Nota Sejarah Tingkatan 4 Bab 1 Partially English For Ease of Understanding

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Tamadun Mesopotamia
1. Ciri-ciri Tamadun Mesopotamia a. Negara Kota (Something like KL lah) i. Pusat Bandar ii. Tembok Kota iii. Perlabuhan iv. Tugu Kubu Kota b. Inside the kota i. Istana (Duh LOL) ii. Rumah Kediaman iii. Rumah Ibadat (Temple) iv. Tempat Berdagang (Suria Sabah) Quick note, the Mesopotamians would unite once in a while to fight their enemies, important tip in exams, be sure to rmb it!! :D 2. Social Organisation (Classes of ppl) a. People (Normal folk) b. Leaders (Raja\Pendeta) 3. Ruling System a. Theocracy i. The idea that the ruler of a kingdom, is God Himself. What idiots :O ii. Idea was first thought of and implemented by the King Naramsin, also known as the Raja empat penjuru alam


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iii. The king was also the Head of Military, Parliament (Duh LOL) and Religion 4. How the work was divided a. Petani, pedagang, artisans, and peniaga b. Abundance of raw materials, namely ; i. Logam ii. Emas iii. Perak 5. Writing System a. Cuniform i. Only written in tanah liat (talk abt down to earth) 6. Sumbangan a. Hammorabi i. 282 Rules b. Cuniform (tulisan) c. Taman tergantung Babylon (hanging gardens of Babylon) d. Development in Astronomy e. Roda, Kereta Kuda, Kincir Air f. The epic of Gilgamesh i. Oldest book in the world g. Batu-bata(Tanah liat [wahey what a surprise]) h. Binaan Arca


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Tamadun Mesir Purba

1. FIRAUN a. The king is called a Firaun b. Father-son job, the power is inherited c. Firaun is also known as the Amon-Re, a.k.a Son of God d. Firaun will be helped by bangsawan, rahib and tuan tanah e. Ladies can rule f. Hatshepsut transformed the desert into a fertile ground for planting crops 2. Pengkhususan kerja a. Penenun, pembuat barang tembikar, pembuatan kertas dan tekstil, dan perlombongan emas b. Thebes, Memphis, and Fayoum are world class trading ports 3. Agama dan Kepercayaan a. Politeisme, kinda like Hinduism, many gods concept b. Believed in the sun god, sky god, earth god, and what not c. Believed in life after death, thats why they buried food and items with the dead, so that they could use them in the afterlifeyeahway to go Egyptians :O d. Howard carter found Raja Tutankhamun II bersamasama emas yang beratnya hampir 11 Kilogram


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4. Sistem Tulisan a. Hieroglif b. For recording aktiviti pertanian and pengutipan cukai c. Also served a religious purpose 5. Sumbangan Tamadun Mesir Purba a. Piramid (Duh LOL) b. Kertas dari Papayrus, earliest paper in the world c. Invented geometri (for piramids), mathematics and trained sciences d. First to hold degrees in medical sciences, how do you think they could have preserved those bodies? e. Built arrigation canals to turn desert into fields f. Invented the calendar


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Tamadun Indus
1. Petempatan Kekal a. Arranged city structures b. Their cities were split into two parts, and surrounded by a wall c. Bahagian Utama i. Pusat Pentakbiran 1. Bangunan pentakbiran ii. Pusat agama iii. Tempat mandi awam iv. Tempat menyimpan hasil tanaman d. Bahagian Kedua i. Kawasan perumahan e. Construction of these cities were greatly helped with the invention of geometry by the Egyptians and advances in building. f. Each city was arranged to look like a tetris matrix, with straight roads and a working toilet g. Cities like Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro had sewage and human waste was pumped to open treatment plants for ease of maintenance 2. Organisasi Social a. Two classes, Golongan atasan dan bawahan b. Atasan: Pendeta dan pedagang, Learned


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c. Pendeta was the religious ruler and the org bawahan revere him d. Pendeta was the closest thing they had to kings, since there is no evidence stating otherwise e. Bawahan: Petani dan buruh, unlearned f. Farmers had to give part of their hasil to the authorities g. Buruh were slaves, they did the cleaning, building and other low pay jobs 3. Pengkhususan pekerjaan a. Had a clear pengkhususan pekerjaan b. Perdagangan, pertanian, pertukangan, dan pembuatan c. They traded with the Mesopotamians, proof is that they found a tamadun indus punya cap mohor in Mesopotamia :O :notbad: d. Traded emas, gading gajah, manik dan hasil pertanian e. Golongan artisan made barangan logam dan tembikar 4. Kepercayaan dan agama a. They prayed to a statue called Proto-Siva b. Looked like this:


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c. The three horns on his head represented Lord Bharma, Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva d. Believed in a God named Tuhan Ibu, some sort of symbol of fertility e. Tuhan Ibu also showed worship in Mesopotamia, asia kecil, Syria dan palestin 5. Sistem Tulisan a. Piktograf b. The language is still a mystery, and is not solved till today. 6. Sumbangan Tamadun Indus a. High class building materials b. Very open minded abt other ppl and made close relations with the ppl around them


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Tamadun Hwang Ho
1. Pembentukan Negara kota a. The farmers were the first to settle together b. Earliest city in this civilization, city of anyang, the home of the shang dynasty, located near the Huan river c. Within anyang, one could find istana, temple, and pusat pentakbiran. Leaders were Raja dan pembesar d. Anyang was very defensive, had walls all around it 2. Organisasi social a. Dalam organisasi pentakbiran, raja dan pembesar merupakan orang paling atas b. The middle class, consisted of the farmers and the artisan that lived within the city walls, this class was very adept at making products out of gangsa c. The lowest class was, guess what, the slaves :O 3. Pengkhususan pekerjaan a. Setiap pembesar ada tenteranya sendiri, infantry and mounted forces b. Farmers fed the golongan atasan, namely the kings and the pembesar c. Artisans made tembaga (bekas minuman dan makanan), senjata, dan tembikar d. Slaves either became force warriors or as slaves (duh LOL) or as sacrificial offerings D:


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4. Sistem pemerintahan Dinasti Shang a. Pemerintahan Beraja b. The heir to the throne must be family, either son or nephew c. Believed the raja was a mandate from god d. Meaning, if he did good, good would come, if he did bad, he would be punished and would be overthrown, kinda like karma D: e. Raja dibantu oleh bangsawan dan pegawai kerajaan f. For districts outside the city, a bangsawan became the rajas representative there g. Bangsawan berhak mengambil cukai, mengurus cukai, mengurus pertahanan dan undang-undang 5. Sistem Pemerintahan Dinasti Chou a. The big piece or country was split into districts and ruled by its own pembesar tempatan b. Kept the pembesar tempatan on the side of the raja by giving them presents like kereta kuda, senjata gangsa, hamba dan binatang, serta melalui ikrar taat setia c. Pembesar would in turn protect the raja in the event of an attack d. Pembesar became the pope in their respective districts


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6. Keagamaan a. Animisme b. Politisme c. Shang dynasty worshiped their ancestors, and the heaven god (Shang Ti), earth god (Tu), sungai bukit dan gunung d. Prayers had singing and dancing e. Sacrifices were diketuai oleh bomoh f. Upacara penilikan dengan menggunakan tulang nujum (oracle) untuk predict the future abt their lives g. Will burn bones until they develop cracks, and will read the cracks and tell the future. Well thats very scientific XD 7. Sistem Tulisan a. Oracles invented ideogram b. Originally looked like writing in the form of pictures c. Finally, after a looong time, it became Chinese as we know it today 8. Sumbangan tamadun Hwang Ho a. Invented monarchy b. Invented the drainage sistem to prevent floods c. Used irrigatin techniques, invented cangkul and tajak, and made of besi d. Invented Chinese, skrg digunakan secara meluas e. Invented Yin, Yang dan Feng Sui


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f. Invented the shang calander g. The book by Sun Tzu, The Art Of War was written in this Tamadun :O

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