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Installation and Start-Up Guide 11/2002 Edition: Ccu3 Software Version 6 Sinumerik 810D

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Installation and Start-Up Guide 11/2002 Edition

Software Version 6
Gen. Preparations 1
Design 2
Settings, MPI Bus 3
EMC (ESD) Measures 4
SINUMERIK 810D Power ON and Ramp-Up 5

Installation and Start-Up Guide Parameterizing the Control 6

PLC Description 7
Creating Alarm Text Files 8
Adapting the Machine Data 9
Axis/Spindle Dry Run 10
Drive Optimization 11
Data Backup 12
SW/HW Replacement 13

Valid for
Miscellaneous 15
Control Version
SINUMERIK 810D powerline 6
SINUMERIK 810DE powerline 6 Abbreviations A
References B
Index C

11.02 Edition
SINUMERIKr Documentation

Printing history

Brief details of this edition and previous editions are listed below.

The status of each edition is shown by the code in the “Remarks” columns.

Status code in the “Remarks” column:

A . . . . . New documentation.
B . . . . . Unrevised reprint with new Order No.
C . . . . . Revised edition with new status.
If factual changes have been made on the page within the same
software version, this is indicated by a new edition coding in the
header on that page.

Edition Order No. Remarks

12.95 6FC5 297-1AD20-0BP0 A
07.96 6FC5 297-1AD20-0BP1 C
08.97 6FC5 297-2AD20-0BP0 C
12.97 6FC5 297-2AD20-0BP1 C
12.98 6FC5 297-3AD20-0BP0 C
08.99 6FC5 297-3AD20-0BP1 C
04.00 6FC5 297-3AD20-0BP2 C
10.00 6FC5 297-4AD20-0BP0 C
10.01 6FC5 297-4AD20-0BP1 C
03.02 6FC5 297-6AD20-0BP0 C
11.02 6FC5 297-6AD20-0BP1 C

This book is part of the documentation on CD-ROM (DOCONCD)

Edition Order No. Remarks
11.02 6FC5 298-6CA00-0BG3 C

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third parties for their own purposes may infringe upon the rights of the owners.

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E Siemens AG, 1995–2002. All rights reserved Subject to changes without prior notice

Order No. 6FC5297–6AD20–0BP1 Siemens Aktiengesellschaft

Printed in Germany
11.02 Installation and Start-Up Guide SINUMERIK 810D


Structure of The SINUMERIK documentation is divided into three different levels:

the documentation
S General documentation
S User documentation
S Manufacturer/service documentation.
For more information about SINUMERIK 810D publications and general publi-
cations for SINUMERIK controls, please contact your local SIEMENS office.

Target group This document is intended for manufacturers of machine tools incorporating
SINUMERIK 810D and SIMODRIVE 611digital systems.

Hotline If you have any questions, please contact the hotline:

A&D Technical Support Phone: +49 (0)180-5050-222
Fax: ++49 (0)180-5050-223
e-mail: [email protected]
Please send any questions about the documentation (suggestions or correc-
tions) to the following fax number or e-mail address:
Fax: ++49 (0)(9131)-98-2176
e-mail: [email protected]
Fax form: see reply sheet at the end of the manual.

Internet address http://www.ad.siemens.de/sinumerik

SINUMERIK 810D As from 12.2001, the

S SINUMERIK 810D powerline and
S SINUMERIK 810DE powerline
are available with enhanced performance. You will find a list of available
powerline modules in the following reference manual:
References: /PHC/, Manual Configuring SINUMERIK 810D

Notice about soft- The following software and hardware is used with the SINUMERI 810D:
ware and hardware
S MMC 103 software --> HMI Advanced

S MMC 100 software --> HMI Embedded

S MMC 103 hardware --> PCU 50

S MMC 100 hardware --> PCU 20

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SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition v
Installation and Start-Up Guide SINUMERIK 810D 11.02

All components affected by these changes have been changed in this Installa-
tion & Start-up Guide.

Objective The Installation and Start-Up Guide gives all the relevant information required to
start-up, install and service SINUMERIK 810D systems.

Standard scope This documentation provides information about the control system and the
interfaces of the individual components. It also describes the start-up and
installation procedure for SINUMERIK 810D.
For detailed information about individual functions, function assignment and
performance data of individual components, please refer to the appropriate
document for the subject concerned (e.g. manuals, function descriptions etc.).
User-oriented activities such as the creation of part programs and control
operation procedures are described in detail in separate documents.
Separate descriptions are likewise provided for the tasks to be performed by the
tool manufacturer such as configuring, installation and PLC programming.

Search aids In addition to the table of contents and indexes of figures and tables, we have
provided the following information in the Appendix for your assistance:
1. Index of abbreviations
2. List of references
3. Index.
For a complete list and description of SINUMERIK 810D alarms, please refer to
References: /DA/, Diagnostics Guide.
Further information about installation and start-up as well as troubleshooting is
given in
References: /FB/, D1, “Diagnostic Tools”.

Notes The following symbols with special significance are used in the documentation:

The “Note” symbol is displayed in this document to draw your attention to infor-
mation relevant to the subject.

! This symbol is always displayed in this document to draw your attention to an
important item of information.

Siemens AG, 2002. All rights reserved

vi SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
11.02 Installation and Start-Up Guide SINUMERIK 810D

Ordering data option

In this documentation you will find the symbol shown on the left with a
reference to an ordering data option. Please note that the function described
can operate only if the specified option is installed in the control system.

Warnings The following warnings with varying levels of severity are used in this document:

! This symbol indicates that death, serious injury or substantial property damage
will occur if the appropriate precautions are not taken.

! This symbol indicates that death, serious injury or substantial property damage
may occur if the appropriate precautions are not taken.

! This symbol indicates that minor injuries or property damage may occur if the
appropriate precautions are not taken.

This warning indicates that property damage may occur if the appropriate pre-
cautions are not taken.

This warning indicates that an undesirable event may occur if the relevant no-
tice is not heeded.

Siemens AG, 2002. All rights reserved

SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition vii
Installation and Start-Up Guide SINUMERIK 810D 07.96

Technical information

Trademarks IBMr is a registered trademark of the International Business Corporation.

MS-DOSr and WINDOWST are registered trademarks of the Microsoft

Notations The following notations and abbreviations are used in this documentation:

S PLC interface signals --> IS “Signal name” (signal data)

-- IS “MMC CPU1 ready” (DB10, DBX108.2), i.e. the signal is stored in data
block 10, data byte 108, bit 2.
-- IS “Feedrate override” (DB31, ... DBB0), i.e. the signals are stored in
data blocks 31 to 38, data block byte 0.

S Machine data --> MD: NUMBER, MD_NAME (English designation)

S Setting data --> SD: NUMBER, SD_NAME (English designation)
S The symbol “≐” means “equivalent to”.

Siemens AG, 2002. All rights reserved

viii SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition

1 General Preparations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-15
2 Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-17
2.1 Mechanical configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-17
2.1.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-17
2.1.2 Mains supply module (MS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-18
2.1.3 CCU3 with CCU box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-19
2.1.4 Axis expansion with axis expansion plug-in unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-21
2.1.5 Axis expansion with SIMODRIVE 611 closed-loop control module . . 2-23
2.1.6 Options for operating 6 axes with the CCU 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-24
2.2 Electrical configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-25
2.2.1 Connection of components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-25
2.2.2 Connection of power supply (OI, I/RF) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-26
2.2.3 Motor connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-29
2.2.4 Encoder connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-30
2.2.5 Single PLC I/O module (EFP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-32
2.2.6 Overview of connections on PCU 20 and PCU 50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-34
3 Settings, MPI Bus Nodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-37
3.1 MPI network rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-37
3.2 Standard MPI configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-39
3.3 Deviation from standard configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-41
3.3.1 MPI bus nodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-42
3.3.2 Example of an MCP/HT6 and HHU configuration via global data . . . 3-44
3.4 Handheld unit (HHU) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-49
3.4.1 Settings in the HHU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-49
3.4.2 Configuring the handheld unit, setting the interface parameters . . . . 3-51
3.5 Handheld terminal HT6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-53
3.6 Machine control panel (MCP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-54
3.7 MPI interface for customer operator panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-57
3.8 PCU 20/PCU 50 operator panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-58
3.8.1 Settings on the PCU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-58
3.8.2 Selecting the language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-59
4 EMC and ESD Measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-63
4.1 RI suppression measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-63
4.2 ESD measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-64
4.3 Heat dissipation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-64

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SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition ix
Installation and Start-Up Guide 11.02

5 Power ON and Ramp-Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-65

5.1 Start-up sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-65
5.2 Power ON and Ramp-Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-66
5.2.1 Power ON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-66
5.2.2 NC ramp-up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-66
5.2.3 PCU 20 -- PCU 50 ramp-up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-69
5.2.4 Error during control ramp-up (NC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-69
5.2.5 Ramp-up of the drives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-71
6 Parameterizing the Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-73
6.1 Machine and setting data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-73
6.2 Handling machine and setting data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-74
6.3 Protection level concept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-76
6.4 Machine data masking filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-78
6.4.1 Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-78
6.4.2 Selecting and setting the masking filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-78
6.4.3 Saving the filter settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-81
6.5 System data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-82
6.5.1 Basic settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-82
6.6 Memory configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-85
6.7 Scaling machine data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-89
7 PLC Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-91
7.1 PLC start-up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-91
7.2 Overview of organization blocks, function blocks and DBs . . . . . . . . . 7-96
8 Creating Alarm Text Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-97
8.1 Alarm text files for PCU 20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-97
8.2 Alarm text files for PCU 50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-99
8.3 Alarm text files for HT6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-101
8.4 Syntax for alarm text files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-103
8.4.1 Alarm list properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-106
9 Adapting the Machine Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-107
9.1 Axis configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-107
9.2 Drive configuration and parameterization (MSD, FSD) . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-110
9.2.1 Setting drive parameters (FSD, MSD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-116
9.2.2 Incremental measuring system settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-118
9.2.3 Absolute measuring system settings (EnDat interface) . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-121
9.2.4 Overview of drive parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-124
9.2.5 Axis data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-128
9.2.6 Axis velocity matching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-131
9.2.7 Axis position control data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-132
9.2.8 Axis monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-135
9.2.9 Axis reference point approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-141
9.2.10 Spindle data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-143
9.2.11 Spindle configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-145

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x SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
11.02 Installation and Start-Up Guide

9.2.12 Spindle encoder matching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-145

9.2.13 Velocities and setpoint matching for spindle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-147
9.2.14 Spindle positioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-150
9.2.15 Spindle synchronization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-150
9.2.16 Spindle monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-152
9.3 Linear motors (1FN1 and 1FN3 motors) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-154
9.3.1 General information for starting up linear motors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-154
9.3.2 Start-up: Linear motors with one primary section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-156
9.3.3 Start-up: Linear motors with 2 identical primary sections . . . . . . . . . . 9-166
9.3.4 Mechanical system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-168
9.3.5 Temperature sensors for 1FN1 and 1FN3 motors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-169
9.3.6 Measuring system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-172
9.3.7 Parallel connection of linear motors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-175
9.3.8 Test measurements on linear motors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-177
9.4 AM operation with induction motors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-179
9.4.1 Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-179
9.4.2 Start-up of standard motors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-181
9.4.3 Start-up of third-party motors (self start-up) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-184
9.4.4 Motor data optimization, steps 1 to 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-186
9.4.5 Messages during self start-up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-190
9.4.6 Machine data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-191
9.5 Permanently excited spindle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-193
9.5.1 Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-193
9.5.2 PE-MSD with MSD power section data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-193
9.5.3 Control parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-194
9.5.4 Encoders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-194
9.5.5 Machine data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-195
10 Axis/Spindle Dry Run . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-197
10.1 Preconditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-197
10.2 Axis dry run . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-199
10.3 Test spindle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-201
11 Drive Optimization with the Start-up Tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-203
11.1 Information for use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-203
11.1.1 System requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-204
11.1.2 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-204
11.1.3 Starting the program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-205
11.1.4 Closing the program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-205
11.2 Measuring functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-206
11.3 Interface signals: Drive test travel request and traverse enable . . . . . 11-208
11.4 Function abort for measuring functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-209
11.5 Frequency response measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-210
11.5.1 Function generator (FG) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-210
11.5.2 Circularity test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-211
11.5.3 Torque control loop measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-213
11.5.4 Setpoint current filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-215
11.5.5 Speed control loop measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-229
11.5.6 Speed setpoint filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-232

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SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition xi
Installation and Start-Up Guide 11.02

11.5.7 Position control measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-238

11.6 Graphical display of measuring functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-241
11.7 Trace function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-243
11.7.1 Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-243
11.7.2 Operation, main screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-244
11.7.3 Parameter settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-245
11.7.4 Performing the measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-248
11.7.5 Display function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-248
11.7.6 File functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-250
11.7.7 Print graphic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-251
11.8 Automatic controller setting (HMI Advanced only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-253
11.8.1 Flowchart for self-optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-255
11.8.2 Input possibilities for self-optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-259
11.9 Analog output (DAC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-263
11.10 File functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-267
12 Data Backup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-268
12.1 General information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-268
12.2 Data backup via PCU 20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-270
12.3 Data backup via PCU 50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-275
12.3.1 Data backup via RS-232 on the PCU 50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-276
12.3.2 Drive data output via RS-232 on the PCU 50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-278
12.3.3 NC data output via RS-232 on the PCU 50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-279
12.3.4 PLC data output via RS-232 on the PCU 50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-283
12.3.5 HMI data output via RS-232 on the PCU 50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-283
12.3.6 Output of the series start-up file via RS-232 on the PCU 50 . . . . . . . . 12-284
12.4 Backing up the hard disk with Norton Ghost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-286
12.4.1 Hard disk backup/restore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-286
12.4.2 Saving user data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-289
12.4.3 Backing up the hard disk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-289
12.4.4 Copy data to hard disk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-291
12.4.5 More than one software version on a PCU 50
(software version 5.2 and later) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-293
12.5 Installing a replacement hard disk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-295
12.6 Data backup with the VALITEK streamer on the PCU 50 . . . . . . . . . . 12-297
12.7 Line checksums and MD numbers in MD files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-302
12.7.1 Line checksums (11230 MD_FILE_STYLE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-302
12.7.2 Machine data numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-303
12.7.3 Abort behavior during MD read-in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-303
12.8 Machine/setting data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-305
12.9 Back up PLC data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-305

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xii SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
11.02 Installation and Start-Up Guide

13 SW/HW Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-306

13.1 Software update . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-306
13.2 NC upgrade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-307
13.2.1 Standard upgrade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-307
13.2.2 Series machine start-up via NC card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-308
13.2.3 SINUCOPY-FFS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-310
13.3 Hardware replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-315
13.4 Replacing the battery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-315
14 HMI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-317
15 Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-319
15.1 Tool box software package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-319
15.1.1 Contents of the tool box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-319
15.1.2 Application of the Tool box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-319
15.2 Machine data access via part program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-321
A Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-323
B References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-329

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SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition xiii
Installation and Start-Up Guide 11.02


Siemens AG, 2002. All rights reserved

xiv SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition

General Preparations 1
Introduction This Installation and Start-Up Guide describes the procedure for starting up the
basic control functions including drive-related functions. For further information
about special NCK, HMI, PLC or drive functions, please refer to the Descriptions
of Functions/Manuals (see ”Required Documentation”).

Required software You require the following software for SINUMERIK 810D start-up:
1. SinuComNC Startup/service tools
Order No. 6FC5250-AY00-AG (German, English)
Supplied on CD-ROM with:
-- SinuCom FFS
-- SinuCom ARC
-- SinuCom PCIN
3. Tool box for SINUMERIK 810D
Order No. 6FC5 452-0AX00-0AB0
Supplied on 3.5” disks with:
-- Basic PLC program
-- Standard machine data sets
-- NC variable selector
4. Application disk for the creation of PLC alarm texts and transfer to the PCU
20 (supplied with the HMI system software).

Required To start up the SINUMERIK 810D, you will require the following equipment and
equipment and accessories:
accessories 1. Programming unit with MPI interface (PG740)
2. MPI cable for PG740
3. RS-232 cable with 9-pin connector (socket)

Required You will require the following documentation for start-up of the SINUMERIK
documentation 810D:
1. Catalog NC 60, Ordering Document. /BU/
Order No.: E86060-K4460-A101-A9
2. Configuration Manual /PHC/
Order No.: 6FC5 297-6AD10-0AP0

Siemens AG, 2002. All rights reserved

SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition 1-15
1 General Preparations 11.02

3. Operator Components Manual /BH/

1 Order No.: 6FC5 297-6AA50-0BP1
4. Description of Functions, Basic Machine (Part 1) /FB/
Order No.: 6FC5 297-5AC20-0BP1
5. Description of Functions, Drive Functions /FBA/
Order No.: 6SN1 197-0AA80-0BP7
6. Lists /LIS/
Order No.: 6FC5 297-6AB70-0BP1
7. Description PCIN 4.4 /PI/
Order No.: 6FX2 060-4AA00-4XB0
8. Diagnostics Guide /DA/
Order No.: 6FC5 298-6AA20-0BP1

Export approval As a consequence of the approval required for certain control functions
according to the German Export List, two versions of the SINUMERIK 810D are
The standard version (810D) can include the full functional scope of the
control, but is subject to type approval.
Several options are not available in the Export Version (810DE).
Current data on the type and scope of options are provided in
Reference: /BU/ Catalog NC 60.

Siemens AG, 2002. All rights reserved

1-16 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
Configuration 2 2

2.1 Mechanical configuration

2.1.1 Overview

Left-hand axis expansion plug-in unit

Axis expansion
plug-in unit



MS Power 810D Power

(I/RF or OI) section (CCU3) section

Figure 2-1 Overall configuration of SINUMERIK 810D with SIMODRIVE 611 power module

! A ventilation clearance of 100 mm must be left above and below the drive
combination when it is installed.

Siemens AG, 2002. All rights reserved

SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition 2-17
2 Design of the SINUMERIK 810D 11.02
2.1 Mechanical configuration

2.1.2 Mains supply module (MS)

2 Mains supply The mains supply module performs the following tasks:
S Supplies power for the SINUMERIK 810D and axis expansion units
S Generates the DC link voltage for the motors
S Regenerative braking (I/RF) or braking resistor (OI) for generator-mode ope-

Open-loop The 10 or 28 kW version of the open-loop control infeed module is recom-

control infeed mended for use as an unregulated power supply. If the internal braking resistor
module OI is not sufficient, then pulsed resistor modules can be added.

The 28 kW version of the open-loop control infeed module does not have an
internal braking resistor!

Infeed/regenerative The I/RF module feeds the excess DC link energy back into the supply system
feedback module during braking operations. The following versions are available:
S 16 kW
S 36 kW
S 55 kW
S 80 kW
S 120 kW.

Position of mains The I/RF or OI module is positioned as the first module on the left in the general
supply module configuration.

Siemens AG, 2002. All rights reserved

2-18 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
11.02 2 Design of the SINUMERIK 810D
2.1 Mechanical configuration

2.1.3 CCU3 with CCU box

CCU3 CCU box


DC link

PE connection

These screws (1) must always be tightened securely (EMC).

Figure 2-2 Assembly of the SINUMERIK 810D

Siemens AG, 2002. All rights reserved

SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition 2-19
2 Design of the SINUMERIK 810D 11.02
2.1 Mechanical configuration

Measuring system I/O interface

connections (cable distributor)

Profibus DP interface

MPI interface
Test sockets
block X431
611D drive bus
Various error
and status LEDs
NCK start-up slot
switch (S3)

PLC start-up
switch (S4)

display (H3)
RESET button


Device bus
interface X151
Axis expansion connection X307
. .

Figure 2-3 SINUMERIK 810D with CCU3, location of interfaces, operator control and display elements

Siemens AG, 2002. All rights reserved

2-20 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
11.02 2 Design of the SINUMERIK 810D
2.1 Mechanical configuration

2.1.4 Axis expansion with axis expansion plug-in unit

Axis expansion The axis expansion plug-in units are mounted in a SIMODRIVE 611 power 2
plug-in unit module and then connected to axis expansion terminals X304--X306 on the
SINUMERIK 810D. The axis expansion plug-in unit is designed to hold 1-axis
and 2-axis power modules. The left-hand axis expansion plug-in unit is de-
signed to hold 1-axis power modules.

Left-hand axis expansion plug-in unit

Axis expansion
plug-in unit



MS Power 810D Power

(I/RF or OI) section (CCU3) section

Figure 2-4 Axis expansion with SIMODRIVE 611 single-axis power module with left-hand axis expansion plug-in unit and
axis expansion plug-in unit

Hybrid operation between external closed-loop control and the power section in
the axis expansion plug-in unit is possible.

Connecting the The axis expansion plug-in unit has two connectors, X301 and X302. X301
axis expansion must be used to connect a 1-axis power section. If a 2-axis power section is
plug-in unit installed, X301 must be used for the 1st axis and X302 for the 2nd axis.
The left-hand axis expansion plug-in unit has one connector.

Siemens AG, 2002. All rights reserved

SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition 2-21
2 Design of the SINUMERIK 810D 11.02
2.1 Mechanical configuration

Table 2-1 Ribbon cable connectors on axis expansion plug-in unit

Ribbon cable connector 1-axis power section 2-axis power section

X301 1st Axis 1st Axis
2 X302 Unused 2nd Axis

Mounting the Plug the axis expansion unit into the power module.
axis expansion
plug-in unit

Figure 2-5 Mounting the axis expansion plug-in unit into the power section

Connect the ribbon cables to the CCU3 (X304--X306). Then push any excess
cable length into the space provided under the metal cover on the axis expan-
sion plug-in unit.

Mounting the Plug the axis expansion unit into the power module.
left-hand axis
expansion plug-in

Figure 2-6 Mounting the left-hand axis expansion plug-in unit in the power section with the
CCU3 (X307)

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2-22 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
11.02 2 Design of the SINUMERIK 810D
2.1 Mechanical configuration

Connect the ribbon cables to the CCU3 (X304--X306). Then push any excess
cable length into the space provided under the metal cover on the axis expan-
sion plug-in unit.

2.1.5 Axis expansion with SIMODRIVE 611 closed-loop control module 2

Application Axis expansion via SIMODRIVE 611D closed-loop control module is only im-
plemented if the number of measuring channels in the SINUMERIK 810D is
inadequate or a higher measuring system multiple is needed.

Mounting The SIMODRIVE 611D module should be mounted as the first module to the
right of the SINUMERIK 810D.

Connection A special cable set is required to connect the SIMODRIVE 611D module. This
cable set includes the connection to the drive bus and another device bus

Cable set: Cable set: 611 closed-loop control

Device bus Drive bus plug-in unit



(I/RF or OI)

Figure 2-7 Axis expansion with SIMODRIVE 611 power section and external 611D control

Siemens AG, 2002. All rights reserved

SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition 2-23
2 Design of the SINUMERIK 810D 11.02
2.1 Mechanical configuration

2.1.6 Options for operating 6 axes with the CCU 3

CCU 3 with 3-axis CCU box plus

2 2-axis power module to right of CCU

1-axis power module to right of CCU

6x encoder

If an external power module is not
connected to the left of the CCU3
internal/ at connector X307 (internal/exter-
external nal pulse interface for 3rd power
module) =>
CCU3 with 3-axis CCU box plus

2-axis CCU box plus

1-axis external CCU

50 A 15 A 15 A

3 axes 2 axes 1 axis

Figure 2-8 First option for operating 6 axes for CCU 3 with internal 3-axis CCU box

CCU 3 with 3-axis CCU box or 2-axis CCU box plus

2-axis power module to right of CCU
1-axis power module to right of CCU
1-axis power module to left of CCU

6x encoder
≡ If an external power module is
connected to connector X307,
the internal 3rd pulse interface
is inhibited. If you are using a
internal/ 3-axis CCU box and --X307,
external the internal power module / A3

cannot be used.

25 A 25 A

Figure 2-9 Second option for operating 6 axes for CCU 3 with 2-axis CCU box

Siemens AG, 2002. All rights reserved

2-24 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
11.02 2 Design of the SINUMERIK 810D
2.2 Electrical configuration

2.2 Electrical configuration

2.2.1 Connection of components

Floppy disk HHU or HT6 or mini HHU
HMI module unit

Operator panel


Distribution box


Measuring (2x) *)
Encoder cable,
direct measuring
system Cable

Handwheel (2x)

IM cable
module Terminal block

Motor cable 3x 1x 1x plug-in unit

Motor encoder cable 5x


Single I/O
Direct measuring system Motors
(e.g. conn. to X416) 1FK7/1FN/1FE *) One measuring input can be replaced by 3rd handwheel

Figure 2-10 SINUMERIK 810D system

For cables and connectors, please refer to
References: /PHC/, Configuring Manual.

Siemens AG, 2002. All rights reserved

SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition 2-25
2 Design of the SINUMERIK 810D 11.02
2.2 Electrical configuration

2.2.2 Connection of power supply (OI, I/RF)

2 Overview of



Electronics power displays
5 V voltage
supply faulty Red level fault
X141 Red
Device not ready, Device ready (DC
enabling signal Green Yellow link precharged)
(term. 63, 64 or both)
Line fault Red Red DC link




X351 Device bus


DC link connection


U1 V1 W1 PE1 Mains connection

Figure 2-11 Interfaces for OI and 10-120 kW I/RF module

Siemens AG, 2002. All rights reserved

2-26 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
11.02 2 Design of the SINUMERIK 810D
2.2 Electrical configuration

74 --X111
Relay contact, NC
“Ready to operate” contact
message 73.1

Relay contact, “I2t and motor over- 5.3 --X121

temperature” group message 5.2
Pulse enable 63
Enabling voltage 9
Enabling voltage 9
Drive enabling command 64
Enabling voltage reference potential 19

P24 7 --X141
P15 45
N15 44
N24 10
M 15
M 15
RESET (R+term.15) R

Enabling voltage 9 --X161

Setting-up mode (zero active) 112
Contactor energization, start 48
Signaling contact, 111
line contactor 213

Enabling signal for internal line contactor NS1 --X171


Signaling contact, setting-up mode (NC contact) AS1 --X172



DC link power supply for bridging line failures M500 --X181

Electronics power supply from external source * 2U1
Electronics power supply from external source * 2V1
Electronics power supply from external source * 2W1
1W1 *

* Remove jumpers if external power supply is used

Figure 2-12 Terminals for SIMODRIVE 611 main supply module 10--120 kW

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SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition 2-27
2 Design of the SINUMERIK 810D 11.02
2.2 Electrical configuration

Connection I/RF module


2 74

73.2 X111
MS (Mains supply) module
9 X121
64 Power section
I/RF reset 19
15 X141
R L--
112 X161
48 Internal line contactor

NS1 Device bus
AS1 X172 P600
AS2 P600
to the axis modules
P500 X181
2U1 100 k
1) 2V1

U1 V1 W1 X131 PE

1U2 1V2 1W2

Commutating reactor for
I/RF module and 28 kW
OI module only

1U1 1V1 1W1 1) Jumpers inserted in

Line fuses for I/RF delivery state
or OI module
Main switch


Term. 48 must be deactivated

10 ms before the line contac-
tors on the main switch open
(e.g. leading contact).
Line L1 L2 L3 PE

Figure 2-13 Example for three-wire connection (standard circuit)

Siemens AG, 2002. All rights reserved

2-28 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
11.02 2 Design of the SINUMERIK 810D
2.2 Electrical configuration

2.2.3 Motor connection

Table 2-2 Assignment between motor connection and power module

(CCU3-axis CCU box) 2
Motor connection Power section variant
A1 (rear) 18A/36A (FSD) or 24A/32A/40A (MSD)
A2 (center) 6A/12A (only as FSD)
A3 (front) 6A/12A (only as FSD)

A1 A2 A3

Equipotential bonding

Mounting for motor

brake plug-in
Equipotential connection
Shield plate

Shield connection

Motor cables

Type of connector for motor brake plug-in connection*:

PHOENIXType: MSTB 2.5/2-STF-5.08-BD1-2SO Order No.: 1863 631

Type: MVSTBU 2.5/2-GFB-5.08 Order No.: 1788 347

* Contained in scope of supply with SIEMENS motor cable

Figure 2-14 Motor connection for SINUMERIK 810D CCU box with 2-axis power module

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SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition 2-29
2 Design of the SINUMERIK 810D 11.02
2.2 Electrical configuration

2.2.4 Encoder connection

2 Motor measuring A specific motor connection is permanently assigned to each motor measuring
system and system.
motor connection

M1 M2 M3




A1 A2 A3

X411 X412 X413 X414 X415 X416

Figure 2-15 Assignment of motor measuring system to motor connection

! The assignment of the motor measuring system to the motor connection must
never be changed, even for test purposes.

Table 2-3 Assignment between measuring system and motor connection or axis

Measuring system Motor connection Axis expansion connection

X411 A1 --
X412 A2 --
X413 A3 --
X414 -- X304
X415 -- X305
X416 -- X306

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2-30 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
11.02 2 Design of the SINUMERIK 810D
2.2 Electrical configuration

! If pulse interface X307 is used (external power module to left of CCU), output
A3 cannot be used for the 3-axis power module. The motor encoder remains
connected to X413. 2

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SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition 2-31
2 Design of the SINUMERIK 810D 11.02
2.2 Electrical configuration

2.2.5 Single PLC I/O module (EFP)

Ventilation space 50 mm 70

P24 Logic

Space for

P24 Logic

Ventilation space 50 mm
25 25

Figure 2-16 Dimension drawing single I/O module

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2-32 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
11.02 2 Design of the SINUMERIK 810D
2.2 Electrical configuration

Connection to The single I/O module is connected via plug X3 IN to SINUMERIK 810D
S7-300 bus connector X111. The maximum cable length is 10 m.
Up to 3 EFP submodules can be connected, while a mixed operation of EFP
submodules and SIMATIC S7-300 lines (total of 3 lines) is allowed.
6ES7 368--3jjj0--0AA0 Shielded connecting cable only in single-tier arrangement
6 FC 5 411-0AA80-0AA0, length 150 mm


X3 X3 X3


6ES7 368--3jjj0--0AA0 SINUMERIK 810D

6ES7 368--3jjj0--0AA0 IM 361 or second EFP
6FC5 411-0AA80-0AA0 in single-tier arrangement, 150 mm

EFP Ribbon cable max. 3 m

X404 Terminal strip converter
32 E

Ribbon cable max. 3 m

X405 Terminal strip converter
32 E
Ribbon cable max. 3 m
X402 Terminal strip converter
32 A

Figure 2-17 Overview of connections on single I/O module with 810D

Connection of the The 24 VDC power supply is connected via a 3-pin, angular screw-type terminal
electronics power connector (2.5 mm2) to X1.
supply Table 2-4 Pin assignment of connector X1

X1 LOGIC power supply

Pin Name
1 P24 Logic
2 M24 Logic

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SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition 2-33
2 Design of the SINUMERIK 810D 11.02
2.2 Electrical configuration

Connection of the The 24 VDC load power supply is connected via a 3-pin, angular screw-type
load power supply terminal connector (2.5 mm2) to X5.
Table 2-5 Pin assignment of connector X5

2 X1 POWER power supply

Pin Name
1 P24 Power
2 M24 Power

Connection of the Inputs/outputs are connected via ribbon cables up to a maximum of 3 m in

inputs/outputs length. Terminal strip converters can be used for this purpose.
The status of the inputs/outputs is not displayed on the module. If a display is
required, then a terminal strip converter with LEDs should be used.
E.g. ribbon cable 6FC9340-8Lj
Terminal strip converter, without LED: 6FC9302-2AA
Terminal strip converter with red LED: 6FC9302-2AB (0.5 A)
6FC9302-2AL (2 A)
Terminal strip converter, with green LED:
References: /Z/ Catalog NCZ

The ribbon cable assignment is compatible with the I/O (logic) modules of the

Meaning of LEDs The module status of the single I/O module is signaled by means of two LEDs.
LED green: 5 V power OK
LED red: Group fault

2.2.6 Overview of connections on PCU 20 and PCU 50

PCU 20
Depth = 56

PS/2 mouse COM1/RS-232 COM2/RS-232 USB Ethernet MPI/L2-DP Flash card/memory card

Figure 2-18 PCU 20 side view from right with interfaces

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2-34 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
11.02 2 Design of the SINUMERIK 810D
2.2 Electrical configuration

Table 2-6 Interfaces on right side of housing

Connection Function
COM1/RS-232 Serial interface 1 (RS-232), 25-pin sub D socket connector
COM2/RS-232 Serial interface 1 (RS-232), 9-pin sub D socket connector 2
PS/2 mouse/keyboard PS/2 mouse/keyboard connector
USB External connection for Universal Serial Bus
MPI/DP (RS-485) Multi-Point Interface/Profibus DP connection
Connection of an S7 PLC, 9-pin sub D socket connector
Ethernet Connection for local area network (LAN), software option
Memory card Slot for ATA flash card/memory card or
Flash Card 100/200 Type I/II
Power supply 24 VDC

PCU 20/PCU 50



6FX2 002-4EA04-1xx0 or MCP
6FX2 002-4EA02-1xx0

Figure 2-19 Connecting the PCU 20/PCU 50 to the SINUMERIK 810D

PCU 50

24 V power supply Cover plate for PCI slot connection Cover plate for
PCI/ISA slot
Depth = 80

PS/2 mouse LPT1 COM1 COM2 MPI/DP

PS/2 keyboard VGA mouse) USB Ethernet

Figure 2-20 PCU 50 side view from right with interfaces

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SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition 2-35
2 Design of the SINUMERIK 810D 11.02
2.2 Electrical configuration

Table 2-7 Interfaces on right side of housing

Connection Function
LPT1/Printer Parallel interface (e.g. printer), 25-pin sub D socket connector
2 COM1/RS-232 Serial interface 1 (RS-232 or TTY 1), 25-pin sub D socket connector
COM2 Serial interface 2 (RS-232), 9-pin male sub D connector
Keyboard PS/2 trackball keyboard connection
Mouse PS/2 mouse connector
USB External connection for Universal Serial Bus
MPI/DP (RS-485) Multi-Point Interface/Profibus DP connection
Connection of an S7 PLC, 9-pin sub D socket connector
VGA VGA interface for external monitor, 15-pin female sub D connector
Ethernet Connection for local area network (LAN)
PCI slot Slot for expansion boards 2)
PCI/ISA slot Slot for expansion boards 2)
Power supply 24 VDC

1) TTY for 500 MHz version only

2)If expansion boardsare installed, the cover plates in Fig. 2-18 are replaced by the front
plates of the boards.
Please refer to the module documentation for more details.

Interfaces The interfaces (e.g. pin assignment) are shown and described in detail in
References: /BH/, Operator Components Manual

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2-36 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
Settings, MPI Bus Nodes 3
3.1 MPI network rules

Please take the following basic rules into account when undertaking network
1. The bus line must be terminated at both ends. To do this, activate the termi-
nating resistor in the MPI connector of the first and last node, and deactivate
the remaining terminating resistors.


S Only two resistors are permissible.

S Bus terminating resistors are integral components of HHU and HPU units.

2. It is necessary to apply 5 V voltage to at least 1 terminator.

This occurs automatically when the MPI connector with active terminating
resistor is connected to a live device.
3. Spur lines (lead cables from the bus segment to the node) should be as
short as possible.

Any spur lines that are not assigned should be removed if possible.

4. Each MPI node must be connected before being activated.

When disconnecting an MPI node, the connection must be deactivated
before the connector can be pulled out.
5. You can either connect one HHU and one HT6, or two HHUs or HT6s per
bus segment. It is not permissible to connect bus terminators to the distribu-
tor boxes of an HHU or HT6.
If necessary, an intermediate repeater can be used to connect more than
one HHU/HT6 to a bus segment.
6. The following cable lengths for the standard MPI without repeater must not
be exceeded:
MPI (187.5 kbaud): Total cable length max. 10 m

Piggy-back connectors are not recommended for power connections.

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3 Settings, MPI Bus Nodes 11.02
3.1 MPI network rules

Example A
Terminating resistor
ON inserted in connector
PCU 20/PCU 50 ON
Distributor MCP
box Terminating resistor

3 permanently installed
in device

MPI on

810D control

Figure 3-1 Network installation with two terminating resistors in

MPI: HHU, 810D control

Example B

Terminating resistor
inserted in connector
PCU 20/PCU 50
OP030 ON
Terminating resistor
permanently installed


810D control

Figure 3-2 Network installation with two terminating resistors in

MPI: MCP, 810D control

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3-38 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
11.02 3 Settings, MPI Bus Nodes
3.2 Standard MPI configuration

3.2 Standard MPI configuration

Standard SINUMERIK 810D with PCU 20/PCU 50 and one machine control panel (MCP)
application or interface customer operator panel

Hardware At least firmware release V 03_01_01 for
S lnterface to customer operator panel

STEP7 as of Version 2.x

MPI baud rate All MPI bus nodes operate at 187.5 kbaud.

Bus addresses Every node on the MPI bus must have a bus address (0...15).

PCU 20 PG/start-up
PCU 50 tool

1 0 MPI bus
Bus addresses
187.5 kbaud

MCP/interface to custo-
mer operator panel



Figure 3-3 Standard application for SINUMERIK 810D

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SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition 3-39
3 Settings, MPI Bus Nodes 11.02
3.2 Standard MPI configuration

Communication Configuration via FB1

parameters With the MCP/interface to customer operator panel set to MPI address 14 and
the SDB210 from the basic program diskette, communication commences after
a PLC restart (LEDs stop flashing).

3 The STEP7 project manager (S7 TOP) does not display the SDB as standard.
To display the SDB, select “All blocks with SDBs” in menu View/Set filters.

Assigned The following bytes in the PLC CPU are then assigned for the MCP or interface
inputs/outputs in to customer operator panel:
S Input byte 0--7
S Output byte 0--7
S Status bytes for error detection output bytes 12--15 (evaluated by basic
Parameterization on FB1 (basic program) for the MCP is already preset for the
standard application.

Communication If communication does not commence after a PLC reset (LEDs flashing), the
does not start following points should be checked:

S Firmware version of MCP/interface to customer operator panel must be

V03_01_01 or higher.
Scan: The firmware version is displayed on the left, central and right
LED block of the machine control panel if the keys “Feed start”
and “Feed hold” are pressed simultaneously while the machine
control panel is powering up.

S MPI cable and connector wiring

S DIP switch S3 (default setting).

SDB 210 must not be loaded.

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3-40 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
11.02 3 Settings, MPI Bus Nodes
3.3 Deviation from standard configuration

3.3 Deviation from standard configuration

Required The following additional publications are required:

documentation References: /BH/ Operator Components Manual
/FB/, P3, Basic PLC Program
/S7HT/ Manual, Application of Tools 3
Example A configuration may be non-standard owing to one of the following:

S Changes to address assignment

of input, output or status bytes, or flag area or data block

S Additional connection of a handheld unit (HHU)

S Connection of a 2nd MCP or a handheld terminal (HT6)
In such cases, you must adjust the communications parameters and possibly
the switch settings (addresses) of the bus nodes.

Procedure A new configuration is entered via the soft key Define global data. The follo-
SIMATIC STEP7, wing description of how to proceed is based on the assumption that you already
Version 2.1 know how to use this menu.
1. Set up new project and CPU programs using the STEP7 tool. You must set
up a CPU program for each component in the installation (PLC, MCP, HHU,
2nd MCP, HT6, etc.).
2. Connect the MPI nodes, i.e. network CPU programs with MPI address.
3. Activate the “Global Data” menu command in the following soft key se-
quence File Manager / MPI Network / Extras / Global Data and enter the
desired configuration.
4. Compile this configuration. A new SDB is generated for each CPU program.
5. Set the cyclical transmission grid. Once the configuration has been compiled
successfully for the first time, the “Conversion factor” and “Status” can be
activated and then input.
6. Now compile your configuration again.
7. Transfer the SDB (from the CPU program of the PLC) to the PLC.
8. You must parameterize call FB1, DB7 in OB 100 in the basic PLC program
for all operator control components (MPI nodes).
9. You must configure the status pointer (double word) for every component in
FB1 for monitoring purposes.

For a description of the “Global Data” menu and the application, please refer to
References: /S7HT/ SIMATIC STEP7 Manual, Start-Up MPIBus Nodes.

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SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition 3-41
3 Settings, MPI Bus Nodes 11.02
3.3 Deviation from standard configuration

3.3.1 MPI bus nodes

3 PCU 20
PCU 50
OP 030 PG/start-up tool

1 1 0 Bus addresses

14 12 15 8

1st MCP Interface to custo-

mer operator panel HHU 2nd MCP

Can be addressed via

GD circle numbers:
SINUMERIK 810D up to 4 devices


MPI bus
187.5 kbaud


2 = Bus address n

Figure 3-4 Example: MPI bus nodes with standard bus addresses

Bus addresses The following MPI nodes are addressed via the bus address:

S PCU 20/PCU 50
S OP 030
S PG/start-up tool
S PLC module.

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3-42 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
11.02 3 Settings, MPI Bus Nodes
3.3 Deviation from standard configuration

GD circles, SDB User data frames are exchanged cyclically between the nodes. This takes place
within the GD circles. The GD circles are set up via the SDB parameter block (in
the SDB container) in the PLC (send cycle, data areas, source and destination
addresses). Although the following MPI nodes have an MPI address, they are
addressed by the PLC via the “GD circle number”.

S HT6 3
S lnterface to customer operator panel

The PLC in the SINUMERIK 810D is capable of addressing up to 4 devices via
GD circle numbers (MCP, HHU, customer operator panel and, for example, 2nd
MCP or HT6).

Setting of MPI bus The MPI bus addresses should be set as follows:
Table 3-1 Default setting for MPI bus addresses with 810D

MPI Standard address assignments

0 Programming device or start-up tool
1 PCU 20, PCU 50 or OP030
2 PLC module (AS315-2DP)
8 2nd machine control panel
12 lnterface to customer operator panel
14 1st machine control panel (MCP) or handheld terminal (HT6)
15 Handheld unit (HHU)

In order to establish communication between the PLC and the MCP, HHU, HT6
and customer operator panel devices, it is necessary to configure a GD assign-
ment. This is performed via the STEP7 tool “Communication Configuration”. It is
not sufficient to set the GD parameters on the MCP, HT6, HHU or customer ope-
rator panel.

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SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition 3-43
3 Settings, MPI Bus Nodes 11.02
3.3 Deviation from standard configuration

3.3.2 Example of an MCP/HT6 and HHU configuration via global data

SDB The SDB supplied in the basic PLC program is valid for the 1st MCP or the

Invoking Run the Communication Configuration tool and create a new file.
Communication “Table 1” appears.

Table 1 You now need to call the CPU programs in this Table 1.
1. Using the mouse, click on the field next to GD identifiers (the column is then
2. Click on “Select CPU module” under menu item “AS Functions”.
3. A window headed “Select CPU” appears. Click on project Example and the
3 CPU programs are displayed: AS315, hhu, mcp.
4. Select AS315.
5. Table 1 appears with the entry AS315//CPU1::
6. Click on empty field to the right of it and repeat steps 2 to 5 above in the
order given for CPU programs mcp and hhu.
7. The result will be Table 1 containing the 3 CPU programs.

Table 1
GD identifiers AS315//CPU1:: mcp//CPU1:: hhu//CPU1::

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3-44 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
11.02 3 Settings, MPI Bus Nodes
3.3 Deviation from standard configuration

Enter areas for Now make the entries for the MCP and HHU in Table 1.
send and receive 1. Start in column AS315//CPU1:: by selecting the first field.
2. Enter data area for sending and receiving from Fig. 3-4

For mcp//CPU1::
Receive area: qb0 : 8 8 bytes are sent from qb0 from the PLC to

Send area: ib0 : 8

the MCP.
8 bytes are received by ib0 fromthe MCP.
For hhu//CPU1::
Receive area: mb0 : 20 20 bytes are sent from mb0 from the PLC
to the HHU.
Send area: mb20 : 6 6 bytes are received by mb20 fromthe MCP.
3. Declare the send and receive areas to be such.
The send area is then marked with “ » ”.
4. When the entries have been completed, Table 1 looks as follows:

Table 1
GD identifiers AS315//CPU1:: mcp//CPU1:: hhu//CPU1::
GD »qb0:8 qb0:8
GD ib0:8 »ib0:8
GD »mb0:20 mb0:20
GD mb20:6 »mb20:6

Please note that the order in which the entries are made (send, receive) affects
the assignment of GD identifiers.

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SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition 3-45
3 Settings, MPI Bus Nodes 11.02
3.3 Deviation from standard configuration

Compilation You now need to select compilation.

The GD identifiers are generated during compilation. After generation, the BD
identifiers are displayed in Table 1:

Table 1
GD identifiers AS315//CPU1:: mcp//CPU1:: hhu//CPU1::
3 GD 1.1.1 »qb0:8 qb0:8
GD 1.2.1 ib0:8 »ib0:8
GD 2.1.1 »mb0:20 mb0:20
GD 2.2.1 mb20:6 »mb20:6

Setting the scan Click on the View/Scan Rate menu command. Table 1 is overlaid as shown
rate below with the SR parameters:

Table 1
GD identifiers AS315//CPU1:: mcp//CPU1:: hhu//CPU1::
SR 1.1 8 8
GD 1.1.1 »qb0:8 qb0:8
SR 1.2 8 8
GD 1.2.1 ib0:8 »ib0:8
SR 2.1 8 8
GD 2.1.1 »mb0:20 mb0:20
SR 2.2 8 8
GD 2.2.1 mb20:6 »mb20:6

Changing SR para- The transmission rate for the MCP and HHU must be set.The default setting is
meters one transmission every 8 PLC cycles. With a PLC cycle time of 25 ms, the de-
fault then corresponds to a key scan of 200 ms. This may be too slow for some
applications. To reduce the transmission rate, the “scan rate”, i.e. the SR para-
meters, need to be changed.
You must specify the value 1, 2 4 or 8; only 4 and 8 are permitted as transmis-
sion settings. The transmission to and from the MCP is then activated at a cor-
responding frequency (e.g. every 4th PLC cycle).
Sample Table 1 with modified SR parameters:

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3-46 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
11.02 3 Settings, MPI Bus Nodes
3.3 Deviation from standard configuration

Table 1
GD identifiers AS315//CPU1:: mcp//CPU1:: hhu//CPU1::
SR 1.1 4 1
GD 1.1.1 »qb0:8 qb0:8
SR 1.2 1 4
GD 1.2.1 ib0:8 »ib0:8 3
SR 2.1 4 1
GD 2.1.1 »mb0:20 mb0:20
SR 2.2 1 4
GD 2.2.1 mb20:6 »mb20:6

When you have changed the SR parameters, you must compile your
configuration again.

Activate status Click on the View/Status menu command. The Table 1 shown below is

Table 1
GD identifiers AS315//CPU1:: mcp//CPU1:: hhu//CPU1::
GDS 1.1
SR 1.1 4 1
GD 1.1.1 »qb0:8 qb0:8
GDS 1.2
SR 1.2 1 4
GD 1.2.1 ib0:8 »ib0:8
GDS 2.1
SR 2.1 4 1
GD 2.1.1 »mb0:20 mb0:20
GDS 2.2
SR 2.2 1 4
GD 2.2.1 mb20:6 »mb20:6

You now need to specify the status double words for GDS1.2 and GDS2.2.
Detail from Table 1:

Table 1
GD identifiers AS315//CPU1:: mcp//CPU1:: hhu//CPU1::
GDS 1.2 qd12
GDS 2.2 md26

Once you have entered the status, you must compile your configuration again.

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SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition 3-47
3 Settings, MPI Bus Nodes 11.02
3.3 Deviation from standard configuration

SDB210 The SDB210s are generated during compilation. Now transfer the SDB 210 for
the CPU program AS315 to the PLC CPU (PLC must be in the STOP state).

1. Click on the File/Download to PLC.
2. Download window appears. Select AS315//CPU1:: and confirm with OK.
3 3. Put PLC into RUN mode (restart).

Set MCP and HHU MPI address 14 on the MCP must be set according to GD parameters
1.1.1--1.2.1. The default MPI address 15 can be left unchanged on the HHU,
only the GD parameters at 2.1.1--2.2.1 must be set.

Setting the basic The following parameter settings must be made at FB1 for operator
PLC program components MCP and HHU.
parameters for FB1 MCPNum:=1 (one MCP)
MCP1In:=P#E0.0 (input signals MCP)
MCP1Out:=P#A0.0 (output signals MCP)
MCPStatRec:=P#A12.0 (status double word)
HHU:=1 (HHU on MPI bus)
HHUIn:=P#M20.0 (input signals HHU)
HHUOut:=P#M0.0 (output signals HHU)
HHUStatRec:=P#M26.0 (status double word)

Set HHU QBm The handheld unit will only function if bit QBm 0.7 is set to “1” in the defined
bit 0.7 to “1” output image. In this example, output 0.7 has to be set.
References: /BH/ Operator Components Manual

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3-48 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
11.02 3 Settings, MPI Bus Nodes
3.4 Handheld unit (HHU)

3.4 Handheld unit (HHU)

Displaying the The software version installed on the HHU is displayed after power up if no
HHU’s software communication is taking place between the PLC and the HHU.
Example: display on the HHU 3
Waiting for PLC
V04.01.01 F / 1.5 M *)

 The software version of the HHU is V04.01.01

 Bus address of the HHU is Fhex (15dec) } *) Display changes
 Baud rate of the HHU is 1.5 Mbaud } between F and 1.5 M

3.4.1 Settings in the HHU

Switch settings
Setting of baud rate
ON OFF and bus address ON OFF
S1 via DIP via S1
4 switch display 4

3 187.5 kbaud 3
Switch setting
2 (no function) 2
4 100 ms
3 1 1
S1 2
S2 3
S2 S2
4 4

3 Bus 3
Switch setting
(no function)
2 15 2

1 1

Figure 3-5 DIP switches in the HHU (left: default)

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SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition 3-49
3 Settings, MPI Bus Nodes 11.02
3.4 Handheld unit (HHU)

DIP switch setting The default setting (delivery state) should be used to operate the HHU on the
for 810D 810D control.
Table 3-2 Settings on switches S1 and S2 in HHU

Meaning S1 S1 S1 S1 S2 S2 S2 S2
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

3 Setting of
IDLE time,
via display
(SW 4.1.1 only)

baud rate and via DIP switches

bus address (all SW OFF
IDLE time *) 100 ms OFF ON
1.5 Mbaud ON
Baud rate *)
187.5 kbaud OFF
Bus address *) 15 ON ON ON ON
Delivery state OFF ON OFF ON ON ON ON ON

*) If S1.4 = on and SW version ≥ V04.01.01: Switch has no function

The maximum possible baud rate on the SINUMERIK 810D is 187.5 kbaud.
Therefore set switch S1.3 to “OFF” before start-up.
With switch position S1.4 = on and software version ≥ V04.01.01, bus addres-
ses from 0 to 31 can be set, i.e. up to 32 nodes can be supported on the OPI/
Bus addresses that are already assigned are preceded by the * character on
the display.

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3-50 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
11.02 3 Settings, MPI Bus Nodes
3.4 Handheld unit (HHU)

3.4.2 Configuring the handheld unit, setting the interface parameters

It is necessary to set the GD parameters for the submodule to communicate via

the MPI interface. The setting can be activated during power-up (i.e. while wai-
ting for the first GD message frame from the PLC (“Waiting for PLC” state) via

the HHU interface by means of key combination Jog (top far left) and T2 3
(top far right). The individual parameters are then interrogated via the
HHU display and entered via the HHU keyboard. The default values can be
changed within the permissible value range by means of keys + and --. The next

parameter can be selected by means of the Automatic key. Selection of

the next parameter causes the preceding parameter to be stored in the flash
EPROM. The parameters need therefore only be set during start-up and when
interfaces are changed. If after switching on the interface parameterization is
not activated, then the stored values are accepted or the default values (see
table) loaded.

AS 315


Figure 3-6 Sending and receiving seen from the HHU

Meaning of GD There are separate GD parameters for sending and receiving.

GD 1. 1. 1
Object number
GBZ number = global identifier number
GD circle number (global data number)

Figure 3-7 Meaning of GD parameters

The GD parameters of the HHU and AS315 or PLC block FB1/OB100 must all

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SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition 3-51
3 Settings, MPI Bus Nodes 11.02
3.4 Handheld unit (HHU)

Table 3-3 Value range for the GD parameters on the HHU

Designation Display HHU PLC: Default Value

FB1 parameter value

Receive GD circle Rec-GD-No: HHUSendGDNo 2 1--16


3 Receive global identifier

Rec-GBZ-No: HHUSendGBZNo 1 1--255

Object number for Rec-Obj-No: HHUSendObjNo 1 1--255

receive global identifier
Send GD circle number Send-GD-No: HHURecGDNo 2 1--16
Send global identifier Send-GBZ-No: HHURecGBZNo 1 1--255
Object number for send Send-Obj-No: HHURecObjNo 1 1--255
global identifier number
SW 4 Baud rate Baud rate: 1.5 Mbaud 187.5 kBaud/
and 1.5 Mbaud
Bus address Bus address: 15 0--31

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3-52 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
11.02 3 Settings, MPI Bus Nodes
3.5 Handheld terminal HT6

3.5 Handheld terminal HT6

The SINUMERIK HT6 (Handheld Terminal with approx. 6” screen diagonal) is

an operator control and programming device and can be used in conjunction
with SINUMERIK 810D, 840D, FM 357-2H and 840Di controls.
References: /BAH/ Operator’s Guide HT6 (new HPU);
/BH/ Operator Components Manual

Function blocks
S 80486DX4 microprocessor
S Memory:
-- SDRAM 16 MB
-- PC memory card: 8 MB FLASH, can be plugged in externally

S LCD with
-- 5.7” screen diagonal, monochrome (blue) STN, 320 * 240 pixels
(1/4 VGA), backlit, adjustable brightness and contrast
-- 16 to 20 characters per line (depending on configuration)

S Membrane keyboard with

-- Machine control keypad: RESET, ALARM CANCEL, JOG, TEACH,
(6+ and 6-- with slide-in user labels)
-- Horizontal soft key bar with 8 keys
-- Numerical keypad (12 keys, can be switched to letters with Shift keys)
-- Cursor keypad (9 keys)
-- Custom keys: S1, S2, U1, ..., U8 (with slide-in user labels)
-- Function keys: Operating area (MENU SELECT), HELP, Recall (^)

S Rotary override button (19 positions with stop)

S At the rear of the device:
-- Enable keys (2 keys, 2 channels each, with two positions suitable for
safety category 3)
-- HT6 cable connection
-- Serial RS-232 interface
-- PC memory card interface
-- PS/2 keyboard interface
-- Reset button
-- Safety strap
-- Two M5 threaded holes for custom-made holder.
The only parameters for FC 26 are “BAGNo” and “ChanNo”. Therefore, the in-
formation which is otherwise transferred to the calling instance through the
“FeedHold” and “SpindleHold” parameters must be determined by the user.

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SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition 3-53
3 Settings, MPI Bus Nodes 11.02
3.6 Machine control panel (MCP)

3.6 Machine control panel (MCP)

Interfaces, The following interfaces, switches and display elements are located on the rear
switches and panel of the machine control panel:

3 display elements

Connection for equipotential bonding conductor LED1...4

1 2 3 4

X20 ON
” 3 1

4 2

Power supply interface

Operator panel Switch S3 Emergency

interface (MPI) STOP button
1 2 3

Figure 3-8 Position of interfaces on rear panel of MCP

Interfaces The interfaces (e.g. pin assignment) are shown and described in detail in
References: /BH/, Operator Components Manual

LED 1...4
Table 3-4 Meaning of LEDs 1...4 on rear panel of MCP

Designation Meaning
LEDs 1 and 2 Reserved
LED 3 POWER: Lights up when voltage (24 V) is present
LED 4 SEND: Changes status after transmission of data

Display software If keys “Feed start” and “Feed stop” are pressed simultaneously while the MCP
version of MCP is powering up, the SW version is output on the left-hand, centre and right-hand
LED blocks.
The module must have firmware version 3_01_01 or later.

Example After activating the software version display,the 3/1/1 LEDs in the left/middle/
right LED group light up
----> SW v03_01_01 is installed.

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3-54 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
11.02 3 Settings, MPI Bus Nodes
3.6 Machine control panel (MCP)

Switch S3, The GD circle numbers are linked to the bus address for the MCP and interface
GD parameter to customer operator panel with firmware version V3_01_01 and higher. Switch
settings S3 can be used to set the baud rate, transmission cycle time, hardware variant
and bus address.

Table 3-5 Meaning of switch S3 for machine control panel

2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Baud rate: 1.5 Mbaud
OFF Baud rate: 187.5 kbaud
ON OFF 200 ms cyclical transmission grid/ 2400ms reception monitoring
OFF ON 100ms cyclical transmission grid/ 1200ms reception monitoring
OFF OFF 50ms cyclical transmission grid/ 600ms reception monitoring
ON ON ON ON Bus address: 15
ON ON ON OFF Bus address: 14
ON ON OFF ON Bus address: 13
ON ON OFF OFF Bus address: 12
ON OFF ON ON Bus address: 11
ON OFF ON OFF Bus address: 10
ON OFF OFF ON Bus address: 9
ON OFF OFF OFF Bus address: 8
OFF ON ON ON Bus address: 7
OFF ON ON OFF Bus address: 6
OFF ON OFF ON Bus address: 5
OFF ON OFF OFF Bus address: 4
OFF OFF ON ON Bus address: 3
OFF OFF ON OFF Bus address: 2
OFF OFF OFF ON Bus address: 1
OFF OFF OFF OFF Bus address: 0
ON lnterface to customer operator panel
ON OFF ON OFF ON ON OFF OFF Delivery state
OFF OFF ON ON ON ON OFF OFF Default setting for 810D
Baud rate: 187.5 kbaud
Cyclical transmission grid: 100 ms
Bus address: 14

Table 3-6 Association between GD parameters and MPI bus addresses for MCP

GD parameters Associated MPI bus addresses

Receive - Send
1 . 1 . 1--1 . 2 . 1 13, 14, 15
2 . 1 . 1--2 . 2 . 1 11, 12
3 . 1 . 1--3 . 2 . 1 9, 10
4 . 1 . 1--4 . 2 . 1 7, 8
5 . 1 . 1--5 . 2 . 1 4, 5
Reserved 0, 1, 2, 3, 6

Several MPI addresses are used to set a GD parameter set, e.g. GD parame-
ters 1.1.1--1.2.1 are set with addresses 13, 14 or 15. Since at least 2 addresses
are always provided for one GD parameter set, it is possible to change to a
different address if the required address is already assigned.

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SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition 3-55
3 Settings, MPI Bus Nodes 11.02
3.6 Machine control panel (MCP)

2nd MCP:
SINUMERIK 810D can be used to operate 2 machine control panels. The MPI
nodes must be parameterized by means of the “Communication Configuration”
tool. The 2nd MCP must be parameterized in the basic program parameters in

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3-56 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
11.02 3 Settings, MPI Bus Nodes
3.7 MPI interface for customer operator panel

3.7 MPI interface for customer operator panel

MPI interface A customer operator panel can be connected via the MPI interface. 64 digital
inputs and 64 digital outputs with CMOS level (5) are available on the module
for this purpose.
The module must have firmware version 3_01_01 or later. 3
Layout of the

X20 X211 X221

MPI connection
Equipotential bonding 92.7
H1 3.5
X10 ON
Holes 3.6
S3 " H2


Figure 3-9 Front view of the MPI interface customer operator panel

Switch S3 To set the GD parameters for the MCP, please refer to Tables 3-5 and 3-6.

Standard setting If only the customer operator panel is to be connected, then the bus address
for 810D must be set to 14 as for the MCP (standard application).

Table 3-7 Setting for 810D: Switch S3 on interface for customer operator panel

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Meaning:
OFF OFF ON ON ON ON OFF ON Baud rate: 187.5 kbaud
Cyclical transmission grid: 100 ms
Bus address: 14

Power supply Connector designation: X10

interface Connector type: 3-pin Phoenix terminal block, straight

Table 3-8 Pin assignment of connector X10 on interface to customer operator panel

Pin Name Type
2 M24 VI
3 P24 VI

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SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition 3-57
3 Settings, MPI Bus Nodes 11.02
3.8 PCU 20/PCU 50 operator panel

3.8 PCU 20/PCU 50 operator panel

3.8.1 Settings on the PCU

Setting the MPI The MPI interface must be set to 187.5 kbaud for the SINUMERIK 810D.
S PCU 20
The PCU 20 sets itself automatically to the correct baud rate.

S PCU 50
The PCU 50 must be set to a baud rate of 187.5 kbaud in the “Start-Up/HMI/
Operator Panel” menu.

Screen MD 9000: LCD_CONTRAST (contrast)

The contrast setting can be entered directly in the machine data or selected by
means of soft key “LCD brighter” or “LCD darker” in the “Diagnosis” menu.
MD 9001: DISPLAY_TYPE (monitor type)
The monitor type (i.e. LCD monochrome, LCD color) is entered in this machine
data (for PCU 20).

Language MD 9003: FIRST_LANGUAGE (foreground language for PCU 20)

S PCU 20
One of two languages can be selected on the PCU 20.

S PCU 50
The PCU 50 is always supplied with multi-lingual capability. English is the
default setting.

Display resolution MD 9004: DISPLAY_RESOLUTION (display resolution) and

MD 9010: SPIND_DISPLAY_RESOLUTION (display resolution for spindles)
The display resolution for position values on the screen is entered in this ma-
chine data. The maximum number of digits on the screen is 10 plus the decimal
point and sign (e.g.: 4 places after decimal point,
max. display = +/-- 999999.9999).

Screen saver MD 9006: The time period after which the screen saver function is activated,
i.e. during which no keys on the operator panel are actuated, is entered in this
machine data.

User data The protection levels for user data are set in machine data 9200 to 9299.
protection levels

RS-232 interfaces The settings of the RS-232 interface on the HMI for data backup are stored from
MD 9300 onwards. The settings for 3 different devices are made in the
“Services” menu via an input display.

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11.02 3 Settings, MPI Bus Nodes
3.8 PCU 20/PCU 50 operator panel

3.8.2 Selecting the language

Changing the To be able to switch between the two configured languages even when the
language operator is not familiar with the selected language, the switchover between the
languages must be performed “blindly”:
1. Select menu bar 3
2. Select “Start-up” (3rd horizontal soft key from right)
3. Switch to the highest level with RECALL
4. Select “Change language” (3rd vertical software from top).

PCU 20 One of two languages can be selected on the PCU 20. These are defined while
the HMI software is being loaded. While the control is in operation, the operator
can switch between these two languages only. He does so by selecting the soft
key “Change language” in the “Start-up” display.

PCU 50 On the PCU 50, there are several methods by which the operator can switch
language while the control is in operation:

S Switchover between two preset languages.

S Changeover of the second language.

Switchover The selectable languages are set and managed in a file. When the language is
concept switched in online operation, the first language remains as originally set (1st
language) and only the second language can be changed.

Switching You can switch between languages by using the vertical “Change language”
between soft key in the “Start-up” operator control area. The switchover takes effect
two languages immediately. This key can only be used to switch between two predefined

Changing the Different languages are selected in the “Start-up/HMI/Languages” operating

2nd language area (provided that languages have been loaded!). This display provides you
with a list of the available languages. Select one language and confirm the se-
lection with “OK”. You can then change over between the first language and the
language you have just set by selecting the “Change language” soft key in the
“Start-up” area.
You can change the 2nd language at any time.

Language packa- The PCU 50 is supplied with the English and German languages.
ges for installation Two supplementary packages (1 and 2) are also available.
Supplementary package 1: European languages:
GR German (standard)
SP Spanish
FR French
UK English (standard)
IT Italian

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3 Settings, MPI Bus Nodes 11.02
3.8 PCU 20/PCU 50 operator panel

Supplementary package 2: Asian languages

KO Logographic language Korean
TW Logographic language Chinese (Taiwan)
CH Logographic language Chinese (Mandarin)

3 Definition of
usable languages
The languages that can be used on the HMI are configured in the
c:\mmc2\mmc.ini file. The required changes in the file described below can be
made with the editor which can be called under Start-up/MMC.

Presettings Two languages can be set from a number of optional languages:

without GR German (standard)
activation of SP Spanish
logographic FR French
UK English (standard)
IT Italian
1st language German, 2nd language English
File MMC.INI must be altered as shown below:
Excerpt from mmc.ini:

When editing file MMC.INI, take care to ensure that you change only the high-
lighted (bold print) texts. Make sure that your entries are spelled correctly.

Presettings with Two languages can be configured from a number of optional languages:
activation of GR German (standard)
logographic lan- SP Spanish
guages FR French
UK English (standard)
IT Italian
TW Logographic language Chinese (Taiwan)
CH Logographic language Chinese (Mandarin)

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11.02 3 Settings, MPI Bus Nodes
3.8 PCU 20/PCU 50 operator panel

1st language German, 2nd language Chinese
File MMC.INI must be altered as shown below:
(Excerpt from mmc.ini:)

;LanguageList=GR, SP, FR, UK, IT

;FontList=Europe, Europe, Europe, Europe, Europe
;LBList=español, français, english, italiano

LanguageList=GR, CH, TW, SP, FR, UK, IT

FontList=Europe, China, China, Europe, Europe, Europe, Europe
LBList=chinese, taiwan, español, français, english, italiano

Add-on products To be able to operate the control with logographic languages, the appropriate
add-on product must be installed for each language that can be selected.
Languages based on different add-on products cannot be configured at the
same time.

When you change lines “LanguageList”, “FontList”, “LBList” and “AddOnProd”,
make sure that you only manipulate (shift, delete) the “;” character for the
When editing the MMC.INI file, please make sure you only change the high-
lighted (bold print) texts. Make sure that your entries are spelled correctly.

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SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition 3-61
3 Settings, MPI Bus Nodes 04.00
3.8 PCU 20/PCU 50 operator panel


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3-62 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
EMC and ESD Measures 4
4.1 RI suppression measures
Shielded To ensure safe, interference-free operation of the installation, it is essential to
signal cables use the cables specified in the individual diagrams.
Both ends of the shield must always be connected conductively with the

S If non-Siemens devices are connected (printers, programming devices, etc.),

you can also use standard shielding cables which are connected at one
These external devices may not be connected to the control during normal
operation. However, if the system cannot be operated without them, then the
cable shields must be connected at both ends. Furthermore, the external
device must be connected to the control via an equipotential bonding cable.

Precautionary To ensure that the entire installation (control, power section, machine) has the
measures greatest possible immunity to interference, the following EMC measures must
be taken:

S Signal cables and load cables must be routed at the greatest possible
distance from one another.

S Only use SIEMENS signal cables for connecting to and from the NC or PLC.
S Signal cables must not be routed close to strong external magnetic fields
(e.g. motors and transformers).

S Pulse-carrying HC/HV cables must always be laid completely separately

from all other cables.

S If signal cables cannot be laid at a sufficient distance from other cables, then
they must be installed in shielded cable ducts (metal).

S The distance (interference liability surface) between the following cables

must be kept to a minimum:
-- Signal cable and signal cable
-- Signal cable and associated equipotential bonding conductor
-- Equipotential bonding conductor and PE conductor (routed together).

! For further information about interference suppression measures and
connection of shielded cables, please refer to
References: /EMC/, EMC Guidelines.

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SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition 4-63
4 EMV and EGB Measures 11.02
4.3 Heat dissipation

4.2 ESD measures

! Handling of modules containing devices sensitive to electrostatic discharge:

S When handling electrostatically sensitive devices, make sure that operator,

workplace and packing material are properly earthed.

S Generally, electronic modules must not be touched unless work has to be

4 carried out on them. When handling PC boards make absolutely sure that
you do not touch component pins or printed conductors.

S Touch components only if

-- you are permanently earthed by means of an antistatic chain,
-- you are wearing ESD boots or ESD boots with earthing strips in con-
junction with ESD flooring.

S Modules may be placed only on electrically conductive surfaces (table with

ESD top, conductive ESD foam plastic, ESD packing bags, ESD transport

S Keep modules away from visual display units, monitors or TV sets (mini-
mum distance from screen > 10 cm).

S Modules must not be allowed to come into contact with electrically insula-
ting materials such as plastic films, insulating table tops or clothing made of
synthetic fibers.

S Measurements on modules are allowed only if

-- the measuring instrument is properly earthed (e.g. equipment grounding
conductor), or
-- before measuring with a potential-free measuring instrument, the probe
is briefly discharged (e.g. touch the unpainted metal parts of the control

4.3 Heat dissipation

Please note:

! A ventilation clearance of 100 mm must be left above and below the drive
combination when it is installed.

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4-64 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
Power ON and Ramp-Up 5
5.1 Start-up sequence
Start-up sequence All mechanical and electrical installation work must be complete. Before you
commence starting up the control, you must ensure that it powers up correctly
with all its components and that it has been installed in compliance with the
EMC Guidelines.
The start-up procedure is detailed below. The order in which the individual steps
are taken is not mandatory, but recommended:
1. Check the ramp-up of the SINUMERIK 810D (Chapter 5)
2. Enter the basic settings and the memory configuration
(Subsection 6.5.1/Section 6.6)
3. Scaling machine data (Section 6.7)
4. Transfer the PLC user program and the alarm texts (Chapters 7 and 8)
5. Set the axis configuration (Section 9.1)
6. Configure and parameterize the drives (Section 9.2)
7. Set the axis and spindle machine data (Subsection 9.2.x)
-- Velocities axis (Subsection 9.2.6)
-- Position controller data axis (Subsection 9.2.7)
-- Monitoring axis (Subsection 9.2.8)
-- Reference point axis (Subsection 9.2.9)
-- Spindle data, rotary axis (Subsection 9.2.10)
-- Spindle configuration (Subsection 9.2.11)
-- Encoder adaptation spindle (Subsection 9.2.12)
-- Velocities and setpoint adaptation spindle (Subsection 9.2.13)
-- Position and synchronize spindle (Subsections 9.2.14 and 9.2.15)
-- Monitoring spindle (Subsection 9.2.16)
8. Test run for axes and spindles (Chapter 10)
9. Drive optimization (Chapter 11)
-- Frequency response measurements (Section 11.6)
-- Analog output (Section 11.9)
10. Data backup (Chapter 12)
11. HMI (Chapter 14).

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SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition 5-65
5 Power ON and Ramp-Up 11.02
5.2 Power ON and Ramp-Up

5.2 Power ON and Ramp-Up

5.2.1 Power ON

Visual inspection The installation should be inspected visually for any obvious faults or defects.
Make sure that the mechanical installation of components is correct and that
electrical connections are firmly in place (e.g. in the DC link). Make sure that all
electrical connections have been made correctly before switching on the power
supply. Check the 230 VAC and 24 VDC supply voltages as well as the shields
5 and earthing connections.

Check whether the battery on the CCU module is connected. It is not
connected in the delivery state (discharged). Make sure that you observe the
rules for handling ESD-sensitive components when dealing with modules.

Device settings Before commencing with start-up, check that the address and switch settings on
the MCP, HHU and PLC I/O devices are correct (see Chapter 3).
References: /BH/, Operator Components Manual

Power ON The components can be switched on in any desired sequence.


Power ON Switch on the power supply on all components and on the mains supply mo-
dule. No enabling signals need be present initially on the mains supply module.
However, the LEDs on the I/RF module may not indicate any errors/
faults in the power supply. There are no enabling signals on the PCU module,
ramp-up is started immediately.

! Before switching on, make sure that the protective cover and connector X181
are attached to the power supply unit.

5.2.2 NC ramp-up

After the power supply has been connected, the control system powers up. The
system software is stored on an internal flash EPROM in the delivery state. If a
PCMCIA card (containing system software) is inserted, the control powers up
with the system software on this card.

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5-66 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
11.02 5 Power ON and Ramp-Up
5.2 Power ON and Ramp-Up

NCK general reset To bring the control system into a defined initial state, initialization (NCK general
reset) is required when the power is first connected. To execute an NCK reset,
turn start-up switch S3 on the CCU to position 1 and switch on the control. The
control then powers up, the SRAM memory is erased and the machine data are
preset to the default values.

Table 5-1 Meaning of NCK start-up switch (S3) settings

Setting Meaning
0 Normal mode: The control powers up with the set data.
1 Start-up mode: The data in the buffered RAM (SRAM) are erased and
standard (default) machine data loaded.
2 Software update: Software download from PCMCIA card only possible for
CCU3 export version
3--7 Reserved

End of NCK After an error-free run-up, the number “6” is output on the status display of the
ramp-up CCU. The LEDs “+5V” and “SF” (SINUMERIK READY) light up.
Now switch the NCK start-up switch S3 back to setting 0.

General PLC reset With MEMORY RESET, the program memory of the PLC is erased.
The diagnostics buffer of the PLC is not erased.
After the NC has powered up, the PLC must be set to its initial state by means
of a general reset. There are two ways of doing this:
1. By means of the programming device with SIMATIC STEP 7
2. Via the PLC start-up switch S4 on the CCU module

Table 5-2 Settings with the PLC start-up switch S4

Setting Meaning
It is possible to intervene in the PLC program.
1 PLC RUN: RUN state.
The program can only be accessed for reading via the programming devices.
2 PLC STOP: STOP state.
3 MRES: A module reset (general reset function) can be executed with the
switch in this setting.

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SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition 5-67
5 Power ON and Ramp-Up 11.02
5.2 Power ON and Ramp-Up

When starting up for the first time, or replacing a module, or when a battery
fails, or the PLC requests a MRES, or the PLC operating system is upgraded,
the complete memory reset is absolutely necessary:
1. Set PLC start--up switch S4 to position “3”.
2. Perform Power ON and hardware RESET.
3. PLC general reset:
4. Set NC start--up switch S3 to position 1 (this erases the DRAM between the
NC and PLC).

Operation for The following step generates a NEW START of the PLC:
PLC restart
Turn PLC start--up switch S4 from position “2” (STOP mode) to position “1” or
“0” (RUN mode).

Operation for The following steps with the PLC start--up switch S4 generate a
general PLC reset MEMORY RESET of the PLC:
1. Turn to position “2” (STOP mode)
LED PS lights.
2. Turn to position “3” (MRES mode, request memory reset) and hold in this
position (for approximately 3 seconds) until the STOP LED PS comes on
LED PS goes off and lights again.
3. Within three seconds, turn to the positions
STOP--MRES--STOP (“2”--“3”--“2”)
LED PS flashes initially at about 2 Hz and then lights again
LED PF lights
4. After the PS and PF LEDs light up, set switch S4 to the 0 position
LED PS and LED PF go out again and LED PR (green) lights up
The PLC is now initialized and running in cyclic operation mode

If a hardware RESET or Power ON is initiated in switch position 3 on PLC
start-up switch S4 the entire SRAM contents of the PLC are initialized, the
diagnostic buffer contents are not deleted. All user data have to be transferred
If setting “3” (MRES) is selected for less than 3 seconds, then no general reset
is requested. The STOP LED does not light up if the switch is not changed from
setting STOP to MRES to STOP within 3 seconds after a general reset has
been requested.

References: /S7H/, SIMATIC S7-300

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5-68 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
11.02 5 Power ON and Ramp-Up
5.2 Power ON and Ramp-Up

5.2.3 PCU 20 - PCU 50 ramp-up

PCU ramp-up After the power supply has been switched on, the PCU powers up automatical-
ly. The system software is installed in the factory and is ready to run. The basic
display appears on the screen if the MMC has powered up successfully.

Problems during PCU 20

ramp-up If the PCU 20 is not able to establish a connection to the NC, the following
message appears: “wait for NCU connection: “x” seconds”, “x” = 1 to 60.
If a connection has still not been established after this time, then rebooting
takes place soon after. Check the following:

S Is the SINUMERIK 810D (CCU module) ready to operate (digit 6 on H3)?

S Is the MPI cable inserted, is cable attached properly to connector?
S Are other MPI stations (machine control panel, handheld unit, ...) disturbing
MPI communication? (Remove connections to test.)

S If the reset button on the NCU was pressed again during ramp-up (e.g. as
for software upgrade [Position 1 / PLC Reset]), the control must be switched
off and on again for the PCU ramp-up to be successful.

PCU 50
If the PCU 50 does not boot, i.e. the screen remains dark, check the 24 VDC
power supply. If the power supply is present at the power unit of the PCU 50
and the seven-segment display on the rear panel does not light up, then the
PCU 50 module is defective.

If the PCU 50 powers up, but cannot establish a connection to the NC, then the
message “Communication to NC failed” is output in the message line at the
In this case, please check the following:

S Is the SINUMERIK 810D (CCU module) ready to operate (digit 6 on H3)?

S Is the MPI cable inserted, is cable attached properly to connector?
S Is the baud rate in menu Start-up/HMI/operator panel front set correctly? It
must be set to 187.5 (password for protection level 2 required).

S Are other MPI stations (machine control panel, handheld unit, ...) disturbing
MPI communication? (Remove connections to test.)

5.2.4 Error during control ramp-up (NC)

Messages on Various status messages are output on the CCU display (7-segment display H3)
status display during ramp-up. The digit “6” is output when the control has finished powering

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SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition 5-69
5 Power ON and Ramp-Up 11.02
5.2 Power ON and Ramp-Up

Problems during If the “6” is not displayed after approximately 1 minute, but:
NCK ramp-up
S another number appears,
S the display remains dark,
S the display flashes,
then proceed as follows:
1. Repeat the NCK initial clear.
2. Switch S3 (CCU) must be returned to position “0”.
3. If the initial clear procedure is unsuccessful, re-install the NCK software. See
Section “SW/HW Replacement”.
5 4. If these actions prove to be unsuccessful, replace the CCU module.

Only the software of the CCU3 export version can be loaded into the internal
flash EPROM (switch position 2). This function is not possible with the CCU3
standard software.

Status displays of The following LEDs are located on the front plate of the CCU module. They dis-
the PLC play the PLC operating states.
PR PLC RUN (green)
PF PLC watchdog (red)
PFO PLC FORCE (yellow)


Table 5-3 Statuses displayed by LEDs PR and PF

LED lights OFF flashes flashes OFF OFF

PR up at at 2 Hz
0.5 Hz
LED OFF lights lights lights -- lights up -- lights up
PS up up up -- for 3 sec. off -- flashes at
2 Hz (min. 3 s)
-- lights up lights up
START SET requested SET in progress

The PLC program is being processed.
The PLC program is not being processed. STOP can be set by the PLC pro-
gram, error identifiers or an operator input.
“Halt” of the PLC user program (initiated by test function).
The control is started (transition from STOP to RUN state). If the start process is
aborted, the control switches back to the STOP state.

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5-70 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
11.02 5 Power ON and Ramp-Up
5.2 Power ON and Ramp-Up

LED PF This LED lights up when the PLC watchdog has responded.

LED PFO A defined value is assigned to a variable by means of the FORCE function. The
variable is write-protected and cannot be changed from any location. The write
protection remains effective until it is canceled by the UNFORCE function. If the
LED PFO is out, then no FORCE job is present.

If all 4 LEDs on the status display flash simultaneously after the CCU3 hard-
ware has been replaced, then another NCK ramp-up must be initiated. A PLC
general reset can then be executed if required.

5.2.5 Ramp-up of the drives

Ramp-up of After an NCK general reset the drives are deactivated. No data sets (so-called
the drives boot files) are available for the drives. The “SF” LEDs on the CCU3 module and
the 611D closed-loop control module (if installed) light up.

Start-up of drives PCU 20:

The drives must be configured and parameterized with the SinuCom NC start-
up tool.
PCU 50:
The drive must be configured and parameterized in the Start-up operating area.

The “SF” LEDs on the CCU3 and the red LED on the 611D closed-loop control
module do not go out until the drives have been started up successfully.

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5 Power ON and Ramp-Up 11.02
5.2 Power ON and Ramp-Up


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5-72 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
Parameterizing the Control 6
6.1 Machine and setting data

Parameterizing The control system is adapted to the machine by means of machine and setting
data. 6
Machine data The machine data (MD) are classified as follows:

S General machine data

S Channel-specific machine data
S Axis-specific machine data
S Machine data for operator panel
S Machine data for feed drive
S Machine data for main spindle drive.

Setting data The setting data (SD) are classified as follows:

S General setting data

S Channel-specific setting data
S Axis-specific setting data.

Option data The option data are included in the scope of supply of the option concerned.

Overview of The machine and setting data are classified in the following areas:
machine and
setting data
Table 6-1 Overview of machine and setting data

Area Designation
from 1000 to 1799 Machine data for drives
from 9000 to 9999 Machine data for operator panel
from 10000 to 18999 General machine data
from 19000 to 19999 Reserved
from 20000 to 28999 Channel-specific machine data

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6 Parameterizing the Control 11.02
6.2 Handling machine and setting data

Table 6-1 Overview of machine and setting data

Area Designation
from 29000 to 29999 Reserved
from 30000 to 38999 Axis-specific machine data
from 39000 to 39999 Reserved
from 41000 to 41999 General setting data
from 42000 to 42999 Channel-specific data
from 43000 to 43999 Axis-specific setting data

References: /LIS/, Lists

6 Entering
machine data
Appropriate input boxes are displayed for entering machine data. How to select
When you select the “Area Switchover” key on the HMI, the menu bar with the
areas Machine, Parameters, Program, Services, Diagnosis and Start-up is dis-
played. Select “Start-up” and then “Machine data”.

The password of protection level 2 “EVENING” must be set before MD can be

6.2 Handling machine and setting data

Number and MD and SD are addressed by number or by name (identifier). The number and
identifier name are displayed on the HMI. The following must also be noted:

S Active
S Protection level
S Unit
S Default value
S Value.

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6-74 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
11.02 6 Parameterizing the Control
6.2 Handling machine and setting data

Active The levels at which a data becomes active are listed below in order of priority.
A change to the data takes effect after:


S NEW_CONF (cf) -- “Set MD active” softkey on HMI

-- “RESET” key on MCP
-- Changes at block ends in program mode possible

S RESET (re) -- M2/M30 at program end or

-- “RESET” key on MCP

S IMMEDIATE (so) After entry of value

Protection levels Protection level 4 or higher (keyswitch position 3) must be activated to display
machine data.
The appropriate protection level must generally be enabled by means of pass-
word “EVENING” to start up the system.
Unit The unit refers to the default setting of the machine data:
MD 10220: SCALING_FACTOR_USER_DEF_MASK, (activation of scaling
MD10230: SCALING_FACTOR_USER_DEF (scaling factors of physical
MD10240: SCALING_SYSTEM IS METRIC = 1 (basic system metric)
If the MD is not based on any physical unit, then the field contains a “--”.

Default value This is the preset value for the MD or SD.

When entered via the HMI, the value is limited to 10 places plus decimal point
and sign.

Value range Specifies the input limits. If no value range is specified, the data type determi-
(minimum and nes the input limits and the field is marked with “ΓΓΓ”.

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SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition 6-75
6 Parameterizing the Control 11.02
6.3 Protection level concept

6.3 Protection level concept

Protection levels In SINUMERIK 810D there is a protection level concept to enable data areas.
Protection levels range from 0 to 7, 0 representing the highest and 7 the lowest
level. Protection levels 0 to 3 must be disabled by means of a password. Levels
4 to 7 are disabled by means of keyswitch positions. The operator only has ac-
cess to information protected by one particular level and the levels below it. The
machine data is assigned different protection levels as a standard measure.
Protection level 4 (keyswitch position 3) and higher is required to display ma-
chine data.
The appropriate protection level must generally be enabled by means of pass-
word “EVENING” to start up the system.

6 Note
For information about changing protection levels, please refer to
References: /BAD/ Operator’s Guide HMI Advanced
/FB1/ A2, Various Interface Signals.

Table 6-2 Protection level strategy

Protection level Locked by Area

0 Password Siemens
1 Password: SUNRISE (default) Machine manufacturer
2 Password: EVENING (default) Installation engineer
3 Password: CUSTOMER (default) End user, service engineer
4 Keyswitch position 3 Programmer, machine setter
5 Keyswitch position 2 Qualified operator
6 Keyswitch position 1 Trained operator
7 Keyswitch position 0 Semi-skilled operator

Protection Protection levels 0 to 3 require the input of a password. The password for level
levels 0--3 0 provides access to all data areas. The passwords can be changed after acti-
vation (not recommended). If, for example, the passwords have been forgotten,
then the system must be reinitialized (NCK general reset). This resets all pass-
words to the standard of this software version.
The password remains valid until it is reset with the softkey DELETE PASS-
WORD. A POWER ON does not reset the password.

Protection Protection levels 4 to 7 require a particular keyswitch setting on the machine

levels 4--7 control panel. Three keys of different colors are provided for this purpose. Each
of these keys is capable of providing access to particular data areas. The asso-
ciated interface signals are located in DB10DBB56.

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6-76 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
11.02 6 Parameterizing the Control
6.3 Protection level concept

Table 6-3 Meaning of keyswitch positions

Key color Switch position Protection level

Key not inserted 0 = Remove key position 7
Black 0 and 1 6--7
Green 0 to 2 5--7
Red 0 to 3 4--7

Redefining The user can modify the protection levels for reading and writing data. This pre-
protection levels vents display and input of certain data. Only protection levels of lower priority
can be assigned to the machine data, setting data can also be assigned protec-
tion levels of higher priority. The commands APR and APW are used to change
the protection levels.

File for global variables
(APR ... read authorization)
(APW ... write authorization)

The file becomes active when the next _N_INITIAL_INI is read in. Different pro-
tection levels are specified for writing (changing) or reading (part program or

MD 10000 is protected by levels 2/7, i.e. writing requires protection level 2
(corresponding to password) and reading requires protection level 7. To be able
to enter the machine data area you need at least key switch position 3.

References: /PGA/, Programming Guide, Advanced

/FB1/, A2, “Various Interface Signals”

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SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition 6-77
6 Parameterizing the Control 11.02
6.4 Machine data masking filter

6.4 Machine data masking filter

6.4.1 Function

The masking filter enables a selective reduction of the quantity of machine data
displayed on the screen, thus data display can be tailored to the user’s indivi-
dual needs and requirements.
All machine data in the following areas:

S General machine data

S Channel-specific machine data
S Axis-specific machine data

6 S Drive machine data (FDD/MSD)

are assigned to specific groups.
You can tell which group specific machine data belongs to by referring to the
machine data list.
References: /LIS/ Lists

S Each area has its own group assignment.

S Each machine data in the different areas can be assigned to several groups.

6.4.2 Selecting and setting the masking filter

Selecting the Filters are selected and activated via a list screenform which is accessed using
list screenform the vertical softkey Display options. These screenforms are displayed in the
respective machine data storage areas.

Figure 6-1 Screen: display options for setting masking filters

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6-78 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
11.02 6 Parameterizing the Control
6.4 Machine data masking filter

Display criteria If the user’s level of access authorization (password) is insufficient, the machine
data is not displayed. If access authorization criteria are fulfilled, then a verifica-
tion is performed to see if the masking filters are active.

You can tell which group specific machine data belongs to by referring to the
machine data list.

Table 6-4 Display criteria

Filter type Meaning

Masking filter active S Inactive: all machine data are displayed
S Active: checking for group filters
Expert mode S Inactive: the MD is assigned to expert mode 6
=> MD is not displayed
S Active: the MD is assigned to expert mode
=> MD is displayed (see index)
Group filters S Inactive: the MD is assigned to the group
=> MD is not displayed
S Active: the MD is assigned to the group
=> MD is displayed (see index)
All others S Inactive: with MD which is not assigned to any group
=> MD is not displayed
S Active: with MD which is not assigned to any group
=> MD is displayed (see index)
Index from to S Inactive: all subparameters of the MD are displayed
S Active: only the specified subparameters of the MD
are displayed

Activating the Use the cursor keys to select the checkboxes and check them using the toggle
group filters via key.
S If a filter is disabled (not checked), then the corresponding machine data are
not displayed.

S If a filter is enabled (checked), the corresponding machine data is displayed.

However, it is necessary to pay attention to the “Index from to” filter.

If the “Index from to” filter is active, please note:
If only the “first” index (0) is to be displayed, then all subsequent settings, for
example, for the override switch (MD 12000.1: OVR FACTOR_AX_SPEED),
are not visible either.

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6 Parameterizing the Control 11.02
6.4 Machine data masking filter

Vertical softkeys
S Select all softkeys
All checkboxes in the group are activated.
The softkey does not influence the following checkboxes:
-- Filter active
-- Expert mode
-- Index from to
-- All others

S Deselect all softkeys

All checkboxes in the group are deactivated.
The softkey does not influence the following checkboxes:
-- Filter active
-- Expert mode
-- Index from to
-- All others
6 S Abort softkey
-- Return to machine data screen
-- The former filter settings remain valid
-- Any changes are discarded

S OK softkey
-- Changed filter settings are saved
-- The machine data screen is created again
-- The input field is positioned on the current MD again.
If the MD was masked, the first MD is used instead.

Expert mode The “Expert mode” setting facilitates the first start-up by providing a clearer
Recommended procedure:

S Activate all filters (check)

S Enable masking filter (check)
S Disable expert mode (do not check)
S Only the machine data required for the basic functions are displayed
(e.g. proportional gain, reset time, filters).

Masking all If the filter option is set to mask all machine data in a specific area, then the
machine data following message is output upon selection of this area:
“Unable to display machine data with the current access rights and the current
filter setting”.
After confirming with the OK softkey, an empty machine data display window is

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11.02 6 Parameterizing the Control
6.4 Machine data masking filter

6.4.3 Saving the filter settings

Saving The filter settings are saved in specific areas in the C:\MMC2\IB.INI file. You
have to make a backup copy of this file before upgrading the software on the
HMI and copy it back after upgrading, in order retain the settings.
For information of data backup, refer to Chapter 12, Data Backup.

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SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition 6-81
6 Parameterizing the Control 11.02
6.5 System data

6.5 System data

6.5.1 Basic settings

Control cycle The control operates according to the cycle times defined in the machine data.
times The system basic cycle is specified in seconds; the other cycle times are
obtained as multiples of the system basic cycle.
The time cycles are set as standard to an optimum and should only be changed
if the requirements of the NC cannot be fulfilled with the preset values.
Table 6-5 Control time cycles

Machine data Name Example

MD 10050: SYSCLOCK_CYCLE_TIME System clock cycle MD 10050 = 0.0025 s ----[ 2.5 ms

(protected with protection level 0)
Factor for position
control cycle
MD 10060 = 1 (1 ⊇ 2.5 ms = 2.5 ms) *

MD 10070: IPO_SYSCLOCK_TIME_RATIO Factor for interpolator MD 10070 = 4 (4 * 2.5 ms =10 ms)

clock cycle
MD 10072: COM_IPO_TIME_RATIO Communication cycle MD 10072 = 0.5 (10 ms * 0.5 = 5 ms)

* The factor for the position control cycle is set permanently to 1; thus
the position control cycle corresponds to the system clock cycle from

! If you have changed the time cycles, check that the operating response of the
control is correct in all operating modes before ending the start-up process.

Switchover from A control system can be switched over from a metric to an inch system by
metric to inch means of MD 10240: SCALING_SYSTEM_IS_METRIC (basic system metric,
system active after power ON). The additional conversion factor is specified in MD
10250: SCALING_VALUE_INCH (conversion factor for switchover to INCH
system, factor = 25.4). After power ON the existing data are converted to inches
and displayed. After switchover data must be entered in inches.
The setting MD 10260: CONVERT_SCALING_SYSTEM=1 considerably
simplifies switchover of the scaling system as SW 3.
S Availability of an HMI softkey in the “MACHINE” area for switching over the
dimension system.
S Automatic conversion of active NC data on switchover of the scaling system.
S Data backup with detection of current system of units.
S Effect of MD 10240: SCALING_SYSTEM_IS_METRIC is reset.
S Configuring of the scaling system for sag compensation via
Channel-specific switchover of the basic program setting (G70, G71, G700,
G710) in MD 20150: GCODE_RESET_VALUES ξ12ζ For softkey switchover via
HMI, the value toggles between G700 (inch) and G710 (metric).

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11.02 6 Parameterizing the Control
6.5 System data

G700/G710 also interprets the feed rates (inch/min or mm/min) as well as the
linear data in the scaling system as of SW 3.

Internal physical The physical variables of the machine data are set to the following units by
variables default:
Physical variable Metric Inch
Linear position 1 mm 1 inch
Angular position 1 degree 1 degree
Linear velocity 1 mm/min 1 inch/min
Angular velocity 1 rev/min 1 rev/min
Linear acceleration 1 mm/s2 1 inch/s2
Angular acceleration 1 rev/s2 1 rev/s2
Linear jerk 1 mm/s3 1 inch/s3
Angular jerk 1 rev/s3 1 rev/s3
Timing 1s 1s
KV factor
Rotational feedrate
1 mm/rev
1 inch/rev
Linear position (compensation value) 1 mm 1 inch
Angular position (compensation value) 1 degree 1 degree

Physical The physical variables for input/output of the machine and setting data
variables for input/ (RS-232, HMI) can be defined via MD 10220: SCALING_USER_DEF_MASK
output (activation of scaling factors) and
MD 10230: SCALING_FACTORS_USER_DEF (physical variables scaling
If the appropriate activation bit is not set in MD 10220:
SCALING_USER_DEF_MASK (activation of scaling factors), then scaling is
implemented internally with the conversion factors listed below (default setting,
exception KV factor).
If all bits are set in MD 10220 and if the default settings are to remain valid, then
the following scaling factors must be entered in MD 10230:

Index No. Physical variable Input/output Internal unit Scaling factor

0 Linear position 1 mm 1 mm 1
1 Angular position 1 degree 1 degree 1
2 Linear velocity 1 mm/min 1 mm/s 0.016666667
3 Angular velocity 1 rev/min 1 degree/s 6
4 Linear acceleration 1 m/s2 1 mm/s2 1000
5 Angular acceleration 1 rev/s2 1 degree/s2 360
6 Linear jerk 1 m/s3 1 mm/s3 1000
7 Angular jerk 1 rev/s3 1 degree/s3 360
8 Timer 1s 1s 1
9 KV factor 1 m/min⊇mm 1/s 16.66666667
10 Revolutional feedrate 1 mm/rev 1 mm/degree 1/360
11 Linear position (compensation value) 1 mm 1 mm 1
12 Angular position (compensation value) 1 degree 1 degree 1

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SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition 6-83
6 Parameterizing the Control 11.02
6.5 System data

Input values for machine data

MD 10220 no
Internal scaling
Scaling factor activated?

MD 10230
Scaling factor

Internal physical variable

Figure 6-2 Changing physical variables

6 Example In our example the user wishes to enter the linear velocity in m/min. The internal
physical variable is mm/s.

1 m * 1000 mm * 1 min
[m/min] = = 1000/60 [mm/s] = 16.666667
min * 1 m * 60 s

The machine data must be entered as follows:

MD 10220: SCALING_USER_DEF_MASK = ‘H4‘ (activation of new factor) and
MD 10230: SCALING_FACTORS_USER_DEF [2] = 16.6666667 (scaling factor
for linear velocity in m/min).
The machine data are automatically converted to these physical variables after
input of the new scale and power ON. The new values are displayed on the HMI
and can then be saved.
The unit of the physical variables for programming in the part program is
specified in the Programming Guide.

Internal The internal calculation resolutions are specified in

precision MD 10200: INT_INCR_PER_MM (calculation resolution for linear positions) and
MD 10210: INT_INCR_PER_DEG (calculation resolution for angular positions).
The default value for this machine data is “1000”. The control thus calculates as
standard in 1/1000 mm or 1/1000 degrees. If greater accuracy is required, only
these two machine data need to be changed. It is useful to enter machine data
in powers of 10 (100, 1000, 10000). Rounding if required (and thus also
falsification) of the internal values can only be achieved using smaller units.
However, it is essential that the measuring system is adapted to this degree of
accuracy. The internal calculation resolution also determines the accuracy with
which positions and selected compensation functions are calculated. Changes
to the MD have no influence on the velocities and cycle times which can be

Display resolution In MD 9004: DISPLAY_RESOLUTION you can set the number of decimal pla-
ces after the decimal point for the position values on the operator panel.

Limit values for The input value limitation depends on which values can be displayed and input
input and on the operator panel.
display This limit is reached at 10 digit positions plus decimal point plus sign.

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6-84 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
11.02 6 Parameterizing the Control
6.6 Memory configuration

6.6 Memory configuration

Memory areas The memory areas for user data in the NC are preset to suit most user require-
ments during an NCK general reset. The following areas can be adjusted to
achieve optimum utilization of the available user memory:

S Tool management
S Tool offsets
S User variables
S R parameters
S Compensations (e.g. LEC)
S Protection areas 6
S Frames.

The memory must be structured before commencement of the actual start-up

process because all buffered user data (e.g. part programs, drive data) are
cleared when the memory is re-allocated!
Machine data, setting data and options are not erased.

Static RAM Set the following machine data:

Table 6-6 MDs for allocating SRAM

MDs for SRAM Meaning

MD18080 MM_TOOL_MANAGEMENT_MASK Memory allocation for tool management.
Set the tool management parameters according to
machine requirements. If you are not using the TM
function, set MD 18084 and 18086 to “0” to free
more memory for part programs.
MD18082 MM_NUM_TOOL Number of tools according to machine
MD18084 MM_NUM_MAGAZINE Tool management only if tool management MD and
tool management option is enabled: Number of
magazines which the NCK can manage
MD18086 MM_NUM_MAGAZINE_LOCATION Tool management only if tool management MD and
tool management option is enabled: Number of
magazine locations which the NCK can manage
MD18088 MM_NUM_TOOL_CARRIER Maximum number of toolholders
MD18090 MM_NUM_CC_MAGAZINE_PARAM Number of OEM magazine data
MD18092 MM_NUM_CC_MAGLOC_PARAM Number of OEM magazine location data
MD18094 MM_NUM_CC_TDA_PARAM Number of OEM tool data
MD19096 MM_NUM_CC_TOA_PARAM Number of OEM data per cutting edge
MD18098 MM_NUM_CC_MON_PARAM Number of OEM monitoring data

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SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition 6-85
6 Parameterizing the Control 11.02
6.6 Memory configuration

Table 6-6 MDs for allocating SRAM

MDs for SRAM Meaning

MD18100 MM_NUM_CUTTING_EDGES_IN_TOA Number of tool cutting edges per TOA module
according to requirements of end customer
MD18102 MM_TYPE_OF_CUTTING_EDGE Type of D number programming
MD18104 MM_NUM_TOOL_ADAPTER Tool adapter in TO area
MD18108 MM_NUM_SUMCORR Sum offset in TO area
MD18114 MM_ENABLE_ORIENT Assign orientation to tool cutting edges
MD18116 MM_NUM_TOOL_ENV Total number of tool environments
MD18118 MM_NUM_GUD_MODULES Number of GUD data blocks
MD18120 MM_NUM_GUD_NAMES_NCK Number of global user variables
MD18130 MM_NUM_GUD_NAMES_CHAN Number of channel-specific global user variables
6 MD18140 MM_NUM_GUD_NAMES_AXIS Number of axis GUD definitions
MD18150 MM_GUD_VALUES_MEM Memory location for GUD values
MD18190 MM_NUM_PROTECT_AREA Number of data for machine-related protection
MD18200 MM_NUM_CCS_MAGAZINE_PARAM Number of Siemens OEM magazine data
MD18202 MM_NUM_CCS_MAGLOC_PARAM Number of Siemens OEM magazine location data
MD18204 MM_NUM_CCS_TDA_PARAM Number of Siemens OEM tool data
MD18206 MM_NUM_CCS_TOA_PARAM Number of Siemens OEM data per cutting edge
MD18208 MM_NUM_CCS_MON_PARAM Number of Siemens OEM monitoring data
MD18230 MM_USER_MEM_BUFFERED User memory in SRAM
MD18310 MM_NUM_DIR_IN_FILESYSTEM Directories in passive file system
MD18320 MM_NUM_FILES_IN_FILESYSTEM Files in passive file system
MD18342 MM_CEC_MAX_POINTS Interpolation points for sag compensation
MD18350 MM_USER_FILE_MEM_MINIMUM Minimum NC program memory
MD18400 MM_NUM_CURVE_TABS Number of curve tables
MD18402 MM_NUM_CURVE_SEGMENTS Number of curve segments
MD18404 MM_NUM_CURVE_POLYNOMS Number of curve table polynomials
MD18600 MM_FRAME_FINE_TRANS Fine offset for FRAME
MD18601 MM_NUM_GLOBAL_USER_FRAMES Number of global pre-defined user frames
MD18602 MM_NUM_GLOBAL_BASE_FRAMES Number of global basic frames
MD18782 MM_LINK_NUM_OF_MODULES Number of NCU link modules
MD18800 MM_EXTERN_LANGUAGE Activation of external NC language
MD28050 MM_NUM_R_PARAM Number of R parameters required
MD28080 MM_NUM_USER_FRAMES Number of frames required
MD28081 MM_NUM_BASE_FRAMES Number of channel-specific basic frames per
MD28082 MM_SYSTEM_FRAME_MASK Bitmask for configuring channel-specific system
frames which are included in the channel calculation
MD28085 MM_LINK_TOA_UNIT Allocation of a TO unit to a channel

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11.02 6 Parameterizing the Control
6.6 Memory configuration

Table 6-6 MDs for allocating SRAM

MDs for SRAM Meaning

MD28200 MM_NUM_PROTECT_AREA_CHAN Number of files for channel-specific protection areas
MD28254 MM_NUM_AC_PARAM Number of $AC_PARAM parameters for motion-
synchronous actions
MD28256 MM_NUM_AC_MARKER Number of $AC_MARKER markers for motion-syn-
chronous actions
MD38000 MM_ENC_COMP_MAX_POINTS Number of compensation points required
MD38010 MM_QEC_MAX_POINTS Values for quadrant error compensation

SRAM check MD18060: INFO_FREE_MEM_STATIC shows how much user memory is

For normal applications, leave all other memory settings unchanged.

! It is not permissible to transfer axis-specific or channel-specific configuration
data (archive data) from the SINUMERIK 840D.

Erasing SRAM The following machine data cause a reconfiguration of the control SRAM when
through MD change their contents are changed. When a change is made, the alarm “4400 MD
alteration will cause reorganization of buffer (data loss!)” is displayed. When this
alarm is output, all data must be saved because all buffered user data will be
erased during the next booting.

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6 Parameterizing the Control 11.02
6.6 Memory configuration

Reading in global The following machine data must be set in order to read the definition data of
user data and global user data and macros:
MD 18118: MM_NUM_GUD_MODULES (number of GUD files in SRAM)
MD 18120: MM_NUM_GUD_NAMES_NCK (number of global user
variables in SRAM)
MD 18130: MM_NUM_GUD_NAMES_CHAN (number of channel-specific user
variables in SRAM)
MD 18140: MM_NUM_GUD_NAMES_AXIS (number of axis-specific
user variables in SRAM)
MD 18150: MM_GUD_VALUES_MEM (memory available for user variables in
Kbytes in SRAM)
MD 18160: MM_NUM_USER_MACROS (number of macros in SRAM)

As soon as the memory settings have been activated (Power On) the definition
files can be transferred.

6 S %_N_SGUD_DEF (Siemens)
S %_N_MGUD_DEF (machine manufacturer)
S %_N_UGUD_DEF (user)
S %_N_SMAC_DEF (Siemens)
S %_N_MMAC_DEF (machine manufacturer)
S %_N_UMAC_DEF (user)

Activating the GUD In order to activate the definition files in the NC you must read in the file
and MAC data %_N_INITIAL_INI. Only then is the data type of the variables known to the NC
and the global user data %_N_COMPLETE_GUD_INI can then be read in.

Siemens AG, 2002. All rights reserved

6-88 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
11.02 6 Parameterizing the Control
6.7 Scaling machine data

6.7 Scaling machine data

Loading of The machine data also contain data that standardize the machine data relative
standard to their physical units (e.g. velocities).
machine data Relative to the scaling system, these are the following machine data

S MD 10220: SCALING_USER_DEF_MASK (activation of scaling factors)

S MD 10230: SCALING_FACTORS_USER_DEF (scaling factors of physical

S MD 10240: SCALING_SYSTEM_IS_METRIC (basic system metric)

S MD 10250: SCALING_VALUE_INCH (conversion factor for switchover to
INCH system)

S MD 30300: IS_ROT_AX (rotary axis)

When machine data are loaded (via HMI, RS-232 interface, program), they are
scaled according to the physical unit which is currently valid. If this data set con-
tains a new scale (e.g. rotary axis declaration), those machine data which are
dependent upon scaling data are converted to the new scale after the next
“Power ON”. The MD do not then contain the expected values (e.g. rotary axis
traverses at very low F values).
The control has been started up with default values. The 4th axis is defined as a
rotary axis in the MD file to be loaded and contains the following machine data:
$MA_IS_ROT_AX[A1] = 1 (rotary axis)
$MA_MAX_AX_VELO [A1] = 1000 [rev/min] (maximum axis velocity)
When the MD set is loaded, the velocity is interpreted with respect to a linear
axis (default setting $MA_IS_ROT_AX[A1]=0) and normalized according to the
linear velocity.
During the next Power ON process, the control detects that this axis is defined
as a rotary axis and normalizes the velocity with reference to rev/min. The value
in the machine data is then no longer “1000”, but “2.77777778” (1000/360).
If the MD file is loaded again, the axis is already defined as a rotary axis and the
velocity is interpreted as the rotary axis velocity. The MD then contains the va-
lue “1000” that is interpreted in rev/min by the control system.

Suggestions for
step-by-step loading 1. Change the appropriate machine data manually via HMI (MD 10220, 10230,
of machine data 10240, 10250, 30300) and reboot the NCK. Import the MD set via the
RS-232 interface and then initiate another NCK ramp-up.
2. Generate an MD set with the scaling machine data (MD 10220, 10230,
10240, 10250, 30300). Load this MD set and initiate an NCK ramp-up. Read
in the complete MD set and then initiate another NCK ramp-up.
3. As an alternative to the options listed above, an MD block can also be
loaded twice (via RS-232), with an NCK start-up in each case.

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SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition 6-89
6 Parameterizing the Control 11.02
6.7 Scaling machine data

If a scaling MD is altered, then the control outputs alarm “4070 Scaling data

Loading of Standard machine data can be loaded in several ways.

standard data
S Set switch S3 on the CCU module to position 1 and initiate an NCK

During this operation, the entire SRAM on the CCU module is re-initialized. All
6 user data are erased.

S MD 11200: INIT_MD (load standard MD at “next” ramp-up)

By entering certain values in MD: INIT_MD, it is possible to load various data
areas with default values when the NCK next powers up. The machine data is
displayed in HEX format. After MD: INIT_MD has been set, “Power ON” must be
executed twice:

S The MD is activated when the power is switched on the first time.

S The function is executed and the MD reset to “0” when the power is
switched on the second time.

Meaning of input Value “0”

values in MD11200 The stored machine data is loaded during the next run-up.
Value “1”
During the next run-up, all machine data (with the exception of the memory-con-
figuring data) will be overwritten with default values.
Value “2”
During the next run-up, all memory-configuring MD will be overwritten with
default values.
Value “4”

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6-90 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
PLC Description 7
7.1 PLC start-up

PLC module The PLC in the 810D is compatible with SIMATIC STEP7 AS315-2DP.
The basic model has a memory configuration of 96 KB that can be extended by
64 KB to a total of 288 KB (option).

Basic program The PLC program is split up into a basic program and a user program. The
user program entry points for the user program are marked in OBs 1, 40 and 100 of the basic

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SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition 7-91
7 PLC Description 11.02
7.1 PLC start-up

FB 1
OB 100

Restart Start

FC 2
Cyclic BP OB 1
processing NCK
Mode group Aux./G
Channel function
Axis distributor
M decoder

FC 6 M, S, F
Tool man. distributor

FC (15/16/9)
Conc. axes
User ASUB, etc.
7 program
FC 10
Error and

FC 19/25

FC 8/22
Tool man.:

FC 3
OB 40
G group
Process alarm BP_PRAL


Figure 7-1 Structure of the PLC program

Tool box The basic PLC program is an integral component of the SINUMERIK 810D tool

PLC memory Set the “PLC memory” option if appropriate.

Loading the PLC There are two ways to load the finished PLC program:
program 1. Load, test and change the PLC program with SIMATIC STEP7 HiGraph
(also see Readme file on the basic program disk).
2. Load an archived PLC program with PCIN or from the PCU.

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7-92 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
11.02 7 PLC Description
7.1 PLC start-up

The STEP7 project manager (S7 TOP) does not display the SDB as standard.
To display the SDB, select “All blocks with SDBs” in menu View/Set filters.

PLC status The PLC status can be displayed from the “Diagnosis” menu for control and
monitoring of the PLC inputs, outputs, bit memories, etc.

PLC starting The PLC always powers up in RESTART mode, i.e. the PLC operating system
characteristics runs through OB100 after initialization and then commences cyclic operation at
the beginning of OB1. No re-entry takes place at the interruption point (e.g.
after power failure).

RESTART mode Flags, timers and counters have retentive and non-retentive areas. Both area
types are contiguous, but are separated by a parameterizable limit, the area 7
with the higher-order address being designated as the non-retentive area. Data
blocks are always retentive.
If the retentive area is not buffered (back-up battery empty), then start-up is
blocked. The following operations are performed during a restart:

S Delete IStack, BStack and non-retentive flags, timers and counters

S Delete process image of outputs (PIQ)
S Reject process and diagnostic alarms
S Update system status list
S Evaluate parameterization objects of modules (from SD100 onwards) or
output default parameters to all modules in single-processor mode

S Process restart OB (OB100)

S Read in process image of inputs (PII)
S Cancel command output disable (BASP)

Cyclic operation In chronological terms, the basic program is executed before the PLC user pro-
gram. In cyclic operation, the NC/PLC interface is fully processed. The current
G functions are transferred to the PLC (provided function is activated) on the
process alarm level.

Sign-of-life A cyclic monitoring function is activated between the PLC and NCK once
monitoring power-up and the first OB1 cycle have been completed. When the PLC fails,
alarm “2000 sign of life monitoring PLC” is displayed.
References: /FB1/, P3, “Basic PLC program”

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SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition 7-93
7 PLC Description 11.02
7.1 PLC start-up

Parameters of FB1 The following variables must be passed to FB 1 (power-up block of basic PLC

Table 7-1 Parameters of power-up block (FB 1)

Signal Ca Type Value Remarks

MCPNum E Int 0 to 2 Number of active MCPs
0: No MCP installed
MCP1In E Pointer I0.0 to I120.0 or Start address for input
MCP2In F0.0 to F248.0 or signals of relevant machine
DBn.DBX0.0 to DBXm.0 control panel 1)
MCP1Out E Pointer Q0.0 to Q120.0 or Start address for output
MCP2Out F0.0 to F248.0 or signals of relevant machine
DBn.DBX0.0 to DBXm.0 control panel 1)
MCP1StatRec E Pointer Q0.0 to Q124.0, Start address for status double word
MCP2StatRec F0.0 to F252.0 or for receiving data from machine control panel;
DBn.DBX0.0 to DBXm.0 DW#16#00040000:Timeout, otherwise 0 1)

7 MCP1Timeout
E S5time Recommendation: 700 ms Cyclical sign-of-life monitoring
for machine control panel
HHU E Int Hand-held unit interface
0 -- No HHU
1 -- HHU at MPI
HHUIn E Pointer I0.0 to I124.0, Start address
F0.0 to F252.0 or PLC received data from
DBn.DBX0.0 to DBXm.0 handheld unit 2)
HHUOut E Pointer Q0.0 to Q124.0, Start address
F0.0 to F252.0 or PLC transmitted data to
DBn.DBX0.0 to DBXm.0 handheld unit 2)
HHUStatRec E Pointer Q0.0 to Q124.0, Start address for status double word for receiving
F0.0 to F252.0 or data from handheld unit:
DBn.DBX0.0 to DBXm.0 DW#16#00040000: Time-out, otherwise 0 2)
HHUTimeout E S5time Recommendation: 700 ms Cyclical sign-of-life monitoring
for handheld unit
NCCyclTimeout E S5time Recommendation: 200 ms Cyclical sign-of-life monitoring NCK
NCRunupTimeout E S5time Recommendation: 50 s Power-up monitoring NCK
ListMDecGrp E INT 0
NCKomm E Bool PLC to NC communications services
(FB 2/3/4/5:Put/Get/PI/GETGUD)
1: Active
MMCToIF E Bool Transmission of HMI signals
to the interface (operating modes,
program control, etc.)
true: Active
HWheelMMC E Bool True: Handwheel selection via HMI
False: Handwheel selection by user prog.

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7-94 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
11.02 7 PLC Description
7.1 PLC start-up

Table 7-1 Parameters of power-up block (FB 1)

Signal Ca Type Value Remarks

MsgUser E Int 0...25 Number of user areas for messages (DB2)
To ensure BP monitoring of the MCP(s), the addresses must be specified as set in SDB 210 with the 810D. The start
address is set via SDB 210 with the 810D. IB0 is specified as the start address for input signals and QB0 as the start
address for output signals on the supplied SDB 210. If other start addresses are desired, then they must be entered via
the “Communication Configuration” STEP 7 package.
For monitoring the handheld unit from the basic program, the addresses on the 810D must be specified identically to the
settings in SDB 210.

For an exact description of variables and options for changing parameter

settings, please refer to
References: /FB1/, P3, “Basic PLC Program”

Note 7
Timers T0 to T9 are used by the basic program.

Migrating from Programs from 840D controls (software version 6) can be used for SINUMERIK
840D PLC 810D once the FB1 power-up block call (i.e. the parameter settings) has been
programs modified.

Keep a note of the available memory resources.

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SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition 7-95
7 PLC Description 11.02
Overview of organization blocks, function blocks and DBs

7.2 Overview of organization blocks, function blocks

and DBs

References: /FB1/, P3, “Basic PLC Program”

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7-96 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
Creating Alarm Text Files 8
8.1 Alarm text files for PCU 20

Description The installation routine stored on the PCU 20 application disk (see Chapter 13)

S configuration settings,
S texts,
S the configured interface and
S the user software
from the update directory on your PC/PG onto the PCU 20 hardware. The ways
in which the alarm text files can be adapted beforehand are described here.

Requirements S PC with DOS 6.x

S RS-232 cable between the COM1 interface of the PCU 20 (X6) and the
COM1 or COM2 interface of your PC

S Approx. 3 MB free space on hard disk

S The following description is based on the assumption that you have already
transferred the software from the supplied PCU 20 application disk (disk 2)
to the hard disk of your PC/PG as described in Chapter 13.

Alarm texts/ The texts are stored on the PC with the Siemens standard entries.
message texts You can select the hard disk you want to store them on. To simplify matters, this
disk drive is always referred to as C: in the following description. The directory

C:\mmc 100 pj\proj\text\<LANGUAGE_DIRECTORY>.

Depending on the selected language, one of the following letters stands for
D for German
G for English
F for French
E for Spanish
I for Italian

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SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition 8-97
8 Creating Alarm Text Files 11.02
8.1 Alarm text files for PCU 20

Files The alarm file names start with “a” and end in the extension .txt.
-- ALZ.TXT Cycle alarm texts
-- ALC.TXT Compile cycle alarm texts
-- ALP.TXT PLC alarm/message texts

Editor The DOS editor edit should be used to edit the files.The standard texts con-
tained in the text files can be overwritten by user-specific texts. An ASCII editor,
e.g. DOS editor, must be used for this purpose. New entries can be added to
alarm text files.
Please refer to Section 8.4 for the applicable syntax rules.

More than one The PCU 20 can be equipped with two languages online. These are referred to
language as the foreground and background languages.
It is possible to exchange the foreground and background languages of the HMI
system using the application disk as described in Chapter 13 Software and
Hardware Replacement.
During installation, it is possible to select any combination of two of the lan-
guages on the application disk as the foreground and background languages.
Master language The master language is by definition German. It defines the number and order
of the alarm/message texts for the languages selected by the user.
The number and order of the alarm/message texts in the selected languages
must be identical to those of the master language.

Converting and After the text contents have been modified, the text files must be converted and
downloading downloaded onto the HMI (Chapter 13 Software and Hardware Replacement).

For the user, 128 KB are available for additional text files.

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8-98 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
11.02 8 Creating Alarm Text Files
8.2 Alarm text files for PCU 50

8.2 Alarm text files for PCU 50

Storing the Files containing error texts are stored in directory C:\dh\mb.dir\ on the hard disk.
text files The error text files intended for use are activated in file c:\mmc2\mbdde.ini.

Structure of Extract from mbdde.ini, relevant for configuration of alarm text files:
mbdde.ini ...

Standard files The standard texts are stored in ASCII format in the following files on the hard
disk of the PCU 50:
MMC C:\dh\mb.dir\alm_XX.com
NCK C:\dh\mb.dir\aln_XX.com
PLC C:\dh\mb.dir\alp_XX.com
ZYK C:\dh\mb.dir\alc_XX.com
CZYK C:\dh\mb.dir\alz_XX.com
In these file names, “XX” stands for the code of the appropriate language. The
standard files should not be changed by the user to store his or her own error
texts. If these files are replaced by new ones when upgrading the software of
the PCU 50, then the added or modified user-specific alarms will be lost. Users
should store their alarm texts in user files.

User files Users can replace the error texts stored in the standard files by their own texts
or add new ones to them. To do so, they must load additional files to directory
c:\dh\mb.dir via the “Services” operating area. The names of these text files are
set in file c:\mmc2\mbdde.ini by means of an editor provided in the Diagnosis/
Start-up/MMC area.
Examples of configuration of two additional user files (texts for PLC alarms,
altered alarm texts NCK) in file mbdde.ini:
User MMC =
User NCK = C:\dh\mb.dir\mynck_
User PLC = C:\dh\mb.dir\myplc_
User ZYK =
User CZYK =

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SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition 8-99
8 Creating Alarm Text Files 11.02
8.2 Alarm text files for PCU 50

The texts from the user files overwrite standard texts with the same alarm num-
ber. Alarm numbers which do not already exist in the standard texts are added.

Editor You have to use an ASCII editor (e.g. the DOS editor edit) for editing files.

Language- The name of the text file is used to assign the user alarm texts. The appropriate
dependent code and the extension .com are added to the user file name entered in
alarm texts mbdde.ini:

Language Code
German gr
English uk
French fr
Italian it
Spanish sp

8 Example myplc_gr.com File for German PLC alarm texts

mynck_uk.com File for English NCK alarm texts

Changes to alarm texts do not take effect until the HMI has powered up again.
When creating text files, make sure that the correct date and time are set on
the PC. Otherwise, the user texts may not appear on screen.

Example for File with German user texts, PLC:

PCU 50 myplc_gr.com

700000 0 0 “DB2.DBX180.0 set”

700001 0 0 “No lubrication pressure”

The maximum length of an alarm text is 110 characters for a 2-line display.

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8-100 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
11.02 8 Creating Alarm Text Files
8.3 Alarm text files for HT6

8.3 Alarm text files for HT6

The alarm text files for the NC and for the PLC are created and included in the
same way as for the PCU 20.

Description The installation procedure “HPUSETUP” of the HT6 system disk transfers

S configuration settings,
S texts,
S the configured interface and
S the user software
from the update directory on your PC/PG onto the HT6 hardware. The ways in
which the alarm text files can be adapted beforehand are described here.

Requirements S PC with DOS 6.x

S RS-232 cable between the COM1 interface of the HT6 and the COM1 or 8
COM2 interface of your PC

S Approx. 3 MB free space on hard disk

S The following description is based on the assumption that you have already
transferred the software from the supplied system disk to the hard disk of
your PC/PG as described in READ.ME file supplied.

2. After copying the SW files to the hard disk, abort the installation (“NO”).
3. Modify the alarm texts in <installation directory>\proj_hpu\text\al\...
4. When you have made your changes convert the text files (“Mkalarm”) and
transfer them to the HT6.
5. Call INSTALL in the directory <installation directory>.

Alarm texts/ The texts are stored on the PC with the Siemens standard entries. You can
message texts select the hard disk you want to store them on. To simplify matters, this disk
drive is always referred to as C: in the following description. The directory is:


Depending on the selected language, one of the following letters stands for
D for German
G for English
F for French
E for Spanish
I for Italian

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SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition 8-101
8 Creating Alarm Text Files 11.02
8.3 Alarm text files for HT6

Files The alarm file names start with “a” and end in the extension .txt.
-- ALZ.TXT Cycle alarm texts
-- ALC.TXT Compile cycle alarm texts
-- ALP.TXT PLC alarm/message texts

Editor The DOS editor edit should be used.The standard texts contained in the text
files can be overwritten by user-specific texts. An ASCII editor, e.g. DOS editor,
must be used for this purpose. New entries can be added to alarm text files.
Please refer to Section 8.4 for the applicable syntax rules.

More than one The HPU can be assigned two languages in online mode. These are referred to
language as the foreground and background languages.
The foreground and background language of the HMI system can be replaced
with the aid of the system disk.
During installation, it is possible to select any combination of two of the langua-
ges on the system disk as the foreground and background languages.

8 Master language The master language is by definition German. It defines the number and order
of the alarm/message texts for the languages selected by the user.
The number and order of the alarm/message texts in the selected languages
must be identical to those of the master language.

Converting and After the text contents have been modified, the text files must be converted and
transferring transferred to the HT6.

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8-102 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
11.02 8 Creating Alarm Text Files
8.4 Syntax for alarm text files

8.4 Syntax for alarm text files

Alarm numbers The following alarm numbers are available for the cycle, compile cycle and PLC

Table 8-1 Alarm numbers for cycle, compile cycle and PLC alarms

Number range Designation Effect Clear

60000--60999 Cycle alarms Display, NC start disable Reset
61000--61999 Display, NC start disable, Reset
axis/spindle standstill
62000--62999 Display Cancel
63000--64999 Reserved
65000--65999 Cycle alarms Display, NC start disable Reset
66000--66999 Display, NC start disable, Reset
axis/spindle standstill
67000 -- 67999 Display Cancel
68000--69000 Reserved 8
70000--79999 Compile cycle alarms
400000--499999 PLC alarms general
500000--599999 PLC alarms for channel
600000--699999 PLC alarms for axis and
700000--799999 PLC alarms for user
800000--899999 PLC alarms for sequence

Format of the The number range in the list is not available with every number.
text file for References: /FB1/P3: Lists
cycle alarm texts The structure of the text file for cycle and compile cycle alarms is as follows:

Table 8-2 Structure of text file for cycle alarm texts

Alarm number Display Help ID Text or alarm number

60100 1 0 “No D number %1 is programmed”
60101 1 0 60100
... ... ... ...
65202 0 1 “Axis %2 in channel %1 is still moving”
// Alarm text file for cycles in German

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SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition 8-103
8 Creating Alarm Text Files 11.02
8.4 Syntax for alarm text files

Alarm number List of alarm numbers

Display This number defines the alarm display type:

0: Display in alarm line
1: Display in a dialog box

Help ID PCU 50 only (with hard disk):

The default assignment “0” means that the WinHelp file provided by Siemens
gives a full description of the alarm. A value between 1 and 9 refers to a
WinHelp file created by the user via an allocation table in the MBDDE.INI file.
See also Subsection 8.4.1, HelpContext.

Text or The associated text is given in inverted commas with the position parameters.
alarm number
S You MUST not use the ” and # characters in alarm texts.
The % character is reserved for displaying parameters.

S If an existing text is to be used, this can be done with a reference to the

corresponding alarm.

S The alarm text file may contain comment lines which must start with “//”. The
maximum length of the alarm text is 110 characters for a 2-line display. If the
text is too long, it is cut off and the symbol “*” added to indicate missing text.

8 S Parameter “%1”: Channel number

Parameter “%2”: Block number.

Format of the The ASCII file for PLC alarm texts has the following structure:
text file for
PLC alarm texts
Table 8-3 Structure of text file for PLC alarm texts

Alarm Display Help ID Text Text on HMI

510000 1 0 “Channel %K FDDIS all” Channel 1 FDDISd all
600124 1 0 “Feed disable axis %A” Feed disable axis 1
600224 1 0 600124 Feed disable axis 2
600324 1 0 600224 Feed disable axis 3
703210 1 1 “User Text” User Text
703211 1 1 “User Text %A ...” User Text
Axis 1 ...
// Alarm text file for PLC alarm

Alarm number The alarm number consists of the event number (2 digits), signal group (2 digits)
and the signal number (2 digits). These parameters are components of a
diagnostic element on the AS315.
References: /FB1/, P3, “Basic PLC Program”

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8-104 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
11.02 8 Creating Alarm Text Files
8.4 Syntax for alarm text files

Event number Signal group Signal number

5 x (for channels) 00--03 (disable) 00--99
11--16 (GEO axes)
21--28 (additional axes)
60 (for axis and spindle) 01--18 (axis no.) 00--99
70 (for user) 00--09 (user no.) 00--99
80 (status graph alarms) 00--99 (graph group) 00--99 (graph no.)

Display This number defines the alarm display type:

0: Display in alarm line
1: Display in a dialog box

Help ID PCU 50 only (with hard disk): The default assignment “0” means that the
WinHelp file provided by Siemens gives a full description of the alarm. A value
between 1 and 9 refers to a WinHelp file created by the user via an allocation
table in the MBDDE.INI file. See also Subsection 8.4.1, HelpContext.

Text or The associated text is given in inverted commas with the position parameters.
alarm number
S You MUST not use the ” and # characters in alarm texts.
The % character is reserved for displaying parameters.

S If an existing text is to be used, this can be done with a reference to the 8

corresponding alarm. 7-digit alarm number instead of “Text”.

S The alarm text file may contain comment lines which must start with “//”. The
maximum length of the alarm text is 110 characters for a 2-line display. If the
text is too long, it is cut off and the symbol “*” added to indicate missing text.

S Parameter “%K”: Channel number (2nd digit of alarm number)

Parameter “%A”: The parameter is replaced by the signal group no.
(e.g. axis no., user area no., sequence cascade no.)
Parameter “%N”: Signal number
Parameter “%Z”: Status number.

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SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition 8-105
8 Creating Alarm Text Files 11.02
8.4 Syntax for alarm text files

8.4.1 Alarm list properties

You can modify the properties of the alarm list in the MBDDE.INI file.

Table 8-4 Sections of the MBDDE.INI file

Section Meaning
Alarms General information about the alarm list (e.g. time/date format of
Text files Path/file specification of text lists for the alarms (e.g.
MMC=..\dh\mb.dir\alm_ <message block in directory mb>)
HelpContext Name and pathname of the help files (e.g. File0=hlp\alarm_)
DEFAULTPRIO Priorities of various alarm types (e.g. POWERON=100)
PROTOCOL Properties of the protocol (e.g. File=.\proto.txt <name and path of log
KEYS Information on keys that can clear alarms (e.g. Cancel+F10 <delete
alarm using the key combination Shift+F10>)

8 For further details of the file entries, refer to

References: /BN/, User Guide: OEM package HMI.

“Alarms” The settings in this section define the following alarm list properties:

S TimeFormat
This is for entering the format to be used to display date and time. It
corresponds to the CTime::Format of Microsoft Foundation Classes.

S MaxNr
Defines the maximum size for the alarm list.

Defines the order in which alarms are to be listed in the alarm list:
FIRST causes new alarms to appear at the top of the list
LAST causes new alarms to appear at the bottom of the list.
TimeFormat=%d.%m.%y %H:%M:%S

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8-106 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
Adapting the Machine Data 9
9.1 Axis configuration

The SINUMERIK 810D is supplied as standard with the following configuration:

1 channel and 5 axes with simulated setpoint or actual value channel.

Number of The number of channels depends on the CCU used.

S CCU3: max. 2 channels

Machine axes Are all the axes present at the machine. They are defined as geometry axes or
additional axes.

Geometry axes The workpiece geometry is programmed with the geometry axes. The geometry
axes form a rectangular coordinate system (2D or 3D). Tool offsets are only in-
cluded in calculations for geometry axes. 9
Special axes Unlike geometry axes, there is no geometrical connection for special axes,
e.g. for:
-- rotary axes
-- revolver axes
-- position-controlled spindle.

Axis configuration The axis configuration is defined on three levels:

1. Machine level
2. Channel level
3. Program level.

1. Machine level MD 10000: AXCONF_MACHAX_NAME_TAB [0..4] (machine axis name)

An axis name is defined for each machine axis.
Turning machine Milling machine
with X, Z, C axis/spindle 4 axes + spindle/C axis

MD 10000 X1 Z1 C1 X1 Y1 Z1 A1 C1

Index [0..4] 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4

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9.1 Axis configuration

Example for milling machine: MD 10000


2. Channel level With channel-specific MD 20070: AXCONF_MACHAX_USED[0...4] (machine

axis number valid in channel) serves to assign the machine axes to a geometry
Turning machine Milling machine

MD 20070 1 2 3 0 0 1 2 3 4 5

Index [.] 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4

This MD 20080: AXCONF_CHANAX_NAME_TAB[0...4] (channel axis name in

channel) specifies the names of the axes in the channel. Enter the names of the
geometry and additional axes here.

MD 20080 X Z C X Y Z A C
9 Index [.] 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4

3. Program level MD 20060: AXCONF_GEOAX_NAME_TAB[0...4] (geometry axis name in

channel) specifies the names to be used in the part programs for the geometry
axes (workpiece axes not specific to machine).

MD 20060 X Y Z X Y Z

Index [.] 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4

* The 2nd geometry axis coordinate

must also be assigned a name (e.g. “Y”)
for a transformation, e.g. TRANSMIT.

MD 20050: AXCONF_GEOAX_ASSIGN_TAB[0...4] (assignment geometry axis

to channel axis) specifies the assignment of the geometry axes to the channel
axes (MD20070) without transformation. (For assignment with an active trans-
formation, please refer to: References: /FB/, K2.)
Note the relationship with the inclusion of tool offsets in the calculation (G17,
G18, G19).

MD 20050 1 0 2 1 2 3

Index [.] 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4

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11.02 9 Adapting the Machine Data
9.1 Axis configuration

During program execution, the coordinates that are not assigned via MD
20060/MD 20050 are always mapped directly onto the axes of the channel (in
the milling machine example below, axes A and C).


Machine axis no. for channel Machine axes used in channel
1 2 3 4 5 MD 20070: AXCONF_MACHAX_USED[0]=1


Axis name in channel (additional axes) Name of additional axes in channel (for use in part pro-


Assignment of Assignment of GEO axis to axes in channel
GEO axes MD 20050: AXCONF_GEOAX_ASSIGN_TAB [0]=1 (1. to X)
MD 20050: AXCONF_GEOAX_ASSIGN_TAB [1]=2 (2. to Y)
MD 20050: AXCONF_GEOAX_ASSIGN_TAB [2]=3 (3. to Z)

X Y Z A C Name of GEO axes
GEO axis Additional axes MD 20060: AXCONF_GEO_AX_NAME_TAB[0]=X
The axes which are not assigned as geometry axes are additional
axes with the axis name of the channel, e.g. A and C.

Figure 9-1 Example of milling machine: 4 axes + spindle/C axis

The names defined in MD 10000: AXCONF_MACHAX_NAME_TAB (machine

axis name) or the associated index are used for

S Accessing axis-specific machine data (loading, saving, displaying)

S Reference point approach G74
S Measurements
S Fixed point approach G75
S Traversing commands from PLC
S Display of axis-specific alarms
S Display of actual-value system (machine-related)
S DRF handwheel function
S Circularity test.

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9 Adapting the Machine Data 11.02
9.2 Drive configuration and parameterization (MSD, FSD)

9.2 Drive configuration and parameterization (MSD, FSD)

There are no drive parameters stored in the control in the delivery state or after
a general reset.
Before the drives can be parameterized, the drive configuration (power sections
and motors) connected to the control system must be entered and assigned to
the axes declared in MD 20070: AXCONF_MACHAX_USED/MD 10000: AX-

Machine data for The drive configuration is input via the drive configuration display on the HMI or
drive configuration the SimuCom NC start-up tool.
A slot number is allocated to each power section.
The SINUMERIK 810D always occupies the first 6 power section slots. The
integrated power sections are located in slots 1-3. The codes for these are
entered as default settings and are already activated.
If a slot is not used or no power section installed, then it must be coded as pas-
sive (default setting for slots 4-6).
A logical address via which the relevant drive is addressed (setpoint/actual
value assignment, access to parameters) is assigned to each slot used.

9 MD 13000 to 13040 are parameterized by means of inputs in the drive configu-

ration display. These MD can also be entered directly. The drive configuration is
stored as a table with data for each individual slot number (n):

MD Meaning Default setting

MD 13000: DRIVE_IS_ACTIVE [0] Slot active/passive None active
MD 13010: DRIVE_LOGIC_NR [0] Assignment of a logical drive no. 1/2/3/4/5/6
MD 13020: DRIVE_INVERTER_CODE [0] Power section code (amperage), 3-axis CCU box 0EH/13H/13H/-/-/-
MD 13020: DRIVE_INVERTER_CODE [0] Power section code (amperage), 2-axis CCU box 14H/14H/-/-/-/-
MD 13030: DRIVE_MODULE_TYPE [0] MODULE: 810D (“6”) or 611 (“1” for 1-axis module 6/6/6/6/6/6
or “2” for 2-axis module)
MD 13040: DRIVE_TYPE [0] Drive: 1=FSD or 2= MSD 2/1/1/-/-/-

Power sections 3-axis CCU box

Internal Slot Code Drive type Amperage Power
1 E MSD 24 / 32 / 40 A 50 A
1E FSD 18 / 36 A 50 A
2 13 FSD 6 / 12 A 15 A
3 13 FSD 6 / 12 A 15 A

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11.02 9 Adapting the Machine Data
9.2 Drive configuration and parameterization (MSD, FSD)

2-axis CCU box

Slot Code Drive type Amperage Power
1 14 FSD 9 / 18 A 25 A
2 14 FSD 9 / 18 A 25 A

External power
sections Power Drive type Code Amperage
8A MSD/FSD 11 3/6A
15 A MSD/FSD 12 5 / 10 A
25 A MSD/FSD 14 9 / 18 A
50 A MSD/FSD 6 24 / 32 / 32 A
50 A MSD/FSD 16 18 / 36 A
80 A MSD/FSD 7 30 / 40 / 51 A
80 A MSD/FSD 17 28 / 56 A
108 A MSD/FSD D 45 / 60 / 76 A
120 A MSD/FSD 8 45 / 60 / 76 A
160 A MSD/FSD 19 56 / 112 A
200 A MSD/FSD A 85 / 110 / 127 A
200 A
300 A
1A 70 / 140 A
6 / 12 A
400 A MSD/FSD 6 / 12 A

PS 300 and PS 400 A may only be mounted to the left of the CCU3 (current
carrying capacity of CCU3).

Possible axis 1. With axis expansion plug-in unit (X304--X306): slots 4--6.
expansions 2. With external control (X130): slots 7--9.
3. Additional pulse interface (axis 3), connector designation X307.

Measuring Up to 3 measuring systems can be connected on the SINUMERIK 810D.

1. Motor encoder for speed control (permanent, hardware assignment)
2. 1st position measuring system for the NC. MD 30200: NUM_ENCS (number
of encoders) = 1
3. 2nd position measuring system for the NC. MD 30200: NUM_ENCS
(number of encoders) = 2.

Motor measuring The motor measuring system can also be used for position control. Usually, this
system and is the 1st position measuring system. For this, the logical drive no. of the actual
position control value input of the motor encoder must be entered in MD 30220: ENC_MODU-

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SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition 9-111
9 Adapting the Machine Data 11.02
9.2 Drive configuration and parameterization (MSD, FSD)

Assignment of set- A setpoint channel (i.e. a logical drive no.) and at least one actual value channel
point/actual value for the position measuring system (i.e. the log. drive no. of an encoder input
channels X411--416 on the CCU3 or on an external 611 control must be assigned to each
axis/spindle). Optionally, a second channel can be defined for a second position
measuring system.
The motor measuring system is always used for speed control. There are no
MD for defining the motor measuring system connection. The following perma-
nent assignment exists between the motor connection and the motor measuring
system connection:

Motor connection/ Motor measuring system connection

axis expansion connection (slot)
A1 (1) X411
A2 (2) X412
A3 (3) X413
X304 (4) X414
X305 (5) X415
X306 (6) X416
X307 (3) X413

9 ! The assignment of the motor measuring system to the motor connection must
never be changed, even for test purposes.

Example 1 Example of parameterization of a SINUMERIK 810D with 4 axes + 1 spindle

Drive configuration:
MSD (integrated) Slot 1
FSD (integrated) Slot 2
FSD (integrated) Slot 3
FSD (external) Slot 4 (9/18A power section module)
FSD (external) Slot 5 (9/18A power section module)

Figure 9-2 Drive configuration display for example 1

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9-112 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
11.02 9 Adapting the Machine Data
9.2 Drive configuration and parameterization (MSD, FSD)

Machine axis name 2nd measuring system

C1 X1 Y1 Z1 A1
Logical drive no.
4 1 2 3 5
The encoder
is always
G mounted in Gearing G
motor Encoder,
Mains Linear scale
supply 810D
M Gearing Axis
dule MSD FSD
24/32A 6/12A 9/18A
1 2 3 4 5
X1 axis
Module slots
The 6th measurement input/(X416, slot 6) is used for the direct measuring system -- axis X1 in this example.
The logical drive no. 6 is assigned here to slot 6, i.e. “6” is entered in MD30220[1] for X1, and “2” for MD30200.

Figure 9-3 Example 1: Drive layout with 2 axis expansion plug-in units and one direct measuring system

Assignment setpoint channel (axis-specific)

Assignment of a logical drive no.
Input for example 1
X1=“1” for CCU-A2 (6/12A) Slot 2
LE_NR to setpoint channel Y1=“2” for CCU-A3 (6/12A) Slot 3
Z1=“3” for CCU-X304 Slot 4
A1=“5” for CCU-X305 Slot 5
C1=“4” for CCU-A1 (24/32A) Slot 1
MD 30130: CTRLOUT_TYPE Setpoint channel exists “1”

Assignment actual value channel (axis-specific)

MD Meaning Input for example 1
MD 30200: NUM_ENCS Number of measuring channels “1” if only one position measuring system
(motor encoder or linear scale) is
available for the NC
“2” if two position measuring systems are
MD 30240: ENC_TYPE[0] Encoder type “1” for signal generator
(“4” for absolute value encoder with EnDat in-
MD 30220: ENC_MODU- Assignment of a logical drive no. X1 =“1” for CCU-X416 Slot 2
LE_NR[0] to the actual value channel for po- Y1 =“2” for CCU-X413 Slot 3
sition measuring system 1 Z1 =“3” for CCU-X414 Slot 4
A1 =“5” for CCU-X415 Slot 5
C1 =“4” for CCU-X411 Slot 1
(“7” for measuring channel of the first external
MD 30220: ENC_MODU- Assignment of a logical drive no. X1(1) =“6” for CCU-X416 Slot 6
LE_NR[1] to actual value channel for posi-
tion measuring system 2
MD 30230: ENC_INPUT_NR[0] Assignment position measuring “1” for CCU-X411-416
MD 30230: ENC_INPUT_NR[1] system 1 “1” for CCU-X411-416
Assignment position measuring “2” for 611 direct measuring system input
system 2 at external 611D control

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9 Adapting the Machine Data 11.02
9.2 Drive configuration and parameterization (MSD, FSD)

Example 2 Example of parameterization of a SINUMERIK 810D with 4 axes + 1 spindle

Drive configuration
MSD (integrated) Slot 1
FSD (integrated) Slot 2
FSD (integrated) Slot 3
FSD (external) Slot 7 (motor connection A1)
FSD (external) Slot 8 (motor connection A2)

9 Figure 9-4 Drive configuration display for example 2

Machine axis name C1 X1 Y1 Z1 A1

Logical drive no.
5 1 2 3 4

supply 810D 2-axis module
mo- with 611D control
dule MSD FSD 2x
24/32A 6/12A 9/18A
Module slots 1 2 3 7 8 Slot 7 = Motor connection A1
Slot 8 = Motor connection A2
(in the case of a 2-axis module)

Figure 9-5 Example 2: Parameterizing a CCU3 with an external controller with a 2-axis module and 611 control

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9-114 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
11.02 9 Adapting the Machine Data
9.2 Drive configuration and parameterization (MSD, FSD)

S Each logical drive number may be entered only once in the configuration
display. All activated slots must be assigned to an axis (setpoint channel).
S If axes/spindles are to be temporarily inactive during start-up, MD 30240:
ENC_TYPE and MD 30130: CTRLOUT_TYPE must be set to “0” and the
assigned power section slot declared as “passive”.
S The default settings of MD 30100: CTRLOUT_SEGMENT_NR=1,
MD 30210: ENC_SEGMENT_NR” =1 must not be changed.

If external 611D drive modules are used along with SINUMERIK 810D, the
measuring loop inputs of the 810D can then be used as additional direct
measuring loops of the 611D drive modules if not needed for the axes/spindles
controlled by the 810D. The initialization is carried out implicitly using the MD
for such 810D axes, which do not have a direct measuring system; i.e. free
measuring loops on the 810D 6-axis module can only be used for external
drive modules, if the drive configuration in the 810D 6-axis module still has free
capacity for “unused direct measuring system assignments”.

NCK reset After the drive configuration has been entered and the setpoint/actual values
assigned, you must perform an NCK reset to restart the control so that the confi-
guration becomes effective.
The message “Start-up required” requesting parameterization of the drive data
is output for all activated drives. If other alarms are pending, the message
“Start-up necessary” does not appear. The cause of these alarms must be
remedied before start-up can be continued.

When alarms indicating encoder problems occur, check that the DIP-FIX switch
settings are correct if you have installed cable distributor 6FX2006-1BA01 in
addition to checking the actual-value leads. An incorrectly set DIP-FIX switch
can cause the encoder power supply to short circuit. Table 9-1 below shows
the correct setting of DIP-FIX switch S1--S6.

Table 9-1 Setting of DIP-FIX switches (S1...S6) in cable distributor

Switch S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6
open X X X X
closed X X

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9 Adapting the Machine Data 11.02
9.2 Drive configuration and parameterization (MSD, FSD)

9.2.1 Setting drive parameters (FSD, MSD)

Drive settings A motor type must be specified for all drives via PCU 50 or SIMODRIVE 611
start-up tool in the “Machine data FSD” or “Machine data MSD” menu (see verti-
cal softkey bar). The selection is made by means of the motor MLFB
(1FT6VVV--VVVV, 1FT7VVV--VVVV, 1PHVVV--VVVV refer to rating plate)
from a list.

S For FSD, only the selection of motor 1 is visible.

S For MSD, the selection of motor 1 to motor 4 is visible (e.g. for Y/∆
To prevent incorrect parameter setting for MSD, the OK softkey is disabled
until a valid motor or an external motor has been selected for motor 1.

S When you have selected the motor, press the OK softkey to access a menu
where you can input the encoder data.

S The most important control data are assigned defaults when the motor type
is selected.
When you acknowledge the “Motor selection” display, the “Measuring system
data” display appears.

Figure 9-6 Example of measuring system data for motor selection for FSD

The measuring system installed in the motor must be selected in this display:
Incremental encoder or absolute encoder with EnDat interface When you select
the measuring system, the other values required are preassigned automatically.
Press “OK” to confirm these.

The setting “without measuring system” is also possible for MSD.

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9.2 Drive configuration and parameterization (MSD, FSD)


S Incremental motor encoder (ERN1387)

Incremental with zero mark: Press “OK” to accept the display, since the
preset values for the other parameters are correct for standard motors.

S Absolute motor encoder (EQN1325)

EnDat interface: Press “OK” to accept the display, since the preset values
for the other parameters are correct for standard motors.

On encoder systems without an absolute track (C/D track), an automatic identi-
fication procedure can be used to determine the electrical rotor position. Traver-
sing motions <¦5 degrees are not exceeded mechanically. The identification
procedure is performed on every power-up.

External motor If an external motor is used, the menu for inputting the external motor data must
be opened with the External motor softkey. When you have input the data and
returned to the motor selection menu, “external motor” is automatically entered
in the checkbox for motor 1 or motor 2.
References: /FBA/ DM1, Motor, Power Section Parameters 9
Saving the After the motor has been selected, the drive data set for each axis/spindle must
boot file be backed up with file “Save boot file”. The data set is stored as file FSDxx.BOT
or MSDxx.BOT in the user memory (SRAM).
Once all drive data sets have been entered and stored, the NCK must be reset
again. The SF LED then goes out and the drives can be traversed after PLC
start-up and after the speed controller has been preset.
After the axis-specific velocity and travel range limits have been adapted, the
speed control preset values should be optimized.

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9 Adapting the Machine Data 11.02
9.2 Drive configuration and parameterization (MSD, FSD)

9.2.2 Incremental measuring system settings

Rotary The following table lists all the parameters which have to be entered for encoder
encoders adjustment.

Table 9-2 Machine data for matching rotary encoders

Machine data Linear axis Rotary axis

Encoder on Encoder on Encoder on Encoder on
motor machine motor machine
30300: IS_ROT_AX 0 0 1 1
31000: ENC_IS_LINEAR 0 0 0 0
31040: ENC_IS_DIRECT 0 1 0 1
31020: ENC_RESOL Marks/rev Marks/rev Marks/rev Marks/rev
31030: LEADSCREW_PITCH mm/rev mm/rev -- --
31080: DRIVE_ENC_RATIO_NUMERA Motor rev. Load rev. Motor rev. Load rev.
31070: DRIVE_ENC_RATIO_DENOM Encoder rev. Encoder rev. Encoder rev. Encoder rev.
31060: DRIVE_AX_RATIO_NUMERA Motor rev. Motor rev. Motor rev. Motor rev.
31050: DRIVE_AX_RATIO_DENOM Spindle rev. Spindle rev. Load rev. Load rev.

Linear axis with

encoder at the n
Resolver Load
gearbox gearbox Machine table
G M Leadscrew



DRIVE_AX_RATIO_DENOM No. of Spindle rev.


DRIVE_ENC_RATIO_DENOM No. of Encoder rev.

Figure 9-7 Linear axis with motor-mounted rotary encoder

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11.02 9 Adapting the Machine Data
9.2 Drive configuration and parameterization (MSD, FSD)

Linear axis with

rotary encoder at DRIVE_AX_RATIO_NUMERA No. of Motor rev.
the machine DRIVE_AX_RATIO_DENOM No. of Spindle rev.


Resolver ENC_IS_LINEAR=0
Machine table Gearing
Spindle n

DRIVE_ENC_RATIO_NUMERA No. of Spindle rev.

DRIVE_ENC_RATIO_DENOM No. of encoder rev.

Figure 9-8 Linear axis with machine-mounted rotary encoder

Rotary axis with

rotary encoder at ENC_IS_LINEAR=0
the motor n ENC_IS_DIRECT=0 IS_ROT_AX=1
Encoder Load

Rotary table
Resolver Load
Gearing Gearing
n DRIVE_AX_RATIO_NUMERA No. of Motor rev.
Motor =

DRIVE_ENC_RATIO_NUMERA Number of motor revolutions

DRIVE_ENC_RATIO_DENOM Number of encoder revolutions

Figure 9-9 Rotary axis with motor-mounted rotary encoder

Rotary axis with

rotary encoder at n Load
the machine
Rotary table


DRIVE_ENC_RATIO_DENOM No. of encoder rev.
Load Resolver
gearbox gearbox

Figure 9-10 Rotary axis with machine-mounted rotary encoder

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9.2 Drive configuration and parameterization (MSD, FSD)

Encoder matching All the data which have to be entered for linear measuring systems are listed in
for linear measu- the tables below.
ring systems
Table 9-3 Machine data for encoder matching with linear measuring systems

Machine data Linear axis

MD 30300: IS_ROT_AX 0
MD 31030: LEADSCREW_PITCH mm/rev
MD 31040: ENC_IS_DIRECT Encoder at motor: 0
Encoder at the machine: 1
MD 31010: ENC_GRID_POINT_DIST Graduation
MD 32110: ENC_FEEDBACK_POL Sign actual value (control direction)
[1; -1]
MD 31060: DRIVE_AX_RATIO_NUMERA Motor revolution
MD 31050: DRIVE_AX_RATIO_DENOM Spindle revolution

Linear axis with

linear scale

No. of Spindle rev.


Machine table

M Leadscrew
Linear scale
Load gearbox

ENC_GRID_POINT_DIST (for linear encoder)

Figure 9-11 Linear axis with linear scale

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9.2 Drive configuration and parameterization (MSD, FSD)

9.2.3 Absolute measuring system settings (EnDat interface)

Requirement In order to match the absolute encoder to the machine conditions, it is necessa-
ry to follow an encoder matching procedure which is similar to that for a rotary
incremental encoder.
The following additional axis machine data must be observed for absolute value

Table 9-4 Axis machine data for absolute value encoders

Rotary absolute value encoders Linear absolute value

MD at the motor at the machine at the machine
1005: ENC_RESOL_MOTOR Marks/rev -- --
(standard motor 2048) *)
1007: ENC_RESOL_DIRECT -- Marks/rev Graduation in [nm]
1011: ACTUAL_VALUE_CONFIG Bit 3 *) -- --
1030: ACTUAL_VALUE_CON- -- Bit 3 Bit 3 + Bit 4
34200: ENC_REFP_MODE [n]: 0 0 0
0...max. No. Encoder -1
LO [n]: 0...max. No. Encoder -1
Multiturn resolution
(standard motor 4096)
Multiturn resolution -- 9

*) Measuring system parameters have already been set automatically when the motor was selected.

Setting up the To set the encoder, the offset between the machine zero and the zero of the
absolute encoder absolute encoder is determined and stored in the SRAM of the NC module.
The adjusted state is identified by the control through MD 34210:
References: /FB1/, R1, “Reference Point Approach”

Readjusting It is necessary to set up the absolute encoder during start-up of the machine
when the axes are ready for traversing. However, it may also be necessary to
readjust the encoder at a later point in time, e.g.

S after dismantling/installing the encoder or the motor with absolute encoder


S generally speaking, if the mechanical connection between the encoder and

load has been separated and an unacceptable deviation remains when the
two are joined together again, or

S when SRAM data of the NC are lost, battery power failure, PRESET
S after a gear stage changeover between load and absolute encoder
MD 34210: ENC_REFP_STATE is deleted.

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9.2 Drive configuration and parameterization (MSD, FSD)

In all other cases, the user him/herself is responsible for ensuring that
MD 34210: ENC_REFP_STATE (status absolute encoder) switches to “0” or “1”
and for readjusting the encoder.

Readjusting the The following MDs must be observed prior to adaptation:

absolute encoder MD 34200: ENC_REFP_MODE=0 (for absolute value encoders: accept
MD 34220: ENC_ABS_TURNS_MODULO (only necessary for rotary axes)

Sequence of 1. MD 30240: set ENC_TYPE=4

operations 2. MD 34200: set ENC_REFP_MODE=0
3. Execute NCK reset
4. Move axis to reference position, after setting MD 34010: REFP_CAM_DIR_
IS_MINUS according to the approach direction.(If the axis is traversed in the
negative direction towards the reference position, then MD 34010 must be
set to 1.)
5. MD 34100: set REFP_SET_POS to the actual value of the reference posi-
9 tion.
6. MD 34210: set ENC_REFP_STATE = 1 to activate the adjusted settings.
7. Select the axis that has been compared at the MCP and press the RESET
key on the MCP.
8. Select JOG/REF mode, give feed enabling command for axis.
9. The adjustment process must be initiated with traversing key “+” or “--” ac-
cording to MD 34010 REFP_CAM_DIR_IS_MINUS and in accordance with
the direction of approach towards the reference position. (Backlash has
been eliminated.)The axis does not traverse. Instead, the offset between the
correct actual value (reference position) and the actual value supplied by the
encoder is entered in MD 34090: REFP_MOVE_DIST_CORR. The current
actual value appears in the basic display, the axis signals “referenced”. The
value 2 is entered in MD 34210 as the result.
MD 34010 = 1 (negative) and reference position has been traversed in ne-
gative direction. In this case, the “--” key on the MCP must also be pressed.

Rotary absolute Encoder EQN 1325 can represent 4096 revolutions. This means that the detec-
encoder with large ted positional value is unique over the maximum specified ranges:
travel range
S Rotary axis, encoder on load: 4096 load revolutions
S Rotary axis, encoder on motor: 4096 motor revolutions
S Linear axis, encoder on motor: 4096 * effective spindle lead
In the case of a linear axis with an effective spindle lead of 10 mm, a
traversing range of 40.96 m is covered.

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9-122 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
11.02 9 Adapting the Machine Data
9.2 Drive configuration and parameterization (MSD, FSD)

NCK RESET After you have input and stored all the drive data blocks, you must carry out an
NCK reset again. The SF LED then goes out and the drives can be traversed
after PLC start-up (speed controller preset).
After the axis-specific velocity and travel range limits have been adapted, the
speed control preset values should be optimized.

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SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition 9-123
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9.2 Drive configuration and parameterization (MSD, FSD)

9.2.4 Overview of drive parameters

Optimize the drive by means of the following parameters (see also Chapter 11):

Table 9-5 Current controller setting

No. Identifier Name Drive

1000 CURRCTRL_CYCLE_TIME Current controller cycle FSD/MSD
External performance-2-control: MD 1000=5
External performance-1-control: MD 1000=4
1101 CTRLOUT_DELAY Dead time of current control loop FSD/MSD
1120 CURRSTRL_GAIN P gain of current controller FSD/MSD
1121 CURRCTRL_INTEGRATOR_TIME Integrator time of current controller FSD/MSD
1124 CURRCTRL_REF_MODEL_DELAY Reference model current control loop FSD/MSD
1122 MOTOR_LIMIT_CURRENT Motor limit current FSD/MSD
1180 CURRCTRL_ADAPT_CURRENT_1 Lower current adaptation limit FSD

Table 9-6 Speed controller settings

No. Identifier Name Drive

9 1401
Setpoint scaling
Speed controller clock cycle
1407 SPEEDCTRL_GAIN_1[0...7,DRx] Speed controller P gain FSD/MSD
1409 SPEEDCTRL_INTEGRATOR_TIME_1[0...7,DRx] Speed controller reset time FSD/MSD
1413 SPEEDCTRL_ADAPT_ENABLE[DRx] Selection speed controller adaptation FSD/MSD
1408 SPEEDCTRL_GAIN_2[0...7,DRx] P gain, upper adaptation speed FSD/MSD
1410 SPEEDCTRL_INTEGRATOR_TIME_2[0...7,DRx] Reset time upper adaptation speed FSD/MSD
1411 SPEEDCTRL_ADAPT_SPEED_1[DRx] Lower adaptation speed FSD/MSD
1412 SPEEDCTRL_ADAPT_SPEED_2[DRx] Upper adaptation speed FSD/MSD
1421 SPEEDCTRL_INTEGRATOR_FEEDBK[0...7,DRx] Time constant integrator feedback FSD/MSD

Table 9-7 Field weakening with MSD

No. Identifier Name Drive

1142 FIELD_WEAKENING_SPEED[DRx] Threshold speed field weakening MSD

Table 9-8 Setpoint current filter

No. Identifier Name Drive

1200 NUM_CURRENT_FILTERS[0...7,DRx] Select setpoint current filter FSD/MSD
1201 CURRENT_FILTER_CONFIG[0...7,DRx] Setpoint current filter type FSD/MSD
1202 CURRENT_FILTER_1_FREQUENCY[0...7,DRx] Natural freq. setp. current filter 1 FSD/MSD
1203 CURRENT_FILTER_1_DAMPING[0...7,DRx] Damping setpoint current filter 1 FSD/MSD
1204 CURRENT_FILTER_2_FREQUENCY[0,..7,DRx] Natural freq. setp. current filter 2 FSD/MSD
1205 CURRENT_FILTER_2_DAMPING[0...7,DRx] Damping setpoint current filter 2 FSD/MSD

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9-124 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
11.02 9 Adapting the Machine Data
9.2 Drive configuration and parameterization (MSD, FSD)

Table 9-8 Setpoint current filter

No. Identifier Name Drive

1206 CURRENT_FILTER_3_FREQUENCY[0...7,DRx] Natural freq. setp. current filter 3 FSD/MSD
1207 CURRENT_FILTER_3_DAMPING[0...7,DRx] Damping setpoint current filter 3 FSD/MSD
1208 CURRENT_FILTER_4_FREQUENCY[0...7,DRx] Natural freq. setp. current filter 4 FSD/MSD
1209 CURRENT_FILTER_4_DAMPING[0...7,DRx] Damping setpoint current filter 4 FSD/MSD
1210 CURRENT_FILTER_1_SUPPR_FREQ[0...7,DRx] Blocking freq. setpoint current filter 1 FSD/MSD
1211 CURRENT_FILTER_1_BANDWIDTH[0...7,DRx] Bandwidth setpoint current filter 1 FSD/MSD
1212 CURRENT_FILTER_1_BW_NUM[0...7,DRx] Numerat. bandw. setp. current filter 1 FSD/MSD
1213 CURRENT_FILTER_2_SUPPR_FREQ[0...7,DRx] Blocking freq. setpoint current filter 2 FSD/MSD
1214 CURRENT_FILTER_2_BANDWIDTH[0...7,DRx] Bandwidth setpoint current filter 2 FSD/MSD
1215 CURRENT_FILTER_2_BW_NUM[0...7,DRx] Numerat. bandw. setp. current filter 2 FSD/MSD
1216 CURRENT_FILTER_3_SUPPR_FREQ[0...7,DRx] Blocking freq. setp. current filter 3 FSD/MSD
1217 CURRENT_FILTER_3_BANDWIDTH[0...7,DRx] Bandwidth setpoint current filter 3 FSD/MSD
1218 CURRENT_FILTER_3_BW_NUM[0...7,DRx] Numerat. bandw. setp. current filter 3 FSD/MSD
1219 CURRENT_FILTER_4_SUPPR_FREQ[0...7,DRx] Blocking freq. setpoint current filter 4 FSD/MSD
1220 CURRENT_FILTER_4_BANDWIDTH[0...7,DRx] Bandwidth setpoint current filter 4 FSD/MSD
1221 CURRENT_FILTER_4_BW_NUM[0...7,DRx] Numerat. bandw. setp. current filter 4 FSD/MSD

Table 9-9 Speed setpoint filters

No. Identifier Name Drive 9

1500 NUM_SPEED_FILTERS[0...7,DRx] Number of setpoint speed filters FSD/MSD
1501 SPEED_FILTER_TYPE[0...7,DRx] Setpoint speed filter type FSD/MSD
1502 SPEED_FILTER_1_TIME[0...7,DRx] Time constant setpoint speed filter 1 FSD/MSD
1506 SPEED_FILTER_1_FREQUENCY[0...7,DRx] Natural freq. setp. speed filter FSD/MSD
1507 SPEED_FILTER_1_DAMPING Damping setpoint speed filter 1 FSD/MSD
1514 SPEED_FILTER_1_SUPPR_FREQ0...7,DRx] Blocking freq. setpoint speed filter 1 FSD/MSD
1515 SPEED_FILTER_1_BANDWIDTH[0...7,DRx] Bandwidth setpoint speed filter 1 FSD/MSD
1516 SPEED_FILTER_1_BW_NUMERATOR[0...7,DRx] Numerat. bandw. setp. speed filter 1 FSD/MSD
1520 SPEED_FILTER_1_BS_FREQ[0...7,DRx] Natural frequency bandstop speed filter 1 FSD/MSD
1503 SPEED_FILTER_2_TIME[0...7,DRx] Time constant setpoint speed filter 2 FSD/MSD
1508 SPEED_FILTER_2_FREQUENCY[0...7,DRx] Natural freq. setp. speed filter 2 FSD/MSD
1509 SPEED_FILTER_2_BS_DAMPING[0...7,DRx] Damping setpoint speed filter 2 FSD/MSD
1517 SPEED_FILTER_2_SUPPR_FREQ[0...7,DRx] Blocking freq. setp. speed filter 2 FSD/MSD
1518 SPEED_FILTER_2_BANDWIDTH[0...7,DRx] Bandwidth setpoint speed filter 2 FSD/MSD
1519 SPEED_FILTER_2_BW_NUMERATOR[0...7,DRx] Numerat. bandw. setp. speed filter 2 FSD/MSD
1521 SPEED_FILTER_2_BS_FREQ[0...7,DRx] Natural frequency bandstop speed filter 2 FSD/MSD

Table 9-10 Main monitoring and limiting functions

No. Identifier Name Drive

1145 STALL_TORQUE_REDUCTION[DRx] Stall torque reduction factor MSD
1230 TORQUE_LIMIT_1[0...7,DRx] 1st torque limit value FSD/MSD
1239 TORQUE_LIMIT_FOR_SETUP[DRx] Torque limit for set-up mode FSD/MSD

1235 POWER_LIMIT_1[0...7,DRx] 1st power limit value FSD/MSD

1237 POWER_LIMIT_GENERATOR[DRx] Maximum output generator mode FSD/MSD

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9.2 Drive configuration and parameterization (MSD, FSD)

1105 MOTOR_MAX_CURRENT_REDUCTION[DRx] Reduction in max. motor current FSD

1238 CURRENT_LIMIT[DRx] Current limit value MSD

1605 SPEEDCTRL_LIMIT_TIME[DRx] Timer n controller at limit FSD/MSD

1606 SPEEDCTRL_LIMIT_THRESHOLD[DRx] Threshold n controller at limit FSD/MSD

1405 MOTOR_SPEED_LIMIT[0...7,DRx] Motor monitoring speed FSD/MSD

1420 MOTOR_MAX_SPEED_SETUP[DRx] Max. motor speed set-up mode FSD/MSD

1147 SPEED_LIMIT[DRx] Speed limitation FSD/MSD

Table 9-11 Major messages

No. Identifier Name Drive

1417 SPEED_THRESHOLD_X[0...7,DRx] nx for ‘nact<nx’ message FSD/MSD
1418 SPEED_THRESHOLD_MIN[0...7,DRx] nmin for ‘nact>nmin’ message FSD/MSD
1426 SPEED_DES_EQ_ACT_TOL[0...7,DRx] Toler. band for ‘nset=nact’ mess. FSD/MSD
1428 TORQUE_THRESHOLD_X[0...7,DRx] Threshold torque Mdx FSD/MSD
1602 MOTOR_TEMP_WARN_LIMIT[DRx] Motor temp. warning threshold FSD/MSD

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11.02 9 Adapting the Machine Data
9.2 Drive configuration and parameterization (MSD, FSD)

Function generator
Speed control loop
for FFT analysis PT1:
1500 NUM_SPEED_FILTERS setpoint filter: 611D/CCU3: 2 items
611D /CCU3
2nd Setpoint speed filter
with low-pass and bandstop filter
+ 611D/CCU3:
1405 MOTOR_SPEED_LIMIT Speed feedforward setpoint
Actual speed monitoring Setpoint speed
nact > MD 1147 SPEED_LIMIT Set-up mode limitation
=> Torque setpoint limitation = 0 1420 MOTOR_MAX_SPEED_SETUP+

1409 SPEEDCTRL_INTEGRATOR_TIME_1 Speed controller

1411 SPEEDCTRL_ADAPT_SPEED_1 Speed controller
Integrator feedback 1408 SPEEDCTRL_GAIN_2[n]
1230 TORQUE_LIMIT_1 Counterweight/feedforward torque
1235 POWER_LIMIT_1 Torque setpoint limitation

Set-up mode
∩ Setpoint torque
Torque conversion
acc. to cross current n_act <1606 SPEEDCTRL_
Band-stop filter ALARM: 300608 axis %1, drive %2
1219 CURRENT_FILTER_4_SUPPR_FREQ speed controller output limited
Setpoint current filter
1207 CURRENT_FILTER_3_DAMPING Filter 4 3 2 1 0:= Low pass
Band-stop filter Filter 3
Bit 3210 1:= Band-stop

PT2: 611D/CCU3:
1204 CURRENT_FILTER_2_FREQUENCY Filter 1-4 in current controller
Band-stop filter
Filter 2

Actual speed filter PT1:


n_act iq_set

Figure 9-12 Speed controller with the most important parameters

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9.2 Drive configuration and parameterization (MSD, FSD)

References: /FBA/, DD2, Speed Control Loop

For more detailed information on messages and alarms, please refer to
References: /FBA/, DÜ1, Diagnosis and Monitoring Functions.

Changes to the FSD MD or MSD MD will be erased by an NCK reset if “Save
boot file(s)” is not performed beforehand.
Make sure that “ERN 1387” is specified on the rating plate of 1PH motors with
optical encoder -- only these types of motor can be operated with the
SINUMERIK 810D control.

For information about main spindle motors with other encoders, please refer to
References: /HPU/ Configuring 810D.

9.2.5 Axis data

With the SINUMERIK 810 D, 4 linear axes are active as standard. These axes
are assigned to channel 1. The rotary axis and spindle must be assigned during

Distinction be- MD 30300: IS_ROT_AX must be set for a rotary axis. This setting causes the
tween linear axis setpoint unit to be switched over from mm to degrees. The rotary axis display is
and rotary axis programmed with reference to 360 degrees,
MD 30320: DISPLAY_IS_MODULO (modulo 360 degrees display for rotary
axes), MD 30310: ROT_IS_MODULO (modulo conversion for rotary axis).
These MD are activated after power ON. When MD 30300 is set followed by
power ON, the active axis machine data (e.g. for velocity, acceleration, jerk) are
converted automatically to the new physical unit.

Example Velocity = 10000 mm/min for linear axis,

MD 30300: IS_ROT_AX = 0
After the conversion to rotary axis, the value 27.77777778 is entered in this MD,
and the unit is now rev/min.

Axis types

Indexing axis The user must specify in MD 30500: INDEX_AX_ASSIGN_POS-TAB (indexing

axis assignment) which global list (general machine data 10900:
1 and MD 10920 or MD 10930 for list 2) with indexing positions is to be used.
Value 3 --> equidistant indexing.

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11.02 9 Adapting the Machine Data
9.2 Drive configuration and parameterization (MSD, FSD)

Parameter sets In the case of machine data with field parameter “Control parameter set no.”, the
first field is used for normal axis operation. In the case of interpolations which
include one spindle, e.g. with G331 (tapping without compensating chuck), the
selected gear stage determines the appropriate field of the axes involved (1st
gear stage ------> field index 1). This applies to all machine axes which can be
traversed via geometry axes.
See Section 9.1.

Axis In the case of axes which interpolate with a spindle during thread cutting opera-
tions (G33, G331, G332), the machine data with indices [1]...[5] must also be
supplied with appropriate values.

Spindle All existing gear stages must be parameterized for rotary axes that are to be
operated as a spindle with gear stage change. (Indices [1]...[5].)

Spindle gear stage

Parameter set Axis Spindle

Standard Spindle in As specified by

0 axis mode manufacturer
Axis interpolates
Spindle mode 1st
1 with spindle (G33)

Axis interpolates
with spindle (G33)
Spindle mode 2nd
Axis interpolates
Spindle mode 3rd
3 with spindle (G33)
Axis interpolates
4 Spindle mode 4th
with spindle (G33)
Axis interpolates
Spindle mode 5th
5 with spindle (G33)

Figure 9-13 Validity of parameter sets in axis and spindle modes

Table 9-12 Machine data for which the parameter set is switched over when the gear stage is changed

MD Number Axis mode Spindle mode Meaning

Parameter set 0 Parameter set 1-- 5
Index Index
MD 31050: DRIVE_AX_RATIO_DENOM [0] [1..5] Denominator load gearbox
MD 31060: DRIVE_AX_RATIO_NUMERA [0] [1..5] Numerator load gearbox
MD 32200: POSCTRL_GAIN [0] [1..5] KV factor
MD 32452: BACKLASH_FACTOR [0] [1..5] Weighting factor for back-
MD 32800: EQUIV_CURRCTRL_TIME [0] [1..5] Equivalent time constant
current control loop for
feedforward control

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9.2 Drive configuration and parameterization (MSD, FSD)

Table 9-12 Machine data for which the parameter set is switched over when the gear stage is changed

MD Number Axis mode Spindle mode Meaning

Parameter set 0 Parameter set 1-- 5
Index Index
MD 32810: EQUIV_SPEEDCTRL_TIME [0] [1..5] Equivalent time constant
speed control loop for
feedforward control
MD 32910: DYN_MATCH_TIME [0] [1..5] Time constant for dynamic
response adaptation
MD 35310: SPIND_POSIT_DELAY_TIME [0] [1..5] Positioning delay
MD 35500: DRILL_VELO_LIMIT [0] [1..5] Maximum speeds for
MD 36012: STOP_LIMIT_FACTOR [0] [1..5] Exact stop coarse/fine and
zero speed factor
MD 36200: AX_VELO_LIMIT [0] [1..5] Threshold value for velocity

Example MD 32200: POSCTRL_GAIN [0,Z1] = 1 (KV for normal axis operation)

MD 32200: POSCTRL_GAIN [1,Z1] = 1 (KV for G331, spindle gear stage 1)
MD 32200: POSCTRL_GAIN [3,Z1] = 1 (KV for G331, spindle gear stage 3)
MD 32200: POSCTRL_GAIN [0,X1] = 1 (KV for normal axis operation)
MD 32200: POSCTRL_GAIN [1,X1] = 1 (KV for G331, spindle gear stage 1)
9 MD 32200: POSCTRL_GAIN [3,X1] = 1 (KV for G331, spindle gear stage 3)

In order to ensure reliable power-up of the control, all activated axes are de-
clared as simulation axes (without hardware) during initialization.
MD 30130: CTRLOUT_TYPE = 0 (setpoint channel exists)
MD 30240: ENC_TYPE = 0 (encoder type)
When the axes are traversed, the control loop is simulated and no hardware-
specific alarms are output. For the purpose of axis or spindle start-up, the value
“1”, or the value corresponding to the hardware identifier, must be entered in
this MD.
The user can select in MD 30350: SIMU_AX_VDI_OUTPUT (output of axis
signals with simulation axes) whether the interface signals of a simulation axis
are output at the PLC interface (e.g. during program test, if there is no drive

Interface signals DB31 reserved for axis 1

for measuring DB32 reserved for axis 2
system switchover DB33 reserved for axis 3
References: /FB1/A2, Various Interface Signals

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9-130 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
11.02 9 Adapting the Machine Data
9.2 Drive configuration and parameterization (MSD, FSD)

9.2.6 Axis velocity matching

Machine data for The following machine data must be set:

velocity matching
MD 32000: MAX_AX_VELO (maximum axis velocity)
MD 32010: JOG_VELO_RAPID (rapid traverse in jog mode)
MD 32020: JOG_VELO (JOG axis velocity)
MD 34020: REFP_VELO_SEARCH_CAM (reference point approach velocity)
MD 34040: REFP_VELO_SEARCH_MARKER [n] (creep velocity)
MD 34070: REFP_VELO_POS (reference point positioning velocity)

If you change the max. axis velocity MD 32000: MAX_AX_VELO, the velocity
monitoring (MD 36200: AX_VELO_LIMIT) must also be adapted.

Maximum With axis drives, it is necessary to enter the motor speed in MD 1401:
motor speed MOTOR_MAX_SPEED[n] at which the maximum velocity
(MD 32000: MAX_AX_VELO) is reached.

Setpoint In order to ensure correct setpoint scaling, it is essential to enter the correct load
scaling gearing data!
MD 31060: DRIVE_AX_RATIO_NUMERA (number of motor revolutions)
MD 31050: DRIVE_AX_RATIO_DENOM (number of load revolutions)

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9.2 Drive configuration and parameterization (MSD, FSD)

9.2.7 Axis position control data

Control loops The closed-loop control of an axis consists of the current control loop, the speed
control loop and a higher-level position-control loop.

Position setpoint nset iset

interpolator Position Speed Current Encoder
controller controller controller

nact iact
Actual position

Travel direction If the axis does not traverse in the correct direction, the direction can be
changed in MD 32100: AX_MOTION_DIR (traversing direction). The value “--1”
9 reverses the direction of motion. Allowance is made internally for the control
direction of the position controller. If the control direction of the position
measuring system is incorrect, it can be adjusted with MD 32110:
ENC_FEEDBACK_POL (actual value sign).

Servo gain In order to obtain high contour accuracy with an interpolation, the servo gain
factor (KV factor) of the position controller must be large. However, an
excessively high servo gain factor causes overshoot, instability and
impermissible high machine loads. The maximum permissible KV factor is
dependent on the design and dynamic response of the drive and the
mechanical quality of the machine.

Definition of
servo gain factor
(KV factor)
KV =
Following error

Conversion of units:

KV m∕min
 = 1 corresponds to K V
s −1 = 16, 666

The default of MD 10220: SCALING_USER_DEF_MASK (activation of scaling

factors) and MD 10230: SCALING_FACTORS_USER_DEF (scaling factor of
the physical variables) is preset so that the KVfactor MD 32200:

POSCTRL_GAIN (K V factor) 
 has to be entered.
For a K V factor of 1, the numerical value must be entered in MD 32200:
POSCTRL_GAIN. Allowance for the factor 16.66666667 is made by
MD 10220: SCALING_USER_DEF_MASK = 200hex (bit 9=1) and
MD 10230: SCALING_FACTORS_USER_DEF= 16.66666667.

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11.02 9 Adapting the Machine Data
9.2 Drive configuration and parameterization (MSD, FSD)

Enter K V factor in If the KV factor is entered in [ s --1 ], then MD 10220:

s-1 SCALING_USER_DEF_MASK (activation of scaling factors) and MD 10230:
SCALING_FACTORS_USER_DEF (scaling factors of physical quantities) must
be set accordingly.
Example: MD 10220 = 200hex and MD 10230 [ 9 ]= 1

Axes which interpolate with one another must have the same following error at
the same velocities. This can be achieved by setting the same KV factor or by
means of dynamic response adaptation.
MD 32900: DYN_MATCH_ENABLE (dynamic response) and
MD 32910: DYN_MATCH_TIME (time constant of dynamic response).

References: /FB1/, G2, “Velocities, Actual Value Systems, Cycle Times”

Checking the If a KV factor is already known for a machine in question, this can be set and
servo gain checked. To check the factor, the axis acceleration must be reduced via
MD 32300: MAX_AX_ACCEL in order to ensure that the drive does not reach
its current limit during acceleration and braking.
In the case of rotary axes and spindles, the KV factor must also be checked at
high speeds (e.g. for spindle positioning, tapping).
You can check the positioning response at various speeds by using a storage 9
oscilloscope or the start-up software of the SIMODRIVE 611D (already
integrated in PCU 50). The position setpoint and the actual position value are

Figure 9-14 Moving into position/positioning

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9.2 Drive configuration and parameterization (MSD, FSD)

Figure 9-15 Speed setpoint characteristic -- moving into position/positioning

No overshoots may occur while the drive is approaching the static states; this
applies to all speed ranges.

9 The SIMODRIVE 611D start-up software offers various methods of checking the
KV factor (e.g. frequency measurement, speed and position control loop measu-

Causes of
overshoots in S KV factor is set too high
position control
loops S Acceleration too high (current limit is reached)
S Rise time too long (re-optimization necessary)
S Mechanical backlash
S Mechanical components canted
For reasons of safety, the KV factor should be set slightly lower than the
maximum permissible value. A static check of the KV factor can be executed by
selecting the “Service axis” softkey in the “Service display” menu. The actual KV
factor must correspond exactly to the set value, as the KV factor is used for
monitoring functions and otherwise other responses may be caused (e.g.
contour monitoring).

Acceleration The axes are accelerated and braked with the acceleration entered in MD
32300: MAX_AX_ACCEL. This value should allow the axes to be accelerated
and positioned rapidly and accurately while ensuring that the machine is not
unduly loaded. The acceleration default settings are in the 0.5 m/s2 to 2 m/s2

Checking and The acceleration data entered can be either empirical values or the maximum
calculating permissible acceleration values which the user must calculate. The data must
acceleration always be checked after entry for which the SIMODRIVE 611D start-up software
values and an oscilloscope are required.

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11.02 9 Adapting the Machine Data
9.2 Drive configuration and parameterization (MSD, FSD)

Setting MD 32300: MAX_AX_ACCEL (acceleration)

Identification Overshoot-free acceleration and approach with rapid traverse velocity under
maximum load (heavy workpiece).

Measurement Via analog outputs (Chapter 11) or start-up software for SIMODRIVE 611D.
After the acceleration has been entered, the axis is traversed rapidly and the
actual current values and current setpoint are recorded. This recording shows
whether the drive reaches the current limit. While traversing rapidly, the drive
may reach the current limit briefly. However, the current must be well below the
current limit before rapid traverse velocity or the final position is reached.
Load changes during machining must not cause the current limit to be reached.
Excessive current during machining causes falsification of the contour. It is
therefore advisable in this case as well to enter a slightly lower acceleration
value in the MD than the maximum permissible value. Axes can be assigned
different acceleration values even if they do interpolate with one another.



Fine Jerk Dynamic Speed

inter- response Feedforward Position setpoint
polation limitation matching control controller processing


IS position meas. system 1/2
MD32620 FFW_MODE Actual
MD32610 VELO_FFW_WEIGHT processing

Figure 9-16 Additional parameters for position control

9.2.8 Axis monitoring

References: /FB1/, A3, “Axis Monitoring Functions”

Monitoring the When an axis is being positioned, a monitoring function checks whether it
position reaches the position window (exact stop). It also checks whether an axis for
which no traversing command has been issued remains within a certain
tolerance window (zero speed control, clamping tolerance).

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9.2 Drive configuration and parameterization (MSD, FSD)

MD 36000 STOP_LIMIT_COARSE (coarse exact stop)

S IS “Position reached with course exact stop” (DB31, ... DBX60.6)
MD 36010 STOP_LIMIT_FINE (fine exact stop)
S IS “Position reached with fine exact stop” (DB31, ... DBX60.7)
MD 36020 POSITIONING_TIME (fine exact stop delay)
S The MD represents the delay time after which the actual value must have
reached the “exact stop fine” tolerance window when the setpoint position at
the block end is attained.
S If the value does not reach the exact stop fine window within this time, the
“25080 axis [name] positioning monitoring” alarm is generated.
The control switches to follow-up mode.

MD 36030 STANDSTILL_POS_TOL (zero-speed tolerance)

S The machine data specifies the position tolerance which a standing axis
must adhere to.
S If the axis leaves the position tolerance window, the “25040 axis [name]
zero-speed control” alarm is output. The control switches to follow-up mode.

MD 36040 STANDSTILL_DELAY_TIME (delay time zero-speed control)

S The MD represents the delay after which the actual value must have
reached the “zero-speed tolerance” window when the setpoint position at
the block end is attained.
S If the position tolerance is not reached within this time, the “25040 axis
9 [name] zero-speed control” alarm is generated.
The control switches to follow-up mode.

MD 36050 CLAMP_POS_TOL (clamping tolerance)

S Position tolerance while the “clamping active” signal is present at the PLC
interface. When the tolerance is exceeded, the alarm “26000 axis [name]
clamping monitoring” is generated.
S IS “clamping active” (DB31, ... DBX2.3)

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11.02 9 Adapting the Machine Data
9.2 Drive configuration and parameterization (MSD, FSD)



Interface signal
“clamping active”






Exact stop fine signal

DELAY_TIME Exact stop course signal


Figure 9-17 Positioning, zero speed and clamping tolerance monitoring 9

Monitoring of You can monitor each axis via the PLC interface. A signal exists for every
positions traversing range limit informing the NC that the corresponding traversing range
usinghardware limit has been approached. When the limit switch is reached, the axis or the
limit switch axes used for interpolation are stopped. Deceleration can be set via MD 36600:
BRAKE_MODE_CHOICE (deceleration behavior with hardware limit switch).

Machine data, MD 36600: BRAKE_MODE_CHOICE = 1 (rapid braking with setpoint “0”)

interface signals and MD 36600: BRAKE_MODE_CHOICE = 0 (braking according to characteristic)
alarms IS “Hardware limit switch minus” (DB31, ... DBX12.0)
IS “Hardware limit switch plus” (DB31, ... DBX12.1)
Alarm “21614 Channel ξName1ζ Axis ξName2ζ Hardware limit switch ξ+/--ζ”
The axis must be retracted in the opposite direction in JOG mode.

Monitoring of You can enter 2 software limit switches for each axis in the machine data. The
positions using active software limit switch is selected via the PLC. The axis does not traverse
software limit beyond the software limit switch. The monitoring function is activated after
switch reference point approach and is deactivated after PRESET.

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9.2 Drive configuration and parameterization (MSD, FSD)

Machine data, MD 36100: POS_LIMIT_MINUS (1st software limit switch minus)

interface signals and MD 36110: POS_LIMIT_PLUS (1st software limit switch plus)
alarms MD 36120: POS_LIMIT_MINUS (2nd software limit switch minus)
MD 36130: POS_LIMIT_PLUS (2nd software limit switch plus)

IS “2nd software limit switch minus” (DB31, ... DBX12.2)

IS “2nd software limit switch plus” (DB31, ... DBX12.3)

Alarm “10620 channel [name1] block [no.] axis [name2] reaches software limit
switch +/--”
Alarm “10621 channel [name1] axis [name2] stationary at software limit switch
+/-- (JOG)”
Alarm “10720 channel [name1] block [no.] axis [name2] programmed end point
is behind software limit switch +/--”

Monitoring of For geometry axes, a working area limitation can be specified via setting data or
positions via from the part program (with G25/G26). It is activated via setting data or from the
working area program. The monitoring is active after machine referencing.
Setting data and SD 43400: WORKAREA_PLUS_ENABLE (working area limitation active
alarms in pos. direction)
SD 43410: WORKAREA_MINUS_ENABLE (working area limitation active
in neg.direction)
SD 43420: WORKAREA_LIMIT_PLUS (working area limitation plus)
SD 43430: WORKAREA_LIMIT_MINUS (working area limitation minus)
9 Alarm “10630 channel [name1] block [no.] axis [name2] reaches working area
limitation +/--”
Alarm “10631 channel [name1] axis [name2] stationary at working area
limitation +/-- (JOG)”
Alarm “10730 channel [name1] block [no.] axis [name2] programmed end point
is behind working area limitation +/--”

Working area
(for geometry 1st SW limit EMERGENCY STOP
axes only) 2nd SW limit switch
switch (can be HW limit Mechanical
activated via PLC) switch traversing limit

Figure 9-18 Overview of end limitations

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11.02 9 Adapting the Machine Data
9.2 Drive configuration and parameterization (MSD, FSD)


Speed Speed limitation is carried out internally in the SINUMERIK 810D. The setpoint
limitation is limited on a percentage basis in MD 36210: CTRLOUT_LIMIT (max. speed
setpoint) with reference to the speed value entered in MD 1401:
MOTOR_MAX_SPEED. An alarm is generated if the setpoint is exceeded for
the time period set in MD 36220: CTRLOUT_LIMIT_TIME (delay time for speed
setpoint monitoring). The axes are braked down to zero speed along a braking
ramp when the position control loop is open MD 36610:
AX_EMERGENCY_STOP_TIME (time of the braking ramp). This MD must
contain the time within which the axis can brake to zero from maximum velocity.
MD 36210: CTRLOUT_LIMIT (maximum speed setpoint)
MD 36220: CTRLOUT_LIMIT_TIME (monitoring time for maximum
speed setpoint)
MD 36610: AX_EMERGENCY_STOP_TIME (braking ramp time in event of
Alarm “25060 axis [name] speed setpoint limitation”.

Velocity The monitoring is intended as a means of ensuring trouble-free operation of

monitoring axes for which the theoretical velocity is limited for mechanical reasons (e.g. by
the mechanical limit frequency of the pulse encoder). The actual velocity moni-
toring function is always active provided, however, that the selected encoder is
operating below its limit frequency. Alarm 25030 is output when the threshold
value is exceeded.
MD 36020: AX_VELO_LIMIT (threshold value for velocity monitoring)
MD 36610: AX_EMERGENCY_STOP_TIME (braking ramp time in the event of
Alarm “25030 axis [name] actual velocity alarm limit”

Contour monitoring Contour monitoring refers to the continuous comparison of the measured
following error and that pre-calculated from the NC setpoint position. Contour
monitoring is always active in position-controlled operation. If the tolerance band
is violated, then the alarm “Contour monitoring” is generated and the axes are
braked along a set braking ramp.
MD 36400: CONTOUR_TOL (contour monitoring tolerance band)
MD 36610: AX_EMERGENCY_STOP_TIME (braking ramp time in the event of
Alarm “25050 axis [name] contour monitoring”

Encoder monitoring The frequency entered in MD 36300: ENC_FREQ_LIMIT is monitored. If this is

(encoder limit fre- exceeded, the alarm “Encoder frequency exceeded” is output and the axes
quency monitoring) braked to zero speed. The interface signal “Referenced/synchronized” is reset
(DB31, ... DBX60.4, DBX60.5).
Example: Encoder with 2048 pulses mounted directly on motor, limit frequency
200 kHz, nmax = (flimit / pulses) * 60 sec = 5900 rev/min
Result: It must be ensured that this speed is not reached at maximum axis
velocity (MAX_AX_VELO).
MD 36300: ENC_FREQ_LIMIT (Encoder limit frequency),
IS “Encoder limit frequency exceeded 1” (DB31, ... DBX60.2),
IS “Encoder limit frequency exceeded 2” (DB31, ... DBX60.3),
Alarm “21610 channel [name] axis [name] encoder frequency exceeded”.

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9.2 Drive configuration and parameterization (MSD, FSD)

Encoder monitoring Zero mark monitoring is activated with MD 36310:

(zero mark ENC_ZERO_MONITORING=1. If pulses are lost, then the alarm “Zero mark
monitoring) monitoring” is generated and the axes are braked down to zero speed.
MD 36310: ENC_ZERO_MONITORING (zero mark monitoring)
MD 36610: AX_EMERGENCY_STOP_TIME (braking ramp time in the event of
Alarm “25020 axis [name] zero
mark monitoring”

Encoder monitoring It is possible to define two actual value branches with SINUMERIK 810D. These
(tolerance for actual values must then, however, be present in the hardware. The actual value
encoder switchover) branch which is active for the position control can then be selected via the PLC
interface. When this switchover takes place, the actual position value difference
is evaluated. If this difference is greater than the value entered in MD 36500:
ENC_CHANGE_TOL, then the alarm “Measuring system switchover not
possible” is generated and the switchover process blocked.
MD 36500 ENC_CHANGE_TOL (max. tolerance for actual position value
IS “Position measuring system 1” (DB31, ... DBX1.5),
IS “Position measuring system 2” (DB31, ... DBX1.6),
Alarm “25100 axis %1 measuring system switchover not possible”.


9 Setpoints
ramp Speed

MD 36400: model


MD 36060:
Following error STSTILL_VELO_TOL Actual value
MD 36010: STOP_LIMIT_FINE MD 36200: Actual value
MD 36040: STANDSTILLL_DELAY_TIME IS “Position measuring system 1/2 active”

Figure 9-19 Monitoring with SINUMERIK 810D

The time set in MD 36620: SERVO_DISABLE_DELAY_TIME (cutout delay
servo enable) must always be set to a higher time than the setting in
MD 36610: AX_EMERGENCY_STOP_TIME (braking ramp time in event of
faults). If this is not the case, the braking ramp in MD 36610 cannot become

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11.02 9 Adapting the Machine Data
9.2 Drive configuration and parameterization (MSD, FSD)

9.2.9 Axis reference point approach

After the control has been switched on, it must be synchronized (referenced)
with the position measuring system of every machine axis.
Referencing must be carried out for axes with incremental measuring systems
and with distance-coded reference marks.
Referencing is started after selection of the “REF” function with traversing key
PLUS or MINUS (depending on reference point approach direction).
References: /FB/, R1, “Reference Point Approach”

General MD 34000: REFP_CAM_IS_ACTIVE (axis with reference cam)

machine data and MD 34110: REFP_CYCLE_NR (axis sequence for channel-specific
interface signals reference point approach)
MD 30240: ENC_TYPE (encoder type)
MD 34200: ENC_REFP_MODE (reference mode)
IS “Activate referencing” (DB21, ... DBX1.0)
IS “Referencing active” (DB21, ... DBX33.0)

Reference point Reference point approach for incremental measuring systems is divided into 3
approach for phases:
incremental mea- Phase 1: Approach reference cam
suring systems Phase 2: Synchronize with zero mark
Phase 3: Approach reference point

Machine data and MD 11300: JOG_INC_MODE_LEVELTRIGGRD (INC/REF in jog mode) 9

interface MD 34010: REFP_CAM_DIR_IS_MINUS (approach reference cam in negative
signals for phase 1 direction)
MD 34020: REFP_VELO_SEARCH_CAM (reference cam approach velocity)
MD 34030: REFP_MAX_CAM_DIST (maximum distance to reference cam)
IS “Approach keys plus/minus” (DB31, ... DBX4.7/DBX4.6)
IS “Reference point approach delay” (DB31, ... DBX12.7)

Machine data for MD 34040: REFP_VELO_SEARCH_MARKER (creep velocity)

phase 2 MD 34050: REFP_SEARCH_MARKER_REVERSE (direction reversal to
reference cam)
MD 34060: REFP_MAX_MARKER_DIST (maximum distance from cam to
reference mark)

Machine data and MD 34070: REFP_VELO_POS (reference point positioning velocity)

interface MD 34080 REFP_MOVE_DIST (reference point distance to zero mark)
signals for phase 3 MD 34090: REFP_MOVE_DIST_CORR (reference point offset, additive)
MD 34100: REFP_SET_POS (reference point value)
IS “Reference point value 1...4” (DB31, ... DBX2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7)
IS “Referenced/synchronized 1, 2” (DB31, ... DBX60.4, DBX60.5)

Actual value Software Version 2.1 and higher allows you to continue operation of, e.g. a con-
buffering after power ventional machine tool, using the initial position information and without explicit
OFF new-referencing after power OFF/ON.
To ensure that axes can continue operating properly referenced after the power
has been switched off and on again, it is essential that they are not moved while
the power is switched off.

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9.2 Drive configuration and parameterization (MSD, FSD)

When the encoder is activated, the NC synchronizes with an internally buffered

previous absolute value (condition: MD 34210: ENC_REFP_STATE=2).
Axis motions are internally disabled until this synchronization process is termi-
nated; spindle operation can continue.

This functionality is permanently linked to the axis signal “Exact stop fine”. Axes
or spindles not using this signal cannot use this functionality.

Reference point Reference point approach for axes with distance-coded reference marks is
approach for divided into 2 phases:
distance-coded Phase 1: Synchronize by overriding 2 reference marks
reference marks Phase 2: Traverse to target point

General MD 34310: ENC_MARKER_INC (interval between two reference marks)

machine data MD 34320: ENC_INVERS (measuring system inverted)

Machine data and MD 11300: JOG_INC_MODE_LEVELTRIGGRD (INC and REF in jog mode)
interface MD 34040: REFP_VELO_SEARCH_MARKER (referencing velocity)
signals for phase 1 MD 34060: REFP_MAX_MARKER_DIST (maximum distance between 2 refe-
rence marks)
9 MD 34300: ENC_REFP_MARKER_DIST (reference marker distance)

IS “Traversing keys plus/minus” (DB31, ... DBX4.7, DBX4.6)

IS “Referenced/synchronized 1, 2” (DB31, ... DBX60.4, DBX60.5)

Machine data and MD 34070: REFP_VELO_POS (reference point positioning velocity)

interface MD 34090: REFP_MOVE_DIST_CORR (absolute offset)
signals for phase 2 MD 34330: REFP_STOP_AT_ABS_MARKER (with/without target point)
MD 34100: REFP_SET_POS (target point), if referencing on target point

IS “Referenced/synchronized 1, 2” (DB31, ... DBX60.4, DBX60.5)

Reference point If an axis uses an absolute encoder as its measuring system, then it only needs
approach with to be referenced when the encoder is readjusted.
absolute encoders
See Chapter 10 for traverse enabling commands.

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11.02 9 Adapting the Machine Data
9.2 Drive configuration and parameterization (MSD, FSD)

9.2.10 Spindle data

In the SINUMERIK 810D control system, the spindle is a sub-function of the

entire axial functionality. The machine data for the spindle are therefore located
among the axis machine data (from MD 35000 onwards). For this reason, data
must be entered for a spindle which are described in the Sections relating to
axis start-up. The following description contains merely a cross-reference to this

No spindle is defined after a NCK general reset.

References: /FB1/, S1, “Spindle”

Spindle definition The following machine data must be set for a spindle definition:

S MD 30300: IS_ROT_AX (rotary axis)

S MD 30310: ROT_IS_MODULO (rotary axis with modulo programming)
S MD 30320: DISPLAY_IS_MODULO (displayed referred to 360 degrees)
S MD 35000: SPIND_ASSIGN_TO_MACHAX (axis declared as spindle),
e.g. “1” means spindle name “S1”. Input of the spindle number, with which 9
the spindle is to be addressed, e.g. “1” means spindle name “S1”.

Spindle modes The spindle operating modes are as follows:

S Open-loop control mode (M3, M4, M5)

S Oscillation mode (support for gear changing operations)
S Positioning mode (SPOS, SPOSA)
S Synchronous mode
S Rigid tapping.
In spindle mode, the feedforward control switches on as standard (FFW mode
= 1). Exception: In the case of rigid tapping, the feedforward control acts only
when activated explicitly (e.g. by means of the programming command
The set of parameters is selected that corresponds to the current gear stage.
Example: 2nd Gear stage ! Set of parameters [2]

Axis mode It is possible to switch directly from spindle mode into axis mode provided that
the same drive is used for both modes. The machine data for one axis must be
applied in axis operation. In axis mode, the first parameter set (index [0]) is se-
lected irrespective of the current gear stage.
After the spindle has been positioned, the rotary axis can be programmed
directly with the axis name.
IS “Axis/spindle” (DB31, ... DBX60.0 = 0)

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9 Adapting the Machine Data 11.02
9.2 Drive configuration and parameterization (MSD, FSD)

General machine MD 20090: SPIND_DEF_MASTER_SPIND (master spindle reset position in

data definitions channel)
MD 35020: SPIND_DEFAULT_MODE (spindle initial setting)
This MD allows a basic spindle setting to be defined.
The following are possible:

S Speed servo control without/with position servo control

S Positioning mode
S Axis mode.
The time at which the basic spindle setting is effective is defined in MD 35030:
The following are possible:

S POWER ON and program start
S POWER ON, program start and reset.
MD 35040: SPIND_ACTIVE_AFTER_RESET (independent spindle reset)
This MD determines whether the spindle must be stopped by a RESET or a
program end. If the MD has been set, a termination of the spindle functions
must be initiated explicitly via a program command or the IS “Spindle reset”
(DB31, ... DBX2.2).

9 MD 35010: GEAR_STEP_CHANGE_ENABLE (gear stage changeover

possible. Spindle has several gear stages).
If this machine data is not set, the system assumes that the spindle has no gear
stages. A gear stage changeover is therefore impossible.

Parameter sets In the case of the machine data below with the “Gear stages no.” and “Control
parameter set no.” field parameters, the gear stage selected determines the
relevant field index. The field with the index [0] is not used for the spindle
machine data!
MD 31050: DRIVE_AX_RATIO_DENOM (denominator load gearbox)
MD 31060: DRIVE_AX_RATIO_NUMERA (numerator load gearbox)
MD 32200: POSCTRL_GAIN (KV factor)
MD 32452: BACKLASH_FACTOR (weighting factor for
MD 35110: GEAR_STEP_MAX_VELO (nmax for gear stage
MD 35120: GEAR_STEP_MIN_VELO (nmin for gear
stage change)
MD 35130: GEAR_STEP_MAX_VELO_LIMIT (nmax for gear stage)
MD 35140: GEAR_STEP_MIN_VELO_LIMIT (nmin for gear stage)
MD 35200: GEAR_STEP_SPEEDCTRL_ACCEL (acceleration in
speed control mode)
MD 35310: SPIND_POSIT_DELAY_TIME (positioning delay time)
MD 35210: GEAR_STEP_POSCTRL_ACCEL (acceleration in
position control mode)

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11.02 9 Adapting the Machine Data
9.2 Drive configuration and parameterization (MSD, FSD)

MD 35500: DRILL_VELO_LIMIT (maximum speeds for

MD 36012: STOP_LIMIT_FACTOR (Factor for exact stop coarse/
and zero speed)
MD 36200: AX_VELO_LIMIT (threshold for velocity

Example MD 35110: GEAR_STEP_MAX_VELO [0,A1] = 500 (not used for spindle)

MD 35110: GEAR_STEP_MAX_VELO [1,A1] = 500
(nmax for gear stage change, gear stage 1)
MD 35110: GEAR_STEP_MAX_VELO [2,A1] = 1000
(nmax for gear stage change, gear stage 2)

9.2.11 Spindle configuration

Machine data for Setpoint values:

setpoint and MD 30100: CTRLOUT_SEGMENT_NR
actual values MD 30110: CTRLOUT_MODULE_NR

Actual values:
MD 30240: ENC_TYPE

Further information about the spindle configuration can be found in Section 9.2.

9.2.12 Spindle encoder matching

Machine data for The same machine data as for the axis must be observed for matchingthe
encoder matching spindle encoder. MD 30300: IS_ROT_AX must always be set for the spindle so
that the encoder is always matched in relation to one revolution. In order to
obtain a display which is always referred to 360 degrees, MD 30320:
DISPLAY_IS_MODULO must be set. If the motor encoder of the 611D drive is
used for the purpose of encoder matching, then the encoder matching data
must be entered for each individual gear stage if several gear stages are
present. The maximum multiple of the 611D drive is always used as the
maximum multiple of encoder markings. This multiple is 128.

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9.2 Drive configuration and parameterization (MSD, FSD)

Table 9-13 Machine data for encoder matching

Machine date Spindle

Encoder on Encoder on spindle
30300: IS_ROT_AX 1 1
31000: ENC_IS_LINEAR 0 0
31040: ENC_IS_DIRECT 0 1
31020: ENC_RESOL Marks/rev. Marks/rev.
31080: DRIVE_ENC_RATIO_NUMERA Motor rev. Load rev.
31070: DRIVE_ENC_RATIO_DENOM encoder rev. encoder rev.
31060: DRIVE_AX_RATIO_NUMERA Motor rev. See following note
31050: DRIVE_AX_RATIO_DENOM Load rev. See following note

These MD are not required to match the encoder, but they must be entered
correctly for the sake of setpoint calculation. The load revolutions are entered in
MD 31050: DRIVE_AX_RATIO_DENOM and the motor revolutions in MD

9 Example 1 for Spindle with signal generator (500 pulses) mounted directly on the spindle.
encoder matching Internal multiple = 128. Internal calculation resolution = 1000 increments per

360 degrees MD 31080

Internal resolution = * * 1000
MD 31020 * 128 MD 31070

360 * 1 * 1000
Internal resolution = 5.624
500 * 128 *1

One encoder increment corresponds to 5.624 internal increments. An encoder

increment corresponds to 0.005624 degrees (highest possible positioning

Example 2 for Spindle with rotary encoder on motor (2048 pulses), internal multiple = 128.
encoder matching With 2 gear stages:
Gear stage 1: Motor/spindle = 2.5/1
Gear stage 2: Motor/spindle = 1/1

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9-146 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
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9.2 Drive configuration and parameterization (MSD, FSD)

Gear stage 1

Internal 360 degrees MD 31080 MD 31050

resolution = * * * 1000 incr/degr.
MD 31020 * 128 MD 31070 MD 31060

360 degrees 1 1
resolution = * * * 1000 pulses/degr. = 0.549312
128 * 2048 pulses 1 2.5

One encoder increment corresponds to 0.549312 internal increments. One

encoder increment corresponds to 0.000549312 degrees (highest possible
positioning resolution).
Gear stage 2

Internal 360 degrees MD 31080 MD 31050

resolution = * * * 1000 incr/degr.
MD 31020 * 128 MD 31070 MD 31060

360 degrees 1 1
resolution = * * * 1000 pulses/degr. = 1.37328
128 * 2048 pulses 1 1

One encoder increment corresponds to 1.37328 internal increments. One

encoder increment corresponds to 0.0137328 degrees (highest possible
positioning resolution).
9.2.13 Velocities and setpoint matching for spindle

Velocities, gear In the SINUMERIK 810D the output of the spindle speed is implemented in the
stages NC. The control contains the data for 5 gear stages. These stages are defined
by a minimum and maximum speed for the stage itself and by a minimum and
maximum speed for the automatic gear stage changeover. A new gear stage is
output only if the newly programmed speed setpoint cannot be traversed in the
present gear stage. For the sake of simplification, the oscillation times for gear
stage changeovers can be specified directly in the NC; the oscillation function
must otherwise be implemented in the PLC. The oscillation function is initiated
via the PLC.

Speeds for The speeds of the spindles for conventional operation are entered in the axis
conventional machine data MD 32010: JOG_VELO_RAPID (conventional rapid traverse) and
operation MD 32020: JOG_VELO (conventional axis velocity). The direction of rotation is
specified via the appropriate directional keys for the spindle on the MCP.

Direction of The direction of rotation of a spindle corresponds to the traversing direction of

rotation an axis.

Setpoint The speeds must be transferred with standardized values for the drive control-
matching ler. The values are scaled in the NC via the selected load gear and via the drive
MD 1401: MOTOR_MAX_SPEED (maximum motor operating speed). In the
case of a spindle drive, the maximum motor speed is entered in MD 1401. The
spindle attains the desired speed via the mechanical gear stage.

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9 Adapting the Machine Data 11.02
9.2 Drive configuration and parameterization (MSD, FSD)

Machine data and MD 35110: GEAR_STEP_MAX_VELO (maximum speed for gear stage
interface signals change)
MD 35120: GEAR_STEP_MIN_VELO (maximum speed for gear stage
MD 35130: GEAR_STEP_MAX_VELO_LIMIT (maximum speed for gear stage)
MD 35140: GE-
AR_STEP_MIN_VELO_LIMIT (maximum speed for gear stage)
MD 35200: GE-
AR_STEP_SPEEDCTRL_ACCEL (acceleration in speed-
controlled operation)
MD 35220: ACCEL_REDUCTION_SPEED_POINT (speed for acceleration
MD 35230: ACCEL_REDUCTION_FACTOR (reduced acceleration)

MD 35400: SPIND_OSCILL_DES_VELO (oscillation speed)

MD 35410: SPIND_OSCILL_ACCEL (acceleration in oscillation mode)
MD 35430: SPIND_OSCILL_START_DIR (start direction in oscillation mode)
MD 35440: SPIND_OSCILL_TIME_CW (oscillation time for M3 direction)
MD 35450: SPIND_OSCILL_TIME_CCW (oscillation time for M4 direction)
MD 31060: DRIVE_AX_RATIO_NUMERA (numerator load gearbox)
MD 31050: DRIVE_AX_RATIO_DENOM (denominator load gearbox)
MD 32010: JOG_VELO_RAPID (rapid traverse in jog mode)
MD 32020: JOG_VELO (JOG axis feedrate)

9 IS “Gear change”
IS “Setpoint gear stage”
(DB31, ... DBX82.3)
(DB31, ... DBX82.0 ... DBX82.2)
IS “No speed monitoring for gear change” (DB31, ... DBX16.6)
IS “Gear changed” (DB31, ... DBX16.3)
IS “Setpoint gear stage” (DB31, ... DBX16.0 to DBX16.2)
IS “Oscillation speed” (DB31, ... DBX18.5)
IS “Oscillation via PLC” (DB31, ... DBX18.4)
IS “Oscillation mode” (DB31, ... DBX84.6)
IS “Open-loop control mode” (DB31, ... DBX84.7)
IS “Traversing keys minus” (DB31, ... DBX4.6)
IS “Traversing keys plus” (DB31, ... DBX4.7)

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9-148 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
11.02 9 Adapting the Machine Data
9.2 Drive configuration and parameterization (MSD, FSD)

Max. spindle speed
Max. speed of gear stage 2
Max. speed for gear stage 2 changeover

Max. speed of gear stage 1

Max. speed for gear stage 1 changeover

Min. speed for gear stage 2 changeover

Min. speed for gear stage 2

Min. speed for gear stage 1 changeover
Min. speed for gear stage 1
Min. spindle speed

stage 1

stage 2

Figure 9-20 Example for speed ranges for automatic gear stage selection (M40)

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9.2 Drive configuration and parameterization (MSD, FSD)

9.2.14 Spindle positioning

The control provides an “oriented spindle stop” function with which the spindle
can be moved into a certain position and held there (e.g. for tool changing pur-
poses). Several programming commands are available for this function which
define the approach and program processing.
References: /PA/, Programming Guide
S To absolute position (0--360 degrees)
S Incremental position (+/-- 999999.99 degrees)
S Block change when position reached
S Block change on block end criterion.

The control brakes the spindle down to creep speed at the acceleration rate for
speed operation. If the creep speed has been reached (IS “Spindle in setpoint
range”), the control branches into position control mode and the acceleration
rate for position control mode and the KV factor become active. The interface
signal “Exact stop fine” is output to indicate that the programmed position has
been reached (block change when position reached). The acceleration rate for
position control mode must be set such that the current limit is not reached. The
acceleration rate must be entered separately for each gear stage. If the spindle
is positioned from zero speed, it is accelerated up to a maximum speed corres-
ponding to creep speed; the direction is defined via machine data. The contour
monitoring function is activated as soon as the control mode switches to posi-
9 tion control.

Machine data and MD 35300: SPIND_POSCTRL_VELO (creep speed)

interface signals MD 35350: SPIND_POSITIONING_DIR (direction of rotation on positioning
from zero speed)
MD 35210: GEAR_STEP_POSCTRL_ACCEL (acceleration in position
control mode)
MD 36000: STOP_LIMIT_COARSE (exact stop coarse)
MD 36010: STOP_LIMIT_FINE (exact stop fine)
MD 32200: POSCTRL_GAIN (KV factor)
MD 36400: CONTOUR_TOL (contour monitoring)
IS “Position reached with exact stop fine/course” (DB31, ... DBX60.6/60.7)
IS “Positioning mode” (DB31, ... DBX84.5)

9.2.15 Spindle synchronization

The spindle must synchronize its position with the measuring system. The
spindle position is always synchronized with the zero mark of the encoder or
with a Bero signal connected to the CCU3 hardware or drive module of the
It is specified in MD 34200: ENC_REFP_MODE through which signal synchro-
nization takes place (zero marker (0) or Bero (1)).

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9-150 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
11.02 9 Adapting the Machine Data
9.2 Drive configuration and parameterization (MSD, FSD)

When is
synchronization S After activation of the control if the spindle is moved with a programming
necessary? command.
S The interface signal “Re-synchronize spindle 1/2” always cancels the
“Referenced/synchronized 1/2” interface signal; the spindle is re-synchro-
nized with the next reference signal.
S After every gear stage changeover if MD 31040: ENC_IS_DIRECT=0
S The spindle goes out of synchronism if a speed above the encoder limit
frequency is programmed. When the speed drops to below the encoder limit
frequency, the spindle is re-synchronized. If the synchronized state has
been lost, it is impossible to implement functions such as rotational feedrate,
constant cutting velocity, tapping with and without compensating chuck,
eand axis modes.
To synchronize the spindle, it must always be turned via a programming com-
mand (e.g. M3, M4, SPOS). It is not sufficient to enter a spindle speed via the
directional keys of the appropriate axis on the machine control panel.

Machine data and MD 34100: REFP_SET_POS (reference point value, zero mark position)
interface signals The position of the reference signal during synchronization is entered in this
MD 34090: REFP_MOVE_DIST_CORR (reference point offset, zero mark off-
The zero mark offset resulting from the synchronization process is entered here.
MD 34200: ENC_REFP_MODE (position measuring system type)
IS “Re-synchronize spindle 1, 2” (DB31, ... DBX16.4 or 16.5)
IS “Referenced/synchronized 1, 2” (DB31, ... DBX60.4 or 60.5) 9

Gearing Motor Motor

Power Motor
connection encoder cable

Toothed belt
810D or SIMODRIVE 611D module

Figure 9-21 Synchronization via an external reference signal (BERO)

If the spindle encoder of the motor encoder is not mounted directly on the
spindle and there are gear ratios between the encoder and spindle, the spindle
must be synchronized via an external reference signal (e.g. BERO). The zero
mark of the motor encoder is not evaluated. The control then automatically
re-synchronizes the spindle position after every gear stage changeover. The
user need not take any further measures in this respect. The attainable
accuracy is impaired by backlash, elasticity in the gearing and the BERO signal
hysteresis, during the synchronization progress.
If a BERO is used, MD 34200: ENC_REFP_MODE (positioning measuring
system type) is set to 2.

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9.2 Drive configuration and parameterization (MSD, FSD)

9.2.16 Spindle monitoring

Axis/spindle If the speed exceeds the value specified in MD 36060: STANDSTILL_VELO

stationary _TOL, then the interface signal “Axis/spindle stationary” (DB31, ... DBX61.4) is
The path feed is then enabled if MD 35510: SPIND_STOPPED_AT_IPO
_START (feed enable when spindle stops) is set.

Spindle in When the spindle reaches the tolerance range specified in MD 35150:
setpoint range SPIND_DES_VELO_TOL (spindle speed tolerance), then the interface signal
“Spindle in setpoint range” (DB31, ... DBX83.5) is output.
The path feed is then enabled if MD 35500:
SPIND_ON_SPEED_AT_IPO_START (feed enable if spindle in set range) is

Maximum spindle The maximum spindle speed is entered in MD 35100: SPIND_VELO_LIMIT.

speed The NCK limits the speed to this value. If, however, the speed is exceeded by
the speed tolerance in spite of the NCK limitation (drive fault), then the IS
“Speed limit exceeded” is output together with the alarm “22150 channel [name]
block [number] spindle [number] maximum chuck speed exceeded”.
The spindle speed is also monitored by MD 36200; AX_VELO_LIMIT[0..5]
(threshold for velocity monitoring); an alarm is generated if the set value is
exceeded. In position-controlled mode (e.g. SPCON) a limitation is set within the
9 control to 90% of the maximum speed specified by the MD or setting data
(control reserve).

Minimum and The maximum speed for the gear stage is entered in
maximum gear MD 35130: GEAR_STEP_MAX_VELO_LIMIT and the minimum speed in
stage speed MD 35140: GEAR_STEP_MIN_VELO_LIMIT. The speed cannot leave this
range when the appropriate gear stage is engaged.

Programmable Functions G25 S... and G26 S... allow a minimum and maximum spindle speed
spindle speed limit to be specified via the program. The limitation is active in all operating
limits modes.Function LIMS=... allows a spindle speed limit for G96 (constant cutting
velocity) to be specified. This limitation is operative only when G96 is active.

Maximum encoder The maximum encoder limit frequency (MD 36300: ENC_FREQ_LIMIT) is moni-
limit frequency tored. If this limit is exceeded, the synchronization is lost and the spindle func-
tionality reduced (thread, G95, G96). The position measuring systems which are
out of synchronism are automatically re-synchronized as soon as the frequency
drops below the encoder limit frequency again. The encoder limit frequency
value must be set such that the mechanical encoder speed limit is not excee-
ded or else the synchronization from high speeds will be incorrect.

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9-152 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
11.02 9 Adapting the Machine Data
9.2 Drive configuration and parameterization (MSD, FSD)






Programmable spindle speed limitation G26

Programmable spindle speed limitation G92

Programmable spindle speed limitation G25



IS “Axis/spindle stationary” (DB31, ... DBX61.4)

Speed range for constant cutting velocity through G92
Speed range limited by G25 and G26
Speed range of active gear stage
Spindle speed range
Maximum spindle speed
Actual speed monitoring
IS “Referenced/synchronized” (DB31, ... DBX60.4/60.5)

Figure 9-22 Areas for spindle monitoring

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9.3 Linear motors (1FN1 and 1FN3 motors)

9.3 Linear motors (1FN1 and 1FN3 motors)

9.3.1 General information for starting up linear motors

Note to the reader

Detailed information about linear motors, encoder and power connec-
tions, and configuration and monitoring can be found in:
References: /PJLM/ Planning Guide Linear Motors
Manufacturer/Service Documentation

Checks in The following should be checked:

de-energized state
1. General linear motor check
-- Which linear motor is used?
-- Is the motor included in the list?

9 If yes
If no
Type: 1FN_ _ _ _ -_ _ _ _ _-_ _ _ _
Determine and enter the manufacturer data for the
“external” linear motor
-- Is the cooling system functional and is the correct coolant mixture in
use? (Recommended mixture: 75% water, 25% Tyfocor).
2. Mechanical system
-- Can the axis travel freely across the entire traversing range?
-- Do the mounting dimensions of the motor and the air gap between the
primary and secondary sections comply with the manufacturer’s speci-
-- Vertical axis:
If the axis has a counterweight, is it functional?
-- Brake:
If a brake is fitted, is it being applied and released properly?
-- Travel limitation:
Are mechanical limit stops installed at both ends of the travel path and
bolted securely in position?
-- Are the moving cables installed properly in a cable trailing device?

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9.3 Linear motors (1FN1 and 1FN3 motors)

3. Measuring system
Is an incremental or an absolute (EnDat) measuring system installed?
a) Incremental measuring system:
-- Graduation _ _ _ _ _ _ μm
-- Number of zero markers _ _ _ _ _ _
b) Absolute measuring system:
-- Graduation _ _ _ _ _ _ μm
Determine the positive drive direction:
Which is the positive counting direction of the measuring system? (see
Subsection 9.3.6)
----> invert the actual velocity value? j yes j no
4. Wiring
-- Power section (connection with phase sequence UVW, clockwise
-- PE conductor connected?
-- Shield attached?
-- Various methods of temperature sensor evaluation
a) KTY84 evaluation via SIMODRIVE 611D only
b) Evaluation via SIMODRIVE 611D and external devices 9
c) Evaluation by external devices only
In case a) a temperature sensor coupling lead (dongle) must be connec-
ted between –X411 and the measuring system.
(See also PJLM/CON/Connections: Section “Encoder connection”).
5. Measuring system cable
Check whether the measuring system cable is correctly attached to con-
nector X411 or to the adapter on the temperature sensor coupling lead.
(See also PJLM/CON/Connections:Section “Encoder connection”).

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9.3 Linear motors (1FN1 and 1FN3 motors)

9.3.2 Start-up: Linear motors with one primary section

Start-up procedure Linear motors with one primary section (single motor) must be started up using
the start-up tool as described below:

! For safety reasons, the pulse enabling signal on the closed-loop control unit
(term. 663) must be switched off initially before the drive is switched on..

1. Configure the drive:

-- Select the power section
-- Select drive type: “SLM” (synchronous linear motor)

Figure 9-23 Drive configuration for synchronous linear motor

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9-156 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
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9.3 Linear motors (1FN1 and 1FN3 motors)

2. Adapt the axis-specific machine data (MD) as for feed drive

Figure 9-24 Minimum selection of axis machine data for linear motor
Please observe the following safety information:

You must check the following before activating the pulse and servo enables:

S Ensure that the encoder parameters are correct, especially if it is necessary

to invert the actual speed or velocity value.
Check that the actual speed or velocity value has the correct sign and that
the actual position value counts up or down correctly by pushing the motor
Please remember that the speed inversion parameter must be set at the NC
end (axis-specific data, MD 32110 -- ENC_FEEDBACK_POL[0] = --1).

S When performing initial trials with rotor position identification based on a

moving system, it is advisable to reduce the current for safety reasons, e.g.
to 10% (MD 1105 = 10%). The current reduction does not take effect until
the identification is effective.

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9.3 Linear motors (1FN1 and 1FN3 motors)

3. Select the motor

Before the motor is selected, message 300701: “Start-up required” must be
displayed. (Fig. 9-25)
a) Is the linear motor included in the list of linear motors?
If yes: Select the appropriate motor
(parallel-connected linear motors start with 2x1FN. ...)

Figure 9-25 Selecting a motor for which the data are already listed

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9.3 Linear motors (1FN1 and 1FN3 motors)

b) Is the linear motor not included in the list of linear motors? ----> unlisted
“Motor” field ----> enter data

If a smaller identification current is required (<40%) with procedure 1
(MD1075=1), alarm 300753 must be masked in MD 1012 with bit 5.

Figure 9-26 Entering the unlisted motor, the data are not yet specified
Enter the motor data:

Figure 9-27 Entering data for an “unlisted motor”

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9.3 Linear motors (1FN1 and 1FN3 motors)

4. “Measuring system/encoder” dialog

Select the motor measuring system and enter the encoder data
a) Incremental encoder

Figure 9-28 Data entry for incremental measuring system with rotor position identification

Enter encoder data

The following selection can be made in the “Linear measuring system” field:
-- Incremental – one zero marker
An incremental measuring system with one zero marker is installed in
the traversing range.
-- Incremental – several zero markers
An incremental measuring system with several zero markers is installed
in the traversing range.
-- Incremental – no zero marker
An incremental measuring system without a zero marker is installed in
the traversing range.
“Invert actual velocity value”: yes/no (Subsection 9.3.6)
Enter “Graduations” of measuring system
“Coarse synchronization with” field:
-- Rotor position identification: yes (applies only to incremental measuring
Confirm acceptance of data with OK ----> “Save bootfile” and select “NCK

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9-160 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
11.02 9 Adapting the Machine Data
9.3 Linear motors (1FN1 and 1FN3 motors)

b) Absolute encoder (EnDat)

An absolute measuring system (EnDat interface) is installed.

Figure 9-29 Data entry for absolute measuring system, e.g. LC181

The following data must be entered:

-- In “Linear measuring system” field: Select absolute (EnDat interface)
-- “Invert actual velocity value” (Subsection 9.3.6)
-- Enter “Graduations” of measuring system
Confirm acceptance of data with OK ----> “Save bootfile” and select “NCK
5. Fixed temperature?
If the temperature monitor is evaluated not via the drive, but by an external
device (see Subsection 9.3.5), the monitoring function must be switched off
by entering a fixed temperature > 0.
-- MD 1608 e.g. 80_ Monitoring off
-- MD 1608 e.g. 0_ Monitoring on
6. Reduce maximum motor current for safety reasons
-- MD 1105 (maximum motor current) = e.g. enter 20%

! Linear drives are capable of significantly higher acceleration rates and
velocities than conventional drives.
The traversing range must be kept clear of obstacles at all times to protect
operating personnel and the machine itself.

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9 Adapting the Machine Data 11.02
9.3 Linear motors (1FN1 and 1FN3 motors)

7. Determine the commutation angle offset

The commutation angle offset is determined as follows:
a) Select the identification procedure via MD 1075. Possibly adapt other
machine data for rotor position identification.
b) Save bootfiles and perform NCK reset.
c) Continue as described below, depending on which measuring system is

Incremental mea- With an incremental measuring system:

suring system

Yes, Hall sensor

Hall sensor box No, Hall sensor box
box installed not installed

1FN1 1FN3

Secondary conditions for

Yes, secondary conditions met
motion-based rotor posi-
(MD1075 must be set to 3!)
tion identification met?

If the enables are set, a rotor position identification

9 The coarse synchronization is

achieved on activation from
Hall sensor signals (C/D track)
is performed immediately. If the rotor position idnti-
fication is not successful, an error message is out-
put. When the causes of the error have been reme-
died and the error message is acknowledged, a
new identification attempt is made.

Zero markers? One zero marker

Set MD 1017 (“setting--up aid”) to 1

No zero markers, several Move axis across zero

zero markers or distance- marker, “JOG” mode
coded reference markers

When the zero marker is

crossed the commutation
angle offset is automati-
cally entered in MD 1016
The zero marker is not se-
lected and the commutation
Alarm 300799 appears (“Save
angle offset is not accepted
bootfiles and perform NCK reset.”)

Save bootfiles and perform NCK reset


Figure 9-30 Incremental measuring system

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9-162 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
11.02 9 Adapting the Machine Data
9.3 Linear motors (1FN1 and 1FN3 motors)

Absolute measu- With an absolute measuring system:

ring system

If the EnDat serial number

read by the measuring system START Secondary conditions for
is not equal to MD 1025, then MD 1017 motion-based
is automatically set to 1 rotor position identification met?

1FN1 linear motor Motor type? 1FN3 linear motor

If the EnDat serial number read If the EnDat serial number read by
by the measuring system is not the measuring system is not equal to
equal to MD 1025. then MD MD 1025, then MD 1017 is not set
1017 is automatically set to 1 and alarm 300604 appears (“Motor
encoder is not aligned”)

Yes, secondary conditions met Secondary conditions for

motion-based rotor position
(MD1075 must be set to 3!) identification met?

Set MD 1017 to 1,
Acknowledge alarm 300604 No, secondary conditions
not met

If the enables are set, a rotor position identifica- The commutation angle offset
must be determined with instru-
tion is performed immediately. If the rotor identi-
fication is not successfil, an error message is mentation (see Subsection 9.3.8)
output. When the causes of the error have been and entered manually in MD 1016
remedied and the error message is acknowled-
ged, a new identification attempt is made.

The commutation angle offset is Set MD 1017 to --1

automatically entered in MD 1016

The EnDat serial number is read

by the measuring system and
entered automatically in MD 1025

Alarm 300799 appears (“Save

bootfiles and perform NCK reset”)

Save bootfiles and

execute NCK reset


Figure 9-31 Absolute measuring system

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9.3 Linear motors (1FN1 and 1FN3 motors)

Distance-coded This measuring system is not supported by the SIMODRIVE 611D.

measuring system Several zero markers must be selected incrementally.
(see Fig. 9-28)

There is no guarantee that rotor identification systems will detect the commu-
tation angle offset correctly on non-Siemens motors. Depending on the design
of the motor, the following methods may be used for both types of measuring
S Method based on saturation
S Method based on motion
S With an absolute measuring system: instrumentation-aided measurement of
the commutation angle offset (see Subsection 9.3.8).
At the end of the start-up procedure, it is essential to check the commutation
angle offset with the aid of instrumentation!

8. Check and adjust the rotor position identification if a Hall sensor is not used


9 If a Hall sensor is used it is only possible to verify the results with the aid of
instrumentation (see Subsection 9.3.8).

To verify the rotor position identification, a test function can be used to deter-
mine the difference between the detected rotor position angle and the actual
angle used by the closed-loop control system. Proceed as follows:
-- Run the test function several times and evaluate the difference
Start Set MD 1736 (Test rotor position identification) = 1
Difference MD 1737 (Rotor position identification difference)
-- Is the spread of measured values less than 10 degrees electrical?
No: Increase MD 1019 (e.g. by 10%) and repeat measurements.
If okay after repeating, then determine the commutation angle offset again
as follows:
-- With an incremental measuring system:
a) Incremental -- one zero marker
See step 7. (determine commutation angle offset)
b) Incremental -- no zero markes or several zero markers
Select “Save bootfile” and “NCK reset”
-- With an absolute measuring system:
Switch off the drive (NCK reset)
Switch on the drive, deactivate pulse or servo enable set MD 1017 = 1

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11.02 9 Adapting the Machine Data
9.3 Linear motors (1FN1 and 1FN3 motors)

Activate pulse and servo enables

----> The angle offset is automatically entered in MD 1016
----> Alarm 300799 appears
----> Save bootfile, perform NCK reset

Example for rotor position identification (see figure below):

Figure 9-32 Result of rotor position identification with absolute measuring system

9. Move axis and check correct function

Does the axis traverse in the correct direction with a positive velocity
-- No Change MD 32100 (travel direction)
Is the distance traversed correct? (input = 10 mm ----> distance = 10 mm)
10. Set and perform referencing/adjustment
-- Incremental measuring system:
-- Absolute measuring system:
11. Set software limit switches
12. Optimize axis controller settings
The automatic controller setting does not produce any useful results for li-
near motors since the measuring system mounting has a significant effect
on the control characteristic.
-- Current and speed controllers (see Chapter 10)
-- Position controller (see Chapter 10)

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9 Adapting the Machine Data 11.02
9.3 Linear motors (1FN1 and 1FN3 motors)

9.3.3 Start-up: Linear motors with 2 identical primary sections

General If it is certain that the EMFs of both motors have the same phase relation, then
information the motors can be operated on one drive if they have paralleled connecting
The start-up procedure for paralleled linear motors is based on the start-up ope-
ration for a single linear motor.
Initially only one linear motor (motor 1) is connected to the drive and started up
as a single motor (1FNx...). The commutation angle offset is automatically cal-
culated and noted during this phase (see Subsection 9.3.8).
Motor 2 is then connected in place of motor 1 and operated as a single motor.
The commutation angle offset for this motor is also calculated automatically and
noted (see Subection 9.3.8).
If the difference between the commutation angle offsets of motors 1 and 2 is
less than 10 degrees electrical, both motors can be connected in parallel to the
drive and started up as a parallel connection of 2 linear motors (e.g. 2x 1FN. ...).

Procedure for The start-up sequence for paralleled linear motors is as follows:
starting up
1. Disconnect the paralleled motors
paralleled linear
9 motors Connect only motor 1 to the power section.
2. Start up motor 1 as if it were a single motor
----> Note information in Subsection 9.3.1
----> Start up the linear motor as described in Subsection 9.3.2
(up to and including step 7.)
----> Check and set rotor position identification
(see Subsection 9.3.2, step LEERER MERKER)
3. Move axis and check correct function
4. Note commutation angle offset of motor 1
-- MD 1016 (motor 1) = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ degrees electrical
5. Switch off and wait until DC link has discharged
6. Connect motor 2 to the power section instead of motor 1
In the case of a Janus configuration (see Subsection 9.3.7), interchange
phases U and V.
7. Switch on motor with pulse and controller enabling signals inhibited

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11.02 9 Adapting the Machine Data
9.3 Linear motors (1FN1 and 1FN3 motors)

8. Determine the commutation angle offset of motor 2

-- With an incremental measuring system:
(see Subsection 9.3.2, step 7.: “Determine the commutation angle
-- With an absolute measuring system:
Switch off the drive (NCK reset)
(see Subsection 9.3.2, step 7.: “Determine the commutation angle
9. Move axis and check correct function
(Subsection 9.3.2, step 9.)
10. Note the commutation angle offset of motor 2
-- MD 1016 (motor 2) = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ degrees electrical
11. Difference between step 4. (motor 1) and step 10. (motor 2)
If ≤ 10 degrees ----> OK
If ≤ 10 degrees ----> Check and correct mechanical assembly
(see Subsections 9.3.4 and 9.3.7)
Delete motor data of single motor ----> delete bootfile
12. Switch off and wait until DC link has discharged
13. Set up parallel connection of the 2 linear motors again
Connect both motors to the power section again.
14. Switch on motors with pulse and controller enabling signals inhibited 9
15. Start--up of paralleled linear motors
-- Carry out the complete start-up procedure described in Subsection 9.3.2
-- Select the paralleled motor (2x1FN...) in the “Motor selection” dialog
enter the data for the paralleled unlisted motor (as described under
“Unlisted motor -- parameters for SLM”).
16. Compare commutation angle offset between motors 1 and 2
-- Check motor cable connection on power section, adjust if necessary and
determine the commutation angle offset.
-- With an incremental or absolute measuring system:
Refer to Subsection 9.3.2, step 7.: “Determine the commutation angle

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9.3 Linear motors (1FN1 and 1FN3 motors)

9.3.4 Mechanical system

Checking the Mounting dimension e1 or e2 can be checked, for example, by means of gauge
mounting dimen- blocks and feeler gauges before the motor is installed.
sions and
air gap
The applicable mounting dimensions can be found in the following documents:

S /PJLM/ SIMODRIVE Planning Guide Linear Motor

S The data sheet of the appropriate 1FN1 or 1FN3 motor.
Please note with respect to mounting dimension and air gap:
The electrical and system-related properties of the linear motor are guaranteed
solely as a function of the mounting dimension and not the measurable air gap.
The air gap must be large enough to allow the motor to move freely.

9 e2


b l

Figure 9-33 Check dimensions for motor installation illustrated by a 1FN1 motor

Table 9-14 Check dimensions for mounting dimension and air gap for a 1FN1 linear motor

Linear motors 1FN1 ...

1FN1 07j 1FN1 12j
1FN1 18j
Check dimensions 1FN1 24j

Mounting dimension e1 [mm] 80.7 ± 0,3 106.7 ± 0,3

Mounting dimension e2 [mm] (without thermo-insulating bars) 76.7 ± 0,3 101.7 ± 0,3
Measurable air gap l [mm] (not including mounting dimension tolerance) 1.1 +0.3/--0.45 1.1 +0.3/--0.45
Distance b [mm] (not including mounting dimension tolerance) 13 ± 1 13 ± 1

For mounting dimensions of 1FN3 linear motors, see dimension drawings in

appendix of 1FN Planning Guide, mounting height hM or hM1.

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9.3 Linear motors (1FN1 and 1FN3 motors)

9.3.5 Temperature sensors for 1FN1 and 1FN3 motors

Description for The following temperature sensing system is integrated in the primary section of
1FN1 1FN1 motors:
1. Temperature sensor (KTY 84)
The KTY 84 temperature sensor has an approximately linear characteristic
(580 ohms at 20 C and 2.6 kohms at 300 C).
2. Temperature switch (3 series-connected NC contacts)
A switch with a two-position characteristic and an operating temperature of
120 C fitted for each winding overhang.
The temperature switch is generally only used for parallel connections or
protective separation.
The switches can be evaluated additionally by a higher-level external control
(e.g. a PLC). This option is recommended if the motor is frequently loaded at
maximum force at standstill.
As a result of different current levels in the 3 phases, different temperatures
(by as much as 15 K) may occur in the individual winding overhangs; only
temperature switches are capable of sensing them reliably.

Description for
The following temperature sensing system is integrated in the primary section of
1FN3 motors:
1. Temperature sensor (KTY 84)
The KTY 84 temperature sensor has an approximately linear characteristic
(580 ohms at 20 C and 2.6 kohms at 300 C).
2. PTC thermistor detector
A temperature sensor for each phase is integrated in the winding over-
The operating temperature of the PTC sensor is 120 C.
The 3RN1 thermistor motor protection control unit is the preferred option for
evaluating PTC detectors.

If the temperature sensors or switches are not connected, they must be short-
circuited and connected to PE as protection against electrical damage and high
touch voltages.

! When connecting up the temperature monitoring circuits, please read the
specifications according to DIN EN 50178 regarding protective separation.
For information about protective separation, please refer to:
References: /PJLM/ Planning Guide Linear Motors.

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9.3 Linear motors (1FN1 and 1FN3 motors)

How are the The signal leads for motor temperature monitoring on 1FN motors are installed
temperature not in the encoder cable, but in the motor power cable. In order to sense the
sensors winding temperature of the drive, the temperature sensor signal leads must be
evaluated? looped into the encoder cable (temperature sensor coupling lead).

Linear scale
Case a)
The temperature is monitored
X411--X416 via the drive.
Pin 13

or Pin 25
--X411 Case b)
Temperature sensor The temperature is monitored via the drive and
611 D
coupling lead an external device.
Drive A
U2 V2 W2 PE
S Temperature sensor via drive

S External temperature switch on 1FN1

+ black

+ red

S On 1FN3 with PTC resistors via

control unit
Linear scale



Pin 13

Pin 25
9 Power cable --X411
1FN Temperature sensor
611 D
coupling lead
Drive A
Linear scale U2 V2 W2 PE Evaluation
+ black

+ red

SIMODRIVE Evaluation



611 D external
Drive A
U2 V2 W2 PE
Power cable




Case c)
Power cable
The temperature is monitored
via an external device only.

Figure 9-34 Evaluation of KTY temperature sensor (black/white) and switch or PTC (yellow/red)
(whether temperature switch or PTC resistor depends on motor type, i.e. 1FN1 or 1FN3)

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9.3 Linear motors (1FN1 and 1FN3 motors)

The outer and inner shield of the signal leads in the power cable and the shield
of the temperature sensor coupling lead must be attached in a 360-degree con-
nection with the shield connection plate.
Failure to connect the shield correctly can result in high touch voltages, mal-
functions and sporadic errors or irreparable damage to the closed-loop control

Table 9-15 Assignments of temperature sensor coupling lead

Signal Power cable Temperature sensor coupling lead - X411

(dongle) on drive
Temperature sensor + Black core Brown + black core Pin 13
Temperature sensor -- White core Orange + red core Pin 25
Temperature switch/PTC Yellow core -- --

Temperature switch/PTC Red core -- --

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9.3 Linear motors (1FN1 and 1FN3 motors)

9.3.6 Measuring system

Determining The control direction of an axis is correct if the positive direction of the drive
the control (= CW rotating field U, V, W) coincides with the positive count direction of the
direction measuring system.

The instructions for determining the drive direction apply only to Siemens
motors (1FNx motors).
If the positive direction of the drive and positive count direction of the measu-
ring system do not coincide, then the actual speed value must be inverted in
the “Measuring system/encoder” dialog during start-up.
6It is also possible to check the control direction by parameterizing the drive
first and then moving it manually with the enabling signals inhibited.
If the axis is moved in a positive direction (see definition in Fig. 9-35), then the
actual velocity value must be counted positively.

Determining the The direction of the drive is positive if the primary section moves in the opposite
9 drive direction direction to the outgoing cable in relation to the secondary section.

+ Primary section Outgoing cable direction

Secondary section (solenoids)

Secondary section (solenoids)

Primary section Outgoing cable direction

Figure 9-35 Determining the positive direction of the drive

Determining the The method by which the count direction is determined depends on the
count direction of measuring system itself.
the measuring 1. Heidenhain measuring systems

The count direction of the measuring system is positive if the distance between
the scanning head and the rating plate increases. (see Fig. 9-36)

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9.3 Linear motors (1FN1 and 1FN3 motors)

Scanning head
Scale + Rating plate

Figure 9-36 Determining the count direction of Heidenhain measuring systems

2. Renishaw measuring systems (e.g. RGH22B)

The Renishaw RGH22B measuring system (graduations = 20 m) has com-
patible connections with the Heidenhain products from serial number
G69289 onwards. The zero marker on earlier scanning head models cannot
be evaluated. Since the reference marker on the Renishaw RGH22B has a
direction-dependent position, encoder signals BID and DIR must be para-
meterized such that the reference marker is output in only one direction. The
direction (positive/negative) is dependent on the geometric configuration on
the machine and the reference point approach direction.

Table 9-16 Signal and pin assignments, routing on 1FN linear motor

Signal Cable Circular Connected to

color connector
12-pin +5 V 0V

BID Black Pin 9 Reference marker in

both directions
Reference marker in
one direction 9
DIR Orange Pin 7 Positive directions Negative direction
+5 V Brown Pin 12
0V White Pin 10

The count direction of the measuring system is positive if the scanning head
moves in the direction of the outgoing cable in relation to the gold strip.

Gold strip
head Measuring system

Figure 9-37 Determining the count direction of Renishaw measuring systems

If the scanning head is mechanically coupled to the primary section, the out-
going cable direction must be different. Otherwise invert the actual value!

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9.3 Linear motors (1FN1 and 1FN3 motors)

Temperature This connection variant has proved to extremely immune to interference and
sensor coupling should always be employed.
lead (= dongle) If an incremental measuring system is used, the drive is synchronized roughly
using the rotor position identification routine.

Encoder cable
X411--X416 Linear scale
--X411 6FX2001-2CG00-xxxx (increment)
SIMODRIVE 6FX2002-2CH00-xxxx (absolute)
611 D
Drive A Temperature sensor coupling lead (dongle)
U2 V2 W2 PE 6FX2002-1AA14-xxxx

Primary section
Power cable

Figure 9-38 Temperature sensor coupling lead (recommended standard connection)

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9.3 Linear motors (1FN1 and 1FN3 motors)

9.3.7 Parallel connection of linear motors

Mechanical The distances between the motor primary sections must ensure an identical
design phase relation of the motor EMFs.
All primary sections are therefore connected cophasally in parallel to the

n S Ο≥M
Secondary section Primary section

Same outgoing cable direction
≥M: Pole pair width (see MD1170)
n S Ο≥M
n: 0, 1, 2, ...

Secondary section Primary section

Figure 9-39 Parallel connection of linear motors (standard configurations)

Janus configura- With this type of parallel connection (Janus configuration), the outgoing
tion (special type cable directions of the individual motors are opposed.
of parallel connec-

xx mm + n S Ο≥M

Different outgoing cable directions
≥M: Pol pair width (see MD1170), 1FN107x: ≥M = 28.2 mm, 1FN11xx and 1FN12xx: ≥M = 36 mm
n: 0, 1, 2, ...
xx: Constant dimensions (see data sheet of motor manufacturer)

Figure 9-40 Parallel connection of linear motors (Janus configuration, special type)

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9.3 Linear motors (1FN1 and 1FN3 motors)

Temperature The temperature sensors can be evaluated, for example, as follows:

sensor and
S Temperature sensor
electrical wiring
(see -- Motor 1: Evaluation via the drive
Subsection 9.3.5) -- Motor 2: Not connected
(shorted-circuited or connected to PE)

S Temperature switch or PTC

-- Motors 1 and 2: External evaluation

Linear scale
Pin 13

Pin 25

--X411 Temperature sensor External
coupling lead evaluation
611 D
Drive A
U2 V2 W2 PE
+ black

+ red







Power cable Power cable


Motor 1 Motor 2 1FN

Figure 9-41 Wiring of parallel-connected linear motors

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9.3 Linear motors (1FN1 and 1FN3 motors)

9.3.8 Test measurements on linear motors

Why measure? If the linear motor has been started up in accordance with instructions, but in-
explicable error messages still appear, it will be necessary to test all signals by
means of an oscilloscope.

Checking the When the primary sections are connected in parallel,

phase sequence EMF_U of motor 1 must be in phase with EMF_U of motor 2.
U--V--W The same applies to EMF_V and EMF_W.
This in-phase condition must be checked by means of test measurements.
Procedure for taking test measurement:

S Isolate terminals 48 and 63 on the NE module and terminal 663 on the

closed-loop control unit.

S Notice: Wait for DC link to fully discharge!

S Disconnect power cable from drive.
Separate any parallel connection of primary sections.

S Create an artificial neutral point using 1 kohm resistors.

U 9
Linear V

1 k 1 k 1 k

Figure 9-42 Arrangement for test measurements

The phase sequence must be U–V–W with a positive traversing direction.

The direction of the drive is positive if the primary section moves in the opposite
direction to the outgoing cable in relation to the secondary section.

+ Primary section Outgoing cable direction

Secondary section (solenoids)

Secondary section (solenoids)

Primary section Outgoing cable direction

Figure 9-43 Determining the positive direction of the drive (CW rotating field)

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9.3 Linear motors (1FN1 and 1FN3 motors)

Determining the After the oscilloscope has been connected, the drive must be made to cross the
commutation zero marker first in order to synchronize it.

Ch2/Phase V
Ch3/Phase W
Ch1/Phase U


9 Figure 9-44 Determining the commutation angle offset by measuring the EMF and normali-
zed electrical rotor position via DAC in a positive drive direction.

Definition of channels (Ch1 ... Ch4):

S Ch1: EMF phase U to neutral point

S Ch2: EMF phase V to neutral point
S Ch3: EMF phase W to neutral point
S Ch4: Normalized electrical rotor position via DAC measuring signal.

When selecting the measuring signal “Normalized, electrical rotor position”, the
shift factor should be changed from 7 to 8 and the offset value changed from
--1.25 V to --2.5 V.

With a synchronized drive, the difference between EMF/phase U and the electri-
cal rotor position must not exceed ±10_.
If the difference is greater, the position of the zero marker must be moved in the

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9.4 AM operation with induction motors

9.4 AM operation with induction motors

9.4.1 Description

AM operation The AM function permits a pure induction motor operation or mixed main spin-
dle/induction motor operation.
The AM mode of the SIMODRIVE 611D main spindle drive is used to control the
speed of induction motors in 4 quadrants, without using speed or rotor position
encoders. Induction motor operation permits higher requirements regarding the
dynamic control requirements and the stall stability than conventional converter
drives with V/f characteristic control. In comparison to drives with rotor position
encoder, the speed accuracy is somewhat lower, and thus, in the low speed
range, there will be some restriction as far as the dynamic performance and the
smooth running characteristics are concerned.
The AM mode is mainly used in the area of high-speed special motors, for grin-
ding applications and for punch drives and press drives.

Control As the dynamic performance in AM mode is less than in the main spindle drive
mode with speed controller a speed torque frequency pre-control is implemen-
ted, in order to improve the dynamic performance. This pre-control is only active 9
in the AM mode. Provided with information regarding the drive torque and taking
into account the existing torque and current limits as well as the load, the neces-
sary torque for a required speed change is controlled optimally from a time per-
spective. Thus, with the correct parameterization, overshoot is eliminated and
the control dynamic performance enhanced.
A smoothing time can be parameterized via MD 1459: TORQUE_ SMOOTH_
TIME_AM for the torque pre-control. For induction motor operation, the speed
controller is parameterized using its own machine data due to the low dynamic
performance (MD 1451 and MD 1453).
In the vicinity of low speeds, for pure AM operation, the actual speed, orienta-
tion and actual value flux can no longer be computed due to the accuracy of the
measured values and the parameter sensitivity of the technique. Thus, an open-
loop current/frequency control is selected. The changeover threshold is set in
MD 1466: SWITCH_SPD_OPEN_LOOP_AM , which implements a 5% hystere-
sis. In order to also accept a higher load torque in the open-loop controlled
range, the motor current can in this case be increased via MD 1458:

Response after When the pulses are suppressed and the drive is in a pure AM mode, the drive
pulse suppression converter does not have any information regarding the motor actual speed.
When the pulses are subsequently enabled, the speed actual value must first
be searched for. It is possible to specify whether the search starts at the setpo-
int speed (bit 7=0) or at speed 0 (bit 7=1), using MD 1012: FUNC_SWITCH, bit
When the motor is at a standstill and MD 1012: FUNC_SWITCH, bit 7 = 0 a high
setpoint should not be input before the pulses are enabled.

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9.4 AM operation with induction motors

MSD/AM operation The AM function allows the control behavior to be changed over from MSD to
AM control online. This is performed automatically using a speed threshold. The
changeover speed is defined in MD 1465: SWITCH_SPEED_MSD_AM.

Pure AM operation:
AM open-loop AM closed-loop MD 1465 = 0

MD 1465 MD 1466 nmax

Pure MSD operation:

MSD MD 1465 > nmax

nmax MD 1465

Mixed operation:
MSD AM 0 < MD 1465 < nmax

MD 1465 nmax

9 Figure 9-45 MSD/AM operating ranges

In pure AM operation, it is possible to operate without a rotor position encoder.
In this case, there is generally no temperature sensing, a fixed temperature
must thus be selected in MD 1608: MOTOR_FIXED_TEMPERATURE, and the
motor temperature threshold appropriately assigned in MD 1602: MO-
TOR_TEMP_WARN_LIMIT. For induction motor operation, only pulse frequen-
cies of 4 and 8 kHz are permissible in MD 1100: PWM_FREQUENCY.

Operating modes The operating modes are displayed in MD 1730: OPERATING_MODE.

Bit 0: FSD, closed-loop controlled
Bit 4: MSD operation
Bit 8: AM, open-loop controlled
Bit 9: AM, closed-loop controlled
Bit 12: V/f mode

Series reactor When using special high-speed motors or other low leakage induction motors, a
series reactor may be required to provide stable operation of the closed-loop
current controller. The reactor is taken into account in the current model through

Motor changeover The star/delta changeover of main spindle drive operation can, in the induction
motor mode, be used to change over between two physically different motors.

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9.4 AM operation with induction motors

To perform a motor changeover, MD 1401: MOTOR_MAX_SPEED and MD
2401: MOTOR_MAX_SPEED must have the same value for both motors.

9.4.2 Start-up of standard motors

Start-up of (standard) induction motors without speed and rotor position enco-
ders or main spindle motors with encoder. The drive module is configured as
spindle (main spindle drive) in the drive group. Further steps for induction motor
start-up are described below.

Selecting motors The motor/power section data display is reached using the Diagnosis \ Start-
from the MLFB list up \ Machine data \ MSD softkeys.
An MLFB list of the available motors is displayed using the Motor/controller
and Select motor softkeys. Select a motor using the cursor keys and confirm
the selection with OK (the Calculate controller data function is executed auto-
matically). The motor/power section-specific data must be entered manually if
the motor type is not in the list (third-party motor).

Encoder The encoder type and number of encoder marks can also be entered under
Select motor. If neither motor 1 nor motor 2 has an encoder, then “No encoder”
must be selected for the encoder type.
Even if there is no encoder, a practical value must be entered for the number of
encoder marks (e.g. 2048).

Manual entry of If all of the motor data are known (rating plate and equivalent circuit diagram
motor data data), they can be entered in the appropriate parameters.
(unlisted motor)

Rating plate data If only the motor rating plate data are known (manufacturer’s data according to
DIN VDE 0530, Part 1), then the equivalent circuit diagram data are calculated
approximately using an integrated conversion program.

Table 9-17 Rating plate data to be entered

MD no. Identifier Description

MD 1103 MOTOR_NOMINAL_CURRENT Rated motor current
MD 1119 SERIES_INDUCTANCE Series reactor inductance
MD 1129 POWER_FACTOR_COS_PHI cos φ power factor
MD 1130 MOTOR_NOMINAL_POWER Rated motor power
MD 1132 MOTOR_NOMINAL_VOLTAGE Rated motor voltage
MD 1134 MOTOR_NOMINAL_FREQUENCY Rated motor frequency
MD 1146 MOTOR_MAX_ALLOWED_SPEED Max. motor speed
MD 1400 MOTOR_RATED_SPEED Rated motor speed

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9.4 AM operation with induction motors

Equivalent circuit If the equivalent circuit diagram data are known, they can be entered in the
diagram data parameters listed below. If the equivalent circuit diagram data are not known,
they must be determined from the rating plate data by activating the Calculate
equivalent circuit diagram data softkey. The calculated values are then
assigned to the following machine data.

Table 9-18 Calculated equivalent circuit diagram data

MD no. Identifier Description

MD 1117 MOTOR_INERTIA Motor moment of inertia
MD 1135 MOTOR_NOLOAD_VOLTAGE Motor no-load voltage
MD 1136 MOTOR_NOLOAD_CURRENT Motor no-load current
MD 1137 STATOR_COLD_RESISTANCE Stator cold resistance
MD 1138 ROTOR_COLD_RESISTANCE Rotor cold resistance
MD 1139 STATOR_LEAKAGE_REAKTANCE Stator leakage reactance
MD 1140 ROTOR_LEAKAGE_REAKTANCE Rotor leakage reactance
MD 1141 MAGNETIZING_REAKTANCE Magnetizing reactance
MD 1142 FIELD_WEAKENING_SPEED Threshold speed field weakening

Calculating the The controller data are calculated from the motor data (rating plate and equiva-
controller data lent circuit diagram data) when you press the Calculate controller data softkey.
These include the controller settings, in particular. If necessary, the controller
parameters can be optimized manually later for the machine.
9 After the controller data has been computed, induction motor mode is activated
by entering the MSD/AM changeover speed (MD 1465). The following machine
must also be adapted for induction motor mode:


Table 9-19 AM mode parameters

MD no. Identifier Description

MD 1451 SPEEDCTRL_GAIN_1_AM P gain, AM speed controller
MD 1453 SPDEECTRL_INTEGR_TIME_1_AM Integral action time, AM speed
MD 1458 DES_CURRENT_OPEN_LOOP_AM Current setpoint open-loop
controlled range, AM
MD 1459 TORQUE_SMOOTH_TIME_AM Torque smoothing time constant,
MD 1465 SWITCH_SPEED_MSD_AM Changeover speed, MSD/AM
MD 1466 SWITCH_SPD_OPEN_LOOP_AM Changeover speed, closed-loop/
open-loop control, AM

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9.4 AM operation with induction motors

The controller data must be re-calculated if the motor data change.

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9.4 AM operation with induction motors

9.4.3 Start-up of third-party motors (self start-up)

! During self-installation, the motor is caused to move by the drive until it reaches
its maximum speed.
The EMERGENCY STOP functions must be fully functional during start-up. The
relevant safety regulations must be observed in order to prevent risk of injury or
damage to the machines.

Self-installation Self-installation supports the connection of third-party induction motors to the

SIMODRIVE 611D drive system.
The installer often only knows the rating plate (manufacturer data as per
DIN VDE 0530, Part 1) of the motor. Using the tool “Calculate equivalent circuit
diagram data” implemented as of SW 3.0, further motor data are calculated from
the rating plate.
The result of the calculation is merely a rough estimate. The self-installation
function is used to improve the result.
During self-installation, voltage, current and speed setpoint patterns are sent to
the motor and the reaction of the motor used to obtain data for the equivalent
circuit diagram data.
Preconditions for
start-up S Pulse and controller enable signals are required
S Self-installation is possible in MSD and AM modes.
For MSD, there is no need to determine the moment of inertia.

S For motor changeover, the self installation can be carried out separately for
each motor; the motor must be selected via PLC.
During self installation, motor changeover is disabled.

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9.4 AM operation with induction motors

Flow chart for

start-up of third-
party motors Enter rating plate data

Yes Equivalent circuit No

diagram data
Calculate equivalent
Enter equivalent circuit diagram data
circuit diagram data

Converter pulse Yes

frequency MD x100
= 4 or 8 kHz ?


MD x100 = 4 or 8 kHz

Calculate controller data

Save data, boot

and NCK reset

Self start-up,
steps 1--4

Calculate controller data

Save data, boot

and NCK reset

Figure 9-46 Flow chart for start-up of third-party motors

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9.4 AM operation with induction motors

9.4.4 Motor data optimization, steps 1 to 4

Optimization with Motor data optimization is supported by the SIMODRIVE611digital start-up tool.
SIMODRIVE611di- When you select “Motor data optimization”, a menu appears with the “Settings”
gital start-up tool selection box. You can select the following optimization steps and start them
successively with the “Start” button:
1. Step 1: Ascertaining resistances and reactances
2. Step 2: Fine adjustment no-load current, magnetizing reactance
3. Step 3: Determine speed at which field weakening starts
4. Step 4: Determine the moment of inertia.
The result of the optimization steps is updated in the machine data listed in the
menu display.

Interactive menu The main menu for self start-up is called up by pressing softkeys Drives/servo /
for AM/MSD Self-opt. AM/MSD.
self start-up

Figure 9-47 Main AM/MSD self start-up screen

Parameter settings

Spindle selection The axis/spindle can be selected via the Drive+ and Drive- softkeys
and via the Direct selection softkey. The axis and drive number are displayed
during “Self-optimization AM/MSD”.

Selecting the The desired optimization step is selected when entering the settings via the
optimization step “Optimization” list. You can select individual or all optimization steps.

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9.4 AM operation with induction motors

Selecting the motor The desired motor is selected when entering the settings for the motor selec-
tion. You can activate the “Motor 1” or “Motor 2” selection fields with the toggle
key when the cursor is positioned on the fields.
A list of machine data is displayed, in which the equivalent circuit diagram data
can be entered directly or viewed.
The status of the function (active, inactive) and the start-up step are displayed in
“Actual state” and “Brief information”.
Calculate When you press the softkey, a warning is output for “Calculate controller data”. It
controller data is then possible to

S start or
S cancel the function or
S display further information about the “Calculate controller data” function by
pressing the Help softkey.
Save boot The axis/spindle can be selected via the Drive+ and Drive-- softkeys
+ NCK P.O. and also via the Direct selection softkey. The axis and drive number are dis-
played during “Self-optimization AM/MSD”.

User views The display switches to “User views”. A return is possible only with the RECALL

File functions A display for loading/deleting/storing the MSD machine data is selected.
Start-up step 1 Determine the resistances and reactances of the motor and an improved value
for the no-load current.


S The motor is not moved during this measurement.

S Monitoring is not possible since there is no encoder in AM operation.

Supplementary conditions

S The motor must not move during this measurement.

Repeat this step if necessary.

S Enter the series reactor in MD x119: SERIES_INDUCTANCE.

S AC rectifier pulse frequency = 4 kHz or 8 kHz

S MD x238: CURRENT_LIMIT = 150% for the measurement or maximum

possible value. Observe the load limit for the motor winding.

Executing step 1 Step 1 is started with softkey Start and the NC Start key. The current status is
displayed while this step is in progress.
You can abort the optimization procedure with the Stop softkey or with RESET.

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9.4 AM operation with induction motors

Modified The following machine data are calculated/written:

machine data

Start-up step 2 Determine the no-load current and magnetizing reactance.

The no-load current is set so that at rated speed the no-load voltage is set at the
motor terminals.

! The motor is accelerated with positive rotating field direction up to the rated
motor speed.

9 Executing step 2 Step 2 is started with softkey Start and the NC Start key. The current status is
displayed while this step is in progress.
You can abort the optimization procedure with the Stop softkey or with RESET.

Modified The following machine data are calculated/written:

machine data

Start-up step 3 Determine the threshold speed for field weakening.

When traveling at the threshold speed for field weakening with DC link voltage
VDC link voltage the rectifier output voltage is set to 380V.
If VDC link voltage < 600 V, the rectifier output voltage is reduced by the factor
VDC / 600 V.

! The motor is accelerated with positive rotating field direction up to the threshold
speed for field weakening, but not higher than the current effective speed limit.

Executing step 3 Step 3 is started with softkey Start and the NC Start key. The current status is
displayed while this step is in progress.
You can abort the optimization procedure with the Stop softkey or with RESET.

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11.02 9 Adapting the Machine Data
9.4 AM operation with induction motors

Modified The following machine data is calculated/written:

machine data

Start-up step 4 Determine the moment of inertia

The moment of inertia is set such that there is no I component in the speed con-
troller when accelerating to maximum speed.

! The motor is accelerated to maximum speed several times with positive
rotating field direction.

This step is omitted when self start-up is executed in MSD mode.

Supplementary conditions

S If a significant load moment of inertia is present during later operation,

perform the step with linked load.
Executing step 4 Step 4 is started with softkey Start and the NC Start key. The current status is
displayed while this step is in progress.
You can abort the optimization procedure with the Stop softkey or with RESET.

Modified The following machine data is calculated/written:

machine data

Errors during self Errors which occur during a self start-up routine cause the function to be abor-
start-up ted. The step must be repeated after remedying the cause of the error.
References: /DA/ Diagnostics Guide SINUMERIK 840D/810D/FM-NC

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9.4 AM operation with induction motors

9.4.5 Messages during self start-up

The following error messages may appear at the start of or during self start-up.

S Start-up step (in current status) not permissible

You have selected a start-up step that is not defined or not permissible in the
current operating status.

S Pulse rate of 4kHz or 8kHz required

An inverter frequency of 4kHz or 8kHz is required for step 1

S Controller and pulse enable missing

S Speed setpoint < > 0
A setpoint has been input via the NC or the function generator.

S Motor changeover active

A motor changeover was in progress at the commencement of identification.

S Leakage inductance < 0

A value of < 0 has been measured for the leakage inductance.
The reason for this could be an incorrect entry for the series reactor

S V/f operation active

9 If V/f operation is selected
(MD 1014: UF_MODE_ENABLE = 1), is not possible to perform self start-up.

S Incorrect motor selected

The motor selected via the MMC is not the same as the motor selected via
the PLC (control word/status word).

S Nmax too low for measurement

The operating speed for the self start-up step must be greater than the cur-
rently parameterized maximum speed (MD x146:

S Switchover speed under open-loop/closed-loop control too high

When determining the “threshold speed for field weakening” it was not pos-
sible to operate in the speed-controlled range for pure AM operation due to
an excessively high switchover speed setting

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9-190 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
11.02 9 Adapting the Machine Data
9.4 AM operation with induction motors

9.4.6 Machine data

1451 SPEEDCTRL_GAIN_1_AM Cross reference:

P gain, AM speed controller Related to: Protection level:
AM 2/4
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
Nms/rad 0.3 0.0 100 000.0 FLOAT immediately

Enter the P gain of the speed control loop in the induction motor mode or set
(initialize) it automatically via the Calculate controller data operator action.

1453 SPDCTRL_INTEGR_TIME_1_AM Cross reference:

Integral action time, AM speed controller Related to: Protection level:
AM 2/4
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
ms 140.0 0.0 500.0 FLOAT immediately
6 000.0
(SW 4.2 or hig-
Enter the speed controller integral action time in the induction motor mode or set
(initialize) it automatically via the Calculate controller data operator action.

1458 DES_CURRENT_OPEN_LOOP_AM Cross reference:

Current setpoint open-loop controlled mode, AM Related to: Protection level:
AM 2/4
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
% 90.0 0.0 150.0 FLOAT immediately

In pure AM mode (MD 1465 = 0), the drive operates in the current-frequency
open-loop controlled mode below the changeover speed (MD 1466). In order to
accept a high load torque, the motor current can be increased in this range
using MD 1458. The input is a percentage referred to the rated motor current
(MD 1103). The current is limited to 90% of the current limit value (MD 1238).

1459 TORQUE_SMOOTH_TIME_AM Cross reference:

Torque smoothing time constant AM Related to: Protection level:
AM 2/4
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
ms 4.0 0.0 100.0 FLOAT immediately

In AM operation, a pre-control for the speed torque frequency is implemented

on account of the low dynamics. The pre-control value for the torque is
smoothed using MD 1459.

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SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition 9-191
9 Adapting the Machine Data 11.02
9.4 AM operation with induction motors

1465 SWITCH_SPEED_MSD_AM Cross reference:

Changeover speed, MSD/AM Related to: Protection level:
MSD/AM 2/4
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
rpm 50 000.0 0.0 100 000.0 FLOAT immediately

The drive operates in AM mode above the speed set here.

n=0 →pure induction motor operation
0 < n < nmax →mixed main spindle drive/induction motor operation
n > nmax →only main spindle drive operation
If AM operation is selected, only pulse frequencies (MD 1100) of 4 kHz and 8
kHz are permissible.
With the Calculate controller data operator action, MD 1465 is set to 0, if a
“no” is entered in MD 1011.5, motor measuring system available.

1466 SWITCH_SPD_OPEN_LOOP_AM (SW 3.1 or higher) Cross reference:

Changeover speed, control system AM Related to: Protection level:
MSD/AM 2/4
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
rpm 300.0 150.0 100 000.0 FLOAT immediately
The current-frequency, open-loop controlled mode is used for pure AM opera-
tion (MD 1465=0), below the speed set here. MD 1466 is assigned a value with
the Calculate controller data operator action.
For further information, please see
References: /FBA/ Drive Functions, DE1 Expanded Drive Functions.

Siemens AG, 2002. All rights reserved

9-192 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
11.02 9 Adapting the Machine Data
9.5 Permanently excited spindle

9.5 Permanently excited spindle

9.5.1 Description

The permanently excited spindle (PE-MSD) is a specially designed synchro-

nous motor (similar to FSD motors) with high armature inductance.
Weakening the magnetic field of the permanently excited armature achieves
high speeds for spindle operation (analogous to the field weakening in induc-
tance motors).
The advantages of the PE-MSD are:

S Higher power density

S Virtually no rotor losses and therefore low thermal load on the entire motor

i*d Y
" n


Figure 9-48 Field weakening characteristic

9.5.2 PE-MSD with MSD power section data

The PE-MSD is started up with drive type SRM (synchronous rotating motor).
When you select the power section, the FSD power section data are initialized

S MD 1108 Thermal limit current for power section

S MD 1111 Rated current for power section
in addition to the following additional MSD power section data for PE-MSD ope-
ration (MD 1015=1):

S MD 1175 (equivalent to MD 1108 for drive type ARM)

S MD 1176 (equivalent to MD 1109 for drive type ARM)
S MD 1177 (equivalent to MD 1111 for drive type ARM).
If PE-MSD operation is set (MD 1015=1), machine data MD 1175, MD 1176 and
MD 1177 must contain valid values. Otherwise error message 301719: “Power
section data incomplete” appears.

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SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition 9-193
9 Adapting the Machine Data 11.02
9.5 Permanently excited spindle

These data are initialized on each new start-up when you select the power
To enable PE-MSD operation (MD 1015=1) with the 120 A power section, this
power section has been included in the FSD power section selection with power
section code number 18H.
In FSD mode (MD 1015=0), drive alarm 301718 “Motor/power section combina-
tion invalid” is output with this power section.

9.5.3 Control parameters

If the PE-MSD is enabled (MD 1015) and a motor is selected from the list, the
following machine data are initialized when you run the “Calculate controller
data” function:



9.5.4 Encoders

Encoder types The following types of encoder can be used:

S Incremental encoder
S Absolute encoder (e.g. EQN 1325)
S Toothed wheel encoder.

Rotor position
synchronization S The encoders must provide position identification.
The rotor position is synchronized after power-up.

S For encoders that have no C/D track (e.g. toothed wheel encoder), the rotor
position identification must be activated.

References: /DG1/, Rotor Position Identification

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9-194 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
11.02 9 Adapting the Machine Data
9.5 Permanently excited spindle

9.5.5 Machine data

1015 PEMSD_MODE_ENABLE (SW 4.2 or Cross reference:

higher) -
Activate PE-MSD Related to: Protection level:
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
-- 0 0 1 FLOAT Power On

Bit 0 PE-MSD function 0: Function inactive

1: Function active

1136 MOTOR_NOLOAD_CURRENT Cross reference:

Motor no-load current Related to: Protection level:
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
A (eff.) 0.0 0.0 500.0 FLOAT immediately

The no-load current is assigned when the motor is selected from the list of
motors or set according to the data sheet of the motor manufacturer.
If the manufacturer of the motor has not specified the no-load current, the
following formula may be used to calculate the value:

MD 1136 = MD 1114 ¢ 60 [sec] / (1000 ¢ 3¢ MD 1112 ¢ MD 1116)


1142 FIELD_WEAKENING_SPEED Cross reference:

Threshold speed field weakening Related to: Protection level:
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
rpm 0.0 0.0 50 000.0 FLOAT immediately

The threshold speed for field weakening is assigned when the motor is selected
from the list of motors or set according to the data sheet of the motor manufac-
If the manufacturer of the motor has not specified the threshold speed for field
weakening, the following formula may be used to calculate the value:

MD 1142 = 380 V ¢ 1000 [rpm] / MD 1114


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SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition 9-195
9 Adapting the Machine Data 11.02
9.5 Permanently excited spindle


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9-196 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
Axis/Spindle Dry Run 10
10.1 Preconditions

Enabling signals To allow an axis to be traversed from the control system, it is necessary to
for axes supply signals to the enabling terminals on the drive and to set the enabling bits
on the interface.

Enabling terminals
on drive
112 No set-up mode
9 +24 V
63 Pulse enable
9 +24 V
I/RF module
64 Drive enable command
9 +24 V
48 DC-link start
9 +24 V
663 Pulse enable
9 +24 V
References: /PJU/, Planning Guide Inverters

! Despite the “Axis disable” command via terminal 663, dangerous voltages may
still be present at the drive control output terminals.
The “Axis disable” command via terminal 663 is not suitable for electrical isola-
tion or for use as a drive deactivation mechanism.

Enabling via The following signals must be made available at the PLC interface for axis or
PLC interface spindle:
IS “Controller enable” (DB31, ... DBX2.1)
IS “Pulse enable” (DB31, ... DBX21.7)
IS “Position measuring system 1 or 2” (DB31, ... DBX1.5, DBX 1.6)
The following signals on the interface must not be set or else the axis/spindle
motion will be disabled:
IS “Feed/spindle offset switch” (DB31, ... DBB0) not to 0%
IS “Axis/spindle disable” (DB31, ... DBX1.3)
IS “Follow-up mode” (DB31, ... DBX1.4)
IS “Distance to go/spindle reset” (DB31, ... DBX2.2)
IS “Feed stop/spindle stop” (DB31, ... DBX4.3)
IS “Traversing key disable” (DB31, ... DBX4.)
IS “Ramp-function generator disable” (DB31, ... DBX20.1)

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SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition 10-197
10 Axis/Spindle Dry Run 11.02
10.1 Preconditions

References: /FB1/, A2, “Various Interface Signals and Functions”

Interface signals from and to axis/spindle

Limit switch Setting of hardware limit switches and interface signal check:

S Hardware limit switch PLUS

DB31, ... DBX12.1

S Hardware limit switch MINUS

DB31, ... DBX12.0
References: /FB1/, A3, “Axis Monitoring, Protection Zones”
Monitoring of static limits


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10-198 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
11.02 10 Axis/Spindle Dry Run
10.2 Axis dry run

10.2 Axis dry run

Select JOG mode Check enabling signals on drive

and traverse axis Mains supply module:
Terminal 63 (pulse enable)
64 (drive enable)
48 (DC-link start)
FSD module: 663 (pulse enable)
Check interface signals (DB31,...)
DBB0 Feed compensation switch
DBX1.7 Compensation active
DBX1.5/1.6 Position measuring system 1/2
DBX1.4 Follow-up mode
DBX1.3 Axis disable
DBX2.2 Delete distance to go
DBX2.1 Controller enable
DBX4.3 Feed stop/spindle stop
DBX5.0--5.5 JOG-INC
DBX4.6/4.7 Traversing keys
DBX20.1 RFGIS (drive)
DBX21.7 Pulse enable (611D)
Does the axis Check machine data
move? MD32000--32050 Velocities
MD 36000--36620 Monitoring functions
MD 32110 Actual value sign
Service display

Is traversing no
Check MD 32100: AX_MOTION_DIR
direction okay?


Specified path 10 mm

Is path no
Check MD 31000 -- 31080 (encoder matching)


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SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition 10-199
10 Axis/Spindle Dry Run 11.02
10.2 Axis dry run

Traverse with feedrate Traverse in

1000 mm/min rapid mode

Alarm? Interpret alarm and check machine
data for velocity adaptation


Following no
MD32200 (KV factor)
MD 32410 (time constant for jerk limitation)
MD 32910 (dynamic response matching)
MD 31050/31060 (load gearbox)
yes MD 32610 (feedforward control)
MD 1401 (maximum motor operating speed)
End MD for velocity adaptation


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10-200 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
11.02 10 Axis/Spindle Dry Run
10.3 Test spindle

10.3 Test spindle

Enable spindle Check enabling signals on drive

(controller enable NC, Mains supply module
enable on drive) 63 pulse enable
64 drive enable
Specify spindle speed 48 DC-link start
e.g. program M3 S100 Drive module 663 pulse enable
Check interface signals (DB31,...)
DBB0 Spindle compensation
DBX1.7 Compensation active
DBX1.5/DBX1.6 Position measuring system 1/2
DBX1.3 Axis/spindle disable
DBX2.1 Controller enable
DBX16.7 Delete S value
DBX3.6 Velocity/spindle speed limi-
tation and MD 35160
DBX4.3 Feed stop/spindle stop
DBX2.2 Spindle reset when MD 35050=1
DBX21.7 Pulse enable
no Check machine and setting data
Does the
spindle rotate? MD35100--35150 Spindle speed limitation
yes SD 43210 SPIND_MIN_VELO_G25
Service display

Is traversing no
Change MD 32100 AX_MOTION_DIR


Specified speed 100 rev/min

Actual speed no
= set Check MD 31000 -- 31080 (encoder matching)
point speed?


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SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition 10-201
10 Axis/Spindle Dry Run 11.02
10.3 Test spindle

IS Check machine data and interface signals

“Spindle in MD 35110--35140 Speeds for gear stages
setpoint range” MD 35150 Spindle speed tolerance
(DB31, ... IS “Actual gear stage” (DB31, ... DBB16)
DBX83.5)? IS “Select drive parameter set” (DB31, ... DBB21)
IS “Setpoint gear stage” (DB31, ... DBB82)
IS “Active drive parameter set” (DB31, ... DBB93)
Change over
gear stage yes

no All gear
stages tested?


Position no
spindle? End


10 Check machine data

Position MD 36000 Exact stop coarse
reached from no MD 36010 Exact stop fine
high speed and MD 32200 KV factor
zero speed? MD 35210 Acceleration in position control range
Change over MD 35300 Creep speed
gear stage MD 36300 Encoder limit frequency
Check encoder matching
yes Check spindle synchronization (MD 34200)

no All gear



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10-202 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
Drive Optimization with the Start-up Tool 11
11.1 Information for use

Scope of The start-up software “Start-up tool” is used to configure and parameterize drive
application systems which are controlled by a SINUMERIK 810D or 840D control.

This tool can be used during initial start-up to input the drive configuration and
assign drive parameters with standard data sets as determined by the motor/
power section combination. It also allows the drive and control data to be
archived on the PG or PC.

Further functions are also provided to assist optimization and diagnosis.

Measuring The measuring functions allow evaluation of the most important speed and
functions position control loop quantities, as well as of the torque control in the time and
frequency range. This is displayed on-screen and no external measuring
instruments are necessary.

Analog output All important control loop signals on the position, speed and torque levels can
also be output with the DAC configuration on external equipment (e.g. oscillo-
scope, signal recorder) via test sockets on the 810D (611D control).

FFT analysis Apart from the usual method of optimizing the control loop machine data based
(Fourier analysis) on transient response, i.e. time characteristics, a particularly powerful tool for
assessing the control loop setting is provided in the form of the integrated
Fourier analysis (FFT) function which also be applied to analyze the given
mechanical characteristics. This tool must be used if

S unsteady current, speed or position signal curves indicate problems with


S only long rise times can be obtained in the speed loop.

References: /FBA/, DD2, Speed Control Loop

Saving The measurement diagrams can be archived via file functions, allowing
measurement machine settings to be documented and facilitating remote diagnostics.

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SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition 11-203
11 Drive Optimization with the Start-Up Tool 11.02
11.1 Information for use

11.1.1 System requirements

Hardware The start-up software requires the following hardware:

S IBMr AT-compatible PG/PC with DX486 microprocessor,
e.g. SIMATIC PG 740

S At least 4 MB of main memory

S Disk drive (3 1/2” or 5 1/4”)
S Hard disk drive for managing data
S Monochrome or color monitor (VGA)
S Keyboard
S MPI interface
S Mouse
S MPI connecting cable.

Software Software configuration

S Start-up tool in Version 1.0 or higher:
WINDOWST user interface version 3.1 or higher

S Start-up tool in Version 3.6 or higher:

WINDOWST95 + STEP7 version ² 2.1.

11.1.2 Installation

Please observe the contents of the readme file supplied.

To install the software, please follow the procedure detailed below:

Requirement The memory area of the MPI card must be excluded from use by memory
managers (files: CONFIG.SYS, SYSTEM.INI).

Call Insert the first installation disk and start the SETUP.BAT file in the WINDOWST
File Manager. The installation program requests all further necessary inputs and
disk changes in user dialog.

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11-204 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
11.02 11 Drive Optimization with the Start-Up Tool
11.1 Information for use

11.1.3 Starting the program

Program call Start the start-up tool in the program group.

Setting the MPI Set the MPI interface on the operator panel to 187.5 kbaud (Start-up\HMI\
interface Operator panel).
If no connection is established, check the items in Subsection 5.2.3 PCU

11.1.4 Closing the program

Deselecting the The start-up tool is deselected in the order described below:
S Press function key F10.
S A horizontal softkey bar with softkeys Diagnosis and Exit appears on the

S You can terminate the program by selecting the Exit softkey.


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SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition 11-205
11 Drive Optimization with the Start-Up Tool 11.02
11.2 Measuring functions

11.2 Measuring functions

Explanation A range of measuring functions allow the time and/or frequency response of
drives and closed-loop controls to be displayed in graphic form on the screen.
For this purpose, test signals with an adjustable interval are connected to the

The test setpoints are adapted to the application in question by means of

measurement or signal parameters, the units of which are determined by the
relevant measuring function or operating mode. The measurement or signal
parameter units are subject to the following conditions:

Table 11-1 Quantity and units for measurement or signal parameters

Quantity Unit
Torque Specified in percent referred to the peak torque of the power section
used. The torque calculation for the power section is based on:
MD 1108 x MD 1113
Velocity/speed Metric system:
Specified in mm/min or rev/min for linear or rotary motions
Inch system:
Specified in inch/min or rev/min for linear or rotary motions
Distance Metric system:
Specified in mm or degrees for linear or rotary motions
Inch system:
Specified in inches or degrees for linear or rotary motions
Time Specified in ms

11 Frequency Specified in Hz

Additional The default setting for all parameters is 0. (See file functions for default setting.)
information Functions which initiate a traversing motion are selected via the softkey menu;
they are all actually started by means of the NC START key on the machine
control panel. If the basic display for the function is deselected without the
traversing motion being initiated, then the function selection is reset.
Once the traversing function has been started, the basic display can be
deselected without any affect on the traversing motion.

File functions Useful parameter default settings (torque, velocity, path, ...) are stored here for
the individual measurements. The values can be loaded by activating the File
Functions softkey and selecting a file.

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11-206 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
11.02 11 Drive Optimization with the Start-Up Tool
11.2 Measuring functions

! The NCK is in the “Follow-up” state during traversing motions with the start-up
Neither the software limit switches nor the working field limitations are moni-
tored in this state.
Prior to initiating traversing motions with the start-up tool, the start-up engineer
must position the axes in such a way that the start-up tool traversing range
limits (which are monitored) are not exceeded. Thus collisions on the ma-
chine can be prevented.

The user must ensure that

S the EMERGENCY STOP switch is within his/her reach and

S there are no obstacles in the traversing path.
Traversing motions can normally be aborted with

S Softkey STOP in the relevant basic display
or by canceling the

S controller enabling command

S Drive enabling command
S traverse enabling signal 11
S feed or spindle enabling command
or by setting the feedrate override switch to 0%.
NCK or drive alarms (e.g. “Function abort by NC”) likewise cause a traversing
motion to be aborted. For further details, please refer to the section entitled
“Abortion of measuring functions” or in:
References: /DA/, Diagnostics Guide.

! The NC JOG mode must be selected when measuring functions are started,
thus ensuring that no axis or spindle can be moved by the part program.

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SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition 11-207
11 Drive Optimization with the Start-Up Tool 11.02
11.3 Interface signals: Drive test travel request and traverse enable

11.3 Interface signals: Drive test travel request and traverse


Explanation Axes with a mechanical brake may need the brake to be activated in some
cases. The enable logic Enable with PLC in the basic display of the relevant
function is provided for this purpose.
The request signal Traverse request (NCKPLC) can be generated in the
PLC user program when the measuring function is selected
-- DB31--DBxx, ... DBX61.0 “Drive test traverse request”
and the acknowledgement signal Motion enable (PLCNCK)
-- DB31--DBxx, ... DBX1.0 “Drive test traverse enable”
can then be linked in the PLC user program as follows.
This safety mechanism can be deselected via the Enable option without PLC.
References: /FB1/, A2, “Various Interface Signals and Functions”

Deactivating The traversing range monitoring function can be deactivated for axes with an
monitoring endless traversing range.


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11-208 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
11.02 11 Drive Optimization with the Start-Up Tool
11.4 Function abort for measuring functions

11.4 Function abort for measuring functions

The active measuring function is disabled or aborted by:

S NC stop
S Reset (mode group, channel)
S No enabling commands (feed override = 0, spindle override = 50)
S No controller enabling command
S JOG operating mode not selected or deselected
S Traversing keys actuated
S Handwheel selected
S Enable with PLC selected and no interface signal “Motion enable drive test”
S Alarm leading to axis shutdown
S Hardware limit switch reached
S Traversing range limits exceeded
S Parking (in position-controlled operation).


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SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition 11-209
11 Drive Optimization with the Start-Up Tool 11.02
11.5 Frequency response measurements

11.5 Frequency response measurements

11.5.1 Function generator (FG)

Overview The function generator can be used to

S deactivate the effect of superimposed control loops selectively.

S compare the dynamic response of coupled drives.
S set and repeat a simple curve form (traverse profile) as a setpoint without
programming a motion program.
The function generator creates setpoints in different formats (rectangular,
stair-step, triangular, PRBS or sine-wave) and outputs this setpoint command,
according to the mode setting, as a current setpoint, disturbing torque or speed

! The traverse path is not monitored while the function generator is active.

Start/stop The “Machine configuration” window is displaced in the main “Start-up” screen.
The Drives/Servo softkey can be used to access special functions for drive/
servo start-up. The function generator can be started and terminated from there.


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11-210 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
11.02 11 Drive Optimization with the Start-Up Tool
11.5 Frequency response measurements

11.5.2 Circularity test

The circularity test is used to check the contour precision achieved with the fric-
tion torque compensation. The actual positions during a circular movement are
measured and deviations from the programmed radius are displayed graphically
(in particular at the quadrant transitions).

Procedure The circle contour for the axes involved is specified by an NC program. A
sample NC program is provided in order to make the circularity test as simple as
possible. This program can be adapted by the commissioning engineer to meet
the needs of the application.
Circular movements with different accelerations are performed by leaving the
circle contour unchanged and using the feedrate override switch to alter the
The actual position values of the axes are recorded for the duration of the
circular movement and saved in a “trace” in the passive file system.

Parameterization The axis names or axis numbers whose actual position values are to be recor-
ded in the circular movement are selected from this menu.
When entering the settings in the “Radius” and “Feedrate” input fields, you
should enter the values from the part program which controls the circular move-
ment of the axes, allowing for the feedrate override switch.
The measuring period for recording the actual position values during the circular
movement is calculated from the “Radius” and “Feedrate” values and displayed
in the “Measuring time” display field.


Figure 11-1 Circularity test measurement menu

Starting the The user must start the part program containing the circular movement for the
measurement selected axes by pressing NC Start (AUTOMATIC or MDA mode).
The measuring function is started with the vertical softkey Start.

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11 Drive Optimization with the Start-Up Tool 11.02
11.5 Frequency response measurements

The sequence of operations (NC Start for part program and Start measurement)
can be chosen by the user according to the application.
When the circularity test is active for the specified axes, the message “active”
appears in the “Status” display field.

Stopping the The measurement can be stopped at any time by pressing the Stop key. Any
measurement incomplete measurement recordings are best displayed by selecting the
Display softkey. There is no monitoring in this respect.
To allow direct access to the required controller parameters, the softkeys
Axis-specific MD, FSD-MD and MSD-MD are displayed. The vertical softkeys
Axis+ and Axis-- can be used to select the desired axis.
The “Service axis” display is displayed when you press the Service Axis
softkey. The following service data are displayed here for commissioning of the
friction torque compensation:

S QEC learning active yes/no?

S Current position and actual speed values.

Display When you press the Display softkey, the display switches to the graphical view
of the recorded circle diagram.


Figure 11-2 Circularity test display menu

This screen displays the measurements of the two actual position values as a
circle with the set resolution.
The programmed radius, the programmed feedrate and the measuring time
derived from these values are also displayed for documentation purposes (for
subsequent storage of the measured circle characteristics in file format).
The operator can enter a finer scale for the diagram axes in the Resolution
input field, e.g. in order to emphasize the transitions at the quadrants. The circle
diagram is refreshed with the new resolution when you press the Display

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11.5 Frequency response measurements

You can find further information about the storage of measurement results and
tips for fast start-up in:
References: /FB2/, K3 Description of Functions -- Extended Functions

11.5.3 Torque control loop measurement

Functionality The torque control loop need only be measured for diagnostic purposes in the
event of an error or in cases where no standard data are available for the motor/
power section combination used, resulting in unsatisfactory speed controller
frequency responses.

The user must take special safety precautions before measuring the torque
control loop for vertical axes that have no external weight compensation (drive
must be securely clamped).

Procedure The traversing range monitoring function is set and the enabling logic (PLC)
selected in the basic display. The parameters required for this purpose are set
in the Measurement parameter display. On completion of the measurement,
the results can be called to the screen for assessment via the Display softkey.


Figure 11-3 Display diagram: Example of current control loop

Measuring Amplitude
parameters This parameter determines the magnitude of the test signal amplitude (unit:
peak torque specified in %). Values between 1 and 5% are suitable.

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11.5 Frequency response measurements

The available bandwidth is specified by halving the current controller sampling
time (e.g. 156 μs --> 3.2 kHz).
Averaging operations
The accuracy of the measurement, but also the measurement time, are in-
creased with this value. A value of 20 is normally suitable.
Settling time
This value represents the delay between recording of the measured data and
injection of the test setpoint and offset. A value of approximately 10 ms is re-

Additional The measurement parameters and measurement results (diagrams) can be

information loaded and saved via the softkey File functions.


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11.5 Frequency response measurements

11.5.4 Setpoint current filter

1200 NUM_CURRENT_FILTERS[n] Cross reference:

Number of current setpoint filters Related to: Protection level:
[drive parameter set]: 0 ... 7 FSD/MSD 2/4
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
-- 1 0 4 UNS. WORD immediately

Enters the number of current setpoint filters. You can choose between bandstop
filters and 2nd degree low-pass filters set in MD 1201: CURRENT_FIL-

Table 11-2 Selection of the number of current filters

0 No current filter active

1 Filter 1 active
2 Filters 1 and 2 active
3 Filters 1, 2 and 3 active
4 Filters 1, 2, 3 and 4 active

1201 CURRENT_FILTER_CONFIG[n] Cross reference:

Type of current filter Related to: Protection level:
[drive parameter set]: 0 ... 7
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum:
Data type:
HEX Low pass Low pass Bandstop filter WORD immediately
810D 0 0 F
840D 0 0 FFFF

Enters the configuration of 4 current filters. You can choose between bandstop
filters and low-pass filters. The filter parameters are entered in associated ma-
chine data.
With a bandstop filter, a Z transformation (zeroes and poles) is activated by set-
ting bit 15 in MD 1201.
If bit 15 = 0, only a transformation of zeroes is activated.
Bilinear transformation is the default setting.

The filter machine data must be assigned before the filter type is configured.

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11.5 Frequency response measurements

Using low-pass Low-pass and bandstop filters are used to attenuate resonant frequencies at or
and bandstop above the stability limit of the speed control loop (see the diagrams below).
dB 0.0 1.0


1 Log 10 100 500 1k 10 kHz

Natural frequency



11 Deg




1 Log 10 100 500 1k 10 kHz

Figure 11-4 Low-pass characteristics at natural frequency 500 Hz with various attenuations

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11.5 Frequency response measurements

Bandstop When bit 15 is set in MD 1201 and/or MD 1501, the zeroes (blocking frequency)
characteristics for and the poles (bandstop natural frequency) are transformed true to frequency.
Z transformation This is necessary if higher-degree filters (e.g. CAUER filters) are to be used.
Several bandstop filters must be combined in series for this purpose.
The poles and zeroes of the individual bandstop filters must be represented true
to frequency in order to arrive at the desired overall transformation. Bit 15 = 1
must be set for this purpose. The default setting is bit 15 = 0 due to compa-
tibility reasons.
A CAUER current setpoint filter which produces an amplitude reduction of 20 dB
at frequencies of 700 Hz and above is to be configured. This requires, for exam-
ple, a series circuit with 3 bandstop filters. The parameters for such filters can,
at the present time, only be calculated using external resources (e.g. Matlab).
The parameters were calculated as follows:

Table 11-3 Parameter example

Filter 1 Filter 2 Filter 3

Blocking MD 1210: 705.5 Hz MD 1213: 789.9 Hz MD 1216: 1647.6 Hz
Bandwidth MD 1211: 887.6 Hz MD 1214: 185.6 Hz MD 1217: 26.7 Hz
Numerator MD 1212: 0.1 Hz MD 1215: 32.2 Hz MD 1218: 659.0 Hz
BSF natural MD 1222: 89.6 % MD 1223: 85.5 % MD 1224: 41.5 %

The following figures show the transformation functions of the individual band-
stop filters (Fig. 11-5) and the overall transformation function (series circuit, Fig.
11-6). 11

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11.5 Frequency response measurements

Filter 1
Filter 2
Filter 3



1 Log 10 100 1k 10 kHz





1 Log 10 100 1k 10 kHz

Figure 11-5 Transformation functions of the individual bandstop filters

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1 Log 10 100 1k 10 kHz





1 Log 10 100 1k 10 kHz

Figure 11-6 Overall transformation function (series circuit)

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11.5 Frequency response measurements

Bandstop filter Default: Blocking frequency 1 kHz with 500 Hz and 1 kHz bandwidth


0.0 Bandwidth


1 Log 10 100 1k 10 kHz

Blocking frequency






1 Log 10 100 1k 10 kHz

Figure 11-7 Bandstop characteristic at blocking frequency 1 kHz with 1 kHz bandwidth

The bandwidth is the difference between the two frequencies with 3 dB

amplitude drop.

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11.5 Frequency response measurements


0.0 Bandwidth


1 Log 10 100 1k 10 kHz

Blocking frequency





1 Log 10 100 1k 10 kHz

Figure 11-8 Bandstop characteristic at blocking frequency 1 kHz with 500 Hz bandwidth

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11.5 Frequency response measurements


dB 0.0


1 Log 10 100 1k 10 kHz

Blocking frequency



1 Log 10 100 1k 10 kHz

Figure 11-9 Bandstop characteristic at blocking frequency 1 kHz, 500 Hz bandwidth and 250 Hz numerator bandwidth

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11.5 Frequency response measurements


dB 0.0


1 Log 10 100 1k 10 kHz

Blocking frequency



1 Log 10 100 1k 10 kHz

Figure 11-10 Bandstop characteristic at blocking frequency 1 kHz, 500 Hz bandwidth and 125 Hz numerator bandwidth

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11.5 Frequency response measurements

1202 CURRENT_FILTER_1_FREQUENCY[n] Cross reference:

Natural frequency, current filter 1 Related to: Protection level:
[drive parameter set]: 0 ... 7 FSD/MSD 2/4
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
Hz FLOAT immediately
810D 0.0 0.0 3 999.0 DWORD
840D 0.0 0.0 8 000.0

Enters the natural frequency for current setpoint filter 1 (PT2 low-pass). An entry
with the value < 10 Hz for the natural frequency of the low pass deactivates the
filter. The filter is activated by MD 1200: NUM_CURRENT_FILTERS and

1203 CURRENT_FILTER_1_DAMPING[n] Cross reference:

Damping of current filter 1 Related to: Protection level:
[drive parameter set]: 0 ... 7 FSD/MSD 2/4
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
-- 0.7 0.05 5.0 FLOAT immediately

Enters the damping factor for current setpoint filter 1 (PT2 low-pass). The filter is
activated by MD 1200: NUM_CURRENT_FILTERS and

1204 CURRENT_FILTER_2_FREQUENCY[n] Cross reference:

11 Natural frequency, current filter 2 Related to:

Protection level:
[drive parameter set]: 0 ... 7 FSD/MSD 2/4
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
Hz FLOAT immediately
810D 0.0 0.0 1 999.0 DWORD
840D 0.0 0.0 8 000.0

Enters the natural frequency for current setpoint filter 2 (PT2 low-pass). An entry
with the value < 10 Hz for the natural frequency of the low pass deactivates the
filter. The filter is activated by MD 1200: NUM_CURRENT_FILTERS and MD

1205 CURRENT_FILTER_2_DAMPING[n] Cross reference:

Damping of current filter 2 Related to: Protection level:
[drive parameter set]: 0 ... 7 FSD/MSD 2/4
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
-- 1.0 0.05 5.0 FLOAT immediately

Enters the damping factor for current setpoint filter 2 (PT2 low-pass). The filter is
activated by MD 1200: NUM_CURRENT_FILTERS and

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11.5 Frequency response measurements

1206 CURRENT_FILTER_3_FREQUENCY[n] Cross reference:

Natural frequency, current filter 3 Related to: Protection level:
[drive parameter set]: 0 ... 7 FSD/MSD 2/4
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
Hz FLOAT immediately
810D 0.0 0.0 1 999.0 DWORD
840D 0.0 0.0 8 000.0

Enters the natural frequency for current setpoint filter 3 (PT2 low-pass). An entry
with the value < 10 Hz for the natural frequency of the low pass deactivates the
filter. The filter is activated by MD 1200: NUM_CURRENT_FILTERS and

1207 CURRENT_FILTER_3_DAMPING[n] Cross reference:

Damping of current filter 3 Related to: Protection level:
[drive parameter set]: 0 ... 7 FSD/MSD 2/4
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
-- 1.0 0.05 5.0 FLOAT immediately

Enters the damping factor for current setpoint filter 3 (PT2 low-pass). The filter is
activated by MD 1200: NUM_CURRENT_FILTERS and

1208 CURRENT_FILTER_4_FREQUENCY[n] Cross reference:

Natural frequency, current filter 4 Related to: Protection level:
[drive parameter set]: 0 ... 7 FSD/MSD 2/4
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
Hz FLOAT immediately
810D 0.0 0.0 1 999.0 DWORD
840D 0.0 0.0 8 000.0

Enters the natural frequency for current setpoint filter 4 (PT2 low-pass). An entry
with the value < 10 Hz for the natural frequency of the low pass deactivates the
filter. The filter is activated by MD 1200: NUM_CURRENT_FILTERS and

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11.5 Frequency response measurements

1209 CURRENT_FILTER_4_DAMPING[n] Cross reference:

Damping of current filter 4 Related to: Protection level:
[drive parameter set]: 0 ... 7 FSD/MSD 2/4
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
-- 1.0 0.05 5.0 FLOAT immediately

Enters the damping factor for current setpoint filter 4 (PT2 low-pass). The filter is
activated by MD 1200: NUM_CURRENT_FILTERS and

1210 CURRENT_FILTER_1_SUPPR_FREQ[n] Cross reference:

Blocking frequency for current filter 1 Related to: Protection level:
[drive parameter set]: 0 ... 7 FSD/MSD 2/4
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
Hz FLOAT immediately
810D 1 600.0 1.0 3 999.0 DWORD
840D 3 500.0 1.0 8 000.0

Enters the blocking frequency for current setpoint filter 1 (bandstop). The filter is
activated by MD 1200: NUM_CURRENT_FILTERS and

1211 CURRENT_FILTER_1_BANDWIDTH[n] Cross reference:


11 Bandwidth, current filter 1

[drive parameter set]: 0 ... 7
Related to:
Protection level:
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
Hz 400.0 5.0 3 999.0 FLOAT immediately

Enters the --3 dB bandwidth for current setpoint filter 1 (bandstop). The filter is
activated by MD 1200: NUM_CURRENT_FILTERS and
MD 1201: CURRENT_FILTER_CONFIG. An input value of 0 for the bandwidth
deactivates the filter.

1212 CURRENT_FILTER_1_BW_NUM[n] Cross reference:

Numerator bandwidth, current filter 1 Related to: Protection level:
[drive parameter set]: 0 ... 7 FSD/MSD 2/4
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
Hz FLOAT immediately
810D 0.0 0.0 3 999.0 DWORD
840D 0.0 0.0 7 999.0

Enters the numerator bandwidth for the attenuated bandstop filter. Entering a
value of 0 initializes the filter as an unattenuated bandstop filter. The filter is
activated by MD 1200: NUM_CURRENT_FILTERS and

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11.5 Frequency response measurements

1213 CURRENT_FILTER_2_SUPPR_FREQ[n] Cross reference:

Blocking frequency, current filter 2 Related to: Protection level:
[drive parameter set]: 0 ... 7 FSD/MSD 2/4
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
Hz 1 200.0 1.0 1 999.0 FLOAT immediately

Enters the blocking frequency for current setpoint filter 2 (bandstop). The filter is
activated by MD 1200: NUM_CURRENT_FILTERS and

1214 CURRENT_FILTER_2_BANDWIDTH[n] Cross reference:

Bandwidth, current filter 2 Related to: Protection level:
[drive parameter set]: 0 ... 7 FSD/MSD 2/4
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
Hz FLOAT immediately
810D 400.0 5.0 1 999.0 DWORD
840D 500.0 5.0 7 999.0

Enters the --3 dB bandwidth for current setpoint filter 2 (bandstop). The filter is
activated by MD 1200: NUM_CURRENT_FILTERS and
MD 1201: CURRENT_FILTER_CONFIG. An input value of 0 for the bandwidth
deactivates the filter.

1215 CURRENT_FILTER_2_BW_NUM[n] Cross reference:

Numerator bandwidth, current filter 2
[drive parameter set]: 0 ... 7
Related to: Protection level: 11
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
Hz FLOAT immediately
810D 0.0 0.0 1 999.0 DWORD
840D 0.0 0.0 7 999.0

Enters the numerator bandwidth for the attenuated bandstop filter. Entering a
value of 0 initializes the filter as an unattenuated bandstop filter. The filter is
activated by MD 1200: NUM_CURRENT_FILTERS and

1216 CURRENT_FILTER_3_SUPPR_FREQ[n] Cross reference:

Blocking frequency, current filter 3 Related to: Protection level:
[drive parameter set]: 0 ... 7 FSD/MSD 2/4
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
Hz FLOAT immediately
810D 1 200.0 1.0 1 999.0 DWORD
840D 3 500.0 1.0 7 999.0

Enters the blocking frequency for current setpoint filter 3 (bandstop). The filter is
activated by MD 1200: NUM_CURRENT_FILTERS and

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11.5 Frequency response measurements

1217 CURRENT_FILTER_3_BANDWIDTH[n] Cross reference:

Bandwidth, current filter 3 Related to: Protection level:
[drive parameter set]: 0 ... 7 FSD/MSD 2/4
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
Hz FLOAT immediately
810D 400.0 5.0 1 999.0 DWORD
840D 500.0 5.0 7 999.0

Enters the --3 dB bandwidth for current setpoint filter 3 (bandstop). The filter is
activated by MD 1200: NUM_CURRENT_FILTERS and

1218 CURRENT_FILTER_3_BW_NUM[n] Cross reference:

Numerator bandwidth, current filter 3 Related to: Protection level:
[drive parameter set]: 0 ... 7 FSD/MSD 2/4
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
Hz FLOAT immediately
810D 0.0 0.0 1 999.0 DWORD
840D 0.0 0.0 7 999.0

Enters the numerator bandwidth for the attenuated bandstop filter. Entering a
value of 0 initializes the filter as an unattenuated bandstop filter. The filter is
activated by MD 1200: NUM_CURRENT_FILTERS and

1219 CURRENT_FILTER_4_SUPPR_FREQ[n] Cross reference:

11 Blocking frequency, current filter 4 Related to: Protection level:
[drive parameter set]: 0 ... 7 FSD/MSD 2/4
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
Hz FLOAT immediately
810D 1 200.0 1.0 1 999.0 DWORD
840D 3 500.0 1.0 7 999.0

Enters the blocking frequency for current setpoint filter 4 (bandstop). The filter is
activated by MD 1200: NUM_CURRENT_FILTERS and

1220 CURRENT_FILTER_4_BANDWIDTH[n] Cross reference:

Bandwidth, current filter 4 Related to: Protection level:
[drive parameter set]: 0 ... 7 FSD/MSD 2/4
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
Hz FLOAT immediately
810D 400.0 5.0 1 999.0 DWORD
840D 500.0 5.0 7 999.0

Enters the --3 dB bandwidth for current setpoint filter 4 (bandstop). The filter is
activated by MD 1200: NUM_CURRENT_FILTERS and
MD 1201: CURRENT_FILTER_CONFIG. An input value of 0 for the bandwidth
deactivates the filter.

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11.5 Frequency response measurements

1221 CURRENT_FILTER_4_BW_NUM[n] Cross reference:

Numerator bandwidth, current filter 4 Related to: Protection level:
[drive parameter set]: 0 ... 7 FSD/MSD 2/4
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
Hz FLOAT immediately
810D 0.0 0.0 1 999.0 DWORD
840D 0.0 0.0 7 999.0

Enters the numerator bandwidth for the attenuated bandstop filter. Entering a
value of 0 initializes the filter as an unattenuated bandstop filter. The filter is
activated by MD 1200: NUM_CURRENT_FILTERS and

11.5.5 Speed control loop measurement

Functionality This measurement function basically analyses the response to the motor
measuring system. Depending on which basic measurement setting has been
selected, various measurement parameters lists as described below are made

Procedure The traversing range monitoring function is set and the enabling logic (external/
internal) selected in the basic display.
One of six different types of measurement can be selected:

S Reference frequency response 11

S Interference frequency response
S Setpoint step change
S Disturbance step change
S Speed controlled system
S Mechanical frequency response (IMS and DMS must be installed).
The parameters required for this purpose are set in the Measurement parame-
ter display. On completion of the measurement, the results can be called to the
screen for assessment via the Display softkey.

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11.5 Frequency response measurements

Figure 11-11 Display diagram: Example of speed control loop

Reference The reference frequency response measurement determines the transmission

frequency ratio of the speed controller. The response range should be as wide as possible
response and without resonance. It may be necessary to use bandstop or low-pass filters.
Particular care must be taken to prevent resonance within the speed controller
limit frequency range (stability limit approx. 200--500 Hz).

11 Interference fre-
quency response
Alternatively, the interference frequency response can be recorded to evaluate
the noise suppression of the controller.

Measuring Amplitude
parameters for This parameter determines the magnitude of the test signal amplitude. This
reference and should give rise to only a very low speed of a few (approximately 1 to 2) revs/
interference min at the motor end.
frequency Offset
response The measurement requires a slight speed offset of a few motor revolutions per
minute. The offset must be set to a higher value than the amplitude.
The available bandwidth is specified by halving the speed controller sampling
time (e.g. 312 s --> 1.6 kHz).
Averaging operations
The accuracy of the measurement, but also the measurement time, are in-
creased with this value. A value of 20 is normally suitable.
Settling time
This value represents the delay between recording of the measured data and
injection of the test setpoint and offset. A value of between 0.2 and 1 s is re-

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11.5 Frequency response measurements

Setpoint and The transient response (response to setpoint changes or disturbances) of the
disturbance speed control in the time range can be assessed with the step stimulation func-
changes tion. The test signal is connected to the speed controller output for recording of
the response to disturbances.

Measurement Amplitude
parameters for set- This parameter determines the magnitude of the specified setpoint or distur-
point/disturbance bance step change.
step change Measurement time
This parameter determines the period of time to be recorded (maximum of
2048 x speed controller cycles).

The offset is applied to the amplitude after the settling time.

Settling time
This value represents the delay between measured data recording and test
setpoint output.

Speed setpoint Starting point


0 Settling time Measurement time


Figure 11-12 Setpoint signal for speed control loop/step response measuring function

Additional The measurement parameters and measurement results (diagrams) can be

information loaded and saved via the softkey File functions.

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11.5 Frequency response measurements

11.5.6 Speed setpoint filters

1500 NUM_SPEED_FILTERS[n] Cross reference:

Number of speed setpoint filters Related to: Protection level:
[drive parameter set]: 0 ... 7 FSD/MSD 2/4
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
-- 0 0 2 UNS. WORD immediately

Enters the number of speed setpoint filters.

810D: low--pass PT1
840D/611D: low-pass PT1, low-pass PT2 or bandstop

Table 11-4 Selection of the number of speed setpoint filters.

0 No speed filter active

1 Filter 1 active
2 Filters 1 and 2 active

The 1st filter as PT1 or PT2 is effective only when activated by PLC. The speed
filter is measured during the FFT speed control loop measurement. If the 1st
filter is configured as a bandstop filter (and it is active), this filter is always used,
regardless of the PLC signal.

1501 SPEED_FILTER_TYPE[n] Cross reference:

11 Type of speed setpoint filters Related to: Protection level:
[drive parameter set]: 0 ... 7 FSD/MSD 2/4
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
Hex 0000 0000 0303 UNS. WORD immediately

Enters the configuration of 2 speed filters. You can choose between bandstop
filters and low passes (PT2/PT1). The filter parameters are entered in associa-
ted machine data.
With bandstop filters, a Z transformation (zeroes and poles) is activated by set-
ting bit 15 in MD 1201.
If bit 15 = 0, only a transformation of zeroes is activated.
Bilinear transformation is the default setting.
Damping of mechanical resonant frequencies in position feedback loop (band-
stop filter). Depending on the requirement, the “bandstop filter” function can be
set in three configurations:
-- simple bandstop filter. MD 1514/MD 1517 and MD 1515/MD 1518
-- bandstop filter with settable damping of amplitude response, in addition
MD 1516/MD 1519
-- bandstop filter with settable damping of the amplitude response and
increase and decrease of the amplitude response after the blocking
frequency. In addition MD 1520/MD 1521.

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11.5 Frequency response measurements

Interpolation of speed setpoint stairs -- the speed setpoints are output in the
position controller cycle, which can be chosen to be far larger than the speed
controller cycle (low pass).

Table 11-5 Selection of the number of speed setpoint filters.

Low pass/bandstop Filter 1 Bit 0 0 Low pass (refer to MD 1502/1506/1507)

1 Bandstop filter (refer to MD 1514/1515/1516)
2nd Filter Bit 1 0 Low pass (refer to MD 1502/1508/1509)
1 Bandstop filter (refer to MD 1517/1518/1519)
PT2/PT1 with low 1st Filter Bit 8 0 PT2 low pass (refer to MD /1506/1507)
1 PT1 low pass (refer to MD 1502)
2nd Filter Bit 9 0 PT2 low pass (refer to MD 1508/1509)
1 PT1 low pass (refer to MD 1503)

The filter machine data must be assigned before the filter type is configured.

1502 SPEED_FILTER_1_TIME[n] Cross reference:

Time constant, speed filter 1 Related to: Protection level:
[drive parameter set]: 0 ... 7 FSD/MSD 2/4
Data type:

Enters the time constant for speed setpoint filter 1 (PT1 low-pass). Entering a
value of 0 deactivates the filter.

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11.5 Frequency response measurements

1506 SPEED_FILTER_1_FREQUENCY[n] Cross reference:

Natural frequency, speed filter 1 Related to: Protection level:
[drive parameter set]: 0 ... 7 FSD/MSD 2/4
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
Hz 2000.0 10.0 8000.0 FLOAT immediately

Enters the natural frequency for speed setpoint filter 1 (PT2 low-pass). An entry
with a value < 10 Hz for the natural frequency of the low pass initializes the filter
as a proportional element with a gain of 1 irrespective of the associated dam-
The filter is activated by the “speed setpoint smoothing” interface signal DB
31--48.DBX 20.3.

The speed setpoint filters for interpolating axes should be configured identically.

1507 SPEED_FILTER_1_DAMPING[n] Cross reference:

Damping, speed filter 1 Related to: Protection level:
[drive parameter set]: 0 ... 7 FSD/MSD 2/4
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
-- 0.7 0.2 5.0 FLOAT immediately

11 Enters the damping for speed setpoint filter 1 (PT2 low-pass).

The filter is activated by the “speed setpoint smoothing” interface signal DB
31--48.DBX 20.3.

The speed setpoint filters for interpolating axes should be configured identically.

The input of damping values within the range of the minimum input limit causes
oscillation in the time range up to a factor of ≤ 2. This effect increases
exponentially if 2 low-pass filters are configured with the same parameter
settings. In the small signal range, these filters continue to have a linear
response. In the large signal range, the filter states can, in certain individual
cases, be restricted by the maximum numerical formats (defined by the
processor register width). The filter characteristic is non-linear for a short
period. Overflows and unstable reactions do not occur.

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11.5 Frequency response measurements

1521 SPEED_FILTER_2_BS_FREQ 840D only Cross reference:

Natural frequency bandstop speed filter 2 Related to: Protection level:
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
% 100.0 1.0 141.0 FLOAT immediately

Description Percentage input of natural frequency for the general bandstop filter with refe-
rence to MD 1517 (blocking frequency).
For MD 1521 = 100% the filter is initialized as an attenuated bandstop filter.

If the resulting natural frequency (MD 1521 x MD 1517) exceeds the Shannon
frequency defined by the speed controller sampling rate, the input is rejected
and a parameter error is indicated.

Formula 1 + s × ( 2 × π × fbz∕(2 × π × fz) 2) + s2 × 1∕(2 × π × fz)2)

1 + s × ( 2 × π × fbn∕(2 × π × fn) 2) + s 2 × 1∕(2 × π × fn) 2)

1 + s × ( 2 × Dz∕(2 × π × fz)) + s 2 × 1∕(2 × π × fz) 2

1 + s × ( 2 × Dn∕(2 × π × fn)) + s 2 × 1∕(2 × π × fn) 2

Conversion fz : blocking frequency MD 1514/MD 1517

Dz : damping numerator
fbz = 2 ¢ Dz ¢ fz : bandwidth numerator MD 1515/MD 1518
Dn : damping denominator
fbn = 2 ¢ Dn ¢ fn
fn = MD 1520(%) ¢ fz
: bandwidth denominator MD 1516/MD 1519
: BSF natural frequency MD 1520/MD 1521

Performance 2
1522 ACT_SPEED_FILTER_TIME SW 6.1 or Cross reference:
higher --
Time constant revolutions actual value filter Related to: Protection level:
Time constant speed actual value filter FSD/MSD/SLM 2/4
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
ms 0.0 0.0 500.0 FLOAT Power ON

The smoothing time constant is set in MD 1522.

It is applicable to low--resolution encoders (such as 32 increments per revolu-
tion (--> TGL ≈ 1 ms).

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11.5 Frequency response measurements



dB 0.0


0 Log 1 10 100 1 kHz






0 Log 1 10 100 1 kHz

Figure 11-13

fz = 54 Hz
Dz = 10%
fn = 40 Hz
Dn = 70%

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11.5 Frequency response measurements


dB 0.0


0 Log 1 10 100 1 kHz




0 Log 1 10 100 1 kHz

Figure 11-14

fz = 35 Hz
Dz = 6%
fn = 40 Hz
Dn = 70%

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11.5 Frequency response measurements

11.5.7 Position control measurement

Functionality This measurement function basically analyzes the response to the active posi-
tion measuring system. If the function is activated for a spindle without a posi-
tion measuring system, the NCK generates an error message. Depending on
which basic measurement setting has been selected, various measurement
parameters lists as described below are made available.

Procedure The traversing range monitoring function is set and the enabling logic (external/
internal) selected in the basic display.
One of three different types of measurement can be selected:
S Reference frequency response
S Setpoint step change
S Setpoint ramp.
The parameters required for this purpose are set in the Measurement parame-
ter display. On completion of the measurement, the results can be called to the
screen for assessment via the Display softkey.


Figure 11-15 Display diagram: Example of position control loop

Reference The reference frequency response measurement determines the transmission

frequency ratio of the position controller in the frequency range (active position measuring
response system). The setpoint filters, KV value and feedforward control must be para-
meterized in such a way that overshoot is avoided wherever possible over the
entire frequency range. In the case of dips in the frequency response, the set-
ting of the feedforward control balancing filters should be checked.
Excessive resonance requires
1. Decrease in KV value
2. Adaptation of the equivalent time constant of the speed control loop
3. Use of setpoint filters.

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11.5 Frequency response measurements

The effects of these measures can also be checked in the time range.

Measuring Amplitude
parameters for This parameter determines the magnitude of the test signal amplitude. It should
reference fre- be set to the smallest possible value (e.g. 0.01 mm).
quency response Offset
The measurement requires a slight speed offset of a few motor revolutions per
minute. The offset must be set such that no speed zero crossings occur at the
set amplitude.
Setting of analyzed frequency range (maximum setting = half the position con-
troller sampling frequency). The lower this value, the finer the frequency resolu-
tion and the longer the measurement time. The maximum value corresponds to
half the position controller sampling rate (e.g. 200 kHz with position controller
sampling time of 2.5 ms).
Averaging operations
The accuracy of the measurement, but also the measurement time, are increa-
sed with this value. A value of 2 is normally suitable.
Settling time
This value represents the delay between recording of the measured data and
injection of the test setpoint and offset. A value of between 0.2 and 1 s is recom-
mended. Do not set too low a value for the settling times or the frequency re-
sponse and phase diagrams will be distorted.

Setpoint step The transient or positioning response of the position control in the time range,
change and and in particular the effect of setpoint filters, can be assessed with the step and
setpoint ramp ramp stimulation functions. If an offset value other than zero is input, the step
change is stimulated during traversal. For the sake of clarity, the displayed posi-
tion actual value does not include this speed offset. The following quantities can 11
be measured:

S Actual position value (active position measuring system)

S Control deviation (following error).

Measuring parame- Amplitude

ters for setpoint This parameter determines the magnitude of the specified setpoint step change
step change and or ramp.
setpoint ramp Offset
The step is stimulated from standstill or starting from the constant traverse
speed set in this parameter.
Measurement time
This parameter determines the period of time to be recorded (maximum: 2048
position controller cycles).
Settling time
This value represents the delay between measured data recording and test
setpoint output and the injection of the offset.
Ramp time
With basic setting Setpoint ramp, the position setpoint is specified according to
the set ramp time. In this case, the acceleration limits which currently apply to
the axis or spindle are effective.

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11.5 Frequency response measurements

The position setpoint and the actual value of the active measuring system are
recorded in each case.


Settling time Ramp Measurement time




Figure 11-16 Signal chart for position setpoint/ramp measuring function

At maximum axis velocity, there is a (virtual) step change in the velocity (conti-
nuous line).
The curves represented by the dashed line correspond to a realistic, finite
value. The offset component is excluded from the display graphic in order to
emphasize the transient processes.
11 Jerk limitation The jerk limitation function cannot be checked with the measuring functions.
check Reason: The measuring function setpoint does not take effect until after jerk
limitation. However, jerk limitation can be optimized via program or JOG opera-
tion by output of the DAC signals (position actual value, following error, ...).

Step height To avoid damage to the machine, the setpoint step change is limited to the
value specified in MD 32000 MAX_AX_VELO. This can result in the desired
pitch not being reached.
The MD 32000 MAX_AX_VELO and MD 32300 MAX_AX_ACCEL have a
similar effect for the setpoint ramp in the ramp area.
The MD 32000 MAX_AX_VELO limits the ramp inclination (speed limit),
whereby the drive does not reach the programmed amplitude.
The restriction in acceleration caused by the MD 32300 MAX_AX_ACCEL
“smoothes” the transition at the start and end of the ramp.

! Do not make changes to the MD 32000 MAX_AX_VELO and MD 32300
MAX_AX_ACCEL (e.g. to achieve a certain pitch) without carefully considering
the consequences. These have been matched exactly to the machine!

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11.6 Graphical display of measuring functions

11.6 Graphical display of measuring functions

Explanation This display appears when the softkey Display is selected in the relevant mea-
suring function basic display.

Figure 11-17 Display diagrams 1 and 2 of speed control loop

Softkeys These softkeys are used to switch backwards and forwards between the two
Graphics 1, single graphic displays and the screen output with both graphics.
Graphics 2

Softkeys X marker When these softkeys are selected, a vertical or horizontal line, which marks the
and Y marker abscissa or ordinate, appears in the selected diagram. The associated coordi-
nates are also output. The softkey X marker or Y marker must be selected
again in order to deselect the markers. The markers are moved by means of the
cursor keys.

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11.6 Graphical display of measuring functions

Figure 11-18 Display diagram: Application of X or Y marker

Softkey Expand To match the time scale, use the Expand softkey to mark the current position of
the X marker as the start of the range to be expanded. If the Expand softkey is
selected again, you can move the X marker to the end point of the range to be
expanded and select Expand again to show the marked area as a full-width
display. If the Expand softkey is selected again, the display returns to its normal
state. The Expand function is active only in the currently selected diagram.

11 Softkey X lin/log By selecting the X lin/log softkey, it is possible to switch between the linear and
logarithmic abscissa of the selected diagram.

Y scale The Y scale is normally processed automatically. The softkey Scale can, how-
ever, be selected to allow manual input of the scale.

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11.7 Trace function

11.7 Trace function

The trace function can only be used with the PCU 50.

11.7.1 Description

Servo trace function with graphic user interface for monitoring drive/servo
signals and states. Measuring signals are selected and measuring parameters
set using softkeys and drop-down menus. Operation is either via mouse or via

Function The trace function offers the following features:

S 4 trace buffers with up to 2048 values each.
S Signal selection of servo signals (output in position control cycle) or drive
signals (output in speed control cycle).

S Trace and trigger signals can be set through absolute addresses and value

S Different trigger conditions for starting the recording.

Triggering always on trace 1.

S Both pre- and post-triggering.

S Measuring signal display.
S Selection of fixed Y scaling for each trace.
S Selection of marker function for each trace. Expand function in the time axis.
S Selective loading and storing of measuring parameters and traces.

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11.7 Trace function

11.7.2 Operation, main screen

The cursor is moved by activa-

ting the arrow keys on the ope- Toggle key
rator panel or with the mouse.

To access the lists, place

the cursor on a list box and
press the insert key.
The list drops

You can scroll down

by using the arrow
Activate the input
key to select
the desired item.

Figure 11-19 Cursor operation

Basic servo trace The basic screen of the trace function is displayed by pressing the
screen Drives/servo \ Servo trace softkeys.


Figure 11-20 Basic servo trace screen

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11.7 Trace function

11.7.3 Parameter settings

Basic screen The following settings have to be made in the basic screen:
S The axis/spindle to be measured
S The signal to be measured
S Measurement time
S Trigger time
S Trigger type
S Trigger threshold.

Signal selection
Axis/spindle name The cursor must be positioned on the “Axis/spindle name” list box of the respec-
input field tive trace. The selection is then made by using the Axis+ and Axis-- softkeys or
by activating the desired item in the drop-down list box.

Signal selection The cursor must be positioned on the “Signal selection” list box associated with
input field the trace. Then activate the desired items by selecting them from the list box.

Measurement time The measurement time is entered directly in the “Measurement time” input field.
input field 11
Trigger time input Direct input of pre- and post-triggering.
field With negative input values (leading sign minus --) recording begins at the set
time before the trigger event.
With positive input values (without leading sign) recording begins after the trig-
ger event.

Marginal condition: Trigger time + measuring period ≧ 0.

Trigger input field The trigger type is selected in the “Trigger” drop-down list.
The trigger always relates to trace 1. After the trigger conditions are met, traces
2 and 4 are started simultaneously.
Trigger from part program (example trigger start from part program for axis X1:
Settable trigger conditions:
S No trigger, i.e. measurement begins when the Start softkey is activated (all
traces are started time-synchronized).
S Positive edge
S Negative edge.

Threshold input field Direct input of the trigger threshold.

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11.7 Trace function

The threshold is only effective with trigger types “Positive edge” and “Negative
The unit refers to the selected signal.

Axis + and axis -- To select the axis/spindle, position the cursor on the appropriate “Axis/spindle
softkeys name” list field.
You can also select the axis/spindle by using the cursor in the drop-down list.

To start the trace function recording, activate the Start softkey. The current mes-
Start and Stop sage is aborted by activating the Stop softkey or RESET.


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11.7 Trace function

Physical address The entries are made in the servo trace function basic screen.
S Signal type “Physical address” has to be activated in the desired trace.
S Position the cursor in the signal selection field that corresponds to the
desired trace (on physical address).
The physical address dialog box is overlaid when you activate the Physical
address softkey.

This function is only required in special cases when the information from the
usual signals (see “Signal selection” list field) is insufficient. Please contact the
SIMODRIVE hotline to discuss how to proceed.

Figure 11-21 Input screen form for setting the physical address.

All parameters settings are entered in hexadecimal format.

Segment address Direct input of the segment address of the signal to be logged.
input field

Offset address Direct input of the offset address of the signal to be logged.
input field

Mask input field If you want to display certain bits only, select them in this dialog box.

Threshold input field In the “Threshold” input field, you can only set the trigger threshold for the physi-
cal address of trace 1. If you exit the input field by activating the OK softkey, this
hexadecimal value is entered in the “Threshold” field of the servo trace basic

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11.7 Trace function

11.7.4 Performing the measurement

Starting the After setting the parameters, activate the Start softkey to initiate the measure-
measurement ment process. Execution is dependent on the condition specified in the Measu-
ring parameters and “Trigger” input field.

Terminating the Measurement is terminated after the time specified in the Measuring parame-
measurement ters/“Measuring time” input field has expired or was interrupted by activation of
the Stop softkey.
It is not possible to display an interrupted measurement (Display softkey).

11.7.5 Display function

The results can be graphically displayed after measurement has been success-
fully completed.
The horizontal softkey Display calls up the screen (Fig. 11-22).The measured
traces are shown as diagrams.
Trace 1 and 2 are displayed in Graphics1, and trace 3 and 4 in Graphics2.


Figure 11-22 Display of Graphics1 and Graphics2

X marker and Y The X/Y markers are activated or deactivated in the active graph. The corre-
marker softkeys sponding position value is shown in the graph. The markers are moved by
means of the cursor keys.

Expand softkey Expand function for the X coordinate. The X marker must be activated.
When the Expand softkey is first activated, a second X marker is displayed.
The first X marker remains stationary in the current position; the second marker
can be moved by means of the cursor keys.

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11.7 Trace function

By pressing the Expand softkey once again, the area between the markers is
expanded. This allows you to zoom in on sections.

Softkey When you press the softkey, Fig. 11-23, Y axis scaling, appears. You can scale
Scale... the traces in this window.

Figure 11-23 Scaling of Graphics1 and Graphics2

Parameterizing the
Scaling input field You can choose between automatic and manual (fixed) scaling by activating the
toggle key on the “Scaling” field.

Y max and Y min in- You can enter the scaling value in the Y max and Y min input fields.
put fields These input fields can only be activated if scaling type “fixed” is set.
The entries are only transferred to the graph when you exit the screen form if
“fixed” is set in the scaling field.

Marker input field Use the toggle key to assign the marker to the appropriate traces in the
“Marker” field.
In Graphics1, the marker can be selected for trace 1 or trace 2; in Graphics2 for
trace 3 or trace 4.

Graphics1... and The Graphics1 or Graphics2 softkey serves to display the individual graphs in
Graphics2... full-screen size. Return to previous screen by activating the vertical softkey
softkeys Graphics1 + Graphics2.

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11.7 Trace function

Print Upon activation of the Print graphics softkey the current graphics display is
graphics printed on the printer selected in the print setup (Graphics1/Graphics2 or single
softkey screen).

11.7.6 File functions

Description The File functions softkey serves to switch over to the “File functions” screen.
This is where the measurement settings and the measured values of the trace
function can be saved, loaded or deleted.
The file functions are not intended to be a substitute for making a copy of all
system and user data, e.g. for archiving or series start-up purposes.


Figure 11-24 Servo trace file function

Naming files You can select an existing file from the drop-down list in the “File” field, or enter
one in the text box below.
Selecting the In the “Directory” field, you select the directory in which the file is to be saved.
directory This can be a directory you have created yourself under “Services” or the stan-
dard directory for data management (list entry: Standard directory).
Selecting data type In the “Data” field, you select the files to be stored.
Only one data type can be selected at once. Use the cursor keys for selecting
the data type and enable using the toggle key.

Creating New subdirectories are created in the “Services” area.

subdirectories You can create a subdirectory there in “Manage data” mode in the “Diagnostics”
See Services operating area.
References: /BAD/ Operator’s Guide HMI Advanced

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11.7 Trace function

11.7.7 Print graphic

Printer settings The printer selection screen is called up by pressing the HMI\Printer selection
softkeys (Fig. 11-25).
Use the toggle key to select whether the displayed graphics are to be sent di-
rectly to the printer by activating the Print graphics softkey, or output it in a bit-
map file instead.

Figure 11-25 Basic screen for printer selection

Direct output on Prerequisite: The printer must be set up under MS-WINDOWS. 11

printer You can set “Print” in the printing options.
Upon activation of the Print graphics softkey in the “Display” screen, the dis-
played graphics are printed on the active printer.

Output as If you want to save the graph to a bitmap file (*.bmp), proceed as follows:
bitmap file Set “Output as bitmap file” in the selection field for the printer setting.
Upon activation of the Print graphics softkey in the “Display” screen, a new
screen form is overlaid prompting you to enter a file name (Fig. 10-15). Enter a
new name in the drop-down list or select an existing file name for overwriting.

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11.7 Trace function

Figure 11-26 File name box for bitmap output

Naming files You can select an existing file from the drop-down list in the “File name” field, or
enter one in the text box below.

Selecting the In the “Directory” field, you select the directory in which the file is to be saved.
directory This can be a directory you have created yourself under “Services” or the stan-
dard directory for data management (list entry: Standard directory).
Activate the OK softkey to save the file.
Return to the current graphics screen by activating the Abort softkey.


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11.8 Automatic controller setting (HMI Advanced only)

11.8 Automatic controller setting (HMI Advanced only)

Functionality Functions for automatic speed controller adjustment:

S Three variants for determining the gain and reset time.

S Independent determination of any required current filters (max. three
bandstop filters).

S Display of the measured or calculated frequency responses analogous to

measuring functions.

Where the table has a very low natural resonant frequency (< 20 Hz), the reset
time should be checked manually.
The reset time setting may be too low.

Procedure In the “Start-up” area, select the “Drives/servo” softkey.

a) Normal case In the extended menu, press the “Aut. ctrl setting” softkey. The main “Automatic
controller setting” display appears.

Aut. ctrl


Figure 11-27 Main “Automatic controller setting” display

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11.8 Automatic controller setting (HMI Advanced only)

The meaning of the input values in the “Drive test travel enable” and “Traversing
range” areas of the window is the same as for the measuring functions.
The setting type is defined in the “Mode” function area.
1. In the “Mode” function area, select
”Variant 1”.
2. Press the “Start” softkey.
3. Follow the instructions in the menu-driven dialog
(see the gray boxes in the flowchart below).
4. Press the “OK” softkey when requested to do so.
5. Press the “NC Start” softkey when requested to do so.
Notice: The axis starts to move when you press NC Start!
To optimize further axes, select the axes with the “Axis+” or “Axis--” softkey and
repeat the procedure from step 1.

b) Special case: You can

S change the parameter settings,
S start,
S display and
S store the settings of the integrated controller.
The setting type is defined in the “Mode” function area. Three different variants
are available:

S Variant 1: Default setting

11 S Variant 2: Setting with critical dynamic response
S Variant 3: Setting with good attenuation.

Vertical softkeys Softkey “Axis+”:

Selects the next axis to be optimized.
Softkey “Axis--”:
Selects the previous axis to be optimized.
Softkey “Direct selection”:
Selects the axis to be optimized directly in a dialog window.
Softkey “Start”:
Starts the automatic controller setting for the selected axis.
Softkey “Stop”:
Stops the automatic controller setting for the selected axis (if a measuring
function is active).

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11.8 Automatic controller setting (HMI Advanced only)

11.8.1 Flowchart for self-optimization

The self-optimization can be terminated at any time by pressing the “Abort” soft-

SK “Start”

Load current
drive MD and
write default

SK “Abort”
(discard changes)
mech. system SK “Parameter”
parameters SK “OK”
part 1?
(accept values)


Press NC Start prompt

The axis starts to move when
you press NC Start!

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11.8 Automatic controller setting (HMI Advanced only)

SK “Abort”
(discard changes)
mech. system SK “Parameter”
parameters SK “OK”
part 2?
(accept values)


Press NC Start prompt

The axis starts to move when you
press NC Start!

SK “Abort”
Start (discard changes)
current control Enter
loop SK “Parameter”
measurement? parameters
11 SK “OK”
(accept values)


Press NC Start prompt

When you press NC Start the axis
is operated in current control

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11.8 Automatic controller setting (HMI Advanced only)

SK “Abort”
Enter (discard changes)
parameters for
SK “Parameter
determination of
Kp setting”
gain SK “OK”
(accept values)

Start calculation of
controller data?

SK “Abort”
Enter (discard changes)
SK “Parameter parameters for
Tn setting” determination of
reset time SK “OK”
(accept values)


Please wait....
Contr. data are
being computed

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11.8 Automatic controller setting (HMI Advanced only)

Do you want to back up the Boot file is not

SK “No”
boot file for drive X and saved
display the modified
controller data?

SK “Yes”

Boot file is

11 Start
SK “Abort”
(discard changes)
measurement of Enter
SK “Parameter”
speed controller? measuring
parameters SK “OK”
(accept values)


Press NC Start prompt

The axis starts to move when you
press NC Start!


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11.8 Automatic controller setting (HMI Advanced only)

11.8.2 Input possibilities for self-optimization

Mechanical system

Figure 11-28 Mechanical system measurement

Input in % of maximum current of power section.
The bandwidth should only be changed if the previous optimization routines
did not return satisfactory results (can only be changed in mechanical system
part 1).
Should only be reduced if the traversing range of the machine is insufficient.
Offset: 11
Constant velocity during the measurement (alternate positive/negative sign for
optimum utilization of the traversing range).

Current control
loop measurement

Figure 11-29 Current control loop measurement

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Input in % of maximum current of power section.
The bandwidth can only be changed in mechanical system measurement
part 1.
Does not normally have to be changed. Affects the quality of the measurement.

Determination of
the proportional

Figure 11-30 Determination of the proportional gain

11 Frequency at or above which a filter can be used:

Current filters are not used below this frequency.
Min. amplitude:
This figure may not be exceeded between the minimum frequency and the
average frequency (lower adaptation limit).
Max. amplitude:
This figure may not be exceeded at or above the upper frequency limit.
The three frequency entries can be used to modify the starting point and the
adaptation range.

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11.02 11 Drive Optimization with the Start-Up Tool
11.8 Automatic controller setting (HMI Advanced only)

Determination of
the reset time

Figure 11-31 Determination of the reset time

Frequency at or above which a filter can be used:

Current filters are not used below this frequency.
Min. amplitude:
This figure may not be exceeded between the minimum frequency and the
lower frequency limit (lower adaptation limit).
Max. amplitude:
This figure may not be exceeded at or above the upper frequency limit.
The two frequency entries can be used to modify the adaptation range.

Speed control loop


Figure 11-32 Speed control loop measurement

Input of load velocity in mm/min (should be max. 50% of the offset).

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SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition 11-261
11 Drive Optimization with the Start-Up Tool 11.02
11.8 Automatic controller setting (HMI Advanced only)

Any bandwidth can be selected from the default values in order to check the
automatic controller setting.
Affects the quality of the measurement.
Input of the load velocity in mm/min (should be at least twice the amplitude).


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11.02 11 Drive Optimization with the Start-Up Tool
11.9 Analog output (DAC)

11.9 Analog output (DAC)

Functionality Special test sockets allow all important control loop signals (setpoints, actual
values, control deviations) to be output on external instruments (oscilloscope or
signal recorder), e.g. in automatic operation. There are three 8-bit DAC chan-
nels available on the SINUMERIK 810D. If 611D plug-in units for axis expansion
are installed, then the DACs on these modules may also be used. The output
voltage of the DAC channels is between 0 and 5 V.

Arrangement of the DAC channels on the CCU3

or external 611D closed-loop control module.



The 3 DAC channels are assigned as standard to the following signals of the
drive in slot 1 (module 1):
DAC 1 : Setpoint current Default settings of shift factor: 4
DAC 2 : Setpoint speed Default settings of shift factor: 6
DAC 3 : Speed actual value Default settings of shift factor: 6
GND : Reference socket (ground)
These signals can be measured without the PCU 50 or start-up tool.

Activating the The display for activating and setting the parameters of the DAC outputs is
analog output called up from the basic machine display by pressing the Start-up / Drive /
Servo / Configur. softkeys.
To activate the configuration, use the Start softkey. Active DACs are identified
(active/inactive) on the left of the display. The output is ended with Stop (active/

Before activating the DAC output again with the Start softkey, it is necessary to
cancel all DAC outputs (slots 1-6) which may be active. This is achieved by
activating the Stop softkey.

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SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition 11-263
11 Drive Optimization with the Start-Up Tool 11.02
11.9 Analog output (DAC)

Figure 11-33 Menu for DAC settings

DAC The assignment of measuring channels and the selection of the signals to be
configuration output is made from the DAC configuration display:

S Selection of Drive No. of drive module on which signals are to be output via
DAC channels.

S Selection of the Axis name of the axis/spindle which supplies the signal to
be output.

S Specification of a shift factor to adapt the resolution. The shift factor places
an 8-bit wide output window over the memory cell to be output (range: --7 ...
31 or 24 with drive signals). When a shift factor of 0 is entered, the output
11 window is always situated on the highest-order byte.

S Selection of signal assignment for every channel used. The signal selection
field is called for this purpose and a selection made (marked by cursor or
mouse) from the list of available signals (FSD, MSD, servo).

0 31

Shift factor: --7 Output range bit 31

Shift factor: 0 Output range bits 24--31

Shift factor: 8 Output range bits 16--23

a) Output of 32-bit variables (NCK)

0 23

Shift factor: --7 Output range bit 23

Output range bits 16--23

Shift factor: 0
Output range bits 8--15
Shift factor: 8

a) Output of 24-bit variables (drive)

Figure 11-34 Shift factor for analog output of a memory cell

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11-264 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
11.02 11 Drive Optimization with the Start-Up Tool
11.9 Analog output (DAC)

The DAC operates in a 0 V to +5 V voltage range. 2.5 V output voltage corre-

sponds to the zero value of the represented signal. The two’s-complement is
used for digital to analog conversion, see Fig. 11-17.

7Fhex ( 0111 1111d)

+5 V

2.5 V
00hex FFhex

80hex (1000 0000d)

Figure 11-35 Analog output voltage range

Additional 611D drive signals can only be output on the channels of the associated drive.
information The input field Axis name has no effect on drive signals.


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SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition 11-265
11 Drive Optimization with the Start-Up Tool 11.02
11.9 Analog output (DAC)

DAC selection list

No. Designation Unit
1 Current i(R) A
2 Current i(S) A
3 Current i(d) A
4 Current i(q) A
5 Setpoint current I(q) (limited acc. to filter) A
6 Setpoint current I(q) (before filter) A
7 Speed actual value motor rpm
8 Setpoint speed rpm
9 Speed setpoint reference model rpm
10 Setpoint torque (limited) Nm
11 Load (m_set/m_set, limit) %
12 Active power kW
13 Rotor flux setpoint μVs
14 Rotor flux actual value μVs
15 Cross voltage V(q)
16 Direct-axis voltage V(d)
17 Setpoint current I(d) A
18 Motor temperature °C
19 DC link voltage V
20 Zero mark signal, motor measuring system
21 BERO signal
22 Speed actual value rpm

11 23
Slip frequency setpoint
Rotor position (electrical)
25 Torque setpoint (speed controller output) Nm
26 Feedforward control torque Nm
27 Physical address (drive)
28 Slip frequency setpoint
29 Command voltage Q feedforward control V
30 Command voltage D feedforward control V
31 Rotor position in $10 000 format with extrapolation Degrees
32 Voltage setpoint value V
33 Current actual value A

Table 11-6 DAC selection list

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11-266 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
11.02 11 Drive Optimization with the Start-Up Tool
11.10 File functions

11.10 File functions

Explanation The start-up tool offers simple file functions for storing the measurement and
function parameters as well as measurement results on the hard disk of the PG
or PC.
In addition, for the sake of simplifying initial start-up, NC and drive machine data
can also be loaded/saved axis by axis or area by area or transferred to another
axis or control. Before an existing file is overwritten, a system request for confir-
mation of the overwrite command is always output.
The file functions are not intended to be a substitute for making a copy of all
system and user data, e.g. for archiving or series start-up purposes.


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SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition 11-267
Data Backup 12
12.1 General information

When to save data: You should backup your data

S after start-up,
S after changing machine-specific settings,
S during servicing (e.g. after replacing hardware, upgrading software) so that
you can put the system back into operation as soon as possible, and

S during start-up before altering the memory configuration to make sure that
no data are lost during start-up.

NCK/PLC/HMI The complete data backup routine for SINUMERIK 810D is subdivided into the
1. Data backup for NCK, drive and operating panel settings
2. Data backup for PLC
3. With the PCU 50, data backup for HMI.

Series start-up/ There are two basic types of data backup, each for a different purpose.
1. Series start-up
individual areas Provision is made for the generation of so-called series start-up files. These
allow easy and complete transfer of a specific configuration to other controls
with the same SW version that are, for example, operating on the same ma-
chine type. This type of file cannot be modified externally using an ASCII
editor. Series start-up files contain all relevant settings (except for compen-
sation data). Series start-up files need to be created for the NCK and PLC
and, with the PCU 50, for the HMI as well.
2. Series start-up with compensation data
3. Software upgrade.

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11.02 12 Data Backup
12.1 General information

Required You will require the following accessories in order to save data:
S PCIN data transmission program for PG/PC
S RS-232 cable 6FX2002-1AA01-0BF0
References: /Z/, Catalog NC Z (Accessories)

S PG 740 (or higher) or PC (DOS).

Structure of the
file name _N_ Area Unit _ Type

S The area specifies which data are to be backed up or retrieved

(general, channel-specific or axis-specific).

S The unit defines the channel, the axis or the TOA area. The unit is omitted if
the entire area has been selected.

S The type defines the data type. During data backup, the file names are
generated automatically and output along with the data.
NC General NC-specific data
CH Channel-specific data (unit corresponds to the channel number)
AX Axis-specific data (unit corresponds to the number of the
machine axis)
TO Tool data
COMPLETE All data of an area
INITIAL Data for all areas (_N_INITIAL_INI)
TEA Machine data
SEA Setting data
OPT Option data
TOA Tool data
UFR User input frames: Settable Work offset, rotations, etc.
EEC Measuring system error compensation
CEC Sag/angularity compensation 12
QEC Quadrant error compensation
PRO Protection areas
RPA R parameter
GUD Global user data
INI General initialization program (all data in the active file system)

Examples _N_COMPLETE_TEA Archiving of all machine data

_N_AX_TEA Archiving of all axis machine data
_N_CH1_TEA Archiving of the machine data for channel 1
_N_CH1_GUD Archiving of global user data for channel 1
_N_INITIAL_INI Archiving of all data in the active file system

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12 Data Backup 11.02
12.2 Data backup via PCU 20

12.2 Data backup via PCU 20

Via RS-232 The following data can be backed up via the RS-232 interface:

S Series start-up: with selection option for areas

-- NCK (complete)
-- PLC (complete)
-- HMI (with option of saving only partial areas of the HMI data)

S Area-specific archiving: Backup or reimport of individual data areas (soft-

keys “Data In”, “Data Out” and “Data Selection”).

Error, operating These texts are part of the operating panel system software. They must be re-
message texts and loaded after hardware component replacement or software upgrading. The
cycle alarm texts messages must be in the correct format (see Chapter 13 Upgrading PCU 20
software). The texts cannot be read out of the control.

procedure 1. Connect the PG/PC to interface X6 on the HMI
(data backup) 2. In the “Services” operating area on the HMI,
3. select “RS-232 PG/PC” interface (vertical softkey).
4. Select “Settings” and check or enter the parameter settings of the RS-232
interface (default setting).
Device type: RTS/CTS
Baud rate: 9600 baud
Parity: None
12 Data bits: 8
Stop bits: 1
Character for XON: 11H(ex)
Character for XOFF: 3H(3x)
Text end character: 1AH(ex)
Format: -- Tape format disabled for series machine
start-ups or for saving area-specific drive data
(boot files).
-- Tape format selected for area-specific saving
of all other data.

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11.02 12 Data Backup
12.2 Data backup via PCU 20

Saving changed Via MD 11210: UPLOAD_MD_CHANGES_ONLY you can define whether all
values data or only those data which deviate from the defaults are to be output via the
MD 11210 RS-232 interface.

MD Number MD backup of changed MD only
Default presets: 0 min. input limit: 0 max. input limit: 1
Change effective: immediately Protection level: 2/4 Unit: --
Data type BYTE valid as of SW release: 1 or 4
Meaning: Selects a differential MD upload:
Bit 0 (LSB) Effectiveness of differential upload on TEA files
0: All data are output
1: Only MDs which contain different values to the compiled values
are output

Bit 1 Effectiveness of differential upload on INI files

0: All data are output
1: Only MDs which contain different values to the compiled values
are output

Bit 2 Changes of a field element

0: Complete array is output
1: Only the changed field elements of an array are output
Bit 3 R parameters (only for INITIAL_INI)
0: All R parameters are output
1: Only R parameters not equal to zero are output
Bit 4 Frames (only for INITIAL_INI)
0: All frames are output
1: Only frames not equal to zero are output
Bit 5 Tool data, cutting edge parameters (only for INITIAL_INI)
0: All tool data are output
1: Only tool data not equal to zero are output
Bit 6 Buffered system variables ($AC_MARKER[ ], $AC_PARAM[ ]
for INITIAL_INI only) 12
0: All system variables are output
1: Only system variables not equal to zero are output
corresponds to ....


S It may be useful to perform a data saving operation in which only altered

machine data are saved prior to upgrading software in cases where the
defaults in the new software are not the same as those in the earlier
version. This applies particularly to machine data which are assigned
SIEMENS protection level 0.

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SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition 12-271
12 Data Backup 11.02
12.2 Data backup via PCU 20

MD 11210 UPLOAD_MD_CHANGES_ONLY should be set to “1” or the corre-
sponding bits set to “1”. With this setting, the transferred files contain only those
data which deviate from the default. This is of advantage with respect to future
SW upgrades.

Continue with “Series start-up” or “Area-specific archiving”.

start-up 5. HMI interface configuration (see above, tape format deselected).
(data backup) 6. Start PCIN data transmission program (“Data In”) on PC/PG.
7. Select “Start-up data” on HMI (HMI “Services” operating area, data output
“Data Out”); NCK and PLC areas are displayed after selection of the Input
8. First select NCK and start the read-out process (Start softkey). Follow
exactly the same procedure for the “PLC” data set.

archiving 5. HMI interface configuration (see above, select tape format for all data except
for drive data).
6. Start PCIN data transmission program (“Data In”) on PC/PG, specify file
7. Select data area to be output on HMI (HMI “Services” operating area, data
output “Data Out”).
8. Select the heading “Data” and then select the following areas in the order
given from the list that is then displayed:
-- Machine data
-- Setting data
12 -- Option data
-- Global and local user data
-- Tool and magazine data
-- Protection areas
-- R parameters
-- Zero offsets
-- Drive data
-- Compensation data
-- Display machine data
-- Workpieces, global part programs/subroutines
-- Standard and user cycles
-- Definitions and macros.
When the areas are output, the internal area identifier used in each case
appears on the top line of the display.

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11.02 12 Data Backup
12.2 Data backup via PCU 20

9. Start the read-out process (Start softkey) and acknowledge any related in-
put requests on the operator panel.

For the PLC, data backup can be executed with the SIMATIC tools HiGraph.
Note filter setting for SDBs!
References: /S7HT/ Manual, Application of Tools
These tools are useful in ensuring portability of the PLC programs.

Loading archiving If you wish to read in a complete configuration, you must execute a general
data reset on the control.
1. Set the protection level to “user” (password CUSTOMER)
2. Connect the PG/PC to interface X6 on the HMI
3. Select the “Services” operating area on the HMI. Continue with steps listed
under “Reading in series start-up” or “Reading in area-specific archive data”.

series start-up files 4. Select the HMI interface configuration “RS-232-PG/PC” as above (punched-
tape format deselected).
5. Start the PCIN data transmission program on the PG/PC. Select the NCK
series start-up file to be read into control under “Data Out” for transmission.
Go to the “Services”, “Data In” area on the HMI and start the import process
(Start softkey). Acknowledge any input requests displayed on the HMI.
6. Follow the same procedure for the PLC series start-up file after executing an
NCK reset and a PLC general reset.
7. After another NCK reset, the control powers up with the imported data sets.

Note 12
The NCK series start-up file must always be imported before the PLC series
start-up file.

individual 4. Select the HMI interface configuration “RS-232 PG/PC” as above and set
archive files “tape format” (except for drive data).
-- Start the PCIN data transmission program on the PG/PC. Select the
archive file to be read into control under “Data Out” for transmission.
-- Select the “Services”, “Data In” area in the HMI and initiate the reading-in
process (Start softkey). The file is automatically detected and loaded
5. Read in option data and then initiate NCK reset.

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12 Data Backup 11.02
12.2 Data backup via PCU 20

6. Load the machine data file (COMPLETE_TEA_INI) and actuate “NCK reset”.
If you then receive messages about a reconfiguration of the memory or re-
standardization of machine data, then you must read in the machine data file
again and press “NCK Reset”. Generally speaking, this process must be
carried out two to three times because the first time the file is loaded the
memory allocation is changed or a rotary axis is defined.
7. If global user data must be activated, then the so-called “%_N_INITIAL_INI”
file (Table 12-1) must be read out. It is read out through selection of the set-
ting “All data” as for area-specific archiving.
8. Read in archive file for global user data (MAC.DEF and GUD.DEF).
9. Read the save “%_N_INITIAL_INI” file back in to activate the global user
10. Then load the other areas.
11. The PLC area must be loaded last after a PLC general reset.

When you are loading drive data, deselect the tape format as well as all special
functions on the right of the display of interface settings.
Do not actuate softkey “Back up boot file” in the drive data menu until you have
reset the control once after loading the drive archive data.

Check/correct the interface settings after display of a message regarding me-
mory reconfiguration.

12 Error during
If transmission is aborted with an error, check the following:

S Is the password at the correct protection level?

S Are the interface parameters (RS-232 PG/PC) correct?
S that while the LEC data are being read in, MD 32700, ENC_COMP
_ENABLE is initially set to 0. This also applies to CEC and QEC data.
CEC: MD 32710 CEC_ENABLE set to 0

S Has MD11220 INI_FILE_MODE been set to 1 or 2 (abortion of MD import).

(see Subsection 12.4.3.).

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11.02 12 Data Backup
12.3 Data backup via PCU 50

Table 12-1 Data in _N_INITIAL_INI file

File _N_INITIAL_INI Data not contained in file _N_INITIAL_INI

S Option data S Drive machine data, boot files

S Machine data S Compensation data
-- Leadscrew error
S Setting data compensation
-- Quadrant error compensation
S Tool offsets -- Sag compensation
S Zero offsets
S Global user data S Display machine data
S Local user data S Workpieces
S R parameters S Part programs

S Subroutines
S User cycles
S Standard cycles
S Definitions and macros

12.3 Data backup via PCU 50

Via RS-232 To archive or read in data via the RS-232 interface, proceed in exactly the same
way described in Section 12.2:

S Series start-up with selection possibility for areas 12

-- NCK (complete)
-- PLC (complete)
-- HMI (with option of saving only partial areas of the HMI data)

S Archiving individual data, backup or reading individual data areas back in

again (“Data In”, “Data Out” and “Data selection” softkeys).

Via HMI hard disk You can redirect the data backup to archive files on the PCU 50 hard disk.

Via disk When a disk drive is connected to the HMI, it is possible to save or reimport
data using disks.

Via NC card You can save data also on the NC card, see Operator’s Guide, “Services”
operating area.

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12 Data Backup 11.02
12.3 Data backup via PCU 50

Data are saved via the “Services” operating area.

References: /BA/, Operator’s Guide

12.3.1 Data backup via RS-232 on the PCU 50

Hardware and soft- S PG740, PC

ware requirements
S RS-232 cable
S PCIN (V4.2)

System overview

PCU 50 RS-232 Disk

Hard disk




12 Figure 12-1 System overview

What data does

the system
Drive data NC data PLC data HMI data

Where are the data The data are usually stored in the battery-backed RAM of the NC, PLC or in the
stored? PCU 50. The data can also be stored in specific directories on the hard disk of
the PCU 50.

Settings for the When reading out data via the RS-232 interface some of the data have to be in
RS-232 interface the archive format. This applies to data with the extension ARC and FSD and
MSD boot files.
If remote diagnostics is active, another RS-232 interface must be used for
reading out the data.

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11.02 12 Data Backup
12.3 Data backup via PCU 50

Selecting the In the operating area “Services” you will find an overview of all the programs or
Services area data to be found in the NC, PLC, drive and on the hard disk. To view all the di-
rectories you must first call the display File selection and set the display accor-
dingly. Only then are the required data displayed to you.

Example of
Services basic

Figure 12-2 Basic display “Services” of operating area

Procedure for
reading out data
The operating sequence for reading out data via the RS-232 interface applies to
all data. Proceed as follows:
1. Place cursor on the relevant data
2. Press Data Out softkey
3. Press RS-232 or PG softkey
4. Press OK softkey
5. Follow protocol (only if error occurs).

What do you want When backing up data via RS-232 it is not advisable to save all the directories.
to save? Only the data required from re-commissioning are to be output. Use a streamer
for a full backup of all data.

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12 Data Backup 11.02
12.3 Data backup via PCU 50

12.3.2 Drive data output via RS-232 on the PCU 50

Drive data Drive data consist of:

S Boot files (MSD.BOT)

S Boot files (FSD.BOT)
S Drive machine data (*.TEA)

Data Directory Name Meaning

Boot file Diagnosis\FSD data VS1.BOT Boot file 1st axis
Boot file Diagnosis\MSD data HS1.BOT Boot file 1st spindle
Drive MD FSD DIAGNOSIS\MachDat/FSD *.TEA Drive machine data file for FSD saved
under Start-up/MD/File functions.
Name must be assigned.
Drive MD MSD DIAGNOSIS\MachDat/MSD *.TEA Drive machine data file for MSD
saved under Start-up/MD/File func-
tions. Name must be assigned.

Where are the boot The boot files are located in directories FSD data and MSD data.
files located


MSD data (HS1.BOT)

The boot files can only be output as binary files with the RS-232 setting
Archive format. The boot files must be backed up before they are output
(softkey Save boot files). The backed up boot files (in binary format) can only
be restored to the same software version.

Drive MD The drive machine data must first be backed up in area Start-up\Machine data\
File functions before these files can be read out via RS-232.


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11.02 12 Data Backup
12.3 Data backup via PCU 50

12.3.3 NC data output via RS-232 on the PCU 50

NC data By NC data we mean all data that are located in the SRAM of the NC (without
part programs and cycles).
The following data are stored in directory NC active data:

S NC machine data (MD11210 UPLOAD_MD_CHANGES_ONLY =1)

S Option data
S Setting data
S Tool/machine data
S Work offset
S R parameters
S Global user data
S Protection areas
S Compensation data
-- Measuring system error compensation (EEC)
-- Beam sag/angular compensation (CEC)
-- Quadrant error compensation (QEC)


Figure 12-3 NC active data

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12 Data Backup 11.02
12.3 Data backup via PCU 50

Structure of the The file header starts with “%_N” and ends with “_INI”. If you read out the
file header global user data in their entirety, the file header looks like this: %_N_COM-
In the display NC active data the “central section” of the file header is displayed,
depending on the current cursor position. Look to the right of “Program/Data”.

Example 1 Output of the measuring system error compensation data. If you wish to output
the EEC compensation data via RS-232 you can proceed in two ways:
1. Read out EEC data in their entirety (all axes).
2. Axis-specific output of EEC data.

Measuring system error compensation

Measuring system error compensation axis 1

Measuring system error compensation axis 2
Measuring system error compensation axis 3
Measuring system error compensation axis 4
Measuring system error compensation all

If you wish to read out all data, place the cursor on Measuring system error
compensation all, otherwise on the relevant axis.
The file header then looks like this:
Measuring system error compensation all: %_N_AX_EEC_INI
Measuring system error compensation axis 1: %_N_AX_EEC_INI

12 Example 2 Output of global user data (GUD). The file header that is sent together with the
data output is shown here, too.

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11.02 12 Data Backup
12.3 Data backup via PCU 50

NC active data

Global user data (%_N_COMPLETE_GUD_INI)

Channel user data (%_N_CH_GUD_INI)
User data channel 1 (%_N_CH1_GUD_INI)
User data 1 channel 1 (%_N_CH1_GD1_GUD_INI)
User data 2 channel 1 (%_N_CH1_GD2_GUD_INI)
User data 9 channel 1 (%_N_CH1_GD9_GUD_INI)
User data complete channel 1 (%_N_CH1_GUD_INI)
Channel user data all (%_N_CH_GUD_INI)

User data all (%_N_COMPLETE_GUD_INI)

NC user data all (%_N_NC_GUD_INI)

NC user data 1 channel 1 (%_N_NC_GD1_GUD_INI)
NC user data 2 channel 1 (%_N_NC_GD2_GUD_INI)
NC user data 9 channel 1 (%_N_NC_GD9_GUD_INI)
NC user data all (%_N_NC_GUD_INI)

The central section of the file header which is sent with the output file is shown
at the top of the display next to Programs/data: \__NC_ACT\GUD.DIR.


Figure 12-4 Example of global user data

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SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition 12-281
12 Data Backup 11.02
12.3 Data backup via PCU 50

Output of the Position the cursor on the Initialization program (INI) directory. Press softkey
initialization RS-232. The initialization program “%_N_INITIAL_INI” is output with the follow-
program (INI) ing data:

S Global user data

S Option data
S Protection areas
S R parameters
S Setting data
S Machine data
S Tool/magazine data
S Zero offsets.
-- Compensation data (EEC, QEC, CEC)
-- Part programs
-- Definition data and macros
-- Part programs, workpieces, cycles
-- PLC programs and data
-- Display machine data, drive machine data.

If you place the cursor on NC active data and trigger data output via RS-232,
an initialization program %_N_INITIAL_INI is also output, but with all the data
located in the directory NC active data, i.e. with compensations.


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12.3 Data backup via PCU 50

12.3.4 PLC data output via RS-232 on the PCU 50

PLC data The PLC data must first be backed up as an archive file before they are output
via the RS-232 interface.

Procedure 1. Press the Series start-up softkey.

2. Only select PLC.
3. Press the Archive softkey.
4. The display is changed and the job log displayed. The file PLC.ARC is
5. If the message “Job complete” is displayed, then press the Data out soft-
6. Select the directory Archive\PLC.ARC and press the Interface softkey.
7. RS-232 setting for archive format: Set binary format (PC format) and con-
clude with OK.
8. Press softkey RS-232 and confirm with OK, the PLC data are then output.

12.3.5 HMI data output via RS-232 on the PCU 50

Display MD The display machine data on the HMI (MD 9000, ...) must be backed up via file
functions (Start-up). These MD are located in the RAM of the PCU 50. The data
are stored in directory Diagnosis\MachDat\OperatorPanel. The file name
assigned when the data were being stored is displayed in the directory.
To read out the display machine data place the cursor on the relevant file and
then activate the RS-232 and OK softkeys. The display MD can be output in 12
punched tape format.

Definitions The Definitions directory contains the definitions for the macros and the global
user data. These are, for example:






The definitions can be read out via RS-232.

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12.3 Data backup via PCU 50

Example of GUD data:

Define OTTO as string
Define HANS as bool
Define NAME as char
When installing, the definitions must be read in before the INITIAL_INI file. Only
when the definitions are known to the NC can the actual user data be read in.

Tool management The tool management data for the PCU 50 are located in the Tool manage-
data ment directory. This directory has three subdirectories:

S Magazine configuration (BEISPIEL_DOKU.INI)

S Tool management configuration (TT110.WMF,....)
S Tool management data (WZACCESS.MDB,....).
The PARAMTM.INI file for configuring the displays and access levels is located
in directory Diagnosis\HMI Initialization\...

12.3.6 Output of the series start-up file via RS-232 on the PCU 50

Preparations for To create a series start-up file the data selection for series start-up must first be
series start-up defined. Press the softkey Series start-up and define which data (HMI, NC,
PLC) you wish to back up.


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12.3 Data backup via PCU 50

Setting data Now activate the vertical softkey HMI data selection. In this display you define
selection which directories are to be contained in the series start-up file.

. archive file Once you have selected the data, press the softkey OK. The display changes,
and you can start up the creation of the archive file MMCNCPLC.ARC by using
softkey Archive. On receipt of the message “Job done”, the file
MMCNCPLC.ARC can be output via RS-232 in the archives directory. For this,
you have to adjust the RS-232 to PC format.

You can also create and output the areas HMI, PLC, NC separately in the form
of series startup files. The file name then is as follows:

The compensation data EEC, QEC, CEC are not contained in the series setup
file. Reason: Each machine has its own compensation data.

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12.4 Backing up the hard disk with Norton Ghost

12.4 Backing up the hard disk with Norton Ghost

12.4.1 Hard disk backup/restore

S Simple local backup/restore of PCU 50 hard disks.
System software, add-on software and user-specific data blocks are com-
pletely backed up.

S HD image (HD image saved as file) can be saved on a data carrier (e.g. CD)
for long-term purposes.

S Loading of master images (images for series start-up) remains with the ma-
chine manufacturer.

S Upgrading or downgrading can be executed by the machine manufacturer

(master image) irrespective of what is supplied by Siemens.

S The Norton Ghost backup program is installed on each PCU 50.

Norton Ghost The “Norton Ghost” software can be used to save the complete contents of a
PCU 50 hard disk as a “disk image”. This disk image can be stored on various
data carriers for a later restoration of the hard disk. The Norton GhostR program
is pre-installed on each PCU 50 module.
For further information please see Internet under web site “www.ghost.com”.

PCU 50 Below is a description of how to back up the complete hard disk of a PCU 50 in
order to ensure the integrity of user data and system data in the event of servi-
cing operations:

S Back up hard disk

12 S Back up user data
S Copy data to hard disk.

Operating during program operations with “Norton Ghost”


HMI BIOS To enter and make changes in BIOS, you require a keyboard with a PS/2 con-
nector (a PG keyboard also works).
To enter HMI BIOS up to BIOS version 2.14 simply press keys CTRL-ALT-ESC,
as from BIOS 3.04 using key DEL while the HMI is booting. By loading the
“BIOS setup defaults”
BIOS settings can be reverted.

PCU 50 PCU 50 with BIOS Version 2.12 should be operated with the parallel port setting
“378H IRQ7 Bidirectional” (BIOS setup).

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12.4 Backing up the hard disk with Norton Ghost

Memory capacity for backup image file

required on PC/PG Free memory capacity on the PC/PG hard disk must be available for the image
Thumb rule: Approx. 70% of used HMI hard disk memory capacity.

PG 740/ and others When the PG is supplied, the parallel interface in the BIOS is set to “output
only”. Please switch over to EPP. Plug in parallel cable on lower plug (LPT1) on
the left-hand side of the PG 740. Careful: Can be mixed up with the COM/
RS-232/AG connection!

Booting from disk If the backup/restore is to be run from the boot disk, the booting sequence of the
PCU 50 should be changed from C,A to A,C in the BIOS.

Backup/Restore via on the PG/PC

parallel cable
S PC/PG with bidirectional interface, EPP setting
with PG 740 Internal LPT1: <Adresse>

S LapLink Siemens parallel cable (Order No. 6FX2002-1AA02-1AD03) or con-

ventional LapLink cable.

S Disk drive when Backup/Restore is to be executed with Ghost on a PCU 50

with a software version prior to V4.4.

S With PCU 50, set parallel interface to EPP (BIOS). This increases the trans-
mission speed of the parallel interface by approx. 10%.

Backup/Restore with fitted directly to the PCU 50

external drive Parallel interface, e.g. ZIP, JAZ, CD ROM or network path: The necessary de-
vice driver in “autoexec.bat” and/or “config.sys” must be entered on the boot
disk by the user.

! 1. Drivers for the above I/O devices are not supported by Siemens.
2. When specifying path or file names with the NortonGhost software, please
use the DOS 8-character convention (length of file names: max. of 8 cha-

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12.4 Backing up the hard disk with Norton Ghost

conditions 1. Backup/restore operations at file level are run from the Services area of the
HMI, e.g. in order to save specific setup data, machine date etc. (via disk,
RS-232, PC card).
2. Installation/post-installation of individual software components can be
achieved either via disk or parallel interface (Interlnk/InterSrv).
Please take note of the BIOS updating problems.
3. When using the PCU 50 with BIOS version 2.12, the error “Exception error
(13)” may occur after a successful restore.
Remedy: Switch the PCU 50 off and on again.
4. With Backup/Restore via parallel interface or network, the power saving
switch-off of the external PC/PG must be switched off.
5. Once you have finished the Backup/Restore with Ghost, please remove the
parallel cable in order to avoid unexpected HMI operating states.
6. If the external PC is equipped with an AMD K6 processor, problems may
arise with the parallel connection if the processor cycle is >233 MHz. In this
case, both processors (HMI and PC) are to be operated with the LPT BIOS
setting “ECP”.
7. Occasionally, access problems to the CD ROM drive are encountered with
some PGs. In this case, a ghost connection abort may incur after a direct
restore of an image file from a CD ROM.
Remedy: Copy image file from CD to PG hard disk.

Functionality of
Norton GhostR
S Saving of complete hard disks in an image file
S Restoring hard disks from an image file
S Compressing of image files
S Integrated master/slave link via LPT port, e.g. from PCU 50 with PG (without
12 Interlnk/Intersrv)

S Support of various PCU 50 operating systems with software versions 3.x

and 4.x:
-- Windows 3. x
-- Windows 95

S Supporting long file names

S Disk integrity and image file “Integrity Check”
S Reloading of image files to unformatted hard disk (“on-the-fly formats”)
S New target hard disk can be larger or smaller (if data volume not too large)
than the original

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12.4 Backing up the hard disk with Norton Ghost

S When copying hard disks with several partitions, the size of the partitions
can be changed.

S Command interface for the integration of batch files

S Menu interface for interactive operation.

12.4.2 Saving user data

In the “Services” operating area of the HMI, you can save PLC, NC and HMI
data via the “Series setup” function.
References: /BA/ Operators Guide, Chapter 7, Section “Setup functions”
Precondition: Set a password
1. Select operating area “Services”
2. Press softkey “Series setup”
3. Press softkey “HMI data selection”
4. Select the data to be archived
5. Select the “Archive” (hard disk) as target. The series setup archive is

12.4.3 Backing up the hard disk


S Directory where the image file is to be stored exists on PG/PC. 12

S Sufficient free space is available on PG/PC (see Section “Operating condi-
tions” below)

S One of the operating systems MS-DOS 6.X, Windows 3.x or Windows 95 is

present on the PG/PC.

S Ghost program is installed on the PCU 50 and on the PG/PC.

S Connect the PCU 50 and PG/PC using the parallel cable


PCU 50 PG/PC CD writer CD

1. Switch off and on control and select setup mode (press key 6 if DOS window
2. Choose item “7: Backup/Restore”

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12.4 Backing up the hard disk with Norton Ghost

3. Enter the password

4. Select menu “1 hard disk backup/restore with ghost”
5. < only if presetting is not correct >
Set parameter for Norton Ghost program:
-- < 1 > configure ghost parameters:
If you wish to change the preset directory path or the type of interface,
choose menu item 1 from:
* Change interface (set connection mode):
<1> PARALLEL (preset)
select the relevant number and confirm
* Change path:
<3> Change backup image file name (create directory
for backup file on PG,
e.g. C:\SINUBACK\MMC103\)
<4> Change restore Image filename (create full path name
for restore file “MMC.GHO” on HMI,
Select the corresponding item, enter the path and confirm
-- Query: save GHOST parameters? answer “Yes”.
<5> Back to previous menu
Returns you to the main menu

6. Execute hard disk backup

-- < 2 > Hard disk backup to <pathname>, PARALLEL mode
* When this menu is chosen, a message box appears in which
you are requested to check whether the connection
between HMI and PG/PC has been established.
The target path for the HMI image directory from which the
backup is to be created is displayed.
12 * PG/PC:
Start the Ghost program in a DOS window or
at DOS level with
the command ghost -lps.

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12.4 Backing up the hard disk with Norton Ghost

* HMI:
Type “Y” in the message box to confirm and start the backup.
* HMI:
The SW Norton Ghost message box appears with a:
display of the transfer progress
display of the paths used
details of the data volume to be transferred
* Abort transfer
PG/PC: Press “Control” + “C”
When you confirm the query,
you are returned to the main menu of the Norton Ghost
software and Ghost is terminated.
7. HMI
When you abort a Backup/Restore, you are asked:
Do you want to try to backup again [Y,N]?
Enter “N” to return to the main menu.
If you enter “Y”, continue with 6.

-- < 4 > Back to previous menu

Returns you to the main menu

8. PG/PC: Create disk image file on CD

9. PG/PC: Archive the CD at the machine
Duration: approx. 15--20 mins.
to create a compressed disk image = 130 MB of a 540 MB hard disk via LPT.

12.4.4 Copy data to hard disk

S Ghost program is installed on the PCU 50 and on the PG.

S Connect the PCU 50 to the PC/PG using the parallel cable.
S One of the operating systems Windows 3.x, Windows 95 and a CD drive is
available on the PC/PG.



1. Switch on the PG and insert CD into drive.

2. Switch off and on control and select setup mode (press key 6 if DOS window
3. Choose item “7: Backup/Restore”
4. Enter the password
5. Select menu “1 hard disk backup/restore with ghost”
6. Set the parameters for the Norton Ghost program:

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12.4 Backing up the hard disk with Norton Ghost

-- < 1 > configure ghost parameters:

see above
7. Restore contents of hard disk
-- <3> Hard disk restore from <pathname>, PARALLEL mode
* When this menu is chosen, a message box appears in which:
you are requested to check whether the connection
between the HMI and PG/PC has been established.
The image file name from which the restore
is to be performed is displayed.
Image file is available on the PG/PC
* PG/PC:
Start the Norton Ghost program in a DOS window or
at DOS level with the command ghost -lps.

* HMI: “Y”
Start Restore by acknowledging the message window.
* HMI:
The SW Norton Ghost message box appears with a:
display of the transfer progress
display of the paths used
details of the data volume to be transferred
PC: Press “Control” + “C”
HMI boots. A boot disk is required to
boot the HMI.

-- < 4 > Back to previous menu

Returns you to the main menu

8. The system boots automatically after a successful restore operation.

12 Duration: approx. 15--20 mins.

to create a compressed disk image = 130 MB of a 540 MB hard disk via LPT.

Backup of user data, machine data and startup files is an integral feature of the
HMI in the Services operating area.
The storage location and format of the data to be saved, and the medium on
which they can be stored or restored from, are displayed in the File Manager.

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12.4 Backing up the hard disk with Norton Ghost

12.4.5 More than one software version on a PCU 50 (software version

5.2 and later)

Back up a SW To make an image of a SW version, proceed as follows:

version Precondition:
The Ghost program is installed on the PCU 50.
1. Switch off and on control and select setup mode (press key 6 if DOS window
2. Choose item “7: Backup/Restore”
3. Enter the password
4. Choose item “4: Select Backup/Restore” partitions.
5. Change the maximum number of available displays if applicable:
Menu “1: Configure ghost parameter”
Here you can define in menu “1: Change Maximum Backup Images” and
how many images you wish to accept. A max. of 7 images are possible.
Default setting: 1.
6. To back up the current SW version, select menu option “2: Partitions
7. The system boots automatically after a successful restore operation. The
stored SW version is saved under directory “Images” and is also listed when
selecting menu “3 Backup/Restore”.

Restore a SW To utilize the image of a SW version, proceed as follows:

version Precondition:
The Ghost program is installed on the PCU 50.
1. Switch off and on control and select setup mode (press key 6 if DOS window
2. Choose item “7: Backup/Restore” 12
3. Enter the password
4. Choose item “4: Select Backup/Restore” partitions.
5. Change the maximum number of available displays if applicable:
Menu “1: Configure ghost parameter”
Here you can define in menu “1: Change Maximum Backup Images” and
how many images you wish to accept. A max. of 7 images are possible.
Default setting: 1.
6. To restore the image again, select menu option “3: Partitions Restore”.
7. Choose a SW version from the list of available versions.
8. The system boots automatically after a successful restore operation.

Delete SW version To delete an image of a SW version from the “Images” directory, proceed as
from “Images” follows:
directory Precondition:
The Ghost program is installed on the PCU 50.

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12.4 Backing up the hard disk with Norton Ghost

1. Switch off and on control and select setup mode (press key 6 if DOS window
2. Choose item “7: Backup/Restore”
3. Enter the password
4. Choose item “4: Select Backup/Restore” partitions.
5. Change the maximum number of available displays if applicable:
Menu “1: Configure ghost parameter”
Here you can define in menu “1: Change Maximum Backup Images” and
how many images you wish to accept. A max. of 7 images are possible.
Default setting: 1.
6. To delete an image of a SW version, select menu option “4: Delete Image”.
7. Choose a SW version from the list of available versions.
8. The system boots automatically after a successful delete operation. The
desired SW version is removed from the directory “Images” and is thus no
longer listed after selecting menu “3 Backup/Restore”.


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11.02 12 Data Backup
12.5 Installing a replacement hard disk

12.5 Installing a replacement hard disk

PCU 50 Instructions on how to restore the data backup of a complete PCU 50 hard disk
are given below. Complete backups ensure the integrity of user and system
data for servicing purposes.

Norton Ghost The “Norton Ghost” software can be used to save the complete contents of a
PCU 50 hard disk as a “disk image file”. This disk image file can be stored on
various data carriers for later restoration of the hard disk.
The Norton Ghost program is pre-installed on each PCU 50 module and on
replacement hard disks.
For further information please see web site “www.ghost.com” or the previous

Note Recommendation:
Archive hard disk backup (hard disk image) including “Norton Ghost” program
on CD.

Restore backup Precondition:

copy of hard disk
S Ghost program is installed on the PG.
S A new replacement hard disk is installed.
S Connect the PCU 50 to the PC/PG using the parallel cable.
S One of the operating systems Windows 3.x, Windows 95 and a CD drive is
available on the PC/PG.



1. Install a new replacement hard disk on the PCU 50 or a new HMI

(see attached instructions)
-- Place hard disk onto hinges
-- Insert the hard disk/HMI connecting cable
-- Mount hard disk using the 4 knurled screws
-- Undo transport lock: Turn to “operating” until it engages

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12.5 Installing a replacement hard disk

The Windows operating system and HMI system software are not installed on
the replacement hard disk.

2. Switch on the PG and insert CD into drive.

3. Switch off and on control and select setup mode (press key 6 if DOS window
4. Choose item “4: Backup/Restore”
5. Enter the password
6. Select menu option 1 “Hard disk backup/restore with ghost”
7. Set the parameters for the Norton Ghost program:
-- < 1 > configure ghost parameters:
see above
-- <3> Hard disk restore from <pathname>, PARALLEL mode
* When this menu is chosen, a message box appears in which:
you are requested to check whether the connection
between the HMI and PG/PC has been established.
Image file of HMI to which data must be restored
is to be performed is displayed.
* PG/PC:
Start the Norton Ghost program in a DOS window or
at DOS level with the command ghost -lps.

* HMI: * MMC:
* HMI:
The SW Norton Ghost message box appears with a:
12 display of the transfer progress
display of the paths used
details of the data volume to be transferred

If the data transfer is interrupted during the restore operation, the system on the
hard disk is incomplete. You therefore need an HMI boot disk containing
MS-DOS ² 6.X-Boot and the Norton Ghost software.

-- < 4 > Back to previous menu

Returns you to the main menu

8. After a successful restore. The HMI is booted automatically.

Duration: approx. 15--20 mins.
to create a compressed disk image = 130 MB of a 540 MB hard disk via LPT.

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11.02 12 Data Backup
12.6 Data backup with the VALITEK streamer on the PCU 50

12.6 Data backup with the VALITEK streamer on the PCU 50

What can you Using the VALITEK streamer you can

back up?
S back up all data on hard disk C (Backup all)
S back up the user data (archive format) in directory C:\DH\ARC.DIR (Backup
User Data)

S restore the data backup (Restore from Tape)

Streamer Connect the VALITEK streamer to the parallel interface X8 (25-pin) on the PCU
connection 50 using SIEMENS cable 6FC9 344--4xV. No other data backup device can be
connected since the software is designed to operate with the VALITEK

Operation While the HMI is booting (after switching on the control system) when the mes-
sage Starting MS DOS appears:
1. Press key 6 on the operator panel keyboard once.
The following menu is displayed:


1 Install/Update HMI System

2 HMI Configuration Tool
3 DOS Shell
4 Start Windows (Service Mode)
5 HMI System Check
6 Reboot System (Warmboot)
7 Backup / Restore with VALITEK Streamer
8 Start PC Link 12
9 End (Load HMI)

Your Choice [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]?

2. Press key 7.
The system asks you to enter a password:


3. Enter a password for level 0 to 2.

-- System
-- Manufacturer
-- Service
The following menu is displayed:

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12.6 Data backup with the VALITEK streamer on the PCU 50


1 Select VALITEK Streamer Type

2 Test Connection to Streamer
3 Backup System
4 Backup User Data
5 Restore from Tape
6 Uninstall MMC 102 (Delete Files)
7 Return to Main Menu

Your Choice [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]?

4. Press key 1
The following menu is displayed:

*** No Streamer configured ***

Please select (new) Streamer type:

1 Valitek PST-160
2 Valitek PST2-M1200
3 Return to previous Menu

Your Choice [1,2,3]?

5. Select the streamer type, e.g. No. 2.Valitek PST2-M1200. The streamer type
is then selected and you return to the selection menu.


1 Select VALITEK Streamer Type

2 Test Connection to Streamer
3 Backup System
4 Backup User Data
5 Restore from Tape
12 6 Uninstall MMC 102 (Delete Files)
7 Return to Main Menu

Your Choice [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]?

6. You can also select the streamer connection. To do this, select menu op-
tion 2
The message for the selected streamer type is displayed:

*** Current Configuration: Valitek PST2-M1200 ***

Press any key to continue ...

The test run then starts.

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12.6 Data backup with the VALITEK streamer on the PCU 50

Valitek PST2-System Verify Connection

Activity Repetitions Connection

Reading Status 500 0
Sending Test Data Blocks 500 0
Receiving Test Data Blocks 500 0

Selected Port : lpt1 Rom Version 85 Revision B <esc>-Abort

Test complete. The connection is functional. Press a key ...

7. You can now, for example, create a complete backup of all system data. To
do this, select 3, Backup System means hard disk C.


1 Select VALITEK Streamer Type

2 Test Connection to Streamer
3 Backup System
4 Backup User Data
5 Restore from Tape
6 Uninstall MMC 102 (Delete Files)
7 Return to Main Menu

Your Choice [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]?

The following message appears on the screen:

*** Current Configuration: Valitek PST2-M1200 ***

Backing up Partition C: ....


Your Choice: [Y,N]?Y

Start the data backup by pressing Y.

8. By pressing key 4, Backup User Data, you opt to create a backup of the
user data, i.e. batch file C:\TOOLS\BACK_USR.BAT is executed. All archive
files under C:\DH\ARC.DIR are backed up as standard. If you want to back
up additional files, then you must enter other directories in file C:\TOOLS\


1 Select VALITEK Streamer Type

2 Test Connection to Streamer
3 Backup System
4 Backup User Data
5 Restore from Tape
6 Uninstall MMC 102 (Delete Files)
7 Return to Main Menu

Your Choice [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]?4

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12 Data Backup 11.02
12.6 Data backup with the VALITEK streamer on the PCU 50

BACK_USR.BAT The file may only be modified at the point indicated. The content of file
BACK_USR.BAT is as follows:

REM Save Archives in DH:\ARC.DIR
>> c:\dh\arc.dir\
REM Save this file
>> c:\tools\

[ ...You can specify the directories to be backed up here, e.g. >> c:\dh\mb\
*. *]

REM The following line must be the last !


The following message appears on the screen:

*** Current Configuration: Valitek PST2-M1200 ***

Backing up User Data ....


Your Choice: [Y,N]?Y

Start the data backup by pressing Y.

9. You can opt to restore the backed up data by selecting option 5.


12 1 Select VALITEK Streamer Type

2 Test Connection to Streamer
3 Backup System
4 Backup User Data
5 Restore from Tape
6 Uninstall MMC 102 (Delete Files)
7 Return to Main Menu

Your Choice [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]?5

The following message appears on the screen:

*** Current Configuration: Valitek PST2-M1200 ***

Restoring from Tape ....

Continue ?

Your Choice: [Y,N]?Y

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12.6 Data backup with the VALITEK streamer on the PCU 50

You can start restoring the backup data from tape by selecting Y.

10. By selecting key 6 you can uninstall the MMC 102/103 system including its
data management


1 Select VALITEK Streamer Type

2 Test Connection to Streamer
3 Backup System
4 Backup User Data
5 Restore from Tape
6 Uninstall MMC 102 (Delete Files)
7 Return to Main Menu

Your Choice [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]?6

Do You REALLY want to delete your MMC 102 system?

Your Choice: [Y,N]?Y

If you select Y, all data in directories C:\MMC2\*.* and C:\DH\*.* will be deleted.
MS-DOS and WINDOWS operating systems are not deleted.


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SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition 12-301
12 Data Backup 11.02
12.7 Line checksums and MD numbers in MD files

12.7 Line checksums and MD numbers in MD files

Line check sums Introducing line check sums as you generate backup files for machine data (INI
and TEA files) provides an error-checking function. By protecting the files them-
selves, you can dispense with the “Manufacturer” write authorization when you
read them back in again.

MD numbers Introducing machine data numbers (MD numbers) to the backup files facilitates
communication via machine data values for servicing purposes and may ease
automatic processing of MD backup files.

The two subsections below give detailed information about line checksums and
machine data numbers.

12.7.1 Line checksums (11230 MD_FILE_STYLE)

Properties of A line checksum

line checksums S is generated only for lines with machine data assignments.
S is positioned directly after the machine data assignment, preceded by a
blank and apostrophe.

S comprises 4 HEXA characters.

S is generated only by the control system as it is creating an MD backup file,
not by external editors on PC or PG.

S is activated via MD 11230 MD_FILE_STYLE.

12 S can be output together with machine data numbers.

S ”; <comment >” can be added later without affecting the sum check.

If MD then output of Example

1 MD name with line $MC_AXCONF_MACHAX_USED[0]=1 ’2F34
2 MD name and MD N20070$MC_AXCONF_MACHAX_USED[0]=1
3 MD name, N20070$MC_AXCONF_MACHAX_USED[0]=1 ’2F34
MD number and
line checksum

Evaluating line Write permission is not required in order to read in machine data files with valid
checksums line checksums.

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12-302 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
11.02 12 Data Backup
12.7 Line checksums and MD numbers in MD files

If you want to load

S machine data without a line checksum,

S modified MD values with deleted line checksum or
S MD files from SW version 1 or 2,
you will need the “Manufacturer” password to read them in.
When loading machine data files, you can choose how the system must react to
errors in the machine data file. See Abort procedure Subsection 12.7.3.
If the file contains errored values, then the current values are never overwritten.

12.7.2 Machine data numbers

Archive files
S Machine data numbers are formally positioned as block numbers (e.g.
N20070) in front of an MD assignment line.

S A blank is inserted between the machine data number and the MD assign-

S The MD number refers to the machine data as a whole. Any existing field
values have no influence on the MD number.

S You can select generation of MD numbers in front of MD assignment lines in

INI and TEA files.
-- MD 11230 MD_FILE_STYLE, Bit 1 = 1 Generate an MD number
-- MD 11230 MD_FILE_STYLE, Bit 1 = 0 Do not generate an MD number

Evaluating When re-importing machine data files, the control evaluates the MD numbers as
MD numbers follows: 12
S If errors are detected in MD files as they are being imported, the MD number
is displayed as a block number with the appropriate alarm.

12.7.3 Abort behavior during MD read-in

Abort behavior If machine data files (INI files)

S which contain errors

S which do not match the checksum
are read into the control, alarms are generated. The import operation may be
aborted. You can select the following control responses in machine data MD

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SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition 12-303
12 Data Backup 11.02
12.7 Line checksums and MD numbers in MD files

MD 11220 value Response to errors

0 Output of an alarm, abort on detection of 1st error.
(As for SW versions 1 and 2.)
1 Output of an alarm, import continues, output of number of
errors at file end by an alarm.
2 Import continues to file end in spite of any errors. Output of
number of errors at file end by an alarm.

In all cases, if there is at least one error in the MD file, the name of the affected
file is output by a first alarm (alarm 15180).
Further reactions:

S Errored MD do not overwrite current MD.

S Current MD are not overwritten if an attempt is made to load MD without line
checksums without appropriate authorization.

S CHANDATA instructions for non-existent channels (MD not set for multi-
channel capability) abort the import operation.

S Invalid file end aborts the import operation.

MD 11220 MD 11220 INI_FILE_MODE must be reset explicitly. An earlier setting is not

INI_FILE_MODE validated in the course of series start-ups.

S Read in machine data and output alarms generated during read-in.
S % character stands for file name and number of errors.
S MD 11220 = 1, i.e. output an alarm in response to every error, continue
import, output number of errors at end of file through an alarm.
MD file Alarms
15180 Cannot process program % as an INI file
$MC_AXCONF_GEOX_NAME_TAB[99]=”A” 17020 Illegal array index1
$MC_MM_REORG_LOG_FILE_MEM=1000 17090 Value higher than upper limit
$MC_AXCONF_GEOX_NAME_TAB=”X” 12400 Element does not exist
$MC_MM_REORG_LOG_FILE_MEM[1]=100 12400 Element does not exist
$MN_UNKNOWN_MD=1 12550 Name % not defined
15185% Error detected in INI file

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12-304 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
11.02 12 Data Backup
12.9 Back up PLC data

12.8 Machine/setting data

The machine/setting data are listed in

References: /LIS/ Lists

12.9 Back up PLC data

Original image of The consistency of the PLC data backup is guaranteed only if you take the fol-
project lowing steps in the given order:
1. Switch PLC to PLC STOP (set PLC switch S4 to position 2)
2. Transfer PLC data from PG to control
3. Archive PLC data
4. Switch PLC to PLC-RUN (set PLC switch S4 to position 0)
If you following this sequence of steps, an original image of the project will be
generated in the data management system.

Instantaneous If you cannot perform the operations described above, you can -- as an alter-
image of PLC-CPU native -- switch the PLC from PLC-RUN to PLC-STOP:
1. Switch PLC to PLC STOP (set PLC switch S4 to position 2)
2. Archive PLC data
3. Switch PLC to PLC-RUN (set PLC switch S4 to position 0)
If you following this sequence of steps, an instantaneous image of the PLC-
CPU content will be generated in the data management system. 12
If you back up the PLC data while the PLC is operating in cyclic mode (PLC-
RUN), the data blocks are not backed up at the same time. This can give rise to
data inconsistencies which will cause the user program to stop the PLC.

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SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition 12-305
SW/HW Replacement 13
13.1 Software update

Sequence for updating software during start-up or software replacement
1. Upgrade HMI
2. Upgrade NCK software.
Please note instructions and advice given in readme file supplied with Tool Box.


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13-306 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
11.02 13 SW/HW Replacement
13.2 NC upgrade

13.2 NC upgrade

13.2.1 Standard upgrade

Operating SINUMERIK 810D contains a firmware flash EPROM for the entire system SW.
sequence It is possible to update the software via the PCMCIA slot at the front, without
opening the device (applies to CCU3 export version only).

S Please save all control and user data before commencing with the upgrade
(see Chapter 12, “Data Backup”).

S Switch off the control,

S insert the memory card with the new firmware into the PCMCIA slot
and execute the following steps:
1. Set switch S1 to 2
2. Switch on power
3. During booting, the firmware is transferred from the memory card to the
4. Wait until the digit “6” appears on the display (about 2 minutes)
5. Set switch S3 to 0
6. PLC general reset: Set switch S4 to “2”, then to position “3”. Switch into posi-
tions (“2”--“3”--“2”) within 3 seconds. After the PS and PF LEDs light up, set
switch S4 to position “0” (see Section 5.2 power ON/Ramp-up).
7. Then proceed as described in Section 12.2 (Series start-up) to import the
saved data again. Please take note of any manufacturer’s instructions regar-
ding the new SW version.

If the digit “6” is not displayed, then an error has occurred:
-- Invalid card?
-- Memory card or hardware defective?
For CCU3 software (not the export version), the NC card must remain in the
slot during operation.

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13 SW/HW Replacement 11.02
13.2 NC upgrade

13.2.2 Series machine start-up via NC card

The free memory on the NC card (PCMCIA card) can be used to save a start-up
archive there. The archive can be transferred to the NC card using SINUCOPY-
FFS (on an external PG/PC):
Possible applications:
1. Following replacement of the NC module (or after data loss), the user can
restore the original status delivered by the manufacturer from an archive to
the NC card or
2. the machine manufacturers can supply their cycles and data on the NC card
on delivery of the machine or a software upgrade.

Sequence of A) Creating a start-up file on the NC card

operations Precondition:
The SINUCOPY_FFS SW is loaded
1. Output series start-up data from NC/PLC via RS-232 to a PG/PC.
2. Store series start-up data on the PG/PC as ORIGINAL.ARC file (e.g. in
3. Call SINUCOPY-FFS on the PG/PC.
4. Insert the NC card in the PCMCIA slot.
5. Copy the NC SW to the PC card.
6. Choose “Area settings” in the NC card menu.
Enter 0 under “FFS Startadr” and “FFS Endadr”.
7. Choose the “Create new FFS” field and click on the field “Detect
8. Format the FFS on the NC card.
9. Choose the “Create DIR” field in the FFS menu and create and open the
directory _N_ARC_DIR.
13 10. Call the “Save FFS from hard disk to card [Archive/part programs]”. The data
are loaded to the NC card.

The created IBN file can be saved directly on the NC card as from SW 5.2.

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11.02 13 SW/HW Replacement
13.2 NC upgrade

B) Loading the start-up file from the NC card

The start-up archive with the name _N_ORIGINAL_ARC is located on the NC
card (in the directory _N_NC_CARD_DIR\_N_ARC_DIR).
1. Insert the NC card in the NCU module
START UP switch=2 (NCK initialization);
wait approx. 3 minutes until the digit “9” appears in the 7 segment display

START-UP switch=1 (reset NCK);

Press NCK reset and wait until the digit “6” appears in the 7-segment display

START-UP switch=0 (NCK reset);

when “6” appears, you can turn the START-UP switch back to the basic
setting “0”
2. Set a password
3. Press the “ETC key” in Services basic display and press the “Original status”
This softkey is only available if the NC card contains the above-mentioned
start-up archive and access level 3 (User) has been set at the control.
4. When you press the softkey, the protocol window appears with the query:
“Series start-up archive: Perform series start-up?”; if you confirm, the data is

If no PLC program is active, it takes longer to input the data (because the PLC
timeout is effective).

! The complete data of the NC (and PLC, if included in the start-up archive) of
the user is deleted and replaced by the data in the start-up archive.


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SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition 13-309
13 SW/HW Replacement 11.02
13.2 NC upgrade


The SINUCOPY-FFS program can be used to read and write NC cards of the
CCU to a PC that has an active PCMCIA slot, using both the SINUMERIK
system software (NC) and a flash file system (FFS).

FFS: A flash file system is like a DOS data medium, e.g. disk. You must format the
flash file system system before you can save any data. Then, you can create the directory
structures and save the data in any required format.
The data medium is an electrically erasable EPROM. This means that the
relevant area must be deleted before writing. Algorithms specially matched to
the module identification are required for deleting and writing. They essentially
define the speed at which the data can be written.
An FFS can normally be read directly by DOS/WINDOWS. Since the NC card
also stores the NC system software, which is not present in FFS format, this is
possible only with SINUCOPY-FFS.

S The following PCMCIA card drivers/hardware are supported:
-- CSM OMNI97 (external PCMCIA device operated at the parallel inter-
face of the PC)
-- PG740/PG720C (with CSM driver CISIO-S)
-- LAPTOPS with PCMCIA slots (with Intel driver ICARDRV3 -- only for
cards up to a max. of 4 MB)
-- CSM PCJB slots (only for cards up to a max. of 4 MB)

S The program runs under Windows 95. Also under Windows NT if CSM
OMNI97 is used.

13 Functions SINUCOPY-FFS can perform the following functions on the FFS area of the NC
card independently of the SINUMERIK system software (NC):

S read,
S modify
S re-write
S re-format
S create new directories
S copy a file to directories and subdirectories
S read and write system SW.

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13-310 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
11.02 13 SW/HW Replacement
13.2 NC upgrade

Expert mode
In expert mode, an FFS image is generated in the PC memory. This can be
written to an inserted NC card or saved as a file.
Standard mode
In standard mode, every action (read/write/delete) is executed directly on the
NC card.
Independently of the FFS, the NC system can be

S re-written (precondition: the space above the FFS start address is not used
by the NC system).

S duplicated
S output and saved as a file.
S NC cards can be duplicated fully (NC + FFS).
It is possible to display the version of the NC system of the inserted card.
The storage capacity of the inserted NC card is determined automatically and
displayed. Similarly, the limit memory addresses for the FFS.

Operation The functions of the program can be called via the menu bar or directly by pres-
sing buttons on the operating interface. Help is available for all actions and can
be accessed with the help menu.


Figure 13-1 SINUCOPY-FFS operator interface

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SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition 13-311
13 SW/HW Replacement 11.02
13.2 NC upgrade

S Display card contents:

Click on the NC card image with the left mouse button (menu: NC card/ver-
sion display of NC system.

S Display card information with card and FFS data

Click the right mouse button (as for NC Card/ID Info menu) on a free area
(not a button or a figure, e.g. top right).

S The arrows can be used as menu commands:

-- Read/write NC system. Including read/write FFS system.
-- Copy files from hard disk to the FFS system.
-- Copy files back from the FFS system to the hard disk.
-- Load or store complete FFS systems in RAM image.

S List fields (Explorer)

The list fields show the selectable FFS directories on the left and the con-
tents of the selected directory on the right. Double click on the directory
name to select it. Use the “Backspace key” to move up a level. Before you
can use the “Modify file” or “Delete file” button, a file must be selected in the
right list field.

S Information field at bottom left

When you have formatted the FFS system, the information field at the bot-
tom left shows the formatted space, the free space as a percentage and a
number of bytes.

Note that the date in the Info field are gross data. Subtract approx. 8% for

S FFS system detection

If the program is started with a card inserted, it determines whether an FFS
system is supported. If there are no IDs on the card for the FFS start and
end addresses, the system automatically recommends the best ones.

If you change this card, this is detected automatically. The contents of the card
(FFS) are displayed.

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13-312 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
11.02 13 SW/HW Replacement
13.2 NC upgrade

1. Start the “sinucopy-ffs.exe” file
2. Enter the password
3. Dialog: Specify a temporary directory for unpacking files
4. Dialog: Specify the HW configuration
5. Dialog: Select the components to be installed
6. Dialog: Specify the directory for installation
7. The SW is installed
8. Message: “driver installed”
9. Dialog: “Select the name of the program folder”
10. Dialog: Please read the READ.ME file
11. Dialog: Restart now or later
12. Following restart, you can use the SINUCOPY-FFS function.

Tool: ARCEDIT This tool is intended for experts.

S Read archive data

S Delete/insert files
S Modify files (if editable).

Tool: SICARD This tool is intended for experts.

S Read and write NC cards

S Duplicate NC cards.

1. PG with SINUCOPY (predecessor version)
The installation can fail if the “cisio-s” driver is entered in the “config.sys” file
and this is detected during ramp-up: Error message. Remedy:
-- Delete the line “Device ...cisio.exe, cisio.ini”.
-- Enter a free interrupt number in HEX format in the “cisio.ini” file in the
line IRQ=....
A free interrupt number can be determined via the “System properties”
menu of the “Device manager”.
2. The drive specification for OMNI97 device can be selected freely: Enter the
drive letter in the “System control/Device manager/Drives/OMNI97” menu.
Windows NT: Enter the drive letter in the “OmniControl/DriveLetter” menu.
3. If an NC card with FFS is copied with previous version of SINUCOPY, only
the NC system (not the FFS part) is transferred to the copy.

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SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition 13-313
13 SW/HW Replacement 11.02
13.2 NC upgrade

Tool: SINUCOPY The SINUCOPY program can

S describe, duplicate and read NC cards of the CCU on a PC with active

PCMCIA slot using the SINUMERIK system software (NC). The program
version identifications can be displayed (according to the version display of
the SINUMERIK control).

S NC data can be written onto the NC card; for operating instructions see:
/BA/ 840D Operator’s Guide, Services operating area.

S Data can be read from and written to the PC cards of the PCU with the
SINUMERIK system software (HMI).

Operation The functions of the program can be called via the menu bar or directly by pres-
sing buttons on the operating interface. Help is available for all actions and can
be accessed with the “Help” menu.

NC data can be written onto the NC card; for operating instructions see:
/BA/ 840D Operator’s Guide, Services operating area.


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13-314 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
11.02 13 SW/HW Replacement
13.4 Replacing the battery

13.3 Hardware replacement

You can replace all components that are ordered via a machine-readable
product designation number.
Please save data before removing any hardware component.

The CCU3 module can be withdrawn from the CCU box without data being lost
since this module is equipped with a backup battery.

References: -- /PHC/ Manual Configuring 810D

-- /PJU/ Configuring 611A/611D
-- /BH/ Operator Components Manual 840D

13.4 Replacing the battery

Replacing the To replace the battery on the SINUMERIK 810D please proceed as follows:
1. Switch off the control.
2. Note instructions regarding handling of ESD-sensitive components!
3. Undo the four fixing screws on the CCU3 module and remove the module.
4. Remove the battery and disconnect the battery connector. The data are
buffered in the meantime by a capacitor (approx. 15 minutes).
5. Connect the new battery (watch polarity!) and press it back into the battery
6. Insert the CCU3 module again and tighten the fixing screws.
Order No. 6FC5 247-0AA18-0AA0

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SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition 13-315
13 SW/HW Replacement 11.02
13.4 Replacing the battery



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13-316 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
HMI 14
You will find the contents of this Chapter in
/IAM/ HMI/MMC Installation & Start-Up Guide, IM2 and IM4
Order No.: 6FC5 297-6AE20-0BP1
The MMC/HMI Installation & Start-Up Guide is subdivided into 6 books:
AE1 Updates/Extensions
BE1 Expanding the Operator Interface
HE1 Help in the Editor
IM2 Starting up HMI Embedded
IM4 Starting up HMI Advanced
TX1 Creating Foreign Language Texts


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SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition 14-317
14 MMC/HMI 11.02



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14-318 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
Miscellaneous 15
15.1 Tool box software package

15.1.1 Contents of the tool box

Contents Supplied on 3.5” disks with

S Basic PLC program

S NC variable selector
S Standard machine data sets
S SIEMENSd.txt file (Ger.) for the current 810D software version
SIEMENSe.txt > English version.

Software The following software is required for data communication:

S PCIN software
S SIMATIC STEP 7 HiGraph for the PLC programs.

Hardware Programming device and cable

S Programming device, e.g. PG740 or a PC
S Cable for RS-232 PG/PC NC: 6FX2 002-1AA01-0BF0
S Cable for MPI bus: 6ES7 901-0BF00-0AA0.

15.1.2 Application of the Tool box

Standard MD sets Various sample standard machine data sets are contained in the software.

S Turning technology (2 axes, 1 spindle)

S Milling technology (3 linear axes, 1 spindle, 1 rotary axis)

Application Use the data sets as a configuration example. You can alter the data sets to
match your application using the DOS editor.

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SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition 15-319
15 Verschiedenes 11.02
15.1 Tool box software package

Basic PLC See Section 6.6


NC variable You need e the NC variable selector in order to read and write NCK variables.
selector References: /FB1/, P3, Basic PLC Program
/LIS/ Lists, “Variables” section


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15-320 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
11.02 15 Verschiedenes
15.2 Machine data access via part program

15.2 Machine data access via part program

Data identifiers The names of the machine data are displayed on the HMI. The internal data
designation requires further identifiers. These identifiers must be specified if
machine data is changed through programming or if data is imported via the
serial interface.

Data areas $MM_ Operator panel data

$MN_/$SN_ General machine data/setting data
$MC_/$SC_ Channel-specific machine data/setting data
$MA_/$SA_ Axis-specific machine data/setting data
$MD_ Drive machine data
Identifier meanings: $ System variable
M Machine data
S Setting data
M, N, C, A, D Sub-area (second letter)
Axis data are addressed via the axis name. The internal axis designation (AX1,
AX2 ... AX5) or the designation specified via MD10000: AX_CONF_NAME_TAB
can be used as the axis name,
e.g.: $MA_JOG_VELOξY1ζ=2000
The JOG velocity of axis Y1 is 2000 mm/min.
If a machine data contains a STRING (e.g. X1) or a hexadecimal value (e.g.
H41), then the string or hex value must be inserted in apostrophes (e.g. ’X1’ or
FSD module 9/18 A in drive slot 1 of the drive bus.
To address the various contents of a machine data, identifying data must be
specified in square brackets.
e.g.: $MA_FIX_POINT_POSξ0,X1ζ=500.000
1st fixed point position of axis X1 is 500
(0=1st, 1=2nd, 2=3rd, etc).

Beispiele $MN_AUXFU_GROUP_SPECξ2ζ=‘H41‘
Time of output of auxiliary functions in 3rd auxiliary function group
Name of 1st machine axis is X1.
The 1st reference point value of axis X1 is 100 mm.
Assignment of channel-specific machine data:
Assignment channel 1
Channel name for channel 1 15
$MC_AXCONF_GEOAX_NAME_TABξ1ζ=‘Y‘ Name of 2nd geometry axis
in channel 1 is Y
R10 = 33.75 R10 from channel 1

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15 Verschiedenes 11.02
15.2 Machine data access via part program



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15-322 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
Abbreviations A
ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange

ASUB Asynchronous subroutine

BAG Mode group

BB Ready

BCD Binary Coded Decimals: In binary code coded decimals


BP Basic Program

C1 Channel 1

CC Compiler Cycles

CCU Compact Control Unit

COM Communication

CPU Central Processing Unit

CRC Cutter Radius Compensation

CTS Clear To Send: Clear to send message in serialdata interfaces

DAC Digital-to-Analog Converter

DB Data Block

DBB Data Block Byte

DBX Data Block Bit

DCE Data Communications Equipment

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SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition A-323
A Abbreviations 11.02

DPR Dual Port RAM

DRAM Dynamic Random Access Memory (unbuffered)

DRF Differential Resolver Function

DRY Dry Run

DSR Data Send Ready (message from serial data interfaces)

DTE Data Terminal Equipment

DW Data Word

EFP Single I/O Module (PLC I/O module)

EPROM Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory

ETC ETC key > extension of soft key bar in the same menu

FC Function Call on the PLC

FSD Feed Spindle Drive

FEPROM Flash EPROM Readable and writable memory

FIFO First in First Out: Memory which works without address specification and whose
data are read in the same order in which they were stored.

FIPO Fine Interpolator

FST Feed Stop (= feed hold)

GEO Geometry

GND Signal Ground (reference point)

HHU Handheld Unit

HEX Hexadecimal Number

A HMI Human Machine Interface: Operator function of SINUMERIK for operation, pro-
gramming and simulation. The meaning of HMI is identical with MMC.

HW limit switch Hardware limit switch

INC Increment

INI Initializing Data

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A-324 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
11.02 A Abbreviations

INTM Internal Multiplication

IS Interface Signal

ISO code Special punchtape code, number of punched holes per character always even

JOG Jog mode

KV Servo gain factor

KÜ Speed ratio

K BUS Communication bus

LEC Leadscrew Error Compensation

LED Light Emitting Diode

LPFC Low Priority Frequency Channel

MCP Machine Control Panel

MD Machine Data

MDA Manual Data Automatic

MMC Human Machine Communication: Operator function of SINUMERIK for opera-

tion, programming and simulation. The meaning of HMI is identical with MMC.

MPF Main Program File: NC part program ( main program)

MPI Multi Port Interface

MSD Main Spindle Drive

NC Numerical Control

NCK Numerical Control Kernel

NCU Numerical Control Unit

OB Organisation Block on PLC

OPI Operator Panel Interface


PCMCIA Personal Computer Memory Card International Association

Siemens AG, 2002. All rights reserved

SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition A-325
A Abbreviations 11.02

PG Programming Device

PLC Programmable Logic Controller

PMS1 Position Measuring System 1

PMS2 Position Measuring System 2

PRT Program Test

RAM Random Access Memory in which data can be read and written

ROV Rapid Override

RPA R Parameter Active

RS-232 Serial Interface (definition of interchange line between DTE and DCE)

RTS Request To Send: Switching on signalling unit, control signal on serial data

SBL Single Block

SD Setting Data

SEA Setting Data Active

SK Soft Key

SKP Skip Block

SPF Subprogram File: Subroutine


SW limit switch Software Limit Switch

TEA Testing Data Active: Identifier for machine data

TO Tool Offset

A TOA Tool Offset Active: Identifier for tool offsets

TC Tool Change/Compensation

Tool Tool

TRC Tool Radius Compensation

WO Work Offset (Zero Offset)

Siemens AG, 2002. All rights reserved

A-326 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
11.02 A Abbreviations

ZO Zero Offset (Work Offset)

ZOA Zero Offset Active: Identification for work offset

←C Micro Controller

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SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition A-327
A Abbreviations 11.02


Siemens AG, 2002. All rights reserved

A-328 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
References B
General documentation

/BU/ SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D/802S, C, D

Ordering Information
Catalog NC 60
Order No.: E86060-K4460-A101-A9-7600

/IKPI/ Catalog IK PI 2000

Industrial Communication and Field Devices
Oder number of bound edition: E86060-K6710-A101-A9
Order number of single-sheet edition: E86060-K6710-A100-A9

SIMATIC S7 Programmable Logic Controllers
Catalog ST 70
Order No.: E86 060-K4670-A111-A3


Cables & Connections & System Components
Catalog NC Z
Order No.: E86060-K4490-A001-A8-7600

Electronic Documentation

/CD1/ The SINUMERIK System (11.02 Edition)

(with all the SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D/802 and SIMODRIVE publications)
Order No.: 6FC5 298-6CA00-0BG3

Siemens AG, 2002. All rights reserved

SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition B-329
References 11.02

User documentation


Short Guide AutoTurn Operation (09.99 Edition)
Order No.: 6FC5 298-4AA30-0BP2


AutoTurn Graphic Programming System (02.02 Edition)
Order No.: 6FC5 298-4AA40-0BP3


Operator’s Guide MMC (10.00 Edition)
Order No.: 6FC5 298-6AA00-0BP0

/BAD/ SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D

Operator’s Guide HMI Advanced (11.02 Edition)
Order No.: 6FC5 298-6AF00-0BP2


Operator’s Guide HMI Embedded (11.02 Edition)
Order No.: 6FC5 298-6AC00-0BP2

/BAH/ SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D

Operator’s Guide HT 6 (06.02 Edition)
Order No.: 6FC5 298-0AD60-0BP2

/BAK/ SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D

Short Guide Operation (02.01 Edition)
Order No.: 6FC5 298-6AA10-0BP0


Operator’s Guide ManualTurn (08.02 Edition)
Order No.: 6FC5 298-6AD00-0BP0

/BAS/ SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D

Operator’s Guide ShopMill (11.02 Edition)
Order No.: 6FC5 298-6AD10-0BP1


Operator’s Guide ShopTurn (03.03 Edition)
Order No.: 6FC5 298-6AD50-0BP2

Siemens AG, 2002. All rights reserved

B-330 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
11.02 References

/BNM/ SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D

User’s Guide Measuring Cycles (11.02 Edition)
Order No.: 6FC5 298-6AA70-0BP2

/CAD/ SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D

Operator’s Guide CAD Reader (03.02 Edition)
Order No.: (included in online help)

/DA/ SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D

Diagnostics Guide (11.02 Edition)
Order No.: 6FC5 298-6AA20-0BP3


Short Guide ManualTurn (04.01 Edition)
Order No.: 6FC5 298-5AD40-0BP0


Short Guide ShopMill (04.01 Edition)
Order No.: 6FC5 298-5AD30-0BP0


Short Guide ShopTurn (07.01 Edition)
Order No.: 6FC5 298-6AF20-0BP0

/PG/ SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D

Programming Guide Fundamentals (11.02 Edition)
Order No.: 6FC5 298-6AB00-0BP2

/PGA/ SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D

Programming Guide Advanced (11.02 Edition)
Order No.: 6FC5 298-6AB10-0BP2

/PGK/ SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D

Short Guide Programming (02.01 Edition)
Order No.: 6FC5 298-6AB30-0BP1

/PGM/ SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D

Programming Guide ISO Milling (11.02 Edition)
Order No.: 6FC5 298-6AC20-0BP2

/PGT/ SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D

Programming Guide ISO Turning (11.02 Edition)
Order No.: 6FC5 298-6AC10-0BP2

Siemens AG, 2002. All rights reserved

SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition B-331
References 11.02

/PGZ/ SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D

Programming Guide Cycles (11.02 Edition)
Order No.: 6FC5 298-6AB40-0BP2

/PI / PCIN 4.4

Software for Data Transfer to/from MMC Module
Order No.: 6FX2 060 4AA00-4XB0 (German, English, French)
Order from: WK Fürth


System Overview (02.01 Edition)
Order No.: 6FC5 298-6AE40-0BP0

Manufacturer/Service Documentation

a) Lists

/LIS/ SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D

Lists (11.02 Edition)
Order No.: 6FC5 297-6AB70-0BP3

b) Hardware

/BH/ SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D

Operator Component Manual (HW) (11.02 Edition)
Order No.: 6FC5 297-6AA50-0BP2


Absolute Encoder with PROFIBUS-DP
User’s Guide (HW) (02.99 Edition)
Order No.: 6SN1197-0AB10-0YP1


EMC Installation Guideline
Planning Guide (HW) (06.99 Edition)
Order No.: 6FC5 297-0AD30-0BP1

/GHA/ ADI4 -- Analog Drive Interface for 4 Axes (09.02 Edition)

Order No.: 6FC5 297-0BA01-0BP0

Siemens AG, 2002. All rights reserved

B-332 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
11.02 References


Configuration Manual (HW) (03.02 Edition)
Order No.: 6FC5 297-6AD10-0BP0


Configuration Manual NCU 561.2-573.4 (HW) (10.02 Edition)
Order No.: 6FC5 297-6AC10-0BP2


Hollow-Shaft Measuring System, SIMAG-H
Configuration/Installation Guide (HW) (07.02 Edition)
Order No.: 6SN1197-0AB30-0BP1

Measuring System for Main Spindle Drives
Configuration/Installation Guide (12.00 Edition)
Order No.: 6SN1197-0AB00-0YP3

c) Software

/FB1/ SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D

Description of Functions, Basic Machine (Part 1) (11.02 Edition)
(the various sections are listed below)
Order No.: 6FC5 297-6AC20-0BP2
A2 Various Interface Signals
A3 Axis Monitoring, Protection Zones
B1 Continuous Path Mode, Exact Stop and LookAhead
B2 Acceleration
D1 Diagnostic Tools
D2 Interactive Programming
F1 Travel to Fixed Stop
G2 Velocities, Setpoint/Actual-Value Systems, Cosed-Loop Control
H2 Output of Auxiliary Functions to PLC
K1 Mode Group, Channel, Program Operation Mode
K2 Axes, Coordinate Systems, Frames,
Actual-Value System for Workpiece, Work Offset External
K4 Communication
P1 Transverse Axes
P3 Basic PLC Program
R1 Reference Point Approach
S1 Spindles
V1 Feeds
W1 Tool Offset

/FB2/ SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D(CCU2)

Description of Functions; Extended Functions (Part 2) (11.02 Edition)
including FM-NC: Turning, Stepper Motor
(the various sections are listed below)
Order No.: 6FC5 297-6AC30-0BP2

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SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition B-333
References 11.02

A4 Digital and Analog NCK I/Os

B3 Several Operator Panels and NCUs
B4 Operation via PG/PC
F3 Remote Diagnostics
H1 Jog with/without Handwheel
K3 Compensation
K5 Mode Groups, Channels, Axis Replacement
L1 FM-NC Local Bus
M1 Kinematic Transformation
M5 Measurement
N3 Software Cams, Position Switching Signals
N4 Punching and Nibbling
P2 Positioning Axes
P5 Oscillation
R2 Rotary Axes
S3 Synchronous Spindle
S5 Synchronized Actions (up to and including SW 3)
S6 Stepper Motor Control
S7 Memory Configuration
T1 Indexing Axes
W3 Tool Change
W4 Grinding

/FB3/ SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D(CCU2)

Description of Functions Special Functions (Part 3) (11.02 Edition)
(the various sections are listed below)
Order No.: 6FC5 297-6AC80-0AP2
F2 3-Axis to 5-Axis Transformation
G1 Gantry Axes
G3 Cycle Times
K6 Contour Tunnel Monitoring
M3 Coupled Motion and Leading Value Coupling
S8 Constant Workpiece Speed for Centerless Grinding
T3 Tangential Control
TE0 Installation and Activation of Compile Cycles
TE1 Clearance Control
TE2 Analog Axis
TE3 Master-Slave for Drives
TE4 Transformation Package Handling
TE5 Setpoint Exchange
TE6 MCS Coupling
TE7 Retrace Support
TE8 Path-synchronous Switch Signal
V2 Preprocessing
W5 3D Tool Radius Compensation


Description of Functions, Drive Functions (11.02 Edition)
(the various sections are listed below)
Order No.: 6SN1 197-0AA80-0BP9
DB1 Operational Messages/Alarm Reactions
DD1 Diagnostic Functions
DD2 Speed Control Loop
DE1 Extended Drive Functions
DF1 Enable Commands

Siemens AG, 2002. All rights reserved

B-334 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
11.02 References

DG1 Encoder Parameterization

DL1 Linear Motor MD
DM1 Calculating of Motor/Power Section Parameters and
Controller Data
DS1 Current Control Loop
DÜ1 Monitors/Limitations


Description of Functions
ANA MODULE (02.00 Edition)
Order No.: 6SN1 197-0AB80-0BP0


Description of Functions Digitizing (07.99 Edition)
Order No.: 6FC5 297-4AC50-0BP0
DI1 Start-up
DI2 Scanning with Tactile Sensor (scancad scan)
DI3 Scanning with Laser (scancad laser)
DI4 Milling Program Generation (scancad mill)

/FBDN/ IT Solutions
NC Data Management server (DNC NT-2000) (01.02 Edition)
Description of Functions
Order No.: 6FC5 297-5AE50-0BP2

/FBDT/ SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D

IT Solutions
System for NC Data Transfer via Network (SinDNC) (09.02 Edition)
Description of Functions
Order No.: 6FC5 297-5AE70-0BP0

/FBFA/ SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D

Description of Functions
ISO Dialects for SINUMERIK (11.02 Edition)
Order No.: 6FC5 297-6AE10-0BP2

/FBFE/ SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D

Description of Functions Remote Diagnosis (02.03 Edition)
Order No.: 6FC5 297-0AF00-0BP2

/FBH/ SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D

HMI Configuring Package (11.02 Edition)
Order No.: (supplied with the software)
Part 1 User’s Guide
Part 2 Description of Functions

Siemens AG, 2002. All rights reserved

SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition B-335
References 11.02


Description of Functions HLA Module (04.00 Edition)
Order No.: 6SN1 197-0AB60-0BP2


Description of Functions ManualTurn (08.02 Edition)
Order No.: 6FC5 297-6AD50-0BP0


Configuring OP 030 Operation Interface (09.01 Edition)
Description of Functions
Order No.: 6FC5 297-6AC40-0BP0
BA Operator’s Guide
EU Development Environment (Configuring Package)
PS Online only: Configuring Syntax (Configuring Package)
PSE Introduction to Configuring of Operator Interface
IK Screen Kit: Software Update and Configuration


Description of Functions C-PLC Programming (03.96 Edition)
Order No.: 6FC5 297-3AB60-0BP0


IT Solutions
Description of Functions Computer link (SinCOM) (09.01 Edition)
Order No.: 6FC5 297-6AD60-0BP0
NFL Host Computer Interface
NPL PLC/NCK Interface


Description of Functions SINUMERIK Safety Integrated (09.02 Edition)
Order No.: 6FC5 297-6AB80-0BP1

/FBSP/ SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D

Description of Functions ShopMill (11.02 Edition)
Order No.: 6FC5 297-6AD80-0BP1

/FBST/ SIMATIC (01.01 Edition)

Description of Functions FM STEPDRIVE/SIMOSTEP
Order No.: 6SN1 197-0AA70-0YP4

/FBSY/ SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D

Description of Functions Synchronized Actions (10.02 Edition)
Order No.: 6FC5 297-6AD40-0BP2

Siemens AG, 2002. All rights reserved

B-336 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
11.02 References


Description of Functions ShopTurn (03.03 Edition)
Order No.: 6FC5 297-6AD70-0BP1


IT Solutions
SINUMERIK Tool Data Communication SinTDC (01.02 Edition)
Description of Functions
Order No.: 6FC5 297-5AF30-0BP0


IT Solutions
Tool Data Information System (SinTDI) with Online Help (02.01 Edition)
Description of Functions
Order No.: 6FC5 297-6AE00-0BP0

/FBU/ SIMODRIVE 611 universal/universal E

Closed-Loop Control Component for Speed Control and Positioning
Description of Functions (08.02 Edition)
Order No.: 6SN1 197-0AB20-0BP6

/FBW/ SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D

Description of Functions Tool Management (10.02 Edition)
Order No.: 6FC5 297-6AC60-0AP1

/FBWI/ SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D

Description of Functions WinTPM (01.03 Edition)
Order No.: The document is an integral part of the software

/HBA/ SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D

Manual @ Event (03.02 Edition) (03.03 Edition)
Order No.: 6AU1900-0CL20-0AA0


Manual (09.02 Edition)
Order No.: 6FC5 297-6AE60-0BP1

/INC/ SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D

Start-Up Tool SINUMERIK SinuCOM NC (02.02 Edition)
System Description
Order No.: (included in online help for start-up tool)

Planning Guide 1FT5,1FT6,1FK6 Motors (02.03 Edition)
AC Servo Motors for Feed and Main Spindle Drives
Order No.: 6SN1 197-0AC20-0BP0

Siemens AG, 2002. All rights reserved

SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition B-337
References 11.02


Configuring Package HMI Embedded (08.01 Edition)
Description of Functions : Software Update, Configuration, Installation
Order No.: 6FC5 297-6EA10-0BP0
(the document PS Configuring Syntax is supplied with the software and
available as a pdf file)

Planning Guide 1FE1 Builot-In Synchronous Motors
Three-Phase AC Motors for Main Spindle Drives (09.01 Edition)
Order No.: 6SN1 197-0AC00-0BP1

Planning Guide 1FN1, 1FN3 Linear Motors (06.02 Edition)
ALL General Information about Linear Motor
1FN1 1FN1 Three-Phase AC Linear Motor
1FN3 1FN3 Three-Phase AC Linear Motor
CON Connections
Order No.: 6SN1 197-0AB70-0BP4

Planning Guide Motors (11.00 Edition)
Three-phase AC Motors for Feed and Main Spindle Drives
Order No.: 6SN1 197-0AA20-0BP5

Planning Guide Integrated Torque Motors 1FW6 (08.02 Edition)
Order No.: 6SN1 197-0AD00-0BP0


Planning Guide Inverters (05.01 Edition)
Order No.: 6SN1 197-0AA00-0BP5

/PMS/ SIMODRIVE (04.02 Edition)

Planning Guide ECO Motor Spindle for Main Spindle Drives
Order No.: 6SN1 197-0AD04-0BP0

/POS1/ SIMODRIVE POSMO A (08.02 Edition)

Distributed Positioning Motor on PROFIBUS DP, User’s Guide
Order No.: 6SN2197-0AA00-0BP3


Installation Instructions (enclosed with POSMO A)


Distributed Servo Drive Technology, User’s Guide
Order No.: 6SN2197-0AA20-0BP3

Siemens AG, 2002. All rights reserved

B-338 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
11.02 References

Planning Guide Motors 1PH2/1PH4/1PH7 (12.01 Edition)
AC Induction Motors for Main Spindle Drives
Order No.: 6SN1 197-0AC60-0BP0

Planning Guide Hollow-Shaft Motors (10.01 Edition)
for 1PM4 and 1PM6 Main Spindle Drives
Order No.: 6SN1 197-0AD03-0BP0

/S7H/ SIMATIC S7-300 (2002 Edition)

-- Manual: Assembly, CPU Data (HW)
-- Reference Manual: Module Data
-- Manual: Technological Functions
-- Installation Manual
Order No.: 6ES7 398-8FA10-8BA0

/S7HT/ SIMATIC S7-300 (03.97 Edition)

Manual: STEP7, Fundamentals, V. 3.1
Order No.: 6ES7 810-4CA02-8BA0

/S7HR/ SIMATIC S7-300 (03.97 Edition)

Manual: STEP7, Reference Manuals, V. 3.1
Order No.: 6ES7 810-4CA02-8BR0

/S7S/ SIMATIC S7-300 (04.97 Edition)

FM 353 Positioning Module for Stepper Drive
Order together with the configuring package

/S7L/ SIMATIC S7-300 (04.97 Edition)

FM 354 for Positioning Module Servo Drive
Order together with configuring package

/S7M/ SIMATIC S7-300 (01.01 Edition)

FM 357.2 Multi-Module for Servo and Stepper Drives
Order together with configuring package

/SP/ SIMODRIVE 611-A/611-D,

SimoPro 3.1
Program for Configuring Machine Tool Drives
Order No.: 6SC6 111-6PC00-0AAj
Order from: WK Fürth

Siemens AG, 2002. All rights reserved

SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition B-339
References 11.02

d) Installation and


Installation & Start-Up Guide (10.00 Edition)
Order No.: 6SN 1197-0AA60-0BP6


Installation & Start-Up Guide (11.02 Edition)
(incl. description of SIMODRIVE 611D) start-up software
Order No.: 6FC5 297-6AD20-0BP1


Installation & Start-Up Guide (11.02 Edition)
(incl. description of SIMODRIVE 611D) start-up software
Order No.: 6FC5 297-6AB10-0BP2

/IAM/ SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D

HMI/MMC Installation & Start-Up Guide (11.02 Edition)
Order No.: 6FC5 297-6AE20-0BP2
AE1 Updates/Supplements
BE1 Expanding the Operator Interface
HE1 Online Help
IM2 Installation & Start-Up HMI Embedded
IM4 Installation & Start-Up HMI Advanced
TX1 Creating Foreign Language Texts

Siemens AG, 2002. All rights reserved

B-340 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition

Numbers Analog output selection list, 11-266
Archiving individual areas, 12-272
2-axis CCU box, 9-111 Assigned inputs/outputs in the PLC for the MCP,
24 V power supply, 2-35 3-40
3-axis CCU box, 9-110 Axis
6 axes with the CCU 3, 2-24 Position control data, 9-132
Velocity matching, 9-131
Axis configuration, 9-107
A Axis data, 9-128
Axis dry run, 10-199
Abort behavior during MD read-in, 12-303 Axis expansion, 9-111
Absolute encoder Axis expansion plug-in unit, 2-21
Readjusting, 9-121 Connection, 2-21
Setting up, 9-121 Mounting, 2-22
Absolute measuring systems, Settings, 9-121 Axis expansion
Acceleration, 9-134 with axis expansion plug-in unit, 2-21
Accessories, 1-15 Axis expansion with closed-loop control module
Activate status, 3-47 Connection, 2-23
Activating the analog output, 11-263 Mounting, 2-23
Activating the group filters via checkboxes, 6-79 Axis expansion with SIMODRIVE 611 closed-loop
Activating the GUD data, 6-88 control module, 2-23
Activating the MAC data, 6-88 Axis mode, 9-143
Adapting the machine data, 9-107 Axis start-up
Addressing the MPI bus nodes, 3-42 Monitoring, 9-135
Alarm list, 8-106 Reference point approach, 9-141
Alarm numbers, 8-103 Axis types, 9-128
Alarm text files, PCU 50, 8-99
Alarm text files for HT6, 8-101
Alarm text files for PCU 20, 8-97
Alarm text files, syntax, 8-103 B
AM operation, 9-179 Back up hard disk, 12-286, 12-289
Calculating the controller data, 9-182 Bandstop characteristics, 11-217
Control, 9-179 Bandstop filter, 11-216
Encoder, 9-181 Basic program, 7-91
Errors during self start-up AM/MSD, 9-189 Basic system data settings, 6-82
Interactive menu for AM/MSD self start-up, Battery replacement, 13-315
9-186 Braking resistor, 2-18
Machine data, 9-191
Messages during self start-up, 9-190
Motor changeover, 9-180
Operating modes^, 9-180 C
Selecting motors from the MLFB list, 9-181 Calculation resolutions, 6-84
Self start-up parameter settings, 9-186 Cauer filter, 11-217
Self-start-up, 9-184 CCU 3 with CCU box, 2-19
Series reactor, 9-180 Changing SR parameters, 3-46
Start-up flow chart, 9-185 Channel level, 9-108
Start-up of standard motors, 9-181 Circularity test, 11-211
Unlisted motors, 9-181 Display, 11-212
MSD/AM operation, 9-180 Measurement, 11-211
Analog output, 11-203 Clamping monitoring, 9-137
Shift factor, 11-264 COM1, 2-34, 2-35
Analog output (DAC), 11-263 COM1/RS-232, 2-36
Analog output configuration, 11-264

Siemens AG, 2002. All rights reserved

SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition Index-341
Installation and Start-Up Guide 11.02

COM2, 2-35, 2-36 F

Communication configuration, 3-44
Communication parameters, 3-40 FB1 parameters, 7-94
Configuring the handheld unit, 3-51 FG, 11-210
Connection of components, 2-25 Field weakening with MSD, 9-124
Contour monitoring, 9-139 File functions, 11-267
Control loops, 9-132 Fourier analysis, 11-203
Cover plate, 2-35, 2-36 Frequency response measurements, 11-210
Current control loop measurement, 11-259 Front plate, 2-36
Current controller setting, 9-124 Function blocks, 7-96
Customer operator panel, 3-57 Function generator, 11-210
Cycle alarm texts, 8-103, 12-270
Cycle times, 6-82
Cyclic operation of the PLC, 7-93 G
GD circle, 3-43
GD parameters, 3-51
D Gear stage speed, 9-152
Data backup, 12-268 Gear stages, 9-147
Data backup via PCU 20, 12-270 General machine data definitions, 9-144
Data backup via PCU 50, 12-275 General reset, 5-67
Data backup via RS-232 on the PCU 50, 12-276 Geometry axes, 9-107
Data backup with the VALITEK streamer, 12-297 Ghost, 12-286
Deviation from standard configuration, 3-41
Device settings, 5-66
DIP switch setting, 3-50 H
Direction of rotation, 9-147
Display resolution, 6-84 Handheld terminal (HT6), 3-53
Documentation, 1-15 Handheld terminal: Function blocks, 3-53
Drive configuration, 9-110 Handheld unit configuration, 3-44
Drive optimization with the start-up tool, 11-203 Hardware limit switch, 9-137
Drive parameters, 9-124 Hardware replacement, 13-306, 13-315
Drive test travel request, 11-208 Hardware requirements, 3-39
Dynamic monitoring functions, 9-139 Heat dissipation, 4-64
Velocity monitoring, 9-139 HHU (handheld unit), 3-49
HT6 (Handheld terminal), 3-53

Electrical design, 2-25
EMC measures, 4-63 Inch system, 6-82
Enabling the axes, 10-197 Incremental measuring systems, settings, 9-118
Encoder connection, 2-30 Infeed/regenerative feedback module I/RF, 2-18
Encoder matching for linear measuring systems, Input limits on the operator panel, 6-84
9-120 Inputs/outputs, connection, 2-34
Encoder monitoring, 9-139 Installing a replacement hard disk, 12-295
Enter receive area, 3-45 Interface signals, 9-130
Enter send area, 3-45 Interfaces for OI and I/RF module, 2-26
Equivalent circuit diagram data, 9-182
Error during control power-up (NC), 5-69
Error message texts, 12-270 K
ESD measures, 4-64
Ethernet, 2-34, 2-35, 2-36 Keyboard, 2-36
Evaluating line checksums, 12-302 KV factor, 9-132
Evaluating machine data numbers, 12-303
Expansion board, 2-36
Export approval, 1-16
External monitor, 2-36

Siemens AG, 2002. All rights reserved

Index-342 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
11.02 Installation and Start-Up Guide

L Motor measuring system, 9-111

Motor speed, 9-131
LAN, 2-35, 2-36 Mouse, 2-36
LED, 2-34, 3-54 Mouse connector, 2-36
LED PR and LED PS, 5-70 MPI baud rate, 3-39
Limit switch, 10-198 MPI bus addresses, 3-39, 3-42
Line checksums, 12-302 MPI bus nodes, 3-37, 3-42
Line checksums in MD files, 12-302 MPI interface, 3-57
Linear axis, 9-128 Interfaces, 3-57
with linear scale, 9-120 Power supply interface, 3-57
with rotary encoder at the machine, 9-119 MPI network rules, 3-37
with rotary encoder at the motor, 9-118 MPI/DP, 2-35
Linear motors, 1FN1, 1FN3, 9-154 MPI/L2-DP, 2-34
Load archiving data, 12-273 MSD/AM operation, 9-180
Load power supply, connection, 2-34
Loading of standard data, 6-90
Loading of standard machine data, 6-89
Loading the PLC program, 7-92 N
Local area network, 2-35, 2-36 NC power-up, 5-66
Low-pass filter, 11-216 NC reset, 9-123
LPT1, 2-35 NCK general reset, 5-67
NCK reset, 9-115
NCK upgrade, 13-307
M Norton Ghost, 12-286

Machine axes, 9-107

Machine control panel, 3-54
GD parameters, 3-55 O
Interfaces, 3-54 Open-loop control infeed module OI, 2-18
Switches, 3-54 Operating 6 axes, 2-24
Machine control panel configuration, 3-44 Operating message texts, 12-270
Machine data, 6-73, 12-305 Operation for general reset, 5-68
Handling, 6-74 Option data, 6-73
Machine data access via part program, 15-321 Organization blocks, 7-96
Machine data masking filter, 6-78 Output drive data, 12-278
Machine data numbers, 12-303 Output HMI data, 12-283
Machine level, 9-107 Output NC data, 12-279
Mains supply module, 2-18 Output of the initialization program, 12-282
Maximum encoder limit frequency, 9-152 Output of the series start-up file, 12-284
Maximum spindle speed, 9-152 Output PLC data, 12-283
MCP, 3-54 Overview diagram of 810D, 2-25
MD 11210, 12-271
MD masking filters
Access rights, 6-79
Display criteria, 6-79 P
Expert mode, 6-80 Parallel interface, 2-36
Saving the settings, 6-81 Parameter sets, 9-129
Vertical soft keys, 6-80 Parameterizing the control, 6-73
MD numbers in MD files, 12-302 PCI slot, 2-36, 2-35
Measuring functions, 11-203, 11-206 PCI/ISA slot, 2-35, 2-36
Function abort, 11-209 PCU 20, connection, 2-34
graphical display, 11-241 PCU 20/PCU 50 operator panel, 3-58
Mechanical design, 2-17 Changing the language, 3-59
Mechanical system measurement, 11-259 Display resolution, 3-58
Memory areas, 6-85 Installing language packages, 3-59
Memory configuration, 6-85 Language setting, 3-59
Metric system, 6-82 MPI interface settings, 3-58
Monitoring of positions, using hardware limit RS-232 interfaces, 3-58
switch, 9-137 PCU 50, connection, 2-35
Motor connection, 2-29

Siemens AG, 2002. All rights reserved

SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition Index-343
Installation and Start-Up Guide 11.02

PCU power-up, 5-69 Restore data backup, 12-286

PCU20/PCU50 Retrieving archive files, 12-273
Protection levels, 3-58 Retrieving series start-up files, 12-273
Screen, 3-58 RI suppression measures, 4-63
Permanently excited spindle Ribbon connector
Control parameters, 9-194 for axis expansion plug-in unit, 2-21
Encoders, 9-194 Rotary absolute encoder, 9-122
Physical quantities, 6-83 Rotary axis, 9-128
PLC, status displays, 5-70 with rotary encoder at the machine, 9-119
PLC alarm texts, 8-104 with rotary encoder at the motor, 9-119
PLC module, 7-91 Rotary encoders, 9-118
PLC new start, 5-68 Rotor position identification, 9-164
PLC start-up, 7-91 RS-232 interface, 12-276
PLC status, 7-93 RS-485, 2-36
Position control loop
Jerk limitation check, 11-240
Reference frequency
response, 11-238, 11-239
Setpoint ramp, 11-239 S7, 2-35, 2-36
Setpoint step change, 11-239 S7-300 bus, 2-33
Signal chart, 11-240 Save values, 12-271
Step height, 11-240 Saving measurement results, 11-203
Position control measurement, 11-238 Saving user data, 12-289
Position monitoring, 9-135 Scaling machine data, 6-89
Positioning monitoring, 9-137 SDB210, 3-48
Power ON, 5-66 Selecting the masking filter, 6-78
Power sections, internal, 9-110 Self-optimization, 11-255
Power supply, 2-36 Serial interface, 2-35, 2-36
Connection, 2-33 Serial mouse, 2-35
Power supply (OI, I/RF), connection, 2-26 Series start-up, 12-272
Power-up of the drives, 5-71 Series start-up files, 12-273
Preparation, 1-15 Servo gain, 9-132
Prerequisites Servo trace, basic screen, 11-244
for installation and start-up, settings, 5-66 Setpoint current filter, 9-124, 9-195
Printer, 2-36 Setpoint scaling, 9-131
Problems during NCK power-up, 5-70 Setting data, 6-73, 12-305
PROFIBUS, 2-35, 2-36 Handling, 6-74
Program level, 9-108 Setting drive parameters, 9-116
Programming unit configuration, 3-44 Setting the interface parameters, 3-51
Proportional gain, 11-260 Setting the masking filter, 6-78
Protection level concept, 6-76 Setting the parameters of the basic PLC program,
Protection levels, 6-76 3-48
PS/2 Setting the scan rate, 3-46
Keyboard, 2-35 Settings on MMC, RS-232 interfaces, 3-58
Mouse, 2-34, 2-35 Shielded signal cables, 4-63
Sign-of-life monitoring, 7-93
Simulation axes, 9-130
Single PLC I/O module, 2-32
R Software for start-up, 1-15
Rating plate data, 9-181 Software limit switch, 9-137
Reading in global user data, 6-88 Software replacement, 13-306
Reading in macros, 6-88 Software update, 13-306
Redefining protection levels, 6-77 Special axes, 9-107
Reference point approach, 9-141 Speed control loop, 9-127
for distance-coded reference marks, 9-142 Disturbance step change, 11-231
for incremental measuring system, 9-141 Interference frequency response, 11-230
Reference point approach Measuring parameters, 11-230
for absolute encoders, 9-142 Reference frequency response, 11-230
Regenerative braking, 2-18 Setpoint signal, 11-231
Reset time, 11-261 Setpoint step change, 11-231

Siemens AG, 2002. All rights reserved

Index-344 SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition
11.02 Installation and Start-Up Guide

Speed control loop measurement, 11-229, 11-261 Torque control loop,

Speed controller settings, 9-124 Measuring parameters, 11-213
Speed limitation, 9-139 Torque control loop measurement, 11-213
Speed setpoint characteristic, 9-134 Trace function, 11-243
Speed setpoint filters, 9-125, 11-232 Creating subdirectories, 11-250
Spindle Display function, 11-248
Encoder matching, 9-145 File functions, 11-250
in setpoint range, 9-152 Operation, 11-244
Monitoring, 9-152 Parameter settings, 11-245
Parameter sets, 9-144 Performing the measurement, 11-248
Positioning, 9-150 Print graphic, 11-251
Setpoint matching, 9-147 Printer settings, 11-251
Synchronization, 9-150 Trackball, 2-36
Velocities, 9-147 Transmission error, 12-274
Spindle configuration, 9-145 Travel direction, 9-132
Spindle data, 9-143 Traverse enable, 11-208
Spindle definition, 9-143
Spindle modes, 9-143
Spindle number, 9-143
Spindle speed limits, 9-152
Spindle test, 10-201 Universal Serial Bus, 2-35, 2-36
SRAM, 6-85 USB, 2-34, 2-35, 2-36
Standard application for SINUMERIK 810D, 3-39 User program, 7-91
Standard MPI configuration, 3-39
Start-up, linear motors, 9-156
Start-up sequence, 5-65
Start-up tool, 11-203
Hardware requirements, 11-204 VALITEK streamer, 12-297
Software requirements, 11-204 Velocity matching, 9-131
System requirements, 11-204 Velocity monitoring, 9-139
Start-up tool, closing the program, 11-205 VGA, 2-35, 2-36
Start-up tool, installation, 11-204
Start-up tool, starting the program, 11-205
Static memory, 6-85 W
Sub D
Male connector, 2-36 Working area limitation, 9-138
Socket connector, 2-36
Switch S3, 3-55
System data, 6-82 Z
Z transformation, 11-217
Zero speed monitoring, 9-137
Terminals for SIMODRIVE 611, 2-27
Three-wire connection (standard circuit), 2-28
Tool box, 15-319
Application, 15-319
Basic PLC program, 15-320
Hardware, 15-319
NC variable selector, 15-320
Software, 15-319
Standard MD sets, 15-319

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SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (IAC) -- 11.02 Edition Index-345
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Overview of SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D Documentation (11.2002)
General Documentation User Documentation

840D/810D 840D/840Di/ Accessories 840D/810D/ 840D/840Di/ 840D/840Di/ 840D/840Di/
810D/ FM-NC 810D 810D 810D

Brochure Catalog Catalog AutoTurn Operator’s Guide Diagnostics Operator’s Guide *)

Ordering Info. Accessories -- Short Guide Guide *) -- Short Guide
NC 60 *) NC-Z -- Programming/ - HT 6 -- HMI Embedded
Setup -- HMI Advanced

User Documentation Manufacturer/Service Documentation


840D/840Di/ 840D/810D 840Di 840D/840Di/ 840D/810D 840D/840Di/
810D 810D 810D

Program. Guide Operator’s Guide System Overview Configuring Operator Description of Description of
-- Short Guide -- ManualTurn (HW) *) Components Functions Functions
-- Fundamentals *) -- Short Guide ManualTurn -- 810D (HW) *) - ManualTurn Synchronized
-- Advanced *) -- ShopMill -- 840D - ShopMill Actions
-- Cycles -- Short Guide ShopMill - ShopTurn
-- Measuring Cycles -- ShopTurn
-- ISO Turning/Milling -- Short Guide ShopTurn
Manufacturer/Service Documentation

611D 840D/840Di/ 840D/840Di/ 840D/810D 840D/810D 840D/810D
840D/810D 810D 810D

Description of Description of Description of Configuring Kit Description of IT Solutions

Functions Functions Functions HMI Embedded Functions -- Computer Link
Drive Functions *)-- Basic Machine *) Tool Management Operator Interfa- -- Tool Data Information System
-- Extended Functions ce OP 030 -- NC Data Management
-- Special Functions -- NC Data Transfer
-- Tool Data Communica.
Manufacturer/Service Documentation

840D 840D/840Di 840D 840D
810D 611D 611D

Description of Description of Installation & Start- Lists *) Description of Description of Functions EMC
Functions Functions up Guide *) Functions - Hydraulics Module Guidelines
SINUMERIK Digitizing -- 810D Linear Motor - Analog Module
Safety Integrated -- 840D/611D
-- HMI Manufacturer/Service Documentation
Electronic Documentation


840D/ 840D/810D
840D/840Di/ 840Di/ 840Di/
810D 810D 810D
611, Motors

DOC ON CD *) Description of Manual Description of Manual

The SINUMERIK System Functions (HW + Installation Functions @ Event
ISO Dialects for and Start-Up) Remote Diagnosis
*) These documents are a minimum requirement
Siemens AG

Automation and Drives

Motion Control Systems

E Siemens AG, 2002
Postfach 3180, D-91050 Erlangen Subject to changes without prior notice
Ref.: 6FC5297-6AD20-0BP1

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