Epoxy Formulations Using JEFFAMINE Mines

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JEFFAMINE polyetheramines are polyetheramine curing agents that can be used with epoxy resins. They have various applications including surface coatings, flooring, adhesives, and more.

JEFFAMINE polyetheramines are commonly used as curing agents for epoxy resins.

JEFFAMINE polyetheramines have varying molecular weights and amine values which impact properties like viscosity and reactivity. They also have good flexibility and hydrolytic stability.


April 27, 2005 Authors: Bruce Burton David Alexander Howard Klein Angela Garibay-Vasquez Alan Pekarik Chris Henkee

1. Introduction
Table of Contents 1. INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................................1 2. WHY JEFFAMINE AMINE CURING AGENTS? ..................................................................................................2 3. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE JEFFAMINE POLYETHEREAMINES (PEAs) ...................................................3 4. JEFFAMINE PEA AS EPOXY CURING AGENTS ..............................................................................................7 5. JEFFAMINE PEA ACCELERATION OF CURE ................................................................................................15 6. SURFACE COATING FORMULATIONS .............................................................................................................23 7. FLOORING, TROWELING AND MORTARS .......................................................................................................29 8. REINFORCED COMPOSITES.............................................................................................................................37 9. CASTING AND ENCAPSULATION......................................................................................................................40 10. ADHESIVES .......................................................................................................................................................42 11. CURED PROPERTIES REFERENCE GUIDE...................................................................................................43 12. HANDLING AND STORAGE..............................................................................................................................57 13. TOXICITY AND SAFETY ...................................................................................................................................58 14. SHIPPING INFORMATION ................................................................................................................................59 15. HUNTSMAN CORPORATION PUBLICATIONS RELATING TO EPOXIES......................................................60 16. BIBLIOGRAPHY-JEFFAMINE PEA APPLICATIONS .....................................................................................61

1. Introduction
1. INTRODUCTION The JEFFAMINE Polyetheramines (PEAs) described in this brochure are the result of years of research and development carried out since the 1960's by the Texaco Chemical Company. Development of new JEFFAMINE polyetheramine products continues to be the focus of the Huntsman Corporation today. Because of their unique structure and variety of chemical reactions, these products have found their way into many different end uses. The purpose of this brochure is to present detailed technical formulation information primarily about four of the commercial JEFFAMINE products: JEFFAMINE D-230, D-400, D-2000, and T-403 amines, and to highlight their uses as curing agents for epoxy resins. Additional technical data on XTJ-504, XTJ-590, XTJ-506, HK-511 and BA-509 will also be highlighted. We believe that the information in this brochure is correct, but no guarantee with respect to accuracy, completeness, or results is expressed or implied. The end uses mentioned are given for purposes of illustration, and the systems outlined should be viewed as "starting formulations" only. We urge you to conduct sufficient testing of any formulation before putting it into commercial use. We hope that you will find this information both interesting and useful. For the latest information on all JEFFAMINE polyetheramine products, both commercial materials and those under development, contact one of our service locations listed on the inside of the back cover.

HUNTSMAN Your Amine Team Huntsman has provided over thirty years of service to the epoxy industry. Huntsman invented and commercialized the JEFFAMINE PEA amine curing agents. Huntsman provides the most extensive range of polyetheramines many which are unavailable anywhere else. Huntsman provides experienced technical support by virtue of having worked with these materials from their inception. If you have a problem, we likely have an answer. Huntsmans core competencies include alkoxylation and amination technologies, this means that the JEFFAMINE amines are just part of a broad and diverse product portfolio. Huntsman produces the JEFFAMINE amines in modern facilities located around the world. Huntsman works with our customers to develop new and unique products.

2. Why JEFFAMINE Amine Curing Agents

2. WHY JEFFAMINE AMINE CURING AGENTS? The JEFFAMINE amines, with their poly-ether containing backbone represent unique curing agents that result in properties that are often unobtainable with any other curing agents. The unique characteristics of the JEFFAMINE amines include: WATER-WHITE IN COLOR: These make them ideal for use in decorative coatings and castings, as well as other applications requiring clarity and transparency. FLEXIBLE BACKBONE: The cured epoxy will be somewhat flexible exhibiting high elongation, high impact strength and good low temperature properties. This is important in a variety of applications such as coatings that require chip resistance, coatings that are applied to materials of differing coefficient of expansion; or in composite/tooling applications where repetitive flexing or compression may be encountered. LOW VISCOSITY: The low viscosities of these materials make them ideal in casting and self leveling applications. In addition, the low viscosities makes them the ideal to blend with other high-viscosity curing agents which otherwise could not be used. LOW VISCOSITY OFTEN TRANSLATES TO LOW V.O.C. CONTROLABLE REACTIVITY: The JEFFAMINE amines product line spans the spectrum in terms of product reactivity. For example the slower hindered products allow for a moderate pot life, important in leveling and composite applications. In addition, the low exotherm of these slower materials allows the casting of larger and thicker parts. GOOD HEALTH & SAFETY PROFILE: Compared to many of the epoxy hardeners currently used, the majority of the JEFFAMINE amines are relatively innocuous and easy to handle. JEFFAMINE amine application advantages The above characteristics translate into specific advantages in a number of applications. For example, consider the following applications and the advantages of using the JEFFAMINE amine curing agents: Application Protective coatings Advantage of a JEFFAMINE amine hardener -good wetting -low viscosity formulations, allow for low VOCs and are easy to apply -flexibility upon cure, resists chipping and nicking -flexibility allows good performance when substrate expands/contracts due to temperature excursions (resists delamination) -water white -good wetting -low viscosity means good flow and leveling -flexibility upon cure means flexible substrates can be coated -low viscosity means good self-leveling -low viscosity allows high loading -flexibility upon cure, resists chipping and nicking -good wetting means aggregates can easily be added -low viscosity allows good mold flow -good wet-out -moderate reactivity means large parts can be processed -moderate pot life means long working time -flexibility means reduced cyclic micro-cracking -good wet-out of fibers

Decorative coatings


Casting/Encapsulation Composites

3. Characteristics of the JEFFAMINE Polyetheramines

3. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE JEFFAMINE POLYETHEREAMINES (PEAs) CHEMICAL STRUCTURE The JEFFAMINE PEAs make up a family of products having repeating polyether backbone structures. Four of the commercial products in the family contain repeating oxypropylene units.

The structures are functionally terminated with primary amine groups positioned on secondary carbon atoms. The basic polyetheramine frame structure is indicated below. By varying the X and R groups the JEFFAMINE PEA series was developed. D-230 D-400 D-2000 HK-511 XTJ-504 XTJ-590 X 1-2 4-5 32 2 TEG EG R CH3 CH3 CH3 H H H





JEFFAMINE T-403 and BA-509 are trifunctional (three amine groups per molecule) and can be represented by the following general formula.

T-403 BA-509 Initiator TMP Glycerin Mw 400 3000 x+y+z 5.3 49

(OCH2CH ) yNH2 CH3 H2N ( CHCH2O )


(CH2)n C R


CH2 ( OCH2CH )

The letter following the JEFFAMINE trade name (D or T) represents the functionality (di- or tri-) of a given product, while the number designates the approximate average molecular weight. Thus, D-400 represents a diamine of about 400 molecular weight. BA-509 and HK-511 do not follow this convention. All XTJ-products indicate experimental JEFFAMINE products, many of which have reached full commercial status. Note that the primary amine groups in these products are attached to secondary carbon atoms. Thus, the amine nitrogen is sterically hindered in nucleophilic reactions by the pendant methyl group. The JEFFAMINE PEA therefore exhibit "moderate" reactivity -- a desirable feature in many epoxy applications.


3. Characteristics of the JEFFAMINE Polyetheramines

Table 3.1 - Typical Physical Properties and Sales Specifications of JEFFAMINE PEAs Typical Properties
Property Color, Pt-Co Brookfield viscosity, cps, 25oC o (77 F) Specific gravity, 20/20oC Density , lb/gal, 20oC Refractive index, n20 Flash point, PMCC, oC (oF) Water, wt. % Total acetylatables, meq/g Total amine, meq/g Primary amine, meq/g Vapor Pressure, mm Hg/oC pH, 5% aqueous solution Equivalent weight with epoxies ("Amine hydrogen equivalent weight," or AHEW) pKa Appearance D-230 30 9 0.9480 79 1.4466 121(250) 0.1 8.7 8.4 8.2 1/101 11.7 60 9.46 Colorless to slight yellow with slight haze 60 max. 8.3 min. 9.1 max. 97 min. 8.1 min. 8.7 max. 0.25 max. D-400 50 21 0.9702 8.1 1.4482 163(325) 0.1 4.6 4.4 4.3 1/165 11.6 115 9.51 Colorless to pale yellow with slight haze 75 max. 4.2 min. 4.9 max. 97 min. 4.1 min. 4.7 max. 0.25 max. D-2000 100 247 0.9964 8.3 1.4514 185(365) 0.1 1.05 1.0 0.97 0.93/235 10.5 514 8.65 Light yellow with slight haze 75 max. 0.98 min. 1.1 max. 97 min 0.95 min. 1.05 max. 0.25 max. T-403 30 70 0.9812 8.2 1.4606 196(385) 0.1 6.8 6.4 6.1 ~1/181 11.6 81 9.23 Colorless to pale yellow with slight haze 60 max. 6.5 min. 7.1 max. 90 min. 6.1 min. 6.6 max. 0.25 max. XTJ-504 10 8 1.01 8.43 1.4586 129(265) 0.1 13.5 13.4 13.4 ~1/80 11.7 37 9.62 Colorless to pale yellow with slight haze 30 max. -XTJ-590 20 9 0.99 8.38 105(221) 0.1 11.3 11.26 11.26 ~1/80 12 44 10.3 (tentative) XTJ-506 12 Solid, mp 0 ~30 C 1.0694 8.92 98(208) 0.1 1.02 0.96 0.95 11.1 ~250 9.75 White, waxy low melting solid 100 max. 0.95 min 1.15 max 90 min 0.94 min 0.25 max HK-511 20 10 09844 8.244 138(280) 0.15 8.9 8.4 8.4 1.6/100 11.7 62 9.67 Colorless to pale yellow with slight haze 125 max. 8.3 min 9.3 max -7.6 min 9.3 max 0.25 max BA-509 10 398 1.002 8.337 235(455) 0.1 1.01 0.97 0.97 10.4 ~500 9.36 Colorless to pale yellow with slight haze 100 max. 0.95 min 1.05 max 97 min. 0.90 min 0.98 max 0.25 max ST-30.1

Test Method

Sales Specifications

Color, Pt-Co Total acetylatables, meq/g

50 max. --

1, 2


Primary amine, % Total amine, meq/g Water, %

-12.8 min 0.40 max

99 min 11.0 min 0.30 max

ST-5.35 ST-31.53

The JEFFAMINE products are completely soluble in most hydrocarbons and oxygenated solvents. The wide variety of solvents which may be used in combination with JEFFAMINE materials is shown in Table 3.2.
1 Total acetylatables, JEFFAMINE T-403, meq/g = uncorrected OH number by ST-31.13 56.1 3 Primary amine, % = [(amine alkalinity, meq/g, by ST-5.35) - (secondary + tertiary amine, meq/g, by ST-5.34)] 100 total amine, meq/g, by ST-5.35 4 Specific gravity 20/4 2 Total acetylatables, JEFFAMINE D-series products, meq/g = uncorrected OH number by ST-31.109 56.1

3. Characterisitcs of the JEFFAMINE Polyetheramines

TYPICAL PHYSICAL PROPERTIES/SALES SPECIFICATIONS Typical physical properties and sales specifications are shown in Table 3.1. One important property in high solids formulations is viscosity. The important effect of temperature on the viscosity of several JEFFAMINE products is shown in Figure 3.1. Figure 3.1 Effect of Temperature on the Viscosity of JEFFAMINE Polyoxypropylenearnines




Table 3.2 Solvent Miscibility of JEFFAMINE PEAs

Solvent * Alcohols Aliphatic hydrocarbons Aromatic hydrocarbons Esters Glycol ethers Ketones Water Key: D-230 M M M M M M M D-400 M M M M M M PM D-2000 M M M M M M I JEFFAMINE Products T-403 XTJ-504 XTJ-590 M M M M I I M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M XTJ-506 M I M M M M M HK-511 M M M M M M M BA-509 M M M M M M I

M = Miscible PM = Partially miscible I = Imiscible

* Miscibility data has been generalized for each type of solvent. Testing is recommended.

3. Characterisitcs of the JEFFAMINE Polyetheramines

CHEMICAL REACTIONS JEFFAMINE PEAs undergo reactions typical of primary amines. General reactions which have proven to be useful include: RNH2 + Reactant


RNH2 + Reactant CH2=CH-CN

Products RNCH2CH2CN H Cyanoethylated amines O RNCNH2 + NH3 H Substituted ureas R RNC Imines + H2O R

RN CCOH H Aminoalcohols (epoxies) O RNCR+H2O H Amides O RNCNR H H Ureas RNH3XSalts

Acrylonitrile O H2N CNH2

Epoxides (epoxy resins) O HOCR Carboxylic acids (or esters, anhydrides, etc) OCNR

Urea O RCR Aldehydes or ketones

Isocyanates H+XAcids

For information about reactions other than involving epoxy resins and the possible utilization of those reactions, contact our Technical Department. (see inside back cover for contact information)

4. JEFFAMINE PEA As Epoxy Curing Agents

4. JEFFAMINE PEA AS EPOXY CURING AGENTS THE JEFFAMINE PEA AS EPOXY CURING AGENTS A wide range of properties may be developed through the incorporation of JEFFAMINE products into epoxy resin formulations. Low shrinkage, good color, flexibility and tough, high gloss are characteristics of epoxy resins cured with JEFFAMINE PEAs. For example, curing with JEFFAMINE D-230 amine and JEFFAMINE T-403 amine results in thermosetting products that are extremely tough and quite resistant to impact stress, and extreme thermal cycling. Room temperature curing with JEFFAMINE T-403 amine results in composites with a high degree of strength. Formulating with the higher molecular weight products, such as JEFFAMINE D-400 amine and JEFFAMINE D-2000 amine can increase flexibility. Surface imperfections (e.g., amine-blush and pinholes) of epoxy coatings cured with many unmodified aliphatic amines are largely overcome through the use of JEFFAMINE products as curatives. Modifications used with many aliphatic amine curatives, through cyanoethylation, propoxylation, or epoxy-amine adduct preparation, necessary to reduce amine basicity, are not required for any of the JEFFAMINE PEAs. Table 4.1 compares JEFFAMINE PEAs with other common epoxy curatives. The advantages of color, long pot life, flexibility, and low viscosity are highlighted. Table 4.1 Comparison of JEFFAMINE PEAs vs. Other Conventional Epoxy Curing Agents

JEFFAMINE amine low cycloaliphatic amidoamine aliphatic polyamide


Pot Life
long JEFFAMINE amine amidoamine polyamide cycloaliphatic aliphatic aliphatic MB short

Flexibility/Impact Resistance
aliphatic aliphatic


cycloaliphatic amidoamine

polyamide JEFFAMINE amine


Water Resistance
JEFFAMINE amine aliphatic cycloaliphatic amidoamine polyamide



4. JEFFAMINE PEA As Epoxy Curing Agents

Table 4.1 Continued

Solvent Resistance
amidoamine JEFFAMINE amine


polyamide aliphatic MB

cycloaliphatic aliphatic


JEFFAMINE amine cycloaliphatic aliphatic aliphatic MB polyamide amidoamine



POLYETHERAMINE FORMULATION BASICS STOICHIOMETRY The term "stoichiometry" refers to that area of chemistry that deals with the quantities, or proportions, of substances that enter into chemical reactions. Chemicals react in definite proportions. In the simple chemical equation below, a given weight of Chemical A will always react with a given "equivalent," or "stoichiometric," amount of Chemical B to form Chemical A-B... at least as long as conditions are such that the reaction can proceed to completion. 1 equivalent A + 1 equivalent B A-B

With epoxies, when the curing agent is a "primary" amine like one of the JEFFAMINE PEAs, two reactions take place. First, the oxirane ring in the epoxy resin is opened up.



R Epoxy

H Primary Amine R Aminoalcohol

The reaction product is an aminoalcohol, and the amine nitrogen still has one hydrogen available for reaction. In a second step, this "secondary" amine can react with yet another epoxy, or oxirane, group to build molecular weight and branching.


R1 N R


4. JEFFAMINE PEA As Epoxy Curing Agents

O Thus, every -NH2, or primary amine group, requires two oxirane, or CH-CH2- groups for complete reaction. When the reactants are, for example, a JEFFAMINE polyetherdiamine and a typical bisphenol A-type epoxy resin, each molecule of diamine, with its two primary amine groups, may react with four oxirane groups. Each molecule of resin contains two oxirane groups, as shown below.

H2 N O

NH 2




Therefore, in regard to chemical balancing, how does one arrive at the correct, or optimum, proportions of reactants with epoxy systems? In general, there are two ways: (1) calculate the quantities involved from the chemical "equivalent weights of all the reactants, or (2) determine the balance empirically. Generally, the empirical, or experimental, method of chemical balancing should be the more accurate of the two procedures, since actual working conditions are used. Differences in the two calculating methods often arise from factors such as steric hindrance or catalytic effects. CALCULATED METHOD How is the equivalent weight of a JEFFAMINE product calculated? First, the equivalent weight may be approximated from the approximate molecular weight, which is the number following the letter that follows the JEFFAMINE trade name. For example, the approximate molecular weight of JEFFAMINE D-400 amine is 400. JEFFAMINE D-400 amine, being a diamine, has four active hydrogens to react with epoxy groups, so the approximate equivalent weight is 400/4, or 100. This follows from the general formula: Amine hydrogen equivalent weight (AHEW) = Amine molecular weight Number of available hydrogens

and, of course, one "amine hydrogen equivalent weight" will react with one "equivalent weight" of epoxy resin. A more accurate method for determining an amine hydrogen equivalent weight is to use the primary amine content, a value that is always available for each lot of product. This value, expressed in milliequivalents per gram (meq/g), is plugged into the formula Amine hydrogen equivalent weight (AHEW) = 1,000 2 x primary amine content (meq/g)

For amine hardeners that contain a significant amount of secondary amine groups, as well as primary amines, the formula above should be modified as follows: AHEW = 1,000 [2 x primary amine content (meq/g)] + (secondary amine content (meq/g) These simple formulas for equivalent weight can be used for any JEFFAMINE product, whatever the "functionality," or number of amine groups per molecule. Thus, if a sample of JEFFAMINE D-230 amine has a primary amine content of 8.3 meq/g (from Table 1), the AHEW of the D-230 will be: AHEW = 1,000 2 x 8.3 = 60

(Note that these calculations of AHEW were designed for epoxy resin formulating. When amines are used in some other applications, such as for polyureas, the equations change because under most process conditions the isocyanate group will react only once with a primary amine group.)

4. JEFFAMINE PEA As Epoxy Curing Agents

EMPIRICAL METHOD To empirically determine reactant proportions, two "indicators" may be employed: (1) heat distortion temperature (HDT) ASTM D 648, and (2) glass transition temperature (Tg). Both are measures of the degree of epoxy cure. In practice, the method is fairly simple if only two reactants are involved, namely, a single epoxy resin and curing agent. Procedure: Proportions of the reactants are varied, the blends are cured as completely as possible, and the HDTs or Tgs are determined and plotted against reactant concentration. The optimum reactant ratios are, in most cases, considered to be those at which HDTs and/or Tgs are maximized when the formulation is polymerized using the desired process conditions. (HDT and Tg are discussed in greater detail on page 54) At such an optimum ratio, the formulation is likely to have the least amount of leftover amine or epoxy groups. This is good, because it minimizes changes that can be caused by further reactions. In Figure 4.1, HDT and Tg are plotted against the amount of amine hardener for three JEFFAMINE products--D-230, D-400, and T-403. Needless to say, the empirical method is potentially cumbersome when more than two reactants are involved, which is frequently the case with epoxies. A simpler way to proportion epoxy reactants is to use calculated equivalent weights. How do the calculated AHEWs of the JEFFAMINE polyamines compare with empirically determined values? First of all, AHEWs calculated from typical primary amine values have been given in Table 3.1, and are repeated below. Second, empirical equivalent weights can be derived from Figure 4.1. Figure 4.1 Variation of HDT and Tg with JEFFAMINE Product Concentrations
JEFFAMINE T-403 Amine JEFFAMINE D-230 Amine Glass Transition Temperature (Tg) Heat Distortion Temperature (HDT)



Empirical AHEW = Weight of curative at maximum HDT or Tg x Equivalent weight of epoxy resin* 100 parts by wt. of epoxy resin *(EEW, from the manufacturer) For example, in the case of JEFFAMINE D-230 amine, and an epoxy resin with EEW = 185, the numbers are: Empirical AHEW = 32 x 185 = 59 (60, by calculation). 100 (compared to 60, obtained using the calucation method).


4. JEFFAMINE PEA As Epoxy Curing Agents

Following this procedure, we obtain the comparative numbers for the products shown in the following table: Product JEFFAMINE D-230 amine JEFFAMINE D-400 amine JEFFAMINE T-403 amine Equivalent Weight Calculated Empirical 60 59 115 104 81 78

Thus, empirical equivalent weights for the JEFFAMINE products are found to be within a few percent of the calculated values. So, in working with epoxies, one can safely use amine hydrogen equivalent weights derived from the primary amine values that are available for each lot of JEFFAMINE product. It is notable that in most epoxy work, formulations are based on 100 parts by weight (pbw) of epoxy resin, not on an epoxide equivalent weight (EEW) quantity (one equivalent"). One must therefore calculate the amount of curative required to react with 100 pbw of resin. Procedure: By definition, equivalent weights of materials react in 1:1 proportions. That is, one equivalent weight quantity of amine curative will react exactly with one equivalent weight quantity of an epoxy resin. So, a proportion may be set up where X is the parts of amine curative required to react with 100 pbw of epoxy resin (phr). AHEW = X , or X EEW 100 = AHEW x 100 EEW

EXAMPLE: JEFFAMINE D-230 PEA + 188 EEW Epoxy Resin. The resin producer furnishes the epoxy equivalent weight (EEW) for his producte.g., 188. If JEFFAMINE D230 amine is used as a curative, the AHEW will be 60 so 32 parts of JEFFAMINE D-230 amine will be required to react with 100 parts of this epoxy (EEW = 188). X = 60 x 100 = 32 phr of JEFFAMINE D-230 amine 188 While discussing chemical stoichiometry, it is worth noting that considerable latitude in compounding is available to the epoxy formulator when JEFFAMINE products are used. Deviation from chemically equivalent amounts of curative may be tolerated with minimal effect on many of the cured resin properties, a fact that is evident from the properties shown in Tables 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4. The tables show that near-optimum values for a number of properties may be obtained over a rather wide concentration variation with the JEFFAMINE products. This is not generally the case with other amine curatives. Thus, the epoxy formulator can use simple and precise calculated equivalent weights for JEFFAMINE products, but at the same time enjoy rather wide compounding latitudes, deviating somewhat from the optimum stoichiometry, without serious deleterious effects on the properties of his finished products. Note: Although several epoxy resins have been used to develop the data in this brochure, the most commonly used resin was the industry workhorse, a diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A (DGEBA or BADGE) based material having an EEW of ~188 and viscosity of ~13,000 cP (mPa-sec) (Araldite GY-6010). Wherever "EEW ~188" is used to designate an epoxy resin, the reader should assume it is this standard, general-purpose DGEBA resin. Standard resins may be obtained from Huntsman Advanced Materials as well as a number of other suppliers. Where other types of resins were used, that fact has been noted.


4. JEFFAMINE PEA As Epoxy Curing Agents

Table 4.2 - Properties of an Epoxy Resin Cured with Differing Amounts of JEFFAMINE D-230 amine Formulation Epoxy Resin (EEW 188) Araldite GY-6010 Curative concentration, phr1 Properties of cured -inch castings2 Izod impact strength, ft-lb/in (J/m) Dynatup impact, total energy, in-lb (J) Shore D hardness, 0-10 sec Tensile strength, psi (MPa) Tensile modulus, psi (GPa) Elongation at break, % Flexural strength, psi (Mpa) Flexural modulus, psi (GPa) Glass Transition Temp., Tg, oC HDT, oC, 264 psi load (1.82 Mpa load) % weight gain, 24-hr water boil 3-hr acetone boil Compressive strength3 psi, at yield (Mpa), at yield psi, at failure (Mpa), at failure Adhesive properties4 Tensile shear strength, psi (MPa) T-peel strength, pli (g/mm)
2 Cured 2 hr, 80oC; 3 hr. 125oC. 3 1-inch tall cylinders of inch diameter. (2.54 cm tall cylinders of 1.27 cm diameter) 4 Cured 1 hr., 125oC

A 100 24 0.34 (18) 16 (1.8) 76-73 10,900 (75.2) 517,500 (3.57) 2.9 17,000 (117) 546,000 (3.76) 65 53 2.3 32.0 -12,800 (88.3) 4,400 (30.3) 2.6 (46)

B 100 28 0.80 (43) 36 (4.1) 77-75 10,900 (75.2) 475,000 (3.28) 5.5 17,600 (121) 512,500 (3.53) 79 67 2.8 13.3 -46,700 (322) 4,100 (28.3) 2.0 (36)

C 100 32 1.10 (59) 78 (8.8) 77-74 9,800 (67.6) 417,500 (2.88) 9.6 15,700 (108) 454,000 (3.13) 90 80 2.7 6.5 14,300 (98.6) 35,000 (221) 3,500 (24.1) 2.5 (45)

D 100 36 1.80 (96) 61 (6.9) 77-74 9,200 (63.4) 417,500 (2.88) 4.8 14,700 (101) 454,000 (3.13) 86 69 3.3 8.7 11,900 (82.0) 46,900 (323) 4,100 (28.3) 2.6 (46)

E 100 40 2.40 (13) 78 (8.8) 76-73 9,500 (65.5) 455,000 (3.14) 6.1 15,600 (108) 480,500 (3.31) 75 61 3.9 11.4 11,300 (77.9) 46,200 (319) 4,400 (30.3) 2.8 (50)

1 With standard, general-purpose epoxy resin, EEW 185-192, 11,000-15,000 cP (mPa-sec) (Araldite GY-6010).

Table 4.3 - Properties of an Epoxy Resin Cured with Differing Amounts of JEFFAMINE D-400 amine Formulation Epoxy Resin (EEW 188) Araldite GY-6010 Curative concentration, phr1 Properties of cured -inch castings2 lzod impact strength, ft-lb/in (J/m) Dynatup impact, total energy, in-lb (J) Shore D hardness, 0-10 sec Tensile strength, psi (MPa) Tensile modulus, psi (GPa) Elongation at break, % Flexural strength, psi (MPa) Flexural modulus, psi (GPa) A 100 48 0.46 (25) 84 (9.5) 74-70 7,900 (54.5) 401,000 (2.77) 3.7 12,700 (87.6) 447,000 (3.082) B 100 52 0.46 (25) 69 (7.8) 74-70 8,400 (57.9) 425,000 (2.93) 3.8 13,400 (92.4) 452,000 (3.116) C 100 56 0.41 (22) 156 (17.6) 74-70 8,000 (55.1) 422,000 (2.910) 4.7 13,100 (90.3) 449,500 (3.099) D 100 60 0.86 (46) 134 (15.1) 74-70 7,400 (51.0) 385,000 (2.654) 4.5 11,600 (80.0) 434,000 (2.992) E 100 64 1.40 (75) 141 (15.9) 73-69 7,400 (51.0) 414,000 (2.854) 5.5 12,700 (87.6) 452,000 (3.116)


4. JEFFAMINE PEA As Epoxy Curing Agents

Table 4.3 Continued Glass Transition Temp., Tg, oC HDT, oC, 264 psi (1.82 MPa) load % weight gain, 24-hr water boil 3-hr acetone boil Compressive strength3 psi, at yield (MPa) at yield psi at failure (MPa) at failure Adhesive properties4 Tensile shear strength, psi (MPa) T-peel strength, pli (g/mm)
2 Cured 2 hr, 80oC; 3 hr. 125oC. 3 1-inch tall cylinders of inch diameter. (2.54 cm tall cylinders of 1.27 cm diameter) 4 Cured 1 hr., 125oC

A 49.0 41 2.3 41.6 10,400 (71.7) 41,000 (283) 3,900 (26.9) 3.2 (57)

B 53.5 44 2.6 32.2 10,100 (69.6) 47,100 (325) 3,800 (26.2) 3.9 (70)

C 56.1 47 2.6 25.4 9,600 (66.2) 45,300 (312) 3,800 (26.2) 4.9 (88)

D 52.9 45 2.8 25.0 9,100 (62.7) 46,400 (320) 3,800 (26.2) 5.9 (105)

E 47.0 44 3.0 23.8 9,500 (65.5) 44,300 (305) 3,600 (24.8) 5.1 (91)

1 With standard, general-purpose epoxy resin, EEW 185-192, 11,000-15,000 cP (mPa-sec) (Araldite GY-6010).

Table 4.4 - Properties of an Epoxy Resin Cured with Differing Amounts of JEFFAMINE T-403 amine Formulation Curative concentration, phr1 Properties of cured -inch castings2 Izod impact strength, ft-lb/in (J/m) Dynatup impact, total energy, in-lb (J) Shore D hardness, 0 -10 sec Tensile strength, psi (MPa) Tensile modulus, psi (GPa) Elongation at break, % Flexural strength, psi (MPa) Flexural modulus, psi (GPa) Glass Transition Temperature, Tg, oC HDT, oC, 264 psi (1.82 MPa) load % weight gain, 24-hr water boil 3-hr acetone boil Compressive strength3 psi, at yield (MPa) at yield psi at failure (MPa) at failure Adhesive properties4 Tensile shear strength, psi (MPa) T-peel strength, pli (g/mm)
2 Cured 2 hr, 80oC; 3 hr. 125oC. 3 1-inch tall cylinders of inch diameter. (2.54 cm tall cylinders of 1.27 cm diameter) 4 Cured 1 hr., 125oC

A 34 0.71 (38) 22 (2.5) 77-75 11,400 (78.6) 478,000 (3.30) 5.4 19,100 (132) 570,000 (3.93) 77.7 62 2.0 14.7 11,400 (78.6) 34,900 (241) 3,500 (24.1) 4.0 (71)

B 38 0.90 (48) 63 (7.1) 76-74 10,600 (73.1) 447,000 (3.08) 7.3 17,000 (117) 509,000 (3.51) 89.0 73 2.1 9.5 10,500 (72.4) 41,100 (283) 4,000 (27.6) 4.6 (82)

C 42 0.90 (48) 54 (6.1) 78-75 9,500 (65.5) 418,000 (2.88) 6.7 15,500 (107) 437,000 (3.01) 95.6 83 2.0 5.6 11,700 (80.7) 41,000 (283) 3,400 (23.4) 4.4 (79)

D 46 1.00 (53) 45 (51) 78-75 9,300 (64.1) 390,500 (2.69) 11.2 15,100 (104) 443,000 (3.05) 89.6 78.5 2.2 5.2 11,500 (79.3) 44,300 (305) 3,800 (26.2) 6.5 (116)

E 50 1.40 (75) 61 (6.9) 75-72 8,900 (61.4) 402,000 (2.77) 12.1 14,700 (101) 440,000 (3.03) 82.3 70 2.5 6.7 10,100 (69.6) 43,700 (301) 4,100 (28.3) 4.9 (88)

1 With standard, general-purpose epoxy resin, EEW 185-192, 11,000-15,000 cP (mPa-sec) (Araldite GY-6010).


4. JEFFAMINE PEA As Epoxy Curing Agents

CURING CHARACTERISTICS Medium-to-long pot life, low-to-moderate peak exothermic temperatures, and a relatively high hardener-to-resin ratio mark the curing of epoxy resins with JEFFAMINE polyamines. The combination of low heat development and long pot life is beneficial for a number of applications, e.g., potting, encapsulation, and filament winding. Typical curing data are given in Table 4.5 for the JEFFAMINE products and for four other amines commonly used for epoxy curing agents. The buildup in viscosity with time for these same systems is shown in Figure 4.2, below. Table 4.5 - Resin Curing Characteristics with JEFFAMINE Polyamines and Other Typical Amine Curatives Curative Concentration phr1 32 55 42 75 11 52 23 25 Peak Exotherm o C 64 35 38 33 269 112 259 27 Drying Time, Set-to-Touch hours 8.9 15.0 8.6 22.4 1.75 4.66 0.27 18.2 6-Mil Film2 ThroughDry, hours 16.2 24.8 16.3 37.0 3.4 9.8 1.3 27.6

Curative JEFFAMINE D-230 amine JEFFAMINE D-400 amine JEFFAMINE T-403 amine JEFFAMINE D-400/D-2000 amine (50:25 blend by wt.) Diethylenetriamine (DETA) Polyamide6 (amine value 385) N-aminoethylpiperazine (AEP) Aromatic amine8
3 No definite gel; time to reach 10,000 cP (mPa-sec). 5 Versamid 140 polyamide, Henkel Corp. 7 Surface badly mottled; heavy blush.

Pot Life, minutes 2803 4803 2803


33.8 ~130 18.6 1808

1 General-purpose epoxy resin, EEW ~ 188. Size of curing mass: 200 g (Araldite GY-6010).

2 Gardner circular drying time recorder, Gardner Laboratories, Bethesda Maryland. 4 Reached 2,060 cP (mPa-sec) in ~480 minutes. 6 No induction period before applying coating: surface blush. 8 EPON CURING AGENT Y, Resolution Performance Products.

Figure 4.2 Changes in Viscosity with Time for Epoxy Resin/Amine Systems
AEP (23 phr) DETA (11 phr) Polyamide (52 phr) JEFFAMINE T-430 (43 phr) JEFFAMINE D-230 (32 phr)

JEFFAMINE D-400 (55 phr)

JEFFAMINE D-400/D-2000 (50/25 phr)


5. JEFFAMINE Polyetheramine Acceleration of Cure

5. JEFFAMINE PEA ACCELERATION OF CURE ACCELERATOR 399 Curing epoxy with a JEFFAMINE polyamine at temperatures near 25C (77F) is relatively slow. For many applications, acceleration of cure is desirable. In order to provide more rapid ambient curing of formulations containing JEFFAMINE products, Accelerator 399 was developed. The use of small amounts of Accelerator 399 in PEA cured formulations results in considerable reduction in curing time, as shown in Tables 5.1 and 5.2. Specifically, the effect on dry time and pot life are shown graphically in Figures 5.1 and 5.2 Note that the less reactive the amine, the greater the relative effect of the accelerator. Also, note that the accelerator does not greatly affect most of the polymer properties associated with the unaccelerated systems. Complete information concerning the use of Accelerator 399 with JEFFAMINE curing agents is contained in the Huntsman bulletin entitled "Accelerator 399: Epoxy Curing Promoter for Use with JEFFAMINE Curing Agents." Other materials useful for accelerating the cure of JEFFAMINE PEA include Accelerator 399 (a nonylphenol), Epoxy Curing Agent ECA-39, AEP, and various other ethylene amines. (Contact Huntsman Technical Department for details) Additional examples demonstrating the effect of these materials will be covered in the following sections. Table 5.1 - Effect of Accelerator 399 on Exothermic and Clear Coating Properties Formulation, pbw Epoxy resin (EEW 188) Araldite GY6010 JEFFAMINE D-230 amine JEFFAMINE D-400 amine JEFFAMINE D-2000 amine JEFFAMINE T-403 amine Accelerator 399 Exothermic data Brookfield viscosity (approx.), cP (mPa-sec), 25oC Gel time, minutes (200-g mass) Peak exothermic temperature, oC Time to peak temperature, minutes Coating properties, 6-mil film Drying time, hr Set-to-touch Surface-dry Through-dry Pencil hardness Cure: 24 hr, ~25oC 24 hr, ~25oC; 1 hr, 110oC 7 days, ~25oC Reverse impact, in-lb (Joules) to fail Cure: 24 hr, ~25oC 24 hr, ~25oC; 1 hr, 110oC 7 days, ~25oC Gloss, 60o, 7 days, ~25oC Crosshatch adhesion, %, 7 days, ~25oC
1 No definite gel; time to reach 10,000 cP (mPa-sec). 2 Reached 2,060 cps in ~480 minutes. 3 Coating too tacky to test.

A 100 32 600 2801 64 396 8.9 12.6 16.2 B H H <4 (<.45) >160 (>18) <4 (<.45) 108 (12.2) 100

B 100 32 5 700 65 191 72 7.6 9.9 13.6 HB H H <4 (<.45) >160 (>18) <4 (<.45) 107 (12.0) 100

C 100 32 10 700 25 213 30 5.0 8.5 12.5 HB H H 16 (1.8) >160 (>18) 6 (.68) 106 (11.9) 100

D 100 55 600 4801 35 ~700 15.0 18.7 24.8


E 100 55 10 600 54 140 68 9.2 10.5 14.5 <3B F F >160 (>18) >160 (>18) >160 (>18) 109 (12.3) 100

F 100 50 25 600

G 100 50 25 10 600 ~100 58 108 13.7 15.1 22.6


H 100 42 1,600 2801 38 450 8.6 13.0 16.3 2B H H <4 (<.45) >160 (>18) 6 (.68) 110 (12.4) 100

I 100 42 5 1,600 81 163 90 5.5 7.1 11.7 F H H 6 (0.7) 140 10 (1.13 109 (12.3) 100

33 ~960 22.4 26.1 37.0


3 3

<3B 3B
3 3

3 3


>160 (>18) 20 (2.25) 104 (11.7) 100

>160 (>18) >160 (>18) 106 (11.9) 100

>160 (>18) >160 (>18) 102 (11.5) 100


5. JEFFAMINE Polyetheramine Acceleration of Cure

Table 5.2 - Effect of Accelerator 399 on Physical Properties of Unfilled Castings Formulation, pbw Epoxy resin (EEW 188) Araldite GY-6010 JEFFAMINE D-230 amine JEFFAMINE D-400 amine JEFFAMINE D-2000 amine JEFFAMINET-403 amine Accelerator 399 Properties of cured -inch castings1 Izod impact strength, ft-lb/in J/m Dynatup impact, total energy, in-lb J Shore D hardness, 0 -10 sec Tensile strength, psi (MPa) Tensile modulus, psi (GPa) Elongation at break, % Flexural strength, psi (MPa) Flexural modulus, psi (GPa) HDT, oC, 264-psi (1.82 MPa) load, % weight gain, 24-hr water boil 3-hr acetone boil Compressive strength2` psi, at yield (MPa), at yield psi, at failure (MPa), at failure
1 Cured 7 days, ~25oC 2 Cured 24 hrs, 80oC; 3 hrs, 125oC

A 100 32 0.20 (11) 8 (0.9) 89-87 7,600 (52.4) 476,000 (3.28) 2 10,800 (74.5) 477,000 (3.29) 46 2.4 30.8 12,500 (86.2) 34,000 (234)

B 100 32 5 0.25 (13) 17 (1.9) 84-81 9,900 (68.3) 532,000 (3.67) 2 13,300 (91.7) 530,000 (3.65) 45 3.3 26.4 13,300 (91.7) 27,000 (186)

C 100 32 10 0.28 (15) 27 (3.1) 83-79 10,200 (70.3) 500,000 (3.45) 2 15,500 (107) 534,000 (3.68) 47 2.7 16.4 12,500 (86.2) 23,000 (159)

D 100 55 1.10 (59) 225 (25.4) 70-63 4,000 (27.6) 300,000 (2.07) 98 7,300 (50.3) 280,000 (1.93) 28 2.7 28.1 6,100 (42.1) 34,000 (234)

E 100 55 10 1.50 (80) 200 (22.6) 69-62 5,100 (35.2) 300,000 (2.07) 73 8,700 (60.0) 286,000 (1.98) 36 2.3 19.7 5,400 (37.2) 35,000 (241)

F 100 50 25 9.50 (507) 175 (19.8) 68-55 1,200 (8.27) 109 2.6 30.3 39,000 (269)

G 100 50 25 10 8.90 (475) 199 (22.5) 55-37 .1,700 (11.7) 73 -

H 100 42 -0.16 (8.5) 27 (3.1) 73-65 9,200 (63.4) 470,000 (3.24) 3 14,400 (99.3) 500,000 (3.45) 44 2.0 26.3 11,500 (79.3) 24,000 (165)

I 100 42 5 0.20 (11) 23 (2.6) 80-77 8,000 (55.2) 510,000 (3.52) 2 15,600 (108) 536,000 (3.70) 41 2.4 23.4 13,400 (92.4) 17,000 (117)

1.2 32.7 42,800 (295) 43,300 (299)


5. JEFFAMINE Polyetheramine Acceleration of Cure

Table 5.2 Continued Formulation, pbw Properties of cured -inch castings1 Izod impact strength, ft-lb/in J/m Dynatup impact, total energy, in-lb (J) Shore D hardness, 0-10 sec Tensile strength, psi (MPa) Tensile modulus, psi (GPa) Elongation at break, % Flexural strength, psi (MPa) Flexural modulus, psi (GPa) HDT, oC, 264-psi (1.82 MPa) load % weight gain, 24-hr water boil 3-hr acetone boil Compressive strength2 psi, at yield (MPa), at yield psi, at failure (MPa), at failure
1 Cured 2 hr, 80oC, 3 hr, 125oC. 2 1-inch tall cylinders of -inch diameter. (2,54 cm tall cylinders of 1.27 cm diameter.

A 1.10 (58.7) 78 (8.8) 78-75 9,400 (64.8) 392,000 (2.70) 8 14,900 (103) 429,000 (2.96) 80 2.4 6.9 14,300 (98.6) 35,000 (241)

B 1.60 (85.4) 82 (9.3) 76-73 10,200 (70.3) 460,000 (3.17) 7 17,200 (119) 491,000 (3.39) 69 3.2 6.7 42,000 (290)

C 1.80 (96.1) 99 (11) 76-73 9,600 (66.2) 441,000 (3.04) 8 16,500 (114) 488,000 (3.36) 58 3.2 10.8 12,200 (84.1) 40,000 (276)

D 0.41 (21.9) 100 (11.3) 75-71 7,600 (52.4) 390,000 (2.69) 4 12,900 (88.9) 460,000 (3.17) 43 2.8 24.2 9,700 (66.9) 30,000 (207)

E 2.90 (155) 188 (21.2) 74-69 6,300 (43.4) 360,000 (2.48) 4 10,500 (72.4) 350,000 (2.41) 38 0.6 21.8 8,000 (55.2) 41,000 (283)

F 7.80 (416) 216 (24.4) 62-58 1,700 (11.7) 30,500 (.210) 86 970 (6.69) 42,000 (.290) ~25 2.6 33.3 37,000 (255) 37,000 (255)

G 9.60 (512) 210 (23.7) 56-39 1,200 (8.27) 9,100 (.0627) 75 200 (1.38) 6,400 (.0441) 24 1.2 35.1 47,000 (324)

H 0.90 (48) 54 (6.1) 78-75 9,500 (65.5) 418,000 (2.88) 7 15,500 (107) 437,000 (3.01) 83 2.0 5.6 11,700 (80.7) 41,000 (283)

I 1.00 (53.4) 44 (5.0) 80-77 9,700 (66.9) 420,000 (2.90) 8 15,300 (105) 453,000 (3.12) 72 2.6 5.6 10,300 (71.0) 41,100 (283)


5. JEFFAMINE Polyetheramine Acceleration of Cure

Figure 5.1 Effect of Accelerator 399 on Through-Dry Time

JEFFAMINE D-400/D-2000 Amine

JEFFAMINE D-400 Amine JEFFAMINE D-400/D-2000 Amine



FIgure 5.2 Effect of Accelerator 399 on Pot Life1

JEFFAMINE D-400/D-2000 Amine JEFFAMINE D-230 Amine JEFFAMINE D-400 Amine


1 Time to reach 10,000 cps or gel, whichever occurs first.


5. JEFFAMINE Polyetheramine Acceleration of Cure

NONYLPHENOL Alkylphenols also accelerate epoxy systems cured with JEFFAMINE products. Nonylphenol in particular is an excellent adjunct in epoxies, accelerating cure, while maintaining good physical properties, and improved moisture resistance-not to mention lower costs. Effects of nonylphenol on cure rates and the properties are shown in Tables 5.3, 5.4 and 5.5. The effect on cure rates is shown graphically in Figure 5.3. The data indicates that each particular epoxy system can tolerate a certain maximum level of nonylphenol without serious deterioration of physical properties (HDT, tensile strength, etc.). Beyond that level, properties decline fairly rapidly. The maximum nonylphenol level cannot be predicted; it must be arrived at experimentally for each epoxy system. Finally, it might be noted that other accelerating products are useful with systems cured with JEFFAMINE products. These might include triethylenediamine and derivatives, tris(dimethylaminomethyl)phenol (a.k.a. JEFFCAT TR-30 catalyst), JEFFCAT TR-90 benzyldimethylamine (BDMA), triphenyl phosphite, salicylic acid and DNP dinonylphenol (supplied only by Huntsman). Table 5.3 - Curing with JEFFAMINE D-230 Amine - Effect of Nonylphenol Formulation, pbw Liquid epoxy resin (EEW 188) Araldite GY-6010 JEFFAMINE D-230 amine Nonylphenol Exothermic data Brookfield viscosity, cP (mPas), 250oC Gel time, minutes (200-g mass) Peak exothermic temperature, oC Time to peak temperature, minutes Coating properties, 6-mil film Gardner dry time, hr, set-to-touch surface-dry through-dry Properties of cured -inch castings2 Izod impact strength, ft-lb/in J/m Dynatup impact, total energy, in-lb (J) Shore D hardness, 0-10 sec Tensile strength, psi (MPa) Tensile modulus, psi (GPa) Ultimate elongation, % Flexural strength, psi (MPa) Flexural modulus, psi (GPa) HDT, oC, 264 psi (1.82 MPa) load % weight gain, 24-hr water boil 3-hr acetone boil Compressive strength4, psi, at yield (MPa), at yield psi, at failure (MPa), at failure
1 Time to reach 10,000 cP (mPa-sec) 2 Cured 7 days, ~25oC 3 Samples destroyed 4 1-inch tall cylinders of -inch diameter. (2.54 cm tall cylinders of 1.27 cm diameter)

A 100 32 600 2801 64 396 9.9 14.3 20.0 0.20 (11) 8 (0.9) 77-70 8,100 (55.8) 480,000 (3.31) 1.8 11,000 (75.8) 516,000 (3.56) 44 2.4 30.8 12,500 (86.2) 34,000 (234)

B 100 32 10 890 127 132 150 6.5 9.7 17.9 0.28 (15) 30 (3.4) 78-75 9,500 (65.5) 470,000 (3.24) 2.3 12,900 (88.9) 515,000 (3.55) 44 2.0 25.4 13,000 (89.6) 20,000 (138)

C 100 32 20 1,190 65 157 76 6.0 8.5 13.5 0.20 (11) 26 (2.9) 78-74 9,800 (67.6) 460,000 (3.17) 3.8 14,800 (102) 481,000 (3.32) 42 1.0 21.4 10,400 (71.7) 19,000 (131)

D 100 32 30 1,720 49 164 56 5.2 6.8 11.3 0.47 (25) 27 (3.1) 77-72 8,300 (57.2) 410,000 (2.83) 5.0 14,900 (103) 457,000 (3.15) 40 2.8

E 100 32 40 2,190 47 158 46 5.1 7.0 10.0 0.70 (37) 38 (4.3) 75-69 6,400 (44.1) 350,000 (2.41) 7.8 10,700 (73.8) 343,000 (2.36) 33 -0.5

12,300 (84.8) 33,000 (228)

10,100 (69.6) 27,000 (186)


5. JEFFAMINE Polyetheramine Acceleration of Cure

Table 5.4 - Curing with JEFFAMINE D-400 amine - Effect of Nonylphenol Formulation, pbw Liquid epoxy resin (EEW 188) Araldite GY-6010 JEFFAMINE D-400 amine Nonylphenol Exothermic data Brookfield viscosity, cP (mPa-sec), 25oC Gel time, minutes (200-g mass) Peak exothermic temperature, oC Time to peak temperature, minutes Coating properties, 6-mil film Gardner dry time, hr, set-to-touch surface-dry through-dry Properties of cured -inch castings2 Izod impact strength, ft-lb/in J/m Dynatup impact, total energy, in-lb J Shore D hardness, 0 -10 sec Tensile strength, psi (MPa) Tensile modulus, psi (GPa) Ultimate elongation, % Flexural strength, psi (MPa) Flexural modulus, psi (GPa) HDT, oC, 264-psi (1.82 MPa) load % weight gain, 24-hr water boil 3-hr acetone boil Compressive strength4 psi at yield (MPa) at yield psi, at failure (MPa) at failure
1 Time to reach 10,000 cP (mPa-sec) 2 Cured 7 days, `25oC 3 Samples destroyed 4 1-inch tall cylinders of -inch diameter. (2.54 cm tall cylinders of 1.27 cm diameter)

A 100 55 640 4801 34 960 15.0 18.7 24.8 1.10 (59) 225 (25.4) 70-63 4,000 (27.6) 300,000 (2.07) 98 7,300 (50.3) 280,000 (1.93) 28.5 2.7 28.1 6,100 (42.1) 34,000 (234)

B 100 55 5 610 3401 35 446 14.9 17.7 23.4 1.29 (69) 223 (25.2) 74-67 4,300 (29.6) 295,000 (2.03) 101 8,100 (55.8) 306,000 (2.11) 29 2.4 29.4 5,700 (39.3) 46,000 (317)

C 100 55 10 790 2631 39 344 13.0 15.4 17.5 2.00 (107) 220 (24.9) 71-63 3,300 (22.8) 210,000 (1.45) 91 6,300 (43.4) 241,000 (1.66) 28 1.9 28.0 5,800 (40.0) >34,000 (>234)

D 100 55 20 1,000 1682 55 198 12.8 14.1 15.9 8.80 470) 217 (24.5) 65-51 2,600 (17.9) 80,000 (0.552) 98 2,200 (15.2) 78,000 (0.538) <24 1.4 28.3 >42,000 (>290)

E 100 55 30 1,300 1251 88 148 10.6 12.2 14.8 9.42 (503) 194 (21.9) 56-36 1,160 (8.00) 13,000 (0.0896) 83 270 (1.86) 12,000 (0.0827) <25 0.4

38,000 (262)


5. JEFFAMINE Polyetheramine Acceleration of Cure

Table 5.5 - Curing with JEFFAMINE T-403-Effect of Nonylphenol Formulation, pbw Liquid epoxy resin (EEW 188) Araldite GY-6010 JEFFAMINE T-403 amine Nonylphenol Exothermic data Brookfield viscosity, cP (mPa-sec), 25oC Gel time, minutes (200-g mass) Peak exothermic temperature, oC Time to peak temperature, minutes Coating properties, 6-mil film Gardner dry time, hr, set-to-touch surface-dry through-dry Properties of cured -inch castings2 Izod impact strength, ft-lb/in J/m Dynatup impact, total energy, in-lb (J) Shore D hardness, 0-10 sec Tensile strength, psi (MPa) Tensile modulus, psi (GPa) Ultimate elongation, % Flexural strength, psi (MPa) Flexural modulus, psi (GPa) HDT, oC, 264 psi (1.82 MPa) load % weight gain, 24-hr water boil 3-hr acetone boil Compressive strength4, psi, at yield (MPa), at yield psi, at failure (MPa), at failure
1 Time to reach 10,000 cP (mPa-sec) 2 Cured 7 days, ~25oC 3 Samples destroyed 4 1-inch cylinders of 1.2-inch diameter. (2.54 cm tall cylinders of 1.27 cm diameter)

A 100 42 1,650 2801 38 450 8.6 13.0 19.3 0.16 (8.5) 27 (3.1) 73-65 9,200 (63.4) 470,000 (3.24) 2.8 14,400 (99.3) 500,000 (3.45) 44 2.0 26.3 11,500 (79.3) 24,000 (165)

B 100 42 10 2,400 133 106 177 7.4 9.4 18.0 0.28 (15) 29 (3.3) 79-75 9,000 (62.1) 470,000 (3.24) 2.7 15,600 (108) 530,000 (3.65) 44 1.7 23.6 13,000 (89.6) 30,000 (207)

C 100 42 20 2,990 73 151 91 5.5 7.2 15.0 0.35 (19) 28 (3.2) 79-75 9,000 (62.1) 430,000 (2.96) 4.3 15,500 (107) 492,000 (3.39) 41 1.4 20.1 12,500 (86.2) 31,000 (214)

D 100 42 30 3,670 54 151 65 4.1 5.6 11.3 0.58 (31) 23 (2.6) 77-73 7,900 (54.5) 390,000 (2.69) 5.7 14,500 (100) 440,000 (3.03) 41 0.9 17.9 10,800 (74.5) 29,000 (200)

E 100 42 40 4,300 45 150 57 3.7 5.3 9.1 0.95 (51) 32 (3.6) 75-69 5,800 (40.0) 320,000 (2.21) 9.9 9,500 (65.5) 310,000 (2.14) 32 -0.

3,500 (24.1) 27,600 (190)


5. JEFFAMINE Polyetheramine Acceleration of Cure

Figure 5.3 Effect of Nonylphenol on Pot Life1

JEFFAMINE D-400 amine

JEFFAMINE T-403 amine

JEFFAMINE D-230 amine

1 Time to reach 10,000 cps of gel, whichever occurs first..


6. Surface Coating Formulations

6. SURFACE COATING FORMULATIONS SURFACE COATINGS The properties of JEFFAMINE curatives lend themselves to the preparation of excellent coatings and protective finishes. Epoxy coatings cured with JEFFAMINE products are flexible, tough, and resistant to impact and abrasion. They have excellent resistance to blushing compared to other amine hardeners. An article entitled Amine Blushing Problems? No Sweat!, which describes blush and its prevention, may be found under the epoxy applications/..technical documents section of the Huntsman web site at www.huntsmanepoxy.com. Formulations useful in several coating application areas follow. DECORATIVE COATING 1.Decoupage A popular application for epoxies is in decoupage-type coatings where objects such as wooden plaques, clocks, pictures and signs are coated with a high-gloss finish. JEFFAMINE D-230 amine and JEFFAMINE T-403 amine are ideally suited for this application, providing clear, blush-free, glossy, solvent free, high-build coatings. Decoupage Coating Part 1Resin Epoxy resin1 Part 2Curative JEFFAMINE D-230 amine Nonylphenol2 Aminoethylpiperazine (AEP)3
1Low viscosity resin, 4,000-6,000 cP (= mPa-sec), EEW 172-176. 2 Huntsman Decoupage grade monononylphenoll 3 Huntsman (AEP)

Pbw PBvol 100 30 60 4


Decoupage Coating Coating Properties Drying time, hr, 6-mil film Set-to-touch Surface-dry Through-dry Pencil hardness Cure: 24 hr, ~25oC 48 hr, ~25oC 7 days, ~25oC Gardner impact, in-lb (J) to failure Cure: 24 hr, ~25oC, reverse/direct 48 hr, ~25oC, reverse/direct 7 days, ~25oC, reverse/direct Taber abrasion, wt. loss, mg, 1,000 cycles, 1,000 g wt. (CS-17 wheel) Cure: 24 hr, ~25oC 48 hr, ~25oC 7 days, ~25oC

4.5 5.5 7.7 B F F >160/>160 (>18/>18) >160/>160 (>18/>18) 6/18 (0.68/2.0) Drying time, hr, 6-mil film Set-to-touch 116 155 241


6. Surface Coating Formulations

Mix equal volumes of Part 1 and Part 2. The two parts must be thoroughly mixed together to obtain a properly cured coating. The pot life of this system is about 20 minutes. Coatings of this type should be applied to horizontal surfaces. The object to be coated should be elevated from the work surface by a pedestal smaller in diameter than the object so the coating can flow freely off the edges. As soon as the coating is mixed, it should be poured over the object and, if necessary, spread with a brush to ensure complete coverage. The bubbles created during mixing are typically broken by brushing the coatings surface or by blowing on it using forced hot air. This high-gloss coating of 10 to 20 mils thickness will dry in about 7 hours at room temperature (~25oC) and will achieve its full hardness in 2 to 3 days. Color and gloss (i.e., lack of blush) are outstanding. Where a low HDT can be a problem (on tabletops, for example) a formulation containing less nonylphenol is recommended: 25/21/4 pbwt. JEFFAMINE D-230 amine/nonylphenol/AEP, at 50 pbvol., mixed with 100 pbvol. of epoxy resin (EEW 188). Note that clear coatings of this type should not be used on objects exposed to direct sunlight. General-purpose epoxy resins will yellow over time under such conditions. 2. Non-yellowing Varnish As indicated above, clear coatings based on standard aromatic-based epoxy resins do not hold up well in sunlight. However, solventless coatings of low viscosity having improved U.V. light stability can be formulated from hydrogenated DGEBA type resins, which are nonaromatic. Non-Yellowing Varnish Part 1Resin Hydrogenated DGEBA type epoxy, EEW 232-238 Part 2Curative JEFFAMINE T-403 amine Imidazole Pot life is 4 to 5 hours. The coating will dry in about 1 day. Non-Yellowing Varnish Coating properties Viscosity, cP (= mPa-sec) Density, lb/gal (g/cc) Drying time, hr, 6-mil film Set-to-touch Surface-dry Through-dry Pencil hardness Cure: 24 hr, ~251oC 7 days, ~25oC Yellowing index (YI) After 1,000 hr Weatherometer1 exposure 1,050 8.9 (1.07) 16.3 20.6 30.8 B F 0.4 pbw 100

34 4

1 Xenon bulb; continuous light, 17-minute water spray every 2 hours. Clear coating (10-12 mils) applied to white ceramic tile.


6. Surface Coating Formulations

PROTECTIVE COATINGS 1. Organic Zinc Rich Primer Zinc primers, developed to protect structural steel, offer excellent corrosion resistance when used either as preconstruction primers or as top-coated primers. Organic Zinc Rich Primer Part 1Resin Zinc Dust 44L1 BENTONE 27 rheological additive2 Methanol Solid epoxy resin, EEW 450-550 Xylene Methyl Isobutyl ketone n-Butanol Part 2Curative JEFFAMINE D-230 amine
1 Zinc Corporation of America, Monaca, PA 2 Elementis Specialties, Inc., Hightstown, NJ.

Pounds 1,115.0 11.0 6.0 48.0 67.0 16.0 89.0 1,352.0 5.3

Gallons 18.9 0.6 0.9 4.9 9.3 2.4 13.1 50.1 0.67

Organic Zinc Rich Primer Coating Properties Viscosity, KU Density, lb/gal (g/cc) Hegman grind Drying time, hr, 4-mil wet film thickness Through-dry Pencil hardness Cure: 48 hr, ~25oC 7 days, ~25oC Gardner impact, in-lb (J) to fail Cure: 48 hr, ~25oC, reverse/direct 7 days, ~25oC, reverse/direct Taber abrasion, wt. loss, mg, 1,000 cycles, 1,000 g wt. (CS-1 7 wheel) Cure: 48 hr, ~25oC 7 days, ~25oC Crosshatch adhesion, % Cure: 48 hr, ~25oC 7 days, ~25oC 95 27.2 (3.26) 1 1.0 B HB 4/30 <4/20 165 126 100 100 (0.45/3.39) (<0.45/2.26)

JEFFAMINE D-400 amine, blended on an equivalent weight basis, may be substituted for JEFFAMINE D-230 amine to give a more flexible coating that cures more slowly.


6. Surface Coating Formulations

2. Coal Tar Epoxy Coal tar-modified epoxy coatings are frequently used to line water tanks and to coat bridges, decks, and pipelines. They offer corrosion protection from water, acids, alkalies, salts, and some solvents. Here is a coal tar epoxy based on JEFFAMINE D-230 amine. Coal Tar Epoxy Part 1Epoxy Resin General-purpose resin, EEW-~188 (Araldite GY-6010)1 Part 2Curative Coal tar pitch (70-75oC softening point) JEFFAMINE D-230 amine Talc medium oil absorption Xylene BENTONE 382 Ethanol (95%) JEFFCAT TR-30 accelerator (tris(dimethylaminomethyl) phenol
1 Huntsman Advanced Materials 2 Elementis Specialties, Inc., Hightown, NJ

Pounds 215

Gallons 22.2

291 66 258 166 13 8 11 813

28.7 8.4 11.1 23.0 .07 1.2 1.3 74.4

Coal Tar Epoxy Coating Properties Viscosity, KU Density, lb/gal (g/cc) Hegman grind Drying time, hr, 6-mil wet film thickness Set-to-touch Surface dry Through-dry Pencil hardness Cure: 48 hr, ~25oC 7 days, ~25oC Gardner impact, in-lb (J) to fail Cure: 48 hr, ~25oC, reverse/direct 7 days, ~25oC, reverse/direct Taber abrasion, wt. loss, mg, 1,000 cycles, 1,000 g wt. (CS-1 7 wheel) Cure: 48 hr, ~25oC 7 days, ~25oC Crosshatch adhesion, % Cure: 48 hr, ~25oC 7 days, ~25oC 105 10.9 (1.31) 2-3 ~1 12.5 12.5 F F 4/14 <4/14 44 89 100 100 (0.45/1.6) (<0.45/1.6)


6. Surface Coating Formulations

3. High-Solids Epoxy Because of increasing concern for the environment and stricter governmental regulations, high-solids (i.e., lowsolvent) coatings have gained importance. Formulating such coatings is complicated by the fact that liquid resins and lower-viscosity curing agents offer considerably less flexibility than the solvent borne solid resins and viscous polyamides used in the past. By using the JEFFAMINE products in combination with the polyamides, in effect as reactive diluents, the coatings formulator may reduce solvent levels and still maintain flexibility and other necessary coating properties. The formulations shown below for high-solids enamels demonstrate this concept. Different solvents may be substituted as needed for those listed in order to comply with current regulations. High-Solids Epoxy Part 1-Resin General-purpose epoxy resin, EEW ~188 C12-C14 aliphatic glycidyl ether1 Titanium dioxide HUBERBRITE 72 MISTRON3533 BENTONE 27 rheological additive4 Methanol/water, 95:5 Silicone resin SR-825 Ethoxyethanol Part 2-Curative Versamid 140 polyamide6 Ethoxyethanol n-Butanol Toluene JEFFAMINE D-230 amine Pounds 324.0 36.1 92.0 220.0 189.9 11.1 3.7 9.0 41.2 927.0 144.0 62.0 33.9 20.0 259.9 A Gallons 33.40 4.75 2.60 6.10 8.00 0.74 0.56 1.00 5.32 62.47 17.56 8.00 5.00 2.77 33.33 Pounds 324.0 36.1 92.0 220.0 189.9 11.1 3.7 9.0 41.2 927.0 72.0 47.0 23.6 14.4 53.1 210.1 B Gallons 33.40 4.75 2.60 6.10 8.00 0.74 0.56 1.00 5.32 62.47 8.78 6.06 3.50 1.99 6.72 27.05 Pounds 324,0 36.1 92.0 220.0 189.9 11.1 3.7 9.0 41.2 927.0 15.3 8.3 5.1 106.2 134.9 C Gallons 33.40 4.75 2.60 6.10 8.00 0.74 0.56 1.00 5.32 62.47 1.97 1.23 0.71 12.43 16.34

1 Heloxy Modifier 8, Resolution Performance Products, Houston, TX. 2 J M Huber. 3 Luzenac 4 Elementis Specialties, Inc., Hightstown, NJ. 5 General Electric Co. 6 Henkel Corp.

The components of Part 1 should be mixed according to the following procedure: Mix epoxy resin, glycidyl ether, and ethoxyethanol. Add BENTONE 27 additive and mix (high shear disperser) for about 5 minutes. Add methanol/water and mix another 5 minutes. Blend in silicone resin. Add pigments and grind to a Hegman number of 3-4. These formulations may be thinned, as needed, with an 8/5/2.8 pbv mixture of ethoxyethanol/n-butanol/toluene. Cured properties for the above, high solids epoxies.


6. Surface Coating Formulations

High Solids Epoxy Coating Properties Solids, wt.% vol.% Viscosity, KU Density, lb/gal (g/cc) Hegman grind Drying time, hr, 5-mil wet film thickness Set-to-touch Surface dry Through-dry Pencil hardness Cure: 48 hr, ~25oC 7 days, ~25oC Gardner impact, in-lb (J) to fail Cure: 48 hr, ~25oC, reverse/direct 7 days, ~25oC, reverse/direct Taber abrasion, wt. loss, mg, 1,000 cycles, 1,000 g wt. (CS-1 7 wheel) Cure: 48 hr, ~25oC 7 days, ~25oC Crosshatch adhesion, % Cure: 7 days, ~25oC Gloss, 60o Cure: 7 days, ~25oC A 85.7 76.4 76 12.4 4-4 2.1 5.8 9.7 H H-2H 6/42 <4/14 294 180 100 78 B 87.8 78.6 78 12.7 4-4 7.2 13.3 14.5 H H-2H 4/60 <4/14 132 137 100 63 C 92.2 85.4 76 13.3 4-4 9.5 16.4 22.0 H H-2H 4/40 <4/20 193 175 100 97


7. Flooring, Troweling and Mortars

7. FLOORING, TROWELING AND MORTARS An important application area for JEFFAMINE amines and other Huntsman products is their use in highly-filled epoxy formulations for industrial or decorative floor coatings. There are two primary types of epoxy flooring systems: self-leveling and trowel coverings. Epoxy flooring can be as simple as a thin film clear or lightly pigmented formulation or a series of built-up coating layers. However, most epoxy floors today consist of several coats, which usually include at least a base coat, mid coat and glaze or topcoat. Self-leveling floorings have lower filler contents (less that 4:1 filler to epoxy binder), permitting the material to be spread over the substrate, usually concrete, to a thickness of about 1/8 inch. Such binder rich floorings are more chemically resistant. Skid or slip resistance may be improved by broadcasting sand or other mineral fillers over the top of the floor prior to final curing. Trowelable floorings generally are more highly filled (6-8:1 filler to binder ratios) with a coarse mineral filler, such as quartz and/or silica sand. These higher filler loadings lead to outstanding abrasion resistance, coupled with excellent mechanical strength. Such systems are usually screeded or troweled over the substrate to a thickness of inch or less. A special type of synthetic epoxy surface is the pebble-finished system, where decorative river rock is used as the filler at levels of 10-15:1 over the epoxy binder. In these applications the clear epoxy is also a high-gloss coating or decorative glaze for the aggregate material. These systems are sometimes known as decorative aggregate and have been popular for interior and exterior applications in flooring, walkways and swimming pool decks. The performance of an epoxy-based floor system depends on proper selection and formulation of components, as well as adequate substrate surface preparation. The JEFFAMINE amine products, along with monononylphenol (MNP) have found application in all of the above flooring systems. These are often used in combination with polyamides or cycloaliphatic amine hardeners to achieve certain desired performance characteristics, which include appearance, chemical resistance, impact resistance and abrasion resistance. Heavily-filled epoxy systems may be used for structural applications, such as concrete reinforcement. Often referred to as polymer concrete, these materials are used in applications, such as bridge overlays and other areas requiring higher compressive strengths than offered by conventional Portland cement concrete. Similar formulations are also used for tile grouting or mortars and concrete repair. Repair of cracked concrete structures may be accomplished by injection of clear epoxy systems into the areas around the developing crack. This is done by injecting a low viscosity, slow-curing epoxy formulation using a syringe delivery into many, finely-drilled cavities in the vicinity of the crack. The JEFFAMINE products, such as D-230, D-400 or T-403 are ideal for such systems, which have the ability to saturate deep into the concrete matrix before the epoxy matrix begins to gel and finally set or cure. This practice of crack injection has been used in the repair of concrete buildings, bridges, railroad ties, and dams. All of the above described applications fall into the broad catefory of contrsuctiuon, or civil engineering. Aside from surface coatings and adhesives, materials included would be the "synthetic" concretes, mortars, grouts, and putties. Such materials certainly find extensive use in new construction and various civil engineering applications; and for patching and repair, they have no peer. Several specific examples follow.


7. Flooring, Troweling and Mortars

SEAMLESS FLOORS Epoxies are eminently suitable for seamless, poured-in-place floors. The following is an example of such a flooring system. Pigmented Base Coat Part 1 Resin General purpose epoxy resin, EEW - 188 Polyglycol diepoxide, EEW 3201 Titanium dioxide pigment Part 2 Curative JEFFAMINE D-230 AEP Nonylphenol
1 D.E.R. 732, Dow Chemical Co

pbw 80 20 70 20 6.5 15

Properties Gel time, minutes (200-g mass) Peak exothermic temperature, oC Time to peak temperature, minutes Drying time, hr, 8-mil film Set-to-touch Surface-dry Thru-dry Pencil hardness Cure: 24 hr, ~25oC 7 days, ~25oC A harder glaze coat is suggested. Part 1 Resin Epoxy resin, EEW ~ 188 Part 2 Curative JEFFAMINE D-230 Accelerator 399 Nonylphenol Brookflied viscosity, cps, ~25oC Gel time, minutes (200-g mass) Peak exothermic temperature, oC Time to peak temperature, minutes Drying time, her, 6-mil film Set-to-touch Surface-dry Thru-dry Pencil hardness Cure: 24 hr, ~25oC 7 days, ~25oC pbw 100 30 5 5

36.2 51.9 42.5 5.4 9.0 ~12 HB H

800 39.5 200 47.0 5.8 8.1 11.6 F H


7. Flooring, Troweling and Mortars

The system may be applied to new concrete or wood surfaces. Wood surfaces must be clean and free of stains. Before the base coat is applied to wooden surfaces, seams in the surface should be filled. The base-coat formulation may serve as a filler. Old concrete should be sandblasted and thoroughly cleaned or, preferably, acidetched. Old tile, along with mastic, should be removed and the floor thoroughly cleaned with an abrasive cleanser, washed with water, and dried before base-coat application. Application of the seamless floor system over old tile is not recommended. The viscous, pigmented resin is thoroughly hand-mixed with the hardener component (useful working time after mixing at ~77oF is about 60 minutes). Then the base coat is applied over the thoroughly cleaned surface. A longhandled roller is normally used to apply the base coat to a thickness of ~50 mils. Sometimes a serrated trowel is used to spread the base coat evenly. As soon as application of the base coat is completed, colored polyvinyl chloride (PVC) chips or other decorative material, such as colored quartz aggregate, ceramic chips, or sand, is sprinkled on the surface of the base coat. About 1 pound of vinyl chips per 7 square feet of floor area is required for adequate coverage. The flooring is then allowed to cure for about 24 hours before application of the first glaze coat. A light sanding of the dry base coat is required to remove rough spots. After sweeping up loose material, a glaze coat is applied, again with a roller. This coat is allowed to dry overnight before application of the final glaze coat. Somewhat smaller amounts of the glaze coat formulation are required for the final application. The final coat will be completely tack-free and suitable for use in 24 to 48 hours. SAND-FILLED FLOORING Floors of this type, where an epoxy matrix is used to bind sand and/or other pigment-like fillers into a monolithic floor surface, are very popular, especially for industrial areas. Systems can be formulated to give good abrasion resistance, high impact capacity, easy maintenance, and good chemical resistance. Several suggested starting formulations are shown below. Two common amine curing agents have been included for comparison with the JEFFAMINE products. Compression strengths are excellent for all five filled systems, especially those cured with JEFFAMINE D-230 or the polyamide. However, some processing disadvantages are apparent for the formulations containing the polyamide or TETA. The viscosity of the unfilled polyamide system is quite high and, as a result, "workability" of the filled system is poor. "Workability" of the flooring systems is also affected by the gel time of the binder; because of the short gel time of the TETA-cured binder, working time for the filled flooring system is likely to be insufficient to place and level the system before it hardens. Formulation, pbw Epoxy resin, EEW ~ 188 JEFFAMINE D-230 JEFFAMINE D-400 JEFFAMINE T-403 Triethylenetetramine (TETA) Polyamide (amine value 385) Nonylphenol N-aminoethylpiperazine (AEP) #3 sand/silica flour, 3/1 pbw Sind/binder ratio, by wt Matrix exothermic data Brookfield viscosity, cps, 25oC Gel time, minutes (200-g mass) Peak exothermic temperature, oC Time to peak temperature, minutes Compressive strength at failure. psi1
1Samples: 1 -inch cylinders, 1 -inch diameter. Cure: 7 days, 250C.

A 100 25 16 4 1,160 8/1 1,250 42.6 196.0 50.4 >12,000

B 100 44 16 4 1,312 8/1 1,060 88.0 112.0 114.7 11,000

C 100 35 16 4 1,240 8/1 2,360 45.4 181.1 55.5 11,000

D 100 10.7 16 4 1,046 8/1 2,160 10.5 230.7 15.5 11,000

E 100 55.8 16 4 1,406 8/1 8,780 37.2 159.1 50.2 >12,000


7. Flooring, Troweling and Mortars

DECORATIVE AGGREGATE Decorative, or bonded, aggregate refers to composites made by mixing together gravel of various sizes and colors with an unpigmented epoxy system. The epoxy mix is blended with the rock at a 5 to 6 wt.% level and formed into various shapes or troweled into place much like concrete. Decorative aggregate is attractive for several reasons. It has a deep, rich appearance which brings out the character of the rock, and it is cool to walk on because it is so porous. However, as pointed out earlier, clear epoxy coatings, as a general rule, do not hold up well in sunlight. Thus, while a decorative aggregate overlay on a patio or driveway might maintain its structural integrity for a long time, its glossy appearance would be expected to degrade in a matter of months because of exposure to the sun's ultraviolet radiation. Furthermore, "whitening" problems have been reported with bonded aggregate used outdoors for driveways, pool decks, and the like. For these reasons, we at Huntsman Corporation cannot recommend any clear epoxy system for outdoor application, whatever the curing agent might be. For indoor applications only, the formulations described below are worth investigating. Technical bulletins are available for those wanting more information about decorative aggregate. Formulation, pbw Liquid epoxy resin, EEW ~188 JEFFAMINE D-230 N-aminoethylpiperazine (AEP) Nonylphenol Resin/curing blend volume ratio Exothermic data1 Brookfield viscosity, cps, ~25oC Gel time, minutes (200-g mass) Peak exothermic temperature, oC Time to peak temperature, minutes Coating properties, 6-mil film Drying time, hr Set-to-touch Surface-dry Thru-dry Pencil hardness Cure: 24 hr, ~25oC 7 days, ~25oC Gardner impact, in-lb to fail Cure: 24 hr, ~5oC, reverse/direct. 7 days, ~25oC, reverse/direct Crosshatch adhesion, % Cure: 7 days, ~25oC Gloss, 60o Cure: 7 days, ~25oC A 100 25 4 12 2:1 1,380 53.5 187.3 65.6 B 100 25 4 26 3:2 1,660 28.0 186.5 36.0 C 100 25 4 53 1:1 2,740 22.5 159.5 31.8

5.7 7.9 13.0 F-H H <4/14 <4/18 100 111

3.0 7.4 12.7 F-H H 16/36 14/30 100 112

3.2 5.9 10.0 HB-F H 160/>160 140/>160 100 110


7. Flooring, Troweling and Mortars

Properties of cured -inch castings2 Izod impact strength, ft-lb/in Shore D hardness, 0-10 sec Tensile strength, psi Tensile modulus, psi Elongation, % Flexural strength, psi Flexural modulus, psi HDT, oC, 264-psi load Compressive strength3, psi, at yield at failure Aggregate properties4 Compressive strength, psi At 77oF (25oC) At 0oF At 120oF After 20 freeze-thaw cycles5 Flexural strength, psi
2 Cured 7 days, ~25oC. 3 1-inch cylinders, -inch diameter; cured 7 days, ~25oC. Tested at 25oC (77oF). 4 5.25 wt.% binder mixed with rock; cured 7 days, ~25oC 5 Samples dipped in water and chilled over dry ice for 5 hr. Blocks allowed to thaw overnight. Cycle repeated as specified.

A 1.62 76-74 9,500 551,000 2.1 13,100 489,000 46 14,400 20,900

B 0.30 76-75 9,500 479,000 2.5 14,400 465,000 45.5 14,400 29,700

C 0.79 71-67 5,800 330,000 17.1 10,000 297,000 37 9,000 29,700

1,200 1,300 1,300 800 700

1,400 1,200 1,000 800 580

1,100 1,200 300 900 560

1 Curing blend components (JEFFAMINE D-230, AEP, and nonylphenl were mixed and allowed to cool to 25oC before the blends were used to develop exothermic data.

POLYMER CONCRETE Polymer concretes are known for the improvements in strength, durability, and protection they offer over conventional portland cement concrete (PCC). Unlike polymer-modified PCC, which uses cement and water as a binder, polymer concrete uses an organic resin matrix as the "glue" to hold the aggregate together in place of the cementitous binder. The polymer concrete formulation shown below may be used in repair applications, such as overlays and patching operations, in original applications where high strength to weight ratios are required, or in precast products. The low viscosity and low volatility of this binder formulation and the well-known stability and strength of epoxy systems make this an interesting polymer concrete system. Development of compressive strength is illustrated in Figure 7.1. Binder formulation Liquid epoxy resin (EEW 188) JEFFAMINE D-230 Accelerator 399 Graded aggregate mix Aggregate, 3/8-in Coarse sand Fly ash Filler binder ratio is 11:1 pbw. pbw 100 32 20 wt.% 60 30 10


7. Flooring, Troweling and Mortars

Properties Compressive strength, psi Compressive modulus, psi Flexural strength, psi Coefficient of thermal expansion, in/in X 10-6 At 40oF At 80oF At 120oF At 158oF Plastic shrinkage, in/in Sandblast abrasion, wt. loss, g Dry Wet

Epoxy Concrete 13,900 3.7 x 106 2,950 3.97 8.26 13.1 17.6 0.0006 0.26 0.76

Portland Cement Concrete 3,000-5,000 3-4 x 106 410-530 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 0.0002-0.0006 2.81 5.41

Properties of Polymer Concrete Overlays on Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) Flexural bond strength, psi >6401 Shear bond strength, psi Dry substrate 7901 Wet substrate 610-7902 After 50 freeze-thaw cycles 4903
1 100% failure in PCC 2 25-100% failure in PCC. 3 50% failure in PCC.


7. Flooring, Troweling and Mortars

Figure 7.1 Development of Compressive Strength in Polymer Concrete Cured at Various Temperatures with JEFFAMINE D-30


7. Flooring, Troweling and Mortars

TROWEL COATINGS A formulation useful for coating concrete surfaces, bonding old concrete surfaces to new, topping floors subjected to heavy wear, and coating splash-zone areas of marine structures is given below. The material is thixotropic, so it can be applied to vertical surfaces where it may be used to imbed aggregate. Component 1 Epoxy resin, EEW i88 Clay1 Component 2 JEFFAMINE D-400 Cab-O-SiI M-52 Component 3 Accelerator 399
1 Calcined kaolin type, e.g., Glomax LL, Georgia Kaolin Co. 2 Cabot Corp.

pbw 100 80 55 17 20

The clay must be dispersed thoroughly into the epoxy resin. A pigment, if required, should be dispersed along with the clay. Finely divided white sand, calcium carbonate, or other filler materials may be substituted for clay. The Cab-O-Sil should be dispersed into the JEFFAMINE component. A high-speed Cowles mixer will be required to satisfactorily disperse these components. After proper mixing, the amine/Cab-O-Sil should be a viscous liquid. Components 1 and 2 should be mixed thoroughly. Pot life of this mixture is 6 to 10 hours. When ready to apply to a concrete surface, add component 3. A gel-like material will instantly form. The material may then be troweled onto vertical or horizontal surfaces to the thickness desired. Properties of cured -inch casting' Izod impact strength, ft-lb/in Shore D hardness Ultimate elongation, % Flexural strength, psi Flexural modulus, psi Compressive strength (ultimate), psi
1Cast in open-face mold; cured 7 days at room temperature.

0.31 82-76 90 3,700 207,000 42,500

WOOD CONSOLIDATION Old and rotting wood may be "consolidated"-that is, reinforced, filled in, and preserved-by saturation with the following mixture. Part 1- Resin Epoxy resin1 1,2-Butanediol diglycidyl ether, EEW 134 Part 2-Curative JEFFAMINE D-230
1 Low-viscosity resin, 4,000-6,000 cps, EEW 172-176.

pbw 6 3 4

This consolidant has a pot life of ~2 hours and will hold its shape after 24 hours at 70oF. For details on the fine art of wood consolidation, see Ref. 391 in Bibliography.


8. Reinforced Composites
8. REINFORCED COMPOSITES Cured epoxy resins are ideal agents for bonding reinforcing fibers of all kinds, notably glass, graphite, and synthetics. The term advanced composites is sometimes used to distinguish composites in which reinforcing fibers are continuous instead of chopped. Cured epoxy resins are used as matrix resins for advanced composites in a variety of applications. A good example of an advanced composite application is pressure vessels, used as, for example, fuel tanks in natural gas-fueled vehicles. These are commonly fabricated by winding resin-soaked fibers around a cylindrical form, or mandrel. Light weight and good impact resistance are desirable features in this use. Certain JEFFAMINE amines are ideally suited for use in composites. They are of low viscosity, resulting in good fiber wetting and minimum bubble retention; they cure slowly enough to allow sufficient working time; and epoxy resins cured with them bond exceptionally well to the fibers. Delaminationa problem with reinforced compositesis thus minimized. Cured resin properties are generally suitable as well. The flexible polyether backbone gives elongation values of 10% or higher. Tensile strengths in the 8,000-10,000 psi range, and flexural modulus values of around 400,000 psi or higher are typical. These high elongations are associated with very good toughness and ductility, giving good damage tolerance and reducing the risk of catastrophic failure that might occur with more brittle systems. Cures with JEFFAMINE amines generally give lower Tg values than some other curing agents--with T-403, for example, and a standard liquid bisphenol A resin, the Tg is around 90C (195F). If a higher Tg is required, other amines can be blended with the JEFFAMINE amines. Cycloaliphatic amines, such as isophoronediamine (IPDA), have been used in blends with JEFFAMINE D-230 and T-403 amines to increase the Tg of cured epoxies for some applications. In general, increasing the ratio of cycloaliphatic amine to polyetheramine gives higher Tg, but lower elongation and impact strength, so an appropriate balance between can be chosen (see table below). Composite Formulations Epoxy Resin 9000-1000 cps; EEW 176-183 JEFFAMINE T-403 JEFFAMINE D-230 IPDA Properties of cured -inch castings1 Viscosity (~25C), cps (= MPas) Tg, C (DSC) Flexural Strength, psi (MPa) Flexural modulus, psi (GPa) Tensile strength, psi (MPa) Izod impact strength, ft-lb/in (cm-kg/cm) Elongation, %
1 Cured 2 hr, 80oC; 3 hr, 125oC.

A 45

B 33 7

C 16 16 1,190 130 18,200 (125) 402,000 (2.77) 11,000 (75.8) 0.45 (2.45) 10.0

D 32

E 25 5 620 98 19,000 (131) 490,000 (3.38) 10,700 (73.8) 1.5 (8.17) 8.0

1,570 93 15,900 (110) 404,000 (2.78) 9,100 (62.7) 0.90 (4.90) 12.0

1,090 107 17,100 (118) 404,000 (2.78) 9,800 (67.6) 0.58 (3.16) 11.5

320 90 14,800 (102) 455,000 (3.14) 9,700 (66.9) 1.3 (7.08) 10.0


8. Reinforced Composites
APPLICATION EXAMPLES WIND TURBINE BLADES Reinforced composites are ideal materials for replacing metals in the construction of blades that spin to propel aircrafts or generate electricity. Although the process for making such blades is complex, the epoxy matrix may be as simple or as complicated as the formulator may desire. Because of the unique properties of the JEFFAMINE products mentioned above, a simple two-component system may suffice. The simplest system would be: Part 1- Resin Epoxy resin, EEW ~188 Part 2-Curative JEFFAMINE D-230 pbw 100 32

Such wind-powered electrical generators have been made with blade diameters ranging from a few feet to more than 250 feet. Top-coated with a tough urethane finish, large-diameter composite blades have turned generators continuously for years, while aluminum blades have succumbed to stress after only a few months of service. FILAMENT-WOUND TANKS AND PIPING The following formulation has been suggested by workers at the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory (see numerous references in Bibliography) for the manufacture of filament-wound objects, such as tanks. Part 1- Resin Epoxy resin1 Part 2-Curative JEFFAMINE T-403
1 Low-viscosity resin, 4,000-6,000 cps, EEW 172-176.

pbw 100 46

For advanced fiber composites, a mismatch of thermal coefficient of expansion exists between the fiber and the matrix during a high-temperature-cure cycle, frequently resulting in delamination or fiber microbuckling." Moderate-temperature cure is therefore desirable. The system presented above has mechanical properties that are well-balanced for filament winding tensile and flexural strength and modulus are good, and elongation and impact strength are higher than those seen with many other epoxy formulations. With low viscosity and a moderate pot life, it presents no processing problems in filament winding. The big advantage of this technique over metal for tanks and piping is no corrosion. A unique composite application for the above formulation has been reported to be in stainless steel fiber/ organic matrix composites for cryogenic use (Ref. 502). This system has the distinct advantage that its thermal expansion characteristics are quite close to those of copper. BOATS Quality boats-racing sailboats, kayaks, canoes-are ideal subjects for epoxy systems cured with JEFFAMINE PEA. Canoes, for example, have been made from this system. Part 1- Resin Epoxy resin, EEW ~188 Part 2-Curative JEFFAMINE D-230 Accelerator 399 pbw 100 30 10


8. Reinforced Composites
The amount of the Accelerator 399 can be adjusted to obtain the desired pot life. Of course, for longest pot life, no accelerator is used at all, and the system below may be useful for fabrication techniques such as vacuum bagging where longer working time is desirable. Part 1- Resin Epoxy resin1 Part 2-Curative JEFFAMINE T-403
1 Medium-viscosity resin, 7,000-10,000 cps, EEW 177-188.

pbw 100 44

This simple system is of low viscosity and wets the fiber network well. Working time should be adequate to meet most demands. Cure time would be 16 hours at 60oC, or only 1 hour at 120oC. (Oven curing is common with composites.)


9. Casting and Encapsulation

9. CASTING AND ENCAPSULATION The terms "encapsulation, "casting," and "potting" differ slightly in meaning but are frequently used interchangeably in practice. An encapsulated object is totally enclosed in some medium. Potting usually refers to a system in which there is a container around an encapsulated part. A casting has no container, but may be poured into a void, such as a mold, and then removed after complete curing. Casting or potting systems require low exothermic reactions of the epoxy system to avoid overheating. Clarity, minimum shrinkage and good thermal shock resistance are the result of controlling exotherm. These criteria may be met with many of the JEFFAMINE amine curing agents, such as JEFFAMINE D-230, D-400 or T-403 amines. Part 1-Resin Pbw Epoxy resin1 100 Part 2-Curative JEFFAMINE D-230 Accelerator 399
1 Low-viscosity resin, 4,000-6,000 cps, EEW 172-176.

32 0-5

The use of accelerators should be minimized in order to optimize properties, but small amounts may be added to adjust curing schedules, depending on the size of the casting or potted part. A simple kind of formulation, like the one above, will exhibit very little of the shrinkage, which is a problem with many amine curing agents. An important use for epoxies is in the potting of electrical and electronic components. These parts are protected from moisture, as well as thermal and mechanical shock, such as those experienced in airplane or automobile motors. The versatility of the JEFFAMINE curing agents in this application is evident from the formulations shown in Table XX and shown briefly below: Pbw General-purpose epoxy resin, EEW -188 (Araldite GY-6010) JEFFAMINE D-230 JEFFAMINE D-400 JEFFAMINE T-403 JEFFAMINE D-2000 100 32 100 55 100 42 100 50 25

Thus, the formulator can vary hardness, curing time, impact strength, etc., over a wide range, without sacrificing electrical properties. Suggestion: Include JEFFAMINE T-5000 to improve thermal and mechanical shock resistance in the first and third formulation in the table. Note: "Anhydride" curing agents have traditionally been used for electrical potting. Their advantages are mild exothermic reactions, usefulness over a wide range of concentrations, and outstanding electrical properties; their disadvantages are that they are solids or viscous liquids, formulations require a high-temperature cure, and they tend to be brittle. For larger mass castings, the use of accelerators is not recommended, but the addition of large amounts of fillers, which serve as heat sinks and also reduce costs, are usually added. These types of castings may be used as stamping molds for automotive parts. One formulation used a mixture of JEFFAMINE D-400 and T-403 amines as the only curing agent, along with a standard epoxy resin and 65% by weight of fillers, consisting of various sizes of minerals, such that they would pack well into the composite matrix. Such castings have good impact strength, abrasion resistance and may be used several times for stamping out prototype automotive parts.


9. Casting and Encapsulation

Another popular type of potting system is the encapsulation of artificial flowers in a glass vase with a clear epoxy formulation, which resembles the presence of water. These products may be used for long periods of time as decorations for tables in restaurants, hotels and private homes. In such formulations the JEFFAMINE amine products, such as D-230, D-400 and T-403 are used with a very clear and low-color epoxy resin. These unaccelerated systems are ideal for keeping the exothermic heat of cure to a minimum, and avoiding shrinkage, which may cause the glass vase to fracture. Some formulations may be prepared by going off ratio 10-15% in the direction of excess epoxy or curing agent to prevent these problems. Most of these systems have good color stability for long periods, but those using JEFFAMINE T-403 amines are superior.


10. Adhesives
10. ADHESIVES In general, epoxies are outstanding adhesives. Most of the formulations presented in this manual up to this point could be looked upon as "adhesive" because their adhesion to a substrate is a necessary requirement for success in any particular application. For example, bonding (adhesion) is all-important with decorative aggregate, encapsulation, and advanced fiber composites. An adhesives formulator who wishes to try a JEFFAMINE PEA in a formulation should first consult the appropriate basic data presented in previous sections to arrive at appropriate gel times, viscosities, mix ratios, etc. Once a basic recipe is selected, it may be modified in a myriad of ways to meet the formulator's needs. Thus, a formulation may be thickened with fumed silica, metallized with metal powders, made conductive with graphite, extended with fillers, or colored with pigments or dyes. But no discussion of epoxy adhesives would be complete without pointing out that adhesion can be greatly enhanced by inclusion of several JEFFAMINE PEAs, the most notable being JEFFAMINE T-5000 amine. The latter is a trifunctional primary amine of ~5000 molecular weight with a viscosity of ~900 cps (MPa's) at 25C. The value of this material as an adhesion promoter is evident from this comparison. Formulation, pbw Epoxy resin, EEW ~188 JEFFAMINE D-230 amine Accelerator 399 JEFFAMINE T-5000 amine Adhesive Properties1 Tensile shear strength, psi (MPa) T-peel strength, pli (N/M)
1 Cure: 7 days, ~25oC.

A 100 32 10 1,100 (7.58) 3.2 (559)

B 100 30.6 10 13.2 4,000 (27.6) 16.7 (2,930)

JEFFAMINE T-5000 amine may function as an adhesion promoter equally well in epoxy systems cured with amines other than the JEFFAMINE products. Improvements in adhesion and thermal shock properties can be expected, if the additive becomes insoluble in the system as it cures, resulting in phase separation and the formation of "microvoids." The importance of microvoids in such systems has been discussed at length (Ref. 66, 340, 445). More extensive data for epoxy formulations modified with JEFFAMINE T-5000 amine are available in our brochure Adhesion Properties of Epoxy Formulations, available at www.jeffamine.com (select epoxy applications, then epoxy related technical documents). XTJ-504 and XTJ-590 can be used to make ultra fast curing adhesives without compromising flexibility or adhesion. Cure rates are generally 3-4 times as fast as using JEFFAMINE D-230 alone.


11. Cured Properties Reference Guide

11. CURED PROPERTIES REFERENCE GUIDE PROPERTIES OF EPOXY RESINS CURED WITH JEFFAMINE PEA A review of properties obtained by curing epoxy resins with JEFFAMINE products under a variety of conditions follows. A few other common amine curing agents have been included for comparison. Results are typical of data obtained from laboratory testing and demonstrate certain properties that may be obtained with polyetheraminecured formulations. The curing systems chosen for inclusion in this section are not intended for specific applications, but indicate that values obtained with JEFFAMINE curatives compare favorably with, and in many cases exceed, those obtained with other curatives. FLEXURAL STRENGTH AND MODULUS ASTM D 790 (ERF 5-82)-"Flexural strength" is a measure of the ability of a material to withstand failure due to bending. Values obtained for flexural strength and modulus (stress/strain in the initial, elastic region) for formulations cured with JEFFAMINE PEA, shown in Table 11.1, are equivalent to those obtained with other curatives when curing is carried out at an elevated temperature. Formulations based on JEFFAMINE curatives do not develop the brittleness found with many formulations cured at ambient temperatures. A complete range of modulus values may be obtained by use of the JEFFAMINE products alone or in blends with several of the more flexibilizing JEFFAMINE products. Table 11.1 - Flexural Strength and Modulus1 Curative Concentration phr2 32 325 55 555 42 425 50/25 11 11 52 52 23 Conditions of Cure
3 4 3 4 3 4 3 3 6 3 4 3

Curative JEFFAMINE D-230 amine JEFFAMINE D-400 amine JEFFAMINE T-403 amine JEFFAMINE D-400/D-2000 amine Diethylenetriamine (DETA) Polyamide (amine value 385) N-aminoethylpiperazine (AEP)

Flexural Strength, psi (kg/cm2) 14,900 15,500 12,900 8,700 15,500 16,400 970 14,200 17,000 13,400 13,600 13,000 (1,040) (1,090) (900) (610) (1,080) (1,150) (66) (990) (1,190) (940) (950) (910)

Flexural Modulus, psi (kg/cm2) 429,000 534,000 460,000 286,000 437,000 520,000 42,000 380,000 523,000 380,000 376,000 342,000 (29,900) (37,400) (32,100) (20,000) (30,500) (36,400) (3,000) (26,600) (36,600) (23,300) (26,300) (23,900)

1 Sample size: 1/8 x x 5 in. Instron crosshead speed: 0.1 in/min (2.54 mm/min) or 0.5 in/min (12.7 mm/min). 2 General purpose epoxy resin e.g. ARALDITE GY 6010 epoxy, EEW~188. 3 Cured 2 hr, 80oC; 3 hr, 125oC. 4 Cured 7 days, ~25oC. 5 With 10 phr Accelerator 399. 6 Cured 28 days, ~25oC. Sample was brittle when tested at 7 and 21 days.


11. Cured Properties Reference Guide

TENSILE STRENGTH AND MODULUS ASTM D 638 (ERF 6-82)-Tensile strength (nominal) is the highest load achievable, divided by the original crosssectional area of the sample, when it is pulled apart. Excellent values of tensile strength and modulus (stress/strain in the initial, elastic region) may be obtained with JEFFAMINE curatives (Table 11.2). Results obtained with JEFFAMINE amine-containing formulations cured at ambient temperature with accelerators are near those obtained with elevated-temperature curing. Values obtained with competitive curing agents vary widely, depending on the method of cure. The extreme brittleness encountered with DETA at ambient temperature is the result of "B-staging," or incomplete cure, a common occurrence with curing agents of low molecular weight. Table 11.2 - Tensile Strength and Modulus1 Curative Concentration phr2 32 325 55 555 42 425 50/25 50/255 11 11 52 52 23 Conditions of Cure
3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 6 3 4 3

Curative JEFFAMINE D-230 amine JEFFAMINE D-400 amine JEFFAMINE T-403 amine JEFFAMINE D-400 amine JEFFAMINE D-2000 amine Diethylenetriamine (DETA) Polyamide (amine value 385) N-aminoethylpiperazine (AEP)

Tensile Strength, psi (MPa) 9,400 10,200 7,600 5,100 9,500 10,200 1,700 1,700 7,600 8,800 7,800 7,900 9,200 (64.8) (70.3) (52.4) (35.2) (65.5) (70.3) (11.7) (11.7) (52.4) (60.7) (53.8) (54.5) (63.4)

Tensile Modulus, psi (GPa) 392,000 500,000 390,000 300,000 418,000 510,000 30,500 391,000 560,000 370,000 311,000 342,000 (2.70) (3.86) (2.55) (2.14) (2.36) (2.70) (3.45) (2.69) (2.07) (2.88) (3.52) (0.21)

1 Sample size: Type 1 dimensions. Instron crosshead speed: 0.2 in/min. (5.08 mm/min.) 2 General-purpose epoxy resin, EEW ~188, i.e. Araldite GY-6010. 3 Cured 2 hr, 80oC; 3 hr, 125oC. 4 Cured 7 days, ~25oC. 5 With 10 phr Accelerator 399. 6 Cured 28 days, ~25oC. Sample was brittle when tested at 7 and 21 days.

IMPACT RESISTANCE Two very different approaches were used. One is the Izod method and the other uses the Dynatup drop weight impact tester.1 In the Izod method, ASTM D-256 (ERF 33-82), impact testing is carried out with a pendulum-type device where the test specimen (Figure 11.1) is positioned as a cantilever beam with the notched side facing the striker. Five samples of each formulation are tested, with the average value being recorded as the notched Izod impact strength.
1 Instron Corporation, Canton, Massachusetts.


11. Cured Properties Reference Guide

Figure 11.1 Izod Test Specimen

Results, shown in Table 11.3, indicate that curing with the JEFFAMINE products at an elevated temperature is required to develop ultimate impact values. Izod impact resistance is low for DETA and the polyamide selected for testing. Moderate impact values are obtained for samples cured with JEFFAMINE D-400, D-230, or T-403 amines. Incorporating JEFFAMINE D-2000 amine for a more flexible formulation can result in cured systems with higher impact values.


11. Cured Properties Reference Guide

Table 11.3 - Izod Impact Resistance (Notched) Curative Concentration, phr1 32 324 55 554 42 424 50/25 11 11 52 52 23 Izod Impact Strength, ft-lb/in (cm-kg/cm) 1.10 0.28 0.41 1.50 0.90 0.35 7.80 0.42 0.40 0.51 0.58 1.65 (5.99) (1.53) (2.23) (8.17) (4.90) (1.91) (42.57) (2.29) (2.18) (2.78) (3.16) (8.99)

Curative JEFFAMINE D-230 amine JEFFAMINE D-400 amine JEFFAMINE T-403 amine JEFFAMINE D-400/D-2000 amines Diethylenetriamine (DETA) Polyamide (amine value 385) N-aminoethylpiperazine (AEP)
1 General-purpose epoxy resin, EEW ~188. 2 Cured 2 hr, 80oC; 3 hr, 125oC. 3 Cured 7 days, ~25oC. 4 With 10 phr Accelerator 399.

Conditions of Cure
2 3 2 3 2 3 2 2 5 2 3 2

5 Cured 28 days, ~25oC. Sample brittle when tested at 7 and 21 days.

The test method utilized in the USA is ASTM D256. The result of the Izod test is reported in energy lost (ft-lb or J) per unit of specimen thickness (cm or in) at the notch in Figure 11.1 Additionally, the results may be reported as energy lost per unit cross-sectional area at the notch (J/m or ft-lb/in). In Europe, ISO 180 methods are used and results reported based only on the cross-sectional area at the notch (J/m). The second method for measuring impact resistance involves a Dynatup instrumented impact tester, an instrument capable of providing considerable insight into the nature of impact fracturing of plastic materials. This device may be used to test a wide variety of samples of differing geometry, size, and orientation. A "tup," which is dropped onto the test sample, can be adjusted to provide impact velocities from 30 to 32,000 inches per minute. An environmental chamber is available for performing tests over a range of temperatures. The instrument develops a graphic picture of the impact process. Information concerning energy, loading force, and displacement at yield and at break is presented in a force/displacement curve such as the typical graph shown in Figure 11.2. The slope of the force/displacement curve indicates impact modulus. As the drawing illustrates, with initial impact of the tup with the test sample, there is application of an increasing load. If the material is brittle, as many thermosetting polymers are, the load will increase rapidly. As the force applied begins to exceed the strength of the test part, cracks will develop, causing a decrease in load. Conditions may stabilize with further tup penetration, allowing further loading to occur before multi-crack development, crack growth, and ultimate failure of the impacted test sample occur.


11. Cured Properties Reference Guide

Figure 11.2 Typical Force/Displacement Curve Impact Tester

Impact on plastic materials or composites can produce either brittle or ductile failure, with most materials falling somewhere in between the two extremes. Two typical load/deflection curves are shown in Figure 11.3. Brittle failure may occur at deflections before maximum load and at relatively low deflections, as when a glass-like material shatters. In contrast, ductile failure occurs at relatively high deflections that may be beyond maximum load, as when a piece of vinyl is impacted. The area under the stress-strain curve typically increases when a material begins to exhibit ductile failure and may be taken as a measure of the materials "toughness". The Dynatup impact tester may be used for many types of evaluations, i.e., design characteristics, quality control, or material behavior. With epoxy curing agents, comparisons may be made as to the ability of cured resin systems to withstand impact stresses. Such comparisons are graphically illustrated in Figure 11.4 for a number of widely used epoxy curatives. (The graphs are from simple formulations consisting of a standard resin and stoichiometric amounts of the amine curatives. Cure conditions: 2 hr, 80C; 3 hr, 125C.) Impact testing of the non-reinforced epoxy panels indicates large differences in impact behavior. For example, a formulation cured with an amine known to provide a rather brittle epoxy system --diethylenetriamine (DETA)--fails under minimal impact loading. A polyamide-cured system also fails at a low loading. Offering large improvements in impact resistance over DETA and the polyamide are the JEFFAMINE PEAs with the shortest polyether backbone chains (D-230 and T-403) and N-aminoethylpiperazine (AEP). All three provide a moderate degree of impact resistance. Use of the higher molecular weight JEFFAMINE amines results in considerably higher impact resistance because of the greater flexibility of polymers made using these amines. In general, epoxy systems cured with the JEFFAMINE PEAs offer outstanding resistance to impact.


11. Cured Properties Reference Guide

Figure 11.3 Types of Fracture-Dynatup Impact Tester

Figure 11.4 Impact Behavior of an Epoxy Resin Cured with Various Amines-Dynatup Impact tester


11. Cured Properties Reference Guide

THERMAL SHOCK RESISTANCE The resistance of a material to fracture upon exposure to large, quick temperature changes is an important attribute of that material in certain applications. For example, an epoxy used to encapsulate an electrical part for a jet airplane must withstand repeated thermal cycling. One of the outstanding features of the JEFFAMINE polyoxypropyleneamine is the thermal shock resistance they bring to epoxy systems, as demonstrated by the simple "washer test" described below. Test samples (Figure 11.5) are prepared by encapsulating a steel washer (outside diameter 1 inch, inside diameter 3/8-inch, thickness 1/16-inch, zinc coated, weight 6-7 grams) resting on a -inch ring of filter paper cut from a 19 x 19-cm cellulose extraction thimble centered inside an aluminum evaporating dish. Ten test samples of each formulation are cured under specified conditions and then removed from the aluminum dishes. These samples are subjected to the following thermal cycle: 1. Specimens are placed in a mechanical convection oven at 140oC for 1/2 hour. 2. Samples are removed from the oven and immediately plunged into a dry ice-acetone bath maintained at -40oC. Residence time in the bath is fifteen minutes. 3. After removal from the bath, samples are conditioned at ambient temperature for fifteen minutes. Each specimen is examined for internal cracking and, if no cracks have formed, samples are recycled. Results are reported after 10 cycles. Other thermal cycles, more or less severe, may be used to indicate performance characteristics of various formulations. Figure 11.5 Thermal Shock Test Sample


11. Cured Properties Reference Guide

Some washer test results are shown in Table 11.4. They indicate superior thermal shock resistance for samples cured with any of the JEFFAMINE amine products. With only one exception, samples prepared with other curatives shatter severely after only one cycle. Of significance is the fact that inclusion of Accelerator 399 at a 10-phr level has only a minor effect on thermal shock properties of the polyetheramine-based systems in Table 11.4. Inclusion of another JEFFAMINE amine, designated T-5000, in formulations like those in Table 11.4, often results in improved thermal shock resistance due to the phase separation, or micro-void formation, related to its high molecular weight. With this additive, cracking may be prevented under conditions more severe than those described on page 49. For more details about JEFFAMINE T-5000, contact our technical service representative or any of the sales offices listed on the inside of the back cover. Table 11.4 - Thermal Shock Properties Curative Concentration, phr1 32 32 324 55 55 554 42 42 424 50/25 50/25 50/254 11 11 52 52 23 23 Number of Samples Cracked During Each Cycle Cycle: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0210 0100 0001 0002 0012 2011 0011 1000 0010 0000 0020 0013 10 - - 10 - - 6201 10 - - 10 - - 10 - - 0 0 3 1 1 0 0 0 0 3 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 1 1 1 01 00 11 11 00 10 00 00 01 00 01 01 ------0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 3 0 0 -

Curative JEFFAMINE D-230 amine

Conditions of Cure
2 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 3 2 3

Total Samples Cracked 4 2 7 6 6 7 3 3 2 7 6 6 10 10 10 10 10 10

JEFFAMINE D-400 amine JEFFAMINE T-403 amine JEFFAMINE D-400/D-2000 amines Diethylenetriamine (DETA) Polyamide (amine value 385) N-aminoethylpiperazine (AEP)

1 General-purpose epoxy resin, EEW ~188. 2 Cured 7 days, ~25oC. 3 Cured 2 hr, 80oC; 3 hr, 125oC. 4 With 10 phr Accelerator 399.


11. Cured Properties Reference Guide

HEAT DISTORTION TEMPERATURE (HDT) ASTM D 648 (ERF 17-82)-The temperature at which a polymer sample distorts or deflects under load upon heating under specified conditions is called the heat distortion temperature. This property, HDT, may be important if a manufactured part is to be subjected to elevated temperatures. Low-to-moderate HDT values are developed upon curing epoxy resins with JEFFAMINE PEA at an elevated temperature. Rather low values can be expected with ambient curing. Typical results are shown in Table 11.5. JEFFAMINE amines may be blended with other amine curing agents to obtain cured systems with higher HDT and Tg (glass transition temperature) values (Tables 5.3 through 5.5). Curing multifunctional epoxy resins, rather than di-functional resins, with JEFFAMINE products also increases the HDT values of the final polymer. Table 11.5 - Heat Distortion Temperature Curative Concentration, phr1 32 324 55 554 42 424 50/25 11 11 52 52 23 Heat Distortion Temperature, 264-psi load o o C F 80 58 43 36 83 47 25 128 55 67 48 106 176 136 109 97 181 117 77 262 131 152 118 223

Curative JEFFAMINE D-230 amine JEFFAMINE D-400 amine JEFFAMINE T-403 amine JEFFAMINE D-400/ D-2000 amines Diethylenetriamine (DETA) Polyamide (amine value 385) N-aminoethylpiperazine (AEP)
1 General-purpose epoxy resin, EEW ~188. 2 Cured 2 hr, 80oC; 3 hr, 125oC. 3 Cured 7 days, ~25oC. 4 With 10 phr Accelerator 399. 5 Cured 28 days, ~25oC. Sample brittle at 7 days.

Conditions of Cure
2 3 2 3 2 3 2 2 5 2 3 2

GLASS TRANSITION TEMPERATURE (Tg) In addition to HDT, a related property that can be used to assess the extent of cure or cross-linking is the glass transition temperature (Tg) The Tg of a polymer may be defined as the mid-point of the temperature range over which an amorphous (glassy, non-crystalline) plastic goes from being relatively hard and rigid to being relatively flexible (i.e., from glassy to rubbery). Much formulation of epoxy systems involves varying combinations of different amine hardeners to change the Tg of the plastic, thus modifying its properties. Although some formulators may not actually use or think in terms of Tg directly, understanding the relationship between a polymers Tg and its mechanical properties can aid in solving formulation problems. During the past thirty years, a variety of instruments have become widely available that allow one to measure the Tg of a polymer using several different methods. Among the most commonly used instruments are the Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC), the Thermomechanical Analyzer (TMA), the Dynamic Mechanical Analyzer (DMA), and the Dynamic Mechanical Spectrometer (DMS). The Tg value obtained for a given polymer is somewhat method and rate dependent. Generally speaking, Tg's will "track" HDT.


11. Cured Properties Reference Guide

COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH ASTM D 695 (ERF 8-82)-Compressive strength is the force required to crush a material. Test samples are cylindrical in shape, inch in diameter, and 1 inch in length. Both compressive yield strength (the stress at yield point or at the point at which an increase in strain first occurs without a corresponding increase in stress) and ultimate compressive strength (the maximum compressive stress applied during testing) may be measured by this test method. It is evident from the series of ultimate compressive strength values given in Table 11.6 that compressive values for an epoxy resin cured with the JEFFAMINE products are high. As expected, slightly higher values are obtained for those systems cured at an elevated temperature. Values obtained by curing with JEFFAMINE products are equivalent to or higher than those obtained with other curing agents. Interestingly, use of an amine blend (D-400 & D-2000) results in cured samples that can be compressed to <10% of their original length without rupture and which return to their original length upon release of stress. Table 11.6 - Compressive Strength Curative Concentration, phr1 32 324 55 554 42 424 50/25 50/254 11 11 52 52 23 23 Conditions of Cure
2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 5 2 3 2 6

Curative JEFFAMINE D-230 amine JEFFAMINE D-400 amine JEFFAMINE T-403 amine JEFFAMINE D-400/D-2000 amines Diethylenetriamine (DETA) Polyamide (amine value 385) N-aminoethylpiperazine (AEP)

Compression Yield, Psi (MPa) 14,300 (98.6) 12,500 (86.2) 9,700 5,400 11,700 11,200 37,000 42,800 14,700 15,100 (66.9) (37.2) (80.7) (77.2) (255) (295) (101) (104)

Ultimate Compressive Strength, psi (MPa) 35,000 23,500 (241) (162)

30,000 (207) 35,000 (241) 41,000 (283) 23,000 (1,600) 37,000 43,300 35,800 19,000 36,000 19,000 36,000 8,000 (255) (159) (247) (131) (248) (131) (248) (55.2)

10,000 (68.9) 10,600 (73.1) 12,300 (84.8) 8,000 (55.2)

1 General-purpose epoxy resin, EEW ~188. 2 Cured 2 hr, 80oC; 3 hr, 125oC. 3 Cured 7 days, ~25oC. 4 With 10 phr Accelerator 399. 5 Cured 14 days, ~25oC. 6 Cured 28 days, ~25oC.

ADHESIVE PROPERTIES To test adhesion properties of epoxy systems, we prefer two procedures: tensile shear strength (lap shear), conducted according to ASTM D 1002 (ERF 15-82); and peel strength (T-peel), measured by ASTM D 1876. Tensile shear measures the degree of adhesion to a substrate and the rigidity of the bond. The strength required to pull the specimen apart in the direction shown in Figure 11.6A is measured. On the other hand, in the T-peel test (specimen shown in Figure 11.6B), strips of flexible aluminum are joined and peeled apart in a tensile tester. The force needed to separate the strips is a measure of the peel strength.


11. Cured Properties Reference Guide

Figure 11.6 A & B Adhesion Test Specimens

Tensile shear values obtained by curing with JEFFAMINE PEA are quite high when samples are cured at an elevated temperature, while values are considerably reduced for bonds cured under ambient conditions (Table 11.7). This is also the case for other amine curatives. More-elastomeric formulations, e.g., one cured with a blend of JEFFAMINE D-400 and D-2000 amines, result in moderate values of tensile shear regardless of the method of cure. Peel strength values are generally low for the more rigid systems. However, a flexible formulation cured with a blend of JEFFAMINE D-400 and D-2000 amines exhibits peel strength values that are quite high. Over what range of temperatures might adhesives based on the PEA be useful? Tensile shear testing throws light on this question; test results for systems cured with neat PEA are shown graphically in Figure 11.7. Note that systems based on JEFFAMINE D-230 amine and JEFFAMINE T-403 amine maintain their strength well up to at least 60oC. With JEFFAMINE D-400 amine, shear strength drops off sharply above about 40oC. With the inclusion of JEFFAMINE D-2000 amine, shear strengths are outstanding below room temperature, but not above. Table 11.7 - Adhesion Properties Curative Concentration, phr1 32 324 55 554 42 424 50/15 50/254 11 11 52 52 23 23 Conditions of Cure
2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 5 2 3 2 5

Curative JEFFAMINE D-230 amine JEFFAMINE D-400 amine JEFFAMINE T-403 amine JEFFAMINE D-400/D-2000 amines Diethylenetriamine (DETA) Polyamide (amine value 385) N-aminoethylpiperazine (AEP)
1 General-purpose epoxy resin, EEW ~188. 2 Cured 2 hr, 80oC; 3 hr, 125oC. 3 Cured 7 days, ~25oC. 4 With 10 phr Accelerator 399.

Tensile Shear Strength, Psi (MPa) 4,000 970 3,900 3,100 3,500 1,100 1,600 1,100 1,600 900 2,700 2,400 2,700 600 (280) (68) (274) (217) (245) (77) (112) (77) (112) (63) (190) (170) (190) (42)

Peel Strength, pli (GPa) 2.0 3.5 4.7 2.5 2.0 3.6 15.9 21.1 0.6 3.9 2.3 2.6 0.8 (0.36) (0.62) (0.84) (0.45) (0.36) (0.64) (2.84) (3.77) (0.11) (0.70) (0.40) (0.47) (0.14)

5 Cured 28 days, ~25oC. Sample brittle when tested at 7 and 21 days.


11. Cured Properties Reference Guide

Adhesion can be greatly enhanced by inclusion of small amounts of phase-separating or microvoid-forming additives such as JEFFAMINE T-5000 amine. For more detailed information about this adhesion promoter, contact our technical service representative or any of the sales offices listed in this brochure.

Figure 11.7 Effect of Temperature on the Tensile Shear Strength of JEFFAMINE Polyoxypropyleneamine-Based Adhesives


JEFFAMINE D-400 Amine JEFFAMINE D-400/D-2000 Amine


11. Cured Properties Reference Guide

RESISTANCE TO CHEMICALS: IMMERSION TESTING Immersion testing is carried out on cured epoxy samples 3 x 1 x 1/8 inch in size. Weight gain is calculated for each of the samples after submersion for 28 days in a variety of chemicals and solvents. Results of such tests are shown in Table 11.8. Generally speaking, the JEFFAMINE products offer good alkali and water resistance, and fair acid resistance. Solvent resistance is poor in most cases. Elevated curing temperatures will improve chemical resistance. Table 11.8 - Immersion Weight Gain of Epoxy Castings % Weight Gain After 28 Days Immersion in: Curative Concentration, phr1 32 32 55 55 42 42 11 11 52 52 23 Conditions of Cure
2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 4

Curative JEFFAMINE D-230 amine JEFFAMINE D-400 amine JEFFAMINE T-403 amine Diethylenetriamine (DETA) Polyamide (amine value 385) N-aminoethylpiperazine (AEP)
1 General-purpose epoxy resin, EEW -188. 2 Cured 2 hr, 80oC; 3 hr, 125oC. 3 Cured 7 days at room temperature. 4 Cured 28 days at room temperature. 5 Sample disintegrated during test.

10% NaOH 1.1 0.4 1.4 1.7 0.9 1.1 0.6 0.8 1.1 1.4 2.2

Distilled Water, 40oC 2.4 2.5 2.8 2.7 1.8 2.0 1.4 2.0 3.4 3.3 5.5

30% H2SO4 1.9 10.4 6.9 11.2 1.1 3.3 1.1 2.8 2.7 3.0 59.9

5% Acetic Acid 4.8


9.2 18.3 1.5 40.2 0.9 12.0 3.1 10.6


Methanol 20.1 22.8 26.6 27.1 11.8 20.0 1.6 5.3 10.6 23.9

Toluene 1.5
5 5 5


0.1 8.8 7.2




11. Cured Properties Reference Guide

ELECTRICAL PROPERTIES The electrical properties of epoxy resins cured with JEFFAMINE PEA are good. Values obtained with JEFFAMINE polyoxypropyleneamine-cured epoxy systems (Table 11.9) are typical of those expected with epoxy/amine formulations. No deficiencies in electrical properties are noted upon curing with any of the JEFFAMINE polyamines. Higher values would undoubtedly result from more specialized formulating. Special resins are available for electrical potting, for example. Table 11.9 - Electrical Properties of Epoxy Systems Cured with JEFFAMINE Products Formulation,1 pbw Epoxy resin2 JEFFAMINE D-230 amine JEFFAMINE D-400 amine JEFFAMINE T-403 amine JEFFAMINE D-2000 amine Electrical properties Dielectric constant, 100 Hz (ASTM D 150), 23oC A 100 32 4.7 4.7 4.7 5.4 3.6 3.4 x 10-3 3. 1 X 10-3 3.5 x 10-3 6.9 x 10-3 31 .1 X 10-3 5.0 x 1015 3.4 x 1015 2.6 x 1014 3.0 x 1014 88 104 558 B 100 55 4.6 4.6 5.2 7.4 3.5 4.3 x 10-3 4.2 x 10-3 7.4 x 10-3 23.5 x 10-3 31.6 x 10-3 4.3 x 1015 5.2 x 1014 2.8 x 1013 2.4 x 1013 108 118 597 C 100 42 4.8 4.7 4.8 5.1 3.5 5.3 x 10-3 5.0 x 10-3 5.3 x 10-3 14.6 x 10-3 32.5 x 10-3 3.1 X 1015 6.0 x 1014 2.7 x 1014 1.8 x 1014 103 109 647 D 100 50 25 6.0 7.0 7.6 7.2 3.9 8.2 x 10-3 8.3 x 10-3 8.5 x 10-3 94.7 x 10-3 50.9 x 10-3 5.9 x 1013 3.2 x 1013 1.7 x 1012 1.6 x 1011 91 122 576

40oC 60oC 100oC o 1,000 Hz (ASTM D 150), 23 C 40oC 60oC 100oC

Dissipation factor, 100 Hz, 23oC

1,000 Hz, 23oC Volume resistivity, ohm-cm, DC (ASTM D 257), 23oC 40oC 60oC 80oC o Arc resistance, sec, 25 C (ASTM D 495), stainless electrode tungsten electrode Dielectric strength, v/mil, 25oC, 1/8-inch thickness (ASTM D 149)
1 Cured 2 hr, 80oC; 3 hr, 125oC. 2 General-purpose epoxy resin, EEW ~188.


12. Handling and Storage

12. HANDLING AND STORAGE MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION At temperatures of 75 to 100oF Tanks Lines, valves Pumps Heat exchanger surfaces Hoses Gaskets, Packing Atmosphere At temperatures above 100oF Tanks Lines, valves Pumps Atmosphere Stainless Steel or Aluminum Stainless Steel Stainless Steel or Carpenter 20 alloy or equivalent Nitrogen Carbon Steel Carbon Steel Carbon Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel, Polyethylene, Polypropylene, TEFLON fluoropolymer TEFLON fluoropolymer or polypropylene avoid materials such as neoprene, Buna N and VITON fluroelastomer Nitrogen

Because amines can react with the humidity and carbon dioxide in the air, it is recommended that the head space of containers used to store any amines be purged with dry nitrogen prior to closure, in order to maintain maximum shelf-life. Repeated air exposure can lead to formation of ammonium carbamates, which in some applications may cause process problems, though JEFFAMINE amines are less likely than most other amines to have such problems. A nitrogen blanket is suggested for all storage in case of accidental high temperatures. It should be noted that pronounced discoloration is likely to occur at temperatures above 140oF, whatever the gaseous pad. Clean-out of lines and equipment containing the JEFFAMINE PEAs is easy; warm water or steam is all that is required. In the event of spillage of this product, the area may be flushed with water. The proper method of disposal of waste material is by incineration with strict observance of all federal, state, and local regulations.
TEFLON is a registered trademark of the DuPont Company. VITON is a registered trademark of DuPont Dow Elastomers.


13. Toxicity and Safety

13. TOXICITY AND SAFETY MSDS should be reviewed thoroughly prior to use of each product. The JEFFAMINE PEAs should be considered hazardous, having the potential to cause burns to the skin and eyes and toxic effects by absorption through the skin or by swallowing. Impervious gloves and chemical-type goggles with face shield must be worn when handling these products. When handling large quantities subject to splashes and spills, impervious suits and rubber boots must also be worn. Should accidental contact occur, flush the eyes thoroughly with water for at least 15 minutes and get immediate medical attention. Do not attempt to neutralize with chemical agents. Continue flushing for an additional 15 minutes if medical attention is not immediately available. In case of skin contact, immediately wash the exposed area with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Do not attempt to neutralize with chemical agents. If drenched, immediately remove contaminated clothing under the safety shower. Discard or decontaminate clothing and shoes before reuse. In case of ingestion, immediately give two glasses of water (16 oz), but do not induce vomiting and get immediate medical attention. These materials are corrosive. If vomiting occurs, give fluids again. Have a physician determine if condition of patient will permit induction of vomiting or evacuation of stomach. Do not give anything by mouth to an unconscious or convulsing person. JEFFAMINE D-230 amine is considered slightly toxic if swallowed or absorbed through the skin. JEFFAMINE D-400 amine is considered moderately toxic if swallowed and slightly toxic if absorbed through the skin. JEFFAMINE D-2000 amine is considered toxic if swallowed, and slightly toxic if absorbed through the skin. JEFFAMINE T-403 amine is considered toxic if absorbed through the skin or swallowed. All of these JEFFAMINE products are corrosive to the skin, and are severely to extremely irritating to the eyes. In acute toxicity testing, the results shown below were obtained. JEFFAMINE Product Test Single oral dose LD50 value in rats, g/kg Single dermal LD50 value in rabbits, g/kg Draize score for skin irritation in rabbits DOT 4-hour test, corrosiveness to the skin Draize score for eye irritation in rabbits Delayed contact hypersensitivity D-230 2.88 2.98 >6.5-8.0/8.0 Corrosive >80-110/110 Negative D-400 1.10 1.56 3.08/8.0 Corrosive 60.70/110 Negative D-2000 0.48 2.09 >6.5-8.0/8.0 Corrosive >80/110 Not Determined T-403 0.22 0.61 8.0/8.0 Corrosive 80-110/110 Negative

All four JEFFAMINE products have been found to be non-mutagenic in the Ames Salmonella/microsome plate test. Additional tests on D-230 and D-400 showed these products to be inactive in the Balb/3T3 in vitro Cell Transformation Assay and the Mouse Lymphoma Assay. Tests on D-2000 and T-403 showed these products to be inactive with respect to genetic toxicity in the Mouse Micronucleus Test and Unscheduled DNA Synthesis (UDS) Assays.


14. Shipping Information

14. SHIPPING INFORMATION AVAILABILITY The JEFFAMINE products described in this brochure are available in tank cars, tank wagons, and 55-gallon drums through customer service. Sizes of 5-gallon cans are available through the sample department. Some products may need additional lead time. Samples can be obtained by contacting the Huntsman Corporation offices listed on the inside of the back cover. Orders can be placed by contacting the customer service advisers listed on the inside of the back cover. TRANSPORTATION INFORMATION See MSDS for individual JEFFAMINE products for transportation information.


15. Huntsman Corporation Publications Relating to Epoxies

15. HUNTSMAN CORPORATION PUBLICATIONS RELATING TO EPOXIES PRODUCT DATA SHEETS AND APPLICATION BULLETINS Accelerator 399 Adhesive Properties of JEFFAMINE Polyetheramine Epoxy Curing Agents Application Guide for JEFFAMINE Products Curing Epoxy Resins with Blends of JEFFAMINE Products and Imidazoles Epoxy Curing Agents and Accelerators Epoxy Polymer Concrete Using JEFFAMINE EDR-148 (XTJ-504) Epoxy Resin Curing-Comparison of a Polyetheramine, JEFFAMINE D-230, with Three Commonly Used Polyamides Flexible Epoxy Adhesive Formulations Prepared from High Molecular Weight Polyoxyalkyleneamines JEFFAMINE D-230 Polyoxypropylenediamine JEFFAMINE D-400 Polyoxypropylenediamine JEFFAMINE D-2000 Polyoxypropylenediamine JEFFAMINE EDR Series of Polyetheramines JEFFAMINE EDR-148 (XTJ-504) JEFFAMINE M Series JEFFAMINE M-600 JEFFAMINE M-1000 JEFFAMINE M-2005 and M-2070 JEFFAMINE Polyetheramines in Syntactic Foams JEFFAMINE Poly(oxyethylene)diamines-JEFFAMINE ED Compounds JEFFAMINE T-403 Polyoxypropylenetriamine JEFFAMINE T-3000 JEFFAMINE T-5000 Monononyiphenol (MNP) Additive for Epoxy Applications Polyamides from JEFFAMINE Polyetheramines: Preparation and Use in Hot Melt Adhesives Reactive Diluents for Polyamide Curing Agents TEXACURE EA-20 Epoxy Curing Agent TEXACURE EA-24 Epoxy Curing Agent TEXACURE EA-43 Epoxy Curing Agent TEXACURE SPA-51 Epoxy Curing Agent The JEFFAMINE Polyoxyalkyleneamines Use of JEFFAMINE Polyoxyalkyleneamines in Decoupage-Type Decorative Coatings Use of JEFFAMINE T-5000 as a Component of Epoxy Adhesive Systems Water-Reducible Coatings via Epoxy Resin Modification with JEFFAMINE M-1000 BIBLIOGRAPHIES Coatings Applications Elastomeric Applications Encapsulation and Molding Applications Epoxy Accelerator Applications Laminate and Composite Applications Latent Curing Applications Textile and Fiber Applications


16. Bibliography JEFFAMINE Polyetheramine Applications

16. BIBLIOGRAPHY-JEFFAMINE PEA APPLICATIONS Ref Patent # Country Author/Company or Publication/Date Shenkel (to Teroson GmbH), August 4, 1989. H. G. Waddill, J. J. Lin, and G. P. Speranza (to Texaco Development Corp.), February 1, 1989. Henry S. Y. Hsich (to Lord Corp.), June 19, 1991. G. P. Speranza and W. Y. Su (to Texaco Chemical Company), June 19, 1991. Minnesota Mining Co., February 8, 1977. Anthony V. Cunliffe, Norman C. Paul, Peter J. Pearce, and David Hugh Richards (to U. K. Secretary of State for Defense, London), September 8, 1977. Heinz Schulze and H. G. Waddill (to Texaco Development Corp.), May 24, 1978. H. G. Waddill (to Texaco Development Corp.), January 11, 1979, Description

1 39,322 AU Product of reaction between 2000 mol. wt. etherdiamine and excess epoxy is cured with dicyandiamide for a hot melt adhesive. Amidoamine curing agents prepared by reaction of JEFFAMINE polyetheramines with aromatic di- or tricarboxylic acids provide rapid cure of epoxy resins at ambient temperatures. Epoxy resin-rubber blends with reduced phase separation are formed using a reactive liquid rubber and JEFFAMINE D-230 with an epoxy resin. Amine-terminated polyoxyalkylenepolyamides compatible with polyols used in adhesives are prepared from JEFFAMINE D-2000, D-400, and adipic acid. A tough, elastomeric epoxy binder containing a water-insoluble polyetherpolyamine is used to adhere hard particles to resilient surfaces. A room-temperature-curable adhesive with high bond strength was produced by reaction of a diepoxide with a carboxy-terminated nitrile rubber which was hardened by a primary amineterminated polyether. A poly(oxypropylene)diamine was condensed with urea or with maleic anhydride to form products useful in improving metal-to-metal adhesion of hardened epoxy resins. A ureide group-terminated reaction product of JEFFAMINE D-2000 and urea was added to amine-hardener epoxy resins to improve adhesion. Added to anhydride-cured epoxy systems, thermal shock properties were improved. The adhesion of a hardened epoxy resin was improved through use of mixtures of a polyoxyalkylenepolyamine of 900-4000 mol. wt. with a low mol. wt. polyamine such as JEFFAMINE D-230 or bis(3aminopropyl)ethylenediamine. Binders for illuminating flares are prepared from salts of amino-terminated polypropylene glycol and an epoxy resin. Binders for solid rocket propellants were prepared by cross-linking amine-terminated polyglycols with various resins.

















H. G. Waddill (to Texaco Inc.), April 30, 1980.




Charles W. Bash and George A. Lane (to Dow Chemical Co.), March 11, 1969. Don L. Stevens and Harold E. Filter (to Dow Chemical Co.), May 12, 1970.





16. Bibliography JEFFAMINE Polyetheramine Applications

Ref 12 Patent # 4,070,225 Country US Author/Company or Publication/Date Vernon H. Batdorf (to H. B. Fuller Co.), November 17, 1976. Description A latent or slow-curing adhesive system was formulated from an epoxy resin and a primary amine-terminated polyamide. The polyamide was prepared from a polymeric tall oil fatty acid, a polyoxypropyleneamine, 1,4bis(aminopropyl)piperazine, and ethylenediamine. Adhesive systems comprising a bisamino piperazine-containing polyamide Thermoplastic adhesive polyoxamide from polyoxypropylene polyamine High molecular weight polyoxyalkyleneamine bisureides are used as additives in anhydridecured or amine-cured epoxy compositions to improve adhesion properties and thermal impact strength. The diamide prepared from a polyoxyalkylenepolyamine urea condensate increases adhesive strength of an amine-cured epoxy composition. Polyoxyalkylenepolyamine succinimide derivatives, when added to amine-cured epoxy systems, resulted in enhanced adhesion properties. Polyetheramines with urea termination are used to enhance adhesive properties of epoxy resins cured with aminopropyl derivatives of ethyleneamines. Epoxy resins cured with a polyoxyalkylenepolyamine aminoalkylene derivative and containing a polyether diureide had high adhesion and peel strength properties. Water-dilutable epoxy adhesive systems are produced with epoxy resins modified with polyoxyalkylene poly- or monoamines. Epoxy adhesive systems containing JEFFAMINE T-5000 as an adhesion promoter give high peel strength and good shear strength. An epoxy sealant cured with a polyoxypropylenetriamine was used to prevent electrolyte leakage in standby batteries. High performance epoxy structural adhesives with chemical thixotropy contain JEFFAMINE D-400. Water-based binder, coating and adhesive compositions from alkaline-curable latex polymers, epoxies and amines Flexible, two-component structural adhesives are prepared from epoxy resin, reactive liquid rubber, isocyanates, JEFFAMINE T-3000 or T-5000, bisphenol A, and a tertiary amine catalyst. Use of polyoxypropyleneamines in hot melt adhesives gives improved flexibility.

13 14 15

4,082,708 4,119,615 4,141,885


Mehta; Ramesh ( for HB Fuller Co), April 4, 1978 Schulze; Heinz (for Texaco Development Corp), October 10, 1978 Texaco Development Corp., February 27, 1979.




H. G. Waddill and Heinz Schulze (to Texaco Development Corp.), March 27, 1979. H. G. Waddill and Heinz Schulze (to Texaco Development Corp.), April 3, 1979. H. G. Waddill (to Texaco Development Corp.), December 11, 1979. H. G. Waddill (to Texaco Development Corp.), February 5, 1980.













H. G. Waddill (to Texaco Development Corp.), December 27, 1983. H. G. Waddill and R. J. G. Dominguez (to Texaco Inc.), November 27, 1984. Cannone (to AT&T Bell Labs), August 12, 1986. A. B. Goel (to Ashland Oil, Inc.), March 1, 1988. Chao; Yen-Yau H., (for Rohm & Haas Co.), April 26, 1988 A. B. Goel (to Ashland Oil, Inc.), April 26, 1988.







23 24

4,728,737 4,740,536








N. Wiemers (to Henkel), July 26, 1988.


16. Bibliography JEFFAMINE Polyetheramine Applications

Ref 27 Patent # 4,766,186 Country US Author/Company or Publication/Date Kathy B. Sellstrom and H. G. Waddill (to Texaco Chemical Company), August 23, 1988. Hannah; Steven L.; Williams; Maureen R.; Greenlee; Thomas W, (for The BF Goodrich Co), January 17, 1989 Kathy B. Sellstrom and D. C. Alexander (to Texaco Chemical Company), March 21, 1989. Schappert; Raymond F.; Piccirilli; Robert M. (for PPG Industries), April 18, 1989 K. F. Drain and K. Kadziela (to Loctite Corp.), June 6, 1989. Description Epoxy adhesive systems cured with JEFFAMINE EDR-series amines provide high shear strength and relatively high peel strength. Catalyzed fast cure polyurethane sealant composition Adhesives cured with blends of JEFFAMINE polyoxyalkyleneamines and oxamidoamine derivatives of the JEFFAMINE products offer high peel strength in addition to good shear strength. Method for preparing an adhesive bond with a curable composition having reduced shrinkage during cure Epoxy/bismaleimide mixtures cured with JEFFAMINE D-230 offer improved initial adhesion and thermal shock resistance for use with engineering plastics for electrical/electronic components. Sealant compositions or coating mixtures containing functional silane or siloxane adhesion promotors nonreactive with blocked isocyanates Adhesives cured with blends of JEFFAMINE polyoxyalkyleneamines and iso- or terephthalamidoamine derivatives offer excellent shear strength and peel strength. Urethane sealants or coating admixtures having improved shelf stability Catalyzed fast cure polyurethane sealant composition Acrylic sealant composition and methods relating thereto Rapid curing epoxy hardeners are produced by the condensation reaction of phenol, formaldehyde, and polyoxyethylenediamines. Moisture-curing acrylate/epoxy hybrid adhesives Epoxy adhesives containing aminated, long chain monoepoxide capped polyols
















Bandlish; Baldev K. (for The BF Goodrich Corp Company), July 11, 1989 Kathy B. Sellstrom and T. L. Renken (to Texaco Chemical Company), August 1, 1989. Bandlish; Baldev K. (for The BF Goodrich Corp Company), August 28, 1990 Hannah; Steven L.; Williams; Maureen R. (for The BF Goodrich Corp Co), August 28, 1990 DePompei; Michael F.; Hernandez; Pamela K. (for Tremco, Inc.) December 31, 1991 G. P. Speranza, H. G. Waddill, and J. J. Lin (to Texaco Chemical Company), June 9,1992. Bush; Richard W.; Carney; Eugene E (for WR Grace & Co), March 30, 1993 Waddill; Harold G.; Grigsby, Jr.; Robert A.; Cuscurida; Michael; Zimmerman; Robert L. (for Texaco Chemical Co), August 31, 1993 Marhevka; Virginia C.; Griggs; Allen L.; Tarbutton; Kent S. (for 3M) January 27, 1998 Basheer; Rafil Abdulkadir; Zwolinski; Michael Stephen (for General Motors Corp) April 6, 1999
















38 39

5,198,524 5,241,016





Epoxy adhesives with dithiooxamide adhesion promoters Conductive epoxy adhesive





16. Bibliography JEFFAMINE Polyetheramine Applications

Ref 42 Patent # 5,929,141 Country US Author/Company or Publication/Date Lau; Steven E.; Huff; Deborah S.; Hermansen; Ralph D.; Johnston; E. Dean (for Raytheon Co) July 27, 1999 Johnson; Randy Allen; Tufts; Timothy Allen (for Ashland Inc) September 21, 1999 Blank; Norman E.; Schenkel; Hubert K. (for Henkel-Teroson GmbH) January 18, 2000 Ikawa; Masahiro; Okuhira; Hiroyuki; Chino; Keisuke (for Yokohama Rubber Co Ltd) March 23, 2003 Gordon; Terry (for National Starch & Chemical Investment Holding Corp) November 11, 2003 Attarwala; Shabbir; Qinyan; Zhu; Burdzy; Matthew P. (for Henkel Loctite Corp) April 27, 2004 Toshiba Battery Co., Ltd., February 25,1982. Canon, November 15, 1982. Description Adhesive of epoxy resin, amine-terminated ban and conductive filler Imine-containing curative for two component polyurethane structural adhesives Hot melt adhesive from epoxy resin/amineterminated polyalkylene glycol adduct Adhesive of thiirane and oxirane-containing compound and oxirane-containing compound Two part epoxide adhesive with improved strength Polymerizable compositions in non-flowable forms Leakage-resistant alkaline cells use epoxy resin, polyoxypropylene-amine, and polyamide composition between gasket and sealing plate. Epoxy adhesives with good efficiency and durability are cured with ethyleneamines and aminopropyl ethylene glycols and used for optical materials. Epoxy adhesive compositions containing polyetherdiamines, liquid acrylonitrile-butadiene copolymers, and inorganic fibers offer improved strength and adhesion properties at lower temperatures. A composition comprised of epoxy resin, polyetherpolyamine, and a urea derivative offers improved heat resistance and adhesion properties. An epoxy composition cured with a mixture of dicyandiamide, an amine-terminated liquid rubber, a polyetherpolyamine, and a urea derivative mixes easily, cures rapidly, and offers improved heat resistance and adhesion properties. An adhesive prepared from rubber-modified epoxy resins, polyether-polyamines, and guanidine or cyanoguanidine products cures rapidly and offers excellent heat resistance and adhesion properties. An epoxy composition useful for adhering materials with different coefficients of thermal expansion contains polyetherpolyamines and an inorganic fibrous material.

























Nitto Electric Industries, August 23, 1984.




Nitto Electric Industries, April 19,1985.




Nitto Electric Industries, April 19,1985.




Nitto Electric Industries, September 13, 1986.




Nitto Electric Industries, October 24,1987.


16. Bibliography JEFFAMINE Polyetheramine Applications

Ref 55 Patent # 2,552,518 76,125,429 Country GR JP Author/Company or Publication/Date H. P. Klein (to Texaco Development Corp.), August 12, 1976, November 1, 1976. Ramesh Mehta (to H. B. Fuller Co.), March 23, 1978, and April 4, 1978. Description Polyamide adhesives were prepared from a mixture of a poly-oxypropylenepolyamine, a C420 aliphatic or aromatic clicarboxylic acid, and, optionally, epoxy resins or other additives. Quick-setting epoxy adhesive formulations containing polyamide hardener prepared from clicarboxylic acid and dialkylpiperazine or polyoxypropylenediamine offer high peel strength. Polyether diamines and polyether diureides were prepared by the reaction of poly(oxypropylene)diamine with formic acid, urea, phenyl isocyanate, or benzyl alcohol and added to epoxy resins containing amine hardeners to improve adhesion of the hardened resins. Vibration-damping sheet metal laminates were prepared with an adhesive composed of an epoxy resin cured with the condensation product of a polyoxypropyleneamine, phenol, and an aldehyde. The adhesion of amine-cured epoxy resins was improved by addition of dihydroxyalkyl carbamate-terminated polyether additives. These additives were prepared by reaction of a polyoxypropylenepolyamine (JEFFAMINE D-2000) with ethylene carbonate. Rapid-hardening epoxy resin systems are cured with epoxy adducts of aminopropyl derivatives of JEFFAMINE amines. Systems also contain an accelerator and an adhesion promoter. A flexible adhesive is prepared from a polyepoxide modified with a polyoxyalkylenemonoamine and a modified imidazole catalyst. An adhesive from the polyetheramine or polyamide cure of an epoxy resin prepared by a glycidol/isocyanate reaction is used in the production of laminated polyolefin films. Isocyanate oxime accelerators are used in epoxy adhesives cured with 33 polyoxypropyleneamines and acid hydrazides. Amidoamine and oxamidoamine co-curatives in epoxy thermoset adhesive. Adhesives for bonding ferrite transformer core components comprised an epoxy resin and JEFFAMINE T-403. Property enhancement through the creation of a "microvoid" system throughout a cured epoxy matrix is discussed.


2,741,268 4,082,708





Heinz Schulze and H. G. Waddill (to Texaco Development Corp.), May 24, 1978.


3,847,726 2,217,331


Wilhelm Becker, et al. (to ReichholdAlbert Chemie Aktiengesellschaft), November 12, 1974; November 2,1972. Lee G. Meyer (to Texaco Development Corp.), October 24, 1978.





4,179,552 2,910,110


H. G. Waddill (to Texaco Development Corp.), December 18, 1979.


4,420,606 3,368,656 88,011,362 4,500,604 87,075 3,368,654 57,167,370 88,058,197 EP0329266


K G. Waddill (to Texaco Inc.), December 13, 1983. J. Herold, W. Gruber, and G. Henke (to Henkel), August 25, 1983.




Mitsui Petrochemical Industries, October 15, 1982. and November 15, 1988. Alexander, DC; Renken, TL; Sellstrom, KB (for Texaco Development Corp) August 23, 1989 Stephen G. Seger, Jr. and Louis H. Sharpe, Polym. Sci. Technol. 1975, 9B (Adhes. Sci. Technol.), 577-95. H. G. Waddill, "Epoxy Adhesive Formulations with Enhanced Properties," presented at the 13th National S.A. M.P. E. Technical Conference, Boston, Mass., November 13-15, 1979.





16. Bibliography JEFFAMINE Polyetheramine Applications

Ref 67 Patent # Country Author/Company or Publication/Date H. N. Vazirani, Adhes. Age 1980,23 (10) 31-5. Description Flexible epoxy resins were prepared having a wide variety of mechanical properties. One- and two-part systems are prepared using epoxy resin adducts of polyoxyalkylenepolyamines. A new JEFFAMINE epoxy curing agent is introduced. Adhesive properties obtained with the curing agent are discussed.


Kathy B. Sellstrom, "Polyethylene Glycol Diamines: New Curing Agents for Epoxy Adhesives," presented at the Adhesive and Sealant Council conference, Cincinnati, Ohio, October 25-28, 1987. A. T. Hu, R. S. Tsai, and R. D. Lee, J. Appl. Polymer Sci. 1989,37, 1863-76. Kathy B. Sellstrom and H. G. Waddill, "Modifiers for Enhanced Adhesion Property Development," presented at SPI/Epoxy Resin Formulators Division spring conference, Costa Mesa, Calif., March 15-17, 1989. D. C. Alexander, Kathy B. Sellstrom, and T. L. Renken, "Polyamidoamines from JEFFAMINE Amines: Preparation and Use in Epoxy Adhesives," presented at the Adhesive and Sealant Council Conference, Los Angeles, Calif., March 19-3, 1989. D. C. Alexander, Kathy B. Sellstrom, and T. L. Renken, "Derivatives of JEFFAMINE Amines: Preparation and Use in Adhesives," presented at the SPI/Epoxy Resin Formulators Conference, Charleston, S. Car., September 23-25, 1992. 245,559 EP L. A. Nativi and P. L. Kropp (to Loctite), November 19, 1987.

69 70

Use of JEFFAMINE D-2000 in hot melt adhesives is described; improvement in impact strength is shown. Effects of molecular weight, terminal group, backbone structure, and functionality of modifiers on microvoid-forming ability in amine-cured epoxy adhesives are discussed.


A variety of polyamidoamines prepared from JEFFAMINE polyoxyalkyleneamines are used in epoxy adhesives to give enhanced properties.


Polyamidoamines and urea condensates of some of the JEFFAMINE polyetheramines are prepared and used in epoxy adhesives to give enhanced properties.

73 Coating compositions for electronic circuit boards are comprised of epoxy resin, 200-6500 mol. wt. polyoxypropyleneamine, and UV-reactive ester. Coatings are immobilized with UV light, then allowed to cure completely under ambient conditions. A nonyellowing electrodeposition coating system contains an amine-epoxy adduct optionally prepared with polyoxyalkyleneamines. Electrically conductive substrates (motor vehicle bodies) are coated by electrodip into bath containing cationic amine-modified epoxy resin and a polyoxyalkyleneamine. Acrylamide derivatives of JEFFAMINE M-600 are used in radio-curable coating compositions.




R. P. Redman (to ICI), November 30, 1988. G. Off, U. Reiter, W. Jouck, D. Santure, and D. Ruhl (to BASF), July 26, 1989. Yasuhiro Kimura, et al. (to Ajinomoto Co., Inc.; Nippon Paint Co., Ltd.), June 28, 1989.








16. Bibliography JEFFAMINE Polyetheramine Applications

Ref 77 Patent # 451,814 Country EP Author/Company or Publication/Date Klaus, Cibura, John A. Gilbert, Yali F. Hallock, and John D. McGee (to BASF Corp.), October 16, 1991. Jefferson Chemical Inc., July 29, 1975. Description A phenol/epoxy adduct is reacted with formaldehyde and JEFFAMINE D-2000 to produce a plasticizing resin useful in cathodic electrodeposition coatings. Epoxy compositions containing carbon disulfide and a polyoxyalkylenepolyamine are used as coatings on a variety of materials. A composition for coating floors, with increased light resistance, derives from an acrylate rubber latex containing glycidyl methacrylate units and a polyoxypropylenediamine hardener, along with a filler. A hardened epoxide resin with increased resilience, useful for preparing coatings, lacquers, and varnishes, was prepared from linear, amineterminated poly(propylene oxide) and glycidyl ethers. Polyamides prepared from dimer acid and polyetherdiamines are used in aqueous epoxy coatings to provide good corrosion and chemical resistance. A polyamide was prepared from linoleic acid dimer, a polyoxypropylenetriamine (JEFFAMINE T-403), and diethylenetriamine. Heated with epoxy resins, the polyamides gave water-based paints. Water-compatible polyamide hardeners of epoxy resins were prepared from aminopropyl derivatives of polyoxyalkylenepolyamines. Aqueous resin coating systems were prepared using the polyamide curatives. Urethane coatings exhibiting excellent chip and yellowing resistance contain polyoxyalkylenepolyamines or derivatives of the amines. Liquid glycol diamines were used to cure epoxy resins and form tough, impact-resistant coatings. Flexible, tough, clear coatings were prepared from bisphenol A diglycidyl ether resin and a polyglycol polyamine. A mixture of a polyglycol polyamine and an alkylene polyamine cured an epoxy resin to form coatings that were without haze and free of an oily surface blush. Method of accelerating epoxy curing Method of electrodepositing primary amine groupcontaining cationic resins One-part, room-temperature latent, curable isocyanate compositions







G. R Malkina, Z. N. Safina, and R. A. Dmitrieva (to All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Pump Engineering Technology), July 7,1983. Farbwerke Hoechst A.-G., May 30, 1967.







Dianippon, March 3, 1977.




Henry Ashiian, Henry A. Gawel, and Archie K. Blakely (to Mobil Oil Corp.), November 13, 1975. H. G. Waddill (to Texaco Development Corp.), June 28, 1979.







T. Matsunaga, M. Koseki, and H. Akiyama (to Sanyo Chemical Industries, Ltd.), September 5, 1991. Norman H. Reinking (to Union Carbide Corp.), April 25, 1967. James R. Harvey (to Union Carbide Corp.), February 29, 1972. James R. Harvey (to Union Carbide Corp.), May 1, 1973. H.G. Wadill (to Jefferson Chemical Co), March 9, 1976 Jerabek; Robert D.; Marchetti; Joseph R.; Zwack; Robert R. (for PPG, Ind.) March 9, 1976 O'Keefe; Donald R.; Gasper; A. Joseph (for Minnesota Mining), June 15, 1976

85 86

3,316,185 3,645,969





88 89

3,943,104 3,947,339






16. Bibliography JEFFAMINE Polyetheramine Applications

Ref 91 Patent # 3,998,771 Country US Author/Company or Publication/Date Feneis, Jr.; Thomas John; Bryant; Miles Talmadge (for Mobil Oil), December 21,1976 Waddill; Harold George; Schulze; Heinz (for Texaco Development Corporation), March 8, 1977 Jerabek; Robert D.; Marchetti; Joseph R.; Zwack; Robert R. (for PPG Industries, Inc.) April 12, 1977 Speranza; George P.; Waddill; Harold G. (for Texaco Development Corp), July 25, 1978 Schulze; Heinz; Waddill; Harold G. (for Texaco Development Corp.), August 29, 1978 Zwack; Robert R.; Jerabek; Robert D.; (for PPG Ind), September 19, 1978 Jackle; William A.; Mazzeo; Michael P; Gillis, Marina N. (for Thiokol Corp), January 23, 1979 Waddill; Harold G. (for Texaco Development Corp), February 13, 1979 H. G. Waddill and H. P. Klein (to Texaco Development Corp.), August 14, 1979. H. G. Waddill (to Texaco Development Corp.), September 11, 1979. H. G. Waddill (to Texaco Development Corp.), December 18, 1979. Description Water-based epoxy resin zinc-rich coating compositions Polyether thiourea epoxy curing agents







Ketimine-blocked primary amine group-containing cationic electrodepositable resins Method of making glycidyl ethers of novolak resins Polyether diamide epoxy additives







96 97

4,115,226 4,136,092


Cataphoretic electrodeposition baths containing water-soluble lead salts Polyurethane curing agents

98 99

4,139,524 4,164,520


Bis ureide of a polyoxyalkylene polyamine as an epoxy additive An epoxy resin cured with the reaction product from phenol, formaldehyde, and aminopropyl derivative of JEFFAMINE amines offers relatively fast cure for coatings, adhesives, etc. Epoxy curing agents useful in water-based coatings are prepared by reacting aminopropyl derivatives of JEFFAMINE amines with acids in water. A water-based epoxy coating is cured with a polyamide prepared from a carboxylic acid or derivative and an aminopropyl derivative of a polyoxypropylenepolyamine. Non-crystallizing epoxy resin accelerator Novel mercapto chain extended products and their use in cationic electrodeposition Low-viscosity, solvent-free coatings were prepared. The curing system consisted of coal tar, cycloaliphatic amines, polyoxyalkyleneamines, and an accelerator. Cationic electrodeposition employing novel mercapto chain extended products Chemically resistant epoxy coatings are prepared with an aromatic amine and the condensation product of maleic anhydride with JEFFAMINE amines.







102 103

4,189,564 4,260,720


Waddill; Harold G. (for Texaco Development Corp), February 19, 1980 Bosso; Joseph F.; Nugent; Richard M.; Plasynski; Joseph E. (for PPG Ind), April 7, 1981 Murray L. Davis (to the Dampney Co.), May 26, 1981.







Bosso; Joseph F.; Nugent; Richard M.; Plasynski; Joseph E. (for PPG Ind), September 29, 1981 H. G. Waddill and Heinz Schulze (to Texaco Inc.), December 8, 1981.





16. Bibliography JEFFAMINE Polyetheramine Applications

Ref 107 Patent # 4,316,003 Country US Author/Company or Publication/Date Mark F. Dante and Roy A. Allen (to Shell Oil Co.), February 16, 1982. Description An adduct suitable for curing waterborne epoxy systems comprises the reaction product of an epoxy resin with a monoamine which is reacted with a polyfunctional amine. Suitable polyfunctional amines are polyoxypropyleneamines (JEFFAMINE products). Polyoxyalkylenepolyacrylamides Process for the preparation of cationic resins, aqueous, dispersions, thereof, and electrodeposition using the aqueous dispersions Ungelled polyepoxide-polyoxyalkylenepolyamine resins, aqueous dispersions thereof, and their use in cationic electrodeposition Epoxy resins modified with JEFFAMINE M- or ED-series amines are used in water-based coating formulations. Ungelled polyepoxide-polyoxyalkylenepolyamine resins, aqueous dispersions thereof, and their use in cationic electrodeposition Aromatic urea-based curing agent system for epoxy resin coating compositions Method of cationic electrodeposition Epoxy resin fortifiers based on aromatic amides

108 109

4,393,237 4,419,467


Yeakey; Ernest L.; Watts, Jr.; Lewis W. (for Texaco, Inc.) , July 12, 1983 Wismer; Marco; Bosso; Joseph F. (for PPG Industries), December 6, 1983 Moriarity; Thomas C; Geiger; William J.( for PPG Industries), December 13, 1983 H. G. Waddill and Kathy B. Sellstrom (to Texaco Inc.), December 20, 1983. Moriarity; Thomas C; Geiger; William J.( for PPG Industries), December 27, 1983 Kaufman; Marvin L. (for Mobil Oil), March 18, 1984 Wismer; Marco; Bosso; Joseph F. (for PPG Industries), August 28, 1994 McLean; Paul D.; Garton; Andrew; Scott; Robert F.; Gransden; Susan E., (for Canadian Patents & Development Ltd), October 30, 1984 H. G. Waddill (to Texaco Development Corp.), July 9, 1985.










113 114 115

4,436,890 4,468,307 4,480,082





Epoxy coatings are prepared by pre-reacting a polyoxyalkylenepolyamine or Naminoethylpiperazine with a cycloaliphatic diepoxy resin and then curing with an accelerator. Flexibilized chemically resistant epoxy resin Polyoxyalkylenepolyacrylamides and the preparation thereof Azetidinedione compounds as crosslinkers for electrodeposited coatings

117 118 119

4,532,299 4,536,600 4,576,980


Seneker; James A. (for Ameron, Inc), July 30, 1985 Yeakey; Ernest L.; Watts, Jr.; Lewis W. (for Texaco, Inc.) , August 20, 1985 Dai; Shenghong A.; Sherwood; Philip W. (for The Dow Chemical Co.), March 18, 1986 Dai; Shenghong A.; Sherwood; Philip W. (for The Dow Chemical Co.), March 18, 1987 Waddill; Harold G.; Speranza; George P. (for Texaco, Inc.), December 16, 1986 Rasmussen; Jerald K.; Heilmann; Steven M.; Palensky; Frederick J., (for 3M), January 27, 1987







4,4,6-trimethylhexahydropyrimidine as an epoxy curing agent Curable compositions containing azlactonefunctional compounds





16. Bibliography JEFFAMINE Polyetheramine Applications

Ref 123 Patent # 4,647,646 Country US Author/Company or Publication/Date Hardy; Alan; Agger; Reginald T.; Crabtree; Andrew, (for USM Corp), March 13, 1987 Cummings; Lowell O. (for Chemcrete International Partnership), April 21, 1987 Waddill; Harold G.; Speranza; George P. (for Texaco, Inc.), May 12, 1987 Zwack; Robert R.; Jerabek; Robert D. (for PPG Industries, Inc), May 19, 1987 Dai; Shenghong A.; Sherwood; Philip W. (for The Dow Chemical Co), July 28, 1987 Singer; Debra L.; Birkmeyer; William J.; Dowbenko; Rostyslaw; Kania; Charles M. (for PPG Industries, Inc.) , September 1, 1987 Mowrer; Norman R. (for Ameron, Inc.), September 22, 1987 Schmid, Ansel, and Murray (to DeSoto), December 29, 1987. Speranza; George P.; Lin; Jiang-Jen; Cuscurida; Michael (for Texaco Inc.), August 2, 1988 Cuscurida; Michael (for Texaco), August 30, 1988 Perez; Leon A.; Crum, III; H. Hayne (for PPG Industries), November 22, 1988 Waddill; Harold G. (for Texaco, Inc.) , January 24, 1989 Cummings; Lowell O., (for Adhesive Coatings), March 14, 1989 Hisgen; Bernd; Kock; Hans-Jakob (for BASF), March 29, 1989 Kamarchik, Jr.; Peter; McCollum; Gregory J.; Mauer; George W. (for PPG Industries), April 25, 1989 Bandlish; Baldev K.; Barron; Larry R. (for Tremco Inc.), September 26, 1989 Thomas; Arthur K, (for ICI Americas, Inc.), November r14, 1989 Description Heat curable compositions




Method for making epoxy curing agents

125 126

4,665,191 4,666,970


Mannich condensates Cataphoretic electrodeposition baths containing water-soluble lead salts Azetidinedione compounds as crosslinkers for electrodeposited coat Acrylic modified polymers







129 130

4,695,618 4,716,209


Solventless polyurethane spray compositions and method for applying them Electron beam-curable coatings are prepared from the reaction product of diols and JEFFAMINE D-230 with excess isocyanate. Difunctional isocyanate-terminated polyoxyalkylene diamine prepolymers and polymer coatings applications Storage stable polyurethane coating Coating compositions prepared from Michael adducts Accelerator for curing epoxy resins comprising piperazine, triethanolamine and tris(dimethylaminomethyl)phenol Dual cure rate water-based coating compositions Wholly aromatic mesomorphic polyester amides and preparation thereof Novel blocked isocyanates and curable compositions containing the same Polyurethanes made from blends of polypropyleneoxide polyol and polybutyleneoxide polyol intermediates Heat resistant high modulus reaction injection molding (RIM) polymers, blends used in the production thereof and a process for producing the same Epoxy-amine compositions employing unsaturated imides




132 133

4,767,836 4,786,682





135 136 137

4,812,493 4,816,533 4,824,925











Drain; Kieran F; Kadziela; Kris (for Loctite Corp), December 12, 1989


16. Bibliography JEFFAMINE Polyetheramine Applications

Ref 141 142 Patent # 4,886,867 4,891,111 Country US US Author/Company or Publication/Date Lin; Jiang-Jen; Speranza; George P. (for Texaco Inc.), December 12, 1989 McCollum; Gregory J.; Zwack; Robert R.; Scriven; Roger L. (for PPG Industries Inc), January 2, 1990 Speranza; George P.; Lin; Jiang-Jen; Cuscurida; Michael (for Texaco Chemical Co), February 27, 1990 Cummings; Lowell, (Adhesive Coatings Co), March 6, 1990 Speranza; George P.; Lin; Jiang-Jen; Cuscurida; Michael, (Texaco, Inc), March 6, 1990 Waddill; Harold G., (Texaco Chemical Co), March 20, 1990 Bandlish; Baldev K. Barron; Larry R. (for The BF Goodrich Corp Co), April 10, 1990 Noomen; Arie; Peters; Petrus J., (for Akzo NV), May 29, 1990 Valko; Joseph T.; Plasynski; Joseph E. ; Miller; Robert D. (for PPG Industries), June 5, 1990 Corrigan; Victor G.; Zawacky; Steven R. (for PPG Industries), June 12, 1990 Yamaguchi; Keizaburo; Tanabe; Yoshimitsu; Urakami; Tatsuhiro; Yamaguchi; Akihiro; Yamaya; Norimasa; Ohta; Masahiro (for Mitsui Toatsu Chemicals), June 26, 1990 Speranza; George P.; Lin; Jiang-Jen, (for Texaco Chemical Co), July 10, 1990 Speranza; George P.; Lin; Jiang-Jen; Templeton; James H. (for Texaco Chemical Co), August 7, 1990 Bartels; Tamme; Maters; Gerardus J. W. M., (for Akzo NL), January 1, 1991 Noren; Gerry K.; Krajewski; John J.; Murphy; Edward J. (for DeSoto, Inc), February 26, 1991 Charles W. Bredow, Frederick J. Schindler, and Charles E. Warburton, Jr. (to Rohm & Haas Co.), May 21, 1991. Cuscurida; Michael (for Texaco), May 21, 1991 Description Novel compositions from polyoxyalkylene amines and epoxides Cationic electrocoating compositions




N,N'-dialkyl substituted polyoxyalklene amines as curing agents for blocked isocyanates Water-based coating compositions containing hydroxides and oxides of calcium, strontium and barium Process for preparing diamines







146 147

4,910,269 4,916,199


Polyether polyamine-piperazine cured cycloaliphatic epoxy resin compositions Polyurethanes made from blends of polypropyleneoxide polyol and organic-silicone block copolymer based polyol intermediates Aqueous coating composition containing a functional organic compound, a curing agent, and a dispersing agent Epoxy resin advancement using urethane polyols and method for use thereof Cationic electrodepositable compositions through the use of sulfamic acid and derivatives thereof Aromatic amine resins







150 151

4,933,056 4,937,318





Novel compositions from polyoxyalkylene amines and epoxides Secondary isopropyl amine derivatives of polyoxyalkylene diamines and triamines Liquid coating composition curable at ambient temperatures Cationically curable polyurethane compositions having vinyl ether functionality Filled water-based coating compositions for concrete and metal are prepared using epoxy resin, acrylic polymer latex, and JEFFAMINE EDR-148. Acetoacetoxyethyl methacrylate in the cure of epoxy resins




154 155

4,981,944 4,996,282









16. Bibliography JEFFAMINE Polyetheramine Applications

Ref 158 Patent # 5,051,494 Country US Author/Company or Publication/Date Yamaguchi; Keizaburo; Tanabe; Yoshimitsu; Urakami; Tatsuhiro; Yamaguchi; Akihiro; Yamaya; Norimasa; Ohta; Masahiro (for Mitsui Toatsu Chemicals), September 24, 1991 R. M. Nugent, Jr., T. A. Ward, P. D. Greigger, and J. A. Seiner (to PPG Industries, Inc.), December 3, 1991. Lin; Jiang-Jen; Speranza; George P. (for Texaco Inc.), December 24, 1991 Granville D. Edwards and Bonita S. Wilson (to Shell Oil Co.), January 14, 1992. Speranza, GP; Su, W-Y (for Texaco Chemical) February 4, 1992 Aoki; Masaaki; Kamiyama; Masay GBi; Honda; Hiroshi, (for Mitsui Toatsu Chemicals), February 11, 1992 Lin; Jiang-Jen; Speranza; George P. (for Texaco Chemical Corp), February 25, 1992 Cuscurida; Michael; Speranza; George P.; Su; Wei-Yang, (for Texaco Chemical Corp), March 3, 1992 Corrigan; Victor G.; Zawacky; Steven R.(for PPG Industries) , March 17, 1992 Metzger; Carl W.; Hauefler; Hartmut; Munch; Jurgen; Freese; Karl-Heinz; Orth; Ulrich (for Akzo NV), March 24, 1992 Hare; Clive H. (FOR Monsanto Co), April 21, 1992 Nugent, Jr.; Richard M.; Ward; Thomas A.; Greigger; Paul P; Seiner; Jerome A. (for PPG Industries Inc), April 28, 1992 Sanders; Joseph; Mafoti; Robson; Markusch; Peter H. (for Miles Inc), September 29, 1992 Barber, Jr.; Loren L.; Christianson; Todd J.; Preston; Jay B. (For 3M), January 12, 1993 Klockemann Werner; Humbert Heiko; Primeaux; Dudley J (for Texaco Chemical) February 23, 1993 Description Thermosetting resin composition comprising an aromatic amine




A flexible intumescent coating composition cured in part with JEFFAMINE D-2000 did not crack in 27 cold test cycles. Hydrazine terminated polyoxyalkylene amines A polyoxyalkylenediamine, a polyamide, and 2ethyl-4-methyl-imidazole are used to cure an epoxy system for in situ rehabilitation of fractured and/or corroded pipes. Polyether amide from polyalkylene glycol diamine and diacid mixture Moisture curable polyurethane composition comprising polyaldimine Polyoxyethylene diamine derivatives of diglycidyl ethers N,N-dialkylenediamines as curing agents for blocked isocyanate coatings Cationic microgels and their use in electrodeposition Waterborne coatings and binder systems for use therein

160 161

5,075,503 5,081,168


162 163

5,086,162 5,087,661








166 167

5,096,556 5,098,947


168 169

5,106,945 5,108,832


Polyglycidamide-poly(meth)-acryloyl-polyamine compositions Flexible intumescent coating composition




Aminocrotonates as curing agents for epoxy resins Coatable thermally curable binder precursor solutions modified with a reactive diluent, abrasive articles incorporating same, and methods of making said abrasive articles Process For The Production Of Expanded Materials Based On Polyurea Elastomers








16. Bibliography JEFFAMINE Polyetheramine Applications

Ref 173 Patent # 5,191,033 Country US Author/Company or Publication/Date Cuscurida; Michael; Speranza; George P.; Sellstrom; Kathy B. (for Texaco Chemical Corp), March 2, 1993 Moriarity; Thomas C.; McCollum; Gregory J.; Zwack; Robert R.; Scott; Matthew S.; Zawacky; Steven R.; Corrigan; Victor G. (for PPG Industries), April 13, 1993 Naderhoff; Bryan A. (for Reichhold Chemicals Inc), April 20, 1993 Bush; Richard W.; Carney; Eugene E (for WR Grace & Co), April 27, 1993 Baron; Arthur L.; MacLeay; Ronald E.; Kmiec; Jennifer P. (for Elf Atochem North America, Inc), May 25, 1993 Chihara; Kohji Y.; Goewey; James R. (for GenCorp, Inc.) , June 22, 1993 Laura; Alger E.; Easton; Ronald J.; Frisch; Kurt C.; Xiao; Han X. (for ALine Products), July 13, 1993 Madan; Sanjeev; Kogelnik; HansJoachim; Daneshvar; Majid; Pantone; Richard S.; Clatty; Jan L. R. (for Miles, Inc.) August 3, 1993 Alexander; David C.; Crawford; Wheeler C.; Klein; Howard P. (for Texaco Chemical Co), August 10, 1993 Darwen; Stuart P.; Cornforth; Daniel A. (for Air Products & Chemicals Inc), September 21, 1993 Laura; Alger E.; Easton; Ronald J.; Frisch; Kurt C.; Xiao; Han X. (for ALine Products Corp), April 5, 1994 Farkas; Julius, (for The BF Goodrich Corp), April 5, 1994 House; David W.; Scott, Jr.; Ray V. ; Gattuso; Mark J. (for UOP), May 17, 1994 Baron; Arthur L.; MacLeay; Ronald E.; Kmiec; Jennifer P. (for Elf Atochem North America, Inc), June 7, 1994 Akhtar Masud, June 14, 1994 Kaufman; Marvin L. (for PPG Industries), June 14, 1994 Lohnes; Steven A.; Crowne; Francis R. (for Cappas Ltd), August 16, 1994 Howelton Richele T; Speranza George P (for Texaco Chemical Corp) August 30, 1994 Description Epoxy resin composition containing aminated epoxy resin-alkylene oxide polyols High throw power electrodeposition system




175 176 177

5,204,385 5,206,200 5,213,897


Water reducible epoxy resin curing agent Tin catalysts for hydrolysis of latent amine curing agents Epoxy resins containing bound light stabilizing groups Coating blend compositions Aqueous coating composition and method of use

178 179

5,221,707 5,227,198





Polyurethanes comprising the reaction of an isocyanate terminated prepolymer and a polyol mixture comprising triols and an organic diamine Epoxy curing agents







Water dispersible polyamine-epoxy adduct and epoxy coating composition Aqueous coating composition




184 185

5,300,584 5,312,886


Low viscosity diprimary amine reactive modifiers for epoxy resins Bis(N-alkylaminocyclohexyl)methanes as curing agents for polyurethanes and polyureas Epoxy resins containing bound light stabilizing groups Electroactive, insulative and protective thin films Reduced yellowing electrodepositable coating composition Additive for two component epoxy resin compositions Carboxyl-terminated polyetheramines




187 188 189 190

5,320,716 5,320,738 5,338,568 5,342,918



16. Bibliography JEFFAMINE Polyetheramine Applications

Ref 191 Patent # 5,359,123 Country US Author/Company or Publication/Date Ohshima; Toshiyuki; Ishibashi; Hideo; Tamura; Rie; Yamamoto; Satoshi; Izumo; Takaharu (for Nippon Paint Co Ltd) October 25, 1994 Butikofer; Pierre-Andre (for Sika AG, vorm. Kaspar Winkler & Co) January 17, 1995 Muto; Kiyoshi; Suzuki; Hiroshi (for Asahi Denka Kogyo KK; A.C.R. Co. Ltd.) February 21, 1995 Waddill: Harold G.; Su; Wei-Yang; Cuscurida; Michael; Renken; Terry L. (for Huntsman Corp) June 6, 1995 Laura; Alger E.; Easton; Ronald J.; Frisch; Kurt C.; Xiao; Han X. (for ALine Products Corp) June 27, 1995 Bederke; Klaus; Kerber; Hermann; Schubert; Walter; Brock; Thomas; Loffler; Helmut (for Hreberts GmbH), July 4, 1995 Yilgor; Iskender; Yilgor; Emel O. (for Th. Goldschmidt AG), October 24, 1995 Butikofer; Pierre-Andre (for Sika AG, vorm. Kaspar Winkler & Co) December 12,1995 Kausch; Charles M.; Melby; Earl G.; Sharma; Satish C. (for GenCorp, Inc.) January 30, 1996 Walker; Frederick H. (for Air Products and Chemical Inc.) February 6, 1996 Cook; Michael I. (for Air Products and Chemicals Inc.) April 16, 1996 Muto; Kiyoshi; Suzuki; Hiroshi (for Asahi Denka Kogyo KK; A.C.R. Co. Ltd.) April 16, 1996 Shah; Shailesh; Moon; Robert M. (for Henkel Corp) April 16, 1996 Schmalstieg; Lutz; Rettig; Rainer; Konig; Eberhard (for Bayer Aktiengesellschaft) April 23, 1996 Yilgor; Iskender; Yilgor; Emel O. (for Th. Goldschmidt AG), May 28, 1996 Walker; Frederick H. (for Air Products and Chemical Inc.) June 18, 1996 Curatolo; Benedict S.; Apicella, Jr.; Frank V.; Richardson, Sr.; Thomas W. (for Sandoz, Ltd) July 16, 1996 Description Polyoxyalkylene polyamines having secondary amino groups




Curing agent for aqueous epoxy resin dispersions, process for its preparation and its use Emulsifying epoxy resin composition and curable composition Imidazolidone polyetheramine strength enhancing additives of epoxy resin systems Aqueous coating composition













Binding-agent composition, coating agent containing said binding agent, and the use thereof Waterproof, moisture vapor permeable polyurethane urea polymer comprising polycaprolactone and polydimethyl siloxane soft segments Curing agent for aqueous epoxy resin dispersions, process for its preparation and its use Low VOC, primerless, polyurethane compostions










200 201

5,489,630 5,508,324


Self-emulsifying epoxy curing agent Advanced polyamine adduct epoxy resin curing agent for use in two component waterborne coating systems Emulsifying epoxy resin composition and curable composition Curing agents for epoxy resins based on 1,2diaminocyclohexane Mixed blocked isocyanate prepolymers, a process for their production and their use for the production of flexible epoxy resin systems Waterproof, moisture vapor permeable polymers, films and coated textiles and other materials Self-emulsifying epoxy curing agent based on the reaction product of epoxy resin and polyether polyol Amine curable compositions




203 204

5,508,373 5,510,432


205 206 207

5,521,273 5,527,839 5,536,775



16. Bibliography JEFFAMINE Polyetheramine Applications

Ref 208 209 Patent # 5,539,042 5,565,505 Country US US Author/Company or Publication/Date Birch; D'Arcie W. (for 3M) July 23, 1996 Papalos; John G.; Grinstein; Reuben H.; Shah; Shailesh; Mulvey; Joseph L.; Jewell; Brian G. (for Henkel Corp) October 15, 1996 Papalos; John G.; Grinstein; Reuben H.; Shah; Shailesh; Mulvey; Joseph L.; Jewell; Brian G. (for Henkel Corp) October 15, 1997 Johnson; John R.; Roder; William R.; Henegar; C. Sherill (for Reily Industries Inc) October 22, 1996 Klein; Dieter H.; Wessely; Hans J. (for The Dow Chemical Co) October 22, 1996 Sanborn; Timothy P.; Beno, Jr.; Joseph M.; Flynn; Roy W. (for Rohm & Haas Co) October 29, 1996 Walker; Frederick H. (for Air Products & Chemicals Inc) November 19, 1996 Valko; Joseph T.; Faucher; Philippe; Karabin; Richard F.; Moriarity; Thomas C.; Eswarakrishnan; V.; Van Buskirk; Ellor J.; McCollum; Gregory J.; Kollah; Raphael O. (for PPG Industries Inc) December 10, 1996 Chou; Jason L.; Shah; Shailesh; Jewell; Brian G.; Moon; Robert M. (for Henkel Corp) December 10, 1996 Dreischhoff; Dieter; Geisler; JoergPeter; Godau, Claus; Hoenel, Michael; Stengel-Rutkowski, Bernhard (for Hoechst Aktiengesellschaft) December 24, 1996 Metzger; Carl W.; Feith; Bernhard H.; Gruber; Ute; Zedler; Angelika A.; van Wingerde; Mario M. M. (for Akzo Nobel NV) December 31, 1996 Walker; Frederick H. (for Air Products & Chemicals Inc) January 21, 1997 Walker; Frederick H. (for Air Products & Chemicals Inc) February 4, 1997 Papalos; John G.; Shah; Shailesh; Grinstein; Reuben H.; Mulvey; Joseph L.; Jewell; Brian G. (for Henkel Corp) February 18, 1997 Erhan; Semih; Nithianandam; Varabelambedu S. (for Erham, Semih) February 25, 1997 Description Aqueous, coatable, thermally condensable composition Self-dispersing curable epoxy resins, dispersions made therewith, and coating compositions made there from. Self-dispersing curable epoxy resins, dispersions made therewith, and coating compositions made therefrom Coal tar enamel coated steel pipe and process for producing same Water compatible amine terminated resin useful for curing epoxy resins Waterborne zinc-rich primer compositions













214 215

5,576,416 5,582,704


Amide-containing self-emulsifying epoxy curing agent Cationic resin and capped polyisocyanate curing agent suitable for use in electrodeposition




Curing agents for aqueous epoxy resins




Curing agents for aqueous epoxy resin dispersions




Aqueous coating compositions including a reactive emulsifier

219 220 221

5,596,030 5,599,855 5,604,269


Amide-containing self-emulsifying epoxy curing agent Self-emulsifying epoxy curing agent Self-dispersing curable epoxy resins, dispersions made therewith, and coating compositions made there from Methods for the preparation of inherently metal binding poly-amine-quinone polymers





16. Bibliography JEFFAMINE Polyetheramine Applications

Ref 223 Patent # 5,620,747 Country US Author/Company or Publication/Date Laura; Alger E.; Easton; Ronald J.; Frisch; Kurt C.; Xiao; Han X (A-line Products Corp) April 15, 1997 Papalos; John G.; Shah; Shailesh; Grinstein; Reuben H.; Mulvey; Joseph L.; Jewell; Brian G. (for Henkel Corp) April 22, 1997 Laura; Alger E.; Easton; Ronald J.; Frisch; Kurt C.; Xiao; Han X. (for ALine Products Corp) May 6, 1997 Laura; Alger E.; Easton; Ronald J.; Frisch; Kurt C.; Xiao; Han X. (for ALine Products Corp) May 13, 1997 Eswarakrishnan; Venkatachalam; Zwack; Robert R.; McCollum; Gregory J.; Kollah; Raphael O. ; Zawacky; Steven R. (for PPG Industries Inc) May 20, 1997 Arora; Kartar S.; Wiggins; Michael S. (for Henkel Corp) July 1, 1997 Arora; Kartar S.; Devore; David I.; Grinstein; Reuben H.; Johnson; Grannis S.; Papalos; John G.; Shah; Shailesh (for Henkel Corp) July 15, 1997 Sanborn; Timothy Parker; Beno, Jr.; Joseph Michael; Flynn; Roy Wesley (for Rohm & Haas Co) July 29, 1997 Papalos; John G.; Grinstein; Reuben H.; Shah; Shailesh; Mulvey; Joseph L.; Jewell; Brian G. (for Henkel Corp) July 29, 1997 Mirossay; Thomas C., August 12, 1997 Kausch; Charles M.; Melby; Earl G; Sharma; Satish C. (for GenCorp Inc) October 7, 1997 Hargis; I. Glen; Kausch; Charles M.; Livigni; Russell A.; Malik; Aslam A.; Melby; Earl G.; Vitus; Francis Jerome (for GenCorp Inc) October 7, 1997 van der Heide; Evert; Vietje; Gerrit; Wang; Pen-Chung (for Shell Oil Co) November 4, 1997 Koenig; Raymond A.; Gan; Joseph; Hayman; Richard J. (for The Dow Chemical Co) November 18, 1997 Walker; Frederick Herbert (for Air Products & Chemicals Inc) November 18, 1997 Description Aqueous coating composition




Self-dispersing curable epoxy resins, dispersions made therewith, and coating compositions made there from Aqueous coating composition







Aqueous coating composition




Electrodepositable coating composition containing diorganotin dicarboxylates

228 229

5,643,976 5,648,409


Self-dispersing curable epoxy resin dispersions and coating compositions made there from Aqueous self-dispersible epoxy resin based on epoxy-amine adducts containing aromatic polyepoxide Waterborne zinc-rich primer compositions







Self-dispersing curable epoxy resins, dispersions made therewith, and coating compositions made there from Polyurethane compositions and method Low VOC, primerless, polyurethane compositions

232 233

5,656,712 5,674,567





Abrasion-resistant and low friction coating compositions




Aqueous polymer emulsion




Kinetically controlled in-situ generation of catalytic species for the curing of epoxy/amine compositions Primary-tertiary diamines mixed with polyamines as epoxy resin hardeners





16. Bibliography JEFFAMINE Polyetheramine Applications

Ref 238 Patent # 5,693,423 Country US Author/Company or Publication/Date Laura; Alger E.; Easton; Ronald J.; Frisch; Kurt C.; Xiao; Han X (for A-Line Products Corp) December 2, 1997 Johnson; John R.; Roder; William R.; Henegar; C. Sherill (for Reily Industries Inc) February 3, 1998 Arora; Kartar S.; Shah; Shailesh (for Henkel Corp) February 17, 1998 Cuscurida; Michael; Sellstrom; Kathy Beth (for Huntsman Petrochemical Corp) March 3, 1998 Wilkinson; Steven Paul; DePinto; Jeffrey Thomas (for Air Products and Chemicals Inc) March 10, 1998 Arora; Kartar S.; Wiggins; Michael S. (for Henkel Corp) May 12, 1998 Laura; Alger E. (for A-Line Products Corp) May 26, 1998 Valko; Joseph T.; Faucher; Philippe; Karabin; Richard F.; Moriarity; Thomas C.; Eswarakrishnan; V. ; Van Buskirk; Ellor J.; McCollum; Gregory J.; Kollah; Raphael O. (for PPG Industries Inc) June 2, 1998 Arora; Kartar S.; Johnson; Grannis S.; Aloye; James (for Henkel Corp) June 2, 1998 Papalos; John G.; Grinstein; Reuben H.; Shah; Shailesh; Mulvey; Joseph L.; Jewell; Brian G. (for Henkel Corp) June 9, 1998 Zawacky; Steven R.; Zwack; Robert R.; McCollum; Gregory J.; Eswarakrishnan; Venkatachalam; Coleridge; Edward R. (for PPG Industries Inc) June 16, 1998 Chou; Jason L.; Shah; Shailesh; Jewell; Brian G.; Moon; Robert M. (for Henkel Corp) June 23, 1998 Shah; Shailesh; Cash; Ronald J.; LaFreeda; Ronald; Aloye; James; Mulvey; Joseph L. (for Henkel Corp) August 25, 1998 Boyd; Donald W.; Zwack; Robert R.; Kollah; Raphael O.; McCollum; Gregory J. (for PPG Industries Inc) September 8, 1998 Description Aqueous coating composition




Coal tar enamel coated steel pipe and process for same Self-dispersing curable epoxy resins, dispersions made therewith, and coating compositions made there from Epoxy curing agents










Powder coatings of amine-reactive resins and amine carbamate salts Self-dispersing curable epoxy resin dispersions and coating compositions made there from Aqueous coating composition Cationic resin and capped polyisocyanate curing agent suitable for use in electrodeposition

243 244 245

5,750,595 5,756,566 5,760,107





Self-dispersing curable epoxy resin esters, dispersions thereof and coating compositions made there from Self-dispersing curable epoxy resins, dispersions made therewith, and coating compositions made there from Electrodepositable coating compositions and method for improved cure response










Curing agents for aqueous epoxy resins




Epoxy curing agent comprising a metaxylylenediamine-epichlorohydrin adduct




Electrodepositable coating compositions containing hydroxamic acid and derivatives thereof, and their use in a method of electrodeposition


16. Bibliography JEFFAMINE Polyetheramine Applications

Ref 252 Patent # 5,804,640 Country US Author/Company or Publication/Date Laura; Alger E.; Easton; Ronald J.; Frisch; Kurt C.; Xiao; Han X. (for ALine Products Corp) September 8, 1998 Kaufman; Marvin L.; O'Neill; Patrick; Karabin; Richard F.; McCollum; Gregory J. (for PPG Industries Inc) October 13, 1998 van der Heide; Evert; Vietje; Gerrit; Wang; Pen-Chung (for Shell Oil Co) December 1, 1998 Liddell; Kimm Alan; Marzouk; Mohsen Mohamed (for Illinois Tool Works Inc) December 2, 1998 van der Heide; Evert; Vietje; Gerrit; Wang; Chung (for Shell Oil Co) January 22, 1999 Doomen; Willy Frans Anna; van Wingerde; Mario Martinus Maria (for Akzo Nobel NV) January 12, 1999 van der Heide; Evert; Vietje; Gerrit; Wang; Chung (for Shell Oil Co) February 9. 1999 Arora; Kartar S.; Papalos; John G.; Johnson; Grannis S. (for Henkel Corp) February 23, 1999 Laura; Alger E (for A-Line Products Corp) March 9, 1999 Kaufman; Marvin L.; O'Neill; Patrick; Karabin; Richard F.; McCollum; Gregory J. (for PPG Industries Inc) August 10, 1999 Zwack; Robert R.; Eswarakrishnan; V.; Coleridge; Edward R.); McCollum; Gregory J. (for PPG Industries Ohio Inc) September 7, 1999 Hermansen; Ralph D.; Lau; Steven E (for Raytheon Co) October 12 ,1999 McMurdie; Neil D.; Zwack; Robert R.; Scott; Matthew S.; White; Michael L. (for PPG Industries Ohio Inc) October 26, 1999 Reich; Murray H.; Teffenhart; John; Kuzma; Jirina (for Tyndale PlainsHunter, Ltd) November 30, 1999 Walker; Frederick Herbert; Starner; William Edward; Smith; Andrea Kare (for Air Products & Chemicals) December 28, 1999 Description Aqueous coating composition




Cationic electrocoating compositions, method of making, and use




Aqueous polymer emulsion




Peelable floor coating systems




Aqueous polymer emulsion




Aqueous coating compositions comprising functional group-containing crosslinkable resins Aqueous polymer emulsion







Aqueous self-dispersible epoxy resin based on epoxy-amine adducts Aqueous coating composition Cationic electrocoating compositions, method of making, and use

260 261

5,880,190 5,936,012





Electrodepositable coating compositions having improved cure response

263 264

5,965,673 5,972,189


Epoxy-terminated prepolymer of polyepoxide and diamine with curing agent Electrodepositable coating composition containing bismuth diorganodithiocarbamates and method of electrodeposition Hydrophilic and hydrophobic polyether polyurethanes and uses therefore Polyamide curing agents based on mixtures of polyethyleneamines and piperazine derivatives








16. Bibliography JEFFAMINE Polyetheramine Applications

Ref 267 Patent # 6,017,432 Country US Author/Company or Publication/Date Boyd; Donald W.; Eswarakrishnan; Venkatachalam; McCollum; Gregory J.; Zwack; Robert R. (for PPG Industries Ohio Inc) January 25, 2000 Rannard; Steven Paul; Davis; Nicola Jane (for Courtalds Coatings Ltd) March 14, 2000 McMurdie; Neil D.; Zwack; Robert R.(for PPG Industries Ohio Inc) August 29, 2000 Stark, deceased; Charles J.; Back; Gayle Edward; Elmore; Jimmy D.; Ghosh; Kalyan; Wang; Pen-Chung; Dangayach; Kailash (for Shell Oil Co) October 3, 2000 Stark, deceased; Charles J.; Back; Gayle Edward; Elmore; Jimmy D.; Ghosh; Kalyan; Wang; Pen-Chung; Dangayach; Kailash (for Shell Oil Co) October 24, 2000 Xiao; Hong; Hsu; Gloria (for Essex Specialty Products Inc) November 28, 2000 Ariyoshi; Yasushi; Suzuki; Takehiro (for Toyo Ink Mfg Co, Ltd) January 16, 2001 Karabin; Richard F.; Kaylo; Alan J. (for PPG Industries Ohio Inc) February 20, 2001 Johnson; John R.; Roder; William R.; Henegar; C. Sherill (for Reilly Industries Inc) April 24, 2001 Stark; (deceased) Charles J.; Elmore; Jimmy D.; Back; Gayle Edward; Wang; Pen-Chung; Galgoci, Jr.; Ernest Charles (for Shell Oil Co) April 24, 2001 Okuhira; Hiroyuki; Adachi; Naoya (for The Yokohama Rubber Co Ltd) April 24, 2001 Klein; Dieter H.; Joerg; Karin C. (for The Dow Chemical Co) May 1, 2001 Robeson; Lloyd Mahlon; Dubowik; David Alan (for Air Products & Chemicals Inc) May 22, 2001 Klein; Dieter H.; Wessely; Hans Juergen; Joerg; Karin C. (for The Doe Chemical Co) June 12, 2001 Description Electrodepositable coating compositions and their use in a method of cationic electrodeposition




Selective chemical reactions and polymers of controlled architecture produced thereby Electrodeposition baths containing organic phosphorous-based compounds Epoxy resin curing agent-reacting acid-terminated polyalkylene glycol with excess amine-terminated polyamine-epoxy resin adduct










Aqueous epoxy resin system with curing agent from reacting acid-terminated polyalkylene glycol with epoxy-amine adduct




Chip resistant, vibration damping coatings for vehicles Cold curable resin composition and base material coated with the same Electrodeposition baths containing yttrium










Coal tar enamel coated steel pipe and process for same Aqueous dispersions of epoxy resins







One-pack type moisture-curable composition

278 279

6,225,376 6,235,811


In-situ emulsified reactive epoxy polymer compositions Epoxy resin-vinyl acetate polymer blends




Polymeric amines and reactive epoxy polymer compositions


16. Bibliography JEFFAMINE Polyetheramine Applications

Ref 281 Patent # 6,248,225 Country US Author/Company or Publication/Date Palaika; Thomas; Van Buskirk; Ellor J.; Corrigan; Victor G.; Eswarakrishnan; Venkatachalam; McCollum; Gregory J.; Zwack; Robert R.; Faucher; Philippe; Wilson; Craig A.; Szymanski; Chester J.; Poole; James E.; Ritter; Keith S.; Syput; Richard F. (for PPG Industries Ohio Inc) June 19, 2001 Vogel; Thomas; Wegmann; Alex (for Vantico Inc) July 10, 2001 Starner; William Edward; Dubowik; David Alan; Walker; Frederick Herbert (for Air Products & Chemicals Inc.) July 10, 2001 Krebaum; Paul (for Molex Inc) July 24, 2001 Okuhira; Hiroyuki (for The Yokohama Rubber Co Ltd) August 7, 2001 Sophiea; Daniel P.; Hoffman; Dwight K.; Hong; Xiao; Hsu; Gloria (for The Dow Chemical Co. Essex Specialty Products) August 21, 2001 Stark; (deceased) Charles J.; Back; Gayle Edward; Elmore; Jimmy D.; Ghosh; Kalyan; Wang; Pen-Chung; Dangayach; Kailash , August 21, 2001 Kelly; Sarah Anne Mackie; Birkert; Christopher Robin; Andrews; Adrian Ferguson (for Akzo Nobel NV) August 28, 2001 Papalos; John G.; Shah; Shailesh; Grinstein; Reuben H.; Mulvey; Joseph L.; Jewell; Brian G. (for Henkel Corp) September 25, 2001 Tang; Weilin; Ding; Hong; D'Errico; Michael J.; Leonard; David P. (f0r The Sherwin-Williams Co) October 2, 2001 Papalos; John G.; Shah; Shailesh; Grinstein; Reuben H.; Mulvey; Joseph L.; Jewell; Brian G. (for Henkel Corp) October 16, 2001 Stark; (deceased) Charles J.; Back; Gayle Edward; Elmore; Jimmy D.; Ghosh; Kalyan; Wang; Pen-Chung ; Dangayach; Kailash , March 19, 2002 Moriarity; Thomas C.; Eswarakrishnan; Venkatachalam; Ritter; Keith S. (for PPG Industries Ohio Inc) July 9, 2002 Description Process for forming a two-coat electrodeposited composite coating the composite coating and chip resistant electrodeposited coating composition

282 283

6,258,919 6,258,920


Curable epoxy resin compositions containing water-processable polyamine hardeners Polyamidoamine curing agents based on mixtures of fatty and aromatic carboxylic acids

284 285 286

6,265,519 6,271,333 6,277,903


Thiolamide curing agents One-part moisture curable composition Sound damping coating of flexible and rigid epoxy resins




Epoxy-functional amidoamine reacted with excess polyamine and monoepoxy as epoxy curative Coating compositions







Self-dispersing curable epoxy resins, dispersions made therewith, and coating compositions made there from Curable compositions comprising acetoacetoxy and imine functionality Self-dispersing curable epoxy resins, dispersions made therewith, and coating compositions made there from Polyamine/epoxy-functional amidoamine product with epoxy resin













Electrodepositable coating compositions including ungelled reaction products of epoxy functional polyesters and amines coated substrates and methods of electrocoating using the same


16. Bibliography JEFFAMINE Polyetheramine Applications

Ref 294 Patent # 6,423,425 Country US Author/Company or Publication/Date Faucher; Philippe; McCollum; Gregory J.; Zwack; Robert R.; Pawlik; Michael J.; Van Buskirk; Ellor James; Corrigan; Victor G (for PPG Industries Ohio Inc) July 23, 2002 Moriarity; Thomas C.; Webster, Jr.; Geoffrey R. (for PPG Industries Ohio Inc) August 20, 2002 Wichelhaus; Winfried; Lorenz; Wolfgang; Kunz; Andreas; Krey; Wolfgang (for Henkel Kommanditgellschaft auf Aktien) November 12, 2002 Nakamura; Kazuhiko; Yokota; Yoshiyuki; Takahashi; Kunio; Yoshida; Masaya (for Nippon Shokubai Co Ltd) December 3, 2002 Okuhira; Hiroyuki; Adachi; Naoya; Ishikawa; Kazunori; Takeda; Toshimitsu; Kotani; Yo (for Yokohama Rubber Co Ltd) February 25, 2003 Rajalingam; Ponswamy; Rajalingam; Umarani (for Urecoats International Inc) March 23, 2003 Takayanagi; Masaaki; Iguchi; Akiko; Gotou; Naoki; Tsuchiya; Kinya (for The Nisshin Oil Mills Ltd) July 22, 2003 Buter; Roelof; Roelofs; Andreas Henricus Johannes (for Akzo Nobel NV) August 12, 2003 Lamers; Paul H.; Martz; Jonathan T.; Meyers; Lawrence D.; Novak; Carolyn A.; Olson; Kurt G.; Rowley; James P.; Verardi; Christopher A. (for PPG Industries Ohio Inc) September 23, 2003 Eadara; Rajan; Jacob; Roy P.; Ahn; Yushin; Philip; Biju; Joseff; Jori (for Diversified Chemical Technologies Inc) May 11, 2004 Okuhira; Hiroyuki; Adachi; Naoya; Ishikawa; Kazunori; Takeda; Toshimitsu; Kotani; Yo (for Yokohama Rubber Co Ltd) June 29, 2004 Okuhira; Hiroyuki; Ishikawa; Kazunori (for Yokohama Rubber Co Ltd) September 21, 2004 Toto Kasei, April 8, 1983. Description Article having a chip-resistant electrodeposited coating and a process for forming an electrodeposited coating




Electrodepositable coating from gelled epoxypolyester and amine Conductive organic coatings







(Meth)acrylate ester-based resin composition




One-pack cold moisture curable resin compositions




Bituminous polyurethane interpenetrating elastomeric network compositions as coatings and sealants for roofing and other applications Paint or ink composition







Water-dissipatable polymers and their use in aqueous systems Curable polyurethanes, coatings prepared there from, and method of making the same







Non-polyvinyl chloride, interpenetrating network epoxy/urethane acrylates




One-part, room temperature moisture curable resin composition




Composition of polyepoxide and oxazolidine latent curing agent A coating resin prepared from piperazine or an amine containing a piperazine ring and a diepoxy compound is used in lacquer-type paint and in metal primers and wire coatings.





16. Bibliography JEFFAMINE Polyetheramine Applications

Ref 307 Patent # 60,170,621 Country JP Author/Company or Publication/Date Nianippon Ink, September 4, 1985. Description An epoxy coating composition containing a urethane-modified epoxy resin and a polyoxypropyleneamine offers improved flexibility and toughness and good weather and chemical resistance. The condensation product of phenol, poly(oxypropylene)diamine, and formaldehyde was reacted with glycidyl ethers to form luminous, elastic, thin coatings. The reaction product of a polyoxyalkyleneamine and a monoepoxide is used as an additive in a cathodic electrodeposition coating. The additive provides improved surface appearance without affecting adhesion of topcoats. Hollow fillers are used in an amine-cured epoxy coating to provide transport of liquids away from underground walls. A composition containing cycloaliphatic resin, acrylate ester, polyetherpolyamine, and aminoethylpiperazine cures rapidly to give nonyellowing, weather-resistant, high gloss coatings. A non-gelled polyepoxide-polyoxyalkyleneaminepolyamine resin is partially neutralized and used in an aqueous dispersion for electro-deposition coating to provide a good surface, a good flexibility, and water resistance. Epoxy compositions containing polyetheramines and polyamidoamines used as coatings for corroded metal surfaces require little pretreatment or cleaning of the metal to provide excellent protection and corrosion resistance. Water-based coating compositions with improved pot life contain acrylic polymers and a polyoxyalkyleneamine. The ungelled product from reaction of glycidol with an amine-functional adduct of monoepoxide and polyoxyalkyleneamine is used in electrodeposition coatings to reduce surface defects and improve topcoat adhesion. JEFFAMINE T-5000 is used in a photocurable composition to improve adhesion, flexibility, gloss, and other properties of coatings and adhesives. Non-gelled reaction products from JEFFAMINE amines, secondary amines, polyepoxides, and monoepoxides are cross-linked in aqueous coatings applied by cathodic electrodeposition. The composition offers improved emulsion stability, throwing power, and corrosion resistance.


1,951,524 1,951,525


Wilhelm Becker (to Reichhold-AlbertChemie A.-G.), June 11, 1970 and August 6, 1970. Y. Ledisert, P. Faucher, J. Roue, and R. L. Scriven (to PPG France), October 9, 1986, and August 25, 1987.


193,685 4,689,131



215,005 3,562,263


F. Augustin, K. Comehl, W. Lindner, and H. Wassong (to BASF, Farber & Faser), April 20, 1988 and May 26,1988. H. G. Waddill (to Texaco Development Corp.), January 4,1989


297,696 01,006,063



4,432,850 4,420,574 70,550


T. C. Moriarity and W. J. Geiger (to PPG Industries), February 21,1984, December 13,1983


4,507,363 166,906


S. W. Chow and D. F. Smith (to Union Carbide), March 26,1985


4,748,167 172,460 4,810,535 326,937


S. K. Das, K. 0. Olson, and J. A. Claar (to PPG Industries), February 26, 1986 McCollum and Zwack (to PPG), July 3, 1989 and August 9, 1989.




434,098 A2


R. M. Gerkin, A. D. Beckett, and J. V. Koleske (to Union Carbide Chemicals and Plastics Company, Inc.), June 26,1991. M. P. Beresford and R. P. Redman (to ICI), July 23, 1991.


5,034,434 200,397



16. Bibliography JEFFAMINE Polyetheramine Applications

Ref 318 Patent # 5,266,630 2,075,022 5,272,189 2,038,786 AU8388101 Country US GB US CA AU Author/Company or Publication/Date Noomen; Arie; Peters; Petrus J. (for Akzo NV), November 30, 1993 Kaufman; Marvin L. (for PPG Industries), December 21, 1993 Evsioukov Serguei; Hohn Arthur; Nouwen Jan; Schornick Gunnar (for BASF AG) January 2, 2002 Speranza, GP; Su, W-Y (for Texaco Development Corp) August 27, 1990 Speranza, GP; Su, W-Y (for Texaco Development Corp) October 11, 1990 Champion, Donald H.; Speranza, George P; Su, Wei-Yang (for Texaco Chemical) October 11, 1991 Champion Donald H; Speranza George P (for Texaco Chemical) June 15, 1992 Cuscurida, M; Su, WY; Renken, TL; Waddill, HG (for Texaco Chemical) February 14, 1994 Speranza, GP; Waddill, HG; Lin, JJ (for Texaco Development Corp) February 1, 1989 Speranza, GP; Champion, DH (for Texaco Chemical) June 17, 1992 Ferrara Matteo (for Sir Ind SPA) November 4, 1992 Chen Shuh-Chung; Schoenberg Jules (for National Starch Chem Invest) December 9, 1992 Krull Matthias Dr; Mielcke Erdmann; Feustel Michael Dr (for Hoechst AG) December 27, 1995 Becker, Wilhelm (Reichhold-Albert Chmie Aktiengesellschaft) January 19, 1972 KR KR KR TW Waddill, H (for Texaco Development Co) October 27, 1981 Waddill, H; (for Texaco Development Co) November 14, 1981 Im Yong; Cha Jong-Won; Park SongKwang (for Kolon Inc) June 21, 1995 Schmidt, Dale C (for Dow Chemical Co) February 11, 2003 Description Aqueous coating composition containing a functional organic compound, a curing agent, and a dispersing agent Reduced yellowing electrodepositable coating composition Polymeric aldehyde/polyetheramine networks

319 320

321 322 323

CA2003678 CA2038632 CA2038668


Elastomeric Polyamide Hot Melt Adhesives Polyether Amides and Methods Therefore Polyether Amides from Mixed Amines

324 325

CA2057632 CA2086719


Polyamides From Polyetheramines, Hexamethylene Diamine And Adipic Acid Heimd-Containing Polyetheramine Curative For Flexible, Toughened Products Aromatic amidoamines.




327 328 329

EP0490482 EP0511620 EP0517167


Polyamides from polyetheramines, hexamethylene diamine and adipic acid. Aqueous emulsions of epoxyphenolic resins. Flexible polyetheramines useful in epoxy compositions. Reaction products of polyetheramines with polymers of alpha, beta- unsaturated dicarboxylic acids Curing of Epoxy Resins






332 333 334 335

KR8101536 KR8101793 KR9506724 TW520382

Method of Improving Properties of Curable Epoxy Resin Composition Process For Accelerated Cure Of Epoxy Resins Method For Producing Polyamid A composition comprising a stable aqueous dispersion of an acid salt of a polyetheramine having structural units and a method of preparing a stable aqueous dispersion of an acid salt of a polyetheramine Preparation Of Polyetheramines And Polyetheramine Derivatives




Chang Dane; Wilson David A(for Dow Chemical Co) August 21, 1997


16. Bibliography JEFFAMINE Polyetheramine Applications

Ref 337 Patent # Country Author/Company or Publication/Date S. V. Urs and S. A. Puglia, "Development of Flexible Epoxy Resins and Coatings," AD-645,798, December 1966; U.S. Govt. Res. Develop. Dept., July 25,1967. R. G. Young and W. R. Howell, Modern Paint and Coatings 65, No. 3, p. 43 (1975). V. S. Nithianandam, F. Chertok, and S. Erhan, Journal of Coatings Technology 1991, 63(796), 47-9. Y. Huang and A. J. Kinloch, Polymer 1992, 33(6), 1331-2. Description A flexible epoxy coating system suitable for use on naval aircraft was prepared by curing an epoxy resin with a polyoxypropylene diamine of ~500 mol. wt. Polyoxypropylenediamines, e.g., JEFFAMINE D-230 and D-400, are regarded as "the best known long-chain aliphatic amines for decorative coatings." Coating formulations are included. Studies of JEFFAMINE D-400-p-benzoquinone polymers show that addition of polyamines and epoxides to the polymer can cause improved adhesion. Toughness of a cured epoxy system is increased through microvoid formation caused by the addition of JEFFAMINE BuD-2000 to the system. Fast-curing epoxy resin compositions were prepared by addition of carbon disulfide to polyoxyalkylenepolyamines or other polyamines prior to mixing with a bisphenol A-epichlorohydrin polymer. Products of the reaction of the hydrogenated adduct of acrylonitrile and JEFFAMINE D-400 with formaldehyde and phenol were rapidly reacting hardeners with epoxy resins. Fast, efficient, low-temperature cures of epoxy resins were achieved through use of a combination of a sulfonamide and a polyoxyalkylenepolyamine. Curing of epoxy resins with polyoxypropylenepolyamines was accelerated in the presence of a mixture of N-(3aminopropyl)piperazine and salicylic acid. A mixture of a polyamine and an organic sulfonic acid was synergistic for accelerating the cure of epoxy resins with polyoxypropylenediamines. Oximes (e.g., benzaldoxime) accelerated the cure of epoxy resins and a polyoxypropylenediamine. A synergistic mixture of polyoxyalkylenepolyamine, N-(3aminopropyl)piperazine, salicylic acid, and a phenol cured epoxy resins rapidly. Epoxy resins were cured rapidly with polyoxypropylenepolyamines in the presence of synergistic accelerator mixtures of organic sulfonic acids, e.g., methanesulfonic acid, and polyamines, e.g., N-(2-aminoethyl)piperazine.




Curing Accelerated
341 972,096 CA Norman B. Godfrey and Heinz Schulze (to Jefferson Chemical Co.), July 29, 1975. H. G. Waddill and H. P. Klein (to Texaco Development Corp.), June 28, 1979. Norman B. Godfrey and Heinz Schulze (to Jefferson Chemical Co.), July 6, 1971. Floyd E. Bentley and Norman B. Godfrey (to Jefferson Chemical Co.), February 8, 1972. Norman B. Godfrey (to Jefferson Chemical Co.), May 30, 1972. Donald D. Carlos and David A. Shimp (to Celanese Coating Co.), November 21,1972. Floyd E. Bentley and Norman B. Godfrey (to Jefferson Chemical Co.), June 19, 1973. Norman B. Godfrey (to Jefferson Chemical Co.), January 15, 1974.























16. Bibliography JEFFAMINE Polyetheramine Applications

Ref 349 Patent # 4,110,313 Country US Author/Company or Publication/Date Heinz Schulze and H. G. Waddill (to Texaco Development Corp.), August 29, 1978. H. G. Waddill (to Texaco Development Corp.), November 28, 1978. H. G. Waddill (to Texaco Development Corp.), March 25, 1980. Description Epoxy resins cured rapidly in the presence of dithiocarbarnate salts of polyoxyalkylenepolyamines. An accelerator for curing epoxy resins with polyoxyalkylene polyamines consisted of a mixture of iminobispropylamine and salicylic acid. Noncrystallizing accelerators of epoxy resin curing with polyoxyalkylenepolyamines consist of mixtures of N-(aminoethyl)piperazine, piperazine, and triethanolamine. Mannich bases prepared from aminopropyl derivatives of JEFFAMINE amines act as fast curing agents for epoxy resins. N,N1-polyoxyalkylene bis(lactam carboxylic acids) prepared from polyoxyalkylenepolyamines and unsaturated carboxylic acids were used as accelerators in curing epoxy resins. Alkyleneimine-modified polyoxyalkylenepolyamines cure epoxy resins at a high rate. JEFFAMINE amine/boron trifluoride complexes act as accelerators for cure of epoxy resins. Oxime carbonates are used as accelerators for amine-cured epoxy systems. New epoxy curing agents and/or accelerators are Mannich condensates prepared from 2,6-di-tertbutylphenol and polyoxyalkyleneamines. Thiocyanate complexes of imidazolines are used to accelerate Cure of epoxy resins by JEFFAMINE T-403 or ethyleneamines. Non-nucleophilic acid/amine salts are used as catalysts for amine-cured epoxy compositions in coatings, adhesives, RIM, composites, and other applications. Equivalent reacting amounts of an acrylate ester and piperazine are added to a resin system cured with a JEFFAMINE polyetheramine in order to speed cure rate. A dimethylaminomethylated polyalkenylphenol is used to accelerate cure of an epoxy resin with an amine hardener. Low viscosity epoxy systems containing amineterminated liquid rubber copolymers and cured with polyoxyalkyleneamines use catalysts such as dicyandiamide or boron trifluoride complexes. An accelerator combination of piperazine and an alkanolamine was used to cure epoxy resins with a polyoxyalkylenepolyamine.










H. G. Waddill and H. P. Klein (to Texaco Development Corp.), October 7, 1980. Heinz Schulze, R. L. Zimmerman, and H. G. Waddill (to Texaco Development Corp.), June 1, 1982. Umeda and Y Iwase (to Texaco Inc.), March 13, 1984. A. B. Goel (to Ashland Oil, Inc.), July 28, 1987. A. B. Goel (to Ashland Oil, Inc.), July 28, 1987. R. A. Grigsby and G. P. Speranza (to Texaco Inc.), December 22, 1987. A. B. Goel (to Ashland Oil, Inc.), August 2, 1988. A. B. Goel (to Ashland Oil, Inc.), October 10, 1988.




354 355 356 357

4,436,891 4,683,282 4,683,284 4,714,750











H. G. Waddill (to Texaco Chemical Company), May 30, 1989.




Mitsui Petrochemical Industries, August 20, 1986. Nitto Electric Ind., October 17, 1986.





3,875,072 2,411,284


H. G. Waddill (to Jefferson Chemical Co.), April 1, 1975; and September 26, 1974.


16. Bibliography JEFFAMINE Polyetheramine Applications

Ref 364 Patent # 4,326,050 2,721,626 Country US GR Author/Company or Publication/Date Heinz Schulze, R. L. Zimmerman, and H. G. Waddill (to Texaco Development Corp.), April 20, 1982 and December 15, 1977. Don L. Stevens and Harold E. Filter (to Dow Chemical Co.), March 2, 1972. Ronald L. DeHoff (to R. T. Vanderbilt Co., Inc.), March 23, 1972. Description An aromatic polyamine-cured epoxy composition containing an accelerator prepared from JEFFAMINE amines and a lactam offers high strength and good solvent resistance. Salts of polyoxypropylenediamine and several acids were useful epoxy resin curing agents. Liquid mixtures of an aniline/formaldehyde condensate with 2-methylimidazole and, in some cases, a polyoxypropylenediamine have good shelf life and are useful as epoxy resin hardeners. Complexes of amine-terminated polyoxyalkylenes with divalent metal salts of sulfonic, phosphonic, or carboxyl-containing N heterocyclic carboxylic acids were used as cross-linking agents for epoxy resins. Epoxy/complex mixtures had a shelf life of ~70 days. Metal salt/amine complexes in which the amine was a polyoxyalkylenepolyamine (JEFFAMINE D-2000) cured readily when mixed with an epoxy resin and heated to ~160oC. Such mixtures were stable at 400C for ~70 days. Latent-cure adhesives are made from epoxy resins and polyoxyalkylenediamine biguanide salts as curing agents. Epoxy systems cured with JEFFAMINE D-400 use phenol carbonates as latent accelerators. An epoxy composition uses carboxylic acids and imidazolyltriazine compounds to give waterproof and chemical-resistant compositions with rapid cure at elevated temperatures. Azine derivatives of imidazoles and carboxylic anhydrides are used as latent accelerators in amine-cured epoxy compositions. Storage-stable adhesives are made from epoxy resin-polyoxypropylenediamine adducts, dicyandiamide, and a dimethylurea. A zinc-pyrrolidone-carboxylate complex with a long-chain polyoxypropylenediamine (JEFFAMINE D-2000) was found to give variable processing and properties over a broad range. A floor covering coating system which provides increased working life and reduced air entrapment is formulated using a polyoxypropyleneamine. Hydrophilic polymers prepared from aqueous solutions or dispersions of polyoxypropylenepolyamine N,N'1polymethylene sulfonates are described which are useful for earth injection where consolidation is needed.

Curing Latent
365 366 2,143,845 2,145,833 GR GR




Friedrich Stockinger, Sameer H. Eldin, and Friedrich Lohse (to Ciba-Geigy A.G.), May 10, 1979.




Sameer H. Eldin, Friedrich Lohse, and Friedrich Stockinger (to Ciba-Geigy Corp.), August 19, 1980.




D. R. McCoy and H. G. Waddill (to Texaco Inc.), September 6, 1983. A. B. Goel (to Ashland Oil, Inc.), July 28, 1987. Hitachi Chemical, March 31, 1978.

370 371

4,683,283 53,034,896





Hitachi Chemical, March 31, 1978.




Mitsui Petrochemical Industries, Ltd., October 15,1982. Sameer H. Eldin, Friedrich Stockinger, Friedrich Lohse, and Grety Rihs, J. Appl. Poly. Sci. 26,3609-3622 (1981).


375 1,250,568 RU E. V. Grigorev, T. P. Fornicheva, and E. G. KutGBhtin (to Ind. Bldgs. Struc. Res.), August 15, 1986. Heinz Schulze and H. G. Waddill (to Texaco Inc.), May 10, 1983.





16. Bibliography JEFFAMINE Polyetheramine Applications

Ref 377 Patent # 4,487,805 Country US Author/Company or Publication/Date Kathy B. Sellstrom (to Texaco Inc.,) November 12, 1984. Description A decorative epoxy resin aggregate binder formulation is described in which the curing system is composed of a polyoxypropylenediamine, Naminoethylpiperazine, nonylphenol, and a UV absorber. A decorative aggregate binder system is described, the curing system of which is composed of a polyoxypropylenediamine, nonylphenol, and m-xylenediamine. Manufacture of flexible polyurethane foam containing a condensation product of polyethylene terephthalate Rapid set lightweight cement product




Kathy B. Sellstrom and H. G. Waddill (to Texaco Inc.), November 12, 1984.




Peterson; Bruce W.; Speranza; George P; Grigsby, Jr.; Robert A., (for Texaco, Inc.), December 25, 1984 Miller; Richard; Rizer; Janine M., (for Research One Limited Partnership), February 26, 1985 Cummings; Lowell O., (for Chemcrete International), March 4, 1986 Gordon; James R., July 5, 1988 Mikus; John P.; Robert W.; Ward; Thomas A.; Seiner; Jerome A. (for PPG Industries), February 29, 1989 Kathy B. Sellstrom and H. G. Waddill (to Texaco Inc.), May 9, 1989. Kathy B. Sellstrom and H. G. Waddill (to Texaco Chemical Company), February 27, 1990. Kathy B. Sellstrom and H. G. Waddill (to Texaco Chemical Company), September 17, 1991. Bredow; Charles W.; Schindler; Frederick J, (for Rohm & Haas Co), November 10, 1992 Darwen; Stuart P.; Cornforth; David A. (for Air Products and Chemical Inc), September 27, 1994 Neuner; John D. (for Hexcel Corp) December 12, 2000 Rajalingam; Ponswamy; Rajalingam; Umarani (for Urecoats Technologies Inc) August 7 ,2001 M. W. Phillips and J. E. Selwyn, "Epoxies for Wood Repairs in Historic Buildings," U.S. Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C., 1978. Kathy B. Sellstrom, "Curing Agents for Epoxy Polymer Concrete," presented at the SPI/Epoxy Resin Formulators Conference, Nashville, Tenn., October 10-12, 1990.




381 382 383

4,574,145 4,754,590 4,808,476


Epoxy curing agents and method for making them Method and apparatus for waterproofing concrete Method for protecting heat sensitive substrates from fire and excessive heat and resulting article JEFFAMINE polyoxyethyleneamine is used in a formulation for epoxy polymer concrete useful for road and bridge deck overlays. A rapid-cure epoxy polymer concrete formulation useful in large scale repair of cementitious road and bridge surfaces is disclosed. Polymer concrete compositions that bond well to wet or dry cementitious surfaces are presented. Polymer-modified cements with improved chemical resistance Water dispersible polyamine-epoxy adduct and epoxy coating composition Non-cementious concrete-like material Bituminous polyurethane interpenetrating elastomeric network compositions as coatings and sealants for roofing and other applications
















389 390

6,160,041 6,271,305




Properties of epoxy polymer concrete systems cured with the JEFFAMINE polyetheramines are discussed.


16. Bibliography JEFFAMINE Polyetheramine Applications

Ref Patent # Country Author/Company or Publication/Date G. P. Speranza and W. Y. Su (to Texaco Chemical Company), October 16, 1991. F. C. Onwumere (to Becton, Dickinson, and Co.), January 2, 1992. M. A. Cannon, R. Ruelle, and D. L. Dufour (to Monsanto Company), January 15, 1992. John C. Smith (to Dow Chemical Co.), January 17, 1967. Description

393 451,951 EP JEFFAMINE EDR-192 and aromatic dicarboxylic acids are used to produce polymers having good water absorbency. Melt-processable polyurea-polyurethane elastomers containing JEFFAMINE D-4000 are used in the manufacture of biocompatible medical goods. Polyurethane-containing polymer blends modified with JEFFAMINE ED-600 offer improved low temperature flexibility and reduced plasticizer migration in high temperature molding operations. A diglycidyl ether mixture was cured with a polyoxypropylenediamine and ethanolamine to form a soft elastomer with high elongation, tensile strength, and clarity. A carbon-black-filled epichlorohydrin-ethylene oxide copolymer was vulcanized with a polyoxypropylenepolyamine to give ozoneresistant rubbers. Epoxy resins were modified with hydrogen sulfide and cured with an aminated polyglycol to produce flexible laminates. A graft polymer dispersion prepared through reaction of a primary amine-terminated polyoxypropylene polyether polymer (JEFFAMINE product) with styrene and acrylonitrile was used to cure a polyepoxide compound. The reactants formed an elastomeric material after heat curing. Epoxy-terminated adducts prepared with JEFFAMINE D-2000 and a liquid epoxy resin were reacted with JEFFAMINE EDR-148 to give a flexible cured polymer. Polyoxyalkylenepolyamines are reacted with blocked isocyanate prepolymers to yield cured elastomeric products with exceptional elongation, impact strength, and peel strength. Elastomeric reaction products of aromatic isocyanate, aliphatic isocyanate and aromatic diamine components Amidoamines prepared from a mixture of di- and tricarboxylic acids/ esters/anhydrides and a mixture of polyoxyalkylene di- and triamines allow rapid cure of epoxy resins at ambient temperatures. Polyamido diprimary amines prepared by reacting JEFFAMINE amines with dicarboxylic acids and then reacting the resulting diacids with lower molecular weight diprimary amines are used to cure epoxy resins.













G. P. Speranza and H. G. Waddill (to Jefferson Chemical Co.), September 21, 1971. James L. Bertram, et al. (to Dow Chemical Co.), August 13,1974. John E. Davis and Moses Cenker (to BASF-Wyandotte Corp.), February 27, 1982.










J. J. Lin and G. P. Speranza (to Texaco Chemical Company), June 18, 1991 H. G. Waddill (to Texaco Chemical Company), October 1, 1991.







Engebretson; Preston J. (for Thare Coat Inc.), October 22, 1991

Encapsulation & Mouldings

403 301,706 EP H. G. Waddill, J. J. Lin, and G. P. Speranza (to Texaco Development Corp.), February 1, 1989. J. J. Lin and G. P. Speranza (to Texaco Development Corp.), February 1, 1989.





16. Bibliography JEFFAMINE Polyetheramine Applications

Ref 405 Patent # 435,497 Country EP Author/Company or Publication/Date G. P. Speranza and J. J. Lin (to Texaco Chemical Company), July 3, 1991. Toshiba Chem., June 29, 1989. Description Polyamidoamines useful as epoxy curing agents are prepared from JEFFAMINE EDR-1 92 and maleic or fumaric acids or derivatives of the acids. Polyetherdiamines used as curing agents in a low color epoxy formulation offer improved processability and good mechanical strength, heat resistance, and toughness. A propylene glycol amine was used to cure a glycidyl ether to form a heat-stable, impactresistant composition useful in soundproofing applications. Hard epoxy resins with improved impact strength were prepared by treating glycidyl ethers with oxypropylated trimethylolpropane-ammonia reaction products. Gas gyroscope bearing envelopes with improved shrinkage resistance were prepared comprising a matrix and a coated hemispheric cavity. The cavity was coated with an epoxy resin hardened with a polyoxypropyleneamine. Compositions suitable for injection molding of eyeglass frames contained bisphenol A epoxy resin, polyether diamine, and the trimethyl derivative of hexamethylenediamine. Fast curing time permitted large-scale production and low softening temperature made lens insertion easy. Polyoxypropylenediamines, treated with urea, phenyl isocyanate, formic acid, or benzyl alcohol to prepare diureides or diamides, were used as additives to improve thermal shock resistance of epoxy resins hardened with methyl-5-norbornene2,3-dicarboxylic anhydride. Isophoronediamine and a polypropylene glycol triamine are used with an epoxy resin to produce eyeglass frames. JEFFAMINE D-400 is a component of a liquid epoxy hardener system also containing epoxy adducts or Michael adducts of imidazoles and other aliphatic or alicyclic primary amines. The hardener blend provides longer pot life and improved strength. A composition useful for potting electronic components but easily removable for repair of components was formulated from a dihydroxyphenol; the diglycidyl ether of a polyoxyalkylene glycol; a polyoxyalkylenediamine (JEFFAMINE D-230); a primary or secondary alkyl-, alkanol-, or arylamine; and polyvinylpyrrolidone.







Farbwerke Hoechst A.-G., May 2, 1969. Farbwerke Hoechst A.-G., May 16, 1969.







John L. Evans and Anthony G. Rubino (to Singer-General Precision, Inc.), May 14, 1971.




Peter R. Ramirez (to American Optical Corp.), September 15, 1977.




Heinz Schulze and H. G. Waddill (to Texaco Development Corp.), May 24, 1978.




L. Kamlander (to Optique du Monde), August 30, 1979. Kazumasa Kobayashi, et al. (to Nippon Steel Chemical Co., Ltd.; Dainippon Ink and Chemicals, Inc.), December 6, 1991. S. Yen Lee (to U.S. Government, Secretary of Army), December 30, 1975.








16. Bibliography JEFFAMINE Polyetheramine Applications

Ref 415 Patent # 4,002,598 Country US Author/Company or Publication/Date Texaco Development Corp., January 11, 1977. Description Improved epoxy properties are obtained with a curing agent prepared from a polyoxyalkyleneamine and urea, a urea-forming compound, or a difunctional isocyanate. Epoxy resin compositions containing bis(hydroxyalkyl)poly(oxyalkylene)dicarbamates and cured with bicyclic anhydrides have high resistance to thermal shock and are useful in encapsulating or potting compounds. Thermal shock properties of epoxy resin castings cured with aromatic or alicyclic anhydrides were improved by addition of a polyoxypropylenediamine succinimide bisurea. Resistance to thermal shock of certain anhydridecured epoxy resins was enhanced without compromising heat deflection properties by addition of a diamide of a polyoxyalkylenepolyamine-urea condensate with a 400-4500 mol. Wt. Polyether-ureas, prepared by treating a polyoxyalkylenepolyamine with urea, were good curing agents for epoxy resins, imparting improved tensile shear strength, flexural strength, and elongation. Thixotropic polyurethane compositions as sealants for membrane separatory devices An epoxy curing agent prepared from an alkyleneimine and a polyoxyalkylenepolyamine provides reduced cure time and improved epoxy properties. Recycled polyethylene terephthalate is reacted with an excess of various amines, including JEFFAMINE D- and T-series polyetheramines, to give modified curing agents with faster cure rate than the unmodified amines. Bis(hydrogen maleates) of polyoxyalkylenepolyamines cure epoxy resins to provide improved flexibility and reduced brittleness. Recycled polyurethane elastomers are reacted with excess amines, including JEFFAMINE Dand T-series amines, to give extended amine curing agents. Monoamides are prepared from fatty monocarboxylic acids and polyoxyalkylenepolyamines for use as epoxy curing agents for adhesives and thermal shock-resistant encapsulations. Amine curing agents containing recycled polyurethane elastomeric materials or Mannich condensates of the extended amines are useful as epoxy curing agents.




Lee G. Meyer (to Texaco Development Corp.), October 24, 1978.




H. G. Waddill and Heinz Schulze (to Texaco Development Corp.), March 27, 1979. H. G. Waddill and Heinz Schulze (to Texaco Development Corp.), September 25, 1979.







H. G. Waddill and Heinz Schulze (to Texaco Development Corp.), December 11, 1979.

420 421

4,267,044 4,436,891


Kroplinski; Thaddues F.; Case; Barton C. (for NL Industries), May 12, 1981 A. Umeda and Y Iwase (to MitsuiTexaco Chemical), March 13, 1984.




Kathy B. Sellstrom and G. P. Speranza (to Texaco Inc.), April 30, 1985.




H. G. Waddill and Heinz Schulze (to Texaco Development Corp.), May 21, 1985. Kathy B. Sellstrom and H. G. Waddill (to Texaco Inc.), November 12, 1985. H. G. Waddill (to Texaco Development Corp.), August 6, 1985.










Kathy B. Sellstrom and H. G. Waddill (to Texaco Inc.), March 25, 1986.


16. Bibliography JEFFAMINE Polyetheramine Applications

Ref 427 Patent # 4,581,422 Country US Author/Company or Publication/Date G. P. Speranza and H. G. Waddill (to Texaco Inc.), April 6, 1986. Description A new epoxy curing agent is prepared from dicyandiamide, formaldehyde, and JEFFAMINE amines; the viscous liquid product is easily dispersed uniformly into epoxy resins. Epoxy resins are cured with Mannich condensates prepared from hydantoin, formaldehyde, and JEFFAMINE polyetheramines. Mannich condensates from imidazole, formaldehyde, and a JEFFAMINE polyetheramine are used as epoxy curing agents. A variety of polyetheramines prepared from aminated, propoxylated 1,4-butanediol are used to cure epoxy resins. JEFFAMINE products are condensed with phenyl indane carboxylic acid to form an amidoamine useful as an epoxy curative. Polyether glycols modified with phenyl glycidyl ether and then aminated are used as epoxy curing agents. Mannich condensates prepared from JEFFAMINE EDR-148, nonylphenol, and formaldehyde are light-colored liquid products useful as epoxy curing agents. Paired Mannich condensates prepared from alkylphenols, formaldehyde, and two polyoxyalkylenepolyamines are used as epoxy curing agents. Imines and secondary amines prepared from JEFFAMINE DU-700 or other polyetheramines with hydrogen bonding moieties in the backbone are used in epoxy curing. Ambient temperature mix, cast, and cure composite propellant formulations Products of the reaction of polyetheramine with urea-formaldehyde resins offer improved toughness and strength when used to cure epoxy resins. A reactive epoxy resin composition for molding, coating, or potting materials is modified with a carboxyl-terminated butadiene nitrile rubber and cured with amines, including polyetherdiamines. Improvements in mechanical strength and resistance to heat and impact are noted. An unsaturated epoxy ester composition containing polyetherpolyamines or other amines has viscosity suitable for preparing prepregs and has high hot compression moldability.




G. P. Speranza and H. G. Waddill (to Texaco Chemical Company), April 8, 1986. H. G. Waddill and G. P. Speranza (to Texaco Chemical Company), April 5,1988. R. L. Zimmerman, H. G. Waddill, and Kathy B. Sellstrom (to Texaco Chemical Company), September 6, 1988. H. G. Waddill, J. J. Lin, and G. P. Speranza (to Texaco Chemical Company), December 6, 1988. J. M. Larkin, R. L. Zimmerman, M. Cuscurida, and H. G. Waddill (to Texaco Chemical Company), April 25, 1989. G. P. Speranza and J. J. Lin (to Texaco Chemical Company), March 24, 1992. G. P. Speranza and J. J. Lin (to Texaco Chemical Company), March 31, 1992. Harris, Haberman, and Joseph (to Dow Chemical), April 28, 1992.






















436 437

5,472,532 8,400,376


Wallace, II; Ingvar A. (for Thiokol Corp.) December 5, 1995 L. 0. Cummings, February 2, 1984.




Kanegafuchi Chem., April 10, 1986.




Mitsubishi Gas Chem. Ind., January 29, 1988.


16. Bibliography JEFFAMINE Polyetheramine Applications

Ref 440 Patent # 4,574,143 131,401 60,036,526 8,702,686 224,422 62,502,346 Country US EP JP WO EP JP Author/Company or Publication/Date Kathy B. Sellstrom and H. G. Waddill (to Texaco, Inc.), March 4, 1986 S. Druelle, J. Galy, F. MicfIdans, J. Pascault, S. Montranal, and H. Sautereau (to Dow), May 7, 1987, June 3, 1987, and September 10, 1987. H. G. Waddill and H. P. Klein (to Texaco Development Corp.), January 23, 1987 J. A. Rinde, F. W. Mercer, K. Dawes, and R. B.G. Bownik (to Raychem Corporation), September 5, 1991. David Evans, John T. Morgan, et al., "Epoxy Resins for Superconducting Magnet Encapsulation." Report, 1972, RHEPR-251, 27 pp. (Avail. Dept. NTIS [U.S. sales only] GBAEA). H. G. Waddill, Soc. Adv. of Mat and Process Eng. 11th Nat Technical Conf, 182-194 (1979). Description Extended amine-type curing agents are prepared from scrap polyethylene terephthalate and polyoxypropyleneamines. Epoxy prepolymers prepared from butadiene/acrylonitrile copolymers are cured with polyetherdiamines.



87,003,169 2,854,827


The Mannich condensate prepared from phenol, formaldehyde, and an aminopropylene derivative of a polyoxyalkyleneamine provides rapid cure of epoxy resins at ambient temperatures. Cross-linked polyurea compositions prepared from JEFFAMINE D-400 and blocked isocyanates are used in potting applications, Epoxy resin systems were evaluated for use at liquid helium temperatures. The more shockresistant resins tested contained chains of polyether bonds. JEFFAMINE products produced satisfactory systems. The use of polyoxyalkylenediamine bis(carbamoyl)ether to enhance properties of adhesion and thermal shock was described. Evidence for development of "microvoid" systems was shown to explain the effectiveness of the additive. Several epoxy resin systems were evaluated for use with the reaction injection molding (RIM) process. Polyoxyalkylenepolyamines were found to have limited use in RIM applications because of their low reactivity. Composites with good flexibility, tear resistance, and peel strength were prepared by reaction of a hydrogen sulfide-modified epoxy resin with an aminated polypropylene glycol. The resin curative system was applied to spun Mylar to form a flexible laminate. Molded plastic parts, particularly spin-cast plastic parts for eyeglass frames Curable polyepoxide-unsaturated monomer compositions suitable for use in rim processes Curable epoxy compositions suitable for use in RIM processes Epoxy resins are cured with blends of imidazole or substituted imidazoles and JEFFAMINE polyetheramines.







H. G. Waddill, Reinf. Plastics/Compos. Inst., SPI ANTEC, 22b, 1 5 (1980).

Laminates and Composites

447 3,819,474 US James L. Bertram, Ross C. Whiteside, and Preston H. Franke, Jr. (to Dow Chemical Co.), June 25, 1974.




Arons; Irving J.; Merrill; Richard E.; Drennan; Arthur P., (for Universal Optical Co), October 13, 1981 De La Mare; Harold E.; Brownscombe; Thomas F. (for Shell Oil), June 21, 1983 De La Mare; Harold E.; Brownscombe; Thomas F. (for Shell Oil), August 9, 1983 H. G. Waddill (to Texaco Development Corp.), July 9,1985.











16. Bibliography JEFFAMINE Polyetheramine Applications

Ref 452 Patent # 4,605,688 Country US Author/Company or Publication/Date Kathy B. Sellstrom and H. G. Waddill (to Texaco Inc.), August 12, 1986. Kathy B. Sellstrom (to Texaco Inc.), August 26, 1986. Schappert; Raymond F. (Pittsburgh, PA); Piccirilli; Robert M., (for PPG Industries, Inc.), April 19, 1988 Parker; Delbert R.; Clark; Daren A. (for AB Chance Co), May 24, 1988 Marikar; Yusuf M. F.; Besso; Michael M. (for Hoechst Celanese Corp) , May 24, 1988 Marikar; Yusuf M. F.; Besso; Michael M. (for Hoechst Celanese Corp) , November 1, 1988 Wang, Atkins, Esebi, and Dearlove (to General Motors Corp.), April 24, 1990. Bartizal; Dennis C.; Campagna; Anthony J. (for 3M), April 16, 1991 Edwards; Granville D.; Wilson; Bonita S. (for Shell Oil Co), April 14, 1992 Yamaguchi; Keizaburo; Tanabe; Yoshimitsu; Urakami; Tatsuhiro; Yamaguchi; Akihiro; Yamaya; Norimasa; Ohta; Masahiro (for Mitsui Toatsu Chemical Inc), April 21, 1992 Madan; Sanjeev; Kogelnik; HansJoachim; Daneshvar; Majid, (for Miles Inc), March 9, 1993 Muhlebach; Andreas; Gruber; Erich, (for Ciba-Geigy, Corp), May 11, 1993 Waddill; Harold G.; Su; Wei-Yang; Cuscurida; Michael; Renken; Terry L. (for Texaco Chemical Co), October 5, 1993 Madan; Sanjeev; Kogelnik; HansJoachim; Daneshvar; Majid; Pantone; Richard S.; Clatty; Jan L. R. (for Miles, Inc.) January 4, 1994 McGarry; Frederick J.; McBain; Douglas S. (for GenCorp, Inc), August 2, 1994 McGarry; Frederick J.; McBain; Douglas S. (for GenCorp, Inc), March 12, 1996 Description Syntactic foam is prepared from an epoxy resin cured with JEFFAMINE D-230, glass microballoons, and amine-functional surfactants and modifiers. Syntactic foam formulations with improved processing characteristics use an epoxy resin binder cured with JEFFAMINE D-230. Curable epoxy based compositions having reduced shrinkage during cure Method of making an end cap connection for a fluid-resistance electrical device Electrically conductive thermally stabilized acrylic fibrous material and process for preparing same Electrically conductive thermally stabilized acrylic fibrous material and process for preparing same High strength epoxy tooling compositions curable at room temperature are cured with JEFFAMINE amines and contain interstitiallymatched filler systems. Resilient semi-rigid orthopedic support devices Epoxy resin system for insitu rehabilitation of pipes Aromatic amine resins, processes for producing the same and a thermosetting resin composition containing the same







455 456

4,746,381 4,746,541








459 460 461

5,007,418 5,104,691 5,106,953





Process for the preparation of a polyurethane structural support Thermosetting composition Heimd-containing polyetheramine curative for flexible, toughened products

463 464

5,210,169 5,250,632





Process for the preparation of a composite structure comprising a ceramic enamel layer and polyurethane layers Composite comprising unsaturated polyesterflexible polymer block copolymer coated fiber structures in a polyester or vinyl ester resin matrix Polyester-flexible polymer block copolymer coated fiber structures








16. Bibliography JEFFAMINE Polyetheramine Applications

Ref 468 Patent # 5,565,499 Country US Author/Company or Publication/Date Klemarczyk; Philip T.; Okamoto; Yoshihisa; Moran, Jr.; James P. (for Loctite Corp) October 15, 1996 Klemarczyk; Philip T.; Okamoto; Yoshihisa; Moran, Jr.; James P. (for Loctite Corp)December 17, 1996 Nakajima; Masayuki; Coalson; Richard L.; Olson; Kurt G.; Desai; Umesh C. (for PPG Industries Inc) July 29, 1997 Klemarczyk; Philip T.; Okamoto; Yoshihisa; Moran, Jr.; James P.; Levandoski; Susan; Hanlon; Veronica (for Loctite Corp) October 21, 1997 Ellwood; Michael; Leeming; Stephen William (for Zeneca Limited) March 9, 1999 Krebaum; Paul (for Molex Inc) September 14, 1999 Smith; Stuart B. (for Hebr International Inc) February 29, 2000 Cummings Gerald W; Clark Richard J; Evans Randall K; Hess Kevin J; Crawford Wheeler C; Dominguez Richard Joseph Gilbert; Henkee Christopher S (for Huntsman Specialty Chemical Corp) July 25, 2000 Scholz; Matthew T.; Edgar; Jason L.; Callinan; Andrew J.; Ersfeld; Dean A.; Mindaye; Worku A. (for 3M Innovative Properties Co) August 8, 2000 Wool; Richard; Kusefoglu; Selim; Palmese; Giuseppe; Khot; Shrikant; Zhao; Ralph (for University of Delaware) September 19, 2000 Dominguez Richard J G; Evans Randall Keith; Clark Richard J (for Huntsman Specialty Chemical Corp) October 31, 2000 Clark Richard J; Crawford Wheeler C; Henkee Christopher S (for Huntsman Specialty Chemical Corp) November 14, 2000 Dominguez Richard J G; Evans Randall Keith; Clark Richard J (for Huntsman Specialty Chemical Corp) October 23, 2001 Kamae; Toshiya; Oosedo; Hiroki; Noda; Shunsaku; Kouchi; Shinji; Sawaoka; Ryuji (for Toray Industries Inc) June 25, 2002 Description Filament-winding compositions for fiber/resin composites Filament winding compositions for fiber/resin composites Water-based vacuum forming laminating adhesive Method of preparing fiber/resin composites













Composite articles

473 474 475

5,952,446 6,031,046 6,093,496


Elastomeric epoxy composition Unsaturated polyester resin composition Polyolefin containing polyetheramine modified functionalized polyolefin




Light-weight orthopedic casting article




High modulus polymers and composites from plant oils




Polyether amine modification of polypropylene




Article manufacture using polyolefin containing polyetheramine modified functionalized polyolefin




Polyether amine modification of polypropylene




Epoxy resin compositions, epoxy resin compositions for fiber-reinforced composite materials, and fiber-reinforced composite materials comprising the same


16. Bibliography JEFFAMINE Polyetheramine Applications

Ref 482 483 Patent # 6,573,309 6,649,707 Country US US Author/Company or Publication/Date Reitenbach; Dirk; Muenz; Xaver (for Henkel Teroson GmbH) June 3, 2003 Rhodes; Larry F.; Goodall; Brian L.; Mulhaupt; Rolf; Shick; Robert A.; Benedikt; George M.; Jayaraman; Sai Kumar; Soby; Lynn M.; McIntosh, III; Lester H. (for Sumitomo Bakelite Co Ltd) November 18, 2003 Lapp; Christy K.; Grund; Paul D. (for Westinghouse Electric Corp), October 5, 1993 Cummings Gerald W; Dominguez Richard J G; Clark Richard J; Evans Randall K; Hess Kevin J; Crawford Wheeler C; Henkee Christopher S (for Huntsman Specialty Chemical Corp) December 8, 1998 Gerkin Richard Michael; Kirchner David Lee (for Huntsman Corp) June 9, 1998 Esneault Calvin P; Maugans Rexford A; Ho Thoi H; Patel Rajen M; Bensason Selim; Chum Pak-Wing S; Hahn Stephen F; Walsh Leonie K (for Dow Chemical Co) February 8, 2001 Crawford W C; Dominguez R J G; Henkee C S (for Huntsman Specialty Chemical Corp) May 31, 2000 Richard J Clark; Joseph Gilbert Richard Dominguez; Randall Keith Evans (for Huntsman Specialty Chemical Corp) April 25, 2000 Glass Terry W; Sanford Joe T; White Jerry E (for Dow Chemical Co) February 11, 2000 T. T. Chiao, A. D. Cummins, and R. L. Moore, Composites, Vol 3, p. 10 (1972). T. T. Chiao and R. L. Moore, S.A.M.P.E. Quarterly, Vol. 3, No. 3 (1972). T. T. Chiao and R. L. Moore (Lawrence Livermore Lab., Univ. of Calif., 201 Livermore, Calif.), Report 1973, UCRL-74751, T. T. Chiao, R. L. Moore, and C. M. Walkup, S.A.M.P.E. Quarterly, Vol. 4, No. 4 (1973). Description Heat-curable, thermally expandable moulded park Blends and alloys of polycyclic polymers




Method of making a composite laminate having an internally damped constraining layer Polyolefin containing polyetheramine modified functionalized polyolefin







Process for the Manufacturing of N(Polyoxyalkyl)-N-(Alkyl)Amines Hydrogenated Block Polymers Having Elasticity And Articles Made There from







Polyolefin containing polyetheramine modified functionalized polyolefin Polyetheramine Modified Compositions From Polypropylene And Production Process Thereof


KR20000236 97





A thermoplastic hydroxy-functionalized polyetheramine, the process for preparing the same, a laminate structure comprising the same, and a solvent or waterborne coating composition JEFFAMINE products were used to cure epoxy tensile specimens. JEFFAMINE T-403 was used to cure epoxy resins forming a matrix for S-glass fiber strength study. An epoxy resin curable at room temperature with a polyethertriamine was used as a binder for filament winding for advanced fiber composites. The structures did not delaminate under stress. JEFFAMINE T-403 was used to cure epoxy resin matrix in study of graphite fiber as reinforcement.






16. Bibliography JEFFAMINE Polyetheramine Applications

Ref 495 Patent # Country Author/Company or Publication/Date T. T. Chiao and R. L. Moore, Proc. Annu. Conf. Reinf. Plast. Compos. Inst., Soc. Plast. Ind. 1974, 29,16B. C. C. Chiao, Proc. -Flywheel Technol. Symp. 1975,160-3. Description Advanced fiber composites prepared from bisphenol A diglycidyl ether cured with a polyethertriamine, JEFFAMINE T-403, had good mechanical properties with neither delamination nor fiber microbuckling. Several years of stress-rupture data for S-glassreinforced epoxy resins with a number of curing systems showed an apparent exponential dependence of time-to-failure on the applied stress. Among the systems evaluated was a D.E.R. 332 resin/JEFFAMINE T-403 combination. A bisphenol A-based epoxy resin cured with a polyethertriamine, JEFFAMINE T-403, was recommended for filament winding application or lay-up processes. The creep behavior of bisphenol A diglycidyl ether cross-linked with JEFFAMINE T-403 was studied between 23oC and 156oC. Specimens deformed in creep only at ~80oC. Data on properties of epoxy resin systems studied at Lawrence Livermore Laboratory were collected and reported. Curing agents described include several JEFFAMINE products. Accelerated tests for prediction of long-term durability by substitution of time with temperature and stress gave good results in polyamide fiber composite testing. A D.E.R. 332/JEFFAMINE T403 composite reinforced with glass fiber showed a slight decrease in strength in 4-year tests. Longitudinal tensile properties of a Kevlar 49 fiber composite with a room-temperature-cured D.E.R. 332/JEFFAMINE T-403 matrix were quite good and improved over a moderate-temperaturecurable epoxy system. This paper describes an advanced metal-fiber reinforced composite with thermal expansion characteristics quite close to those of copper. JEFFAMINE T-403 is the curing agent. A number of epoxy resin systems were tested for tensile deformation and various failure processes were studied. One of the curing agents used was an aliphatic polyetheramine, JEFFAMINE T403. Epoxy systems cured with various amines, including JEFFAMINE T-403, were evaluated for suitability in filament-wound carbon fiber composites.



T. T. Chiao, E. S. Jessup, and H. A. Newey, S.A.M.P.E. Quarterly 1975, 6(3), 38-42. P. Ciriscioli and A. MGBherjee, Failure Modes Compos. 1976, 3,170-81.



J. A. Rinde and H. A. Newey (Lawrence Livermore Lab., Univ. of Calif., Livermore, Calif.), Report 1976, UCID-17219. See ERDA Energy Res. Abstr., 1977, 2(6), Abstr. No. 14260. T. T. Chiao, C. C. Chiao, and R. J. Sherry, Proc. Int. Conf. Fract. Mech. Technol. 1977, 1, 257-69.



Linda L. Clements and R. L. Moore, S.A.M.P.E. Quarterly 1977, 9(l),6-12.


R. L. Kolek and R. D. Blaugher, Advances in Cryogenic Engineering, 24, 256 (1978). Roger J. Morgan, E. T. Montes, and Wayne J. Steele, Polymer 1982, 23, 295-304. Morgan and Walkup, J. App. Polymer Sci. 1987, 34, 37-46.




16. Bibliography JEFFAMINE Polyetheramine Applications

Ref Patent # Country Author/Company or Publication/Date S. Dabi (to Personal Products Co.), October 24, 1984. Texaco Development Corp., July 27, 1978. Pierce Leonard Jr; Grimm Donald C (for Union Carbide Corp) October 14, 1969 Heinz Schulze (to Texaco Development Corp.), December 12,1978. US L. W. Watts and H. G. Waddill (to Texaco Development Corp.), January 1, 1980. Martin; Robert C. (for The Dow Chemical Co), February 19, 1980 S. H. Eldin and H. Gysin (to CibaGeigy Corp.), March 10, 1981. Description

505 122,810 EP An absorbent, flexible, resilient cellular product that absorbs body fluids is derived from epoxy resins and polyoxyalkylenepolyamines. Preparation of polyoxyalkylenepolyamines for use as epoxy curing agents is disclosed. Lubricating Compositions Including A Polymer Which Contains A Salt Or Amide Of A Polyetheramine And An Acid Reaction of urea-terminated polyetheramines with formaldehyde produces resin that does not shrink on storage. Preparation of an aminated, propoxylated polybutanediol useful as an epoxy curing agent is disclosed. Method for rigless zone abandonment using internally catalyzed resin system A storage-stable, formaldehyde-free composition useful as a textile-treating agent for crease resistance derives from a water-soluble epoxy resin, an acrylic copolymer, and a polyoxypropylenepolyamine. Poly-(-2-aminoalkyl)polyamines

506 507

1,793,655 3,472,771






510 511

4,189,002 4,255,311





Kluger; Edward W. (for Milliken Research Corporation ), December 7, 1982 Rasmussen; Jerald K.; Heilmann; Steven M.; Palensky; Frederick J., (for 3M), November 27, 1984 J. H. Paslean and C. S. Steele (to Texaco Inc.), November 12, 1984. L. 0. Cummings, December 25, 1984.




Azlactone-functional compounds







Described is a method of decolorizing mixtures of N-aminoethylpiperazine, polyoxypropylenediamines, and nonylphenol with N,N1-diethylhydroxylamine. A new class of epoxy curing agents is revealed that utilizes the monomer of urea-formaldehyde and amines which include the polyoxypropylenepolyamines. Adsorbent epoxy foams cured with JEFFAMINE amines are produced by addition of a blowing agent at gelation. Fluoroaliphaticsulfonamides containing oxirane groups and/or N-.beta.-hydroxyalkylene groups A copolymer from an amine or amine derivative with a mixture of epoxies and di- or polyacrylates sets at room temperature and can be used as an adhesive or for coating, sealing, or molding. Half-amide reaction products of dioxalates and amino group containing materials




S. Dabi (to Personal Products Co.), May 2, 1985. Howells; Richard D., (for 3M), August 6, 1985 G. Nichols, June 23, 1987.

517 518

4,533,713 4,675,374





Schimmel; Karl F.; Ward; Thomas A. ; Seiner; Jerome A (for PPG Industries, Inc.), August 4, 1987


16. Bibliography JEFFAMINE Polyetheramine Applications

Ref 520 Patent # 4,826,930 Country US Author/Company or Publication/Date R. L. Zimmerman, H. G. Waddill, and G. P. Speranza (to Texaco Chemical Company), May 2, 1989. Deguchi; Yoshikuni; Iwakiri; Hiroshi; Iwamoto; Kazunari; Yonezawa; Kazuya (for Kanegafuchi Kagaku Kogyo Kabushiki Kaisha), July 11, 1989 J. Larkin (to Texaco Inc.), July 11, 1989. Description New epoxy curatives were produced by condensing JEFFAMINE amines with 1,3,5triaminotriazine in the presence of supported acid catalysts. Glycidyl compounds







Bis(diaminopolyalkoxy)-N-alkylamines prepared by aminating an alkoxylated tertiary amine are useful as reactants with epoxy resins, isocyanates, and dimer acids. Secondary isopropyl amines derived from oxyalkylene triamines High molecular weight polyoxyalkyleneamines prepared by aminating oxyalkylated polyetheramines are used as additives in epoxy resin formulations and as co-reactants with isocyanates in polyurea systems. Preparation of aminotetramines




Speranza; George P.; Lin; Jiang-Jen; Templeton; James H. (for Texaco Chemical Co), May 22, 1990 Michael Cuscurida, John M. Larkin, Kathy B. Sellstrom, and Robert A. Grigsby, Jr. (to Texaco Chemical Company), February 12, 1991. Cuscurida; Michael; Su; Wei-Yang; Speranza; George P. (for Texaco Chemical Co), February 26, 1991 Speranza, Michael; Lin, Jiang-Jen ; Cuscurida; Michael (for Texaco Inc), April 23, 1991 R. J. Schwartz and M. Z. Gregorio (to Sun Chemical Corporation), June 18, 1991. Robert C. Schucker (to Exxon Research and Engineering Co.), September 17, 1991. R. J. Schwartz, A. C. Zwirgzdas, and T. R. Chamberlain (to Sun Chemical Corporation), November 5, 1991. R. F. Harris and M. D. Joseph (to Dow Chemical Company), November 26, 1991. Dobson; Ian D.; Froom; Simon F. T. (for BP Chemicals Ltd), March 3, 1992 Lin; Jiang-Jen; Speranza; George P. (for Texaco Chemical Co), March 17, 1992










Process for preparing novel diamines




Monoazo pigments with improved properties are produced using azomethine couplers prepared from JEFFAMINE M-series polyethermonoamines and acetoacetanilide. An epoxy-terminated prepolymer prepared with JEFFAMINE DU-700 is used in a multiblock polymer membrane which exhibits good selectivity to aromatics from a hydrocarbon feed. Storage-stable printing inks containing pigments prepared with JEFFAMINE M-2070 offer lower viscosity than those containing pigments prepared with other amines. A process for preparing aminophenyl derivatives of polyetheramines under conditions to minimize formation of urea carboxylates is disclosed. JEFFAMINE D-2000 is used as an example, Process for the production of secondary amine terminated polyethers and their use High molecular weight trifunctional polyoxyethylene amines










531 532

5,093,528 5,097,070



16. Bibliography JEFFAMINE Polyetheramine Applications

Ref 533 Patent # 5,112,364 Country US Author/Company or Publication/Date Oppenlaender Knut; Schoenleben Willibald; Mach Helmut; Rath Hans P; Vogel Hans-Henning (for BASF AG) May 12, 1992 Siebert; Alan R.; Bertsch; Robert J. (for The BF Goodrich Corp Co), August 18, 1992 Yamaguchi; Keizaburo; Tanabe; Yoshimitsu; Urakami; Tatsuhiro; Yamaguchi; Akihiro; Yamaya; Norimasa; Ohta; Masahiro (for Mitsui Toatsu Chemical Inc), September 8, 1992 Primeaux, II; Dudley J. (for Texaco, Inc), October 6, 1992 Siebert; Alan R.; Bertsch; Robert J.; Guiley; C. Dale (for The BF Goodrich Corp), October 20, 1992 Bull; Christopher H.; Martin; Richard J., (for Ciba-Geigy Corp), December 15, 1992 Paine; Anthony J.; Martin; Trevor I.; Martins; Lurdes M.; Moffat; Karen A; Mychajlowskij; Walter, (for Xerox Corp), April 20, 1993 Siebert; Alan R.; Bertsch; Robert J. (for The BF Goodrich Corp), January 18, 1994 Speranza; George P.; Champion; Donald H.; Plishka; Martin J. (for Texaco Chemical Co), March 29, 1994 Furihata; Toshikazu; Tomoshige; Toru (for Mitsui Petrochemical Industries Inc), May 10, 1994 Brooks; Gary T.; Edwards, Jr.; Harold R.; Thrash; Kathy J.; Rubis; Donald E.; Sinclair; David P. (for Aristech Chemical Corp), September 6, 1994 Yilgor; Iskender; Yilgor; Eme (for Th. Goldschmidt AG) February 14, 1995 Hamilton; R. Scott; Lund; Gary K.; Hajik; Robert M. (for Thiokol Corp) May 9, 1995 Lundeen; Richard H. (for 3M), November 28, 1995 Krishnan; Subramanian; Miller; Eugene J.; Donovan; Mary B.; Janochoski; Ramona M.; Couvelard; Caroline (for 3M) February 20, 1996 Description Gasoline-Engine Fuels Containing Polyetheramines Or Polyetheramine Derivatives




Epoxy resin systems modified with low viscosity statistical monofunctional reactive polymers Production process for making aromatic amine resins




536 537

5,153,232 5,157,077


Foamed polyurea elastomer-rigid and closecelled Epoxy resin systems modified with statistical monofunctional reactive polymers Filled thixotropic resin compositions comprising epoxy resin, curing agent, sugar-aldehyde and filler Processes for custom color encapsulated toner compositions










Epoxy resin systems modified with low viscosity statistical monofunctional reactive polymers Macrocyclic oxamides







Vinyl halide resin with epoxy resin and polyamine




Unsaturated polyester-polyurethane hybrid resin foam compositions

544 545

5,389,430 5,414,123


Textiles coated with waterproof, moisture vapor permeable polymers Polyether compounds having both imine and hydroxyl functionality and methods of synthesis Universal adhesion promoting composition for plastics repair, kit including same, and method of use Surface treating articles and methods of making same

546 547

5,470,605 5,492,550



16. Bibliography JEFFAMINE Polyetheramine Applications

Ref 548 Patent # 5,539,023 Country US Author/Company or Publication/Date Dreischhoff; Dieter; Geisler; JoergPeter; Godau; Claus; Hoenel; Michael; Stengel-Rutkowski; Bernhard (for Hoechst Aktiengesellschaft) July 23, 1996 Guenther Wolfgang; Oppenlaender Knut; Becker Rainer; Henkes Erhard; Henne Andreas; Reif Wolfgang; Menger Volkmar; Schwahn Harald; Thomas Juergen (for BASF AG) August 26, 1997 Ezzell; Stephen A.; Hansen; Richard G.; Anderson; Gregory J. (for 3M) April 28, 1998 Venkataswamy; Krishna; AbdouSabet; Sabet; Patel; Raman; Horrion; Jacques (for Advanced Elastomer Systems LP) July 7, 1998 Pinnavaia; Thomas J.; Lan; Tie (for Claytec Inc) December 29, 1998 Tysak; Theodore (for Rohm and Haas Co) February 9, 1999 Venkataswamy; Krishna; Chmielewski; Craig Allen (for Advanced Elastomer Systems LP) December 21, 1999 Pinnavaia; Thomas J; Lan; Tie (for Claytec Inc) January 25, 2000 Lambert Timothy L; Su Wei-Yang; Mckinney Mike W; Marquis Edward T (for Huntsman Specialty Chemical Corp) May 9, 2000 Pinnavaia; Thomas J.; Lan; Tie (for Claytec Inc) August 1, 2000 Scholz; Matthew T.; Edgar; Jason L.; Callinan; Andrew J.; Ersfeld; Dean A.; Mindaye; Worku A.; Mahler, Jr.; Andrew J. (for 3M Co) October 17, 2000 Pinnavaia; Thomas J.; Wang; Zhen (for The Board of Trustees Operating Michigan State University) July 17, 2001 Berry Tricia S; Winkler Marie S; Kirkpatrick Donald E (for Dow Chemical) April 2, 2002 Macduff Malcolm G J; Mcatee Rodney J; Arters David C; Jackson Mitchell M (for Lubrizol Corp) October 1, 2002 Description Curing agents for aqueous epoxy resin dispersions




Polyetheramine-containing fuels for gasoline engines




Isomaleimides and polymers derived there from




Co-cured rubber-thermoplastic elastomer compositions

552 553 554

5,853,886 5,869,581 6,005,052


Hybrid nanocomposites comprising layered inorganic material and methods of preparation Aqueous polish compositions containing acidamine latexes Staged condensation, dynamic vulcanization process for making a substantially unplasticized plastic/rubber blend Hybrid organic-inorganic nanocomposites and methods of preparation Process for the production of etheramine alkoxylates

555 556

6,017,632 6,060,625


557 558

6,096,803 6,132,835


Methods of preparation of organic-inorganic hybrid nanocomposites Composite casting tape




Method for the preparation of homostructured mixed proton and organic layered silicates




Process for preparing starch and epoxy-based thermoplastic polymer compositions Fuel additive compositions and fuel compositions containing detergents and fluidizers





16. Bibliography JEFFAMINE Polyetheramine Applications

Ref 562 563 564 Patent # CA2038635 CA2038642 CA2372226 Country CA CA CA Author/Company or Publication/Date Speranza, GP; Su, W-Y (for Texaco Chemical) October 11, 1991 Speranza, GP; Su, W-Y (for Texaco Chemical) October 11, 1991 Berry Tricia S; Winkler Marie S; Kirkpatrick Donald E (for Dow Chemical Co) November 23, 2000 Hees Ulrike; Kohl Albert; Kress Ria; Bohrmann Hans-Guenther; Raether Benedikt (for EMTEC Magnetics GmbH) April 25, 2002 Gerkin RM; Kirchner, DL (for Union Carbide Corp) November 29, 1989 Deiitaa Furantsu; Kararanmuposu Guusechisu; Kurausu Peetaa Yakobu; Herumuuto Matsuha; Hansu Peetaa Raato; Kurausu Shiyutaruke (for BASF AG) April 7, 1998 Haiko Funberuto; Deetorefu, Heru (for RWE DEA AG) July 6, 1990 Matsutohiasu, Kururu; Mitsuhiyaeru, Fuoisteru (for Hoechst AG) March 26, 1996 Hahn, Stephen F (for Dow Chemical Co) July 30, 2002 Schmidt, Dale C (for Dow Chemical Co) July 30, 2002 Lambert Timothy L; Su Wei-Yang; Mckinney Mike W; Marquis Edward T (for Huntsman Specialty Chemical Corp) November 9, 2000 Berry Tricia S; Winkler Marie S; Kirkpatrick Donald E (for Dow Chemical) November 23, 2000 Akhtar Masud, September 30, 1993 M. L. Myrick, S. M. Angel, R. E. Lyon, and T. M. Vess, S.A.M.P.E. Journal, 28(4), 37-42. F. M. Kong, D. M. Hoffman, and R. J. Morgan, Org. Coat. Appl. Polym. Sci. Proc., 46,599 (1981). S. C. Kunz, J. A. Sayre, and R. A. Assink, Polymer, 23, 1897 (1982). Description Polyether amide from Tetraethylene Glycol Diamine and Terephthalic Acid Nylon-6 Modified with Low Molecular Weight Polyethylene Diamines Process For Preparing Starch And Epoxy-Based Thermoplastic Polymer Compositions Polyurethane, useful for the production of magnetic recording media, has an anionic anchor group which is covalently bonded to a nitrogen atom containing polyether segment in the polyurethane. Process for the manufacture of n-(polyoxyalkyl)-n(alkyl)amines Polyetheramine-Containing Fuel For Otto Motor




566 567

EP0343486 JP1110595





Secondary Polyetheramine, Preparation Thereof And Preparation of Polyurethane There from In The Absence Of Catalyst Reaction Product Of Alpha, Beta-Unsaturated Dicarboxylic Acidpolymer With Polyetheramine Hydrogenated Block Copolymers having Elasticity and Articles Made There from Aqueous Solution or Dispersion on an Acid Salt of a Polyetheramine Process For The Production Of Etheramine Alkoxylates




570 571 572

MXP0200098 1 MXP0200231 2 WO0066538





Process For Preparing Starch And Epoxy-Based Thermoplastic Polymer Compositions Film Of Polyreactive Matrix And Halocarbon Compound Reaction of an epoxy resin with JEFFAMINE T403 was monitored using Raman spectroscopy. Certain structure-property relations for DGEBA epoxies cured with JEFFAMINE T-403 are discussed. Flow properties are emphasized. Morphology and toughness characterization of epoxy resins cured with JEFFAMINE T-403 and modified with amine- and carboxyl- terminated rubbers are described. Properties of JEFFAMINE T-403-cured DGEBA epoxy resins were at their maximum when stoichiometric amounts of reactants were used.

574 575





F. M. Kong, C. M. Walkup, and R. J. Morgan, ACS Symp. Ser, 221 (1983).


16. Bibliography JEFFAMINE Polyetheramine Applications

Ref 579 Patent # Country Author/Company or Publication/Date J. A. Sayre, S. C. Kunz, and R. A. Assink, Polym. Mater. Sci. Eng., 49, 442 (1983). R. J. Morgan, F. M. Kong, and C. M. Walkup, Polymer, 25(3), 375 (1984). Wu and Bauer, Macromolecules 1986, 19,1613-8. Kathy B. Sellstrom, "New Epoxy Curatives: Polyethylene Glycol Diamines," presented at SPI/Epoxy Resin Formulators Division spring conference, Monterey, Calif., February 25-27, 1987. Wu and Bauer, Macromolecules 1988,21, 457-64. Description The effect of cross-link density of the rubber phase on toughness of rubber-modified epoxies is discussed. JEFFAMINE T-403 is the curing agent. Continued studies regarding structure-property relations of JEFFAMINE T-403-cured epoxy resins. Neutron-scattering studies of epoxy resin networks cured with JEFFAMINE polyetheramines were conducted. A new JEFFAMINE epoxy curing agent is introduced. This product offers the strength and flexibility typical of the JEFFAMINE products; in addition, it is considerably more reactive than the JEFFAMINE polyoxypropyleneamines. Small-angle neutron scattering was used to determine distance between cross-links in deformation of epoxy systems cured with JEFFAMINE polyetheramines. Network structures of epoxy resins cured with JEFFAMINE D-series amines are determined by neutron scattering studies of cured epoxies swollen in a deteriated solvent. Polyetheramines for use in polyureas are produced using a catalyst composition of nickel, ruthenium, and at least one other nickel. Study shows no curing agent loss during cure of thin films with JEFFAMINE T-403 or DIJ-700. Cross-linking an epoxy resin with a polyoxypropyleneamine and a polyethylenepolyamine results in a cured polymer with improved strength and satisfactory flammability. Curing and gelation of an epoxy resin with JEFFAMINE D-400 were followed using dynamic mechanical measurements. Triamines prepared from JEFFAMINE T-5000 and methyl ethyl ketone are used in preparation of a polyurea by reaction injection molding. JEFFAMINE D-230 and D-400 are used in studies on the influence of physical aging on the yield response of model epoxy glasses.

580 581




Wu, Hunston, Yang, and Stein, Macromolecules 1988, 21, 756-64.


I. D. Dobson, P. S. Williams, and W. A. Lidy (to BP Chemicals, Ltd.), European Patent 284,398, September 28, 1988. V. Rao and L. T. Drzal, J. Adhes. 1991, 35(4), 245-9. E. S. Oganesyan, V. F. Klusevich, A. S. BGBin, G. 1. Martysheva, and D. K. Kulev, Plast. Massy 1991, (6), 62-3. Libor Matejka, Polym. Bull. (Berlin) 1991, 26(l), 109-16. Herbert R. Gillis and Malcolm Hannaby (to ICI Americas, Inc.), U.S. Patent 4,983,659, January 8, 1991. Christian G'Sell and Gregory B. McKenna, Polymer 1992, 33(10) 210313.

586 587





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Important disclaimers and warnings: Data provided in this document is to be considered as representative of current production generally and not as specifications. While all the data presented in this document is believed to be reliable, Texaco Additive Company and Texaco Chemical Company make no representations, guarantees, or warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, or as to the correctness or sufficiency of data herein presented. Each user should conduct a sufficient investigation to establish the fitness of any product for its intended purpose. Products may be toxic and require special precautions in handling. For all products listed, user should obtain detailed information on toxicity, together with proper shipping, handling, and storage procedures, and comply with all applicable safety and environmental standards, regulations, and laws. JEFFAMINE is a registered trademark of Huntsman Corporation or an affiliate thereof in one or more, but not all countries. Copyright 1993, 1994, 1997, 1998, 2004, Huntsman Corporation



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