Analysis of A Geolocation-Based Fmipv6 Extension For Next Generation Wireless Lans
Analysis of A Geolocation-Based Fmipv6 Extension For Next Generation Wireless Lans
Analysis of A Geolocation-Based Fmipv6 Extension For Next Generation Wireless Lans
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Julien Montavont , Emil Ivov , Thomas Noel and Karine Guillouard
Louis Pasteur University Strasbourg, France
France Telecom - 4 rue Clos Courtel, BP 91226
F-35512 Cesson Sevigne Cedex, France
[email protected]
Innovation in wireless technologies is changing the Internet and the way users
connect. It is now possible to communicate while on the move. However, the
standard procedures that enable user mobility across networks do not match the
requirements of real-time communications in terms of delay and packet loss. The
FMIPv6 protocol, lately accepted as standard for managing seamless mobility,
addresses most of the problems related to handover latency. Yet, certain issues
specific to wireless LAN, such as Access Point Discovery still prevent FMIPv6
from making the entire roaming procedure seamless for Wi-Fi networks. In this
article, we present an extension of the FMIPv6 protocol that addresses these
problems. Our proposal uses the geographical position of the devices in order to
anticipate their moves and make them attach to the wireless access points that best
fit their location and expected trajectory. We also present an evaluation of our
work based on the implementation of the proposal.
Figure 3: FMIPv6 protocol operation: Predictive The goal of the proposed solution is to provide
mode (left) and Reactive mode (right) an optimized method for discovering candidate APs
and remove the delay inherent to the standard
Previous performance evaluations of FMIPv6, procedure (i.e. periodically performing complete or
including some of our own, have shown that FMIPv6 partial scanning [13]). Following result from some
is very efficient regarding the duration of connection previous work [8], we decided to extend the FMIPv6
disruption and the number of packets lost due to a mechanisms in a way that would allow taking into
handover. Our previous analysis has shown that account the geographical position of an MN in order
FMIPv6 allows handover to remain transparent to to anticipate its trajectory and choose its next AP
users with no packet loss even when using real-time accordingly. This way, based on its position, velocity
applications such as video streaming or conferencing and direction, an MN would be able to request from
[8]. Although we have noticed small delays on the its current AR the parameters of the AP it is most
reception of the buffered packets, these delays have likely to switch to. We also define several ICMPv6
no impact on the perception of the users. However, options that an AR could use with a PrRtAdv
FMIPv6 is conceived as a layer 3 solution only and message in order to send L2 connection parameters
there is no mechanism designed to provide or to an MN so that it won't need to discover them
efficiently discover the layer 2 parameters of through a scan. The actual handover (i.e. the way
surrounding APs (such as operating channels, FBU, FBAck, HI, and HAck messages are
exchanged) remains unchanged and follows the