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Instalation Practice For Axle Counter On Indian Railways

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1. Introduction

Axle counters were developed as a solution of track


There are four types of axle counter systems used in

Indian Railways:

 1-D system
 2-D system
 3-D system
 4-D system

2. Installation

2.1 Outdoor Equipment

i) The track device is fixed in the centre of track

circuit in case of single line section. In case of
double line section, the device is fixed either in
the centre or at the end of track circuit
depending upon the length of track circuit
provided, so that in case of wrong side
movement the axle counter should work
ii) The track device is not to be fixed under any
circumstances within the sleepers carrying the
rail joints.

Installation of Axle Counter


iii) The track unit is installed on a closed track

iv) Since the track circuit is necessary to prevent
operation of system by insulated trolley, care is
to be taken to reduce the length of track circuit
by using minimum number of relays for
achieving minimum drop away time
v) The separation between two track devices of
different axle counter system should be at least
3 meters, so as to, avoid mutual interference.
vi) The clear spacing between two sleepers in
which both the track devices are fixed is
minimum 520 mm.
vii) The design of track device is suitable for 52 Kg , 60
Kg rails.
viii) The maximum size of packing required are as

A) For 52 Kg- 6mm (3mm X 2 packing)

B) For 60 Kg- 12mm (3mm X 4 packing)

ix) The transmitter and receiver coils are provided with

10/15 meter length lead cable and have to be taken
directly to location box with out any loop i.e. Tx.
coil and Rx. coil should be provided in zigzag
x) These cables are carried in HDPE (high density
poly-ethylene) pipe for safety and laid not less than
1 meter below from bottom of rail.

Installation of Axle Counter


RDSO Drg. No. SDO/UAC-326

Figure - 1

xi) A transmitter and receiver cables are run separately at a

minimum separation of 500 mm. Transmitter and receiver
cables of individual track devices are to be laid in different

Installation of Axle Counter


2.1.1 Cable

For connecting the output of EJB (Electronic Junction

Box) to evaluator, the following cables are to be used:

Type of cable Specification

i) 4 Quad axle counter cable TC-30
ii) 4 Quad axle counter cable TC-31
iii) PET quad of main TC-14/75
telecom. cable
iv) Polythene jelly filled TC-41/90
telephone cable

2.1.2 Procedure for fixing track device

i) Fixing of base plate :

 Base plate can be fixed from any direction as design

is same on either side of Tx. and Rx coils.
 The base plate is fixed with the help of bolts, nuts
and rail clamp. The nuts and bolts is fully tightened
and locked by means of lock washers to prevent any
movement related to rails during passing of train.
 To avoid the fitting getting loosened due to passage
of train proper leverage is used for tightening.( It
should be tighten with slotted nut through split pin in it
if possible

Installation of Axle Counter


ii) Fixing of Transmitter and Receiver coil


 After fixing base plate, receiver and transmitter coil

assemblies are to be fixed on base plate with the help
of four bolts.

Figure - 2
 The base of transmitter assembly should butt against
the foot of the outer side of rail. Required number of
nylon packing piece (minimum 3mm packing) should
be placed between the base plate and transmitter base.
 The receiver coil assembly is fixed on the inner side
of the rail and a paper gap should be available between
receiver housing and the rail web. This gap is essential

Installation of Axle Counter


to protect the receiver coil from any damage due to

vibration of rail. Similar to transmitter coil, nylon-
packing piece/pieces should be used below the
receiver housing.
 It should be ensured that transmitter coil assembly
and receiver coil assembly is fixed parallel to each
other and in the same centre line.

iii) Procedure for fixing Rail Deflector.

 To protect the track fittings against damage from

hanging parts of moving train, rail deflector plates are
mounted on both sides of the fittings.
 These deflector plates are fitted to deflector clamp
with bolts and nuts on each side.
 These plates are installed in the sleeper space
(approximate 30 cm to 40 cm away from the track
 Before fixing deflector plates, it should be ensured
that the transmitter deflector plate (smaller width)
comes in front of transmitter and Receiver deflector
plate (larger width) comes in front of receiver.

iv) Trolley protection track circuit:

 Trolley protection track circuit is of closed track

circuit type.
 The length of track circuit depends on the type of
track relay used and its drop away time. Normally Q-
type track relay (9 ohm) is used.
 The recommended distance between the block joint
and the installation of track device in the direction of

Installation of Axle Counter


train movement are tabulated for different speeds in

table –1:

Table - 1
Speed in Minimum Distance
KMPH Shelf type Q-type
15 5.4 m 08 m
50 16.2 m 08 m
90 32.5 m 20 m
100 36.1 m 20 m
120 43.3 m 20 m
140 50.6 m 20 m
160 57.8 m 33 m
200 72.2 m 33 m

Installation of Axle Counter


 The length of track circuit in terms of rail length for

single and double line section for different speeds
using Shelf type, Q type track relay is given in table 2.
Table - 2
Speed Length of track Length of track
in circuit with track circuit with track
KM/ device in centre device at distance
PH given in table 1
For single line For double line
Shelf Q-style Shelf Q-style
type Track type Track
track relay track relay
relay relay
15 1T 1T 1T 1T
50 3T 1T 3T 1T
90 5T 2T 4T 2T
100 6T 3T 4T 2T
120 7T 3T 4T 2T
140 8T 3T 5T 2T
160 9T 4T 6T 3T
200 12T 5T 7T 3T

 In AC area, it is preferable to have ‘QT2’ (2F/2B for

block proving by axle counter and QT2/ 2F/1B for
other axle counter use) type relay to be kept at
location. This relay is having less drop away time. The
repetition of this relay is ‘QNA1’ type.
 In non-AC area, QT2 relay along with QN1 should
be used for trolley protection purposes.

Installation of Axle Counter


2.1.3 Adjustment of Track Device

 Keeping the transmitter coil on the single rail clamp

butting against rail, maximum output from receiver
coil is obtained (without any packing on coil).
 Select the no. of nylon packing up to 12 mm for rails
of 60 kg step by step below the transmitter coils to
obtain the maximum output on receiver coils.
 Under the above condition, the out put of Rx coils
should not be less than 1.2 V (rms) without EJB load
and 1.0 V(rms) with EJB load as shown below.


Figure - 3

Installation of Axle Counter


2.1.4 Wheel Dip

 Dummy wheel is a metallic plate which when placed

in between the transmitter and receiver coils, parallel
to track causes a ‘Dip’ in the receiver coil signal
similar to one caused by an actual wheel.
 A dummy wheel has graduated markings to enable it
to be set for the type of rails on to which track devices
have been fitted as shown below.

T- Packing thickness
T- 3mm for 90 lbs. Rail
T- 3 mm for 52 kg Rail

Where “D” is the distance from the rail level to the lowest
edge of the dummy wheel.

Figure – 4

Installation of Axle Counter


Ex. For 52 KG rails, proper wheel dip adjustment is

obtained by setting the dummy wheel at 52 mm mark
Having adjusted for dummy wheel to 52 mm mark, it
is placed on receiver coil housing with its support
brackets so adjusted that the plate remains vertical.
Sensitive Multi-meter is to be connected across
receiver coil. The receiver coil have been designed to
give normal output signal of more than 1.0V (rms)
without wheel, which falls to less than 10% when the
dummy wheel is placed centrally and vertically on
track device.
 Wheel dip adjustment are made by changing the
position of transmitter body on the base plate by
moving forward or backward and observing the
receiver coil signal on CRO or Multi-meter when a
dummy wheel is moved over the track device.
 Ensure that there is no possibility of double dip.
Keeping the dummy wheel to left side of track device
and slowly moving it to right side of track device.
Monitor the Multi-meter reading and ensure that the
value is once coming to lower side not twice.
 After final adjustment, all nuts bolt connections are
checked and secured properly.
2.2 Indoor Equipment
The indoor equipment consists of
2.2.1 Cable termination cum relay rack
2.2.2 Evaluator system
2.2.3 SM reset box
2.2.4 Line verification box
2.2.5 Power supply arrangement
2.2.1 Cable termination cum Relay rack

Installation of Axle Counter


In cable termination cum relay rack, all the incoming

cable from field, outgoing cables to evaluator, relay
rack, batteries, battery charger and SM room are







Figure – 5

Installation of Axle Counter


Also all the trolley suppression track-repeating relays

are installed on this rack. Depending upon the
termination of cables, the rack is divided in to three
a) Power supply bus bars
b) Trolley suppression track relays/ Axle counter
c) Cable termination
a) Power supply bas bars:
i) Three buss bars from batteries/battery charger
for DC-DC converter, reset box and track clear
proving relays are terminated on upper portion
of this rack.
ii) Individual fuses as per IRS specification no.
S:78-92 are to be provided for each dc-dc
converter reset box and track clear proving
iii) The fuses are fixed on 12 mm Bakelite sheet.
The –ve bus bar is of 3 mm copper strip.
b) Trolley suppression relays:
i) Track repeating relays of Q style (QNA 1 or
QN1) for trolley suppression tracks are fixed
below the bus bar (two row, each of 8 relays
are provided in the rack).
ii) These relays are mounted on anodized square
The +10V feed from evaluator for trolley
suppression circuit of the evaluator is taken though
the pick up contact of these relays when track
device is fixed in the track circuited area.

Installation of Axle Counter


c) Cable termination
i) All the incoming, outgoing and internal
terminations are done on bottom side of the
ii) The termination is carried out on 8 way barrier
terminal block preferably of PBT material
fixed on 12 mm Bakelite sheet.
iii) In this the terminations are divided in 12 rows.

a) A, B, C and D rows are for incoming channels

voltage levels from EJBs.
b) Whenever track device channel is common to
two evaluators, the requisite looping of channel
can be done in E row.
c) F,G and H rows are for reset box termination.
d) J row has been used for trolley protection
circuit i.e. incoming cables from evaluator and
outgoing cables to evaluator after proving
relays pick up contacts.
e) K row is used for final track clear proving relay
f) L and M rows are for field cable for trolley
suppression relays and their repetition to the
relay rack or vice versa.
Installation of cable termination rack.

i) The installation of this rack is similar to

Siemen’s relay rack with provision of
ii) The position of this rack should be such that it
is as near as possible to evaluator.

Installation of Axle Counter


2.2.2 Evaluator system

The following constitutes evaluator system
a) Base channel
b) Axle counter cabinet
c) Evaluator with DC DC converter module
d) EVR and SUPR relays
e) RB plate
f) Display unit
g) CLR and Occupied indication
h) Final track clear proving relay
a) Base channel
It is a unit in which evaluator rack is to be erected.
This is having holes for erecting the rack as well as
erecting base channel on RCC platform. Base channel
is also having anti vibration pads on the top surface,
which takes care of any damage to evaluator due to
vibration. It should be fixed on RCC platform by
grouting MS bolts.
b) Axle counter cabinet
There is one type of cabinet:
20U Rack
It can house one set of evaluator with 10 cards which
includes dc dc converter module are to be fixed. The
bottom space is left for TB plate, air circulation etc.
Installation of cabinet
i) The axle counter cabinet should be installed in
a axle counter room/ relay room or at a

Installation of Axle Counter


location, which is not accessible to

unauthorized persons.
ii) It should be installed as per RDSO drg. No.
SDO/UAC – 336 shown below so as to, protect
from rain water. With this arrangement the
maintenance personnel will have easy access to
TB plate of evaluator.

Figure – 6
iii) As far as possible, the cabinet should be
located away from any source of heavy
electromagnetic interference like industrial
machinery, motor, generator or welding plants.

Installation of Axle Counter


DC-DC converter
i) DC – DC converter should be as per
specification no. RDS/SPN/121/92.
ii) The output of DC-DC converter are +5V, +10V
with common ground and 10V (Isolate).
iii) The input of dc-dc converter is 24V (+20% to –
iv) DC-DC converter module should be fitted
inside evaluator.
v) DC-DC converter module inspected by RDSO,
are only to be used.

Installation of DC-DC converter module

i) The DC-DC converter is fixed inside the
ii) The connection to evaluator is made through
Euro connector.
iii) Power supply from TB plate to dc-dc converter
is connected by means of 2 core shielded cable.
The other end of this cable is connected to –ve
and +ve of 24 +V of input of MS coupler.
Finally the 24V input supply is taken to 10th
module of evaluator through Jalex converter.

c) Installation of evaluator

The evaluator chassis is fixed inside the rack with nuts

and bolts. The external connection to termination plate
is made through, 2 nos. of 10 pin MS coupler and 1 no.
of 7 pin MS coupler for 2D/3D and 4D system.

Installation of Axle Counter


All the modules are fitted with Euro connectors (64

pins) and these modules are plugged in the 64 pins
receptacles fixed on mother board. These modules are
fixed in position by front end tightening screws. The
four couplers cater for the following connections.

Evaluator input

i) Eight input wires for 4 channels in case of

2D system and 16 input wires for 8
channels in case of 3D/4D system coming
from the cable termination rack, are
connected through MS coupler. The first 4
channels are connected through a 10 pin
coupler and other four channels through
another 10 pin coupler.
ii) The 14 pin coupler is used for:
a) EVR and SUPR relays output.
b) Trolley suppression circuits.
c) Reset circuit.
iii) A cable having 7 pin MS coupler is used
for connection to dc-dc converter in the
evaluator, as 24V input. The generated
output of +5 V, +10V and +10V isolated
supply from dc-dc converter is taken
directly in the motherboard to the cards.
Evaluator output
For connecting evaluator output to EVR and SUPR
relays, (non-immunized) with 4F/B metal to
carbon contacts, two pairs of shielded cable, one
pair for each relay with one end terminated to TB

Installation of Axle Counter


plate and other end to relay. A BY 127 diode was

connected across each relay coil.

Installation of Axle Counter


d) EVR and SUPR relays

i) The EVR and SUPR relays are of 12V/100

ohms DC neutral line relays (non-immunized)
with 4F/B metal to carbon contacts.
ii) These relays can either plug in type 9QS3) or
shelf type.

Installation of EV and SUP relays

i) Plug in type (QS3) relays are fixed on MS

angle (plated) whereas shelf type relays are
mounted on alluminium tray provided in the
ii) Alluminium tray for fixing EVR and SUPR
relays is provided.
iii) Relays output is provided with BY 127 diode
to suppress the transient voltage (more than
800 V) generated when the relays drop and can
affect the fast acting sensitive LS TTL ICs used
in the evaluator.

Caution: The internal cabling is already done

at factory with two nos. of QS3 plug boards
already mounted in relay module. Only
external wiring has to be done at site.

e) Termination box plate

All outgoing and incoming connections are terminated

on this plate. This fixed on back bottom side of the
rack. Other end of the cables have MS coupler at one

Installation of Axle Counter


end are terminated on terminal block no. 1,2,3,4,& 5 in

case 2D,3D and 4D systems. TB1 is for EVR and
SUPR relay contacts, which are used for reset box. The
wires from evaluator are terminated on right hand side
of terminals and wires from cable termination rack are
terminated on left-hand side of terminals.

f) Display unit

The display unit card is having seven segment counts

display and is connected to counter comparator card
through flat cable connectors 16 pins. The IN and OUT
count information is available for maintenance
personnel. Whenever the cable is removed and
reconnected, the random counts are to be reset.

g) CLR and OCC indications

Separate indications for axle counter CLR and OCC

conditions has been provided on strip plate to front
side. These indications are helpful for maintenance
personnel and it is just the replica of the indications
available in SM reset box.

h) Final track clear proving relay (AZTR)

This relay indicates the position of the axle counter

and trolley suppression track circuit. The pick up
contacts of EVR, SUPR and trolley suppression track
circuit (TPRs) are proved.

Installation of Axle Counter


In case trolley suppression track circuit is not provided

for cross over track device, final track clear proving
relay picks up with EVR and SUPR relay contacts

To avoid dropping of HR relay (when final track clear

proving relay has been used in HR circuit) due to push
trolley movement over track device, AZTPR front
contact should be by-passed with HR front contact.

2.2.3 SM reset box

i) This unit is placed on a teakwood or hylum

sheet shelf supported by MS angle in SM room
and is used to reset axle counter system in case
of failure or during testing and maintenance of
axle counter system. The wiring details are
available inside of the top cover.
ii) The connections between SM reset box and
cable termination rack of axle counter should
be made by 5 pair switch board telecom. cable
taken in PVC conduit pipe and connection
directly on SM reset box terminal strips.
iii) Reset switch also operates a counter. Counter
readings should be recorded in the register
maintained for this purpose indicating the
reasons for each resetting. Counter will move
to next number only when actual resetting has
taken place.
iv) It should be ensured that no resetting is done
when the section is occupied or when the train
is likely to be received in the axle counter

Installation of Axle Counter


controlled sections. A typical wiring is shown

on next page.

Installation of Axle Counter


Figure – 7

Installation of Axle Counter


v) Resetting should be done only when it is

ensured that the controlled track section is free
from any obstruction and same, is
communicated through a line verification box
actuation. Two types of circuits for wiring of
reset box are available.
a) Wiring of axle counter when used in station
b) Wiring of axle counter when used in IBS and
axle counter block.

Circuit description

i) In case EVR or SUPR drop, RED LED will

glow indicating section is occupied.
ii) When both EVR and SUPR pick up GREEN
LED will glow.
iii) When axle counter fails and resetting
procedure has been initiated i.e. controlled
track section is free from any obstruction and
line verification key is actuated SM will
actuate his key for resetting and if the system
gets reset, GREEN LED will glow.
iv) Resetting is possible only when trolley
suppression track relays are up.
v) In case of IBS or axle counter block the line
verification key can be kept with other section.
vi) Resetting is possible only when SM reset keys
and line verification key are “N”.

Installation of Axle Counter


2.2.4 Line verification box

The line verification box has to be fixed outside SMs

office (when axle counter is used in station yard).

For fixing of line verification box, two bolts are to be

fixed on the wall and a through hole in the wall is
required to carry the wires. In case number of line
verification box are more common base plate can be
used for fixing the same. The wiring has to be done
with 16/0.2 wire on the terminals provided in the line
verification box. Care has to be taken that all the line
verification box keys are of separate wards.

For easier identification axle counter number should

be painted on line verification box so that in case of
failure of axle counter particular axle counter only be
In case of IBH or axle counter block, line verification
box has to be kept with SM or other station.

2.2.5 Power Supply Arrangement

The various power supplies and its equipment required

for axle counter are shown as per RDSO drg. No.
SDO/UAC/ 343 on next page.

Installation of Axle Counter




24 V DC,20A

1 KVA Trans Trans Trans Trans Trans

IRS:72/ Rectifier Rectifier Rectifier Rectifier Rectifier
88 set set set set set

12 V 24 or
110 V AC DC,5A 60V DC, 24VDC,
10 amp 20 A
AL relay DC,20 A DC,20A


Figure – 8

Installation of Axle Counter


3. Earthing of Axle Counter System

Earthing arrangement consists of one or more
galvanised iron pipes of not less than 38mm internal
diameter and not less than 2.5 m in length with spike at
one end and a lung at the other for connecting earth
lead. The pipe is embedded vertically, leaving the lug
portion above the ground as shown below.
75 Thread





Note: All dimensions are


Figure – 9

Installation of Axle Counter


3.1 Treatment of soil

To reduce the resistivity of the soil, it is necessary to

dissolve in the moisture normally contained in the soil
some substance, which is highly conductive in its
water solution. In case of salt and soft coke and salt
and charcoal mixture, the earth electrodes should be
surrounded in the earth pit by alternate layers of finely
divided coke, crushed coal or charcoal and common
salt for at least 150mm all round. Addition of less than
one part by weight of salt of 200 of soil mixture has
been found to reduce to resistivity by 80%.

The earthing arrangement should be located in the

natural soil, as far as possible. The made up soil is
likely to be eroded by weather.

3.2 Earth lead wires

The lead wires connecting the installation and the earth

electrode shall ordinarily be of stranded copper wire of
29mm2 (19 strand wires of 1.4 mm dia.). Copper wire
has been specified because GI wires usually subject to
greater corrosion. However, in areas where copper
wire may be subject to frequent loss by theft, ACSR of
size 64mm2 (19 strands of 2.11 mm dia can be used.).

Installation of Axle Counter


3.3 Limits of the earth resistance

Maximum values of the earth resistance specified for

earthing axle counter system are as given in table-3.

Table – 3

1 Earth for lightening Should not be more

discharger than 10 ohms.
2 Earth for equipment Should not be more
than 10 ohms.
3 Jelly filled telephone Should not be more
cable in RE area than 5 ohms.
4 Aluminum sheathed Should not be more
telecom cable than 1 ohms.
screened in AC
electrified area.
5 4 quad axle counter Should not be more
cable screened in AC than 1 ohms.
electrified area
6 Jelly filled/ 4 quad non Should not be more
RE axle counter cable than 1 ohms.

Installation of Axle Counter


3.4 Equipment to be earthed

Separate earthing should be provided for the


All the axle counter racks in the room shall be

connected together separate earthing.

Metallic sheath and armouring of all underground

main cables.

a) In RE area the metallic sheath and armouring of

main telecom cables are earthed at both ends.
b) In RE area the armouring of jelly filled telephone
cable shall be earthed at both end.
c) In non RE area the armouring of axle counter cable
shall be earthed at one end i.e. at evaluator end.
d) The earthing shall be provided at every location
box, where cables are terminated.
e) It is not necessary to earth the sheath and
armouring of screened cables or armouring of
unscreened cables when they are used as a tail
cables except in special cases where the length of
the tail cable exceeds normal prescribed limits.
f) Where a number of cables are run together, it is
advantageous to earth each cable separately.

Installation of Axle Counter


3.5 Precautions to be taken during earthing

 The earth electrodes shall be free from paint,

enamel or grease.
 Under ordinary conditions of soil, GI or MS
electrode is used.
 In areas where corrosions are likely to be excessive
it is preferable to use either copper or copper clad
 The length of electrode should not be more than
2.5 meter.
 When a rocky soil is encountered at a depth of less
than 2 meter the electrode may be buried inclined
to the vertical the inclination being limited to 30°
from vertical.
 The diameter of earth electrode is such that it can
easily withstand the strain of driving.
 The earthing lead should be adequate size to offer
negligible resistance.
 In case the earth lead wire is buried underground, it
should be protected from corrosion by an
application of suitable anti-corrosive paint or
bitumen or varnish.
 Where more than one earthing arrangements are
employed, the distance between earthing electrodes
should not be less than 3 m.
 The earthing leads for separate earthing
arrangements should be electrically insulated from
each other.

Installation of Axle Counter


 The minimum clearance of equipment earths from

system earths provided by the Electrical
department either of the Railways or of the other
administrations should be 20 meters.
 In place where the soil is extensively corrosive, the
soil may be chemically examined before deciding
the material of the earth electrode.
 The earth wire should be soldered to the
screen/armouring and securely connected to the
earth electrode.

3.6 Maintenance and testing of earth

 The ground surrounding the earth electrode should

be kept moist by periodically pouring saline water.
 All earth and connections should be examined at
an interval of not more than one month to ensure
that all connections are intact and soldered joints
are in proper condition.

Resistance of every earth should be measured at an

interval not exceeding one year. Earth resistance,
date of last test and location of earth should be
entered on a register/ signal failure registers.

Installation of Axle Counter


4. Do’s and Don’ts

4.1 Do’s during installation of outdoor equipment

 At the time of fixing of base clamp, ensure that the

base clamp is mounted properly on rail.
 Ensure that proper nylon packing has been used for
getting max out put from receiver coil. Also in this
condition maximum dip is achieved.
 Ensure that proper sizes of nuts and bolts for base
clamp transmitter and receiver assemblies have
been used.
 After tightening the nuts and bolts use proper
adhesive on nuts for proper grip.
 At the time of initial adjustment of track devices,
the max output is obtained by selecting number of
packing for transmitter and receiver and keeping
transmitter in its lowest position. Also dip is to be
obtained by moving the transmitter coil backward
if necessary.

4.2 Do’s during installation of indoor equipment

 Check if the power supply to DC-DC converter is

within the range of 24 V, 10% +20% (21.6 V to
28.8 V).
 Before switching “ON” DCDC converter check
that the polarity of power supply is correct.
 Check that the AC ripple across the battery charger
is less than 40 mV(p-p).

Installation of Axle Counter


 Check that the EVR and SUPR relay pick up

voltage is less that 6 V for shelf type relay and less
than 10V for QS3 relay.
 Check that BY 127 diode is connected across EVR
and SUPR relay coils.

4.3 Don’ts during installation of outdoor equipment

 Do not install the track device near the rail joint

(should be more that 6 sleepers away).
 Do not install track device where the rail is badly
worn out.
 Do not cut or join the transmitter / receiver cable
supplied alongwith the coil. It would result in
change of frequency of signal.
 Do not lay the Rx and Tx coil cables in the same
 Do not use any other outdoor cables except which
are prescribed.
4.4 Don’ts during installation of indoor equipment
 Do not use +10V available on evaluator for
indication (CLR, OCC) on SM reset box and
 Do not use +10V for resetting purpose.
 Do not insert cards meant of 3D axle counter in to
4D axle counter and vice versa.
 Do not feed wrong battery voltage and wrong

Installation of Axle Counter


 Do not give any bend to display card flat cable.


Installation of Axle Counter

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