Eco Tourism
Eco Tourism
Eco Tourism
ECO-TOURISM can be defined as a nature based tourism that involves education, interpretation of the natural environment & is managed to be ecologically sustainable. According to The International Ecotourism Society(TIES) in 1990,ecotourism is Responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and improves the well-being of local people. So ecotourism typically involves travel to destinations where flora, fauna & cultural heritage are the primary attractions.
Involves travel to natural destinations
Builds environmental awareness Provides direct financial benefits for conservation Respects local culture Provides financial benefits and empowerment for local people Affordability and lack of waste in the form of luxury Conservation of biological diversity & cultural diversity through ecosystem protection providing jobs to local populations. Minimization of tourism s own environmental impact
Hector Ceballos-Lascurian popularized the term ecotourism in july 1983,when he was the Director General of Standards &Technology of SEDUE & founding president of PRONATURA(Mexican conservationist NGO). Others claim the term :- Claus-Dieter Hetzer, an academic & adventurer from Forum International in Berkeley, CA, coined the term in 1965 and ran the first ecotours in the Yucatan during the early 1970s. Ecotourism, responsible tourism, jungle tourism have become prevalent concepts since the mid 1980s, has experienced arguably the fastest growth of all sub-sectors in the tourism industry.
t take away flora and fuana in the forms of cuttings, seeds or roots. Its illegal, especially in the Himalayas.
Do not use pollutants such as detergent, in streams or springs while washing and bathing. Do not use wood as fuel to cook food at the campsites. Do not consume aerated drinks, alcohols or drugs in the wild. Do not tempt the locals, especially children by offering them foodstuffs. Polythene and plastics are non-biodegradable and unhealthy for the environment and must not be used and littered.
Eco-tourism in India
India, the land of varied geography offers several tourist destinations that not just de-stress but also rejuvenate you. Few places like the Himalayan region, Kerala, the northeast India, Andaman & Nicobar islands & the Lakshdweep islands where one can enjoy the Mother Nature. Thenmala in Kerala is the first planned ecotourism destination in India created to cater eco-tourists. Currently, there are 80 national parks and 441 sanctuaries in India which works for the protection & conservation of wildlife resources. Numerous botanical and zoological gardens in India, which are working towards the enhancement of the ecosystem.
Ecotourism has been used by some operators as green marketing for soft adventure products, while giving little consideration to practices &impact on the environmental & local community. It requires additional planning and may increase start up cost. Marketing an ecotourism products differ from that of conventional tourism products. The ability to customise tour and access remote destinations are important factor. Wildlife viewers & other natural history enthusiasts are more fragmented & require a broader selection of advertising tools. Maintaining the highly trained & diversified workforce requires sound HRM. May need several operating seasons to generate a return on investors. This require careful consideration in budgeting, startup costs, selection of finance.
Advantages of Ecotourism
displacement of persons, gross violation of fundamental rights and environmental hazards. Illegally keeping endangered species in captivity to attract visitors. Damage to environment. Disruption of ecological life system. Exploitation of local communities and tribes. Various forms of pollution.
Ecotourism Destinations
Eco Activities
Ayurveda Camping Canoeing
Anurayee Ecotourism
Near Bhatsa river, at Kajal Vihir village, Asangaon., Shahapur started in 2007 with the main objective of rebuilding mans relationship with nature
Started on 5 acres of barren land surrounded by tribal people. Agrotourism & .ecotourism is a natural offshoot of this ecofarm. They also provide employment opportunity to tribal people.(kitchen, bullock cart, selling papad etc.
Village games Bullock cart ride Play in water Working in farm Teaching medical use of plants and benefits Teach tourist how to care for trees, plants, animals.