAW procedure development. One very
common shielding gas that has been used extensively with the GMAW (short circuit transfer)
process is 90 percent helium + 7.5 percent argon + 2.5 percent carbon dioxide (A-1025). This
gas is somewhat oxidizing (due to the carbon dioxide content) and therefore has a tendency
to produce beads with a fairly high weld profile. On the other hand, the high levels of carbon
dioxide produce a very stable arc, especially during out-of-position welding of alloy to sub-
strate. A somewhat similar shielding gas is available for pulse welding applications and has a
patented (4,973,822) Ar + He + CO
mixture (HELISTAR SSTM).
As an alternative, inert gas, 75% argon + 25% helium, is often recommended for both short arc
and pulse modes of transfer. Because there are no oxidizing components, the weld bead is
less oxidized and has a flatter profile Arc stability, however, is not as good, when compared
to the carbon dioxide bearing gases, and spatter is often present. In addition, arc initiation
and out-of-position welding of alloy to substrate are considered difficult.
Recently a new patented shielding gas has been developed by Haynes International that
overcomes many of the problems discussed above. The patented (5,083,002) Ar + He + CO
mixture strikes a balance between the high carbon dioxide bearing gases and the pure inert
gases. It is sold under the tradename NiCoBriteshielding gas. This gas is considered useful
for both short circuit and pulse (fixed and variable frequency) transfer modes and is consid-
Over the past five years, 0.035 inch (0.89 millimeters) diameter layer wound wire has been
recommended exclusively for this thin-sheet technique. It continues to be the diameter of
choice for thin-sheet applications. Recently some fabricators have moved toward 0.045 inch
(1.1 millimeters) diameter wire and claim improved arc characteristics. Selection of filler wire
diameter should be considered carefully as larger diameter wires are capable of high
amperages and thus excessive heat input and potential sheet melt-back.
Welding currents and arc voltages, for 0.035 inch diameter wire, are generally in the 70-90
ampere and 18-20 volt range. Detailed welding parameters, that were used to develop the
included mechanical and corrosion property data, are documented in Table 1 for GMAW short
circuit transfer welding. Examples of welds, made using the short circuit transfer mode, are
documented in Figure 4 for the flat, vertical and overhead positions.
The parameters for plug welding are the same as those used for fillet welding (Table 1). A
prepunched hole is necessary for plug welding (1/2 inch diameter is considered optimum). As
with seal welding, it is important that the sheet be in intimate contact with the substrate during
plug welding.
The GMAW arc spot welding method is a process that has been suggested as an alternative
midsheet attachment method. This midsheet attachment method does not require a
prepunched hole. In this process, the amperage and voltage are raised to such levels that the
sheet is penetrated allowing fusion with the substrate. In this work, A-1025 shielding gas was
used. Pure argon or NiCoBrite gas is considered an appropriate shielding gas as well. This
process could potentially save time during fabrication, but tight control is necessary over the
Arc spot welding parameters, that were used to develop the included mechanical and corro-
sion property data, are documented in Table 2. In this process, 0.062 inch (1.6 millimeters)
diameter wire is normally recommended. A standard constant potential welding power supply
is used in the spray transfer mode. However, a more sophisticated wire feeder, that contains
circuitry for controlling arc times, is required.
Typical photographs and cross-section photomicrographs are included in Figure 5 for both
plug welds and arc spot welds. It is important to note that while the surface dimensions of the
two types of welds are quite similar, the area of actual fusion at the substrate is quite different.
It should be recognized that the filler wire conduit liner assembly (part of the GMAW welding
torch) is a high wear item and should be expected to be replaced periodically. Wear of the
liner occurs as a result of galling between the carbon steel liner and the nickel-base welding
filler wire. A worn liner can cause erratic wire feeding and this can lead to arc instability.
Some welding torches can be fitted with a nylon conduit liner. Such a liner would be expected
to reduce wear and thus increase liner life. It is recommended that sharp bends in the GMAW
torch cable be minimized. If possible, the wire feeder should be moved so that the torch cable
is nearly straight during welding.
Those involved with the welding industry are obligated to provide safe working conditions and
be aware of the hazards associated with welding fumes, gases, radiation, electrical shock,
heat, eye injuries, burns, etc. Various local, municipal, state and federal regulations (OSHA,
for example) relative to the welding and cutting processes must be considered.
The operation and maintenance of welding and cutting equipment should conform to the
provisions of American National Standard ANSI Z49.1-88, "Safety in Welding and Cutting".
Attention is especially called to Section 4 (Protection of Personnel), Section 5 (Ventilation) and
Section 7 (Confined Spaces) of that document. Adequate ventilation is required during all
welding and cutting operations. Specific requirements are included in Section 5 for natural
ventilation versus mechanical ventilation methods. When welding in confined spaces, ventila-
tion shall also be sufficient to assure adequate oxygen for life support.
The following precautionary warning, which is supplied with all welding products, should be
provided to and fully understood by all employees involved with welding.
CAUTION: "Welding may produce fumes and gases hazardous to health. Avoid
breathing these fumes and gases. Use adequate ventilation. See ANSI/AWS Z49.1-
88, "Safety in Welding and Cutting" published by the American Welding Society.
EXPOSURES: Maintain all exposures below the limits shown in the Material Safety
Data Sheet, and the product label. Use industriat hygiene air monitoring to ensure
compliance with the recommended exposure limits. ALWAYS USE EXHAUST VENTI-
RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: Be sure to use a fume respirator or air supplied respi-
rator when welding in confined spaces or where local exhaust or ventilation does not
keep exposure below the PEL and TLV limits.
WARNING: Protect yourself and others. Be sure the label is read and understood by
the welder. FUMES and GASES can be dangerous to your health. Overexposure to
fumes and gases can result in LUNG DAMAGE. ARC RAYS can injure eyes and burn
skin. ELECTRIC SHOCK can kill."
There are several areas where shop formed parts can save time and effort. Because the
sheets are overlapped, close fit-up into corners is not necessary. Edge molding pieces, such
as those shown in Figure 6A, and corner molding pieces, such as those shown in 68, can be
placed over the intersecting wall sheets and form a sealed joint without the need of accurately
sheared alloy sheets.
Preformed sheets with one or two edges bent 90 degree can be fitted into a ceiling or floor
(see Figure 6C), thus eliminating edge molding installation. Intermittent fillet welds and mid-
sheet attachments will hold the sheet to the ceiling and seal welds on side walls form the
finished edge. Another example of shop preforming is shown in Figure 60. In this case, a
sheet can be bent 90 degree with holes punched for an expansion joint seal.
Each of these examples presents ideas on how preformed parts might decrease fabrication
time. If the job is laid out in advance, many other time saving situations should become
t"'h"if"'ll Ie:
As general statement, the ductility of C-22 sheet is very high (50 percent tensile elongation)
and thus allows cold forming of parts with virtually no problems. Bend radii can be one times
the thickness, n, with no cracking or tearing noted. Generally, cold formed pieces are in-
stalled in the cold worked condition. Any hot working that is performed on the alloy sheet or
plate must be followed by solution annealing to restore corrosion resistance to the material.
In retrofitting FGD systems, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the substrate material before
the alloy sheet is attached. Sand blasting of the corroded substrate surface, followed by fresh
water rinse, is typical. Sand blasting and rinsing will open up corrosion pits, remove the
remaining lining system from the substrate and wash away corrosion products and dirt.
In some cases in the past, sand blasting was followed by a basic chemical rinse that was
intended to neutralize the acidic condition of the corrosion product found in the corrosion pits.
A clean, fresh water rinse followed such a neutralizing process. This added neutralization step
has, for most retrofit installations, been eliminated without any consequent problems.
In a new construction system, sand blasting or light grinding of the substrate is advised to
remove heavy rust or mill scale. This need only be done in the areas where alloy to substrate
welding will be performed.
The use of rust preventive paint is often suggested to control rust bloom that occurs on freshly
sand blasted carbon steel surfaces. Such a practice is neither recommended nor discour-
aged. It is, however, recommended that welding procedure qualification work take into ac-
count the use of such products and that the use be considered an essential variable of weld-
ing procedure qualification.
Two distinct welding phases are noted during the installation process. First the sheet is struc-
turally attached to the substrate. Then the alloy sheet is seal welded all-around to provide a
leak-tight structure.
The structural attachment of the sheet to the substrate is made with intermittent fillet welds
between the alloy sheet and the substrate material. These welds are generally about 1 inch
(25 millimeters) long on about 6 inches (150 millimeters) centers.
It should be recognized that all the structural strength of the lining system comes from these
alloy to substrate intermittent fillet welds. High quality welding is, therefore, mandatory. Weld-
ing techniques that provide a flush attachment substrate weld are desirable. If not possible, it
is recommended that fillet welds be ground flush with the alloy sheet before overlapping a
subsequent sheet. This will be helpful in maintaining intimate contact between the sheets
during seal welding.
As additional sheets are installed, a nominal 1inch (25 millimeters) overlap of the sheets is
made. To hold and position the sheet during structural fillet welding, some alloy to alloy tack
welding is necessary. Additional instructions concerning alloy to alloy tack welding are given
in the next section of this brochure.
General cleaning of both the substrate and the alloy sheet should be done before welding to
remove greases, oils, corrosion product, scale/deposit, water and other contaminates. Prac-
tices similar to those used during the welding of stainless steels should be considered mini-
mum requirements. The use of stainless steel tools and tooling is not necessary when
fabricating with HASTELLOY alloy sheets. The use of stainless steel wire brushes is recom-
mended during welding and subsequent cleaning operations.
Surface iron contamination (rust staining) resulting from contact of the nickel-base alloy sheet
with carbon steel is not considered a serious problem. Therefore, it is not necessary to remove
such rust stains prior to service. In addition, melting of these very small amounts of surface
iron contamination into the weld puddle is not expected to affect weld metal corrosion resis-
While such contamination is not considered a serious problem, it is assumed that reasonable
care will be exercised to avoid the problem. If such care is exercised, no particular corrective
measures should be necessary prior to service.
Midsheet attachment can be used to provide additional structural strength and rigidity to the
lining system by attaching the sheet to the substrate at intervals between the structural fillet
welds. A row of plug welds down the middle of a 48 inches (120 centimeters) wide sheet on
24 inches (60 centimeters) centers has been used at many installations. Because FGD
systems normally operate under positive pressure conditions, the incorporation of these addi-
tional structural welds is not considered mandatory and is left to the discretion of the individual
The use of the carbon arc cutting method is not recommended for shaping or cutting holes in
the alloy sheets. This is because high levels of carbon may be present after cutting and this
will reduce the corrosion resistance of the alloy. Plasma cutting, prepunching or drilling of
holes is recommended. It is recommended that the dross formed during plasma cutting be
removed by grinding to bright metal.
Because the midsheet attachment welds connect directly to the substrate material, the melted
substrate will mix with the weld metal. This fusion zone dilution will lower the corrosion resis-
tance of those welds. Two alternatives are suggested to minimize the effect of midsheet weld
metal dilution. First, after the attachment weld is made, a second pass weld "overlay" is
added. A second alternative is to place a small patch of alloy sheet over the weld zone and
then seal weld all-around the patch.
After the alloy lining has been structurally attached to the substrate, the seal welds are made
at the overlapped sheets. The seal welds provide both structural strength to the overlapped
sheets and provide a leak-tight system.
As discussed in the previous section, the overlapped sheet will need to be securely tack
welded so structural welding can be accomplished. Before seal welding, additional tack
welding should be performed to insure that the two overlapped sheets are in intimate contact.
These tack welds are usually very small, 1/4 inch (6 millimeters) long tacks on 3 inches (75
millimeters) centers. Large gaps or bridges between the two overlapped sheets will increase
the possibility of seal weld defects and can ultimately cause the lining system to leak.
It is strongly recommended that these tack welds be ground and feathered before the continu-
ous seal welding operation. The tack welds need only be strong enough to hold the two
sheets in intimate contact during seal welding. The larger these welds are, the more difficult
seal welding becomes. It is further recommended that the seal weld starts and stops be
ground and feathered. It should be emphasized that seal welding defects are usually associ-
ated with starts, stops or tack welds. Care at this stage of the welding process will greatly
reduce repair costs.
Nondestructive Examination (NOE) must be considered a very important part of this fabrication
process. It should be remembered that the seal welds are single pass welds and therefore
any lack-of-fusion or other welding defects will probably cause the lining system to leak. It is
suggested that "Weep holes" be installed in the substrate so that any possible leakage of the
lining system can be quickly detected and repaired.
Visual examination will probably pick up 80 to 90 percent of possible welding defects. It is
recommended that a detailed visual inspection be conducted before other NOE testing is
performed. Then repair of suspect welds can be made quickly without concern over contami-
nation by NOE detection fluids (dye penetrant or vacuum box soap).
Currently, the vacuum leak test method seems to be the most accurate and cost effective
(therefore the most popular) test. This is due to the sensitivity of the test (ability to determine
that a leak exists) and speed. Liquid dye penetrant inspection is considered an alternative
method and might be used for small areas or regions where access of the vacuum box is not
The GTAW, GMAW or SMAW welding processes can be used for repair of seal welding de-
fects. The GTAW welding process is considered the most appropriate and is recommended.
Repairs using the GTAW process can be made with or without the addition of filler material,
depending on the extent of the defect. Smalilack-of-fusion defects can be "washed out" with
no problems. Larger areas that require grinding will probably require addition of filler material.
As stated above, the structural fillet welds and the seal fillet welds are made using the same
welding process and parameters (Table 1). The size of the structural fillet welds has histori-
cally been left to the discretion of the architect/engineering firm that designed the FGD system
and components. Generally, structural fillet welds have been about 1 inch (25 millimeters)
long on about 6 inches (150 millimeters) centers. This weld spacing has proved to be suffi-
cient based upon fully acceptable results observed at many FGD sites.
Actual strength of structural fillet welds has been evaluated to assist the system designer in
making weld recommendations. By necessity, this testing was conducted using a shear test
configuration. HASTELLOY C-22 alloy sheet materials were welded to plain carbon steel
substrate material using the welding parameters documented in Table 1. Fillet welds 3/4 inch
(19 millimeters), 1 inch (25 millimeters) and 1-1/4 inches (32 millimeters) in length were made
as shown in Figure 7. In each case, HASTELLOY C-22 alloy was used as the welding filler
material. Duplicate samples were tested in each configuration.
The tensile force (average of duplicate tests) necessary to separate the sheet from the substrate is
reported in Table 3. Clearly the force necessary to separate the sheet from the substrate increases
as the weld length increases. In all cases documented in Table 3, the failure location was in the
sheet base material near the weld zone. None of the welds were pulled free of the substrate. As
would be expected, the calculated ultimate tensile strength of the tested welds (based upon the
shear load, the fillet weld width and the sheet thickness) is close to the ultimate tensile strength of
wrought base material. Figure 8 shows a set of fillet weld shear tests.
As stated earlier, most FGD systems operate under positive pressure, and therefore midsheet
attachment has not been considered mandatory. In most cases, however, designers have felt
it necessary to include midsheet attachment to insure the sheet is held flush to the substrate
and to lessen concern about damage due to vibration.
To date, both plug welding and arc spot welding have been suggested as midsheet attach-
ment methods. In the USA, plug welding has been the most common attachment technique.
Mechanical testing was conducted on both plug welds and arc spot welds to determine the
shear strength of such welds.
Plug weld testing was conducted, using various sizes of predrilled holes, to determine both
optimum hole size and weldment performance. The welding conditions are documented in
Table 1 and the test configuration is shown in Figure 7. Welds were made in the flat, vertical
and overhead position. Testing was conducted using A-1025 shielding gas. In each case,
two tests were made and results were averaged. The tensile shear strength results (reported
in pounds) are documented in Table 4.
The tensile test sample failures were of two types as shown in Figure 9 The first type consists
of tearing of the substrate carbon steel. This is demonstrated with the sample on the right side
of Figure 9. All the 3/8 inch (10 millimeters) plug welds and the vast majority of the 1/2 inch (13
millimeters) plug welds failed in this way. The second type of failure consisted of tearing of
sheet material leaving the plug weld nugget attached to the substrate. This is demonstrated
with the sample on the left side of Figure 9. About one-half of the 5/8 inch (16 millimeters) plug
welds failed by sheet tearing.
Clearly the larger plug welds require greater tensile shear force for failure. From this one might
conclude that the larger the diameter of the plug weld the better the design. However, when
one considers the ease of welding, the large diameter holes have a marked disadvantage due
to the larger amount of weld metal that the welder must deal with. Results of the welding work
conducted in this study, and other weld trials over the past several years, indicate a hole
diameter of about 1/2 inch (13 millimeters) is optimum for plug welding.
Similar mechanical tests were conducted on arc spot welds in the flat, vertical and overhead
positions, even though arc spot welding is not normally considered an all-position welding
process (see ANSI/AWS C5.6-89, page 5 for an explanation). The shielding gas used in this
work was A-1025. The welding parameters are documented in Table 2. The shear test con-
figuration was similar to that used in the plug weld test trials. Arc spot welding mechanical test
data are reported in Table 5.
One important point, which should be recognized, is the range of values derived from these
tensile shear tests of arc spot welds. The welding conditions used in this work produced in all
cases visually acceptable arc spot welds, from the welding operator point of view. Despite
that fact, the shear strengths varied from 978 to 2832 pounds. In other tests, increases in alloy
sheet thickness of just 0005 inch (0 13 millimeter) produced marked decrease in weld
strength, all other welding conditions being constant.
Typical arc spot welding tensile test fracture examples are shown in Figure 10. As can be
seen, failure occurs by the removal of a small nugget from the substrate material. The sample
on the left failed at 1734 pounds while the sample on the right failed at 2694 pounds. The
nugget on the right is larger than on the left and this accounts for the difference in load at
Additional work has shown that somewhat higher tensile property results are possible when
argon-base shielding gas is used. This is believed to be a result of the deeper penetration
pattern associated with argon-base shielding gases.
Clearly significant differences in shear strength exist between arc spot welds and plug welds. The
average plug weld strength is about 4.5 times greater than the arc spot weld strength. Experiments
were run in an attempt to increase arc spot weld strength. In nearly all cases, attempts at increased
strength resulted in increased welding defects (holes and/or excessive droop).
One of the key features of thin-sheet lining is the lack of concern over substrate dilution during
seal welding. This however does not address the concern of substrate dilution during mid-
sheet attachment.
Three conditions have been used with plug welds over the past several years. Those condi-
tions are: one, leave plug weld as-welded; two, overlay a second layer of weld metal on the
plug weld and three, seal weld a patch over the plug weld. The selection among the various
plug welding techniques is left to the design engineer. It should be stated that some thin-
sheet lining systems have been installed using the first method with apparent success. Gener-
ally, however, methods' two or three are commonly used.
The corrosion resistance of the seal fillet welds is considered equivalent to any other alloy to
alloy weld. As a general statement, the corrosion resistance of the cast undiluted weld metal is
lower than the corrosion resistance of wrought base metal. This difference in corrosion resis-
tance is most clearly demonstrated when tests are conducted in environments that cause
pitting-type corrosion.
Corrosion testing was conducted on both plug welds and arc spot welds to gauge the corro-
sion resistance degradation of these welds as compared to an alloy to alloy weld. Small
welded samples were fabricated as shown in Figure 11. Such a configuration makes it pos-
sible to perform immersion pitting corrosion testing of attachment welds. An example of a
completed assembly is shown in Figure 12.
Plug welding was performed using the parameters documented in Table 1. The diameter of
the drilled hole was 1/2 inch (13 millimeters). Testing was conducted using the first two op-
tions, discussed above.
Arc spot welding was performed using the parameters documented in Table 2. All testing of
arc spot welds was performed on samples left in the as-welded condition.
Corrosion testing was conducted using an oxidizing, acid-chloride solution (11.5 percent
+ 1.2 percent HCI + 1 percent FeCI
+ 1 percent CuCI,). The immersion time was 24
hours. Samples were tested at various temperatures (in 5 deg. C increments) to determine the
critical pitting temperature at and above which pitting occurred.
The corrosion test results of the midsheet attachment weld assemblies are documented in
Table 6. The pitting resistance of the plug weld assemblies (in the as-welded condition)
appears to have some degree of variability. As noted in Table 6, pitting occurred at 85 deg. C
and the samples tested at 80 deg. C did not pit. However, one of the samples tested at 75
deg. C showed attack on one surface. Duplicate samples were run at 75 and 80 deg. C to
determine more accurately a critical pitting temperature. No pitting was detected on these
duplicate samples. This variability in pitting resistance is probably due to differences in the
amount of substrate dilution noted from sample to sample.
The results of the plug welds with a second pass applied are also presented in Table 6. In this
case, pitting occurred at 85 deg. C and above, while the samples tested at 80 and 75 deg. C
did not pit. These results show the critical pitting temperature for the second pass plug weld
samples to be 85 deg. C.
The results of arc spot weld corrosion testing indicate that the critical pitting temperature of
such spotwelds is about 80 deg. C. This is very similar to the corrosion resistance of an as-
welded (one layer) plug weld.
Table 7 is included to bring together all the critical pitting data for the various midsheet attach-
ment options. The critical pitting temperature of unwelded wrought HASTELLOY C-22 alloy
base material is included as a reference point. Clearly the plug welds and arc spot welds left
in the as-welded condition have lower pitting resistance when compared to the alloy to alloy
seal welds. Applying a second pass to a plug weld improves the situation but does not bring
the pitting resistance up to the alloy to alloy seal welds.
1. The thin-sheet metallic lining technique has been successfully applied in FGD systems by
using these simple fabrication and inspection steps.
2. Thin-sheet metallic lining of HASTELLOY C-22 alloy has been proven to be a reliable and
cost effective corrosion protection method.
3. Corrosion and mechanical properties of the C-22 sheet metal and weld filler metal add
versatility and reliability to the thin-sheet metallic lining technique.
8552b (1895r)
HASTELLOY, NiCoBrite and C-22 are trademarks of Haynes International, Inc.
HELISTAR SS is a registered trademark of Union Carbide Industrial Gases
Technology Corporation.
(Seal welds, intermittent structural fillet welds and plug welds)
Substrate material:
Substrate thickness:
Sheet material:
Sheet material thickness:
Welding filler material:
Welding filler material diameter:
Welding position:
Preheat temperature:
Interpass temperature:
Shielding gas:
Shielding gas flow rate:
Electrical Characteristic:
Welding Detail: Flat:
Carbon steel
1/4 inch (6 mm) nominal
HASTELLOY C-22 alloy
0.062 inch (1.6 mm) nominal
HASTELLOY C-22 alloy
0.035 inch (.89 mm)
90% He + 7.5% Ar + 2.5% CO
25 CFH (07 CMH)
DCRP (electrode positive)
Amperage: 70-90 amps
Arc voltage: 18-20 volts
Wire feed speed: 180-210 inch/min
460-530 em/min
Travel speed: 10-15 inch/min
25-38 em/min
Interpass cleaning by stainless steel
power wire brush
Forehand welding with stringer beads
Vertical-down, backhand with stringer
Forehand welding with stringer beads
Substrate material:
Substrate thickness:
Sheet material:
Sheet material thickness:
Welding filler material:
Welding filler material diameter:
Welding position:
Preheat temperature:
Shielding gas:
Shielding gas flow rate:
Electrical Characteristic:
Carbon steel
1/4 inch (6 mm)
HASTELLOY C-22 alloy
0.062 inch (16 mm) nominal
HASTELLOY C-22 alloy
0.062 inch (1.6 mm)
90% He + 7.5% Ar + 2.5% CO
25 CFH (07 CMH)
DCRP (electrode positive)
Amperage: 300 amps
Arc voltage: 31 volts
Wire feed speed: 325 inch/min
825 cm/min
Arc spot time: 0.5 seconds
Interpass cleaning by stainless steel
power wire brush
Note: Alloy sheet must be in intimate contact with the substrate to
produce acceptable welds.
Shear Strength of Structural Fillet Welds
(HASTELLOY C-22 alloy Filler Wire/Sheet and Carbon Steel Substrate)
Shear force (pounds)
Weld position
Fillet weld size: 3/4"
--Average of duplicate tests
Shear Strength of Various Diameter Plug Welds
(HASTELLOY C-22 Filler Wire/Sheet and Carbon Steel Substrate)
Weld position
Plug weld size:
Shear force (pounds)
3/8" 1/2" 5/8"
6600 9600 14,700
7100 9600 13,500
6700 9600 13,300
--Average of duplicate tests
Shear Strength of Arc Spot Welds
(HASTELLOY C-22 Filler Wire/Sheet and Carbon Steel Substrate)
position Shielding gas Avg. Min. Max.
Flat A-1025 2070 1734 2694
Vertical 2424 1452 2832
Overhead 2013 978 2754
Average 2169
Corrosion Test Results of Midsheet Attachment Welds
Oxidizing, Acid-Chloride Solution
(11.5% H
+ 1.2% HCI + 1% FeCI
+ 1% CuCI)
Welding Number of Temperature Corrosion Visual
Process Layers
(OC) Rate (mpy) Inspection
Plug weld 1 90 120 Pits (2/2 sides)
85 36 Pits (2/2 sides)
80 9 No pits (2/2 sides)
6 No pits (2/2 sides)
75 9 Pits (1 /2 sides)
4 No pits (2/2 sides)
Plug weld 2 95 429 Pits (2 / 2 sides)
90 211 Pits (2/2 sides)
85 24 Pits (2/2 sides)
9 No pits (2/2 sides)
80 7 No pits (2/2 sides)
75 7 No pits (2/2 sides)
Arc spot 1 90 150 Pits (1 /2 sides)
165 Pits (1 /2 sides)
85 7 Pits (1 /2 sides)
49 Pits (2/2 sides)
80 33 Pits (2/2 sides)
68 Pits (2/2 sides)
75 4 No pits (2/2 sides)
2 No pits (2/2 sides)
Critical Corrosion Pitting Temperatures
Oxidizing, Acid-Chloride Solution
(11.5% H
+ 1.2% HCI + 1% FeCI
+ 1% CuCI
Midsheet attachment method
Wrought HASTELLOY C-22 alloy
Plug weld with seal welded patch
Plug weld with second layer
Plug weld as-welded (one layer)
Arc Spot Weld
Critical Pitting
Temperature (0C)
75 - 85
Sq. Feet 600
HASTELLOY Metallic Linings
o C-22
1980-1985 1985-1990
Neg. no. 28366-515
Figure 1: Absorber Outlet Ducts Lined with HASTELLOY C-22 alloy
Neg. no. 65910
Fillet Weld
Arc Spot or
Plug Weld
-to.062 in.
Carbon Steel or
Lower Alloy Substrate
First Sheet Second Sheet
Approximately 1 in. Overlap of
Second Sheet Over First Sheet
Sheet 1 ?
Sheet 2
Intermittent Fillet Welds
6 in. Center to Center Distance
Third Sheet Seal Weld
Sheet 1
Sheet 1
Sheet 2
Sheet 3
Sheet 3
Seal Weld
Neg. no. 59818 1/2X
SECTION A-A Neg. no. 49548
Flat Position 1.5X Neg. no. 51391
Vertical Position 1.5X Neg. no. 51392
Overhead Position 1.5X Neg. no. 51393
Arc spot weld
Neg. no. 59905
Plug weld
Arc spot weld cross-section
Neg. no. 59938 4X
'-;7" ~ .....
Plug Weld cross-section
Neg. no. 59937 4X
..... '
Alloy Sheet
Fillet Welds Alloy Sheet
Seal Weld
I' AS REQUIRED -----I"I-----L 4'
4 ' ~ V
Seal Weld
Fillet Welds
8' f--.L-+--+--, __L
I I 4' S
l--- 8' ----l
Midsheet Attachment (if Specified)
Intermittent Fillet Welds
Seal Weld

90 Break
Alloy Sheet

Seal Weld
Alloy Sheet
No Welding Required
Down Length of Joint
Expansion Joint
Sheet 90Break
Bolt Holes Pre-Punched
GenerClI Test Configuration
Used For Fillet lIela, Plug lIeld
or Spot lIeld Test
Test As Shown
1----- 8.000'
Sheet .............-CQrbon Steel
_ -f_O._06_3_'
3/4" fillet
1" fillet
Neg. no. 57761 1/2X
1-1/4" fillet
Sheet material tearing
Neg. no. 57760
Plug weld failure at substrate
Figure 10: Plug Weld Shear Test Results


1734 pounds to fail
Neg. no. 59898 1/2X
2694 pounds to fail

Step One
Plug 'Weld or
Arc Spot \.Ipla \ I
FIU.t V.ld
All Around
LOOO C-22 Filler
L :;:.. M.t.l- GTAV
I v ""'-C-276
Plug 'Weld Pipe
Step Two
Co.rbon Steel DIsk
On C-22 DIsk
Plug \Jeld or
Arc Spot Weld I C-22
Per Stando.rd I Disk
L RequireMents I

0.250' ]
Figure 12: Fabrication Steps for Plug Weld and Arc Spot
Weld Corrosion Test Specimen
.. -. --- ,..."............

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