Concept Map Pyelonephritis

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Pathophysiolog y An inflammation of the renal parenchyma & collecting system including the renal pelvis.

The most common cause of bacteria infection, but fungi, protozoa or viruses sometimes infect Nursing Care the kidney.

Admitting Diagnosis:
Pyelonephritis CKD (chronic kidney disease)

HPI/Diseases: Hx of UTIs CKD (chronic kidney disease) Primary HTN Kidney Transplant in March 2006

Molly Johnson 10/27/2011

Room: E854 Patient: Hugnkiss, Amanda Age: 42 yrs old Allergy: Amoxicillan, Sulfa Weight/height: 139 lbs; 510 Code status: Full code Advanced directive: In chart Res/MD: McDreamy, Micah (801)403-2132 Admit: 10/26/2011@ 2300 Chief Complaint: R flank pain Precautions: Falls risk d/t meds
Acetaminophen 650 mg PO Fever and Pain q6h prn *skin rash, hives, bleeding, n/v, loss of appetite, swelling in abd Vancomycin 15mg/kg IV q12h Kidney Infection *Hypotension, bitter tatse, n/v, chills, rash (redman), ototoxicity Pyridium 200 mg PO TID Analgesic, pain *HA, n/v, vertigo, rash, pruritus, discolors urine Norco 5mg 1 to 2 tab PRN Pain q6h *HA, dizziness, n/v, sore throat, SOB, fast

Vital signs q4h Foley present measure I&O (notify MD if urine output >60 mL in 8 hours) Weigh daily @ 5AM Peripheral IV: left FA, 20 gauge Activity as tolerated with assistance(fall risk) Patient has exhibited mental status changes Tx for pain

Renal deficiency diet

UA Clean Catch w/ Cx & S ordered 10/27/11 @ 1600 CT w/ Contrast done on admit 10/26/11 @ 2335 results pending Ultrasound done 10/27/11 @ 1620 results pending

Nursing Dx:
Ineffective therapeutic regimen Impaired urinary elemination Risk for falls Acute Pain

Psychosocial Hx:
Father A/W CHF Mother deceased Liver Ca Married- (Greg) Homemaker Three kids ages10, 8, 3 LDS No Hx of cigarette use, no etOH

Involve patients spouse (Greg) Teach about proper diet Teach pt about the importance of hydration

Lab ValuesHCT 40 (38%46%)WBC22.7H (4.3 - 10.8 x 109 cells/L)BUN45 H(6 to 21 mg/dL)Creatinine2.7 H(0.6 to 1.2 mg/dL)Vanco Trough17 (1520mg/L)Hgb14.9 (12.0-15.5 g/dL)Cya (Cyclosporin)195 (150 to 300 ng/ml)

Social Hx:

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