Bris Bein HaBesarim Parsha Math

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Bris Bein HaBasarim Covenant Between the Parts

Answer the following questions, using the chart below
1. Avram was told the Jews would be 400 years in a strange land. Rashi
said this began with the birth of Yitzchak. How old was Avram when
Yitzchak was born?
2. Avram was told he would have a male child a year later when visited
by the angels three days after his circumcision. How old was Avram
when he had his circumcision at the end of this week’s Parsha?
3. At the beginning of the Parsha, Avram was told to leave Charan. How
old was he at this time?
4. The Covenant Between the Parts occurred after more than half of this
Parsha. Another place in the Torah says we were 430 years in a strange
land, which we count from the Covenant Between the Parts. How old
was Avram when this event occurred?

Years Years
Age of
Event from to
Creation Exodus
Avram leaves Charan Chapter 12 2023 ??? ???
Famine and Avram goes to Egypt
Lot goes to Sodom Chapter 13
Avram fights 4 Kings after they defeat 5
Kings at the end of 14 years Chapter 14
Chapter 15 “after these things” – G-d’s
??? ??? 430
Promises & the Covenant between the Parts
Birth of Yishmael 2034 86 414
Avram’s Bris & the promise of a son one
2047 99 401
year later
Birth of Yitzchak 2048 ??? 400
Death of Avrohom 2123 175 325
Yaacov & Tribes go down to Egypt 2238 210 ‫רדו‬
Last of 12 sons dies and slavery begins 2332 116
Birth of Moshe 2368 80
Exodus 2448 0


Age group – 12 years and up

Objective of this lesson:
Appreciate math in the Parsha
Introduction to concepts SHEET
of the life & activities of the Avos

1. Avram was 100 years old at the birth of Yitzchak

2. Avram was 99 at the time of the bris, when the angels told him that
Yitzchak was to be born the next year
3. Avram was 75 years old when told to leave Charan
4. Avram was 70 years old at the time of the Covenant Between the
Pieces. The 400 years started with the birth of Yitzchak. The Covenant
Between the Pieces occurred 30 years earlier.

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