Student Risk Assessment

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Date 16/01/12

Location: Media Studies

Task being assessed: Students filming/taking photos in college General Risk assessment DEGREE OF RISK Worst Probability Risk outcome Rating *2 *3 A-E Min Ps D

Student Name: Jermaine Miller ACTION PLAN What further control measures are required when and by whom Location must be checked first as it could be slippy/high levelled

HAZARDS Hazard Regardless of control measures Dropping camera on foot

Persons at risk *1 St

CONTROL MEASURES Existing control measures taken against the risk Hold camera correctly or have a strap on it around your neck

Dont block entrances and exits. Blocking fire exits with either equipment, bags, coats or yourself whilst taking photos St Sf Cl VDX Maj Fr B Fire exit signs are clearly visible

Someone could trip over left bags/ coats or a wire (charger)

St Sf Cl VDX

Maj Fr B

Leave bags and coats tucked in somewhere and wires not stretched out

Keep the wires as close to the wall as possible and tuck bags in under things or place close to a wall

If people are taking photos in a group they might end up arguing over who should control the camera & things could get violent

One person at a time takes control of the camera St Min, Maj Pr C

Wait for your turn to have the camera to take pictures

*1 Sf = staff St = students Cr = contractors Cl = cleaners V = visitors

D = people with disabilities X = young/inexperienced L = lone workers W = women of childbearing age

*2 This is without control measures F = fatal Maj = major injury or permanent disability Min = minor injury NR = non-reportable

*3 This is with control measures in place Fr = frequent/likely/could occur repeatedly/expected Pr = probable/not surprised/might occur often Ps = possible/could occur sometime R = remote/unlikely but conceivable U = unlikely/improbable such that likelihood is almost zero

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