Mnutter@wscc - Edu: Catalog Description: ELET 221 Electronics I
Mnutter@wscc - Edu: Catalog Description: ELET 221 Electronics I
Mnutter@wscc - Edu: Catalog Description: ELET 221 Electronics I
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Course Syllabus
Course Code: ELET 221 Title: Electronics I
Credit hours: 4 Prerequisite(s): ELET 112 AC Fundamentals
Co-requisite(s): Hours required weekly: Lecture 2 Lab 6
Outside study/preparation: 4
Official departmental course syllabus prepared by: R. Barrett
Current Quarter/Year: Winter 2006 Date last revised: Winter 2006
Catalog description: ELET 221 Electronics I 4 cr.
Semiconductor theory, including diode theory and applications, transistor theory, small and large
signal amplifiers, biasing and gain calculations. Prerequisite: ELET 112. (Lab fee: $10) F; F even
years. Lecture: 2, Lab: 6.
Course materials:
Required textbook: Electronic Principles, 6th ed.; A.P. Malvino, McGraw-Hill,
ISBN:0028028333 © 1999
Experiments for Electronic Principles, 6th ed.; A.P. Malvino, McGraw-Hill
Additional Documentation
Course Outline
Course Code: ELET 221 Title: Electronics I
Outline Prepared By: R.N. Barrett
Term: Winter Year: 2006 Section: 01
1. Ch 1 Introduction Experiment: 1