Marketing Research Antivirus

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Antivirus Industry is a part of Computer Security Industry.

Growing usage of PC & mobiles has increased the proliferation of malwares, viruses & zombies in the system.

This necessitates and boosts the growth of antivirus market. The current market for PC antivirus is more than $12 billion

It is expected to exhibit a growth of more than 30% CAGR.

Leading markets for antivirus software are Canada, Middle East, Africa, and Asia-Pacific.

According to OPSWAT Quarterly Market Share Report (April- June 2011)

1% 1% 1%
Avast Software


AVG Technologies


Avira GMBH Microsoft Corp. Eset Software

2% 2% 3%
4% 4% 12%

Symantec Corp Kaspersky Labs McAfee Inc. Panda Security

8% 12%

Comodo Group Trend Micro Inc. PC Tools Software

9% 10% 11%

EMSI Software GMBH Softwin

F Secure Corp.

Brand Name

Market Share

Microsoft Security Essentials (Antivirus) Avira Antivirus Personal-Free Antivirus Avast Free Antivirus AVG Antivirus Free Eset NOD 32 Antivirus Kaspersky Internet Security Norton Antivirus AVG 10 Antivirus McAfee Virusscan Eset Smart Security

10.66% 10.18% 8.66% 7.92% 7.15% 4.31% 4.29% 3.68% 3.02% 2.75%

In recent times, the anti-virus market in India

has opened up & global players are eyeing

the Indian Market.

There are around 33 brands of Anti-virus

available in India.

Norton McAfee AVG Quickheal Kaspersky Bitdefender

Name of the brand

Norton Anti Virus 2011. McAfee Anti Virus Plus AVG antivirus 2011 Quickheal Antivirus Pro 2011 Kaspersky Antivirus Bitdefender Antivirus Pro

Rs.1109.99 Rs. 1040.00 Free Rs.999 Rs. 599 Rs. 500.

Trendmicro Panda
F-Secure Avast Netprotector

Titanium Maximum Security Panda Antivirus Pro 2011

F-secure AntiVirus 2011 Avast Pro Antivirus Net Protector Antivirus

Rs. 880.00 $40.99 (Rs.1844.55)

Rs.1020.00 $39.95 (Rs. 1797.75) Rs.800

To Study Antivirus Market to Find the GAP to launch new Antivirus

named Vipre To Analyze Existing Brands to find immediate Competitors To Study the consumer perception towards antivirus products To Study the buying behavior To study their price expectation for antivirus To Analyze Lifestyle of Customers

Methodology: Primary Data Collection

One to one: 60% Online: 40%

Target Group:
People using antivirus products on desktop or laptop

Sample Size:

Age group
2% 1%
15-25 yrs

1% 8% 27 % 64%
Housewife Student

29 %

26-34 yrs

68 %

Working professional/ Service

Businessman/ Enterprener

36-45 yrs More than 45

1 2% % 36%

2% 26%


44% 52% 56%



Undergraduate Graduate Post graduate Ph.D/Dr

less than rs.2lakh p.a. rs.2-5lakh p.a. Rs.5-8lakh p.a. more than 8 lakh p.a.



25 20 15 10 5

22.5 17.5 17 17 15.5 15.5

14 12.5 11.5 8

12.5 6 6.5 5 4 5.5 6 2.5 TOMA 1



Norton is the leader with market share of 22.5% followed by McAfee with 17.5% and Quickheal is third with Market share of 17.5% In usage, Quickheal leads with 17% followed by Norton and McAfee with 15.5% each

6.5 15.5 3

Computer Dealer Downloaded from net Any other shop College/ Workplace


Computer Delaers Read Reviews Online Newspapers/ Magazines Others




In %

Base: 200


In %

Base: 200

46% received the info. on their antivirus from friend/relative

42% received the info. on their antivirus from computer dealer

14.5 45
Not Changed

Willing to Change


In %

In %


Base: 200

Base: 200

85.5% of respondents havent changed their Antivirus brand in last 6 months

55% of respondents are willing to change their brands in future

120 100 80 60 40 20

120 0 5 30 3.2 12.9 41.9 Pirated Cracked Free Trial 41.9 Licensed 100 9 5.5 10 other 1 Pc- 3 Yr 1 Pc-2 Yr 1 Pc- 1 Yr

60 40 20 0



Computer Computer 1 2 Base :200 Base :31

Category Base :200 75.5% of users antivirus of category of 1Pc-1Yr

For the computer of their daily use 65% use licensed version and for their 2nd computer , Free trials and licensed versions are used by 41.9% of users

Levels of importance considered and no. of licensed users

Percentage of Licensed Version Respondents Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Disagree 30.8 59.2 8.5 1.5

90% of licensed users agree to the fact that Antivirus is important or very much important to protect the computer

Paid a Price and License version users.

Paid a Price
Did not paid a price 39.2%

Licensed Version


Out of 130 Licensed version users, 60.8% users have paid a price for their anti virus

Percentage of 1P C - 1 Y r respondents

Percentage of 1 PC - 2Y r respondents

Percentage of 1P C - 3 Y r respondents

Percentage of Other respondents

Rs.250-Rs.500 Rs.501-Rs.750 Rs.751-Rs.1000 Rs.1001-Rs.1250 Rs.1251+

42.4 6 7.3 25.2 11.9 7.3

30 10 25 10 25

54.5 9.1 18.2 18.2

61.1 5.6 11.1 11.1 11.1

57.6 % have paid for 1 Pc-1 Yr, 70% have paid for 1 Pc-2 Yr, 45.5% have paid for 1 Pc-3 Yr and 38.9% have paid for others

Reasons for changing Base Cheaper Price Better Functionality Faster Speed Other

% of Respondents that are willing to change the brand 108 14.8% 76.9% 3.7% 4.6%

108 respondents are willing to change their brand, out of which 76.9% will change for better functionality.

H0: The source of obtaining information and place of obtaining are independent of each other H1: The source of obtaining information and place of obtaining are dependent of each other.
Computer Dealer Internet Download Any other shops college / workplace

Friend/ Relative Newspapers/ Magazines Computer Dealer Online Reviews Other

33.3 4.8 51.2 9.5 1.2

58 10.1 5.8 24.6 1.4

54.2 8.3 8.3 20.8 8.3

47.8 39.1 4.3 8.7 Decision Criteria If P < 0.05 reject Ho N=200 Pearsons chi square =0.000 reject H0

H0: The income levels and the price paid are independent. H1: The income levels and the price paid are dependent
Less than P2 lakhs to 5 lakhs to 2 Lakhs 5 lakhs per 8 lakhs per per annum annum annum more than 8 lakhs per annum.

Rs.250-Rs.500 Rs.501-Rs.750 Rs.751-Rs.1000 Rs.1001Rs.1250 Rs.1251+ N.A.

25 25 50

4.8 9.6 23.1 14.4 9.6 38.5

4.9 7.3 14.6 12.2 9.8 51.2

5.9 3.9 25.5 5.9 11.8 47.1 Decision Criteria If P < 0.05 reject Ho N=200 Pearsons chi square = 0.819 Accept Ho

H0: Income levels and price willing to pay are independent of each other. H1: Income levels and price willing to pay are dependent of each other.
less than 2 lakhs per annum between 2lakhs to 5 lakhs per annum between 5 lakhs to 8 lakhs per annum more than 8 lakhs per annum.

Less than Rs. 500 Rs.501-Rs.750 Rs.751-Rs.1000 Rs.1001+

75 25 -

32.7 51.9 9.6 5.8

24.4 46.3 22 7.3

31.4 23.5 43.1 2 Decision Criteria If P < 0.05 reject Ho N=200 Pearsons chi square = 0.000 Reject Ho

Test Statistics
N H0: Customers have no specific preference Ha: Customers have a specific preference Chi-Square df Asymp. Sig. 200 383.020 4 0.000

Reject H0 Customers have specific preference while choosing antivirus

Parameter Detection of threat Speed of scanning Mean Rank 1.34 2.64 Rank 1 2 Detection of threats is the most preferred parameter for customers while choosing antivirus

Brand Name



Free Availability


Parameter Detection of virus Action on detection Speed Update Easy to use Lightness Renewal charges Price Free Version Brand Name Packaging

Importance (I) 4.78 4.77 4.17 4.22 4.2 4.02 3.77 3.74

Satisfaction I+ (I-S) (S) 4.2 4.2 3.83 4.12 4.26 4.05 3.76 3.98 5.54 5.34 4.51 4.32 4.2 4.02 3.78 3.74

Order 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Marketing Communicatio n: Action on detection, Speed of detection Positioning parameter: Detection of virus

3.27 2.54

3.9 3.66

3.27 2.54

KMO & Bartletts Test

Total variance Explained

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy Bartlett's Test of Sphericity Approx. ChiSquare df sig


Initial Eigenvalues
Componen t 1 2

2.359 1.895

% variance
19.661 15.793

19.661 35.455

454.72 8 78 0.000

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

1.160 0.958 0.887 0.759 0.680 0.529 0.501 0.402

10.663 8.985 7.388 6.325 5.669 4.412 4.172 3.544

58.174 68.159 75.443 81.270 86.394 90.449 94.776 97.860

Sample size is not adequate Factors are corelated Six factors are emerging





Rotated Component Matrixa


1 Antivirus should provide regular Updates Antivirus should provide high Speed of scanning Packaging antivirus is important for knowing different features of antivirus Actions on detection of virus/threat is very important parameter Antivirus Software should Detect all type of viruses/ threats Renewal Fee/amount is very important parameter while choosing the brand Price of antivirus is very important parameter while choosing the brand Total Security Solutions are heavy & invasive solution Security comes with price .838

2 .157

3 -.053

4 -.120

5 .014

6 .041

.640 .122 .025 .151 -.192 -.001 .138 -.084 .324 .034

-.243 .897 .844 .093 .041 -.036 -.064 .143 .004 .040

.417 -.029 .154 .829 .772 .073 -.015 .259 -.084 .001

.200 .084 -.179 .029 .012 .889 .688 -.209 .164 .076

.031 .046 .098 -.034 .161 -.084 .100 .738 .685 .033

.094 .009 .027 .117 -.140 -.081 .410 .042 .023 .943

Antivirus software should be Light it should not slow down PC while scanning Antivirus software should be easy to use Total Security Solutions are Useful Solutions
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization. a. Rotation converged in 8 iterations.


Component Antivirus should have high speed of scanning

Antivirus should provide regular updates Packaging important to know different features

Action on detection of threat very important Antivirus should detect all types of threats

Renewal fee is very important parameter Price of antivirus

Total security solution: Heavy and invasive Security come with price

Antivirus software should be light and should not slow down PC Antivirus software should be easy to use

Total security solutions are useful solutions

Complete protection for your PC

Vipre: No one detects viruses faster.

A Strong Antivirus friendly to your wallet

Vipre: Safe and Secure

Vipre: It dosent slow down your PC.

Total security solutions for your PC

Speed of Scanning
Kaspersky AVG Avast McAfee Quick Heal Quick Heal & Norton is better in speed of scanning against all

other brands
Speed of Scanning AVG dont do well in speed of scanning


Detection of Virus
Quick Heal & Norton is better in Kaspersky AVG Avast McAfee Quick Heal Norton terms of detection of virus against all other brands McAfee also on right hand side but it need to improve a lot to Detection of Virus match with the competitors Avast being Free Version performs well in Detection on Antivirus compare to AVG & Kaspsersky

Quick Heal & Norton though very
Kaspersky AVG Avast Price McAfee Quick Heal good on Speed & virus detection doesnt perform well on Price Parameter. Avast & AVG are considered Better in price as there Free Versions are available

Kaspersky & McAfee also do well on

price as they belong to mid range category of price


Free version Availability

Kaspersky AVG & Avast are better in its Free AVG Avast McAfee Quick Heal Norton Version Availability. Quick Heal , Norton & McAfee dont Free version Availability provide Free versions hence considered to be not good in free

version availability

Technical Support
Kaspersky AVG Avast McAfee Quick Heal Norton Quick Heal, Norton & McAfee

Provide Better Technical Support

Technical Support than other brands of Antivirus AVG dont do well in providing technical support

Hierarchical Cluster Analysis Agglomeration Schedule

1 2 3 4 Stage 199-Stage 198 Stage 198-Stage 197 Stage 197-Stage 196 Stage 196-Stage 195

K Means Cluster
1 2 Total

16.68 6.58

No. of Cases
146 54 200

2.99 1.23

2nd Highest Difference is occurring at level 2. Hence 2 clusters are formed from the data

Cluster 1
Freque ncy Mid point 10 Total 0

Freque ncy 5-15 0 Mid point 10 Total 0


25-35 35-45 45-55 Total

43 3 2 146

30 40 50

1290 120 100 3470

25-35 35-45 45-55 Total

15 1 0 54

30 40 50

450 40 0 1250

Average Age in Cluster 1= 3470/146= 23.76 years

Average Age in Cluster 2= 1250/54= 23.14 years

Cluster 1
Freque ncy Mid point 1 Total 1

Freque ncy 0-2lakh 3 Mid point 1 Total 3

0-2lakh 1

5-8lakh 811lakh Total

32 40 146

6.5 9.5

208 380 844.5

5-8lakh 811lakh Total

9 11 54

6.5 9.5

58.5 104.5 271.5

Average Age in Cluster 1= 844.5/146= 5.78 Laks

Average Age in Cluster 2= 271.5/54= 5.02 Lakhs

Cluster 1
Frequ ency %

Frequ ency %

Base Free Trial Version Licensed Version Cracked version

146 50 88 8 34.2 60.3 5.5

Base Free Trial Version

54 10


Licensed Version
Cracked Version



Characteristics of Cluster1
I frequently go out for dinner/lunch
I like to eat at expensive restaurants/ hotels I like to wear only branded clothes I shop only at branded/ exclusive outlets

Characteristics of Cluster 2
I would not be interested in a new brand of Antivirus I own the latest electronic gadgets (mobiles, iPods)

I am a fashion conscious individual

I prefer paying by credit card rather than by cash I go out partying/clubbing often I travel by air for holidays

I prefer writing an email rather than a letter

I use computer daily I access net for more than 6 hrs per day

I own the latest electronic gadgets (mobiles, iPods)

I like to go to a gymnasium and keep myself fit and healthy I use computer daily I access net for more than 6 hrs per day

Consumers are brand loyal. Vipre should have a very strong

marketing campaign to succeed in this highly competitive


Price will play a very important role in consumers accepting the brand. Positioning of the brand should be on detection of viruses and action taken. Vipre should be very strong in detecting virus as it is most preferred.

Vipre: No one detects viruses faster is recommended. Target audience for Vipre should be consumers who seek high lifestyles. Consumers who shell out for branded products and often use credit cards are potential buyers.

Vipre faces follwing Competition:

Speed: Quickheal

Detection: Quickheal
Price: Avast, AVG(free versions ) Kaspersky (paid version) Technical Support: Quickheal, Norton

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