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A T L S Advanced Trauma Life Support

1. Prehospital phase 2. Inhospital phase

1. Multiple casualties 2. Mass casualties

. Primary survey Resuscitation . Secondary survey . . Definitive care

Preparation & Triage Primary survey Resuscitation Adjuncts to primary survey and resuscitation Secondary survey Adjuncts to secondary survey Post resuscitation monitoring and reevaluation Definitive care

Preparation & Triage
The used of the following protective devices is recommended
Goggles Gloves Fluid-impervious gowns or aprons Shoes covers and fluid- impervious leggings Mask Head covering

. Primary survey Resuscitation . Secondary survey . . Definitive care

Primary survey
A B C D Airway maintenance with cervical spine protection Breathing and ventilation Circulation with hemorrhage control Disability : Neurological status Exposure/Environmental control : completely

undress the patient,but prevent hypothermia

. Primary survey Resuscitation . Secondary survey . . Definitive care

Oxygenation and ventilation Shock management,intravenous lines,warmed Ringers lactate solution Management of life-threatening problems identified in the primary survey is continued

. Primary survey Resuscitation . Secondary survey . . Definitive care

Adjuncts to primary survey and resuscitation
X-rays and diagnostic studies
Chest Pelvis C-spine DPL or FAST

Urinary and gastric catheters Monitoring

ABG analysis and ventilatory rate End-tidal carbon dioxide EKG Pulse oximetry Blood pressure

. Primary survey Resuscitation . Secondary survey . . Definitive care

Secondary survey
Secondary survey does not begin until the primary survey (ABCDEs) is completed, resuscitative efforts are well established, and the patient is demonstrating normalization of vital functions.

Secondary survey
Head-to-toe evaluation Complete history and physical examination Reassessment of all vital signs

Secondary survey
Total patient evaluation
history : AMPLE physical examination
Complete neurologic examination Head and skull Maxillofacial Neck Chest Abdomen Perineum/rectum/vagina Musculoskeletal Tubes and fingers in every orifice

Secondary survey
History A Allergies M Medications currently used P Past illnesses/Pregnancy L Last meal E Events/Environment related to the injury

Secondary survey
Blunt trauma Penetrating trauma Injuries due to burns and cold Hazardous environment

Secondary survey
Physical examination
Neurologic Head Maxilofacial Cervical spine and neck Chest Abdomen Perineum/rectum/vagina Musculoskeletal

Secondary survey
Physical examination
level of consciousness pupillary size and response motor and sensory GCS

Glasgow Coma Scale

Eye opening (E)
Spontaneous To speech To pain None Obeys commands Localizes pain Normal flexion (withdrawal) Abnormal flexion (decorticate) Extension None (flaccid) Oriented Confused conversation Inappropriate words Incomprehensible sounds None 4 3 2 1 6 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1

Best motor response (M)

Verbal response (V)

Secondary survey
Physical examination
Scalp Fractures Eyes edema
VA - Pupil size - Penetrating injury Hemorrhage of conjunctivae,fundi Contact lenses - Dislocation of lenses Ocular entrapment

Secondary survey
Physical examination
airway obstruction , major bleeding Fx of mid maxilla beware of NG tube insertion need frequent reassessment

Secondary survey
Physical examination
Cervical spine and neck
Head injury pt.keep in mind of cervical spine injury Absence of neurologic deficit does not exclude spine injury Inspection , palpation , auscultation , cervical spine tenderness , subcutaneous emphysema , tracheal deviation , laryngeal fracture Protection of C-spine injury , helmet removing

Secondary survey
Physical examination
Visual evaluation of anterior and posterior chest
open pneumothorax flail chest

Pain , dyspnea , hypoxia Cardiac tamponade , tension pneumothorax

distended neck veins distant heart sound

Secondary survey
Physical examination
closed observation and frequent reevaluation unexplained hypotension neurologic injury equivocal abdominal finding

Secondary survey
Physical examination
contusion , hematoma , laceration , urethral bleeding rectal examination : blood , high-riding prostate , integrity of rectal wall , sphincter tone female :
Vg exam.: blood , Vg laceration pregnancy test

Secondary survey
Physical examination
inspection : contusion , deformity palpation : tenderness , abnormal movement pelvic Fx : ecchymosis on iliac wings , pubis , labia , scrotum , pain on palpation of pelvic ring , PCT assessment of peripheral pulses patients back examination

Preparation & Triage Primary survey Resuscitation Adjuncts to primary survey and resuscitation Secondary survey Adjuncts to secondary survey Post resuscitation monitoring and reevaluation Definitive care

Adjuncts to secondary survey
hemodynamic status
CT scan Contrast x-ray studies Extremitry x-ray Endoscopy and ultrasonography

Preparation & Triage Primary survey Resuscitation Adjuncts to primary survey and resuscitation Secondary survey Adjuncts to secondary survey Post resuscitation monitoring and reevaluation Definitive care

Post resuscitation monitoring and reevaluation
reevaluation for new findings or overlooked continuous monitoring of vital signs , urinary output
0.5 ml/kg/hr 1 ml/kg/hr

ABG , EKG , pulse oximetry effective analgesia

Preparation & Triage Primary survey Resuscitation Adjuncts to primary survey and resuscitation Secondary survey Adjuncts to secondary survey Post resuscitation monitoring and reevaluation Definitive care

Definitive care
After identifying the patients injuries Managing life-threatening problems Obtaining special studies

If the patients injuries exceed the institutions treatment capabilities

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