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Cranial bones (8):

y y y y y y

frontal bone parietal bone (2) temporal bone (2) occipital bone sphenoid bone ethmoid bone

Facial bones (14):

y y y y y y y y

mandible maxilla (2) palatine bone (2) zygomatic bone (2) nasal bone (2) lacrimal bone (2) vomer inferior nasal conchae (2)

In the middle ears (6):

y y y

malleus (2) incus (2) stapes (2)

In the throat (1):


hyoid bone

In the shoulder girdle (4):

y y

scapula or shoulder blade (2) clavicle or collarbone (2)

In the thorax (25):


sternum (1)

Can be considered as three bones; manubrium, body of sternum (gladiolus), and xiphoid process ribs (2 x 12)

In the vertebral column (24):

y y y

cervical vertebrae (7) thoracic vertebrae (12) lumbar vertebrae (5)

In the arms (2):


Humerus (2)

In the forearms (4):

y y

radius (2) ulna (2)

In the hands (54):


Carpal (wrist) bones: o scaphoid bone (2) o lunate bone (2) o triquetral bone (2) o pisiform bone (2) o trapezium (2) o trapezoid bone (2) o capitate bone (2) o hamate bone (2) Metacarpus (palm) bones: o metacarpal bones (5 2) Digits of the hands (finger bones or phalanges): o proximal phalanges (5 2) o intermediate phalanges (4 2) o distal phalanges (5 2)

In the pelvis (4):

y y y

sacrum coccyx os coxae (innominate bone or hip bone) (2)

In the thighs (2):


femur (2)

In the legs (6):

y y y

patella (2) tibia (2) fibula (2)

In the feet (52):


Tarsal (ankle) bones: o calcaneus (heel bone) (2) o talus (2) o navicular bone (2) o medial cuneiform bone (2) o intermediate cuneiform bone (2) o lateral cuneiform bone (2)

cuboid bone (2)

Metatarsus bones: o metatarsal bone (5 2) Digits of the feet (toe bones or phalanges): o proximal phalanges (5 2) o intermediate phalanges (4 2) o distal phalanges (5 2)

A typical human adult skeleton consists of 206 bones.

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