Unix RC

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cd [dir] Change working directory to dir; default is the users home directory.

chgrp newgroup files Change the group of one or more files to newgroup. newgroup is either a group ID number of a group name. Only the owner can change the group. options: -c print information about those files that are affected -R recursively apply changes to subdirectories chmod [options] mode files Change the access mode (permissions) of one or more files. Only the owner of a file or a privileged user may change its mode. options: -c print information about affected files -R recursively apply changes to subdirectories mode: can be numeric 4 read 2 write 1 execute or an expression of the form who opcode permission. who is optional (if missing, default is a) who u user g group o other a all (default) opcode + add permission remove permission = assign permission permission r read w write x execute X set execution permission only if executable by user cp [options] file1 file2 cp [options] files directory Copy file1 to file2, or copy one or more files to the same names under directory. options: -a preserves attributes of original files -f remove existing files in the destination -i prompt before overwriting destination files -r recursively copy directories -s make symbolic links instead of copying file [options] files Classify the named files according to the type of data they contain. less [options] [filename] A program for browsing or paging through files or other output. Can use arrow keys for scrolling forward or backward. options: see man pages for options ( type: man less )

UNIX Reference Card

When a file has been DELETED it can only be restored from a backup. The original is gone! When a file is OVERWRITTEN it has been changed forever! It can only be restored from a backup.

ln [options] sourcename [destname] ln [options] sourcenames destdirectory Create links for files, allowing them to be accessed by different names. options: -b backup files before removing originals -i prompt for permission before removing files -s create a symbolic link. This lets you see the name of the link when you run ls -l (otherwise there is now way to know the name that a file is linked to). ls [options] [names] List the contents of a directory. If no names are given, the files in the current directory are listed. options: -a list all files, including hidden files -c list files by status change time -l long format listing (permissions, owner, size, modification time) mkdir [options] directories Create one or more directories. options: -m mode set the access mode for new directories. See chmod for mode formats. -p create intervening parent directories if they dont exist more [options] [files] Display the content of the named files one screen at a time. See less for an alternative. options: see man pages for options ( type: man more ) pwd Print the full pathname of the current working directory. scp [options] user@host1:file1 user@host2:file2 Secure copy files between hosts on a network; uses ssh for data transfer. options: -p preserve modification times -r recursively copy entire directories mv [options] sources target Move or rename files and directories. The source and target determine the result. source target result file name rename file as name file existing overwrite existing file file with source file directory name rename directory as name directory existing move directory to be a directory subdirectory of existing directory options: -b back up files before moving -f force the move -i query user before removing files

Directory Abbreviations
~ ~username . .. home directory (tilde) another users home directory current working directory parent of current working directory

ssh [options] hostname Ssh (Secure Shell) a program for logging into a remote host. Replaces telnet, rlogin, and rsh options: -l login_name specifies the user to log in on the remote machine scp [options] user@host1:file1 user@host2:file2 Secure copy files between hosts on a network; uses ssh for data transfer. options: -p preserve modification times -r recursively copy entire directories

diff [options] file1 file2 Compare two text files. options: -a treat all files as text files -b ignore repeating blanks and end-of-line blanks; treat successive blanks as one -i ignore case in text comparison -q output only whether files differ

File Management
cat [options] [files] Read one or more files and print them on standard output. Use the > operator to combine several files into a new file; use >> to append files to an existing file. options: -n print the number of the output line to the lines left -s squeeze out extra blank lines

rm [options] files Delete one or more files. Once a file or directory has been removed it can only be retrieved from a backup! options: -d remove directories, even if they are not empty -f remove files without prompting -i prompt for file removal -r recursively remove an entire directory and its contents, including subdirectories. Be very careful with this option.

egrep [options] [regexp] [files] grep [options] [regexp] [files] Search one or more files for lines that match a regular expression regexp. To include characters such as +, ?, |, ( ), blank spaces, etc. enclose these expressions in quotes. See man pages for the differences between egrep, fgrep, and grep. options: -c print only a count of matched lines -i ignore case -l list filenames but not matched lines -n print lines and their line numbers -v print all lines that do not match regexp find [pathnames] [conditions] Useful for finding particular files. find descends the directory tree beginning at each pathname and locates files that meet the specified conditions. options: -name pattern find files whose name matches pattern -print print the matching files and directories using their full pathnames see man pages for options ( type: man find )

System Status
Control-C Stop (interrupt) job running in the foreground Control-Z Suspend job running in the foreground date [options] [+format] [date] Print the current date and time. You may specify a display format. options: see man pages for options ( type: man date ) df [options] [name] Report the amount of free disk space available on all mounted file systems or on a given name. options: -k print sizes in kilobytes du [options] [directories] Print disk used by each named directory and its subdirectories. options: -k print sizes in kilobytes -s print only the grand total for each directory env [option] [variable=value ...] [command] Display the current environment or, if an environment variable is specified, set it to a new value and display the modified environment. option: -u unset the specified variable ps [options] Report on active processes. options: -a list all processes except processes not associated with the terminal -e list all processes -l produce long format listing -u list list for usernames in list quota [option] Display disk usage and limits option: -v report quotas even if they havent been exceeded

! !string Repeat the last command Repeat the last command beginning with string.

cal [-jy] [[month] year] Print a 12-month calendar for the given year or a one-month calendar of the given month and year. No arguments, print a calendar for the current month. options: -j display Julian dates -y display entire current year clear Clear the terminal display history Display list of most recently executed commands kill [option] IDs Send a signal to terminate one or more process IDs. options: -l list all signals -signal the signal number (from ps -f) or name (from kill -l). You can kill just about any process with a signal number of 9. man command Display information from the online reference manuals. jobs [options] job_id Display status of jobs in the current session. Simply specifying jobs returns the status of all stopped jobs, running background jobs, and all suspended jobs. options: -l provide more information about each job listed -p display only the process IDs for the process group leaders of the selected jobs whereis command Locate a command; display the full pathname for the command. which [commands] List which files would be executed if the named commands had been run.

compress [options] [files] compress file uncompress [options] [files] uncompress compressed file compress reduces the size of the named files. When possible the resulting compressed file will have the file extension .Z. Compressed files can be restored using uncompress. options: -d uncompress file, same as uncompress -v prints the percentage reduction -V prints the version of compress gzip [options] [files] compress file gunzip [options] [files] uncompress gzipped file GNU compression utility. Renames compressed files filename.gz. Uncompress with gunzip. options: -d uncompress file, same as gunzip -r recursively compress or decompress files within a directory -v print name and percent size reduction for each file tar [options] [tarfile] [other-files] Copy files to or restore files from an archive. If any files are directories, tar acts on the entire subtree. options: -c create a new archive -d compare the files stored in tarfile with other-files -r append other-files to the end of an existing archive -t print the names of files in archive -v verbose, print filenames as they are added or extracted -x extract other-files from archive, or extract all files if other-files not specified

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