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Academic Calendar for B.Ed. (Regular) Course for the Colleges of Education (Aided and Self Financing Colleges) for the Academic Session 2011-12. The Vice-Chancellor has been pleased to approve the schedule of Academic Calendar for B.Ed. (Regular) Course for the Colleges of Education (Aided and Self Financing Colleges) affiliated to Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra for the session 2011-12 as under : 1st Term Winter Break 2nd Term Summer Vacations Theory Examinations Practical Examinations : : : : : : 20.09.2011 to 16.12.2011 17.12.2011 to 01.01.2012 02.01.2012 to 25.06.2012 26.06.2012 to 10.08.2012 01.07.2012 onwards after Theory Examinations.
If the number of teaching days falls less than 200 days in the academic session 2011-12 due to some unforeseen reasons, it would be the responsibility of each College/Institute to make good the loss by arranging extra classes. Sd/Assistant Registrar (Academic) for Registrar