Marketing Mix of Grameen Phone Limited

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United International University MKT 2320 Introduction to Marketing Assignment On: MARKETING MIX OF GRAMEEN PHONE LIMITED Submitted

To: Sharmin Akter Lecturer School of Business Submitted By: Group: Patriot Md. Masudur Rahman Mahfuz -E- Rabbani Md. Ashikul Karim Section: D Date of Submission: 18th April, 2010

111 072 051 Md. Mehedi Hasan 111 072 181 Ataul Islam 111 072 251 111 082 068 111 082 131

Letter of Transmittal April 18, 2010 Sharmin Akter Lecturer School of Business United International University Dhaka Subject: Request to grant the Term Paper Dear Madam, It is our pleasures to submit our report on the titled Marketing mix of GrameenPh one Ltd in connection of our practical orientation on marketing mix.

We have made sincere effort to follow your guidelines in every aspect of prepari ng this report. The report will provide information about the details of Grameen Phone Ltd, Its administrative framework and Marketing mix. This reporting program gives us the opportunity to work with and gather experien ce from the real business world. We have completed our reporting program under t he supervision of Mr. Rubayet Ahsan, Customer Care Executive, GrameenPhone cente r, Mirpur-1. However, we might have some drawbacks on the report because all the data were no t available. It would be our pleasure to clarify further queries regarding the r eport. Sincerely yours, Mahfuz -E- Rabbani (On behalf of the group) Group: Patriot Section D Spring 2010 School of Business United International University Acknowledgement It is says that- what you need to e because we dont have any scale our best in preparing the report. nd step and to make it a reliable do, do perfectly. But it is not vary easier on to measure perfections. But we believe we tried We were quite sincere from the first step to e mirror of GrameenPhones marketing mix.

It has been a good experience for us to understand the real world outside the cl assroom. The present report could never been completed without the help of some cooperative person and accommodating authorities. First and foremost we would like to thanks the almighty Allah who kept us physic ally fit. Then we would like to thanks to our honorable instructor Sharmin Akter , Lecturer, United International University for her end over approach and outsta nding supervision, without which it was quite impossible to accomplish such diff icult task. We would like to convey special thanks and honor to Mr. Rubayet Ahsan, Customer Care Executive, Grameenphone centre. Mirpur 1, Dhaka, who helped us a lot during our project time, for his cordial help as well as kind cooperation and all the support that helped us to finish our report successfully. Last of all, we would like to express our thanks and gratitude to our family, fr iends, peers and other employees of UIU to help us a lot in different ways.

Table of Content GRAMEEN PHONE : At a glance 01-03 OBJECTIVES OF THE REPORTS

03 MARKETING MIX 04 PRODUCT: 07 15 Payment period and credit terms 16 PLACE: Channels 17 Coverage, Assortment, Location, Inventory Transportation 19 PROMOTION: 20-23 About Promotion 20 Sources of advertisements 21 Personal Selling and Sales promotion 22 Public Relation 23 REFERNCES: 24 18 05-10 About product : Variety, quality 05 Design 06 Features, brand name, packaging, services Massaging and Priority services 08 Internet and Data services 08-09 Some facilities 09 Other available services in Grameenphone centre PRICE: 11-12 Shohoj and Apon 13-14 Djuice Tariff Plan, Discount, Allowance


GRAMEEN PHONE LIMITED At a glance The company has so far invested more than BDT 10,700 crore (USD 1.6 billion) to build the network infrastructure since its inception in 1997. It has invested ov er BDT 3,100 crore (USD 450 million) during the first three quarters of 2007 whi le BDT 2,100 crore (USD 310 million) was invested in 2006 alone. Grameenphone is also one the largest taxpayers in the country, having contributed nearly BDT 70 00 crore in direct and indirect taxes to the Government Exchequer over the years . Of this amount, over BDT 2000 crore was paid in 2006 alone. Since its inception in March 1997, Grameenphone has built the largest cellular n

etwork in the country with over 10,000 base stations in more than 5700 locations . Presently, nearly 98 percent of the country s population is within the coverag e area of the Grameenphone network. Grameenphone was also the first operator to introduce the pre-paid service in Se ptember 1999. It established the first 24-hour Call Center, introduced value-add ed services such as VMS, SMS, fax and data transmission services, international roaming service, WAP, SMS-based push-pull services, EDGE, personal ring back ton e and many other products and services. The entire Grameenphone network is also EDGE/GPRS enabled, allowing access to hi gh-speed Internet and data services from anywhere within the coverage area. Ther e are currently existing nearly 3 million EDGE/GPRS users in the Grameenphone ne twork. Grameenphone nearly doubled its subscriber base during the initial years while t he growth was much faster during the later years. It ended the inaugural year wi th 18,000 customers, 30,000 by the end of 1998, 60,000 in 1999, 193,000 in 2000, 471,000 in 2001, 775,000 in 2002, 1.16 million in 2003, 2.4 million in 2004, 5. 5 million in 2005, 11.3 million in 2006, and it ended 2007 with 16.5 million cus tomers. From the very beginning, Grameenphone placed emphasis on providing good after-sa les services. In recent years, the focus has been to provide after-sales within a short distance from where the customers live. There are now more than 600 GP S ervice Desks across the country covering nearly all upazilas of 61 districts. In addition, there are 72 Grameenphone Centers in all the divisional cities and th ey remain open from 8am-7pm everyday including all holidays. GP has generated direct and indirect employment for a large number of people ove r the years. The company presently has more than 5,000 full and temporary employ ees. Another 100,000 people are directly dependent on Grameenphone for their liv elihood, working for the Grameenphone dealers, retailers, scratch card outlets, suppliers, vendors, contractors and others. In addition, the Village Phone Program, also started in 1997, provides a good in come-earning opportunity to more than 210,000 mostly women Village Phone operato rs living in rural areas. The Village Phone Program is a unique initiative to pr ovide universal access to telecommunications service in remote, rural areas. Adm inistered by Grameen Telecom Corporation, it enables rural people who normally c annot afford to own a telephone to avail the service while providing the VP oper ators an opportunity to earn a living. The Village Phone initiative was given the "GSM in the Community" award at the g lobal GSM Congress held in Cannes, France in February 2000. Grameenphone was als o adjudged the Best Joint Venture Enterprise of the Year at the Bangladesh Busin ess Awards in 2002. Grameenphone was presented with the GSM Association s Global Mobile Award for Best use of Mobile for Social and Economic Development at the 3GSM World Congress held in Singapore, in October 2006, for its Community Inform ation Center (CIC) project, and for its HealthLine Service project at the 3GSM W orld Congress held in Barcelona, Spain, in February 2007. Grameenphone considers its employees to be one of its most important assets. GP has an extensive employee benefit scheme in place including Gratuity, Provident Fund, Group Insurance, Family Health Insurance, Transportation Facility, Day Car e Centre, Children s Education Support, Higher Education Support for employees, in-house medical support and other initiatives. Grameenphone has been listed in Bangladesh capital market after completing the l argest initial public offering (IPO) ever in the countrys history. Trading of Gra meenphone shares commenced in both Dhaka and Chittagong Stock Exchanges on 16 No vember 2009. The share of BDT 10 each was offered with premium at BDT 70 and on 30 December 2009 the trading price closed at BDT 187.5 in the Dhaka Stock Exchan ge. Grameenphones shareholding structure after the IPO stood at 55.8% for Telenor, 34 .2% for Grameen Telecom, and 10% to general retail and institutional investors. Objective of the Term paper:

Primary objective of this report is to submit it as our assignment, related in o ur course Introduction to Business. To find out analyze the marketing mix of GrameenPhone in comparison to other lea ding telecommunication service provider corporation. To show the position of GP in telecommunication market. To know the marketing mix policy of GP using for subscriber. To define the opportunity and catch the market more likely. Find out the services, which are given by GP. To identify the products, prices, promotions and placement of GrameenPhone.

MARKETING MIX Kotler, Philip; and Armstrong, Gray defined Marketing mix is the set of controllable tactical marketing toolsProduct Price Place Promotion That the firm blends to produce the response it wants in the target market. It consists of everything the firm can do to influence the demand for its produc t. The many possibilities can be collected into 4 groups of variables known as t he 4 Ps: Product, Price, Place, and Promotion. In our report we will discuss about the marketing mix of Grameenphone.

PRODUCT Product means goods or services that most closely meet the requirements of a par ticular market or segment and yield enough profit to justify its continued exist ence. A tangible object or an intangible service that is mass produced or manufactured on a large scale with a specific volume of units called Product. Intangible pro ducts are service based like the tourism industry & the hotel industry or codesbased products like cell phone load and credits. Typical examples of a mass prod uced tangible object are the motor car and the disposable razor. A less obvious but ubiquitous mass produced service is a computer operating system. Packaging a lso needs to be taken into consideration. GrameenPhones main and vital product is connection or SIM (Subscriber Identificat ion Module) Card and their after sales services. GP has many sort of product as well. They products of GP are described bellow:Variety GP produce different type of product based on consumer need, want demand and per sonality GP has some different product (SIM). Pre-paid Post paid PCO Quality GP always try to fulfill the demand of the consumers. So they provide various ty pes of Sim card which are contain different characteristics and quality as well. These characteristics help the customers to identify their needs and wants and

select the Sim card what they wanted actually. Design GPs connections are covered with different designs or criteria indeed. These are given belowSmile (PSTN Pre-paid): GPs new SMILE prepaid has been designed to keep customers smiling. It brings them great rewards and benefits, amazing rates, and exciting new features. And this is just the beginning of a happy story. It has three sub-packages Shohoj: Specially offered to the customers who always want an easy package with reasonable and comfortable call rate actually. Apon: Aapon users can call in few but important numbers (Grameenphone numbers on ly) at a very low rate per minute any time. Bondhu: This is for the users whose calls are usually limited to a tight friend and family circle indeed. Xplore (Post-paid): GP offer postpaid package to their customers who spend a large amount of money i n their daily phone usage. The payment procedure of the bill is done by post. So it is called post-paid package. Its name is Xplore postpaid. PCO is the sub cat egory of Xplore post paid. Business Solution: GP offer a unique package for the corporate business executives as well. It has both prepaid and post category as well. GPs Business Solutions aims to provide subs criber with enhanced priority services as they value subscribers time in business . Djuice: GP launched their Djuice package which focused on basically the young and energe tic generation who will be the future leader of the country as well as the natio n actually. Internet Sim: Internet Sim is only for using the internet through the modem also provided by g rameenphone as well. Features GP products are featured differently from one another. So the consumers always t ry to choose their preferred product with their preferred feature to fulfill the ir demand. Such as Shohoj and Apon package contains three FnF numbers but Bondhu contains seven FnF numbers. Brand name Brand name has an exemplary reputation and the organization take steps to popula rize the brand name. Brand name used to differentiate the branded product from t he other competitors products. It is actually used to attract the customers as w ell. GP provides a brand product to the consumer to fulfill the demand of young generation. The name of the brand product is Djuice. GP launched Djuice at 14th Ap ril, 2005 to get the attention of young generation actually. Packaging GP pack their products in a lucrative, congenial and attractive way to assure as well as get the attraction of their target consumers. Services GP provides after purchasing service, electronic paying of bill, replacement fac ilities etc. Any type of networking or communication problem, customer related p roblems are become solved by GP Network administration division as well as GP ce nter and customers care service respectively. Without these GP also provide some services. They are given below-

Messaging Services: GPs various messaging services allow subscribers ways to communicate smarter, fast er, more efficiently and more cost-effectively on the go. SMS Voice SMS Voice Mail MMS (multimedia messaging) Cell e-mail SMS plus SMS banking SMS information service Mobile profiling Priority Services: GPs Business Solutions aims to provide subscriber with enhanced priority services a s they value subscribers time in business. Key Account Managers: Consult with GPs Key Account Managers to learn about their latest mobile communication solutions that help optimize Subscriber Companys comm unication structure through a long term relationship with Business Solutions. Prioritized Service: Enjoy exclusive one-to-one service at 82 Grameenphone Cente rs around the country, open 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Prioritized Hotline 121: Dedicated customers care managers are available round-t he-clock, 24 hours a day and 7 days a week by simply dialing 121 Business Solutio ns postpaid subscribers can enjoy prioritized customer service. International Roaming: International Roaming (IR) is a service that allows subsc ribers of one mobile network to use his/her own phone (number & handset) in fore ign operators networks while traveling outside home country. Internet and Data Services: GP intend to serve subscriber with the internet facility to subscribers extended mobility and access everywhere they go. The whole country is under INTERNET netw ork. Wherever youll get GP connection, youll get GP INTERNET connection. High Speed Data Service: Grameenphones high speed mobile coverage lets customer e njoy a series of services like e-mailing, downloading, and browsing. If they mov e out EDGE coverage the phone automatically switches to GPRS, ensuring them conn ection without any interruption. Moreover, their EDGE-enable phone functions as a wireless data modem when they connect it to any laptop. Mobile data transfer: Subscriber can easily transfer data to share among their c olleagues, access servers when moving in a remote area, and even connect to the Internet from their own PC by using GPs mobile network. Mobile Fax: All subscribers need is a computer notebook, their business solutions mobile phone, a cellular data card and a connector. Subscribers are ready to se nd faxes as well as retrieve it from any available fax machine. Mobile Internet: With this service subscribers can access a number of mobile Int ernet sites for news services, travel information, sports updates and much more. Mobile E-mail: GPs mobile e-mail is designed such that subscribers are never far from their business. Access their office e-mail, corporate address book, and vie w business appointments. Mobile email lets subscriber use their mobile as they w ould their computer. Some facilities: Along with all the benefits, all new and existing customers of Grameenphone will continue to enjoy quality network and best customer service. In addition, SMILE brings a lot of other facilities:

Caller ID: It is a basic feature of SMILE that allows you to view the number tha t is trying to reach you. Call Waiting: It enables you to receive a second call while you are already talk ing to another person. You can then either reject the second call or put the fir st caller on hold, talk to the second caller and then return to the first call. Call Conference: It is a unique & beneficial service that enables you to interac t with multiple people at the same time. It allows you to make up to 5 calls at once and connect all the calls so that everyone can talk to each other. This fea ture is handset dependent. Call Divert/Call Forwarding: You can divert/forward your incoming calls to any o ther number when your mobile is off, busy, cannot answer phone or out of coverag e area. Call Barring: Depending upon your mobile handset, you can restrict any unauthori zed use of your mobile phone (incoming and outgoing). Other available services in GP Center: Postpaid SIM replacement Death case Duplicate paper Duplicate paper Signatory change Refund Adjustment Product information Adjustment Postpaid reconnection Postpaid Migration Billing Address change Itemized Bill Bill / usage / payment information Wrong account posting Complain & query handling Signatory change (for company phone only) SIM check Temporary disconnection Permanent disconnection Technical problem Faulty SIM Replacement International Roaming. Welcome tunes configuration VSMS ( Voice SMS) Thank you bonus Welcome tunes configuration Edge configuration Dual claim Voice mail Password unblock

PRICE Market value, or agreed exchange value, that will purchase a definite quantity, weight, or other measure of a good or service.

The price is the amount a customer pays for the product. It is determined by a n umber of factors including market share, competition, material costs, product id entity and the customer s perceived value of the product. The business may incre ase or decrease the price of product if other stores have the same product. To get a SIM connection of GP, a person expense an exchanging value, this value is called Price. List price A consumer can get a clear idea of product from list price. List price generally used to comparing with various and similar types of product of various brand or companies. So preparing of list price is sensitive job indeed. GP also use List price at all to convey their price of sim card in comparison to other competito rs sim card. The list price of grameenphone are given below for their various pac kagePrepaid Price Plans Grameenphone brings a new prepaid connection only at Tk 299 with a bonus talktim e of Tk 200. You will get a bonus talktime of Tk 20 instantly after recharging. This connection, gives you the freedom to choose amongst the three exciting off ers Shohoj, Bondhu and Aapon. Any one also have the option to move into the djui ce package. Special packages for new prepaid connections are given below-

Shohoj Package: Grameenphone prepaid connection comes with this pre-activated pa ckage where you will be able to talk to any operator number at a low, flat rate of Tk 0.79. You can also send SMS at Tk 1/SMS to any operator (GP/ others) numbe r. Time GP-GP GP-Other Operators Voice call 24 Hours Tk. 0.79/min Tk. 0.79/min SMS Tk. 1.00/SMS Tk. 1.00/SMS Aapon Package: You will be able to talk to over 23 million Grameenphone numbers at a low rate. The package offers the following features: Time GP-GP GP-Other Operators

Voice call Morning Time: (8 am-12pm) Tk. 1.25/min Tk. 1.49/min Day Time: (12pm-4pm) Tk. 0.49/min Tk. 1.49/min Evening Time: (4pm-12 am) Tk. 1.25/min Tk. 1.49/min Night time (12am-8 am) Tk. 0.49/min Tk. 0.99/min 3 FnF (Voice call) 24 Hours Tk. 0.49/min Not Applicable SMS Tk. 1.00/SMS Tk. 1.00/SMS SMS (FnF) Tk. 0.50/SMS Not Applicable This package gives you the privilege of calling 3 FnF numbers at Tk 0.49 and sen ding SMS at Tk 0.5 ( GP-GP, GP-other operator at Tk 1/SMS)

Bondhu Package: This package with the highest number of F&Fs allows you to talk to your near and dear ones at the lowest rate. This package gives you the privil ege of calling 7 FnF numbers at Tk 0.49/min. You can calls to all other numbers (Other than the seven FnFs) are BDT 0.99 per minute. SMS rates are BDT 0.50 per SMS to FnF numbers and BDT 1 to other GP-GP and other operator numbers. Time GP-GP GP-Other Operators 7 FnF (Voice call) 24 Hours Tk. 0.49/min Not Applicable Voice Call 24 Hours Tk. 0.99/min Tk. 0.99/min SMS Tk. 1.00/SMS Tk. 1.00/SMS SMS (7 FnF) Tk. 0.50/SMS Not Applicable Postpaid Price Plans Tariff: xplore Postpaid has come up with a very attractive and competitive tarif f. GP-GP Other Mobile F&F BTCL (local/NWD) SMS Charge 4pm-12pm Tk.1.30/min 24 Hours Tk.1.30/min 4 F&F Tk.0.49/min Outgoing: Tk. 1.30/min F&F: Tk.0.50 GP and other local operators: Tk.1 International: Tk.2.00 12pm-4pm Tk. 0.49/min Incoming: Free

Line Rent: Tk.50/month (This fee too will be waived if the subscribers monthly airtime usage exceeds BDT 450) BTCL Incoming is absolutely free for Xplore: 1 sec pulse from 1st minute onwards for all numbers except F&F 60 sec pulse from 1st minute onwards for F&F NWD calls: BTCL s Peak (8am - 10pm) & Off-peak (10pm - 8am) rate will be applica ble for BTCL charge and 15% VAT applicable. Djiuce Tariff Plan Get your friends on djuice and talk freely anytime with djuice friend Gang. All existing djuice users can migrate to this package and start enjoying the experie nce. The table given below including the rate of djiuce existing packageCall Type Time 8 am - 12 pm 12 pm - 4 pm 4 pm - 12 am 12 am - 8 am djuice - djuice 49 p*/min

3 F&F(only GP/djuice numbers) 49 p*/min djuice - GP 1.35 Tk*/min 49 p*/min 1.35 Tk*/min 49 p*/min djuice - Other Operator 1.49 Tk*/min 66 p*/min SMS Type Time 8 am - 12 pm 12 pm - 4 pm 4 pm - 12 am 12 am - 8 am djuice - djuice 50 p/SMS djuice - GP 75 p/SMS djuice - Other Operator 75 /SMS Internet sim: The Gp Internet sim is 150 tk and it has various packages for inte rnet browsing. Discount Discount means reduction from a stated rate or list price. Discount is given to the customers to motivate them to purchase more and more. Discount is announced to attract the customers to purchase and use the products and services. Discount rates become fixed by considering the customers expectations and the discount r ate of the competitors. GP provides many discounts to the consumer. Such as, cur rent discount rate on dialed call is 45 paisa/min from 12am to 6am. Discount on selling price of internet sim, prepaid sim and postpaid sim connection is the al so included in discounting approach of GP. Allowances An allowance is an amount of money set aside for a designated purpose. Basically , allowances are given to the dealers and retailers to promote the products. Som etimes GP offers allowance on their list price. They do it to clear the previous stock of the product like-when GP wants to launch a new product then it can use allowances. Payment period The time period required for repayment of an installment loan in fixed installme nts at regular intervals (for example, month, quarter, or semi-annual). GP use t he prepayment, post payment. Post payment is generally monthly based payment pro cedure. GP offers two types of payment systems, asPrepaid: Means the product price paid before the usage. Post paid: Means the bill paid by posting and it may be paid after 30 days. Credit terms Still now GP has not taken any decision about credit terms. But in future it may implement credit facilities to the target market.

PLACE Place represents the location where a product can be purchased. It is often refe rred to as the distribution channel. It can include any physical store as well a s virtual stores on the Internet. Place also includes company activities that ma ke the product available to target market. The company may decide to sell online rather than through a store. A company must also consider the warehousing and l ogistical side to placing their product in a particular area. GP always try to serve the extreme service to their clients so they are spreadin

g and developing their network to stay close to their clients. Channels Distribution channels move products and services from businesses to consumers an d to other businesses. Also known as marketing channels, channels of distributio n consist of a set of interdependent organizations-such as wholesalers, retailer s, and sales agents-involved in making a product or service available for use or consumption. GP has more than 2000 own outlets, GP centre and more than 12000 retail outlets to sell their products. GP maintains an effective channel to designate their pro ducts to their client. Distribution channels are just one component of the overa ll concept of distribution networks, which are the real, tangible systems of int erconnected sources and destinations through which products pass on their way to final consumers. There are two general types of channel levels namely: Direct channels: Sometimes GP do not use any intermediaries. Using own channels like GP Centre, GP Customer Care Centre. Indirect channels: Most of the time GP use many more intermediaries like retail outlets, wholesaler and so on to offer the product to the customer. Coverage Coverage is the number of active retail or wholesale outlets (relative to a satu ration level) that sell a specific firm s brands in a given market. Required mar ket coverage is achieved by following concentrated marketing, differentiated mar keting, or undifferentiated marketing strategy. GP has more than 8000 own and retail outlets in Dhaka and surrounding areas as w ell as 6000 outlets in the rural area of Bangladesh to serve the people. Assortment GP always tries to provide the best and extreme service to their clients. GP cen ter, customer care centers and retail outlets are integrated as an assortment of GP where a client can get any kind of connection or services of GP like prepaid -shohoj, apon, bondhu, djuice, business solution; Postapid-xplore, pco, business solution and internet sim also . Location Location means where company running his business base on consumers needs, wants , demand and companys revenue. GP locate the distribution of product carefully. Such as, GP concentrate on Busi ness Solution only in the large cities in Bangladesh like Dhaka, Khulna, Chittag ong, Rajshahi, Rangpur, Barishal, Sylhet town. But Smile and Xplore package are available in all over the country. Inventory Inventory means the reserved product which will be sold in the market. GP contro ls its inventory before distribute to the market. Still GP has approximately 500 00 sim connections which are waiting to be use by clients. Transportation Any device used to move an item from one location to another. Common forms of tr ansportation include planes, trains, automobiles, and other two-wheel devices su ch as bikes or motorcycles. GP has more than 750 motor vehicles, 600 drivers and sales representatives to di stribute their product criteria, demand, expenditure, dependability of demand, t ransport system etc. Grameenphone Centers are one-stop shops designed especially for customers and cu stomers want and demand need. GP call these Grameenphone Centers their Flagship sales and service point. Whether customers wish to pay a bill, change a subscrip tion, buy a new connection or replace a mobile phone, Grameenphone Centers can p rovide you all this and more, under one roof. Furthermore, many activities and c

ampaigns all round the year make GPC a happening place; for example the Grameenp hone Centre Recent Nokia campaign So whenever customer stop by, theyd observe som e activity or the other.

Promotion Promotion is an advancement of a product, idea, or point of view through publici ty or advertising. Promotion represents all of the communications that a markete r may use in the marketplace. Promotion has four distinct elements: advertising, public relations, word of mouth and point of sale. A certain amount of crossove r occurs when promotion uses the four principal elements together, which is comm on in film promotion. Advertising covers any communication that is paid for, fro m cinema commercials, radio and Internet adverts through print media and billboa rds. Public relations are where the communication is not directly paid for and i ncludes press releases, sponsorship deals, exhibitions, conferences, seminars or trade fairs and events. Word of mouth is any apparently informal communication about the product by ordinary individuals, satisfied customers or people specifi cally engaged to create word of mouth momentum. GP convey its product and convince the client to purchase and use. GP is taking a huge number of promotional activities to compete with other mobile companies. Advertisement Advertising is a form of communication intended to persuade an audience (viewers , readers or listeners) to take some action. Paid, non-personal, public communic ation about causes, goods and services, ideas, organizations, people, and places , through means such as direct mail, telephone, print, radio, television, news p aper and internet. GP in objectively try to convince people by advertisement. It uses many sources to advertisement of its product as their promotional activitiesTelevision: Nowadays Television has become one of the daily necessities in our life. We watc h television for various purposes. So, it is very easy to communicate with the m ass people by television. Through TV we have seen different advertisements of Gr ameenphone. Radio: Nowadays, radio creates one of the major communication systems for all class of people and everywhere. People listen radio anytime such as when they stay in bus /car, office, school/college, house etc. by their mobile phone or radio device. These stations got huge response from different class of people especially from young generation. Different radio stations are operating in Bangladesh. These s tations use to earn profit by advertisement in the middle of their shows. So, GP provides the advertisement through the radio. Internet: GP has its own web site ( by which GP promotes its p roducts. From this web page people can know any information about their product, price, requirement, support, history, company profile, financial result etc. Al so they are send direct mail to the customer account for inform about new produc t. And also they are use Social-networking site like facebook, yahoo, twitter et c.for their advertisement

News paper & Magazine: Through the newspaper we can know what is happening around the world. In Banglad esh more than twenty news papers are publishing in both Bengali and English lang uage every day. GP also uses this source and gives their advertisement by the ne wspaper. Bill-board: Billboard also another source of promoting about the latest products. Billboard is placed beside the highways or on high-rise building from where lots of people pass through. Basically billboard ad given with model or celebrity, so that cel ebrity fans can bias on that product. In Bangladesh, GP use billboard to adverti se their new product. Personal Selling Face to face selling in which a seller attempts to persuade a buyer to make a pu rchase. Personal selling is as old as commerce itself. In this situation, seller needs very high knowledge about customer relationship management. In Bangladesh , GP Authorized dealers/reseller sells the product by use this method. For GP, it is very effective to the target market. So, GP uses personal selling. Sales promotion Sales promotion is a marketing discipline that utilizes a variety of incentives techniques to structure sales related programs targeted to customers, trade, and /or sales levels that generate a specific, measurable action or response for a p roduct or service. Sales promotion refers to many kinds of incentives and techni ques directed towards consumers and traders with the intention to produce immedi ate or short-term sales effects. GP takes sales promotion to increase their selling and profit likeStart-up offer: When a customer buy and start up the sim connection, then the cu stomer will get an amount of talk time. Reduction: Reduction of price for few days (0.50min to any GP number for Septemb er 5 15) Sponsorship: GP sponsors various events Cricket Tournament, and Disabled Olympia d and s on. Arranging competition: Sometimes GP arranges some competition like Grameen Phone Pacer Hunt, Complementary gift package: In many festivals like Eid, GP offers their connectio n with a cell phone to the customer. Free facilities: Sometimes GP offers free facilities like ticket of a concert is free with every djuice connection. Public relation Public relations is a broad set of communication activities employed to create a nd maintain favorable relationship with employees, shareholders, suppliers, medi a, educators, potential investors, financial institutions, government agencies a nd officials and society in general. GP arranges some objectives to go near to the target market, likePress relation about product launching Public affair Press briefing with another firm Special tour for product publicity Corporate relations.

Bottom-Line Statement Grameenphone uses the integrated marketing to capture the market in a best, effe ctive and long lasting way than other competitors as well. It chooses the marketi ng mix approach to be a leader of the telecommunication sector of Bangladesh and it has done it in an appreciable way. By the way of 4P, GP already gained appro ximately 2.5 crore customers and as a result, it has sustained its Number 1 posi tion in telecom sector. So, marketing mix could be a reliable way to reach at th e pinnacle of success.

References The information has been collected both qualitative and quantitative. All the da

ta have been collected from primary and secondary sources, like through 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Questionnaire, Face to Face interview, Knowledge sharing, Discussion with the different personnel, Internal data source, Online Annual report of GP, Internet, Online journals and so on.

Book Reference: Philip Kotler & Gray Armstrong, Principles of marketing, 2010, 12th edition. Phillip Kotler, Marketing Management, 11th edition. Skinner & Ivancevich, Business for the 21st century W. J. Stanton, Fundamentals of Marketing Tull & Hawkin, Marketing Research Web References: As a researcher we have collected all the data with our own effort. We tried our best to make it bias free. The project follows the formal format of report writ ing.

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