TC-4313-062110 OTC Letter of Medical Necessity

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Letter of Medical Necessity

To be reimbursable through your Plan, some healthcare reimbursement

requests require additional information. Eective 1/1/2011, this includes
Over-The-Counter (OTC) expenses that fall under the category of
medicines and drugs (with the exclusion of insulin).
A prescription or Letter of Medical Necessity must be submitted for such expenses. A new
prescription or Letter must be submitted each Plan Year in which you request reimbursement of
prescribed items or services, or any time the treatment plan changes.
For each individual in your household for whom you purchase healthcare expenses, we ask that
you complete Section I of this form; the attending physician should complete Sections II and III.
Submit the completed form(s) to TASC with each Request for Reimbursement. (If more space is
required please complete another form.)

Participant Name (Last, First, M) (PLEASE PRINT)

12-Digit TASC ID Number

Participants Employer/Company Name (PLEASE PRINT)
Patients Name (PLEASE PRINT)

I am currently treating ________________________________________________________ for the following:
(Patients Name)
1. Treatment Plan: ___________________________________________________________________________________________
Start Date of Treatment: _____/_____/_____ Anticipated Last Date of Treatment: _____/_____/_____
Medical treatment, medicines, drugs, service, procedure, equipment or supply: ________________________________________
2. Treatment Plan: ___________________________________________________________________________________________
Start Date of Treatment: _____/_____/_____ Anticipated Last Date of Treatment: _____/_____/_____
Medical treatment, medicines, drugs, service, procedure, equipment or supply: ________________________________________
3. Treatment Plan: ___________________________________________________________________________________________
Start Date of Treatment: _____/_____/_____ Anticipated Last Date of Treatment: _____/_____/_____
Medical treatment, medicines, drugs, service, procedure, equipment or supply: ________________________________________

I hereby certify that the treatment plan(s) listed above is medically necessary to treat the ailment or medical condition listed above.
This treatment plan is neither for cosmetic reasons nor for general health and well-being.
Physician Name (PLEASE PRINT)


Physician Signature

TASC, 2302 International Lane, Madison, WI 53704-3140

800-422-4661 Fax 608-245-3623


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