Certificate of Presentation K Elhayes
Certificate of Presentation K Elhayes
Certificate of Presentation K Elhayes
The Royal College of Surgeons, 35/43 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London WC2A 3PE Tel: 020 7405 8074 Fax: 020 7430 9997 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.baoms.org.uk
Registered charity limited by guarantee: 3337359 Registered charity number: 1062067 Registered office: as above
Certificate of Attendance
ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC MEETING Acropolis Conference Centre, Nice, France Wednesday 22nd to Friday 24th June 2011
Comparative study between different techniques for coverage of submerged immediate dental implants
Cyrus J Kerawala Honorary Secretary Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for this meeting is calculated as follows: Wednesday 22nd June 2011 Thursday 23rd June 2011 Friday 24th June 2011