Design by Anna Kastlunger: Diagrams by Gerwin Sturm

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Design by Anna Kastlunger (2006/04/07)

Diagrams by Gerwin Sturm

2. Fold and unfold. 1. Fold a preliminary base. 3. Open sink.


5. Rabbit ear. 6. Squash fold.

4. Inside reverse folds.

7. Repeat steps 4 - 6 behind.

8. Fold down the front layers opening the sink of step 3.

9. Turn over.

10. Squash folds.


12. Fold and unfold to the center.

11. Turn over and rotate 45.

13. Spread-Squash.

14. Fold the flap up again while reversefolding the sides of the little square to the middle.


12-14 12-14




16. Repeat steps 12-14 on the corners of the new center square.


15. Repeat steps 12 - 14 on the other three corners.


17. Repeat step 16 as long as you can or until you get bored.

18. Fold the corners to the center on the final square.

19. Turn over.

20. Valley folds. Dont crease sharply. 21. Pull out the corner while folding the sides back and flatten.
20-21 20-21 24 24



22. Repeat steps 20-21 on the other three sides.

25. Repeat step 24 on three more flaps.

24. Reverse fold the flap into the other flap. Rotate the model. 23. Turn over. 26. Reverse fold.


29. Valley folds to the center line. Focusing on the lower square.

28. Turn over.



27. Reverse fold another five triangles.

32. Valley down again. Note the reference points. 31. Valley up along the edge. 30. Turn over.

33. Swivel the sides to the middle. 34. Bring the layers to the front. 35. Turn over.

36. Squash fold the feet.

39. Valley to the center.

37. Finished feet and tail. Zooming out.

38. Focusing on the head.

40. Valley edge to edge.

43. Reverse fold back on the crease from step 40.


41. Unfold. 42. Reverse fold.

44. Repeat steps 39-43 on the other side. 45. Valley fold the sides to the center.

46. Fold down as far as possible.

47. Fold up.

50. Round the face with mountain folds.

49. Valley again. 48. Valley.

51. The finished face. Zooming out.

52. Swivel the edge of the wing.

53. The finished Bat.

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