Cold War Weebly
Cold War Weebly
Cold War Weebly
True or False
1. 2. 3. Immediately following WW II the Soviet Union and the US, who had been allied during the war became enemies in the cold war Canada joined the Soviet Unions (USSR) side of the cold war. Immediately following the WW II the United Nations (UN) was formed to try to create a lasting peace. The Soviet Union, China, France, Great Britain and the USA were the most powerful countries in the UN because they could veto (prevent from happening) any decision Russia, China, France, Great Britain and the USA still have veto power at the UN.
Does this change your mind about moving back to Canada? Write a letter to your wife summarizing whats going on and outlining your level of concern. 1945 Joseph Stalin USSR (Soviet Union/ Russia) Leader Franklin Roosevelt US Leader Winston Churchill British Leader Espionage = the act of spying Congress = part of the US government Insidiousness =stealthy, subtle, cunning, or treacherous Symbol of Russian Communism Document 5
Evaluate Canadas contributions to the UN and its record on Human rights. Should we be proud to be Canadian? To what extent was Canadas relationship with the US positive from 1945-2000?
The US practiced containment by promising to support democratic countries, especially those threatened by communism. They also gave billions of dollars in the Marshall Plan to rebuild Europe to prevent communism from advancing.
Structure of the UN
General Assembly Deals with all UN business. Includes all member countries (192 today) and requires a 2/3 majority for important decisions.
UN Security Council
Security Council focused on world peace and has the power to force the members of the UN to carry out its decisions. Includes 5 permanent members (France, Britain, Russian Federation, China, United States) and 10 non-permanent members elected to two year terms. The permanent members have veto power (if one disagrees with something it doesnt happen).
Map showing Distant Early Warning (DEW) line; DEW station, Point Lay, AK
NORAD The North American Aerospace Defense System Created between Canada and the US in 1957 Fighter forces, missile bases and air defense radar all controlled by a central command station built deep inside a mountain in Colorado. Always a nuclear armed plane in the air. Significance: Shows the level of fear of the nuclear war and Canadian US cooperation.
Yugoslavia 1991-1999
Yugoslavia was splitting into various countries because it was made of different ethnic groups who didnt get along and wanted their own countries for themselves. The Serbs (Othrodox), the Croats (Catholic), Bosnians (Muslim) and Kosvars (Muslim). UN in Bosnia From 1992-1995 a civil war broke out over Bosnia and the UN sent peacekeepers including Canadians. They succeeded in getting Croatians to leave but not before committing murder, rape and destruction.
Big Question (BQ) What was Canadas role in the world after the cold war ended in 1989? What you could learn About conflicts in Yugoslavia (Bosnia/ Kosovo) and Rwanda What youll do with what youve learned
Somalia (1992)
900 soldiers from the Canadian Airborne Regiment were sent to Somalia to keep peace during a civil war. Some of these soldiers beat and tortured a Somali teenager to death and tried to cover it up only to be caught. In the end the whole regiment was disbanded and the event brought shame on Canada
Rwanda 1994
Historically, the Tutsi ethnic group ruled brutally over the Hutu ethnic group (the Belgian colonizers set it up so they had all the power even though they made up only.
Rwandan Genocide
15% of the population). When Rwanda gained independence in 1960, Hutus won the election and turned the tables leading to civil war. Ultimately, a small group of Hutus used propaganda (mostly through radio) and machetes to systematically murder 1,000,000 Tutsis and moderate Hutus..
The UN in Rwanda
The UN sent 3000 peacekeepers under Canadian general Romeo Delaire. He could see the genocide coming and asked for 2000 more men telling the UN what would happen if he didnt have a stronger force. Instead after 10 Belgian peacekeepers were killed, the force was cut to 500 This was an extreme failure of the international community to protect innocent people. The UN, the US, Belgium and the Anglican Church have even apologized for their failure to stop the genocide in Rwanda.
Land Mines
When wars end, often the terror continues because Antipersonal land mines are left in the ground. Theyre hard to remove and over 100,000,000 are buried in former war zones. In 1996, Canada hosted an international conference which lead to the 1997 Anti-Personnel Land Mines Treaty. 120 countries signed on to ban the use, production, transfer and stockpiling of land mines. The worlds biggest producers of land mines, the US, China and Russia didnt sign the treaty.
To what extent has the UN been successful in meeting its mandate? Evaluate Canadas contributions to the UN and its record on Human rights. Should we be proud to be Canadian. To what extent was Canadas relationship with the US positive from 1945-2000?