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Montessori Reading Program Info and Links

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Montessori Reading Program LINKS & RESOURCES

Questions? Email Audrey Frazier: [email protected]

Teaching the Sounds

y Sandpaper Letters or y Tactile Letters (salt, felt, glitter glue, puffy paint, etc.)
TO PURCHASE SANDPAPER LETTERS: http://www.montessorioutlet.com/cgibin/category.cgi?&category=5104 Traditional Sandpaper letters from Montessori Outlet $24.95 http://www.montessorioutlet.com/cgibin/item/510400040/5104/Montessori-Outlet-Box-for-the-SandpaperLetters Box for Traditional Sandpaper letters from Montessori Outlet, $8.95

https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srci d=0BJp2xvcHjp4ODU2ZjA1MjUtYjdjZi00MGE5LTg1ZDctNjk3MjFlMTAzNDg4&

hl=en_US Letter Wall Charts. Colored lowercase alphabet cards, ready to print on white cardstock to make homemade Sandpaper Letters.

http://www.montessorimaterials.org/Language/printlower.pdf Black lower case alphabet cards ready to print on colored cardstock for homemade Sandpaper Letters. (Pink/red paper for consonants, light blue paper for vowels) http://montessorimom.com/sandpaper-letters/ Solid color background lowercase alphabet cards ready to print on white cardstock for homemade sandpaper letters.

y Salt Tray
An extension of the Sandpaper Letters activity. Flat container with salt for tracing the letters.

y Tracing Letters
An extension of the Sandpaper Letters activity. Child traces inside the bubble letter 6 times - one with each of 6 rainbow colored pencils (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple) PDF document is uploaded and posted on www.aastorage.com/school/notes.htm

y Initial Sound Cards

http://unitedteaching.com/blog/?cat=17&paged=2 PDF file. Print vowel cards on light blue paper and consonants on pink paper. Put in sheet protectors in 3 ring binder. $5.95 for PDF.

Moveable Alphabet

http://www.montessorioutlet.com/cgibin/item/510400090/5104/Montessori-Outlet-Small-MovableAlphabet-%28Print%2C-Mix-Blue-%26-Red%29 Traditional Moveable Alphabet from Montessori Outlet, $16.95 http://www.montessorioutlet.com/cgibin/item/510400350/5104/Montessori-Outlet-Small-MovableAlphabet-Box-%28Lower-Case-Letters%29 Box for traditional Moveable Alphabet from Montessori Outlet, $16.95

http://www.montessorimaterials.org/Language/MovableAlphabet.pdf Free Printable Moveable Alphabet Cards to print on cardstock and laminate. You would still need to find a tackle box in which to organize the cards. I bought one at Walmart for around $8.

Metal Insets for Design

http://www.montessorioutlet.com/cgibin/item/510400400/5104/Montessori-Outlet-Metal-Insets Metal Insets (Insets for Design) from Montessori Outlet,

http://www.montessorioutlet.com/cgibin/item/510400410/5104/Montessori-Outlet-Metal-Insets-Stands Metal Inset stands from Montessori Outlet, $27.95

http://www.practical-homeschooling.org/2008/09/template-metalinsets/ Template for making homemade Metal Insets of Design using a rigid material of your choice.

Pink and Blue Reading Series


http://montessorimom.com/phonetic-word-list/ Lists of phonetic words. Helpful if you want to make your own reading materials. Also provides ideas for objects to collect for Pink and Blue Reading steps 1 and 3.

http://www.montessoriservices.com/language/early-readingactivities/phonetic-object-box-1 Phonetic object box from Montessori Services. 30 assorted objects and word cards to use with Pink and Blue Reading steps 1 and 3. $27.95

http://montessori-n-such.com/detail.aspx?ID=1352 Objects from Montessori-n-Such L2400K Two & Three Letter Short Vowel Object Set A - collection of 20 attractive objects (for Pink Reading). $13.99 L2401K Four Letter Short Vowel Object Set A - collection of 15 appealing objects (for Blue Reading). $13.99

http://www.gluesky.com/2010/05/making-montessori-objects-forreading/ Make your own objects out of modeling clay. Adorable, but a lot of work! I personally have never bought a prepackaged object set, but think it would not be a bad idea. I have collected objects over time, a little here and a little there. I am always on the lookout for new phonetic objects! Barbi accessories work well, as do Playmobil pieces. Ebay sometimes sells bags of miscellaneous Barbi pieces. Dollar stores, thrift store toy bins, your own children s toy box, and the family office junk drawer are all good places to start. Examples of objects for Pink Reading:
bud, a bud from a fake flower pot, a mini black cauldron pot from a Halloween party favor web, a mini plastic spider web from a Halloween party favor nut, a real whole walnut bed, a Fisher Price little yellow plastic bed egg, a fake egg (Dollar Tree has lots of cute little eggs right now) hat, I stole the hat off of my kids s Woody action figure from Toy Story. peg, just a wooded peg from an old coat hook board box, a cute little box wrapped with wrapping paper red, a square of red felt fan, a mini fan I made with a rectangle of scrapbook paper, wrapped at the bottom with string cap, a fire fighters cap and also a baseball cap, both from my kids s toy box bag, a Barbi bag log, a mini Lincoln log

pin, a large cute pink diaper pin pan, a Barbi pan top, a cute toy top ram, a toy animal tug, a tugboat tub, a mini metal tub

Pronunciation guide: no vowel sound after consonants ( d not duh ) Short vowel sounds, hard consonant sounds, every letter of the word must be represented with an individual sound.


http://thehelpfulgarden.blogspot.com/search/label/Language%20Arts Pink and Blue Reading series. Free. This website has step-by-step picture guides along with the PDFs.

http://www.practical-homeschooling.org/2009/10/montessori-pinklevel-available-for-free/ Pink Reading Series. Free

Green Reading Series, Phonograms

http://montessorimom.com/phonogram-words/ Lists of words with phonograms ***NOTE: ALL PHONGRAM LINKS ARE TO PDF S PURCHASABLE THROUGH MONTESSORI PRINT SHOP. IN A MONTH OR SO, www.thehelpfulgarden.blogspot.com WILL HAVE POSTED A FULL GREEN READING SERIES FOR FREE.

http://www.shop.montessoriprintshop.com/GreenPhonogram-Word-and-Picture-Cards-Set-1-Real-Pictures-LF-3ap.htm Green Phonogram Word and Picture Cards - Set 1-Real Pictures, from Montessori Print Shop. Includes 12 sets of phonograms: sh, ee, oa, or, ai, ow, ch, i-e, ea, oo, a-e, er. PDF $2.49

http://www.shop.montessoriprintshop.com/GreenPhonogram-Word-and-Picture-Cards-Set-2-Real-Pictures-LF-3bp.htm Green Phonogram Word and Picture Cards - Set 2 - Real Pictures, from Montessori Print Shop. Includes 12 sets of phonograms: o, y, e, ow, ar, qu, th, ay, o-e, ph, aw, o. PDF $3.49

http://www.shop.montessoriprintshop.com/GreenPhonogram-Sentence-Cards-LF-3c.htm Green Phonogram Sentence Cards PDF $2.99

http://www.shop.montessoriprintshop.com/GreenPhonogram-Cards-Set-1-LF-15a.htm Green Phonogram Cards - Set 1. 44 Word Lists with picture on top. $2.79

http://www.shop.montessoriprintshop.com/GreenPhonogram-Cards-Set-2-LF-15b.htm 33 Word Lists with Picture on top. $2.49

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