Exhibits From The Sexual Assault of A Child Trial of LeRoy Jessop
Exhibits From The Sexual Assault of A Child Trial of LeRoy Jessop
Exhibits From The Sexual Assault of A Child Trial of LeRoy Jessop
Leann Jeffs
NamQ e ,f
Sex of Child
24, -1991
Date of Birth
--------------------------------------------------Sally A Wayman
Mother's Maiden NaJZ1e
Mother's Age
Mother's Place of Birth
Father' 5 Age
Fa ther" s Place of: Birth
This is an exact reproduction of the document registered in the State Office of Vital Statistics. Security features of this official document include: Intaglio Border. V & R Images in to? cycloids, ultra violet fibers and hologram image of the Utah State Seal, over the words "State of Utah" . This document displays the date, sealaod signature of the Siale Registrar of Vilal SlaUstJcs.
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Husband', Falher's Full Name Hu,band', Motber', Malden Name Wife's Fun Name
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P.O. Box
Dale of Birth
Place of Birth
Marriaae Record
Husband: Father: Ezra Elroy Nielsen
Marriage Performed By: President Warren S. Jeffs as mouth Date: May 5, 2005 Isaac S. JetTs Wendell W. Jeffs
I Location:
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Woul :! you like to complete a Io'()ter registration application torm today? You must be eligible.
(" La gustarla U&nar la forma de registro de votante hoy? nene Que ser elegible.) Ha\'8 you ever had a Texas identirlCation card? Number
Have you ever had a drive r license or Instruction permit in Texas? Have you ever had Number(s) Number When?
When? _ _ __ When?
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VEHiCLE REGISTRATION AND INSURANCE INFORMATION Do )'uu own a motor vehicle which is required to be registered (Texas Transportation Code Section 502.002)?
Do you own a molor vehicle which is required 10 have liability insurance OR other proof of financial responsibility In compliance with the Vehicle Sa1ety Responslblliry Act (Texas Transportation Code Section 601.051)?
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NOTICE The ir1torTMtkNJ on this application is rsquir9d by 1M Texas Driver L;ceflSe Act. Texas rransportBOOn Coc:Je ChBpter 521. FsiJU18 to provide the Infonnation is cause for refusal 10 Issue a driver licM1sI! or identification card, and In some cases, cancsllstion or wfthdf'llwal of the driving prMhtge. Fal$& inIormation ccuId BIso lead to criminal charges with penalties of B fins up to $4.000.00 and/or jail.
I do &ole-mnly awear. -'firm, 01 certify that I am the parson named herein lind that the statements on this application are true lind correc1. I further eerttfy my ,..idence address 'a a : ()J alngle family dweillng, ( ) apartment. ( ) mo,el, ( ) temporary shelter. (check one) I agree to Immedlately report to the TexIS Department of Public Sefety any changes In my medical condition which may affect my ability to safety opel'll'e a motor vehicle. I further understand by law to report any change of name or address to the Department of Public Solely with;. m;rty days. X . A '
Purauant to Teus law, the Tex.. Dep.a;rtmenl of Public Satety will provIde ever( minor applicant (under age 18), and cosigner. for a dtivt:r license in Texal, eduClitlonl1 information concerning atate laws relating to driving while intoxicated, driving by e minor with alcohol in the mlnor's system. and the imp'ied conunt law. TM minor applicant and the cosigner must acknowledge receipt of thai Information prior to issuance of any driver license or permit.
f hereby acknowledge r.celpt of the informatJon concerning OWl, the Zero Toleranca Law and the Implied Consent
Minor Applicant
Date cl Rcce.pl
PARENTAL AUTHORIZATION Required lor an driver Ucen applK:a.ts underlhe a9" 0118
I do solemnly awear, affirm, or c ..... lfy that I am the peraon namecl herein, that the statements on this application are true and correct, that the aboYe named applicant i, my ( ) child ( ) stepchild ( ) ward, and that I have legal custody 0' the applicant. I authorize the Department 01 Public SJ1ety to llaue Clasa ( ) A,< ) B, ( ) C, or ( ) M license to said minor. Usual Written Signalurs of Parenl or Guardian DrIVer Ucense Number Cate
Sworn to and subscribed before me this day 01 /"
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Disclosure 01 your social security account number is mandatory for driver license applicams. but voluntary tor identification card applicants. ThiS informa tion is solicited pursuant 10 42 U.S.C. 405(c)(2)(C)( j). 42 U.S.C. 666(a)(13)(A); 49 C.F.R. 383.153. Texas Family Code Section 231.302{c)(T) and Texas Transportation Code Sections 522.021 and 521 .142. The Department Will use social security account number information lor iden1ification purposes and will only release Il"te number to the Child Support Enforcement of the Anorney General's Office. the U.S . Selective' Service Administration and the Texas Secretary of State for statutorily authorized purposes pursuant to Texas Transporta1ion Code Sechon 52 t .044.
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29139401 Class: JESSOP,MERRIL LEROY Station: Date of Birth: 112874 ImageDate: Expi ration Date: Image Index: Sex : Race: W Height: 601 Weight: Eye Color: Hazel Hair Color:
Right Thumb
Older Photo
IIExit I
"an Signature)
Sex of Child
Time of Birth
08 Lbs 09 oz
Birth Weight
Date of Birth
County of Birth
--------------------------------------------------Barbara Steed
Mother's Maiden Name
Mother I sAge
Mother's Place of Birth
Colorado City
Mother's Residence City
Mother's Residence State/ Country
Father's Age
Father's Place of Birth
, ---------------------------------------------------
File Number
This is an exact reproduction of the document registered In the State Office 01 Vital Statistics. Security features of this official document include: Intaglio Border, V & R Images In top cyclolds, ultra violet fibers and hologram image 01 the Utah State Seal, over the words "State 01 This document displays the date, seal and signature 01 the State Registrar 01 Vital Statistics.
Barry E. Nangle
State Registrar
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To the Attention of: Lisa Tanner Office of the Attorney General 300 W. 15" Street Austin. TX 78701
ITEMS RECEIVED: Received from Henry Guevara on May 27. 2008: 08-6707.1 Envelope labeled "Ex 10 ... Blood Sample Merril Leroy Jessop .. ." containing blood tube labeled ..... Jessop, Merrill Leroy ... .. containing liquid
Received from John Schneemann on July 14. 2008: " ... 082503772 . .. containing four swabs 08-6995.1 :;;'7'2 ... Sa!!).' Jesc;J Jcf.s
Envelope labeled ..... 082503772 Item #73 .. . Leann Jeffs.. .. containing M'O swabs
RESULTS: Human DNA extracted from items 08-6995.1, 08-6994.1 and 08-6707.1 was analyzed for fifteen (15) genetic loci using the Applied Biosystems AmpFfSTR Identifller system. The results from this testing are detailed in the accompanying table.
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August 15, 2008 Accession Numbers: 08-6707 , 08-6994, 08-6995 Agency Case Number: 082503772 Forensic DNA Report
Reference Item
D8S1179 QS.6995.1 M:Xher: l.eam Jeffs 08-6994.1 Olild: Sally Jessq:> Jeffs 08-6707.1
Alloged M>nil
D21S11 30,32.2
D7S820 11,12
CSF1PO 10,14
0351358 17,18
0135317 11,12
O16S539 11.11
12, 13
13, 15
13, 15
la"oy Jessq:>
Reference Item
O19S433 13,15
O18S51 12.14
D5S818 10,11
QS.6995.1 M:Xher: Learn Jeffs 08-6994.1 Olild: Sally Jessq:> Jeffs 08-6707.1
Alloged Father. M>nil l.a"oy Jessq:>
18, 18
8, 12
12, 15
18, 19
8, 11
12, 13
12, 13
c:.::6gc':: j"jan-;: L& j"0 'y J ";5S':'p. apiaSG ,itcd by itar" C3-L:707. 1, CCiii i-,C.t excluded as the biological father of the child. Sally Jessop Jeffs . represented by item 08-6994.1 .
Based on the DNA analysis conducted , at least 99.999998% of th e male population is excluded from the possibility of being the biological father of the child, Sally Jessop Jeffs . The observed genetic results are 394.800.000 times more likely under the scenario that Merril Leroy Jessop is the true biological father of the ch ild Sally Jessop Jeffs than if the fathe r is an untested, unrelated random man from the Caucasian population. The probability of pa temity is 99.9999997% (Prior Probability of 0.50 ) as compared to an untested. randomly chosen person of the Caucasian population.
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A ugust 15, 2008 Access ion Numbers: 08-6707, 08-6994, 08-6995 Agency Case Num ber: 082503772 Forensic DNA Report
The observed genetic results are 2.543.000.000 times more likely under the scenario that Merril Leroy Jessop is the true biological father of the child Sally Jessop Jeffs than if the father is an untested , unrelated random man from the Afri can American population . The probability of paternity is 99.99999996% (Prior Probability of 0.50) as compared to an untested. randomly chosen person of the African American population. The observed genetic results are 415.500.000 times more likely under the scena no that Merril Leroy Jessop is the true biological father of the child Sally Jesso p Jeffs than if the father is an untested , unrelated random man from the Southwestem Hisparlic population. The probability of paternity is 99.9999997% (Prior Probability of 0. 50) as compared to an untested. randomly chosen person of the Southwestern Hispanic population. Statistical calcu lations are based on allele freque ncy data fo r the relevant populations as presented in Budowle B. Moretti TR. Baumstark AL. Defenbaugh DA. Keys KM . Population Data on the Thirteen COOlS Core Short Tandem Repeat Loci in Afri can Americans. US. Caucasians, Hispanics, Bahamians. Jamaicans. and Trinidadians . J Forensic Sci 1999:44(6):1277-1286. Allele frequency data for D2S1338 and D19S433 was obtained from Budowle B. Collins PJ. Dimsoski P. Ganong CK et 81. Popu lation Data on the STR Loci D2S1338 and D19S433 . FSC 2001 :3(3). All evidence will be returned to the submitting agency unless otherwise Instructed. In the event that you have any further questions, please feel free to contact the laboratory at (817) 735-2645 . The above is the opinion of the undersigned. and this report shall not be reproduced without written or verbal penmission . Sincerely.
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C nstlna Cap Forensic Analyst UNT Center for Human Identifica tion
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Merril Leroy Jessop
Wife: Father:
LeAn n Nielsen
Marriage Performed By: President Warren S. Jeffs as mouth Date: July 27, 2006 Witnesses: Wendell Nielsen Merril Jessop Duration: Time and Eternity
Dictation on Thursday, July 27, 2006 11:51 p.m. At the Place of Refuge R17 Dictating Thursday, July 27, 2006
I seek unto the Lord for His Spirit to be with me and guide this record keeping. My last dictation was this morning relating the dream and vision I was given. I continued in the heavenly session until noon. The Lord showed mea quorum of three ladies to assist. I thank the Lord for those gifts and blessings. I was shown that I should perform three marriage sealin!,s 'V""5''', Brother Wendell's daughter Le,'\run .
wrote a to Brother Merril Jessop this afternoon and told him to please have all the Aaronic Priesthood bearers gather by 7:00 p.m. in my office to receive a training. And then in that letter I told him that three sealings would take I told him to also bring his sons Ra'lm(lnd Jessop and Leroy Jessop . 1 wrote a letter to Brother Wendell Nielsen and told him to bring his daughter LeArun and his wife Sally over at 8:30 p.m. and his daughter LeA run would be sealed to Leroy Jessop. The First Presidency was present. And there were three sealings performed. I had Brother Wendell Nielsen open with prayer. 1 was mouth at performing the marriage sealings. Merril Jessop received LeArun Nielsen,
File N.umber
Merril L Jessop
Name of Groom
Age of Groom
Jennetta Barlow
Name of Bride
Age of Bride
county of Issuance
'C2fl'l tv 1 3
This is an exact reproduction of the document registered in the State Office 0' Vilal Statistics. Security features this official document Include: Intaglio Border, V & R images in top cycloids, ultra violet fibers and hologram image of the Utah State over the words "State of Utah". This document displays the date, seal and signature of the State Registrar of Vital Statistics.
UTAH DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Office of Vital Records & Statistics Salt Lake City, Utah
Marriaf!;e Record
Husband :
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Full name of husband. wife, and the :llthe lime of t. c m arri age sealing. If, at the time of the marriage sealing. the natural father of either husband or wife is different from the Priesthood father. plcase give both names in l'ulL Or if the father of husband or wife is deceased and there i, a stepfather, plca,e give both names if full. Marriage performed by: The name of whoever was mouth for th" .'calin g. Duration : Circle either Time and Ete rn ity or Time Only . Specify if it is a resealing. Wi tnesses : Two or three Priesthood' earers that were eye,witnesse'.
Note: If there is an original sealing and a resealing perfomk'J during the administration of Pre,ieicnt Jtff, . please fill out a Marriage Record sheet for sealing.
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Bishop's Record Family Group Sheet
Use seDarate sheet for each wife Priesthood Office
Place of Birth
P.O. Box
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Date or
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Place of Birth
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she should appear on, separate sheet \,\,;lh each husb&lld.
Other Mlni' ges if ,hc manied mOle than Number of limes she mamed _ _ __ HerFllhers name Leooard HerMothe(sma idcnname Verna
Her pllIcnts, if knO"'T1, should also IppcllI on II scr-rate sheel as Husband and ",ife with thcir children.
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Btnjam.in Leroy Jessop Isaa c Jessop Jacob Leroy Jesso p J os hua Le roy Jessop Caleb Leroy Jessop
Name: JENNETTA B JESSOP Address: . License: Y99801155 20 W BLACK AVE Sex: F 505 nOB: 03 /0211976 COLORADO CITY, AZ 86021 Eyes: GRN Weight: 145
.l.\ccTThis document is a certified duplicate of the information contained in the computer storage devices of the Department of Transportation, Motor Vehicle Division, in accordance with Arizona Revised Statutes section 28-444.
451My lieart readies for one tfiat I rove sena angers to 6Cess liim in al[ lie aoes. grant liim wurage, :Jleaven sent power tIo gum ana protect liim tliis very Iiour.
J'atlier, lie needs you! J-{is road is so great yet lie always smiCes, never complains. altliougli lie is testea f1$ by flaming fire, J'atlier, lie roves ana al[ you may
J'atlier in J-{eaven, I rejoice to prepare tIo qualify quicKJy to be witli liim tliere tIo be takf-n into liis roving embrace . f1$ lie invites me to come see tliy face.
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July 9, 2006
Name: P9220294.JPG Full Path: Merril Leroy Jessop\ADP_013\D\Documents and Settings\Sharon\Application Data\OLYMPUS\OL YMPUS Master\store\20071 020124719\P9220294.J PG File Created: 09/22/0711:03:12PM Is Deleted:
15 B
Name: P9220295.JPG Full Path: Merril Leroy Jessop\ADP_013\D\Documents and Settings\Sharon\Application Data\OLYMPUS\OL YMPUS Master\store\20071020124719\P9220295.JPG File Created: 09/22/07 11 :03:30PM Is Deleted:
15 C
Name: P5130050.JPG Full Path: Merril Leroy Jessop\ADP_013\D\Documents and Settings\Sharon\My Documents\My Pictures\2007 -05-21\P5130050.JPG File Created: 05/13/07 05:02:06AM Is Deleted:
15 D
Name: P5130060.JPG Full Path: Merril Leroy Jessop\ADP_013\O\Documents and Settings\Sharon\My Documents\My Pictures\2007 -05-21\P5130060.JPG File Created: 05/13/07 05:04:18AM Is Deleted:
15 E
Name: P5130042.JPG Full Path: Merril Leroy Jessop\ADP_013\D\Lost Files\P5130042.JPG File Created: 05/13/07 04:58:30AM Is Deleted: Last Accessed 04/04/08 03:14:23PM
15 F
Name: P5130043.JPG Full Path: Merril Leroy Jessop\ADP_013\D\Lost Files\P5130043.JPG File Created: 05/13/07 04:59:42AM Is Deleted: Last Accessed 04/04/08 03:14:23PM
15 G
Name: P5130044.JPG Full Path: Merril Leroy Jessop\ADP_013\O\Lost Files\P5130044.JPG File Created: 05/13/07 05:00:08AM Is Deleted: Last Accessed 04/04/08 03:14:23PM
15 H
g::Name: P5130045.JPG Full Path: Merril Leroy Jessop\ADP_013\D\Lost Files\P5130045.JPG File Created: 05/13/07 05:00:22AM Is Deleted: Last Accessed 04/04/08 03:14:23PM
15 I
Name: P5130046.JPG Full Path: Merril Leroy Jessop\ADP_013\D\Lost Files\P5130046.JPG File Created: 05/13/07 05:00:48AM Is Deleted: Last Accessed 04/04/08 03:14:24PM
15 J
:::r-Name: P5130047.JPG Full Path: Merril Leroy Jessop\ADP_013\D\Lost Files\P5130047.JPG File Created: 05/13/0705:01 :18AM Is Deleted: Last Accessed 04/04/08 03:14:24PM
Name: P5130048.JPG Full Path: Merril Leroy Jessop\ADP_013\O\Lost Files\P5130048.JPG File Created: 05/13/0705:01 :34AM Is Deleted: Last Accessed 04/04/08 03:14:24PM
15 L
Name: P5130049.JPG Full Path: Merril Leroy Jessop\ADP_013\D\Lost Files\P5130049.JPG File Created: 05/1310705:01 :44AM Is Deleted: Last Accessed 04/04/08 03:14:24PM
15 M
Name: P5190071.JPG Full Path: Merril Leroy Jessop\ADP_013\D\Lost Files\P5190071.JPG File Created: 05/19/0708:01 :44PM Is Deleted: Last Accessed 04/04/08 03:14:24PM
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-:::I-Name: P5200073.JPG Full Path: Merril Leroy Jessop\ADP_013\D\Lost Files\P5200073.JPG File Created: 05/20/07 07:38:36AM Is Deleted: Last Accessed 04/04/08 03:14:24PM
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Name: P5200074.JPG Full Path: Merril Leroy Jessop\ADP_013\D\Lost Files\P5200074.JPG File Created: 05/20/07 07:38:50AM Is Deleted: Last Accessed 04/04/08 03:14:24PM
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15 Q
Name: P5200075.JPG Full Path: Merril Leroy Jessop\ADP_013\D\Lost Files\P5200075.JPG File Created: 05/20/07 07:39:18AM Is Deleted: Last Accessed 04/04/08 03:14:24PM
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\? Name: P5200079.JPG
Full Path: Merril Leroy Jessop\ADP_013\D\Lost Files\P5200079.JPG File Created: 05/20/07 09:17:34AM Is Deleted: Last Accessed 04/04/08 03:14:25PM
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Sunday, January 11, 2004
2: 19 a.m. Naomie's Testimony of What Happened Through the Night
at R 17 to be completed. There wiJl be a total of twenty-five homes built there hopefully before things become too great. The Lord wiJI expand the crew. Some will go to 23 and some wiJI not. Some wiJI stay at 17 to continue the labor there. These decks around this home, thi s place needs to be finished up and the crew moved to R 17 very soon. You said would be into the labor and also Richard Samuel Jes,;op.
January 12, 2004 San Angelo, Texas 6:08 a.m. Naomie's Testimony of What Happened Through the Night
You said when you got back to Short Creek you would be giving training on the places of refuge to James Dockstader, Rich and and to Isaac and Monnon Steed, that would be called to the labor.
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gelling bigger fasler. But it has gol to go fasler. We have gal 10 get finished faster. "
At 2:45 a.m. you said, "/will be talking to these men, James Dockstader, the cabinet man, Edmund Barlow, Rich Jessop, Leroy Jessop, William Jessop, Moroni Steed, Thomas Joseph Steed, who is under Uncle Joseph's direction, Nathan Jessop Jr. and Rulon Jessop. and Jacob Allred, giving them the training on the places of refuge. You sat up on your elbow and you said, "How many is that? " Thirteen. You said, "Boy, this project is
Tuesday, January 13,2004
Page J68
Training Given by President Warren S. Jeffs over the phone to the Men at R17
April 27, 2004 10:10 a.m.
(present at this meeting: Ernest Jessop, Allen Steed, Joseph Steed. Leroy Steed, Raymond Jessop, Leroy Jessop. Jim Jessop, William Jessop, Moroni Steed, David Allred. Leland Richter, James Dockstader, Seth Allred, Nathan Jeffs, Luke Jeffs, Louis Jessop, T.J. Steed, Leslie Steed. Alan Dockstader, Lehi Allred)
President Warren S. Jeffs: Good Morning, brethren. How many men are present? Brother ErnestJessop: There are twenty of us. President Warren S, Jeffs: How many of the twenty are Aaronic Priesthood bearers? Brother Ernst Jessop: Seven Aaronic Priesthood bearers. President Warren S. Jeffs: Seven Aaronic Priesthood bearers, and are there two more on watch of the Aaronic Priesthood bearers? Brother Ernest Jessop: Yes, Levi and Nathan are on watch . President Warren S, Jeffs: So twenty two Priesthood bearers on that land right now? Brother Ernest Jessop: Yes sir. President Warren S. Jeffs: Did Rich Jessop and Leroy Jessop come there? Brother Ernest Jessop: Leroy is here. Rich is on a big truck on the road. President Warren S. Jeffs: When will he be (there). Brother Ernest Jessop: He should be arriving at the Creek today so we will be seeing him tomorrow. President Warren S. Jeffs: Will he be in Short Creek this morning? Brother Ernest Jessop: Sometime today. it will probably be about noon time. President Warren S. Jeffs: Alright. I will need him to hear this message also. Dear brethren I have a message from the Lord for us, the new Zion's Camp located Dear brethren, I voice to you the Lord has told me this is a test on the new Zion's Camp.
there in R 17, at R23, in Sholt Creek and everywhere. The Lord has given us a time schedule. Satan through his powers has stepped in to stop us through their government agencies. The word of the Lord to me is, "meet His schedule". Depend upon Him for protection and deliverance. He has a correction for any of you brethren how have offered a compromise with the government. I will give instruction to Ernest and David on what we must do to go and communicate with them, tell them that we are going to continue construction. We will meet all the regulations as far as safety. We want a good working relationship, but we must meet this schedule. I may have that land put into my name with other trustees in the by-laws. I know there is a legal issue on the loan which we will try to pay off. Be that as it may. I say to Brother David, right now you are in the forefront legally. I give you the word of the Lord that He wants us to continue. I am willing that my name be made known with the First Presidency. There are by-laws of our land holding company is, "The United Order of Texas". We are a religious rrust in our by-laws. The Lord has named the First Presidency, Isaac Jeffs, Ernest Jessop, and Raymond Jessop to be the trustees in the by-laws by revelation, many months ago, that revelation was given .
Are we one? Are we united? I was headed that way to deliver the Lord's message. I now
deliver it in a revelation April 19. a week ago where the Lord spoke to the laborers in this mission of establishing Zion in fulness . The Lord told me this last Monday. speaking to me:
Revelation given to President Warren S. Jeffs April 19. 2004
Continue as I shall appoint to travel and teach and train my people who will receive my will through you how to establish the fulness of Zion in their characters and in their stewardships. And behold I say unto my people. '1)0 not look back, but be believing and exercise perfect faith in me the Lord your God, and establish my cause of Zion. For the powers of heaven shall attend an obedient people who seek unto me through my servant and through obeying every word of God, and through the repentance of all your sins and weaknesses, dwelling in the lively increase of the love of the Father through my Spirit burning in you. Behold, the laborers who are called on this mission to build and establish Zion in fulness on the lands of refuge, must needs more fully repent of their unbelief and light mindedness and seek unto me for the powers of heaven to rest upon them to strengthen them in a time of weakness. And to revile to their minds the skills and the abilities to do the work I have commanded them. They must needs more constantly pray for one another as they labor together in my cause that the power of oneness may be exercised through my army of Zion now called on this mission. Verily I say unto you my servant, take this word to the laborers in Zion as I shall send you and say unto them, 'ihe gifts and powers to redeem Zion shall attend you, my people, as you become one in me through The Lord today wants a circle prayer of all the elders of all the Zion's Camp there, in Short Creek. the places of refuge at eleven
Priesthood and the power of the Priesthood attending you. Be not of little faith, but give your all to my cause and my powers shall attend you, and if thou doest it not my blessings shall be upon those who shall obey my will. And I shall chose from among you those wonhy for the ordinances of mine house. And through their faithfulness and my gifts of purity dwelling in them shall they be brought into my presence and know that I am through the Priesthood I have appointed. And though the powers of eanh and hell shall rage against you, my servant, and against the obediellt of my people, I the Lord shall colltinue to open doors of deliverance for you. My peace be upon you my servant and those ofmy people who shall abide in me. This is the word of the Lord thy God at this time, I am with you still, even so amen ': The test of oneness is upon us brethren. Oneness. the Spirit of God burning in you as your guide, your strength. to be a strength to the work of God. And we must have oneness on that land and on all the lands of refuge. The Lord is allowing us to face this test. To help bring about oneness I am going to be sending back several of my family today. I have sent Isaac to pick them up. We may need someone else to help dri ve from there. The word of the Lord to us is. "stand firm". We are not a violent people. but He calls upon us for the next three days to fast and pray as a Zion's Camp. And in your place join with the fist Presidency where we are. at seven in the morning. one o'clock in the afternoon. and eight o'clock at night for a kneel down circle prayer of all the Melchizedek Priesthood bearers and the Aaronic Priesthood bearers near by. And the families to kneel at the same time in their places in circle prayer the ladies praying.
o'clock this morning. kneel down circle prayer praying for deliverance and asking the Lord to open the way and that we dedicate our Ii ves
and our all to His cause, to soften the hearts of the government officials or handle them as He will. With the Lord's help we will meet His schedule or go about it quietly as we have been. I can see that we need a supply of food stuffs there, as those who remain or come there may find themselves looked in. You need to get your materials. Keep flowing. Keep this project going and the Lord will open the way. Use great wisdom so that we are not observed, as little as possible. Brethren, now the test is upon us. Notice this key in this revelation, the laborers in Zion need to pray more fervently for one another. Through your prayers for one another there are good feelings, never a bad feeling or evil thought. And repent of any evil thinking or immoral desires. Clean up your life. You brethren who have family members there, if there are any who have bad feelings they need to not be there, to return to Shon Creek and dwell somewhere, prepare more fully. So today at eleven o'clock the First Presidency will be offering that prayer of deliverance. Fast and pray for three days, today, tomorrow, and the next day. Eat lightly to keep your strength up . Continue your labors. Meet the Lord's schedule. The laborers from R23 will be coming May 1". We will need the logs sent for right away so that they can start laying those logs as soon as they get there. Brother Fred Lindsey is the crew boss of the big buildings under myself and Ernest's direction. Ernest is the presiding elder. The workers on this project will report to Brother Fred Lindsey for their daily tasks. There is a group of twenty brethren who have been trained in this mISSIOn. You have about twenty there. There is around thirty at R23 and there is some at Rl. We are peaceful people. We maintain President Warren S. Jeffs: So have your
our rights of privacy and we are going forward in the Lord's errand, and let nobody offer a compromise of procedure and doing on the Lord's schedule. Whatever comes we are turning to the Lord to soften their hearts, our enemies, or else handle them and believe brethren that a door of deliverance can open up. I am willing to send all of my family back to Short Creek if they do not qualify and any laborers who do not qualify. Do not lie to the government or to anyone. David Allred is to go to those officials, perhaps this afternoon, and tell them yes, we have a crusher and we are going to make our own aggregate. We are going forward in our building project. We meet their rules and we will study it and want to work with them. I will give father council before David goes and after our eleven o'clock prayer. For this morning be sober and humble brethren. It may bring the government upon us. I may put the land or make the announcement to them through David that my name is attached to this land. This is private property, a religious effon. So all of Zion's Camp is going to be offering up prayer at eleven o'clock. The Lord wants Allen Steed to be mouth there at R17. Is he there? Brother Allen Steed: Yes . President Warren S. JefTs: Ask the Lord that the prayers of the First Presidency shall be answered. Dedicate ourselves unto Him and His cause. The families there are Ernest Jessop's family, Ray Jessop's family. Does Joseph Steed have family there? Brother Joseph Steed: Yes sir. President Warren S. JefTs: And Joseph Jessop has family? Brother Ernest Jessop: Yes, he does. He is on a big truck right now, too. President Warren S. JefTs: And Jim Jessop? Brother Jim Jessop: Yes. families in their places kneeling down at
eleven. Then every family, each for the next two days, seven o'clock, one in the afternoon, and eight o'clock at night,join as one in their several places offering up prayers when the First Presidency does. We cannot fear dear brethren. Faith, believing the Lord will open the way when he directs something to be done. This is a direct attack of the devil through his emissaries against us. The very issue that the Lord wants done in the making of cement on that land is bing attacked and the Lord's time schedule is being attacked. The wall of opposition will move back if we are one. Be men of peace. Plead with the Lord for deliverance. Change your characters into His likeness so your prayers are answered. So we have everything coming that way on schedule from other directions. We will need the building materials to arrive. Fred Lindsey is in Short Creek to arrange that. David Allred needs to be involved with the trucking business to pick up materials in Salt Lake, we hope. Enough to get the framing going on the meeting house. We knew this time would come when the world would oppose us. We will meet their environmental standards and even do better, but we must press forward. If you pour through the night you need to do it in a manner that the Lord will protect us. We must get this done. I am wondering if you want to put the crusher on that farm land somewhere away from the neighbor, who has a house close by where there is hills and between hills. If you want to look at it, what it looks like. Brother Ernest Jessop: Uncle Warren the Crusher is set up on the ninety acres right now. Would it be alright to go ahead and crush at least the aggregate for the meeting I council Joseph Jessop, the storehouse keeper to go right away to Dallas and get a load of food stuffs that will be needed for the work crew and the families that remain. We
house foundation before we moved it? President Warren S. JefTs: How long will it take? Brother Ernest Jessop: We could have it finished by morning we believe. President Warren S. JefTs: By morning, okay. Use revelation. Let's pray that even the weather wi II favor us in cloud cover to protect us. Look to your own selves to see if you brethren are untied. Do not turn back. Be not of little faith, brethren. I deliver the Lord's message to you . After our eleven o'clock experience I will be calling Ernest and David to gi ve details of going to talk to these people and let us press forward. Brethren, no lightmindedness, no evi I thinking, no fear or doubt. Be Zion. The motor home will be arriving there I estimate between five and six p.m. I would appreciate it if there was a truck and trailer that could be a lead car, where the trailer carries their things back to Short Creek. Many of my family will be returning because I must have people there who are one. Some need to go develop greater faith away from there. I say the same to you brethren, the Lord will only favor us if we are one. What we have been missing in our mission there is the gift of oneness exerted. We have done physically all we felt we could do. We need the power of God for oneness to exist. A Priesthood bearer reaches for the strength of heaven by praying for his Priesthood head and the work of God and returns that strength of heaven in obedience and by praying for the work of God 'and his Priesthood head. You receive and you give. Oneness is a flow of heavenly strength received and returned through obedience and prayer. You dwell in a constant devotion unto God through Priesthood. do have the deer meet if we need to survive on. Make sure you have some containers of fuel to keep the generator going. Have smaller generators running for your tools. Conserve
51 1
food, fuel and everything. Bring what you need before opposition could try to stop us and keep in contact with me. We might have other circle prayers step by step for the Lord to push the wall of opposition back. Brethren, if we are not the Zion's Camp the Lord will honor, if the Lord doesn't protect us we are not protected. We can't use earthly ways. We are not a violent people. The Lord will keep back the wicked and open the doors of deliverance if we are one and it will take our all and our very lives now. I love you dear brethren. I now offer to everyone of you an honorable release from this mission, meaning I will give you time and place elsewhere to go and develop the faith if you feel like you don't want to participate in this experience and mission. If any of you would like to leave that property and return to your family and not be part of this I want you to let me know now . Otherwise, if you stay keeping your covenants that you have entered into the Lord and I will expect you to be Zion with faith and not fear. If need be we will keep a double watch, communications, so that Ernest is not off that land and David will be close by for a time doing his other business by phone elsewhere. We still want to bring the power in. We still want to go forward normally. Have open communications between David and any government officials. At the right time my name and the names of the First Presidency will be used even if I must send them a message from the Lord. For now we are a private effort willing to comply but determined to meet the Lord's schedule. The Lord will open your mouth David and Ernest, as you meet the issues if you will just do it the Lord's way, and don't lie. Tell them we are going forward. As the world gazes on let the Lord's work defended by God go forward, the Lord being our helper. Are there any of your desiring to retire from this mission, please voice yourselves now . Is there anybody, Ernest? Brother Ernest Jessop: No one sir. There is no one that has offered to retire. President Warren S. Jeffs: I have had Lorraine sit in there and take notes and also record. You can have those other two on watch listen to this and offer them the same opportunity. The call of the Lord to Zion's Camp is to repent of all unbelief and lightmindedness and now exert the gift of oneness constantly unto God through Priesthood. I will read this again, brethren: Take this word 10 the laborers in Zion and say unto them the gifts and powers to redeem Zion shall allend you. my people, as you become one in me through Priesthood and the power of the Priesthood allending you. Be not of lillie faith but give your all to my cause and my powers shall attend you. And if thou doest it not my blessings shall be upon those who will obey my will. Dear brethren, the invitation is to oneness. I am ready to send any of my families, your families, or the laborers away from there so that there will be oneness. Your minds and hearts will be read and revi led. The Lord will tell me if you are being a strength or not. This is the time of success. This is the time of the redemption of Zion . Be men of peace. Seek the Lord to strengthen you in a time of weakness and fatigue . Behold the laborers who are called on this mission to build and establish Zion in fulness on the lands of refuge must needs more fully repent of their unbelief and lightmindedness and seek unto me for the powers of heaven to rest upon them to strengthen them in a time of weakness and to revel to their minds the skills and the abilities to do the work 1 have commanded them.
The Lord srud, "Do not look back". There is no other way. This mission must be accomplished. In Joseph Smith's time as the Zion's Camp neared Jackson County the Lord sent the storms to keep back the mobs. The Lord our God has all power. This is the work of God. This is the test of oneness. He will bless us if we are one. That is the Lord's message to you. I may have David go visit the neighbors and make and friendly gesture, tell them we are people of peace. We want a good relationship. But wrut until I send you later today, David. Will you do that? Brother David Allred: Yes sir. President Warren S. Jeffs: Okay. This is the word of the Lord and this is the test. I will be talking to other men elsewhere. So at eleven o'clock today and then later at eight o'clock are your circle prayers at the time the First Presidency are doing so. Tomorrow and the next day it will be seven in the morning our time, which will be eight o'clock your time, one o'clock our time, which will be two o'clock your time, eight o'clock our time, which will be nine o'clock your time. Let your prayers ascend with ours at the same time, a united group of brethren and families. I have my family in Short Creek fasting and praying but they don't know why. Just that the Lord will bless and prosper the work the Lord is having me do. They are fasting for three days, eating lightly to keep energy, drinking plenty to keep up your energy. And usually in families it is twelve years old and older. Oh, dear brethren. this has weighed so heavily upon me since yesterday and since this project was reveled, it has weighed so heavily on me that I have had to send people away seeking to bring about oneness. This must succeed in the Lord, Him doing it. Don't just use mere mortal wisdom and strength. Every act, every thought must be an exertion of prayer and the Lord doing it now
dear brethren, the Lord doing it. I love you brethren. God bless you. I hope to see you soon again . The Lord has directed me to lead the laborers from R23 to R 17 if they meet the schedule. If they don't then I will see what I am suppose to do. My comings and goings will have to be in great secrecy. The Lord stopped me from coming there yesterday. Now I have reveled to you His mind and will. Let me hear with your voices with your hands raised, do you receive this and will you do it brethren? All Present: (With hands raised) Yes sir! President Warren S. Jeffs: The Lord helping us we will do it. So continue bringing in your materials quietly. Go forward, prepare, more determinedly after your eleven o'clock prayer, united with all others elsewhere. God bless you dear brethren. I will be in contact. After our eleven o'clock effort. Eleven o'clock is twelve o'clock your time. Do you understand? Brother Ernest Jessop: Yes sir. President Warren S. Jeffs: Do your preparation work. Be more sober. Prepare your minds and hearts to exert this prayer of oneness and then from that moment on exert a prayer of oneness and deliverance unto the Lord until we are in the center stake of Zion. If He allows us to go through experiences in the mists of this test let us keep sweet, not criticize, even our enemies, but thank the Lord and let's search unto Him for a door of deli verance. It is all or nothing at all . Let us go forward. Now we have dedicated our lives to the cause of Zion. This is not a public facility. It is private property and when it is the right time we will revel our religious connection, that this is the work of God being performed. The word of the Lord to everyone is , "Do not interfere with the work of God". We are men of peace doing the will of God. That will be my message to the opposition at the right time. The Lord bless us. Continue on brethren. I will be in contact. After your, at your time, your noon o'clock
[After the phone call] if you agree, Uncle Allen. Brother Allen Steed: Yes sir, just right. Brother Ernest Jessop: Seth, you go and give a brief summary to the men on watch and let's put two people on watch all the time there at the gate like he says, keep someone at the gate. Okay. We know what to do.
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"The Lord wants LeRoy Jessop and also Jacob the bu laIng Johnson called and set
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Brethren, can you see that everyone is present? Anyone missing of your acquaintances? ..... All the others that are on the land are present? Do you recognize that? I am to make sure everyone is gathered and can hear this message. Dear brothers and sisters, the Lord has given a directive today that we gather again and hear His word, as He has a special message for us. Let us draw in the wanderings of our minds and be ye believing. I love you with Heavenly Father's love, and the love of God is the power unto eternal life. I am so grateful for all of you. This message of the Lord is to awaken us to our responsibilities unto Him.
Prayer: President Wendell Nielsen
Dear brothers and sisters, I stand before you by the direction of the Lord and in His name, as He is watching us so closely in this mission, and He is guiding and guarding us that we will not be led astray if we will but stay firm and devoted unto Him. And having this knowledge I rejoice in our Heavenly Father, in His kind mercy, and pray that His Spirit will rest upon me and you as I present before you a revelation the Lord has given this morning. And He has named that all the people on this land should hear His word concerning us, a word of warning and training and a call to repentance. The Lord told me some months back He wanted one hundred men set apart as temple builders on this land by the time August 10" came, and to this very minute there are only twenty men named by the Lord to participate in that work. And it has weighed upon me so heavily - what is the Lord' s will, not only concerning the workers but our families on this land. And this revelation should awaken us. I have also sought diligently, as I did concerning Ernest Jessop, what is the state and standing of Allen Steed, and the Lord wants this known to all of you, because the devil was working a deception among us, and will yet if we do not hasten to get close to the Lord. The Lord talks to us in this revelation the warning, and also the deliverance needed.
Record of President Warren Jeffs Page 121 Wednesday, August 11, 2004
5J1This will be a short meeting. I deliver this message. It will be exact. It applies to everyone. And it strongly applies to the Priesthood bearers here, that it was no small thing when you received this mission and entered into these covenants to abide the fulness of the United Order, the Celestial Law. and thus the first two great commandments unto perfection. I say again, it was no small thing. That step that you took was an eternal step, and how you treat it will determine the direction you
6. And in his pride, his mind was darkened: and he hath deceived himself thinking J, the Lord his God, was leading him when he was listening to the enemy of his soul, which brought a complaint in his heart
many times, against you, my servanl, and
7. Behold I, the Lord, see and know all things, and through the power of my Spirit, can discern the thoughts and intents of the hearts of all men, and nothing is hiddenfrom me.
8. And thus, 1 have had you, my servant, handle him, lest he bear influence among those called to the mission of the redemption of Zion and lead them astray in his darkened .slate. 9. Behold, he is in mine hands. Go forward. my servant, and deliver this message of me. the Lord thy God, unto those
who are called to labor in my cause.
Now be humble. Be believing. Know the Lord loves His children. But when people sin against the greater light, they receive the greater judgment and condemnation. You need not point fingers at other men. This warning is to everyone involved in the mission of the redemption of Zion.
It is not the Lord's fault that His blessings have
not flowed to us as we have needed. He has all power to do and fulfill His will. There is something wrong within if His blessings are not flowing to us. So with these yearnings the Lord gave this answer, and everyone needs to be awake and listen carefully. He is talking to us on this land.
Revelation Given to President WarreD S. Jdfs At The Place of Refuge R11 Wcdncsday, August 11. 2004
10. And he who receives the revelations ofmy will through my servant, and enters into
sacred c ovenants with me through
Priesthood. and through those covenants they are offered eternal blessings in Oneness with me; and then if they turn from those will, their minds shall be darkened; and if they do not repent, they will defY me and loose Priesthood and have nO part with me. I/, And this because they would not seek unto me, but followed lhe pride of their own will. 12. And 1 say unto you, my people, the power of my Spirit shall be a shield of protection against all deceptions of the evil one, who lieth in wait to destroy your souls. 13. And my Spirit shall bum within you as
you live constant unto me, through the prayer covenants, and reject the revelations of my
I. Verily thus saith the Lord, even Jesus Christ, the Creator of heavens and earth, the light and life of the world, unto you my
servant, Warren: as you have inquired o/me
the state and standing of Allen Steed 2, Behold, I say unto you. he has sinned against knowledge, and he is rejected of me: and his portion shall be with unbelievers: and 1 have withdrawn Priesthoodfrom him. 3. And that which 1 had formerly appointed unto him shall be given to others, as 1 shall direct you, my servant, if they will abide in me. . For he does continue to justify himself wherein he compromised my will through you, my servant, and the evil One hath gained
power over him.
ofrejoicing and great humility exercised. 14. For in the humility ofsubmission un/a me through my Priesthood shall you be strengthened ofme. 15. And again 1 say unto you my people,
lellhere be no disputations among you,' and
5. And if he does not repent with full purpose ofheart speedily, he shall become an
instroment in the hands of mine enemies
bring great distress upOn my people, for he has received the greater light and is now darkened in like portion.
seek unto me for the gift of oneness through my Spirit. by exercising through the prayer of faith the love ofthe Father, even that bond of charity. the bond of fervent devotion unto God. who created you and gives you the
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16. Verily thus saith the Lord unto the laborers called to this mission to establish Zion infulness on the lands ofrefuge: I have offered you a place with me in Zion, through my servant, and with the faithful of all generations who have abided in me. 17. And I have called upon you, my servants, to unite as one and fulfill the revelations of my will that I have given you through my servant, to build a temple on the consecrated spot in the Texas Stake of Zion. 18. And the experiences you have been passing through have been given you to prepare you to assist in this work, andfor this purpose have I called you to this mission.
your labors through the power of my Holy Spirit, and I shall place a shield ofprotec/ion in and round about you from on high and
preserve you.
27. And I will reveal to you the skills and abilities and gifts to perform your labors pleasing to me. 28. Abide in me and 1 shall abide in you, and fill you with my Spirit. 29. Verily 1 say unto you, my servant, Merril Jessop, and those that assist him , seek unlo me the Lord, thy God, diligently and I shall be with you, and do not judge afier the manner and ways of men; for this work is of me30. And as you and my people exert the prayer and works of oneness, I shall enlighten your mind and the minds of the laborers; and the ways and means, gifts and skills shall come forth to accomplish the revelations of my will. 31 . And be ye one with me through my servant, and know that I am with him , and with the First Presidency of my Church. as
they continue to abide in oneness with me,
19. Behold, many are called, but few are chosen, because many do not abide in their
covenants with me.
20. And you, the laborers in the redemption of Zion, must needs humble yourselves, that you may be accepted of me and appointed and set apart to assist in building my sacred house. 21. And if you do nOI prove worthy to assist in this work, when you have been called and made covenants with me to abide the fulness of Zion, and yet do not qualify; I, the Lord, shall reject you, and your portion shall be with unbelievers. 22. Humble yourselves, 0 ye, my people, lest my judgments come upon you and reward you according to your deeds and your unbelief and your treating lightly my offered gifts and blessings. 23. Behold, my power is from on high, and who can withstand the power ofmy will, as 1 execute righteous judgment against those who have thus rejected me. 24. Therefore humble yourselves and abide in thy covenants with me by dwelling in the lively increase of my Holy Spirit. 25. My people must needs repent of their fallen nature of selfish pride, which turns them from me, and they turn to the idolatry of their selfish will, thinking their former works of righteousness can justify them. 26. And as you, my people, are offered a place with me, know this: I the Lord shall be with you as you apply unto me and perform
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through the prayer of faith and the fervent devotion of my holy love, a/ways exercised
unto me and to one another.
32. Be not of little faith, 0 ye, my people: thefulness ofthe redemption ofZion shall be accomplished in this generation. 33. And because my people have not prepared, my judgments are upon them, and the day of choosing is taking place. 34. And again I say unto you, my people, you shall be chosen of me as you choose to serve me Ihrough the constant devotion ofthe love of God, doing my will in all things. 35. And ye must needs dwell in the revelations of my will in your stewardships with a constanl increase, and do not look back to your former knowledge and understanding and ways of men, 36. Zion shall be redeemed through
power from on high; and my servants on
earth called to this mission must more fully reach to be led in the revelalions of my will, and to be empowered by the heavenly gifts: and always have dwelling within them, through my grace, the witness and power of the burning peace of my Spirit; for Zion can
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only be redeemed through the power of my Spirit. 3 7. Repent ye, repentye is the word of the Lord unto the .laborers called to establish Zion, even speedily - repent of all your f allen ways, and I will be with you still; and willfulfillthe promises I have given to all the holy Prophets throug h you, my prepared people, as y ou abide in me. Otherwise you shall have no portion with me. 38. And behold I say unto you my servant, Warren: Call forth the laborers on this land this day and deliver this message of my will unto them, and the power of my Spirit shall be with you. 39. And as they seek unto me, I, the Lord, will forg ive them and work with them in my cause. 40. And deliver them from the powers of the adversary who has been seeking their destruction. 41 . My peace be upon you , my lillie ones. as you abide in me. Even so, Amen.
were being led by the evil one, and they deceived themselves. They were becoming master deceivers among us, and the Lord is at the helm of this work, guiding this work. Now brethren, why aren't you chosen? The Lord names by revelation whom He will trust. The construction and design of the temple is sacred unto God and cannot be betrayed. We failed the test of keeping confidences. We were corrected. We have exerted a repentance. But now what? "I am sorry," doesn't fully quality you. You have to have the qualifications burning within, the Holy Spirit of God in lively increase, and the gift of revelation guiding you, that everything you touch, the Spirit of God is involved and doing that work, the Lord doing it. And then you laborers who have been set apart to help on the temple, some of you have not been humble enough. And none need boast, because whatever position you are called, even to be a temple builder, if you do not do it the Lord' s way, you could fall , and that is the example the Lord has placed before us, to deliver us, that this work can continue. I love these brethren. They were instruments of doing much good. But they came to a condition where they were being led by the evil powers, and it had to be detected and corrected. This message applies to the families. Many of you are doing well. The Lord has given me your names, both men and ladies on this land, dwelling on this land, that He has heard your prayers. But there are also many living on the faith of others, and still having fears and doubts even against yourself, which deprives you of the lively increase of the Holy Spirit. Tbe correction, tbe key that opens the door of deliverance from whatever weakness or challenge you have, that key is the constant fervent prayer of rejoicing in the Lord, thanking Him for your experience. And then turn the next key. Reach to be led. Then you must have the next key: Dwell in the witness of the Spirit of peace, that you please God in what you are doing. None need fail. But the Lord has sent me to this land with that first revelation wherein He declared that when I came here He would reveal more of His will to us. He has sent me here to clean up Zion ' s Camp with this warning that if you do not perform your mission the Lord's
Record of President Warren Jeffs
Dear brothers and sisters, men and women, you have received this mission for the purpose to establish Zion in fulness . Zion in fulness is the presence of God among us. He has called upon US to build that temple that He may come and dwell among us. For this purpose you came here, to be temple builders and then to become temple workers. To have some of you chosen and others not chosen creates disunity. We are not one. And this is the warning of the Lord , that if you do not prove worthy to participate in this mission of building the temple, you will be cast out, and that is what you now face. That is the message of the Lord to us. And you will lose Priesthood, brethren. So it is all or nothing at all, because the covenants we have entered into with the Lord, and the knowledge of the revelations of His will is so great, that in like portion we will be darkened and falL The two brethren that have been handled had become instruments in the hands of Lucifer to lead this group of saints astray, and the Lord in His mercy detected it, revealed this truth, and handled them . Their hearts were not right, and they were ready to be instruments to deceive even the very elect on this land if it were possible. And I speak it plainly . That is the gravi ty of their sin. They thought they were being led by God when they
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way, and you have to be sent away, you lose everything, like unto these men who have been handled, and it will be your doing. On the other hand, the Lord in this revelation told us how to succeed and offers us His blessings still. This is serious business, dear people. We have let the world go. We have entered a new era. We are in a mission that must go forward and will fill the earth, and all the powers of evil will combine against us. But performing this mission the Lord's way, He has promised to be with us. You have reached a point of no return, dear brethren, as far as the Priesthood in your life is concerned. Humble yourself. Choose the Lord that He will choose you. And you men and ladies who are dwelling in fears and doubts, you will be detected. So just be honest with the Lord and repent, and live as you have been taught and as you have covenanted with Him to live. This is an effort of gathering, and here we are on this land, and we were having and living in a scattered faith. The Lord in His mercy has declared to us the handling of these men as a deliverance and as a warning. You need not even talk about it. Leave what is in the Lord's hands in the Lord's hands, and you do right. You are so protected here, you hardly see what is about to happen. This is a matter of our very spiritual and physical survival, our individual success in becoming Zion and building Zion, and the evil one is working hard to enter in among us . All of us need to succeed for this mission to succeed. Now don't pray yourself away anymore. You are here to succeed in the Lord. Be encouraged that He loves us so much, He will tell us the truth of our condition and also how to qualify. If you are a person suffering fears and doubts, when will you repent if it is not now? Continued wrongdoing will bring greater condemnation. When will you repent? It is here and now. I love you, dear brothers and sisters, and the Lord loves us. This work can be accomplished. We believe in and follow and worship and obey a God of miracles who has all power to accomplish His will . The physical push isn't enough. The powers of heaven must bum bright in every person here, and thus the Lord will do this work. And you
Record of President Warren Jeffs
succeeding in being Zion increasingly will bless all others here and many others in the future. Do you receive this message of the Lord with voice and hand?
Response: Yes!
Any people that do not receive this? Be honest. Let us go forward. The Lord has appointed 6:00 for the First Presidency to witness the first three stones cut for the temple. And tomorrow we are to lay those stones on the footings that must be poured in time, and it needs to be quality work in place, the right measurements. You brethren working on the stone, the two-foot block is from center of the metal bar to center of the metal bar. So the block itself is smaller than the two-foot cube dimension, but with the mortar join center and the bar in place, two feet for that dimension. I voice that so you can go forward and work on it before we witness the stone cut. I make that much known to everyone, that the First Presidency has come here to witness the first three stones cut and tomorrow to lay those stones in place. Only those appointed to this special work of building the temple can be present. Now, brethren, will you humble yourselves and qualify? And do not think your covenants in establishing Zion, your covenant with the Lord, can just be done in a half measure. Come full measure, and we will have more than half a hundred right here. And the Lord will have me gather more men as they qualify. Now brothers and sisters, yesterday the Lord told me this to say to you: My presence among you and the Lord withholding me from giving His word and trainings to you is a great condemnation upon us. For me to be present on the land and we go along time after time, day after day, and the Lord does not allow me to give us what we need, it is condemning us in His sight. And this people came to a condition where the Lord was ready to reject us.
Why will not man learn wisdom by precept at this late age ofthe world, when we have such a cloud ofwitnesses and examples before us, and not be obliged to learn by sad experience everything we know. Must the new ones that are chosen to fill the places of
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those that are fallen, begin to exalt themselves, until they exalt themselves so high that they will soon tumble over and have a great fall, and go wallowing through the mud and mire and darkness, Judas-like, to the buffetings of Satan, 'or will they learn
wisdom and be wise?
4:20 p.m. Call to temple mission This is a recorded session. The Lord has named you five brethren to join in the mission to build the temple. It will take your all. The Lord has shown me that anyone who receives this mission, their lives will be sought after, evil powers will seek your destruction, the temptations and whisperings of evil will come against you and yet the Lord will be with you. The Lord has said through the ordinances of the Priesthood, the power of Godliness is made manifest, so you will be set apart, by the laying on of hands, for the special mi ssion to be a temple builder, still holding your present Priesthood office, unless the Lord directs otherwise. To build the temple you have to keep sacred things secret, the dimensions, the interior, the rooms, what goes in them, you can never talk about except the Lord appoints you through me. To break that confidence, the Lord has me give you this warning, you will lose Priesthood and you will be cast out, and you will have no place among us. So the blessings are very great, you will be set apart as a temple builder, you still would have to be set apart as a temple worker, to go into the temple and help administer those ordinances. So this blessing is to allow you to know of the secrets of the Lord's house in construction. There are more blessings you will need to come into the presence of God. So I ask each one of you individually, keeping a Priesthood record; Brother Leroy Jessop, do you receive this covenant that you will not reveal the secrets of the Lord's house and temple to anyone, and you will dedicate your life to this mission?
Leroy Jessop: res I do.
And I pray this for all of us. Now let us go forward, rejoicing in the Lord for His deliverance, His continued guidance, and know that He means business, and He will not accept half measures. QualifY, and qualifY today. I say His message in the name of Jesus Christ, amen. I need Jacob Johnson, Louis Jessop, Levi Jeffsdid he hear me? Is there a Jacob Allred here? Where are you? Leroy Jessop. You brethren stay here after this meeting is closed. Dear families, this applies to you, too. To remain here you need to prove worthy to come in the presence of God and go in the temple by the Lord's appointment. Don't live on borrowed light. Don't think the Priesthood over you will just carry you there. You must walk on your own two spiritual feet into the presence of God, in connection with the Priesthood over you. Do your part and the Lord will take care of you. I ask Uncle Fred to say a few words and then close with prayer, as we need to dismiss soon.
President Fred M. Jessop: Dear people, this is a chance of a lifetime. My testimony is that Brother Warren has been reserved .... to come to earth under his father to be the Lord's servant at this time to direct the redemption of Zion. No wonder that the Lord is so specific about being so strict about the conduct of the lives of His saints. We have been given ajob. Now let us ??obey him firm?? and walk steady on. Our holy Heavenly Father, the God of this world, who possesses all knowledge, who owns this earth, this world, the adversary has usurped authority and become the god of the worldly world.. . He is not to destroy.... subdued, .... will sail triumphant... direct the redemption of Zion. Brothers and sisters, ..... brothers and sisters, .... get down 10 business and dedicate this effort.. ..
Louis Jessop?
Louis Jessop: Yes.
Levi Jeffs?
Levi Jeffs: Yes.
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They all receive the covenant. Uncle Merrill is the Bishop and Presiding Elder and I will be working with him on much of this project. Brother Edmund Barlow Allred, now, is the architect, but you need to be careful, be grateful to know what you need to know and don't ask all the secrets of the Lord. If you say, what is this room called and those in authority have not told you, you shouldn't be asking. Be grateful to know what you need to do to be a strength. When you are helping to build the temple, whether you are on the site or the rock quarry or off at the sawmill or wherever, this ordinance will allow you to come on the temple site and you should be careful. You only enter that site and that building with a fervent prayer exerted, and you are to live so the angels will be with us . The Lord will be watching your spirit, your thoughts, your feelings , this is His house. He is having me set you young men apart, the Lord is choosing young men, hoping that you will be perfectly obedient and keep the Lord's trust. This is serious business, if you break the Lord's trust on this, you cannot be part of Priesthood. Do you understand? And yet live this covenant, fulfill this mission, you will receive greater and greater blessings. The Lord is counting on you living in His increase, no more light minded ness, guard your thoughts, your words, your desires.
Do you feel comfortable standing or would you rather sit? If you leaned against here . I would like one of you to stay, the rest stand outside that door. Brother Leroy. Uncle Merrill you can stay if you desire. Your full name? Leroy Jessop: Merril Leroy Jessop. Prayer: President Warren S. Jeffs: Our dear faithful brother, Merrill Leroy Jessop, by the revelations of the will of God, through His servant and through His Spirit, we your brethren of the First Presidency unitedly lay our hands upon your head and in oneness with the Priesthood in the Heavens and in the authority of the Holy Melchizedek Priesthood, set you apart on the mission to be a temple builder and bestow upon you all the gifts, rights, powers and intelligence needed to humbly perform your appointed work. As your life will be in danger by the threat of the evil powers, by the authority and keys of the Holy Priesthood, we seal upon you the protection of Heaven that your life will be preserved. We bless you with the gift of the skills needed and the accuracy to be precise in the Lord's work and to beautify His house. You will have to give your all, dear brother, be fervent, humble, prayerful, and hold not back a part. Sacrifice your light minded comments, learn to reach to be led in every thought and word and action. Live in the lively increase of the burning peace of the Holy Spirit. We ask Heavenly F ather to ratify this ordinance of setting apart as a temple builder in the Heavens and visit this dear brother with the gifts of success he needs, by the authority of the Holy Priesthood and in the name ofJesus Christ, amen.
You are in the right place at the right time, but you will also meet the greatest tests that have been given to a people because the devil will rage as we step forth to do this work. You are giving your very life by receiving this ordinance to the redemption of Zion and the building of the temple. As you qualify here and prove worthy you could participate in helping build the temple in the New Jerusalem. So you want to learn every skill as you Bless you. I am grateful for you. Report for step forth to do it, don't just depend on the duty. inspiration of those over you, ask the Lord how to Send in Jacob Johnson. do that work, whatever it may be. The Lord is choosing Aaronic Priesthood These two men can help you on alot of the bearers to fill up the measure. The Lord also earthwork right away. The Lord has put Fred Lindsay, Sr. as the project manager of the temple, appointed those young men get their drivers but you need to manage him . He needs to work licenses right away. closely with you. So realize who you report to. We could have him just lean against here, Uncle Fred would you like to participate?
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Prayer: President Warren S. Jeffs: Our dear faithful brother, Jacob Hamblin Johnson, we your brethren of the First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ on the earth today, united lay our hands upon your head by the appointment of the Lord, to do His will and in the authority of Holy Melchizedek Priesthood which we bear and in oneness with the Priesthood in the Heavens, we set you apart on the mission to be a temple builder and bestow upon you all the gifts, rights, powers and intelligence needed to perform this mission. We bless you with the gifts of life, health and strength and that your family will be protected and taken care of while you are on this mission, that you will not be distracted and fall short, but give your all, dear brother.
In the authority of the Holy Priesthood and by the keys and powers thereof, we place a seal of protection upon you and your life, that your life will be preserved because the evil powers will seek your destruction, only be more fervent, humble, prayerful and you will come to know the Spirit of God, more and more. There are yet other ordinances required to receive the presence of God. Fulfill this mission in the Lord in all faithfulness and greater blessings await you. We do this according to the Lord's will and power in the authority of the Priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ, amen. Send in the Allred boy. progressing, nonetheless. What is your full name? The work is
this work and that the angels shall attend you. We place upon you, by the keys and powers of Priesthood, a seal of protection that your life will be preserved as you seek unto the Lord to dwell in constant revelation. Keep sacred and secret this calling, do not even tell your family in Short Creek of this mission. The Lord will be with you as you perform this labor in oneness with the Priesthood over you and through His Spirit. You will learn new skills and abilities and as you prove faithful in learning these skills, knowing these skills you will then become a teacher and a builder of other temples to help other laborers learn these skills. Be willing, be directable, be anxious to learn going the Lord's pace in all things. Well done thus far in your mission, now perform this work with a fervent faith , live a pure and clean life so that you will not offend the Heavenly powers on the temple site or in the temple and seek to be filled with the Heavenly fire of the Holy Ghost. We pronounce this blessing and ordinance by the authority of the Priesthood according to the will of God and in the nameofJesus Christ, amen. Thank you, Dear brother. Are you Ok, Uncle Fred? Your full name?
Louis Jessop: Sixteen. Prayer: President Warren S. Jeffs: Our dear, faithful brother, Louis Merrill Jessop, we your brethren of the quorum of the First Presidency of the Church, lay our hands upon your head and in the authority of the Holy Melchizedek Priesthood, which we bear, we set you apart on a mission as a temple builder and bestow upon you all the rights, gifts, powers and intelligence, needed to perform this mission to be a strength to the Priesthood over you, as you will be authorized of the Lord, to enter that sacred building during the construction time of the building, we say to you dear brother, dwell in God, be fervently prayerful, live so the angels are around you protecting you.
Record of President Warren Jeffs
Prayer: President Warren S. Jeffs: Our dear faithful brother, Jacob Richard Allred, we your brethren unitedly lay our hands upon your head by the appointment of the Lord as His quorum of the First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ upon the earth, and at this time, in the authority of the Holy Melchizedek, we set you apart on the mission as a temple builder and bestow upon you all the rights, gifts, powers and intelligence needed to perform
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said you would be sealing the love of God in Warren Johnson Sen. and also in LeRoy Jessop and Joseph Steed Jessop. You said, "/ will be TR#287409-001221
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Sunday, January 23,2005 Page 228
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The Lord allows one prepared lady to stay with me as a witness and scribe and helpmate, Naomie Jeffs. I repeated to my scribe the Lord's word. I acknowledge the truths of what was spoken is of God.
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Thursday, June 2, 2005
R1 7
Record of President Warren Jeffs Page 13
total chaos." You groaned. At 6:30 a.m. you said, "The manpower now must be inside the temple completing that work by June 12. " You said, "The Lord will give to the first of July for the groundwork and the rock to be up on the building. He also wants the bathroom annex to be complete so that there will be bathroom facilities available. There will be five restrooms with showers." You said, "For now this will be a separate building. In time we will build something that will connect to the building." You said, "But that is not part of what needs to be done by July 1." You said, "The Lord is showing me that through July great things will happen. And we must be a people who has earned the approval of God." You went quietfor a few minutes. Your body jolted hard.
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Record of President Warren Jeffs
You said, "The Lord has a place for Sharon Jeffs. J will be giving her to Leroy Jessop. But the Lord is showing me to wait until the schedule is met by June 12 so there will be no distractions. "
Record of President Warren Jeffs
Page IS
"""'WS one prepared to stay me as a witness and scribe and helpmate, Naomie Jeffs. I repeated to my scribe the Lord's word. I acknowledge the truths of what was spoken is of God.
Friday, June 3, 2005
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Marnarre R ecol"<d
Husband: Father: Fredrick Merril Jessop
7 0;4:emily
Page -146-
Sex: F Eyes:
-AOor This docum ent is a cer tifie d dupli ca te of the inform ation contained in the com puter storage d evi ces of th e D epartm ent of Tr ansportat ion, Motor 'vehicl e Division, in accordance with Arizona Revised St atutes section 28-444,
arna ge R ecord
Husband: Father: Fredrick Merril Jessop
Name: DEBRA ANN HOLM Address: S .F H uht 411 License: DOl 164339 230 W FIELD AVE ex. . DOB: 04/2511985 COLORADO CITY. AZ 86021 Eyes: BLU WeIght: 085
.l.\ooTThis document is a certified duplicate of the information contained in the computer storage devices of the Department of Transportation, Motor Vehicle Division, in accordance with Arizona Revised Statutes section 28-444 .
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9:15 p.m.
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Page J88
And I told Leroy Jessop he needed to humble himself and teach his family and have his first wife break away from Dan Barlow's clan and draw them close to him he fore the greater tests
I'.gc 189
Marria(le Record
Husband : Father: Fredrick Merril Jessop
Wife :
Sharon Jeffs
Former wife of Isaac Allen Joseph Steed and Dixion Louis Kapcsos
Marriage Performed By: Date: Mother Colleen Keate
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Nothing at AU; Eternal Judgment Upon Those Who Do Not Keep Their Covenantsj The Lord Will Give the Advantage if We Live His Way; How 10 Work With Children in Zion; Everyone Covenants With God to Be Zion Increasingly
President Warren S. Jeffs: I thank our Heavenly Father for the privilege to meet with this people today, as we assemble under His direction to receive His message. Let us join our faith more fervently than ever before that not only the word of God will be given, but that word will be received and felt in every person's heart unto immediate action; for the power of Godliness is among this people, each person who will reach to receive to return, exerting their love for God and one another. Let us sing the song of gratitude, 196. And this song also is a dedication of ourselves to the Lord. Then we will ask Brother Joseph Steed to open with prayer. [Music Playing) With a smile. Song: "We Thank Thee, 0 God, for a Prophet" Prayer: Elder Joseph Steed
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President Warren S. Jeffs: I am so grateful to meet with you this beautiful day, another precious gift of life to us . And I seek unto our Heavenly Father for His Spirit to be with me and all of you to deliver His message He wants given today. After the funeral of Uncle Fred, the Lord sent me one direction to do another work, and then He suddenly had me stop, and the next morning turn around and go back and quickly come to this land we call R17. And upon my arrival the Lord showed me there were things that were not right on this land. In one revelation He opened my mind to see under the earth, the very foundations of the earth under this land where this Priesthood people dwells, and there was a trembling of the earth. And I was allowed in this vision to walk under the foundation of this land, and it was cracking and breaking, ready to crumble and be destroyed. Many of the brethren came running as they heard the earth rumbling, and I was able to rise to the surface and tell them, "The very foundations of this mission and of this land are crumbling." Then the Lord showed me certain things were wrong here. And He revealed that Lucifer himself had come on this land and the powers of evil were afflicting this people. He showed me corrections had to be made, a cleanup had to take place, that the deceptions were so subtle that hardly anyone could detect them. He kept me from this people at first, as some corrections were made. Our Conference was withdrawn. We were humbled, became more fervent, and then the Lord sent me to us on Monday to call us to repentance and offer those who had broken covenants and were struggling in keeping sweet a way that they could repent and still be accepted. How loving and kind our Heaveuly Father is. The Lord had me work with the men first. And Tuesday into Wednesday morning, I met many of you. You were called on to be honest, declare what the Lord impressed you to do, whether to stay or go, and every person was placed on their own responsibility, whether or not they would remain in this mission. Twelve men chose to leave or were directed to leave. Then on Wednesday the Lord sent me and we held a meeting, calling on the ladies, giving them one more day to decide what they would do.
Record of President Warren Jeffs
Training was given to men and women during these days, helping and guiding them in how to make this decision the right way - with a prayer of faith and in the Spirit of peace. The Lord had every woman on this land respond, listen to a training, go to the Lord for a witness of what they should do; and through the night, working with this people, twelve ladies have been sent away. Now the Lord wants the children to clean up their lives, giving them a little time to learn and prove they will be obedient, and there will soon come a cleanup among our children. And the parents must be most fervent in working with them. We have all been placed on our own responsibility, given the opportunity to exercise our agency and make a choice, and you sit here today having chosen to stay. And I thank the Lord for working with us. All of us feel that we need to do better. As we calmed down and turned to the prayer of faith, we felt the witness of peace strengthening us, and some that I met had a heaven-sent determination to stand true, stay on this mission, and see that this work was accomplished, even the fulness of the redemption of Zion. We know that one purpose of this training and this call of the Lord is to clean up this people. Another great accomplishment in this cleanup is that every person had to go to Heaveuly Father, reach for and receive a personal testimony of what they should do. And the Lord wants every man and woman, and the children of age, to turn to Him, receive that testimony that you are where you should be, where He wants you to be, approved of God; because the coming tests and trials will be so great, each person must have an inward spiritual strength, called testimony, to know they are where the Lord wants them to be, to be able to stand. And at this moment, as you have rededicated yourself to the Lord, in fervency sought unto Him, the Lord declares to this group of people, as of this moment the slate is clean, and He forgives this people and will work with us still. And He wants me to give us this training and warning, that from now on He expects us to keep our covenants with Him, and from this time forth only those who have the Spirit of God can remain on this land. We can only remain on this land if we have the Spirit of God.
Thursday, March 31, 2005
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You will now be tested greater than ever. You must be most humble, unto a constant fervent devotion unto God, reaching for the protection and strength of heaven, the Holy Spirit, to live by your covenants. The Lord prepared the way that we would not be destroyed, a way of deliverance and atonement so that those who needed to more fully repent would be spared, their lives spared, and that includes all of us. Now we must look forward in perfect faith and be constant unto God, as He wants me to tell us that we will be afflicted, we will have tests and trials, we must be chastened and prove faithful. But the Lord and the heavenly powers will be with the obedient, and He will give us the advantage of the heavenly strength if we will just tum to Him in all things. obedient and become one, and no power of earth or hell can break through. But if we are not one we will be scourged, and even the righteous will suffer with those who break their covenants. You are now affecting everybody. The devil came on this land, afflicted many of you. We have performed the work ofrededicating every home, and the Lord had me rededicate this land. A cleanup has now taken place. Repentance is offered. Some have wisely and properly left this land to more fully prepare; and how great is our Heavenly Father's love for us. Now the Lord expects every one of us to be honest with Him, and the only honesty will be to keep our covenants.
As you turned to the Lord and were reaching for His will and deciding what to do, some of you took The Lord wants me to give us this warning, that on some doubts and fears . You took on worry in we must now do or be damned. He will bless us to your decision making. The Lord sent me again succeed as we do it His way. But if we return to the among you, to the brethren Tuesday evening, to loss of the Spirit of God and invite the evil powers the ladies yesterday, to train you how to make the among us and within us, He will have to now right decision through the prayer of rejoicing, in a execute an eternal judgment on anyone of us if we Spirit of peace. That was a training how you must do not live as we have been taught and as we have live every moment. All your possible concerns covenanted to live. The entire Priesthood people about the future are solved in this simple way: will soon be afflicted beyond what they have Govern the present moment in living in the known. In the driving and persecution, some of increase of the Spirit of God, and that Holy Spirit them will lose their lives. But on this mission will flow to you to the degree of your fervency . where we have chosen to stay and do this work the This is where Zion's Camp has fallen short. We Lord's way, under covenant with Him to succeed have not stayed fervent. We relax our faith when in Him, if we reject Him again through the loss of we are blessed. the Spirit of God and continue in that wrongdoing, The Lord will allow the government pressures our judgment in this mission will be eternal. You to come upon us greater now. He has shown me cannot trifle and treat lightly with the things of that wicked people will try to come on this land God. You must be fervent unto Him. and just see what is here. It will take great faith to So dear brothers and sisters, the Lord is keep the enemy away and for us to survive. We determined that this mission succeed. And I hope will go through afflictions and tests. But we are and pray that every day the Lord will influence under covenant to keep Zion growing. 'We have you, and you will respond, to reach for and exert an chosen to stay, and the Lord promises us the increased testimony that this is the work of God. advantage, the gifts of success, His Spirit Zion can be and is being redeemed. And you are increasing in us as we reach, receive, and exert the now expected, because you have been spared and heavenly gifts to do His will. because you have chosen to remain, and because Govern the present moment through the prayer you should have a burning testimony that you of rejoicing, reaching to be led, feel the heavenly should be here and this work can succeed, you are now expected to be constantly fervent unto God fire as you do your work; and then, through prayer and no longer relax your faith, for it is a matter of and obedience, exert the heavenly gifts and powers our very eternal lives. Up to yesterday it was your to build up the work of God, to bless the Priesthood choice. From this moment on it will be the Lord's over you. Oneness is a flow of the Spirit of God choice. His blessings will flow to us if we are , through you, the good works building up the
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Record of President Wanen Jeffs
TD fV)Q'7I1 A n ... " ... .... .
Kingdom of God and the Priesthood over you. You are only one if you are praying for the Priesthood over you. If you are praying for yourself or anything or anyone else without that focus of oneness on the Priesthood over you, then the flow can stop. You have turned to a distraction. Our focus is on that One Man, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, the Creator of heaven and earth, who gives us our next breath, our ability to think and move and do. We owe Him our all, and He only blesses us more and more as we obey. Stay in the success now. Today is like a rebirth, a spiritual rebirth, where the Lord is willing to work with us, forgive us, and empower us to do His will. He is exalted in the heavens. He has worlds. He is offering His children on earth His presence, and this group of people on this land are offered His personal presence in the sacred temple. The Lord has allowed the work on the temple to go forward and given us an April 3 schedule to meet. The work He wanted done by March 7 is not done yet and must be completed by that day. Let every person exert a spiritual strength. .You are affecting everyone. The evil powers have entered that temple and the homes and this land. The rededications have taken place of ourselves, of this land, and of our buildings. Now let us bind satan. That is our covenant when we decided to stay here - to live in the constant increase of the Spirit of God. No longer live a memorized religion. Worship and serve God in spirit and in truth, with a heaven-sent energy, the light and intelligence of the Spirit of God. Simplify your life unto the condition of Zion. Govern the present moment through the prayer of rejoicing, in living in the increase of the Holy Spirit. The Lord offers you to always feel the heavenly fire. Already some have voiced concerns that they have a battle to fight. They decided to stay and already many have felt the attack. So I remind you what the Lord allowed to come upon the Prophet Joseph Smith. He knelt in the sacred grove, he prayed out loud, and the Lord allowed the evil powers to attack to test him to see if he would stay fervent until he got the answer, and the Prophet Joseph Smith passed the test.
If you are attacked and fmd you have to pray harder, walk that one right eternal path of success. Tum to the prayer of rejoicing. Don't fall into the trap the devil lays, where when temptation may strike, you turn to bad feelings against yourself. That is how you give way and invite the devil here. Thank the Lord for the experience. Keep quiet about the battle within. Smile, pray for others more, go bless, and show the Lord you will keep your covenants and reach for and use the gifts of His Spirit; and that is how we will whip the devils and drive them off this land. A simple decision does not change your character, but this decision to stay, and this decision being honored by God Himself, can immediately empower you, of God, to succeed from this moment forth in overcoming your fallen nature of selfishness. Dear people, the Lord is through with the halfhearted in Zion's Camp. He expects every one of us to be full-hearted from this time forth, and He promises to bless us beyond what we have known. I say the word of the Lord to you. He expects each one of us to be fervent in faith as a matter of our very lives, our very eternal lives; because in choosing to stay, and having the promises of God given us, if we tum back to the whisperings of evil, if we do not turn to the Lord, we will reap an eternal judgment, because we are affecting the lives of everyone. I am so grateful that Heavenly Father influenced you to stay. He wants you to awaken to the greatness of this responsibility and approach this mission in a full faith. Doubts, fears, and worries are sacrificed in the present moment by expressing love for Heavenly Father and dedicating yourself to do His will. We have been taught the details of how to live in the increase of the Spirit of God, that keeping sweet training. The Lord wanted this short message given today and have us return to our labors. He wants me to shake everyone's hand, look in your eye. I am praying for you. I thank you for your prayers for me and for all others. Let us now look into the lives of these children. The Lord showed me that some mothers need to learn to work harder, and that will traditionate the children to work hard.
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Brethren, the Lord wants you on time to that early morning prayer. That is how you show you are anxious to please Him. Before you retire, ask the Lord to wake you up, send His power and influence to help you be on time. The way you prepare for the next job is to ask for the preparation, the gifts before you come to that job. Just retiring and thinking of yourself and your fatigue without asking for the gifts to do the next job, that is a step offailure. Everyone, when you complete a work, you are to thank the Lord that He blessed you and strengthened you. You must acknowledge Him with gratitude. And in that gratitude prayer you must then reach to be led to receive the gifts of His Spirit to do the next job. Oneness is a constant exertion of devotion. Oneness is a flow of the Spirit of God. And when you feel the heavenly peace come into you, don't relax your faith. When the good gift is with you, that is when you pray harder and exert the gifts of the Spirit, reaching to be led, reaching to be strengthened, and to do your work through the powers of heaven. We are here to fulfil the revelations of God. Zion will only be redeemed through power from on high. Though the laborers are few, the Lord will strengthen you beyond what you have known, and He expects you to work through the powers of heaven and come up to that requirement now. And if the blessings are not flowing upon us, every person needs to humble themselves more and make sure you feel the Spirit of God burning in you. The burning of the heavenly peace can come in greater degrees at a time of need, but you should always feel the heavenly peace. If you will just discipline your prayers, your minds, to always express gratitude through expressing, "I love you, Heavenly Father. I want to please you and be like you. Bless me with your Spirit, and bless all others;" if you will just turn to that thinking and make it your nature, ready to follow and obey every directive, you will feel the strength of heaven. As I shake your hand I want to feel your prayerful spirit and see the light in your eyes. Thank the Lord that we have a clean slate today, like a clean piece of paper. Now He wants us to
Thursday, March 31,2005
open our minds and hearts so that His Spirit will write upon our hearts on that clean piece of paper - [motions as if writing on paper] "Do this," and then we do it; "Learn this," then we live it - and He writes upon us how to be Zion, we reach for the heavenly gifts, and the works will match the revelations He sends; and thereby we will be perfectly obedient. God and the angels will be here. I encourage you again to relisten to the Morning Class, Tuesday, on how to bind satan and how to live in the constant increase of the Spirit of God. The Lord will work with our children a little longer before judgment will come upon them. For their life' s sake, you parents be fervent. You cannot force and threaten children to keep the Spirit of God. Through your faith, the Spirit of God flowing through you, can the heavenly influence pierce into them, enter their mind and heart and influence them to think and do good. Through kind words and sweet invitation do we lead the children right. Just saying, "Stop that bad behavior," is not the right way. The right way to raise children in Zion is, you already be ahead of them, reaching to be led, and you are naming the next good thing. That will turn them from the evil and turn them to the good. And then you stay at influencing them in the good until they respond. Once in a long while you may need to reprove with sharpness, after you have shown them the good they should do. And in reproving there must be the same Spirit oflove and rejoicing burning in you as though the child was obedient; because you look upon them as the Lord does, seeing what they can become. And these children are to be raised up to be spiritual giants in the Kingdom of God, coming into the presence of God in their young years, through our faithfulness also, and their purity. And they will become witnesses to future generations that they know God lives. We are affecting the whole world on this mission. The devil is raging because a people are stepping forth to live the fulness of the Celestial Law. Do not be surprised if the evil whisperings become stronger and the outward attacks us become fervent. The Lord promises us protection, blessings, and success if we keep our covenants and redeem Zion through His heavenly gifts from this time forth. I am so grateful you are here . Let
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us go forward. Let us not bring ourselves an eternal damnation. It is all or nothing at all, HERE AND NOW. The Lord wants success NOW. Dear brethren, work with your families . Be sensitive that even when you are at a distance from them on this land, pray for them, invoke the Spirit of God upon them, whether they are here or elsewhere, and the Lord will hear your prayers. But focus on reaching for and exerting the strength of heaven on this mission. Some of the brethren were distracted by their yearnings over their families, losing the fervency, losing the heavenly fire on this mission. The Lord promises He will bless your faithful family members if you will stay focused on this mission. And the brief phone calls and trainings that you could give at the right time will be a greater power in their lives than if you were on the phone for hours trying to solve every little problem. No more bad feelings . Only live in exalted, heavenly feelings, which only dwell in you if you reach to receive. We need much done now. The Lord is willing to go to battle against the whole world on our behalf if we will be loyal unto Him. I love you. God loves us. The Lord bless us. I say this, loving you more and more, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen. We will ask Uncle Wendell to rededicate us, in the authority of the Priesthood, unto the Lord, and then I would like to shake everyone's hand.
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President Warren S. Jeffs: Be a peacemaker in that home. Is this Leann? God bless you, Leann, to be Zion increasingly. Will you do it? I can' t hear you. Ok. Leann Jeffs: Yes. President Warren S. Jeffs: Be a ble:ssirlg home, do all the
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8:38 p.m.
Training on the Places of Refuge to Men Those present: President Warren S. Jeffs, Anthony 'rhompson Jeffs, Thomas Arden Holm. John Nielsen JetTs, Warren Spencer Jessop (son of Edson Jessop), Rulon Daniel Jessop (son ofMerril Jessop), Dixon Louis Capsus Sr., Isaac S. Jeffs, Naomie Jeffs
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1- As you have received the miSSion, Brother . Thomas Holm, John, and Dixon, you are appointed to stand in your place and strengthen our hands. You other three brethren, you are appointed of the Lord to leave Short Creek as soon as you can, set your affairs in order, and go to Texas. We call it R17. We don't say the state or where we are or what we are dOing, "R)1 meaning Urefuge", R17, and it happens to be about seventeen hours from Short Creek. So we will say, "You to 17 or RI7 "
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CDnstant prayer of rejDicing in the Lord, thanking Him for whatever experience He takes us through, because if your feelings can be disturbed, YDU are nDt ZiDn and you cannDt be used. The LDrd has a right to test His people. SD great are the promised blessings, we must go through greater testing to earn those blessings. I and my family will be affected. You and YDur families will be affected. But the LDrd has prDmised in these revelatiDns that the doors Df deliverance will open and the faithful will be gathered. Many of our people wDn' t exert the faith needed to be Zion until they go through these greater challenges, and so through the tribuiatiDns many more people will qualify and be gathered. So don't look with fearful anticipatiDn toward the future . The Lord is at the helm. He will have a people from among this Priesthood peDple to redeem Zion, though they may be few in number. We must look fDrward with JDYfui anticipation to the presence and knowledge of God. The Lord told me whether we live or die, we will be used. And YDU know Uncle Roy said it YDU know father said it. It all is words to you nDW. That is where ZiDn's Camp has fallen short. They have heard all these revelations, but they mDved to the lands of refuge before the persecution took place. So they have the test Dfunbelief and treating it lightly. Very SODn we will feel it and know it, and many will yearn tD know what to dD. And why judgment will CDme upon us for not doing our duty in this missiDn is because we are affecting the very lives Df people and their survival. When we treat it lightly, we are affecting whether Dr nDt the LDrd will send peDple to the lands of refuge. Many times the LDrd stopped the gathering because Zion's Camp was under condemnation. I had to gD and clean it up, and He started the gathering again. You were called a mDnth ago to come and receive this training. The LDrd stopped me . .And nDW it has been a whDle mDnth. I haven't trained anybDdy because ZiDn' s Camp had to be cleaned up first. This work must not and will not fail. I cannot compromise the redemption of Zion for anyDne. Go forward, brethren. Give your all. You men put your notices in as soon as you can. If you can break away immediately it will be wonderful, from your jobs, and I will have someone call you who is involved in this mission,
Reconl of President Warr". Jeff.
gather you up and lead you there. You other brethren, stand in your places, prepare your families, strengthen our hands. As far as what your business can do money-wise - and I will name other men, I will call other men to do the same - it can't be brDught to the bishop and put into the Church account anymDre. We have to hide what we are doing more than ever. The devil and the evil powers say, "You will nDt do this," and the Lord says, "We will do it." As soon as we were to start that temple, the evil powers started to rage, as the Lord showed us would happen, and they are coming at me from every direction. You will SDon hear Df the arrest warrants after me, subpoenas to take me as a witness. But I am commanded Dfthe Lord to go and travel to the lands of refuge, continue this work. The devil wants it stopped. That is why he wants to take me prisoner and to chDke us fmancially. He doesn't want this mission to progress, because a united people building a temple means the presence Df God and the fulness Df ZiDn is on the earth. YDU will also hear of the doings of the halfhearted in fear, rising up against the faithful, perhaps even men claiming authority. You will hear of the revelations of satan even among our people and among the apostates. It is already . happening. The only ones that will survive are thDse who have the Spirit of God increasing in them. Only they will know what to dD. And here you are, I trust feeling the truth of these words, and . you cannot reveal it to anyone, which puts everyone on a test to earn this blessing. Brethren, the Lord has set a pattern in the redemption of Zion to reach unto Him in CDnstant prayer. Morning and night on the lands of refuge the elders gather for circle prayer, kneeling down, arms to the square, dedicating themselves and that day's labor to the Lord, and at night they do the same. On fast days they do it three times a day. When they start a new majDr task, they gather in circle prayer, those involved with that majDr task; for instance, they will start the framing or electrical or the sheetrock, they do a kneel-down circle prayer reaching for the strength of heaven. They clean as they go. They are silpposed to keep the work area very clean to be inviting to the heavenly powers. And when they get done with that task they have anDther kneel-down circle prayer of
gratitude, thanking the Lord for blessing them. And then when the whole project is done we have a kneeI-down circle prayer of all the brethren. We will begin this mission with you if you will join with me in a circle prayer. First of all, do any of you have any questions, probably many, but yes sir. Thomas Holm???: I have a question in regards to our business. We have quite a successful business right now. We have got some good work going on and there is good cash flow. But the 41 % of the problem that I have got is .... .1 business, Jake Jessop owns 41 % of the business, and JaVar Dutson owns 18% of tile business, and in order to pull money out of that company I would need to have a meeting with them and discuss that with them. '
????Question. Once a month we gather the brethren who are on the lands of refuge. We ask them what they need for their bills at Short Creek, and they ask for what they need. ,We ask them to have their families do what they can to help relieve the expenses so we can do what we can for the building projects. So you ask for what you need and we get that to you the middle of the month usually . You send it home, and you need to arrange somebody at home to pay your bills. Sign your checks before you go. ?????: Would it be proper to lower the wage to receive more monies...?
On your employees? Well, they are not all called to this mission. You could just say I have asked you to strengthen my hand, is all you have to say. Consecrations should be by people's choice, or else it is not a consecration. And everybody is under that call - . keep strengthening the storehouse. The bishop and his two counselors in Short Creek are part of this mission. They know full well what is happening, and they will work with me on how to get those monies to help build the building projects. But I will be in contact with you on these details. You don't go to a land of refuge unless you are appointed to, even if you know where it is. You only go there if you are appointed, and when you arrive you will be called on to go through the trainings so there is a oneness exerted, not just a physical push, and we need men who can reach for the strength of heaven to do their work.
But you can say I sent you and that we have this need. It will test them. You don't have to say why, just that I sent you and the storehouse projects have this need. But we could even use equipment right now ifyou had any .. But think about it. Trackhoes, and even the big equipment. But any consecrations you can send forth, tile Lord is making a call of consecrations to build the temple, and we need it now. Right when all this other pressure is on us we have to find Ways to do this. Any other questions? I have kept you late. I ask you to be back to Short Creek and travel the vel)' same way you carne. Yes, sir.
71??: I have quite a few tools .....
As you can, and we can use you right away. Your father is the presiding elder and bishop there. Fred Lindsay Sr., is the crew boss on the building projects. Others have other tasks. . ?????Question. ... Well, you are here. You are close. But you don't have your vehicle do you? So if you can go get what you need. Yes, sir.
Saturday, Aagut 21, '2004
Okay. There is some stories and lessons I yeam to give you in this. 1bese men that have been handled, leave them in the Lord's hands. Be silent. The men on the lands of refuge are aware of this, because it was a waming to them also. And I say a date to you, that if you do not qualify by October I" to be a temple builder, you could be rejected and will be rejected of the Lord. You three that are going to this land where the temple will be built, you have further preparation to make, because you
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have to be named by the Lord by revelation and set apart by ordinance to be a temple builder, and you need to be close to the Lord and the Priesthood. If you are not named you will be sent away. I say it to you what I have had to say to the others, Zion's Camp is divided because part ofthem are named to build the temple and others aren't. We are not united. Now the Lord has said they can only stay on that land if they are worthy to work on the temple. And to work on the temple, to know of the construction and the rooms and the design, you have to keep sacred things secret. You can't even talk about it, not even to others there, except by appointment. I say again, we have been nearly scourged many times, which means the Lord was ready to reject us. Don't take your fallen nature of selfishness and ways of doing there. Take a oneness, the Spirit of God as your strength. Well, I have kept you long enough, brethren. Do you receive this training with voice and hand? this time as we enter into this mission or renew our covenants with thee, in the authority of the holy Melchizedek Priesthood, we dedicate ourselves, our families, our stewardships in every way, our time, thoughts, feelings, and desires and actions all unto thee and the building up of Zion from this time, henceforth, and forever, and ask you, Heavenly Father, to guide us by prayer and revelation to fulfill this mission in a pleasing manner to you. And as some will be leaving their families, we dedicate their fiunilies unto thee and thy protection and ask you to be with them from on high. Preserve their lives and provide for them everything they need, and keep a hedge of protection round about them, that these laborers in Zion will be focused on their mission.
We cry unto you for deliverance from the powers of evil and ask you will open the doors of deliverance for the lands of refuge and Zion's Camp to do their work and the lands of refuge established. Strengthen the businesses who can supply our needs and help build up this work. Bless all the elders who can strengthen the Response: Yes. storehouse with what they need, and allow thy holy temple to be built and a people prepared to go into Let us kneel in circle prayer if we can get to a the temple and do that work. We know you are, circle. Isaac up here, Brother Dixon next to me. Heavenly Father, and have all power, and the You hold your left hand around the waist of the enemy is combined against thy servant and thy person on your left, right hand on the shoulder as Priesthood work on the earth, and the devil is best you can, in a square, holding your fingers raging. Open the way that Zion can be redeemed in fuiness now and gather your elect and those who loose and cupped. can become the elect. Deliver us from pride, remembering that the elect are only those that Prayer: Our Father who dwells in the heavens, never feel they are elect enough, but always need we, a few of your sons bearing the holy to do better. We yeam for all your people to Melchizedek Priesthood, join in circle prayer qualify who can qualify. according to the pattern revealed by thee for the Place your Spirit of protection upon these laborers who have covenanted with thee to build laborers in Zion. Fill us withyour Spirit, Father. up Zion in fulness, wherever we are assigned, and Be with the First Presidency and strengthen them. we know this work is first in our minds and hearts. Help them accomplish their mission. Bring forth We do believe all that you have revealed, and that every gift and miracle needed for Zion and thine your word and will shall be fu1filled in the fulness own presence to be established among us. All of Zion being established in this generation, and glory to thee and thy will be done. Fill us with your we thank you for these truths we have heard and love. Make us like unto thyself. We say this by the the Spirit of God we have felt; yet we feel our authority and bonds of the Priesthood and in the weakness in this mission, and you are our strength name of Jesus Christ, amen. as we apply to thee.
Dear Heavenly Father, we forgive all men and women and leave judgment to you. And now at
Record of PresideDt WarreD Jeffs Page 305 Saturday, A.Cust 21, 2004
Thank you, brethren, and I shake your band and give you the Priesthood greeting. You can follow me. Do it with one another.....Jt can be done .... I want to repeat to you brethren, you have covenanted to live the fulness of the United Order and the first two great commandments unto perfection. Simply said, you have covenanted to keep sweet no matter what Do you understand that? Anything I can do for any of you? .....Okay. brethren. Let us go forward. We need the drivers. Are they close by? We will have you go in the same vehicles. three at a time out the door. You go out first, see if it is cJear. We don't want to make a showing that I am here. I have many people searching for me right now. but I am still smiling. Okay. brethren.
shall I bless them from on high, for Zion shall be redeemed in this generation. 8. And the faithful of my people must be tried and chastened and proved worthy. 9. And though they shall suffer many afflictions, yet I shall send my Spirit upon the honest in heart to comfort and bless and heal, to guide and protect in the hour of tribulation; and I shall preserve unto myself a pure people who will perfect their lives in me, living in the increase of my Spirit through sacrifice unto rejoicing in me and in my laws. 10. And through the pure in heart shall I establish the fullness of my kingdom, even the Zion of our God upon this land, and surely nothing can stay my hand. 11 . And though the powers of earth and hell combine against you, my servant, and those that honor my will through you, and though false brethren shall be revealed and the works of traitors shall afflict thee and the faithful as they prove worthy and endure in the sweetness and power of my Spirit, I will strengthen the obedient with every gift and power needed to endure and abide the day. 12. As you are now on my errand to establish another place of refuge, dedicate this land unto me and other lands that I shall lead you to purchase, and I will reveal unto you, my servant, who to send to these lands, according to the faith of the people who are sent to establish the Spirit of Zion upon these consecrated lands of refuge. 13 . So shall I allow you my servant to visit them and teach and guide them, that they may learn wisdom, and gain knowledge by experience to trust in me. 14. And I will reveal unto my people through you, my servant, and by the Spirit of revelation guiding them, the knowledge and skills, the gifts and blessings needed to establish my people upon these lands. 15. And through their continued faith and the perfection of their lives, the glory of the Lord shall be there; and as I send forth my judgments upon this nation, and upon the ungodly who persecute and drive my people, I shall send the powers of heaven upon my faithful ones in these places of
I. Verily thus saith the Lord unto you, my servant Warren, blessed art thou for the sacrifices which thou hast made, that I have required at your hands, and also the sacrifice I have required upon your family .
2. For behold many of their hearts are right before me, and though thy family shall be scattered, yet I shall be with them from on high and comfort them and guide them through my Spirit, and through your prayer of faith; and also through the powers of the Priesthood which I have bestowed upon you, shall they be blessed. 3. Wherefore, let thy heart be comforted at this time, and through their faith, and as they abide in me I will lead you whithersoever you should go to bless and guide them still. 4. For Zion shall be redeemed through sacrifice, and I will prove my people through the tests I will allow them pass through. 5. Continue to abide in me, and I will strengthen you through every tribulation. 6. 1 have heard thy prayers and yearnings for your family and for this my people, and I will continue to open up the doors of deliverance for the pure in heart who will seek unto me through thee, my servant, and I will be your shield and projector, and reveal unto you the hearts of my people - who is worthy of my protection and deliverance. 7. Hold on thy way and continue to establish these places of refuge, and as my people in these places of refuge trust in me, their God and King, so
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refuge, even a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. 16. Hasten the development of these lands, for a time of great distress is soon to come upon my people and the people of the earth, and you shall hardly have time to perform this work before the cleansing process purges my people. My people must needs seek unto me more diligently for the powers of heaven to rest down upon them, for they are not yet sufficiently humble. 17. Let them humble themselves, lest the spirit of judgment must come upon those, even in these places of refuge, and they are humbled by my almighty power through great distress and suffering. 18. I love you, my little ones. Abide in me and seek unto me, the Lord thy God, for guidance in every thought, and purify your hearts; and know that I shall be with you and turn all things for your good, and for the cause of Zion. 19. Behold, there are secret combinations against you, my servant, among the people who have professed my name; for many do fear at this time, lest their sins be exposed and judgment come upon them according to the laws of my church. 20. And I have withdrawn you, my servant, as a test and for your own protection, and I have delivered your innocent children that they may be preserved to be raised up unto me to help establish the cause of Zion. 21. And now my day of judgement shall come upon my people, to purge out the ungodly from among them. And though the faithful of my people shall suffer greatly at the hands of the wicked, as they seek unto me I will lead you, my servant, to gather mine elect from among them, and bring them to these lands of refuge by the revelations of my will. 22. I will yet send the overflowing scourge against this wicked and perverse generation, and my other judgments, beginning at the house of God, those that have professed to know my name, but have not known me among my people. 23. And as they drive the righteous from among them, my judgments shall begin as a whirlwind upon them, to leave neither root nor branch, for I have already severed the ungodly from the
Monday, December 1, 2003
ordinances of mine house, and am withdrawing my Spirit from them. 24. Know this, my servant, you are in mine hands; and though you shall witness great distress among the people, as you apply unto me for guidance and strength, so shall I be with you, and you shall stand as a witness against this generation; and as I shall lead you, then you shall call down the judgments of God upon the people, and so shall I fulfill. 25. Be at peace and continue to establish my cause of Zion. The faithful of my people shall yet stand with you and abide in me, and I will preserve the faithful of your family; though they shall pass through great tribulation, yet shall they know I am with them and will protect them . 26. And those that break their covenants and abide not in me shall be cast out and delivered over to the buffetings of satan, having been offered a place with me and thee in Zion, and with all the other Prophets and angels, yet they rejected the offered blessing. 27. And for those who prove faithful through tribulation, great shall be my blessings upon them. and eternal shall be their joy. 28. For I shall pour out upon the faithful, blessings and revelations and the mysteries of my kingdom, that I may purify them and dwell with them upon the earth, and they with me into eternity. 29. Behold thy family doth petition me with all fervency of faith as I have brought this test upon them, even the scattering of thy family. 30. And I will reveal unto thee, my servant, who is prepared to go unto these places of refuge, even those who abide the fullness of the law of the celestial kingdom through the spirit of sacrifice unto rejoicing, which is to love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, might, mind, and strength, and through my love guiding them, strengthening them, and sent to them from on high, loving their neighbors as themselves. 31. Through my holy love in the hearts of the faithful shall Zion be redeemed and strengthened and beautified from on high, that I may dwell with my people upon the earth for a thousand years.
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32. Continue to encourage and strengthen and reprove thy family to come unto me with full purpose of heart, that I may come among them, for all flesh is in mine hands and I shall turn all things to the good of the obedient, those from among thy family who do qualifY. 33. And verily I say unto you my servant, after you have completed this mission of establishing this place of refuge, return unto thy family, those who reside in the Short Creek Stake of Zion one more time, to encourage and teach and warn them, that they must abide in me through the perfection of the love of God dwelling in them. 34. The test and the day of trial is upon them, and according to their faith so shall it be; and I will tell you, my servant, how to bless the faithful of my people; for I am the judge of all flesh, and will show unto thee, my servant, who is worthy of my blessings and deliverance. 35. The deceiver is working among my people, and the very elect shall barely escape these deceptions; and as they come unto thee and petition thee, my servant, for counsel and strength, so shall I deliver them from the deception from among my people. 36. Hold on thy way and I shall be with you, and open up the ways of deliverance . This is the word of the Lord your God. Even so, amen.
11 :00 p.m. Dedication and Training
Given at R17 Thank you everyone for the wonderful time together, the trip. Response: Thank you. I have been directed, of the Lord, to come here and dedicate this land for the gathering of the saints as part of the next step in redeeming Zion. I will ask Isaac Jeffs to bless us while we hear a few words before the dedication. Prayer Isaac Jeffs: Our Eternal Father in heaven, we bow before you at this special appointed time with your holy servant. We are so thankful, FatherJor your protecting hand over us as we have traveled and arrived at this location in peace and safety. We thank you, Father, for our Prophet and the Priesthood he bears and pray you will bless him and inspire him to give us the words and teachings that are necessary and pertinent at this time. May we be receptive, and may we enjoy a heavenly time here at this time. We pray you will answer the prayers that will be offered and my your work and the establishment of your Kingdom come here according to those prayers. We do exercise our faith in connection with our Prophet here. We dedicate this time unto thee, and our all and this place, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen. President Warren S. Jeffs: It is with great soberness I come to this place. Even as I did at the place in Colorado, where it awakened me to the reality, as the Lord opened the way for the purchase of that place, that truly great events
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would take place. And as things went along, the Lord matured our minds from thinking we were just finding one little place for me to go into hiding until He revealed that all the faithful would be driven from Short Creek to places of refuge. A testimony of this location is very apparent and true. Three times the Lord sent me here, not knowing where I was going, but naming the place. The second time, we drove right to this place and didn't realize it was for sale, as the Lord said, "Go to Sonora and then Elderado." Sonora is south of here. And then before I left this area, the Lord said there was a 1300 acre piece of land we should purchase. Isaac got hold of the Realtors, and sure enough there was two 1300 acre pieces, and I was to look at both of them. So we came back a third time, and this is what we were supposed to purchase. Gradually the Lord has opened the way. This land, 1371 acres, cost nearly 1.2 million dollars; so we signed the contract no knowing where we would get the money. According to that revelation, the Lord opened the way. We are in debt ofthis land, and we are seeking of Him to pay it off quickly. It is one mile by two miles, a rectangle shape. Is it exactly a rectangle?
David Allred: I think there is piece on the northeast corner.
lands. He intends, according to our faithfulness, the United Order to be established in fulness here. And we are to raise food crops, not just with the idea of selling and making money because the time is very short for this nation. He also wants us to learn how to raise cotton and establish a cotton processing and weaving plant where our people will make their own material and their own clothing. So this should expand your vision. We are not just here to build houses and have people here, but quietly and gradually develop this ability, of the Lord, so that one day, as this nation is swept clean, we can one day become self sufficient. The Lord revealed to me two other men in Short Creek that are searching for farm equipment right now. One will move here sometime in Januaty as we get the housing established. The Lord hasn' t given us a lot of time because whenever the saints start a labor, the devil sends the evil powers upon us, so this has to be done quickly and quietly and the Lord will handle the rest. All who move here must realize, this is Zion, building Zion, and for sure the Lord and the heavenly agents will be here to watch. I am to come to these different places of refuge and I say to all of us, the Lord is the Architect and the Guide. He is the decider of what is happening. We are to seek unto Him and be directable and check in and be one. The Lord's own moneys are purchasing this place. This land belongs to Him. Through the consecrations of the people to Him this project continues. In searching out these places, each night we stopped. The Lord would give me the names of two cities; and when He said, Sonora, J scratched my head and said, "Where is Sonora?" And searching through all the maps in the states, it was in Texas. And when we came to Sonora late at night and stayed there in a motel, I was told Elderado. Elderado, I better say it right. Elderado, they say it around here. The Lord had me rush back to Short Creek as He had another correction to give the people. Then later He sent me here again and we searched this whole county, ??? county. And He said, "Go to the northeast section of???? county. We searched this whole northeast section, going down all the dirt roads. I was told to search for 1300 acres. So we made contacts after we got back with the real estate people and this man, Dan Andy, he was just
Record of President Warren Jeffs
This will be a major gathering place of the saints that are driven. You can see it is well isolated. In looking at this location, we can raise crops all year round . There is no building code requirements. We can build as we wish without inspectors coming in. There is a herd of animals that the storehouse needs, that we can nourish and increase. The Lord has the purpose we are to quickly establish a storehouse here, start moving the storehouse from Short Creek to here, even a greater quantity of goods than at RI. So you brethren are called to move here. Ernest first, then as we get places, you other brethren. Isaac is to establish some of his family here, as well as myself, and there will be other men sent here. The Lord has directed me to come here and dedicate this land and also to search for other farm
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handed to us. And he has gone completely out of his way to help us acquire this and also search for more lands. I came here a third time and drove around with these men, and the Spirit said, "This is what the Lord sent us to find. " So we made an offer and signed a contract, went through about two months of negotiations and yearnings and asking the Lord to open the way, and the miracle was performed. What was it, two weeks ago when we signed, a week ago? The Lord had me come, was that my fourth time? He wanted me close by to bear influence to see that this was purchased. I guess this is my fifth time here. Brethren and sisters we need to exert great faith . Zion will only be redeemed through a constant fervent faith, and our faith will only be recognized through sacrifice, and sacrifice means love to do the will of the Father until it is no sacrifice at all. Our eye is on the Center Stake of Zion, Jackson County, Missouri, but first we must qualify in these places of refuge. This is a major project here, but still not all the saints will come here. There is yet another location we have acquired, and we will purchase more lands in that area. So you three brethren are the advanced company of the advanced company, and we will be sending the rest of the crew as well as some other men here. The Lord wants three buildings raised and then we move on to the next place , with you, Ernie, staying, for sure. Perhaps others. The Lord will direct me who is involved, and He has named some names with the cotton manufacturing. He does want the food crops and the deer for storehouse meet. Still the only ones allowed to know of this place are those sent by revelation. So if you brethren would join with me in circle dedication prayer, we will fulfill that and then retire, where we can. If anyone would like to sleep in the living quarters out there, it has hot water, in the motor home. If you won't mind, I will take one room here. Seek a testimony and you will feel the truth of this place being a gathering place for the saints. You will feel the thrill and weight of the mission that you have been called upon to perform, to build Zion. This land belongs to the Lord and He will govern it. His laws should be lived here, and we must
Record of Presidenl Warren Jeffs
learn to share and work as one. You can see He didn't provide many houses at first. I hope you can put up with everyone here, Ernie. Perhaps the four ladies who will be here of father's ladies could bunk together in a room and give you and your ladies two rooms. However you want to arrange it. We just purchased two of those travel trailers, and those will move with our crew. How many do they sleep each? They are just in Seth' s name. This land and other lands we are purchasing are places of deliverance for the faithful. I am so concerned about how few there will be, compared to the numbers of people, over 8,000 in the Priesthood work today. This last weekend there were 195 baptisms of children, showing the numbers are growing. And yet the Lord has shown me there will be a great shaking and sifting. If you brethren can work hard with your families and make it so they don't have the habit of calling friends and have the chance to reveal this place, I would sure appreciate it. With my ladies at RI and then here, they know they just don't call without me being here and me calling. And it has been a discipline that has worked, where they have let go of the darling idols and broken the ties, and they have given their all to the mission they have been called to perform. We extended confidence, of the Lord, to help develop these places and your families, the members that come here, have to be people that can keep confidences, or else they can' t come here. Right now it is a test of faith . Pretty soon it will be life or death for the faithful. I love and appreciate you for your willingness to respond.
I am grateful we are favored with this much as a start. I do believe we will get rid of the pool right away. Tomorrow sometime I will drive the land with you brethren and look at the whole place. Pray with me and for me for the Lord to show me where He wants the houses built. This house is so close to the border of the land and the gate, that it is very well seen. We want to develop this quickly to the degree that it will be useful before the neighbors realize what is happening. And we want to exert the faith that the hearts of the neighbors will be softened toward us if they find out who we are, and that they will not seek to find out all about us.
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As the Lord allows the evil powers to come directly against me, my presence cannot be known here, and perhaps even my connection here cannot be known by the neighbors, or else they will search for me. If this can be kept in confidence, I will be able to visit here. This revelation declares the Lord is sending me, for Him, to guide the development of these places. The rules are the same here as the United Effort Plan Trust. You are to live the laws of God or else not be here. And this time as we get these lands paid for, we will have those same words in the articles of the business or company that owns this land, a Trust. The scenes are going to be terrible that we witness. Yet, this being a deliverance, we will do our part. The faithful will rejoice that the Lord loved them and looked ahead for their needs to be taken care of. One of the first things I need done is to prepare that barn with some shelving. Clean it up to receive storehouse goods. I would say get your living quarters in order first. Get some blinds on your windows. I will leave some moneys for you to start with. I will ask you to get a bank account in your name, and hopefully a bank that we can reach from wherever we are to deposit fimds, unless you already have a bank that is over here that you can deposit in, if we could reach it and deposit fimds. I will have Ernie, at least, he will be living here right now, him and his family. Well, brethren will you join me?
preparing a way for their escape and protection in a day of great severity and persecution. We approach you in the attitude of a dedication prayer and in the authority of the holy Melchizedek Priesthood, which we bear, we dedicate this land unto thee, our Heavenly Father, as a sacred place on earth, set apart for the gathering of the faithful of your people, to establish Zion as the next step in the redemption of Zion, as a place of refuge, safety, and protection for your faithful ones. In the name of Jesus Christ, we rebuke satan and his powers and any curses placed upon this land and command those evil powers to stand afar off and pray, Heavenly Father, you will ratify the same in the heavens and begin from this very hour to send your heavenly influence upon this land, to prosper and increase and influence the ground, the atmosphere, the plant life and the animal life, to favor the gathering of your people. We ask you to heal the waters and bring forth the waters and nourish this land and prosper this land in farming and manufacturing, animal life, that this will be a place of health and strength for your faithful ones; asking you to dedicate this land against disease and the overflowing scourge and earthquake and the influence of the evil powers. Cause this land to begin to blossom as the rose through the faithfulness of the saints who you will favor to come here. And we now ask you, Father, in this dedication prayer, that you will soften the hearts of all the neighbors round about and anyone, even from a far distance that may be connected with the lands in this area, that their eyes will be blinded while you perform your marvelous work in developing this land and gathering your people here, that those who learn of our presence, of your faithful ones, their hearts will be softened to favor us. We ask your Spirit to influence all the lands and properties round about this area and now open up the way and soften the hearts and prepare the way for other lands to be purchased for farming and manufacturing. Inspire thy servant who to send here and guide the development of every way of life needed to cause the people to eventually become self-sufficient of thee, independent of the world, as you send forth your judgments to sweep the wicked off this land. May your saints here be
Record of President Warren Jeffs
Dedication Prayer
President Warren S. Jeffs: Oh Lord God, the Eternal Father, we a group of your Elders, bearing the holy Melchizedek Priesthood, come before you in a dedication circle prayer. We are on your errand, sent by thee to this land that you have chosen and purchased with your moneys and the consecrations of your people unto thee. We acknowledge you, Heavenly Father, in sending us here. We acknowledge the truth as you have said, we do not see all things now, but we trust in you that you do see all things; and through your love and mercy for the faithful of your people, you arc
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favored of thee and in a position to continue on in preparation to go to the Center Stake of Zion and have the skills revealed to them from heaven to perform the work of blessing and building up one another in the Holy United Order. In the authority of the holy Melchizedek Priesthood, we dedicate this home from center to circumference, the roof to the foundation; and in the name of Jesus Christ, we rebuke satan and his powers from this home and all the buildings round about connected to this land, and command them to stand afar off and ask you to ratify the same in the heavens, Father, and send your heavenly influence and powers here in this home and in all the houses built here and in the barn structure and sheds and everything that will be here. Protect this home against fire and earthquake and flood and electrical fire, against the mobs and the desolating sickness and overflowing scourge and all the judgments of God, and may this home be a place of safety and protection in the day of great destruction. Put your heavenly influence in the hearts and minds of all who dwell here and send your angels, and even if your own presence should come into this house, this land and the houses raised here and built here, we shall rejoice in thee, Heavenly Father. Hear thou this dedication prayer as we dedicate this house, these homes and lands, all the land connected with this purchase, to be a place where the fullness of the Holy United Order and the Celestial Law in fulness shall be established to prepare a people to go to the Center Stake of Zion, tried and proven faithful , who can walk and talk with thee here and thus qualify to dwell with thee in the Center Stake of Zion. Turn away the great judgments from this land as you sweep the wicked from off this land and cause that the mobs and the wicked cannot find this place in that great day of distress and destruction. Bless the families ofthese brethren sent here to begin the colonizing effort. May your heavenly influence bless them with the Spirit of contentment and rejoicing and the Spirit of oneness in working together, rejoicing in thee and this privilege. Reveal to thy servant thy will in the development of this land -- the building of houses, the developing of water systems and other needed
Record of President Warren Jeffs
ways of life, in the farming land, the manufacturing facilities, and all things needed to bless thy saints in the time of distress -- for we do believe your words that time is upon us and your judgments will begin at the house of God, that the faithful will be persecuted and need this door of deliverance opened up. Hear thou this prayer, Father, as we know you will keep your promise in raising up a people through tribulation to redeem Zion. And as you have revealed this place and opened up the way for its purchase, we now step forth to do your will and seek your guidance. May the lives of your saints be more fully perfected as they move here and learn how to abide in oneness with thee and the Priesthood on the earth. Bless our families to rejoice in this privilege. Prepare them, those you would send here, and do not allow the wicked and the halfhearted to come here, Father, that your curse will be taken away and the condemnation will be taken away from upon your people and that your heavenly blessings and your own presence may dwell here, according to your will . Thank you for the labors of the brethren and sisters, for these brethren who have stood faithful and true thus far in acquiring this land and now coming to develop this land. We are yours, Father, and this land and all that pertains to us is yours, and we love to do your will, placing our hearts on you and your will and dedicating all unto thee and thy purposes. Bless our families who are far away. Fill them with the Holy Ghost. Give them testimony through dreams and sweet whisperings and whatever way you will to yearn for Zion and yearn to be with us on these places of refuge. Protect thy servant as he goes to and fro between these places of refuge to teach thy saints; and as the wicked come against him, preserve his life and the lives of the faithful, that they may be hidden in thy bosom, protected by a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night if necessary to keep the wicked away. As the evil powers will come against us and you will allow us to be tested, we dedicate ourselves unto thee and to the perfection of keeping sweet and seek the gift of your holy love perfected in our hearts that we will qualify and be pleasing to you in all things. Bless Uncle Fred and strengthen and renew him in your time and way, and bless Brother Wendell
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and the First Presidency as one and be with the other officers of your Church and Kingdom on the earth, that your Kingdom will grow by prospering and increasing your Spirit in the lives of the faithful, that the Kingdom of heaven, even your own presence may come in honor and glory among your people. Hear thou this prayer, Father, we know the time is short and you are cutting short your work in righteousness, and all glory to thee. Send forth your Spirit as a power to bless and prosper this land and all who shall dwell here; and may this become a heaven on earth, a Zion, a pattern to prepare your faithful ones to go to the Center Stake. All glory to
thee and thy will be done, offering this dedication prayer in the authority of the holy Melchizedek Priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ, amen. After Prayer Thank you, dear brethren. Response: Thank you, sir.
It is done, that step. Shall we retire? I don't know exactly my time schedule, but you could sure be up and wandering and cleaning and doing until I can get with you. I am on the Lord's schedule.
Thank you, brethren. Are you willing to move here, you men?
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Barrister and Solicitor Mlnmry of Attorney General 1301 - 865 Hornby Street
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A Commissioner for taking Affidavits within the Province of British Columbia
Eval. Ross
Degree of Offense:
Plea to 1st Enhancement
Plea to 2nd EnhancementlHabitual
Findings on 1st Enhancement
Findings on
Punished Assessed by:
EnhancementlHabitual Paragraph:
Date Sentence Imposed:
Punishment and Place of Confinement:
VICTIM (see below) 0 AGENCYIAGENT (see below) $N/A of costs Sex Offender Registration Requirements apply to the Defendant. TEX. CODE CRIM. PROe. chapter 62.
$ 10,000.00
The age of the victim at the time of the offense was younger that 17 years of age and not legally married to the defendant
If Defendant is to serve sentence in TDm enter incarceration periods in chronological order.
If Defendant is to serve sentence in county jailor is given credit toward fine and costs. enter days credited below.
All pertinent information, names and assessments indicated above are incorporated into the language of the judgment below by reference.
This cause was called for trial in Tom Green County, Texas. The State appeared by her District Attorney.
o Defendant knowingly, intelligently, and voluntarily waived the right to representation by counsel in writing in open court.
jury. and Defendant entered a plea to the charged offense. The Court received the plea and entered it of record.
It appeared to the Court that Defendant was mentally competent and had pleaded as shown above to the charging instrument: Botb parties announced ready for trial. A jury was selected, impaneled, and sworn. The INDICTMENT was read to the
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The jury heard the evidence submitted and argument of counsel. The Court charged the jury as to its duty to determine the guilt or innocence of Defendant, and the jury retired to consider the evidence. Upon returning to open court, the jury delivered its verdict in the presence of Defendant and defense counsel, if any. The COW."t received the verdict and ORDERED it entered upon the minutes of the Court. Punishment Assessed by Jury I Court I No election (select one) [81 Jury. Defendant entered a plea and filed a written election to have the jury assess punishment. The jury heard evidence relative to the question of punishment. The Court charged the jury and it retired to consider the question of punishment. After due deliberation, the jury was brought into Court, and, in open court, it returned its verdict as indicated above. Court. Defendant elected to have the Court assess punishment. After hearing evidence relative to the question of punishment, the Court assessed Defendant's punishment as indicated above. No Election. Defendant did not file a written election as to whether the judge or jury should assess punishment. After hearing evidence relative to the question of punishment, the Court assessed Defendant's punishment as indicated above. The Court FINDS Defendant committed the above offense and ORDERS, ADJUDGES AND DECREES that Defendant is GUILTY of the above offense. The Court FINDS the Presentence Investigation, if so ordered, was done according to the applicable provisions of TEX. CODE CRIM. PROC. art. 42.12 9. The Court ORDERS Defendant punished as indicated above. The Court ORDERS Defendant to pay all fines, court costs, and restitution as indicated above. Punishment Options <select one) (8J Confinement in State Jail or Institutional Division. The Court ORDERS the authorized agent of the State of Texas or the Sheriff of tbis County to take, safely convey, and deliver Defendant to the Director, Institutional Division, TDCJ. The Court ORDERS Defendant to be confined for the period and in the manner indicated above. The Court ORDERS Defendant remanded to the custody of the Sheriff of tbis county until the Sheriff can obey the directions of tbis sentence. The Court ORDERS that upon release from confinement, Defendant proceed immediately to the District Clerk of Schleicher County, Texas. Once there, the Court ORDERS Defendant to pay, or make arrangements to pay, any remaining unpaid fines, court costs, and restitution as ordered by the Court above. County Jail-Confinement I Confinement in Lieu of Payment. The Court ORDERS Defendant immediately committed to the custody of the Sheriff of County, Texas on the date the sentence is to commence. Defendant shall be confined in the County Jail for the period indicated above. The Court ORDERS that upon release from confinement, Defendant shall proceed immediately to the Once there, the Court ORDERS Defendant to pay, or make arrangements to pay, any remaining unpaid fines, court costs, and restitution as ordered by the Court above. Fine Only PaYIDent. The punishment assessed against Defendant is for a FINE ONLY. The Court ORDERS Defendant to proceed immediately to the Office of the County. Once there, the Court ORDERS Defendant to payor make arrangements to pay all fines and court costs as ordered by the Court in this cause. Execution I Suspension of Sentence <select one) (8J The Court ORDERS Defendant's sentence ExECUTED. The Court ORDERS Defendant's sentence of confinement SUSPENDED. The Court ORDERS Defendant placed on community supervision for the adjudged period (above) so long as Defendant abides by and does not violate the terms and conditions of community supervision. The order setting forth the terms and conditions of community supervision is incorporated into this judgment by reference. The Court ORDERS that Defendant is given credit noted above on this sentence for the time spent incarcerated.
o o
RENDERED and ENTERED on March 19, 2010, but SIGNED this day
_ _ __
Cause # --<.-<..<.._995
NO. 995
)( )(
The Defendant, MERRIL LEROY JESSOP, stands charged by indictment with the offense of sexual assault of a child, alleged to have been committed on or about the 20th day of August, 2006. The indictment further alleges that the above offense was committed under the following . circumstances: that L. Jeffs was a person whom the Defendant was prohibited from marrying or purporting to marry or with whom the Defendant was prohibited from living with under the appearance of being married.
To this charge the Defendant has plead "not guilty". I now charge you on the law applicable: 1. Offense: Our law provides that a person commits the offense of sexual assault of a child if the person intentionally or knowingly causes the penetration of the anus or female sexual organ of a child who is not the spouse of the actor by any means. Our law further provides an individual commits an offense if he is legally married and he lives with a person other than his spouse in this state under the appearance of being married.
2. Definitions: So that you may better understand the nature of the offense with which the Defendant is charged I now define certain terms and worr: ) FILED3 )1 20 If) FOR RECORD
The word "child," as used herein, means a person younger than seventeen (17) years of age who is not the spouse of the actor. The word "spouse" means a person who is legally married to another. The word "actor" means a person whose criminal responsibility is in issue in a criminal action. The phrase "under the appearance of being married" means holding out that the parties are married with cohabitation and an intent to be married by either party. A person acts intentionally, or with intent, with respect to a result of his conduct when it is his conscious objective or desire to cause the result. A person acts knowingly, or with knowledge, with respect to a result of his conduct when he is aware that his conduct is reasonably certain to cause the result. 3. You are instructed that as to venue the State is required to prove that the offense, if any, occurred in Schleicher County by a preponderance of the evidence. The term "preponderance of the evidence" means the greater weight and degree of credible evidence admitted in this case. Unless you find by a preponderance of the evidence that the offense, if any, occurred in Schleicher County, you will acquit the defendant of sexual assault of a child. You are instructed that as to the law in this case that the State is not required to prove the exact date alleged in the indictment, but may prove the offense, if any, to have been committed at any time prior to the presentment of the indictment, so long as said offense, if any, occurred within ten (10) years ofthe date ofthe 18 th birthday of the victim of the offense, if any. You are further instructed that the day the indictment was presented, and the day the offense, if any occurred, shall not be computed within that time limitation period. If you have received any evidence of bad acts and or convictions of persons other than the defendant, MERRIL LEROY JESSOP, you are instructed that you are not to consider any such acts as evidence against MERRIL LEROY JESSOP. 4. Now therefore, bearing in mind the foregoing definitions and instructions, if you believe from the evidence beyond a reasonable doubt that on or about August 20, 2006 in State of Texas, the defendant, MERRIL LEROY JESSOP, did then and there intentionally or knowingly cause the penetration of the female sexual organ of L. Jeffs Jessop who was then under the age of seventeen years and not the spouse of the defendant, by means of the defendant's sexual organ, then you will find the defendant guilty of sexual assault of a child as charged in the indictment.
Unless you so [md beyond a reasonable doubt, or if you have a reasonable doubt thereof, you will acquit the defendant of sexual assault of a child as charged in the indictment. If the State has failed to prove to your satisfaction beyond a reasonable that the defendant is guilty of sexual assault of a child then do not answer the following: Now therefore, bearing in mind the foregoing definitions and instructions if you believe from the evidence beyond a reasonable doubt that L. Jeffs was a person whom the defendant, MERRlL LEROY JESSOP, was prohibited from marrying or purporting to marry or with whom the defendant, MERRlL LEROY JESSOP, was prohibited from living with under the appearance of being married, then you will find that the enhancement allegation is true, and you shall say in your verdict. Unless you find beyond a reasonable doubt, or if you have a reasonable doubt thereof, you will find the enhancement paragraph not true.
5. You are instructed that the law provides that the failure of the defendant to testify shall not be taken as a circumstance against him and you must not allude to, comment on, or discuss in your deliberations the failure of the defendant to testify in this cause, nor will you refer to or discuss any matter not before you in evidence. A grand jury indictment is the means whereby a defendant is brought to trial in a felony prosecution. It is not evidence of guilt, nor can it be considered by you in passing upon the question of guilt of the defendant. . The burden of proof in all criminal cases rests upon the State throughout the trial, and never shifts to the defendant . .
In the event you have a reasonable doubt as to the defendant's guilt after considering all the evidence before you, and these instructions, you will acquit the defendant and say by your verdict "Not Guilty."
All persons are presumed to be innocent and no person may be convicted of an offense unless each element of the offense is proved beyond a reasonable doubt. The fact that a person has been arrested, confined, indicted for or otherwise charged with the offense gives rise to no inference of guilt on such person's trial. The law does not require a defendant to prove his innocence or produce any evidence at all. The presumption of innocence alone is sufficient to acquit the defendant, unless the jurors are satisfied beyond a reasonable doubt of the defendant's guilt after careful and impartial consideration of all the evidence in the case. Therefore, in this case, the defendant is presumed to be innocent until each element of the offense with which the defendant has been charged is proved beyond a reasonable doubt, and if there is a reasonable doubt in your minds as to such matter, you must acquit the defendant.
It is not required that the prosecution prove guilt beyond all possible doubt; it is required that the prosecution's proof excludes all "reasonable doubt" concerning the defendant's guilt.
The prosecution has the burden of proving the defendant guilty, and it must do so by proving each and every element of the offense charged beyond a reasonable doubt; and if it fails to do so, you must acquit the defendant. During your deliberations in this case you must not consider, discuss or relate any matter not in evidence before you. You should not consider nor mention any personal knowledge or information you may have about any fact or person connected with this case which is not shown by the evidence. Your verdict must be by a unanimous vote of all members of the jury. You are the exclusive judges of the facts proved, of the credibility of the witnesses and of the weight to be given their testimony, but the law you shall receive in these written instructions, and you must be governed thereby. After you retire to the jury room, you will select your own Presiding Juror. The first thing the Presiding Juror will do is to have this complete charge read aloud and then you will begin to deliberate upon your verdict.
It is the duty ofthe Presiding Juror to: I. preside during your deliberations; 2. see that your deliberations are conducted in an orderly manner and in accordance with these instructions; 3. write out, sign and hand to the bailiff any communications concerning the case which you desire to have delivered to the judge; 4. vote on the verdict; 5. write your verdict in the space provided; and 6. certify to your verdict in the space provided for on the verdict form.
After you have retired to consider your verdict NO ONE has any authority to communicate with you except the officer who has you in charge, and who is referred to as the "bailiff." During your deliberations you may not communicate with anyone who is not a juror in this case (except the bailifO by telephone or any other means until after a verdict has been reached and the Judge has released you from this instruction.
If you desire to communicate with the Court, you must place your communication in writing, SIGNED BY THE PRESIDING JUROR, and forward the writing on through the bailiff. PLEASE DO NOT ATTEMPT TO TALK TO THE BAILIFF, THE ATTORNEYS, THE COURT OR ANYONE ELSE CONCERNING ANY QUESTION YOU MAY HAVE.
These instructions are given because your conduct is subject to review the same as that of the witnesses, parties, attorneys and the Judge. If it should be found that you have disregarded any of these instructions, it will be jury misconduct, and it may require another trial by another jury; then all of our time will have been wasted. The Presiding Juror or any other person that observes a violation of the Court's instructions shall immediately warn the one who is violating the instruction and caution the juror not to do so agam. After the attorneys have completed their argument, the bailiff will take you to the jury room and you will proceed with your deliberations. When you have reached a unanimous verdict the Presiding Juror will certify thereto by signing the appropriate verdict form accompanying this charge. She will then notify the bailiff, who will arrange to have you returned to the courtroom.
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VERDICT OF THE JURY The Presiding Juror must sign only one ofthe following two verdict forms.
We, the Jury, find the defendant, Merrill Leroy Jessop, NOT GUILTY.
Presiding Juror We, the Jury, fmd the defendant, Merril Leroy Jessop, GUILTY of the offense of Sexual Assault of a Child, as alleged in the indictment.
Presiding Juror
If the verdict of the jury above is GUILTY, then the foreperson must sign only one of the following two forms. If the verdict above was NOT GUILTY, then the following forms should be left blank.
As to whether L. Jeffs was a person whom the defendant, Merril Leroy Jessop, was prohibited from marrying or purporting to marry, or with whom the defendant, Merril Leroy Jessop, was prohibited from living under the appearance of being married, we the jury fmd this allegation to be TRUE.
Presiding Juror As to whether L. Jeffs was a person whom the defendant, Merril Leroy Jessop, was prohibited from marrying or purporting to marry, or with whom the defendant, Merril Leroy Jessop, was prohibited from living under the appearance of being married, we the jury find this allegation to be NOT TRUE.
Presiding Juror
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The Defendant MERRIL LEROY JESSOP, has been found guilty by you of the offense of sexual assault of a child under the age of seventeen, a felony of the first degree, as charged in the indictment. PENALTIES:
It now becomes your duty to set the punishment which will be assessed against the defendant. Now with respect to the allegations in the indictment of Sexual Assault of a Child, you have found the defendant guiltY of a felony of the First Degree.
The punishment authorized for this offense is confinement in the Institutional Division of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice for life or any term not to exceed more than ninetynine (99) years or less than five (5) years. In addition to imprisonment an individual adjudged guilty may be punished by a fine not to exceed $10,000.00. Under the law applicable in this case, the Defendant, if sentenced to a term of imprisonment, may earn time off the sentence imposed through the award of good conduct time. Prison authorities may award good conduct time to a prisoner who exhibits good behavior, diligence in carrying out prison work assignments, and attempts at rehabilitation. If a prisoner engages in misconduct, prison authorities may also take away all or part of any good conduct time earned by the prisoner.
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It is also possible that the length of time for which the Defendant will be imprisoned might be reduced by the award of parole.
Under the law applicable in this case, if the Defendant is sentenced to a term of imprisonment, he will not become eligible for parole until the actual time served equals one-half of the sentence imposed, without consideration of any good conduct time he may earn. If the Defendant is sentenced to a term of less than four years, he must serve at least two years before he is eligible for parole. Eligibility for parole does not guarantee that parole will be granted.
It cannot be accurately predicted how the parole law and good conduct time might be applied to this Defendant if he is sentenced to a term of imprisonment because the application of these laws will depend on decisions made by prison and parole authorities.
You may consider the existence of the parole law and good conduct time. However, you are not to consider the extent to which good conduct time may be awarded to or forfeited by this particular Defendant. You are not to consider the manner in which the parole law may be applied to this particular Defendant. Such matters come within the exclusive jurisdiction of the Pardon and Parole Division of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice and the Governor of Texas. There has been filed by the defendant a sworn motion for probation alleging that the defendant has never before been convicted of a felony in this or any other State. Our law provides that where the Jury finds the defendant guilty and assesses punishment at imprisonment in the Institutional Division of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice for any term of years not more than TEN YEARS, and the Jury further finds that the Defendant has never been convicted of a felony in this State or any other State, the jury may recommend probation of (i) the fme, if any is assessed, and the term of years assessed, or, (ii) the term of years assessed only, in which event the fme, if any is assessed would not be probated. Now, if you believe from the evidence that the defendant has never before been convicted of a felony in this State or any other State, and if you assess the punishment of the defendant at confinement in the Texas Department of Corrections for a term of not more than TEN YEARS, then you may reco=end probation for the defendant. Whether you do or do not recommend probation of the defendant is a matter that rests within the sound discretion of the Jury. You are further instructed that in assessing the defendant's punishment you may take into consideration all the facts shown by the evidence admitted before you in the full trial of this case and the law as submitted to you in this charge.
If the State has introduced evidence of extraneous crimes or bad acts other than the one charged in the indictment in this case, if any, this evidence was admitted only for the purpose of assisting you, if it does, in determining the proper punishment for the offense for which you have found the defendant guilty. You cannot consider the testimony for any purpose unless you find and believe beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant committed such other acts, if any.
You are instructed that you may not consider evidence, if any, of the bad acts or crimes of others in assessing the proper punishment for the defendant. You are the exclusive judges of the facts proved, of the credibihty of the witnesses and the weight to be given their testimony but the law you shall receive in these written instructions, and you must be governed thereby. You are instructed that the law provides that the failure of the defendant to testifY shall not be taken as a circumstance against him and you must not allude to, comment on, or discuss in your deliberations the failure of the defendant to testifY in this cause, nor will you refer to or discuss any matter not before you in evidence. During your deliberations in the case and in arriving at your verdict on punishment YOU MUST NOT CONSIDER, DISCUSS OR RELATE any matters not in evidence before you. You may, however, in fixing defendant's punishment, consider all the facts shown by the evidence admitted before you in the full trial of the cause and the law as submitted to you in the COURT'S CHARGES. During your dehberations in this matter and in arriving at your verdict on punishment YOU MUST NOT CONSIDER, DISCUSS OR RELATE how long this defendant would be required to serve in prison in order to satisfy a sentence. You are instructed that you should not attempt to arrive at the punishment to be assessed by a ballot as to the amount of punishment each juror is in favor of assessing and then dividing the total by twelve, the number of the jurors in this case or by lot or chance, or by any other method save and except a fair consideration of the evidence. YOUR VERDICT MUST BE BY UNANIMOUS VOTE. After you retire to the jury room, you will select your own Presiding Juror. The first thing the Presiding Juror will do is to have this complete charge read aloud and then you will begin to deliberate upon your verdict. It is the duty of the Presiding Juror to: 1. preside during your deliberations; 2. see that your deliberations are conducted in an orderly manner and in accordance with these instructions; 3. write out, sign and hand to the baihff any communications concerning the case which you desire to have dehvered to the judge; 4. vote on the verdict; 5. write your verdict in the space provided; and 6. certify to your verdict in the space provided for on the verdict form.
Mter you retire to consider your verdict NO ONE has any authority to communicate with you except the officer who has you in charge, and who is referred to as the "Bailiff." During your deliberations you may not communicate with anyone except
the bailiff. If you desire to communicate with the Court, you must place your communication in writing, signed by the Presiding Juror, and forward the writing on through the bailiff. PLEASE DO NOT ATTEMPT TO TALK TO THE BAILIFF, THE ATTORNEYS, OR THE COURT CONCERNING ANY QUESTION YOU MAY HAVE. THESE INSTRUCTIONS ARE GIVEN BECAUSE YOUR CONDUCT IS SUBJECT TO REVIEW THE SAME AS THAT OF THE WITNESSES, PARTIES, ATTORNEYS AND THE JUDGE. IF IT SHOULD BE FOUND THAT YOU HAVE DISREGARDED ANY OF THESE INSTRUCTIONS, IT WILL BE JURy MISCONDUCT, AND IT MAY REQUIRE ANOTHER TRIAL BY ANOTHER JURY; THEN ALL OF OUR TIME WILL HAVE BEEN WASTED. After the attorneys have completed their arguments, the bailiff will take you to the jury room and you will proceed with your deliberations . . When you have reached a verdict the Presiding Juror will certify thereto by signing the appropriate verdict form on this charge. He will then notify the bailiff, who will arrange to have you returned to the Courtroom. SIGNED TIDS THE DAY OF MARCH 2010, AT
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Instructions: Use this verdict form only if IT IS YOUR DECISION TO GRANT PROBATION. USE ONLY THE ONE OF THE BELOW LISTED FORMS WHICH CORRECTLY STATES YOUR VERDICT. CROSS OUT THE OTHER FORMS. We the jury having found the defendant, MERRIL LEROY JESSOP., guilty of the offense of sexual assault of a child, a felony of the first degree, we further find that the defendant has not heretofore been convicted of a felony offense in this state or any other state; We assess the defendant's punishment as indicated below and we recommend that the imposition of sentence be suspended and that the defendant be placed on probation as shown:
)( )(
INSTRUCTIONS: Use this verdict fo= only ifit is your decision NOT to grant probation. Use one of the below listed fo=s which correctly states your verdict. Cross out the other fo=s. We the jury having found the defendant, MERRlL LEROY JESSOP, guilty of the offense of sexual assault ofa child, a felony of the first degree, we assess the defendant's punishment at:
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