Anglo Saxon Livelihood

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Anglo Saxon Livelihood Major Occupations o Farming The major means of livelihood in the countryside for the Anglo

o Saxons At first farming was done outright by the Ceorls but later evolved into consolidation by the wealthy nobles Eventually farming evolved in time into integrated commercial enterprises equipped with innovations which made farming easier Some of the major crops during the time were: Wheat Oats Rye Barley o Fishing Another means of livelihood common during this period The people during this time fished in the sea and the rivers surrounding their area which are rich with aquatic life, namely freshwater fishes such as roach, bleak, perch, pike, carp, and gudgeon. They employed various techniques in fishing, some of which are: Hook and Line o Primitive and difficult way of catching fish o Similar to the method still being used today Fish Nets o Method of fishing on a larger scale (bigger catch) o Nets were made of nettle-hemp which was discovered to have multiple purposes aside from fishing such as for bags for storage and carriage. Fish Traps o This method is mainly used in flowing rivers and tide estuaries o Fishes which were caught with this method are eels, salmons, flounders, and trouts o The traps were made of wicker, about 5 feet long and containing two chambers Fish Spears o Fishing using the spear to catch fish o Salmon, mullet, and eels are the major catch with this type of fishing Lures

o Catching of fish by using instruments called lures to attract fish o Urban Anglo Saxon Urban life and trade was developing around 1066 AD With this advent, the Anglo Saxons livelihood branched out and evolved with the times They entered the fields of: Iron Mining Lead Mining Metalworking Salt Production

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