Bio Gas
Bio Gas
Bio Gas
It is a gas produced by the breakdown of organic matter due to lack of oxygen could be dead plant and animal material and dung can be broke into this. It can be used for any heating purposes. It can be compressed to work in cars and will compress into 17% of fuel Advantages? It is a sustainable energy source with no use of fossil fuels, there would be no more deforestation, it is storable, no smoke while cooking and therefore less diseases it could also benefit the economy of rural areas Disadvantages? Potential to explode and it smells a bit Alcohol What is it? Alcohol has been used as a fuel throughout history The first four aliphatic alcohols (methanol, ethanol, propanol, and butanol) are of interest as fuels because they can be synthesized chemically or biologically, and they have characteristics which allow them to be used in current engines. Advantages? One advantage shared by all four alcohols is their high octane rating. This tends to increase fuel efficiency and largely offsets the lower energy density of alcohol fuels (as compared to petrol/gasoline and diesel fuels), thus resulting in comparable "fuel economy" Disadvantages? Will dissolve aluminium, it will disintegrate parts of a car, will circulate dirt causing clogging of filters, ethanol with set alight and damage pistons Fuel cells-Hydrogen What is it? Hydrogen is a versatile energy carrier that can be used to power nearly every enduse energy need. The fuel cell an energy conversion device that can efficiently capture and use the power of hydrogen is the key to making it happen. Advantages? Hydrogen is high in energy, yet an engine that burns pure hydrogen produces almost no pollution, it is silent running. Disadvantages? Fuel cells are currently very expensive, but since they have a simple construction, mass production costs would become extremely low. Prototype fuel cells last only 1/5th as long as would be needed to make fuel cells cost-effective. They are energy losers because it costs more to produce hydrogen than is earned by using hydrogen in fuel cells: .Electricity generated by fuel cells in cars costs thousands of dollars per kilowatt: This would have to fall by a factor of 10 for fuel cells to become economically viable.