VEDIC Wedding
VEDIC Wedding
VEDIC Wedding
1. Samaavartanam
After completing studies in "Gurukula Vaasam" (Residential school in
the teacher's home) learning the Vedas and other scriptures, the
student proceeds to marry with the permission of the preceptor.
2. Kaasi Yatra
The bachelor is now in a dilemma. He has to decide whether to remain
a confirmed bachelor (naishTika Brahmachari) for the rest of his
life or to get married and become a Grihasta. His first inclination
would be to choose the former. He would plan to be a mendicant and
go on a "Paadayatra" to holy places. He would prefer to start with a
journey to Kaasi (Vaaruna-asi). At that time, the father of a
prospective bride would intervene to persuade him to marry his
daughter and start a family of his own offering him a lot of gifts
to start the Aasrama. He would consult his parents and other elders
in his family. The bachelor would be convinced, when they give the
green signal!
A few representatives of the boy would be deputed to meet with the
parents of the girl. An offer would be made by the boy's party to
the girl's party for conducting the marriage. This is known
as "Kanyaa Sulkam"
In the good old days, the practice of "Vara dakshiNai" now enforced
ruthlessly on the parents of the brides with disastrous consequences
was practically unknown and is nowhere contemplated in the Saastras.
When once the parents of the bride accept the offer, the groom is
deemed to be a replica of Mahaa VishNu himself and treated as such
and is shown due courtesies by the bride's party.
This consists of several preliminary Samskaaras like NaamakaraNam,
Jaata karaNam etc. For boys, all these would have been done already
during Upanayanam. For girls, however, this is required to be done
immediately before the marriage. Usually, it is done on the previous
morning or on the morning of the wedding day.
VaruNa, the Lord of waters with appropriate mantras is then invoked
in a vessel containing holy waters and decorated with a coconut,
flowers, kumkum and turmeric. Invoking Lord VishNu and the nine
planets, the place is sprinkled with this water as a means of
purification to make the venue fit for the functions that follow.
9. AnkuraarpaNam
Some seeds of paddy, black gram, green gram, sesame and mustard are
soaked in water and filled in small mud bowls. The sprouts are
carefully nursed and kept intact till the completion of the wedding
functions. This is known as "Paalikai". The sprouting is symbolic of
the intended production of progenies of the couple.
They are made to sit on a swing. The swing symbolizes the ups and
downs of life, which the couple may have to face united and with
confidence and full faith in each other. Ladies sing songs in
lilting tunes to add a festive fervor of the occasion.
15. YOKE
To reassure them, a ritual is prescribed in which one side of a
miniature yoke is placed on the head of the bride signifying that
the boy and the girl would act in unison in carrying out their new
life like a pair of bulls dragging a cart. The Mangalyam is placed
in the hole in the yoke and water is poured drop by drop through the
hole on the bride. There are other interpretations of this ritual
linking it to the story of one "Apaala" (daughter of Sage Atri) who
was rescued by Indra (the Lord of Gods) through a yoke of his
chariot as a result of which she became relieved of disease and
shone in full luster.
The bride is then given a ceremonial bath called MangaLa Snaanam.
The bridegroom has a shave and bath. He wears a "Panchakachcham" and
two sacred threads (yagjnOpaveetam)
The bride and the groom are then offered some pieces of fruits and
honey to indicate that their married life would be sweet all the way.
Anbil Ramaswamy
(To be continued)
VEDIC WEDDING – Part 2 (By Anbil Ramaswamy)
There are other observances that are mainly social like Jaanuvaasam,
Kaasi Yaatra, Oonjal, and Tiru maangalyam.
Once this grasping of hand commences, the grasp cannot be given the
go by till at least after "Saptapathi".
This literally means seven steps and is the MOST IMPORTANT item in
the Marriage ceremony. The groom is required to hold the right toe
of the bride with his right hand and make her take 7 steps towards
the north or east of the "hOma kuNdam" (fire-pit) reciting the
relevant mantras for each step as follows:
1. EkamishE VishNus tvaa anvEtu//
"Oh! Fair maiden! With this your first step, May Lord VishNu come
with you to bless you with plentitude of grains etc. for a life
without hunger"
2. dvE OorjE VishNus tvaa anvEtu//
"With this second step of yours, May Lord VishNu come with you to
bless you physical and mental strength and health in life"
3. treeNI vrataaya VishNus tvaa anvEtu//
"With this third step of yours, May Lord VishNu come with you to
bless you with the power and energy to do all your religious duties
4. chatvaari mayO bhavaaya VishNus tvaa anvEtu//
"With this fourth step of yours, May Lord VishNu come with you to
bless you with all happiness to at all times"
5. pancha pasubhyO VishNus tvaa anvEtu//
"With this fifth step of yours, May Lord VishNu come with you to
bless you with wealth in cattle"
6. shad ritubhyO VishNus tvaa anvEtu//
"With this sixth step of yours, May Lord VishNu come with you to
make all the seasons good and favorable for you"
7. sapta saptabhyO hOtraabhyO VishNus tvaa anvEtu//
"With this seventh step of yours, May Lord VishNu come with you to
give you the ability to fulfill all your duties in life by
performing all the prescribed hOmas"
After taking these seven steps, the groom says to the bride:
(Meanings given after the SlOkas)
sakhaa sapta padaa bhava,
sakhaayou sapta padaa babhoova,
sakhyantE gamEyam,
sakhyaath tE maa yOsham,
sakhyaan mE maayOshTaah,
samayaiva sankalpaa vahai,
sam priyou rOchishNoo,
su-manasya maanee,
eesham oorjam abhi sam vasaanou,
sannou manaagumsi,
sam vrataa sam uchittaany aakaram,
saa tvam asya mooham,
amooham asmi saa tvam,
dhyour aham prithvee tvam,
rEto aham rEtO bhru tvam,
manO aham asmi vaak tvam,
saama aham asmi ruk tvam,
saa maam anu vrataa bhava,
pugumsE putraaya vEttavai, sriyai putraaya vEttavaa yEhi soonrutE//"
"Having taken these seven steps with me, you have become my friend.
Once we have taken these seven steps together, we have become
partners. I take your friendship. I will not leave your side under
any circumstances. Neither do you leave me. Let us be together
always. We will live with mutual love and affection for each other.
We will live with good intentions. We will enjoy our life together.
We will be of one mind. We will do our Vratas (religious duties)
together. Our wishes will be of the same kind. I will be the music
and you will be the lyrics of the song of life. I will be the sky
and you will be the earth. I will be the voice and you will be the
mind. Oh! Maiden with sweet words! We will obtain all that is good
in life. Please come with me"
A small boy is made to sit on the lap of the bride after ensuring
that none of the boy's siblings had died! This is probably to
indicate that the bride should bring forth a male child like him if
and when she conceives.
The elders assembled would sprinkle rice mixed with turmeric powder
and bless the couple to the chanting of appropriate mantras.
This is the traditional closing ceremony when two Sumangali ladies
wave around the face of the couple plate containing water made red
with turmeric and lime (ChuNNaambu) to ward off effects of any evil
Anbil Ramaswamy
(To be continued)