Rbi Norms For Npa
Rbi Norms For Npa
Rbi Norms For Npa
rudential norms on in- and does not carry more than One will have to determine
come recognition, asset normal risk attached to the the due date of interest and in-
classification and pro- business. stalment. If either interest or
visioning (IRAC norms) per- Non-Performing Asset instalment is overdue for more
taining to advances portfolios (NPA): An asset becomes than 90 days then the account
of banks were introduced for NPA when it ceases to gener- would become NPA. Interest
the first time by Reserve Bank ate income for the bank. This or instalment, which is due as
of India during financial year would mean that interest, on 30th December, would be
1992-93 i.e. year ended 31st which is debited to borrower’s overdue for more than 90 days
March 1993 in line with the account, has to be realised by as on 31st March 2006 and the
international practices. the bank. An account has to be account would become NPA.
However, if the same was due
Vipul K.
Choksi For bank branch audits the auditors have to keep them- on 31st December 2005, then
selves abreast of the applicable IRAC norms incorporated in the account would not become
The author is NPA as on 31st March 2006.
member of
the RBI’s Master Circular dated 1st July 2005. On the basis
of the guidelines provided in this circular which are relevant Overdraft/Cash Credit: If
the Institute. an account remains out of or-
He can be for audit of F.Y.2005-06, auditor will be required to take the
audit steps like Asset Classification, Income Recognition, der, it would become NPA. For
reached at this purpose an account would
choksi.vipul@ Provisioning Norms, Restructuring of loans/CDR/Project
under implementation, Agricultural advances, Classification be treated as ‘out of order’ if:
gmail.com i) The outstanding balance
of NPA borrower-wise and not facility-wise, Upgradation of
Account From NPA to Standard and Regularisation of ac- remains continuously in
excess of the sanctioned
count at near about balance sheet date.This article discusses
limit/drawing power for
salient features and some of the practical aspects of prudential
90 days or more, or
norms pertaining to advances of banks.
ii) Even if the outstanding
in the account is less than
The prudential norms are classified as NPA on the basis the sanctioned limit/
formulated on the basis of ob- of record of recovery rather drawing power, there are
jective criteria rather than on than security charged in fa- no credits in the account
any subjective consideration. vour of the bank in respect continuously for 90 days
This has brought in uniform of such account. Thus, an ac- as on the date of the Bal-
and consistent application of count of a borrower may be- ance sheet, or
the norms and greater trans- come NPA if interest charged iii) Credits in the account are
parency in published accounts to that particular borrower is not sufficient to cover in-
of banks. not realised despite the ac- terest debited during the
Reserve Bank of India has count being fully secured. same period.
been issuing Master Circu- Thus, as on 31st March
lars on prudential norms for Identification Of Account 2006, if any of the above cri-
past few years. Last Master As Npa teria is satisfied, the account
circular on prudential norms RBI has laid down various would be classified as NPA.
pertaining to advances was is- criteria for classification of vari- There may be a situation where
sued by Reserve Bank of In- ous types of advances as NPA say for example drawing power
dia on 1st July 2005. which are as under: of an account is Rs.10 lacs, bal-
Term Loan: Interest and /or ance is Rs.8 lacs and there are
Asset Type instalment of principal remain no credits in the account for 90
Standard Asset: The ac- overdue for a period of more days. Such account would be
count is not non-performing than 90 days. classified as NPA.