y y y y y y
frontal bone parietal bone (2) temporal bone (2) occipital bone sphenoid bone ethmoid bone
mandible maxilla (2) palatine bone (2) zygomatic bone (2) nasal bone (2) lacrimal bone (2) vomer inferior nasal conchae (2)
hyoid bone
sternum (1)
Can be considered as three bones; manubrium, body of sternum (gladiolus), and xiphoid process ribs (2 x 12)
Humerus (2)
Carpal (wrist) bones: o scaphoid bone (2) o lunate bone (2) o triquetral bone (2) o pisiform bone (2) o trapezium (2) o trapezoid bone (2) o capitate bone (2) o hamate bone (2) Metacarpus (palm) bones: o metacarpal bones (5 2) Digits of the hands (finger bones or phalanges): o proximal phalanges (5 2) o intermediate phalanges (4 2) o distal phalanges (5 2)
y y y
femur (2)
Tarsal (ankle) bones: o calcaneus (heel bone) (2) o talus (2) o navicular bone (2) o medial cuneiform bone (2) o intermediate cuneiform bone (2) o lateral cuneiform bone (2)
Metatarsus bones: o metatarsal bone (5 2) Digits of the feet (toe bones or phalanges): o proximal phalanges (5 2) o intermediate phalanges (4 2) o distal phalanges (5 2)