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NURSING DIAGNOSIS Pain related to primary engorgement.





O> sakit ako totoy as verbalized by the patient.

After 4 hours of nursing intervention pain felt by the client will be at tolerable level.

Assess client pattern of breastfeeding

Continuous breasfeeding alleviate pain, the sucking of the infant relief pain. Warm increases dilation of vessels in the breast causing the increase of the milk flow. Sucking will give relief and able to remove clogs on the vessels in the breast. This will help some milk to be express.

After 4 hours of nursing intervention client experienced tolerable pain.

Apply warm compress. S> Pain noted on both breast during feeding and even not presence of breast tenderness Wood like surface of the breast when Touch Grimace face noted

Advise clients husband to suck the breast if infant is incapable of sucking. Demonstrate to client the proper technique of manual expression of milk. Advise client to wear bra that provide good support.

Good support from bra promotes degree of relief and position breast in good alignment. Soap will tend to dry and crack nipples.

Instruct client to wash her breast daily and avoid the of soap. Administer analgesic.

Analgesics relief or decreases level of pain.

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