Porous Asphalt Fact Sheet
Porous Asphalt Fact Sheet
Porous Asphalt Fact Sheet
Porous Asphalt
PURPOSE: Porous asphalt used in place of traditional impervious paving materials decreases the total amount of runoff leaving a site, promotes infiltration of runoff into the ground, reduces the amount of pollutants carried to a storm drain or waterway, and aids with reducing peak runoff velocity and volume. Developing land for residential, commercial and industrial use carries the detrimental effect of vastly increasing the amount of impervious surface area as land is paved to create roads and parking lots. During a storm, runoff flows over impervious pavement, picking up pollutants such as dirt, grease and oil, and transports these contaminants to streams and storm sewer systems. In response to this issue, designers developed porous paving systems that allow runoff to pass through the pavement into a stone base, then into the soil below to recharge the groundwater supply. With proper installation and maintenance, porous paving allows for infiltration of up to 80% of annual runoff volume. Additionally, studies indicate that porous paving systems can remove between 65 and 85 percent of undissolved nutrients from runoff and up to 95% of sediment from runoff. The design for application of porous asphalt consists of at least four layers: a two to four-inch layer of asphalt, a one to two-inch filter layer of half-inch crushed aggregate, a 12-inch minimum reservoir layer of one to three-inch aggregate, and a layer of geotextile material. Porous asphalt consists of standard bituminous asphalt in which the fines have been screened and reduced, creating void space to make it highly permeable to water. The void space of porous asphalt is approximately 16%, as opposed to two to three percent for conventional asphalt. Porous asphalt itself provides for some pretreatment of runoff. The crushed aggregate filter layer aids with pollutant removal and provides stability for the stone reservoir layer during application of pavement. Treated runoff is stored in the reservoir bed, a highly permeable layer of open-graded clean-washed aggregate with at least 40% void space. Nonwoven geotextile material placed between the reservoir bed and uncompacted subsoil prevents the migration of fines into the stone reservoir, which could clog the system. The treated water then percolates through the uncompacted soil base to recharge the groundwater supply. Porous asphalt is applicable to many uses, including parking lots, driveways, sidewalks, bike paths, playgrounds and tennis courts. With proper maintenance, including regular vacuuming of the surface to prevent clogging by sediment, porous asphalt can have a minimum service life of 20 years. VARIATIONS: Installing a berm at the edge of porous paving keeps off-site runoff and sediment from entering the porous paved surface area, which prevents clogging. Roof leaders may be connected to the system via an inlet that uses a water quality insert. A subsurface drain may be incorporated into the design of the stone reservoir to collect water and route it to a detention or infiltration basin. NOTE: Porous paving materials are not effective at removing dissolved nutrients from water; therefore, they should be installed at least 100 feet from drinking water sources. Pre-treatment of runoff is recommended where oil, grease or other groundwater contaminants are expected.
Conventional asphalt
Porous asphalt
A close up comparison shows the difference in void space between conventional and porous asphalt.
Additional Resources
PA Department of Environmental Protection - www.dep.state.pa.us - Pennsylvania Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual US Environmental Protection Agency www.epa.gov Cahill Associates www.thcahill.com - click on Technologies for project examples and general information
5. (above) Asphalt is laid. 6. (right) Silt fence borders area to protect asphalt from debris and sediment.